Results for 'Gart Zweers'

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  1.  45
    Transformation of avian feeding mechanisms: A deductive method.Gart Zweers - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (1):15-36.
    A methodology is proposed as a tool for explanation of form in zoomorphology, in particular its design, diversity, and transformation. An alternate use of descriptive, inductive/comparative, and deductive methods is suggested. The basic concepts required are summarized. Following an extensive anatomical analysis a specific deductive methodology is developed, comprising three major parts: 1) Formal analysis of systems, using optimal design. 2) Transformation of an initial system's model by simulating modifications via maximizing the model for specific functional requirements. 3) Testing by (...)
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  2.  12
    Participeren aan de natuur: ontwerp voor een ecologisering van het wereldbeeld.Wim Zweers - 1995 - Amsterdam: Jan van Arkel.
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  3.  48
    Guidelines for training in the ethical conduct of scientific research.Dr Seymour J. Garte - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):59-70.
    Historically, scientists in training have learned the rules of ethical conduct by the example of their advisors and other senior scientists and by practice. This paper is intended to serve as a guide for the beginning scientist to some fundamental principles of scientific research ethics. The paper focuses less on issues of outright dishonesty or fraud, and more on the positive aspects of ethical scientific behavior; in other words, what a scientist should do to maintain a high level of ethical (...)
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  4.  24
    Genotype Components as Predictors of Phenotype in Model Gene Regulatory Networks.S. Garte & A. Albert - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 67 (4):299-320.
    Models of gene regulatory networks have proven useful for understanding many aspects of the highly complex behavior of biological control networks. Randomly generated non-Boolean networks were used in experimental simulations to generate data on dynamic phenotypes as a function of several genotypic parameters. We found that predictive relationships between some phenotypes and quantitative genotypic parameters such as number of network genes, interaction density, and initial condition could be derived depending on the strength of the topological genotype on specific phenotypes. We (...)
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  5.  39
    Greek classicism in living structure? Some deductive pathways in animal morphology.G. A. Zweers - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):249-275.
    Classical temples in ancient Greece show two deterministic illusionistic principles of architecture, which govern their functional design: geometric proportionalism and a set of illusion-strengthening rules in the proportionalism's stochastic margin. Animal morphology, in its mechanistic-deductive revival, applies just one architectural principle, which is not always satisfactory. Whether a Greek Classical situation occurs in the architecture of living structure is to be investigated by extreme testing with deductive methods.Three deductive methods for explanation of living structure in animal morphology are proposed: the (...)
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  6.  17
    Targeted Hypermutation as a Survival Strategy: A Theoretical Approach.Seymour Garte - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (4).
    Targeted hypermutation has proven to be a useful survival strategy for bacteria under severe stress and is also used by multicellular organisms in specific instances such as the mammalian immune system. This might appear surprising, given the generally observed deleterious effects of poor replication fidelity/high mutation rate. A previous theoretical model designed to explore the role of replication fidelity in the origin of life was applied to a simulated hypermutation scenario. The results confirmed that the same model is useful for (...)
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  7.  15
    The Continuity Principle and the Evolution of Replication Fidelity.Seymour Garte - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):303-318.
    Evolution in modern life requires high replication fidelity to allow for natural selection. A simulation model utilizing simulated phenotype data on cellular probability of survival was developed to determine how self-replication fidelity could evolve in early life. The results indicate that initial survivability and replication fidelity both contribute to overall fitness as measured by growth rates of the cell population. Survival probability was the more dominant feature, and evolution was possible even with zero replication fidelity. A derived formula for the (...)
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  8. Mirovozzrenie.D. Gart︠s︡ev - 1999 - Moskva: PKT︠S︡ Alʹteks.
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  9.  48
    Guidelines for training in the ethical conduct of scientific research.Seymour J. Garte - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):59-70.
    Historically, scientists in training have learned the rules of ethical conduct by the example of their advisors and other senior scientists and by practice. This paper is intended to serve as a guide for the beginning scientist to some fundamental principles of scientific research ethics. The paper focuses less on issues of outright dishonesty or fraud, and more on the positive aspects of ethical scientific behavior; in other words, what a scientist should do to maintain a high level of ethical (...)
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  10.  37
    Views on the NAS/NAE/IM convocation on scientific conduct.J. A. Casazza & Seymour J. Garte - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (2):111-112.
    The author is the recipient of the Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award, IEEE; United States Activities Board Professional Leadership Award, IEEE; United States Activities Board Citation of Honor, IEEE; Philip Sporn Award, Cigré; Atwood Associate, Cigré. J.A. Casazza has established the Peter Cooper Fund for Advancing Government Technical Competitions at Cooper Union.
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  11.  67
    Integration of pecking, Filter feeding and drinking mechanisms in waterfowl.J. G. M. Kooloos & G. A. Zweers - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (2):107-140.
    This paper is one of several contributions in a series, illustrating the application of a specific deductive methodology to explain diversity of form. The methodology facilitates the explanation of feeding morphologies in various ducks as a transformation of the mallard's feeding design maximized for specific proportions of performance that are contributed by pecking and filter feeding mechanisms.The earlier described anatomy and formal analyses of the three mechanisms in the mallard served as the initial conditions used in simulation models. Four elements (...)
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  12.  15
    Repliek. Antwoord aan Wim Zweers.F. W. J. Keulartz - forthcoming - Filosofie En Praktijk.
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  13.  11
    Zur Ontologischen Frühgeschichte von Raum — Zeit — Bewegung.Eugen Fink - 1957 - Den Haag,: Springer.
    1) vgl.,,50phistes" 248c4 - 253c3 und 254b7-257aI2. 2) Heidegger, Brief über den "Humanismus"; s. in "Platons Lehre von der Wahrheit", Bern 1947,5.53. 3) 5. Diels "Fragmente der Vorsokratiker"6, Berlin 1951; Parmenides B l. 4) Reinhardt "Parmenides und die Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie", Bonn 1916, 5.32 ff.; zu dem Verhältnis der beiden "Teile" des Gedichts ist u.a. zu vergleichen: Fränkel "Parmenidesstudien" (Götting. Nachr. 1930, 5.153 ff.), Abschnitt IV und V; Calogero, 5tudi sull' Eleatismo, Rom 1932; Riezler "Par­ menides", Frankfurt 1934 (dazu (...)
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  14. Het zwijgen van de natuur - Een respectvolle houding ten opzichte van de natuur houdt noodzakelijkerwijs ook een zekere distantie in.Martin Drenthen - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 17:187-199.
    Milieufilosofisch Nederland wordt momenteel verdeeld door een controverse naar aanleiding vanrecente publicaties van de Wageningse filosofen Keulartz en Korthals. In dit artikel wil ik - aande hand van een analyse van het gebruik van het natuurbegrip bij Wim Zweers - laten zien dat Keulartz op een tot nu toe onderbelicht probleem wijst: het probleem van de veelheid vannatuurbeelden. Tegelijkertijd wil ik echter aantonen dat Keulartz' eigen, 'post-naturalistische' positie op een tegenspraak berust. Tenslotte geef ik aan hoe deze controverses zijn (...)
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  15.  31
    Diversity of functional morphological explanation.Pieter Dullemeijer - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):111-123.
    An introduction to the 19th Lochmühle conference on ‘Architecture in living structure’, organized by P. Dullemeijer, W.F. Gutmann and G.A. Zweers, held from March 15–17, 1984 in the Aussenstelle des Forschungsinstituts Senckenberg der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main.
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