Results for 'Geoffrey N. Leech'

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  1. Semantics.Geoffrey N. Leech - 1974 - Harmondsworth,: Penguin Books.
    Geoffrey Leech stresses the contribution of semantics to the understanding of practical problems of communication and concept-manipulation in modern society.
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    Explorations in semantics and pragmatics.Geoffrey N. Leech - 1980 - Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    INTRODUCTION The four papers in this book are slightly revised and updated versions of papers I wrote in the period 1973-77, while I was coming to terms ...
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    A management perspective on business ethics.Geoffrey N. Soutar, Margaret McNeil & Caron Molster - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (8):603 - 611.
    In recent years the institutionalisation of ethics as a means of enhancing the ethical nature of business operations has received widespread empirical coverage. To date, however, few studies have been conducted in the Australian business context. This paper examines the institutionalisation of ethics by a sample of companies based in Perth, Western Australia. In particular, company representatives were asked if their company was institutionalising ethics, why this initiative was undertaken, how this was taking place and what specific issues were being (...)
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  4. Between rationalism and romanticism: Whewell's historiography of the inductive sciences.Geoffrey N. Cantor - 1991 - In Menachem Fisch & Simon Schaffer, William Whewell: A Composite Portrait. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 67--96.
  5. Events, processes, and states.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos - 1978 - Linguistics and Philosophy 2 (3):415 - 434.
    The familiar Vendler-Kenny scheme of verb-types, viz., performances (further differentiated by Vedler into accomplishments and achievements), activities, and states, is too narrow in two important respects. First, it is narrow linguistically. It fails to take into account the phenomenon of verb aspect. The trichotomy is not one of verbs as lexical types but of predications. Second, the trichotomy is narrow ontologically. It is a specification in the context of human agency of the more fundamental, topic-neutral trichotomy, event-process-state.The central component in (...)
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  6. Physical Optics.Geoffrey N. Cantor - 1989 - In R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie & M. J. S. Hodge, Companion to the History of Modern Science. Routledge. pp. 627--638.
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    Postmodernism: Seeing Through Cultures: (Current Issue in Philosophy).Geoffrey N. Oji - 2002 - Doone Publishers.
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    (1 other version)Summer School for Bosses.Geoffrey N. Smith - 2006 - Business Ethics 20 (2):14-17.
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    The cytoskeleton and motor proteins of human schistosomes and their roles in surface maintenance and host–parasite interactions.Malcolm K. Jones, Geoffrey N. Gobert, Lihua Zhang, Philip Sunderland & Donald P. McManus - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):752-765.
    Schistosomes are parasitic blood flukes, responsible for significant human disease in tropical and developing nations. Here we review information on the organization of the cytoskeleton and associated motor proteins of schistosomes, with particular reference to the organization of the syncytial tegument, a unique cellular adaptation of these and other neodermatan flatworms. Extensive EST databases show that the molecular constituents of the cytoskeleton and associated molecular systems are likely to be similar to those of other eukaryotes, although there are potentially some (...)
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    Signalling pathways and the host‐parasite relationship: Putative targets for control interventions against schistosomiasis.Hong You, Geoffrey N. Gobert, Malcolm K. Jones, Wenbao Zhang & Donald P. McManus - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (3):203-214.
    A better understanding of how schistosomes exploit host nutrients, neuro‐endocrine hormones and signalling pathways for growth, development and maturation may provide new insights for improved interventions in the control of schistosomiasis. This paper describes recent advances in the identification and characterisation of schistosome tyrosine kinase and signalling pathways. It discusses the potential intervention value of insulin signalling, which may play an important role in glucose uptake and carbohydrate metabolism in schistosomes, providing the nutrients essential for parasite growth, development and, notably, (...)
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    Signalling pathways and the host‐parasite relationship: Putative targets for control interventions against schistosomiasis: Signalling pathways and future anti‐schistosome therapies.Hong You, Geoffrey N. Gobert, Malcolm K. Jones, Wenbao Zhang & Donald P. McManus - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (7):556-556.
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  12. M raw.An Invisible Performative Argument, Geoffrey Leech, Robert T. Harms, Richard E. Palmer, Arnolds Grava, Tadeusz Batog, J. Kurylowicz, Dan I. Slobin, David McNeill & R. A. Close - 1973 - Foundations of Language 9:294.
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    The Truth of Conditional Assertions.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2502-2533.
    Given a basic conditional of the form, If A then C, individuals usually list three cases as possible: A and C, not‐A and not‐C, not‐A and C. This result corroborates the theory of mental models. By contrast, individuals often judge that the conditional is true only in the case of A and C, and that cases of not‐A are irrelevant to its truth or falsity. This result corroborates other theories of conditionals. To resolve the discrepancy, we devised two new tasks: (...)
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  14. The acquisition of Boolean concepts.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & Philip N. Johnson-Laird - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (3):128-133.
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    Conceptual illusions.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2010 - Cognition 114 (2):253-265.
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    Transitive and pseudo-transitive inferences.Geoffrey P. Goodwin & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2008 - Cognition 108 (2):320-352.
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    More et la lecture athée de Descartes.David Leech - 2014 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 108 (1):81-97.
    Cet article examine l’interprétation athée de la doctrine de l’esprit de Descartes que More propose dans ses écrits tardifs, en particulier dans l’ Enchiridion Metaphysicum de 1671 et dans des remarques éparses dans ses scholies de 1679. More n’a pas toujours pensé que la philosophie de Descartes conduisait à l’athéisme. Cependant, je suggère qu’à l’époque où il rédigeait l’ Enchiridion, il était convaincu que le cartésianisme impliquait l’athéisme au sens fort où il impliquait l’impossibilité de Dieu. Je présente les principales (...)
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    Actualizing Gadow's moral framework for nursing through research.N. P. P. CS, Madeline H. Schmitt PhD RN FAAN, R. N. DMin & Geoffrey C. Williams MD PhD - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (2):92–103.
  19. The psychological puzzle of Sudoku.P. N. Johnson-Laird, Geoffrey P. Goodwin & N. Y. Louis Lee - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (4):342-364.
    Sudoku puzzles, which are popular worldwide, require individuals to infer the missing digits in a 9 9 array according to the general rule that every digit from 1 to 9 must occur once in each row, in each column, and in each of the 3-by-3 boxes in the array. We present a theory of how individuals solve these puzzles. It postulates that they rely solely on pure deductions, and that they spontaneously acquire various deductive tactics, which differ in their difficulty (...)
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    A Study Examining the Influence of Proximity to Nurse Education Resources on Quality of Care Outcomes in Nursing Homes.Courtney N. Haun, Zachary B. Mahafza, Chassidy L. Cook & Geoffrey A. Silvera - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801878769.
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    W. N. Nelson, "On Justifying Democracy".Geoffrey Harrison - 1982 - Philosophical Quarterly 32 (129):384.
  22.  20
    Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body ed. by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. Newman.Geoffrey Claussen - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body ed. by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. NewmanGeoffrey ClaussenJewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Body Edited by Elliot N. Dorff and Louis E. Newman Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2008. 134 pp. $16.00This volume, focused on Jewish attitudes toward the human body, is the first volume of the Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices series published by the Jewish Publication Society. Subsequent volumes focus on money, power, (...)
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    Of maps and chaps: David N. Livingstone and Charles W. J. Withers : Geographies of nineteenth-century science. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2011, 536pp, $55.00 HB.Geoffrey Cantor - 2013 - Metascience 23 (1):191-194.
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    The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences: Language and Argument in Scholarship and Public AffairsJohn S. Nelson Allan Megill Donald N. McCloskey.Geoffrey Cantor - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):698-699.
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    Language acquisition: Growth or learning?Geoffrey Sampson - 1989 - Philosophical Papers 18 (3):203-240.
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    (1 other version)A case in point: Morality and paternalism in the asbestos industry: A functional explanation.Geoffrey Tweedale & Richard Warren - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (2):87–96.
    “It is the creation of the paternalistic but secretive company which produces moral indifference towards its employees”. This Turner & Newall case‐study highlights the significance of how a corporate morality or a thought world can affect the ethical conduct of the individuals in the organization. Geoffrey Tweedale is Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Business History, and Richard C. Warren is Principal Lecturer in the Department of Business Studies, at The Manchester Metropolitan University, Aytoun Building, Aytoun Street, Manchester. (...)
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    Isolation in the CEA hierarchy.Geoffrey LaForte - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (2):227-244.
    Examining various kinds of isolation phenomena in the Turing degrees, I show that there are, for every n>0, (n+1)-c.e. sets isolated in the n-CEA degrees by n-c.e. sets below them. For n≥1 such phenomena arise below any computably enumerable degree, and conjecture that this result holds densely in the c.e. degrees as well. Surprisingly, such isolation pairs also exist where the top set has high degree and the isolating set is low, although the complete situation for jump classes remains unknown.
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    Arabic Support for an Emendation of Plato, Laws 666B.Geoffrey J. Moseley - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):440-442.
    AtLeg.666b7, Burnet's emendation of the transmitted λήθην to λήθῃ has been widely accepted. Newly discovered support for this emendation comes from an Arabic version or adaptation of Plato'sLaws, most likely Galen'sSynopsis, quoted by the polymath Abū-Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (a.d.973–1048) asKitāb al-Nawāmīs li-Aflāṭunin his ethnographic work on India. I transliterate and translate the passage below, proposing two incidental emendations to the Arabic:wa-qāla l-aṯīniyyu fī l-maqālati l-tāniyati mina l-kitābi: lammā raḥima [sic proraḥimati] l-ālihatu ǧinsa l-bašari min aǧli annahū maṭbūʿun ʿalā l-taʿabi hayyaʾū lahum (...)
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    That strange realm called theory.Geoffrey Sampson - 1989 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 3 (1):93-104.
    FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE, rev. ed. by Jonathan Culler Iíhaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1986. 157pp., $23.50 IN SEARCH OF SEMIOTICS by David Sless Totawa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble, 1986. 170pp., $28.50.
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    « Vivre de sa Plume » Réflexions sur un topos de l’Auctorialité Moderne.Geoffrey Turnovsky - 2007 - Revue de Synthèse 128 (1-2):51-70.
    Que veut dire « vivre de sa plume»? L'expression a souvent été invoquée par des historiens avançant le récit d'un progrès dans les pratiques littéraires marqué par le passage des écrivains du patronage au marché, afin de définir la « modernité » auctoriale par rapport à un modèle ancien de l'homme de lettres protégé par la noblesse. Or un examen plus attentif montrera que ce progrès vers une autonomie gagnée par la vente des écrits n'est guère aussi évident qu'on a (...)
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    Volumetric MRI Analysis of a Case of Severe Ventriculomegaly.Gésine L. Alders, Luciano Minuzzi, Sachin Sarin, Benicio N. Frey, Geoffrey B. Hall & Zainab Samaan - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  32. Book Reviews : Ecology and Liberation: A New Paradigm, by Leonardo Boff, translated from the Italian by John Cumming. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books/Leominster: Fowler Wright, 1995. xii + 187 pp. pb. 9.99. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Lilburne - 1997 - Studies in Christian Ethics 10 (1):103-106.
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    A Theological Introduction to the Pentateuch. Edited by Richard S. Briggs and Joel N. Lohr. Pp. xiv, 210, Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Academic, 2012, $18.70. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Miller - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):270-271.
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    Philosophy of Art, by Virgil C. Aldrich. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall Foundations of Philosophy Series, 1963. Pp. 116. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Payzant - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (1):130-132.
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    Paul and His Recent Interpreters: Some Contemporary Debates by N. T. Wright. Pp. xxiii, 379, SPCK, London, 2015, paperback, $27.24. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):715-716.
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    Paul, Apostle of Liberty (Second Edition). By Richard N. Longenecker. Pp. xxviii, 407, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans, 2015, paperback £22.99. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (6):1042-1043.
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    Philosophical Writings: A Selection (review). [REVIEW]Geoffrey G. Bridges - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):92-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:92 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY is a great deal to blame for the wrongheaded views that got about in the ancient world concerning this gifted Alexandrian thinker; and in the whole business there is more than a hint of clash between Eastern and Western temperament. When, in dealing with modern critics of Origen, he roundly castigates the scholarly ghettoism that goes on, one is in complete sympathy. Kerr for instance (...)
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    Chapter 11 and asbestos: Encouraging private enterprise or conspiring to avoid liability? [REVIEW]Tweedale Geoffrey & Warren Richard - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (1):31-42.
    This paper explores the American bankruptcy system -- especially the Chapter 11 code -- which since 1978 has allowed insolvent companies the opportunity to restructure and reorganise with the benefit of court protection from creditors. Particular attention is focused on asbestos companies, such as Johns--Manville, which have been among the most consistent and controversial filers for bankruptcy under Chapter 11. The history of asbestos and Chapter 11 is explored, against the backdrop of the burgeoning asbestos crisis, caused by increasing mortality (...)
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    HERO(N)DAS L. Di Gregoria (ed.): Eronda Mimiambi (I–IV). Pp. xlii + 309. Milan: Università Cattolica, 1997. Paper, L. 60,000. ISBN: 88-343-1741-. [REVIEW]W. Geoffrey Arnott - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):16-.
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    Le savoir grec: dictionnaire critique.Jacques Brunschwig, Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd & Pierre Pellegrin - 2011
    L'immense aventure du savoir grec est encore aujourd'hui la source essentielle à laquelle puise et revient sans cesse notre civilisation. L'ambition de ce livre, élaboré par les plus éminents spécialistes de l'Antiquité et traduit en plusieurs langues depuis sa parution initiale, est de mesurer ce que les Grecs savaient, ce qu'ils croyaient savoir, ce qu'ils ont inventé ; d'analyser le regard qu'ils ont porté sur leur civilisation et sur leurs propres entreprises intellectuelles. Il y est ainsi moins question de leur (...)
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    Attachment Patterns in Children and Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria.Kasia Kozlowska, Catherine Chudleigh, Georgia McClure, Ann M. Maguire & Geoffrey R. Ambler - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The current study examines patterns of attachment/self-protective strategies and rates of unresolved loss/trauma in children and adolescents presenting to a multidisciplinary gender service. Fifty-seven children and adolescents (8.42–15.92 years; 24 birth-assigned males and 33 birth-assigned females) presenting with gender dysphoria participated in structured attachment interviews coded using dynamic-maturational model (DMM) discourse analysis. The children with gender dysphoria were compared to age- and sex-matched children from the community (non-clinical group) and a group of school-age children with mixed psychiatric disorders (mixed psychiatric (...)
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    Aristotle on Friendship Geoffrey Percival : Aristotle on Friendship, being an expanded translation of the Nicomachean Ethics, Books VIII and IX. Pp. xxxix+151. Cambridge: University Press, 1940. Cloth, 10s. 6d. [REVIEW]N. R. Murphy - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (03):144-145.
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    Introduction to the History of Mycology. Geoffrey C. Ainsworth.Frank N. Egerton - 1977 - Isis 68 (4):633-633.
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    The Figural and the Literal: Problems of Language in the History of Science and Philosophy, 1630-1800. Andrew E. Benjamin, Geoffrey N. Cantor, John R. R. Christie. [REVIEW]Steven Shapin - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):127-128.
  45. Deciphering animal pain.Colin Allen, Perry N. Fuchs, Adam Shriver & Hilary M. Wilson - 2005 - In Murat Aydede, Pain: New Essays on its Nature and the Methodology of its Study. MIT Press.
    In this paper we1 assess the potential for research on nonhuman animals to address questions about the phenomenology of painful experiences. Nociception, the basic capacity for sensing noxious stimuli, is widespread in the animal kingdom. Even rel- atively primitive animals such as leeches and sea slugs possess nociceptors, neurons that are functionally specialized for sensing noxious stimuli (Walters 1996). Vertebrate spinal cords play a sophisticated role in processing and modulating nociceptive signals, providing direct control of some motor responses to noxious (...)
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    Geoffrey GREATREX/Samuel N. C. LIEU, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. Part 2: AD 363–630. A Narrative Sourcebook. [REVIEW]Heinz Gaube - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):660-661.
    Nach dem ersten Band dieser Sammlung (The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. AD 226–363. A Documentary History. London 1991), von S. N. C. Lieu und M. H. Dodgeon zusammengestellt, hat der vorliegende Band Informationen zu den Beziehungen zwischen Rom/ Byzanz und den persischen Sasaniden bis unmittelbar vor der arabischen Eroberung Irans (ab 633) zum Gegenstand. Zusammen mit der etwas anders konzipierten Arbeit von E. Winter und B. Dignas (Rom und das Perserreich. Zwei Weltmächte zwischen Konfrontation und Koexistenz. Berlin (...)
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    Geoffrey Cocks. Psychotherapy in the Third Reich: The Göring Institute. Second edition, revised and expanded. xx + 462 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1997. $29.95. [REVIEW]Gregory Moynahan - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):733-733.
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    (N.) Aldridge GB: Master, Monster or Myth? A Biography of Geoffrey Bolton (1893–1964). Pp. 167, ills. Ilfracombe: Arthur H. Stockwell Ltd, 2008. Cased, £12.99. ISBN: 978-0-7223-3904-. [REVIEW]Christopher Stray - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):642-.
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    Formal Logic. By A. N. Prior. (Geoffrey Cumberlege, O.U.P. 1955. Price 35s.).Ivo Thomas - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (119):379-.
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    Analogy as relational priming: The challenge of self-reflection.Andrea Cheshire, Linden J. Ball & Charlie N. Lewis - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):381-382.
    Despite its strengths, Leech et al.'s model fails to address the important benefits that derive from self-explanation and task feedback in analogical reasoning development. These components encourage explicit, self-reflective processes that do not necessarily link to knowledge accretion. We wonder, therefore, what mechanisms can be included within a connectionist framework to model self-reflective involvement and its beneficial consequences.
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