Results for 'Giuseppe Spolaote'

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  1. Dipendenza ontologica e personaggi fittizi.Giuseppe Spolaote - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (26):189-202.
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  2. Information and Knowledge: A Constructive Type-theoretical Approach.Giuseppe Primiero - 2007 - Springer.
    The constructive reformulation of the semantic theory suggests two basic principles to be assumed: first, the distinction between proper knowledge, expressed in judgemental form, and the assertion conditions for such knowledge; second, ...
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    Algorithmic Iteration for Computational Intelligence.Giuseppe Primiero - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):521-543.
    Machine awareness is a disputed research topic, in some circles considered a crucial step in realising Artificial General Intelligence. Understanding what that is, under which conditions such feature could arise and how it can be controlled is still a matter of speculation. A more concrete object of theoretical analysis is algorithmic iteration for computational intelligence, intended as the theoretical and practical ability of algorithms to design other algorithms for actions aimed at solving well-specified tasks. We know this ability is already (...)
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    The role of pragmatic rules in the conjunction fallacy.Giuseppe Mosconi & Laura Macchi - 2001 - Mind and Society 2 (1):31-57.
    We here report the findings of our investigation into the validity of the conjunction fallacy (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983), bearing in mind the role of conversational rules. Our first experiment showed that subjects found a logically correct answer unacceptable when it implied a violation of the conversational rules. We argue that tautological questions, such as those which concern the relationship of inclusion between a class and its sub-class, violate conversational rules because they are not informative. In this sense, it is (...)
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  5. La terra il cuore la memoria il mestiere di giudice.Giuseppe Benedetti - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:285-296.
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  6. Mathematical intuition and the cognitive roots of mathematical concepts.Giuseppe Longo & Arnaud Viarouge - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):15-27.
    The foundation of Mathematics is both a logico-formal issue and an epistemological one. By the first, we mean the explicitation and analysis of formal proof principles, which, largely a posteriori, ground proof on general deduction rules and schemata. By the second, we mean the investigation of the constitutive genesis of concepts and structures, the aim of this paper. This “genealogy of concepts”, so dear to Riemann, Poincaré and Enriques among others, is necessary both in order to enrich the foundational analysis (...)
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    Musaeus.Giuseppe Giangrande - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (02):138-.
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    Una nuova testimonianza su Simonide nel Bodl. Auct.II 11 («Lex. Cyrilli»)?Giuseppe Ucciardello - 2008 - Hermes 136 (4):484-487.
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  9. Proceeding in Abstraction. From Concepts to Types and the recent perspective on Information.Giuseppe Primiero - 2009 - History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (3):257-282.
    This article presents an historical and conceptual overview on different approaches to logical abstraction. Two main trends concerning abstraction in the history of logic are highlighted, starting from the logical notions of concept and function. This analysis strictly relates to the philosophical discussion on the nature of abstract objects. I develop this issue further with respect to the procedure of abstraction involved by (typed) λ-systems, focusing on the crucial change about meaning and predicability. In particular, the analysis of the nature (...)
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  10. Majority merging by adaptive counting.Giuseppe Primiero & Joke Meheus - 2008 - Synthese 165 (2):203 - 223.
    The present paper introduces a belief merging procedure by majority using the standard format of Adaptive Logics. The core structure of the logic ADM c (Adaptive Doxastic Merging by Counting) consists in the formulation of the conflicts arising from the belief bases of the agents involved in the procedure. A strategy is then defined both semantically and proof-theoretically which selects the consistent contents answering to a majority principle. The results obtained are proven to be equivalent to a standard majority operator (...)
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    Edith Stein e la rielaborazione del pensiero scolastico.Giuseppe A. Roggerone - 1993 - Idee 24:21-49.
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    Interculturalità: tra etica e politica.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2010 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Giuseppe D'Anna.
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    Three Alexandrian epigrams.Giuseppe Giangrande - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (02):128-131.
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    The neatherd's progress in 'Theocritus'.Giuseppe Giangrande - 1972 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 92:177-178.
  15. Fontenelle.Giuseppe Lissa - 1973 - Napoli,: Morano.
  16. Metaphor as an Expressive Resource of Human Creativity in Organizational Life.Giuseppe Mininni & Amelia Manuti - 2010 - World Futures 66 (5):335-350.
    A recent perspective proposed by cognitive linguistics allows overcoming the traditional trend by confronting the special rhetorical strength of metaphor with its evident argumentative nature. In such a direction the psycho-semiotic approach frames each human event of sense making within the notion of diatext, underlining the dialogical tension between “text” and “context” of enunciation. Metaphor is a relevant resource of diatextual analysis since it opens unexpected views on the mysterious procedures that translate claims of meaning into discursive modes suitable to (...)
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    L'esistenza e l'anima.Giuseppe Tarozzi - 1930 - Bari,: G. Laterza & figli.
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    Antinomies of transcritique and virtue ethics: An adornian critique.Giuseppe Tassone - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (6):665-684.
    In the wave of critical theory's recent turn to ethics, Karatani's transcritique and Eagleton's ethics of agape have emerged as two of the most outstanding attempts to reinstate morality at the centre of Marx's analysis of capitalist society. This article argues that, in spite of their merits in repositioning the normative generalizations of the moral discourse within the context of Marx's political economy, both theories share certain fundamental flaws which are inherent in the very meaning of the possibility of moral (...)
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  19. Mind over matter and matter over mind.Giuseppe Tortorici - 1956 - New York,: William-Frederick Press.
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    A hemispheric asymmetry in somatosensory processing.Giuseppe Vallar - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):223-224.
    The model presented in the target article includes feature processing and higher representations. I argue, based on neuropsychological evidence, that spatial representations are also involved in perceptual awareness of somatosensory events. Second, there is an asymmetry, with a right-hemisphere–based bilateral representation of the body. Third, the specific aspect of bodily awareness concerning motor function monitoring involves a network that includes the premotor cortex.
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    The short-term/long-term memory distinction: Back to the past?Giuseppe Vallar - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):757-758.
    The view that short-term memory should be conceived of as being a process based on the activation of long-term memory is inconsistent with neuropsychological evidence. Data from brain-damaged patients, showing specific patterns of impairment, are compatible with a vision of memory as a multiple-component system, whose different aspects, in neurologically unimpaired subjects, show a high degree of interaction.
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    Renaissance Philosophy in Jewish garb: foundations and challenges in Judaism on the eve of modernity.Giuseppe Veltri - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    Introduction: in search of a Jewish renaissance -- Jewish philosophy: humanist roots of a contradiction in terms -- The prophetic-poetic dimension of philosophy: the ars poetica and Immanuel of Rome -- Leone Ebreo's concept of Jewish philosophy -- Conceptions of history: Azariah de Rossi -- Scientific thought and the exegetical mind, with an essay on the life and works of Rabbi Judah Loew -- Mathematical and biblical exegesis: Jewish sources of Athanasius Kircher's musical theory -- Creating geographical and political utopias: (...)
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    Sistema di gnoseologia e di morale.Giuseppe Zamboni - 1930 - Roma,: Editrice Studium.
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    Ortega, Zambrano y el pensamiento mediterráneo.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 49 (142).
    Pensar Europa filosóficamente hoy no constituye un intento de definición y representación de una identidad cultural con carácter unívoco y, menos aún, de una identidad política que, por siglos, ha sido siempre parcial y ha estado entretejida con imágenes y prácticas diferentes y plurales. Lo que hay que replantear y recolocar en el centro es su carácter dialéctico, su continuo saltar (la aptitud acrobática de la que hablaba Ortega) y oscilar entre razón y pasiones, lógica e instinto, progreso y decadencia, (...)
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  25. Normativity and intellectual history.Giuseppe Bianco - 2024 - In Stefanos Geroulanos & Gisèle Sapiro (eds.), The Routledge handbook in the history and sociology of ideas. New York: Routledge.
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    Matthew A. Kraus, Jewish, Christian, and Classical Exegetical Traditions in Jerome’s Translation of the Book of Exodus. Translation Technique and the Vulgate.Giuseppe Caruso - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):642-644.
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    Un amico filosofo, Ugo Redanò.Giuseppe Guido Loschiavo - 1967 - Roma,: ABETE.
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    Techno-sovereignism: the political rationality of contemporary Italian populism.Giuseppe Maglione - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (5):791-813.
    This article provides an original exploration of the self-identified populist coalition leading the Italian government between 2018 and 2019. The analysis, informed by a governmentality approach, starts by scrutinising the economic, social, and cultural issues framed as political “problems” by the coalition, also highlighting the tensions underlying such constructions. The second step charts how this political subject sought to address those problems by deploying an array of political technologies. From examining these two dimensions, the article then can discern the composite (...)
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    Augusto Del Noce e Luigi Pareyson: ontologismo e filosofia della libertà.Giuseppe Riconda - 2023 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Valerio Verra e l'ambiente filosofico torinese.Giuseppe Riconda - 2003 - Rivista di Filosofia 94 (1):109-120.
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  31. Ovidio nel Medio Evo.Giuseppe Rotondi - 1934 - Convivium. Rivista di Lettere, Filosofia E Storia 6:262-69.
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    Posidippo, Ep. 52 Austin-Bastianini (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309 col. VIII 25–30): In morte di Timone o di Aste?Giuseppe Russo - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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    La filosofia di Marsilio Ficino.Giuseppe B. Saitta - 1923 - Messina,: G. Principato.
  34. L'uomo senza Adamo.Giuseppe Maria Sciacca - 1976 - Palermo: Palumbo.
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  35. Obadiah Sforno: Between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.Giuseppe Veltri - 2023 - In Giuseppe Veltri, Giada Coppola & Florian Dunklau (eds.), The Literary and Philosophical Canon of Obadiah Sforno. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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    Schopenhauer interprete dell' Occidente.Giuseppe Riconda - 1969 - Milano,: U. Mursia.
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    In dialogo con Bernard J.F. Lonergan: scritti in onore di Rocco Pititto.Giuseppe Guglielmi & Rocco Pititto (eds.) - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Controilluminismo: saggio su La Mettrie ed Helvétius.Giuseppe Agostino Roggerone - 1975 - [Lecce]: Milella.
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  39. (1 other version)James e la crisi della coscienza contemporanea.Giuseppe Agostino Roggerone - 1961 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    Theorizing Irregular Migration: The Control of Spatial Mobility in Differentiated Societies.Giuseppe Sciortino & Martina Cvajner - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):389-404.
    This article claims that the study of irregular migration may be a strategic research material for the development of an adequate understanding of contemporary society. The field, however, suffers not only from a lack of reliable empirical data, but also from endemic undertheorizing. The article shows how the attempt to develop an understanding of irregular migration from within a general theory of modern society has positive consequences both for the clarification of the problems and for the design of research programs (...)
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    La psychologie physiologique.Giuseppe Sergi & M. Mouton - 1888
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    Personenverzeichnis.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2002 - In Metaphysik, Poesie und Geschichte: über die Philosophie von Giambattista Vico. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 232-238.
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    Vorwort des Herausgebers.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2002 - In Metaphysik, Poesie und Geschichte: über die Philosophie von Giambattista Vico. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 7-20.
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    Joseph Carola, Enganging the Church Fathers in Ninteenth-Century Catholicism: The Patristic Legacy of the Scuola Romana.Giuseppe Caruso - 2024 - Augustinianum 64 (1):231-233.
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    Transizione infinita Alla democrazia O altro modo di pensare la politica?Giuseppe Duso - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 39:43-60.
    Este ensayo se centra en la democracia entendida como forma política, como constitución democrática. El concepto de poder del pueblo indica, por una parte, un poder absoluto al que someterse, y, por otra, tiende a negar la sumisión en cuanto tal. Los dos conceptos fundamentales de la constitución democrática, la soberanía del pueblo y la representación política , que surgen para mostrar cómo el poder es de todos, en realidad crean un hiato estructural que impide pensar en la dimensión política (...)
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  46. Studies on the history of philosophy ius communionis and universal humanity: Contributions to Augustinian polemic thought contra donatistas.Giuseppe Fidelibus - 2011 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 103 (3):345-362.
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    Textual problems in the Periplus Maris Erythraei.Giuseppe Giangrande - 1976 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 96:154-157.
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    Melchiorre Delfico: lettere a Giuseppe Mercuri.G. Allegretti, Claudia Malpeli, Vanna Tabarini, Giuseppe Mercuri & Melchiorre Delfico (eds.) - 2021 - [San Marino]: Centro sammarinese di studi storici.
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  49. Ugo Foscolo e Antonio Rosmini.Giuseppe Zonta - 1939 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 3:273-281.
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  50. Gracián y Vico: creatividad como ingenio.Giuseppe Patella - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21 (22):168.
    ¿Es hoy aún posible pensar la creatividad sin el método, la invención sin la regla? La historia nos enseña que el arte es siempre inevitablemente tanto fantasía como disciplina, tanto creatividad como técnica, tanto genialidad como orden, y allí donde prevalece sólo uno de los dos momentos la creación artística corre siempre el riesgo de degenerar o en un mero delirio creativo sin resultados concretos o en un exasperante formalismo sin inspiración. De las reflexiones barrocas de Baltasar Gracián y de (...)
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