Results for 'Gracie Eyk'

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  1. Thoughts from Plato and Hume.Gracie Eyk - 2009 - In David Papineau (ed.), Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Label ranking by learning pairwise preferences.Eyke Hüllermeier, Johannes Fürnkranz, Weiwei Cheng & Klaus Brinker - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (16-17):1897-1916.
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    On the nature of pragmatic constituents : Considerations on the semantics/pragmatics debate.Roberto Graci - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (1):170-184.
    The present article focuses on certain points in the semantics/pragmatics debate. Among these, one of the most interesting is the possibility of reconciling, independent of the context, certain aspects of meaning which have always been the subject of discussion in formal semantics, with the view that meaning is socially and situationally conditioned. Recent new insights concerning the importance of pragmatics for enriching the propositional content of the utterance should not lead to a radical contextualism that denies the assignment of any (...)
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    Heidegger’s Concept of Truth Reconsidered in Light of Tugendhat’s Critique.Gracie Holliday Beck - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (2):91-108.
    Ernst Tugendhat’s critique of Martin Heidegger’s conception of truth is an ongoing topic in Heideggerian scholarship. In this paper, I contribute to the ongoing exchange between defenders of Heidegger and those who are in agreement with Tugendhat. Specifically, I contend that Tugendhat’s criticisms fail to situate Heidegger’s account of truth within his broader phenomenological–hermeneutic project. In the end, Tugendhat’s critique is grounded upon philosophical assumptions that Heidegger is bringing under question by rethinking the concept of truth. I suggest that thinking (...)
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    Handbook of compliance & integrity management: theory and practice.Bleker-van Eyk, C. S. & R. A. M. Houben (eds.) - 2017 - Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer.
    Handbook of Compliance & Integrity Management' provides a scientific underpinning for the practice of compliance. The compliance discipline in companies and financial institutions has grown exponentially in recent years. In spite of a plethora of works on compliance, the academic discipline on compliance is still in its infancy. This book, which is the result of the researches conducted by the Post-Doctoral Education in Compliance and Integrity Management of the VU University Amsterdam, examines the subject from such crucial and varied perspectives (...)
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    Learning preference models from data: On the problem of label ranking and its variants.Eyke Hüllermeier & Johannes Fürnkranz - 2008 - In Giacomo Della Riccia, Didier Dubois & Hans-Joachim Lenz (eds.), Preferences and Similarities. Springer. pp. 283--304.
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    Possibilistic instance-based learning.Eyke Hüllermeier - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 148 (1-2):335-383.
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    Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond by Takeshi Morisato (review).Lance H. Gracy - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):1-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond by Takeshi MorisatoLance H. Gracy (bio)Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond. By Takeshi Morisato. England: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. Pp. viii + 269. Hardcover $116.00, isbn 978-1-350-09251-8.Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy: Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond by Takeshi Morisato is an informative and (...)
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  9. Perspectives on the semantics/pragmatics debate: insights from aphasia research.Roberto Graci & Alessandro Capone - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 2023 (14):1-20.
    n the philosophy of language, there are many ongoing controversies that stem from relying too heavily on an utterance-based framework. The traditional approach of rigidly partitioning the utterance’s meaning into what is grammatically determined from what is not may not fully capture the complexity of human language in real-world communicative contexts. To address this issue, we suggest shifting focus toward a broader analysis level encompassing conversations and discourses. From this broader perspective, it is possible to obtain a more integrated view (...)
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    Preferences in AI: An overview.Carmel Domshlak, Eyke Hüllermeier, Souhila Kaci & Henri Prade - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1037-1052.
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    Philosophy, Cognition and Pragmatics.Alessandro Capone, Pietro Perconti & Roberto Graci (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book contains essential contributions to enrich and broaden the application field of pragmatics. It provides an example of how the fruitful reflections and refined conceptual distinctions born in the philosophical field can find a practical application in addressing social, cognitive, clinical, and psychological problems. Its chapters address, from different points of view, the relationship between pragmatic linguistics and philosophy, and outline the possible application of pragmatic theories to different domains. Developed during the third Pragmasophia international conference, whose name is (...)
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    Review of House & Kádár (2021): Cross-cultural pragmatics. [REVIEW]Roberto Graci - 2024 - Pragmatics and Society 15 (5):800-804.
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  13. Pragmemes revisited. A theoretical framework.Alessandro Capone & Roberto Graci - 2024 - Frontiers in Psychology 31 (15):1-28.
    In this paper, we take up an old issue that of pragmemes, broached by Mey and further explored by Capone. It is not easy to define pragmemes and distinguish them sufficiently from speech acts (units of language use broached by Austin and Searle) or from Wittgensteinian language games or from macro speech acts (see van Dijk on macrostructures) or from Goffman’s scripts. The best idea we could develop about pragmemes is that they instantiate the triple articulation of language, proposed by (...)
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    New Frontiers in Pragmalinguistic Studies: Theoretical, Social, and Cognitive Approaches.Alessandro Capone, Roberto Graci & Pietro Perconti (eds.) - 2024 - Springer.
    This book contains a comprehensive view of pragmalinguistic studies and their recent ramifications, boasting some of the most advanced recent research in pragmatics. Organised into three sections—pragmalinguistics, social pragmatics, and cognitive-inferential pragmatics, respectively—the chapters enable an understanding of the possible applications of linguistic and philosophical theories in practical fields. Covering topics such as polysemy across languages and lexical externalism, the role of literal meaning in the construction of metaphorical meaning, the pragmatics of truth, the roles of reflexivity in meaning negotiation, (...)
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    Student evaluations of teaching: improving teaching quality in higher education.Frank Hammonds, Gina J. Mariano, Gracie Ammons & Sheridan Chambers - 2017 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 21 (1):26-33.
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    Sex and age moderate the trajectory of guilt among children and adolescents with and without recent suicidal ideation.Anastacia Kudinova, Leslie A. Brick, Christine Barthelemy, Heather A. MacPherson, Gracie Jenkins, Lena DeYoung, Anna Gilbert, Petya Radoeva, Kerri Kim, Michael Armey & Daniel Dickstein - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (3):512-526.
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    Percepção de risco de pessoas envolvidas com intoxicação por chumbo.Lígia Ebner Melchiori, Patrícia Kusumi, Ompr Rodrigues, Tânia Gracy do Valle, Vera Lúcia Messias Fialho Capellini & Carmem Maria Bueno Neme - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (45):63-72.
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    Papyri Graci Berolinenses Papyri Graeci Berolinenses: W. Schubart. P. F. De' Cavalieri and I. Lietzmann. Specimina Codicum Graecorum.—Tabulae in usum scholarum. Bonn: Marcus and Weber. 1910, 1911. [REVIEW]H. D. R. W. - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (08):266-.
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    Papyri Graci Berolinenses. [REVIEW]H. D. R. W. - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (8):266-266.
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    De philosophie Van de gracie.L. Vander Kerken - 1948 - Bijdragen 9 (2):101-116.
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    Der Liber de consonancia nature et gracie des Raphael von Pornaxio.Karl Michel & Raphael - 1915 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    L’aposta per la transcendència materialista: un recorregut per la història del transhumanisme.Ferran Sánchez Margalef - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:73-89.
    Gràcies a l’aposta tecnològica de les societats actuals i també a la globalització que comporta, el moviment transhumanista, visiblement heterogeni, està començant a ser conegut a tot el globus terraqüi i a adquirir una enorme volada. Això no obstant, malgrat que la materialització de les fites transhumanistes només sigui possible en les societats postmodernes, l’origen del transhumanisme bé pot anar més enllà del que anomenem societat contemporània. En aquest article s’explora l’origen del transhumanisme partint de les tres hipòtesis següents: a) (...)
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    Doing Philosophy Historically.Peter H. Hare (ed.) - 1988 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Can original philosophy be done while simultaneously engaging in the history of philosophy? Such a possibility is questioned by analytic philosophers who contend that history contaminates good philosophy, and by historians of philosophy who insist that theoretical predecessors cannot be ignored. Believing that both camps are misguided, the contributors to this book present a case for historical philosophy as a valuable enterprise. The contributors include: Todd L. Adams, Lilli Alanen, Jos? Bernardete, Jonathan Bennett, John I. Biro, Phillip Cummins, Georges Dicker, (...)
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    Being Approximate: The Ganser Syndrome and Beyond.Mady Schutzman - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (1/2):147-158.
    The Ganser syndrome, or talking past the point, (originally identifying symptoms of inmates on remand when questioned by prison doctors), is explored as a form of insubordination against the stigmatizing effects of overdetermined diagnostic categories. The strategies of approximation that characterize the syndrome are likened to comedy routines/vaudeville styles and to their employment of punning, clownery, and ambiguity to challenge the more privileged cultural values of clarity, literalness, and precision. The seeming craftiness of Ganserians is related to the aesthetic tactics (...)
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    The reception in the Netherlands of the discoveries of electromagnetism and electrodynamics.H. A. M. Snelders - 1975 - Annals of Science 32 (1):39-54.
    On 17 November 1820 there appeared a Dutch translation of Oersted's pamphlet concerning the discovery of the effect of an electric current on a magnetic needle suspended in the earth's magnetic field . In the Netherlands a number of physicists were immediately interested in the electromagnetic and electrodynamic discoveries made by Oersted and the French physicists. They repeated and extended the experiments, and constructed new modifications of the galvanic battery for better results. They made no fundamental discoveries in this field (...)
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    Com és que ens entenem?: si és que ens entenem.Jesús Tusón - 1999 - Barcelona: Empúries.
    "Les llengües", afirma l'autor en obrir aquest llibre, "tenen sentit, són mecanismes per a la significació i permeten salar el bit que separa la gent: són el pont privilegiat que ens lliga i que resol definitivament l'aïllament dels individus, cadascun en una riba diferent, però salvats gràcies als signes."En aquest assaig, Jesús Tusón explora els mecanismes pels quals ens arribem a entendre i disecciona les condicions que fan possible el significat. ¿Com és que ens entenem? és un estudi dels usos (...)
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    Si això és un animal». El concepte d’animal i la deshumanització a la «Trilogia d’Auschwitz.Faina Loreto Vicedo Bethencourt - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:53-72.
    Trobar la forma d’expressar quelcom per al qual no hi ha paraules fou un dels reptes que assumí Levi quan volgué explicar la cruel deshumanització que va sofrir com a presoner al Lager. Nogensmenys, hi va trobar la solució mitjançant el concepte d’animal. En aquest sentit, el seu testimoni és ple de metàfores faunístiques que representen el patiment de la seua reducció cap al fons i la crueltat de ser tractat com una bèstia a la qual podien assassinar i que (...)
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  28. À propos du rire: Un dialogue entre la philosophie et la théologie.Karsten Lehmkühler - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (4):469-487.
    Le rire est un phénomène qui touche aussi bien le corps que l’âme de l’homme. Helmuth Plessner l’interprète comme le signe d’une existence contradictoire propre à la condition humaine, une existence à la frontière, marquée par l’ambivalence de la relation corps-âme. Quant au comique, un des déclencheurs principaux du rire, la plupart des philosophes le décrivent aussi comme l’apparition d’une contradiction et d’une incongruité. Dans l’histoire de la théologie, le rire a souvent été critiqué ou même interdit. Par contre, le (...)
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    No tinc temps per pensar: ni gairebé per llegir.Josep Muñoz Redon - 2011 - Barcelona: Octaedro. Edited by Manuel Güell Barceló.
    No tenim temps per a res. La família, els amics, l’esport o altres dèries sempre queden en un segon pla. També el cultiu del pensament, que suposadament és una de les coses que identifica més i millor la nostra espècie, resta a l’espera. La pressa ens aclapara. En aquest context precipitat necessitem temps per descobrir el temps. Un oasi de pensament que comencem a explorar gràcies a parar atenció aquí i allà: ressenyem les observacions resultants, plantegem sengles qüestions estimulants i (...)
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    La vida és bella. L'amor fati de Nietzsche en el cinema.Christoph Türcke - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 35:111-117.
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