Results for 'HFE Act'

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  1.  68
    The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008: a missed opportunity?A. Alghrani - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (12):718-719.
    The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008: a missed opportunity?Amel AlghraniCorrespondence to Dr Amel Alghrani, Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation, Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, School of Law, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL; [email protected] 16 September 2009 Accepted 24 September 2009 Regulating reproduction is no easy feat. In the past three decades we have witnessed a reproductive revolution and great strides have been made to alleviate the effects of infertility. Reproductive advances such as in-vitro fertilisation (...)
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    Sperm, Clinics, and Parenthood.Reuven Brandt - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (8):618-627.
    In this article I examine a recent approach to regulating assisted reproduction, whereby use of some kind of medical intervention ‘triggers’ laws governing legal parenthood that are more favourable to intending parents and sperm providers. I argue that although perhaps an improvement on the previous legal framework, these laws are problematic for three important reasons. First, they are prone to violating parental rights and unjustly imposing substantial burdens on individuals. Second, they are discriminatory. Third, even if we take a pragmatic (...)
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    The Welfare of the Child.John Harris - 2000 - Health Care Analysis 8 (1):27-34.
    The interests or welfare of the child are rightly central to anydiscussion of the ethics of reproduction. The problematic nature of thislegitimate concern is seldom, if ever, noticed or if it is, it ismisunderstood. A prominent example of this sort of misunderstandingoccurs in the Department of Health's recent and important `SurrogacyReview' chaired by Margaret Brazier (The Brazier Report) and thesame misunderstanding makes nonsense of at least one provision of theHuman Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990. (The HFE Act).This paper explores and (...)
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    Comparing the Burden: What Can We Learn by Comparing Regulatory Frameworks in Abortion and Fertility Services? [REVIEW]Sebastian Sethe & Alison Murdoch - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (4):338-354.
    In the UK, regulation of clinical services is being restructured. We consider two clinical procedures, abortion and IVF treatment, which have similar ethical and political sensitivities. We consider factors including the law, licensing, inspection, amount of paperwork and reporting requirements, the reception by practitioners and costs, to establish which field has the greater ‘regulatory burden’. We test them based on scientific, ethical, social, political factors that might explain differences. We find that regulatory burden borne by IVF services is greater than (...)
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    ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions.Trade Practises Act - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Confucius and act-centered morality.Act-Centered Morality - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27:331-344.
  7. The Louisiana Creationism Act (1981).An Act - 1983 - In J. Peter Zetterberg (ed.), Evolution versus Creationism: the public education controversy. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. pp. 394.
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  8. A. Authors.Discursive Acts - 1999 - Semiotica 125 (4):249-279.
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  9. High Court Judgments.Migration Act - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Re definition and Alston's 'illocutionary acts'friedrich Christoph doerge university of tübingen.Acts Alston’S.‘Illocutionary - 2007 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73:97-111.
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    Golf Day.Legislation Act - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  12. John R. Searle.Illocutionary Acts - 1985 - In Aloysius Martinich (ed.), The philosophy of language. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 157.
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    David Richards, Henry Parkes Chambers.S. R. C. Act - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
  14.  32
    75B of the TP Act (Gleeson CJ, Gummow, Hayne, Heydon, Cren-nan JJ). Migration-Refugee status-Fear of" serious harm" In VBAO v MIMIA [2006] HCA 60;(14 December 2006) the High Court concluded that the reference to the threat of serious. [REVIEW]Adjr Act - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Subject Index accuracy, 97-101 action theory, 21n A IBS code, 123 analytic philosophy, 119.Consumer Product Safety Act - 2005 - In Wenceslao J. González (ed.), Science, technology and society: a philosophical perspective. [Spain]: Netbiblo. pp. 207.
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  16. Just a Minute.Act Emergency Legal Assistance - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Centre de Recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales conditional fee agreement confidence interval.Clean Air Act & Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  18. Florida engineering society.Negotiation Act - 1983 - In James Hamilton Schaub, Karl Pavlovic & M. D. Morris (eds.), Engineering professionalism and ethics. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 127.
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  19. Volume26 No. 1 February 2003.Mark Siebel, Illocutionary Acts & Scott Soames - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26:791-792.
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    Editor's corner.Joe Bishop Acting Editor - 2007 - Educational Studies 42 (2):89-92.
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    L'AAH : un parcours d'obstacle pour les malades.Act Up-Paris - 2002 - Multitudes 1:78-82.
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  22. Against maximizing act-consequentialism (june 30, 2008).Peter Vallentyne - 2006 - In James Lawrence Dreier (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 6--21.
    Maximizing act consequentialism holds that actions are morally permissible if and only if they maximize the value of consequences—if and only if, that is, no alternative action in the given choice situation has more valuable consequences.[i] It is subject to two main objections. One is that it fails to recognize that morality imposes certain constraints on how we may promote value. Maximizing act consequentialism fails to recognize, I shall argue, that the ends do not always justify the means. Actions with (...)
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  23.  68
    Belief As a Disposition to Act: Variations on a Pragmatist Theme.Pascal Engel - unknown
    In this paper I want to show that, although it is a common thread of many pragmatist or pragmatist-inspired doctrines, the belief-as-disposition-to-act theme is played on very different tunes by the various philosophical performers. A whole book could be devoted to the topic. I shall limit myself here to the views of Peirce, James, Ramsey, contemporary functionalists, and Isaac Levi. Depending on how they interpret this theme, the pragmatist philosophers can emphasise more or less the role of theory and practice (...)
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    Non-Intentional Actions, DAVID K. CHAN.Are Coerced Acts Free & Michael J. Murray - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (2).
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    Thought in the Act: Passages in the Ecology of Experience.Erin Manning & Brian Massumi - 2014 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press. Edited by Brian Massumi.
    “Every practice is a mode of thought, already in the act. To dance: a thinking in movement. To paint: a thinking through color. To perceive in the everyday: a thinking of the world’s varied ways of affording itself.” —from _Thought in the Act _Combining philosophy and aesthetics, _Thought in the Act_ is a unique exploration of creative practice as a form of thinking. Challenging the common opposition between the conceptual and the aesthetic, Erin Manning and Brian Massumi “think through” a (...)
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    The US Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 vs. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: what can they learn from each other?Jakob Mökander, Prathm Juneja, David S. Watson & Luciano Floridi - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (4):751-758.
    On the whole, the US Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 (US AAA) is a pragmatic approach to balancing the benefits and risks of automated decision systems. Yet there is still room for improvement. This commentary highlights how the US AAA can both inform and learn from the European Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AIA).
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  27. Act‐type theories of propositions.Thomas Hodgson - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (11).
    Many philosophers believe in things, propositions, which are the things that we believe, assert etc., and which are the contents of sentences. The act-type theory of propositions is an attempt to say what propositions are, to explain how we stand in relations to them, and to explain why they are true or false. The core idea of the act-type theory is that propositions are types of acts of predication. The theory is developed in various ways to offer explanations of the (...)
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  28. Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional Content: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives.Friederike Moltmann & Mark Textor (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Ever since Frege, propositions have played a central role in philosophy of language. Propositions are generally conceived as abstract objects that have truth conditions essentially and fulfill both the role of the meaning of sentences and of the objects or content of propositional attitudes. More recently, the abstract conception of propositions has given rise to serious dissatisfaction among a number of philosophers, who have instead proposed a conception of propositional content based on cognitive acts (Hanks, Moltmann, Soames). This approach is (...)
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  29. From the Act of Judging to the Sentence: The Problem of Truth Bearers From Bolzano to Tarski.Jan Wole'nski & Artur Rojszczak - 2005 - Springer.
  30. Dispositions, Abilities to Act, and Free Will: The New Dispositionalism.Randolph Clarke - 2009 - Mind 118 (470):323-351.
    This paper examines recent attempts to revive a classic compatibilist position on free will, according to which having an ability to perform a certain action is having a certain disposition. Since having unmanifested dispositions is compatible with determinism, having unexercised abilities to act, it is held, is likewise compatible. Here it is argued that although there is a kind of capacity to act possession of which is a matter of having a disposition, the new dispositionalism leaves unresolved the main points (...)
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    Law Week 2006.Larry King, Elenore Eriksson, Bill Redpath, Councillor Bill Coombes, Wayne Sharwood, Janean Richards, Vice President Julie Dobinson & Act Wla - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Speech Act Pluralism in Argumentative Polylogues.Marcin Lewinski - 2021 - Informal Logic 42 (4):421-451.
    I challenge two key assumptions of speech act theory, as applied to argumentation: illocutionary monism, grounded in the idea each utterance has only one (primary) illocutionary force, and the dyadic reduction, which models interaction as a dyadic affair between only two agents (speaker-hearer, proponentopponent). I show how major contributions to speech act inspired study of argumentation adhere to these assumptions even as illocutionary pluralism in argumentative polylogues is a significant empirical fact in need of theoretical attention. I demonstrate this with (...)
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  33. The act of choice.Richard Holton - 2006 - Philosophers' Imprint 6:1-15.
    Choice is one of the central elements in the experience of free will, but it has not received a good account from either compatibilists or libertarians. This paper develops an account of choice based around three features: (i) choice is an action; (ii) choice is not determined by one's prior beliefs and desires; (iii) once the question of what to do has arisen, choice is typically both necessary and sufficient for moving to action. These features might appear to support a (...)
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  34. Act and Crime: The Philosophy of Action and Its Implications for Criminal Law.Michael Moore - 1996 - Law and Philosophy 15 (3):293-306.
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    A Speech-Act Model for Talking to Management. Building a Framework for Evaluating Communication within the SRI Engagement Process.Wim Vandekerckhove, Jos Leys & Dirk Braeckel - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):77-91.
    Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) has grown considerably over the past three decades. One form of SRI, engagement-SRI, is today by far the most practiced form of SRI (in assets managed) and has the potential to mainstream SRI even further. However, lack of formalized engagement procedures and evaluation tools leave the engagement practice too opaque for such a mainstreaming. This article can be considered as a first step in the development of a standard for the engagement practice. By developing an engagement (...)
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  36. The act of discovery.Jerome S. Bruner - 1960 - Philosophy of Education:137.
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    Enough Wiggle RoomBalancing Act: The New Medical Ethics of Medicine's New Economics.David C. Hadorn & E. Haavi Morreim - 1992 - Hastings Center Report 22 (6):43.
    Book reviewed in this article: Balancing Act: The New Medical Ethics of Medicine's New Economics. By E. Haavi Morreim.
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  38. The redundancy of the act.John Collins - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3519-3545.
    The theory that structured propositions are complex act-types has been independently articulated by Peter Hanks and Scott Soames. The present paper argues that the role of the act in such theories is supererogatory, for the individuation conditions of the act-based propositions remain wholly at the level of concepts and their formal combination, features which the traditional structured proposition theorist endorses. Thus, it is shown that the traditional problems for structured propositions are only ameliorable on the act conception by appeal to (...)
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  39. We Can Act Only under the Idea of Freedom.Henry E. Allison - 1997 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (2):39 - 50.
  40. Double Time References: Speech-act Reports as a Modalitites in an Indeterminist Setting.Nuel D. Belnap - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 37-58.
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  41. (1 other version)Protest and Speech Act Theory.Matthew Chrisman & Graham Hubbs - 2021 - In Rebecca Mason (ed.), Hermeneutical Injustice. Routledge. pp. 179-192.
    This paper attempts to explain what a protest is by using the resources of speech-act theory. First, we distinguish the object, redress, and means of a protest. This provided a way to think of atomic acts of protest as having dual communicative aspects, viz., a negative evaluation of the object and a connected prescription of redress. Second, we use Austin’s notion of a felicity condition to further characterize the dual communicative aspects of protest. This allows us to distinguish protest from (...)
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  42.  64
    The Organizational Dynamics of Compliance With the UK Modern Slavery Act in the Food and Tobacco Sector.Alexandra Andhov, Nadia Bernaz & David Monciardini - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):288-340.
    Empirical studies indicate that business compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act is disappointing, but they struggle to make sense of this phenomenon. This article offers a novel framework to understand how business organizations construct the meaning of compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act. Our analysis builds on the endogeneity of law theory developed by Edelman. Empirically, our study is based on the analysis of the modern slavery statements of 10 FTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index) companies (...)
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    Kant, Eudaimonism, Act-Consequentialism and the Fact of Reason.Martin Sticker - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (2):209-241.
    Kant considers eudaimonism as his main opponent and he assumes that his ethics is the only viable alternative to eudaimonism. He does not explicitly address theories differing from both eudaimonism and from his own. I argue that whilst Kant and Act-Consequentialists advocate different normative principles, their positions share the important abstract feature that they establish what is to be done from a rational principle and not based on what is in the self-interest of the respective agent, as Kant thinks eudaimonism (...)
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  44.  16
    The Children Act.Margaret Betz - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 84:103-105.
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    “The spiritual” and “creative act” in abstract art and questions about beauty. Leemyung-gon - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 85:469-492.
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    The act‐type theory of propositions as a theory of what is said.Thomas Hodgson - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    I propose a version of the act‐type theory of propositions, following Hanks and Soames. According to the theory, propositions are types of act of predication. The content of a sentence is the type of such act performed when that sentence is uttered. A consequence of this theory is that the structure of the content of a sentence will mirror the structure of that sentence. I defend this consequence of the theory from two important objections. I then argue that this theory (...)
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    The speech act of presumption.Douglas N. Walton - 1993 - Pragmatics and Cognition 1 (1):125-148.
    This paper presents a speech act analysis of presumption, using the framework of a dialogue in which two parties reason together. In the speech act of presumption, as opposed to that of assertion, the burden of proof resides not on the proponent to prove, but on the respondent to rebut. Some connections of this account with nonmonotonic reasoning and informal fallacies in argumentation are explored.
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    Brentano on Act, Content and Intentionality.Mark Textor - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 100 (1-2):173-196.
    This article offers a reconstruction of Brentano’s notion of act content that identifies the content of a mental act with a combination of marks (Merkmale) or a single such mark. The author will first clarify the role act content plays in Brentano’s philosophy of psychology and then go on to locate the proposed notion of content in the historical context of Brentano’s work as well as in his writings at the time of Psychologie. The author will defend this notion against (...)
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  49.  65
    Act-Consequentialism and the Problem of Causal Impotence.John R. Harris & Richard Galvin - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (1):87-108.
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    Trying to Act.Carl Ginet - 2004 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & David Shier (eds.), Freedom and Determinism. Bradford.
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