Results for 'Hansla André'

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  1.  27
    Regulating Emotional Responses to Climate Change – A Construal Level Perspective.Emma Ejelöv, André Hansla, Magnus Bergquist & Andreas Nilsson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Contests versus Norms: Implications of Contest-Based and Norm-Based Intervention Techniques.Bergquist Magnus, Nilsson Andreas & Hansla André - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    André Lalande par lui-même.André Lalande - 1967 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    La raison au service de la pratique: hommage à André Tosel.André Tosel, Jean-Numa Ducange, Chantal Jaquet & Mélanie Plouviez (eds.) - 2019 - Paris IIe: Éditions Kimé.
    André Tosel, décédé en mars 2017, était un philosophe engagé, attaché tout au long de son existence à faire vivre un marxisme critique puisant notamment dans le meilleur de la tradition italienne de ce courant de pensée ; il fut l'un des rares français à introduire et discuter les oeuvres majeures d'A. Labriola et surtout d'A. Gramsci, ainsi par ailleurs que celles de Vico dont il fut un fin connaisseur. Il consacra sa thèse de doctorat d'état aux rapports entre (...)
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    André Mercier, physicien et métaphysicien.André Mercier, Maja Svilar & A. Held - 1983 - Berne: Institut des sciences exactes de l'Université de Berne. Edited by Maja Svilar & A. Held.
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  6. Spinoza; sa vie, son œuvre, avec un exposé de sa philosophie, par André Cresson.André Cresson - 1940 - Paris,: Alcan, Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Benedictus de Spinoza & Charles Appuhn.
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    The Social Categories of “Civilization” and “Barbarism” in Arturo Andrés Roig.Andres Carlos Gabriel Perez Javaloyes - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:61-81.
    This article is part of the period of methodological expansion, proposed by the philosopher Arturo Roig (1922-2012), in the 70's and 80's. Although the analysis of categories is rooted in the philosophical field, this expansion is made in the direction of social categories. More specifically to the categories of “civilization” and “barbarism”, both in the field of the history of ideas and in the philosophical history of Latin American liberation. First, we give different definitions and their multiple uses of category (...)
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  8. Studies in scientific realism.Andre Kukla - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a superbly clear analysis of the standard arguments for and against scientific realism. In surveying claims on both sides of the debate, Kukla organizes them in ways that expose unnoticed connections. He identifies broad patterns of error, reconciles seemingly incompatible positions, and discovers unoccupied positions with the potential to influence further debate. Kukla's overall assessment is that neither the realists nor the antirealists may claim a decisive victory.
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    PADOUX, André, Vac, the Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu TantrasPADOUX, André, Vac, the Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras.André Couture - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (1):168-169.
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    Ideas and identities: a festschrift for Andre Liebich.André Liebich, Jaci Eisenberg & Davide Rodogno (eds.) - 2014 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This volume gathers contributions at the intersection of history and politics. The essays, covering such topics as diverse as Italian identity in the Tientsin concession, international refugee policies in the interwar period and after, and the myths and realities of the Ukranian-Russian encounter in independent Ukraine, show that history provides better grounding as well as a more suitable paradigm for the study of politics than economics or other hard sciences. All of the contributors have a common link - doctoral work (...)
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    Occasions of identity: a study in the metaphysics of persistence, change, and sameness.André Gallois - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Occasions of Identity is an exploration of timeless philosophical issues about persistence, change, time, and sameness. Andre Gallois offers a critical survey of various rival views about the nature of identity and change, and puts forward his own original theory. He supports the idea of occasional identities, arguing that it is coherent and helpful to suppose that things can be identical at one time but distinct at another. Gallois defends this view, demonstrating how it can solve puzzles about persistence dating (...)
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    Lettre de M. André cresson.André Cresson - 1945 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 50 (1/2):5 - 7.
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    Theory contraction through base contraction.André Fuhrmann - 1991 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 20 (2):175 - 203.
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    Des étrangers issus du Royaume et de la lumière : Les solitaires–élus dans l’Évangile selon Thomas, selon une approche intratextuelle.André Gagné - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (1):105-117.
    André Gagné | : Cet article s’intéresse à la signification et le rôle des solitaires–élus dans les logia 49-50 de l’Évangile selon Thomas. Après avoir répertorié les différents sens attribués au substantif monakhos par la recherche actuelle, nous proposons une interprétation nouvelle de l’expression au moyen d’une lecture synchronique et intratextuelle de l’EvTh. La conclusion est que les solitaires et les élus ne sont pas deux classes d’individus distincts, mais constituent plutôt un même groupe, une seule entité. L’EvTh caractérise (...)
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  15. The confusions of fitness.André Ariew & Richard C. Lewontin - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):347-363.
    The central point of this essay is to demonstrate the incommensurability of ‘Darwinian fitness’ with the numeric values associated with reproductive rates used in population genetics. While sometimes both are called ‘fitness’, they are distinct concepts coming from distinct explanatory schemes. Further, we try to outline a possible answer to the following question: from the natural properties of organisms and a knowledge of their environment, can we construct an algorithm for a particular kind of organismic life-history pattern that itself will (...)
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  16. Disentangling Diversity in Deliberative Democracy: Competing Theories, Their Blind Spots and Complementarities.André Bächtinger, Simon Niemeyer, Michael Neblo, Marco R. Steenbergen & Jürg Steiner - 2009 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (1):32-63.
    IN the last decade deliberative democracy has developed rapidly from a “theoretical statement” into a “working theory.”1 Scholars and practitioners have launched numerous initiatives designed to put deliberative democracy into practice, ranging from deliberative polling to citizen summits.2 Some even advocate deliberation as a new “revolutionary now.”3 Deliberative democracy has also experienced the beginning of an empirical turn, making significant gains as an empirical (or positive) political science. This includes a small, but growing body of literature tackling the connection between (...)
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    Hou Christus die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika in stand?André Ungerer - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3).
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  18. Argument by Analogy.André Juthe - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (1):1-27.
    ABSTRACT: In this essay I characterize arguments by analogy, which have an impor- tant role both in philosophical and everyday reasoning. Arguments by analogy are dif- ferent from ordinary inductive or deductive arguments and have their own distinct features. I try to characterize the structure and function of these arguments. It is further discussed that some arguments, which are not explicit arguments by analogy, nevertheless should be interpreted as such and not as inductive or deductive arguments. The result is that (...)
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  19. The World Without, the Mind Within: An Essay on First-Person Authority.André Gallois - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this challenging study, André Gallois proposes and defends a thesis about the character of our knowledge of our own intentional states. Taking up issues at the centre of attention in contemporary analytic philosophy of mind and epistemology, he examines accounts of self-knowledge by such philosophers as Donald Davidson, Tyler Burge and Crispin Wright, and advances his own view that, without relying on observation, we are able justifiably to attribute to ourselves propositional attitudes, such as belief, that we consciously (...)
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  20. Was Hume An Atheist?Shane Andre - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):141-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Was Hume An Atheist? Shane Andre Hume's philosophy of religion, as expressed in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, the Natural History of Religion, and sections 10 and 11 ofthe Enquiry ConcerningHuman Understanding,1 invites a number of diverse interpretations. At one extreme are those who see Hume as an "atheist"2 or "anti-theist."3 At the other extreme are those who see Hume as some kind of theist, though not a classical (...)
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  21. A survey of multiple contractions.André Fuhrmann & Sven Ove Hansson - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (1):39-75.
    The AGM theory of belief contraction is extended tomultiple contraction, i.e. to contraction by a set of sentences rather than by a single sentence. There are two major variants: Inpackage contraction all the sentences must be removed from the belief set, whereas inchoice contraction it is sufficient that at least one of them is removed. Constructions of both types of multiple contraction are offered and axiomatically characterized. Neither package nor choice contraction can in general be reduced to contractions by single (...)
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  22.  26
    The Confusions of Fitness.AndrÉ Ariew - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (2):347-363.
    The central point of this essay is to demonstrate the incommensurability of ‘Darwinian fitness’ with the numeric values associated with reproductive rates used in population genetics. While sometimes both are called ‘fitness’, they are distinct concepts coming from distinct explanatory schemes. Further, we try to outline a possible answer to the following question: from the natural properties of organisms and a knowledge of their environment, can we construct an algorithm for a particular kind of organismic life-history pattern that itself will (...)
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    (1 other version)Descartes.Andre Gombay - 2008 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    A bold and insightful departure from related texts, _Descartes_ goes beyond the categorical associations placed on the philosopher’s ideas, and explores the subtleties of his beliefs. An elegant, compelling and insightful introduction to Descartes' life and work. Discusses a broad range of his most scrutinized philosophical thought, including his contributions to logic, philosophy of the mind, epistemology, metaphysics, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of religion. Explores the subtleties of Descartes' seemingly contradictory beliefs. Addresses themes left unexamined in other (...)
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  24. Ernst Mayr's 'ultimate/proximate' distinction reconsidered and reconstructed.André Ariew - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (4):553-565.
    It's been 41 years since the publication of Ernst Mayr's Cause and Effect in Biology wherein Mayr most clearly develops his version of the influential distinction between ultimate and proximate causes in biology. In critically assessing Mayr's essay I uncover false statements and red-herrings about biological explanation. Nevertheless, I argue to uphold an analogue of the ultimate/proximate distinction as it refers to two different kinds of explanations, one dynamical the other statistical.
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  25. [Kēpoi]: de la religion à la philosophie: mélanges offerts à André Motte.André Motte, Edouard Delruelle & Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (eds.) - 2001 - Liège: Centre international d'étude de la religion grecque antique.
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  26. Political authority and obligation in Aristotle.Andres Rosler - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Andres Rosler's study looks at Aristotle and the question of political obligation and its limits. Rosler takes his exploration further, considering the ethical underpinning of Aristotle's political thought, the normativity of his ethical and political theory, and the concepts of political authority and obligation themselves"--Provided by publisher.
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    Repenser le droit: hommage à André-Jean Arnaud.André Jean Arnaud, Wanda Capeller, Jacques Commaille & Laure Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, une marque de lextenso.
    Rendre hommage à un auteur, ce n'est pas seulement célébrer ce qu'il fut mais c'est aussi alerter sur ce que son oeuvre apporte au présent et à l'avenir de la connaissance. C'est bien le sens donné à cet hommage à André-Jean Arnaud. Repenser le droit, c'était pou r cet auteur érudit : repenser les lieux, les conditions et les façons de l'étudier en dépassant les frontières géographiques en même temps que les frontières disciplinaires. En montrant en quoi André-Jean (...)
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    Manifestoes of surrealism.André Breton - 1969 - Ann Arbor,: University of Michigan Press.
    Andre Breton discusses the meaning, aims, and political position of the Surrealist movement.
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  29. The epistemic value of explanation.Andrés Páez - manuscript
    In this paper I defend the idea that there is a sense in which it is meaningful and useful to talk about objective understanding, and that to characterize that notion it is necessary to formulate an account of explanation that makes reference to the beliefs and epistemic goals of the participants in a cognitive enterprise. Using the framework for belief revision developed by Isaac Levi, I analyze the conditions that information must fulfill to be both potentially explanatory and epistemically valuable (...)
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    Esbozo de la teoría general del derecho de Bentham y Austin.Andrés Botero - 2019 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 16.
    El presente escrito expone las ideas generales en torno al derecho de los padres de la jurisprudencia analítica o utilitarista inglesa, Jeremy Bentham y John Austin. La intención del trabajo es eminentemente pedagógica, considerando que es necesario contar con textos introductorios que le permitan al neófito adentrarse con mayor seguridad en la complejidad del pensamiento de Bentham y Austin. Igualmente, se expondrán algunas diferencias entre ambos autores, con el fin de dejar en claro que, si bien son cercanos, no son (...)
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    Book Reviews: Origin and Early Evolution of Life & Life Evolving.André Brack - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1139-1140.
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    Uma convergência necessária: a tradição dialética e a filosofia social contempor'nea.André Figueiredo Brandão - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    Este artigo tem como objetivo argumentar em favor da reaproximação de duas importantes correntes da tradição dialética, a saber, a teoria crítica e o lukacsianismo (em especial, aquele acúmulo teórico tributário da obra tardia de Lukács), nos termos do seu enriquecimento recíproco e das contribuições analíticas que podem surgir de tal convergência para o enfrentamento de um conjunto significativo de questões que animam a filosofia social contemporânea. Para tanto, o texto seguirá um trajeto que discutirá: a) as bases dialéticas para (...)
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    Le Stoïcisme et son influence.André Bridoux - 1966 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Imigração, mercado de crédito e séquito de dependentes no Brasil Meridional: a trajetória do credor Antônio José de Araújo na Vila de Morretes.André Luiz Moscaleski Cavazzani - 2016 - Diálogos (Maringa) 20 (3):173.
    Neste artigo é desenvolvida uma investigação acerca do percurso do negociante de origem portuguesa Antônio José de Araújo na vila paulista de Morretes, de 1804 a 1851. Nesse quadro, o propósito basilar deste estudo é evidenciar as formas de dominação social exercidas por indivíduos que, provenientes de Portugal, habitaram as sociedades do litoral paulista na primeira metade do século XIX. Assim, demonstra­se que o controle do mercado de crédito era crucial para que os negociantes formassem um séquito de dependentes. Por (...)
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  35.  14
    Le cours de nos idées.André Joussain - 1910 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 70:143 - 167.
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    Romantisme et politique.André Joussain - 1910 - Éditions Bossard.
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  37. Reflective modalities and theory change.André Fuhrmann - 1989 - Synthese 81 (1):115 - 134.
  38. Berkeley's master argument.Andre Gallois - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (1):55-69.
    In my article "berkeley's master argument" I attempt to show that an argument berkeley uses in the 'dialogues' and 'principles' to support his contention that whatever is perceivable is perceived can be seen as an illuminating attempt to relate conceptualizing, Imaging and perceiving. In consequence it cannot be dismissed as resting on an elementary fallacy, But reflects on the conditions for the self ascription of experience.
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    Unified fields of analytic space-time-energy.André Gleyzal - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (3):299-303.
    An “analytic gravitational field”Z αβ(Z y ) is shown to include electromagnetic phenomena. In an almost flat and almost static complex geometryds 2 =zαβdzαdzβ of four complex variables zγ=t, x, y, x the field equationsR αβ $\frac{1}{2}$ Rz αβ= −κ(σU α U β − υZ αβ) imply the conventional equations of motion and the conventional electromagnetic field equations to first order if σ=σ(Z v) and ν=ν(z γ) are expressed in terms of the conventional mass density function $\hat \sigma = \hat (...)
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    La cosmologie médiévale. Textes et images I. Les fondements antiques.André Goddu - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (1):91-93.
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    What, Then, is Freedom? Reply to Bahro.André Gorz - 1982 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1982 (51):126-127.
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  42. Histoire et temporalité chez Paul Tillich.André Gounelle - 2012 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 92 (2):259-274.
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  43. Le Discours de Ratisbonne : quelle raison?André Gounelle - 2019 - In Gabriele Palasciano, Dieu, la raison et l'épée: perspectives œcuméniques sur le Discours de Ratisbonne. Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  44. Ressources et questions concernant le nouveau rituel du mariage.André Haquin - 2001 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 32 (4):573-576.
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    La phénoménologie de M. Merleau-Ponty et la métaphysique. À propos d'un livre récent d'Alphonse De Waelhens.André Hayen - 1952 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 50 (25):102-123.
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  46. "El ser y la cuchara". Meditación sobre el ser en el "De Mente" de Nicolás de Cusa.André Hubert - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 26:9-34.
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    Tabellenverzeichnis.André Olbrich - 2017 - In Eine Theorie der Vernünftigen Übereinkunft: Zur Grundlegung des Moralphilosophischen Kontraktualismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-10.
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    ¿Tiene razón el derecho?: entre método científico y voluntad política.Andrés Ollero - 2006 - Madrid: Congreso de los Diputados.
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  49. Le Problème des aptitudes à l''ge scolaire.André Ombrdane & Henri Wallon - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (2):15-15.
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  50. José Luis Abellán: "miguel De Unamuno A La Luz De La Psicología. Una Interpretación De Unamuno Desde La Psicología Individual".Andrés-Pedro Sánchez Pascual & Staff - 1964 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 23 (88):131.
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