Results for 'Harvey Arden'

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  1.  24
    A glance of cultural differences in the case of interactive device art installation idMirror.Maša Jazbec, Floris Erich Arden & Hiroo Iwata - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):573-582.
    The idMirror project consists of a tablet computer, specially equipped with a small mirror and a newly developed android app. The Android application uses face recognition to detect the location of the user’s face in relation to the device and based on this renders a computer graphic at the location of his or her reflection. The goal of the idMirror project setting as a research tool was to make an exploratory study on cultural differences at exhibition venues. For this study, (...)
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  2. Advance directives and the severely demented.Martin Harvey - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (1):47 – 64.
    Should advance directives (ADs) such as living wills be employed to direct the care of the severely demented? In considering this question, I focus primarily on the claims of Rebecca Dresser who objects in principle to the use of ADs in this context. Dresser has persuasively argued that ADs are both theoretically incoherent and ethically dangerous. She proceeds to advocate a Best Interest Standard as the best way for deciding when and how the demented ought to be treated. I put (...)
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    Goodmanian Relativism.Harvey Siegel - 1984 - The Monist 67 (3):359-375.
    Nelson Goodman’s work is universally regarded as pioneering and fundamental, and his attempts to clarify the nature of induction, symbol systems, art, theorizing and understanding have received and continue to receive great attention. Central to that work is a view Goodman describes as “radically relativist.” Goodman’s unusual brand of relativism, however, while basic to the entire Goodman corpus, has yet to be carefully delineated and studied. I hope in this paper to begin such a study. I will first briefly review (...)
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  4. Victims, resistance, and civilized oppression.Jean Harvey - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (1):13-27.
  5. Computer assisted certainty.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    Certainty (and the lack thereof) is a major issue in mathematics and computer science. Mathematicians strongly believe in a special kind of certainty for their theorems.
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  6. Educating Reason: Critical Thinking, Informal logic, and the Philosophy of Education.Harvey Siegel - 1985 - Informal Logic 7 (2).
    Educating Reason: Critical Thinking, Informal logic, and the Philosophy of Education.
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  7. A consistency proof for elementary algebra and geometry.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    We give a consistency proof within a weak fragment of arithmetic of elementary algebra and geometry. For this purpose, we use EFA (exponential function arithmetic), and various first order theories of algebraically closed fields and real closed fields.
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  8. Selection for Borel Relations.Harvey M. Friedman - unknown
    We present several selection theorems for Borel relations, involving only Borel sets and functions, all of which can be obtained as consequences of closely related theorems proved in [DSR 96,99,01,01X] involving coanalytic sets. The relevant proofs given there use substantial set theoretic methods, which were also shown to be necessary. We show that none of our Borel consequences can be proved without substantial set theoretic methods. The results are established for Baire space. We give equivalents of some of the main (...)
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  9. Kernel Structure Theory.Harvey M. Friedman - unknown
    We have been recently engaged in this search, and have announced a long series of successively simpler and more convincing examples. See [Fr09-10].
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  10. Enormous integers in real life.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    This is an immediate conse-quence of a more general combinatorial theorem called Ramsey’s theorem, but it is much simpler to state. We call this adjacent Ramsey theory.
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  11. Conservation.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    I. WKL0 is a conservative extension of PRA for ’-0-2 sentences. II. ACA0 is a conservative extension of PA for arithmetic sentences. III. ATR0 is a conservative extension of IR for arithmetic sentences. IV. ’-1-1-CA0 is a conservative extension of ID(
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  12. Exotic prefix theory.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    The goal is to show that various exotic prefix classes can be "tamed by large cardinals". I.e., every statement in the class is either provable or refutable using presently formulated large cardinals. Some of these exotic prefix classes consist entirely of explicitly P01 sentences.
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  13. Primitive independence results.Harvey M. Friedman - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (1):67-83.
    We present some new set and class theoretic independence results from ZFC and NBGC that are particularly simple and close to the primitives of membership and equality. They are shown to be equivalent to familiar small large cardinal hypotheses. We modify these independendent statements in order to give an example of a sentence in set theory with 5 quantifiers which is independent of ZFC. It is known that all 3 quantifier sentences are decided in a weak fragment of ZF without (...)
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    Bringing Minority Men Back in: Comment on Andersen.Adia Harvey Wingfield - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (1):88-92.
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    Business ethics: a European approach.Brian Harvey (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Prentice-Hall.
    Corporate responsibility, governance and business ethics are 'leading edge' issues in contemporary management. Their recent origins are in the concern about the social legitimacy of the corporation, the rights of stakeholders versus shareholders, and specific developments including consumerism, environmentalism and the management search for quality and excellence. The book focuses on practical issues, with illustrations and mini-cases. It provides an effective introduction to ethical concepts and their applications for the student or professional manager.
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  16. {Page }.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    All axiomatizations in sections 1,2,4-8 are in the language L(Î,W) with just Î and the constant symbol W standing for a Subworld. Think of W as yesterday's world, and think of the quantifiers in the theory as ranging over today's world. The philosophy is that since the universe cannot be completed, every time we reflect on the universe and what we have reflected on previously, we obtain a larger universe.
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    Epistemological relativism in its latest form.Harvey Siegel - 1980 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):107 – 117.
    Gerald Doppelt's recent ?Kuhn's Epistemological Relativism: An Interpretation and Defense? (Inquiry, Vol. 21 [1978], pp. 33?86) offers a reconstruction of Thomas Kuhn's views concerning theory choice in science in which Kuhn's ?incommensurability thesis?, and his epistemological relativism, are defended. It is argued that Doppelt's reconstruction fails to provide an adequate defense, and that both Kuhn's incommensurability thesis, and his epistemological relativism, as reconstructed by Doppelt, remain philosophically unacceptable.
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  18. Christianity Against and for the Family.Nicholas Peter Harvey - 1996 - Studies in Christian Ethics 9 (1):34-39.
  19. Does normal mathematics need new axioms?Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    We present a range of mathematical theorems whose proofs require unexpectedly strong logical methods, which in some cases go well beyond the usual axioms for mathematics.
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    Use of heuristics: Insights from forecasting research.Nigel Harvey - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (1):5 – 24.
    Tversky and Kahneman (1974) originally discussed three main heuristics: availability, representativeness, and anchoring-and-adjustment. Research on judgemental forecasting suggests that the type of information on which forecasts are based is the primary factor determining the type of heuristic that people use to make their predictions. Specifically, availability is used when forecasts are based on information held in memory; representativeness is important when the value of one variable is forecast from explicit information about the value of another variable; and anchoring-and-adjustment is employed (...)
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    A Sense of the Past/ A Sense of the Present: Notes on a Theme in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction.Roy Harvey Pearce - 1977 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 5 (4):455-465.
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  22. Solving the measurement problem: De broglie-Bohm loses out to Everett. [REVIEW]Harvey R. Brown & David Wallace - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 35 (4):517-540.
    The quantum theory of de Broglie and Bohm solves the measurement problem, but the hypothetical corpuscles play no role in the argument. The solution finds a more natural home in the Everett interpretation.
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  23. Decision procedures for verification.Harvey M. Friedman - unknown
    We focus on two formal methods contexts which generate investigations into decision problems for finite strings.
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    The situation ethics debate.Harvey Cox - 1968 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
  25.  36
    Whitman Justified: The Poet in 1855.Roy Harvey Pearce - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):83-97.
    Whitman was not one to be troubled about the solution of the problem of knowledge in particular, much less in general, nor for that matter was Emerson. Their way was to postulate solutions to problems just before they encountered them. My point, however, is that Whitman, with Emerson, did encounter a problem, the Diltheyan solution to which has tempted philosophers of history into our own time. If quoting Dilthey as a gloss on Emerson I would seem to want to involve (...)
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  26. Extremely large cardinals in the rationals.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    In 1995 we gave a new simple principle of combinatorial set theory and showed that it implies the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding from a rank into itself, and follows from the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding from V into M, where M contains the rank at the first fixed point above the critical point. We then gave a “diamondization” of this principle, and proved its relative consistency by means of a standard forcing argument.
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  27. The eternal struggle.Jean-Charles Harvey - 1943 - Toronto, Can.,: Forward publishing company.
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    Our Knowledge of One Another. By C. C. J. Webb F.B.A., (London: Humphrey Milford & Co. 1930. Pp. 18. Price 1s. 6d.).J. W. Harvey - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (22):242-.
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    One Kind of Religion. By Helen Wodehouse (Cambridge University Press. 1944. Pp. 208. Price, 8s. 6d. net.).J. W. Harvey - 1945 - Philosophy 20 (77):274-.
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    Philosophical ideas in the United States.Harvey Gates Townsend - 1934 - New York,: Octagon Books.
  31.  48
    Locating the causes of religious commitment.Harvey Whitehouse - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):752-753.
    Atran & Norenzayan (A&N) survey a substantial body of theory and evidence on which there is broad agreement in the cognitive science of religion. Some parts of their argument (for instance, concerning the causes of costly commitment to religious beliefs) are more speculative and remain a focus of lively debate and further research.
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    Hitler's army.Harvey Clark Greisman - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (5):830-832.
  33. A Brief History of Neoliberalism and Neoliberalism Vsi Value Pack.David Harvey, Manfred B. Steger & Ravi K. Roy - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
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    12 Arabic into Hebrew: The Hebrew translation movement and the influence of Averroes upon medieval Jewish thought.Steven Harvey - 2003 - In Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman (eds.), The Cambridge companion to medieval Jewish philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 258.
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    Before and After Politics in Plato’s Laws.George Harvey - 2018 - Ancient Philosophy 38 (2):305-332.
  36.  27
    Books in Review.David Harvey - 1986 - Political Theory 14 (4):686-690.
  37.  63
    Editor’s Introduction.Charles W. Harvey - 2008 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 15 (2):1-5.
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    Falaquera's epistle of the debate: an introduction to Jewish philosophy.Steven Harvey - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Shem Tov ben Joseph Falaquera.
    Shem-Tov Falaquera (c. 1225-1295) was a student of the writings of Maimonides and a leading expositor of the medieval Islamic and Jewish philosophical traditions. His Epistle of the Debate (Iggeret ha-Vikkuah) is a delightful dialogue between two Jews, one learned in philosophy and the other not, about the permissibility and desirability of philosophical investigation by Jews. It is perhaps the most important medieval text devoted to the theme of the relationship between reason and religion by a Jewish thinker, and it (...)
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  39. Geographical knowledges/political powers.David Harvey - 2004 - In Harvey David (ed.), The Promotion of Knowledge: Lectures to Mark the Centenary of the British Academy 1902-2002. pp. 87-115.
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    Existentialism. [REVIEW]Charles W. Harvey - 1997 - Teaching Philosophy 20 (2):196-198.
  41.  52
    Democracy and the Quaker Method. By F. E. Pollard, Beatrice E. Pollard and R. S. W. Pollard. (London: The Barnesdale Press. Pp. 160. Price 8s. 6d.). [REVIEW]J. W. Harvey - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (94):277-.
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  42.  41
    Locke and Hume: Bearings on the legal obligation of the Negro. [REVIEW]Harvey B. Natanson - 1970 - Journal of Value Inquiry 5 (1):35-43.
  43.  78
    A New History of Western Philosophy. [REVIEW]George Harvey - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):226-229.
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    Book Review: John Heywood Thomas, Theology and Issues of Life and Death[REVIEW]Nicholas Peter Harvey - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):501-503.
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  45. Harvey Friedman's Research on the Foundations of Mathematics.Harvey Friedman & L. A. Harrington - 1985
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    Harvey Cox: A Cidade Secular 25 Anos Depois. Tradução de Janos Biro Marques Leite.Harvey Gallagher Cox - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (13):167-184.
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  47. The Condition of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change.David Harvey - 1992 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    In this new book, David Harvey seeks to determine what is meant by the term in its different contexts and to identify how accurate and useful it is as a description of contemporary experience.
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  48. Of marbles and matchsticks.Harvey Lederman - forthcoming - In Tamar Szabó Gendler, John Hawthorne, Julianne Chung & Alex Worsnip (eds.), Oxford Studies in Epistemology, Vol. 8. Oxford University Press.
    I present a new puzzle about choice under uncertainty for agents whose preferences are sensitive to multiple dimensions of outcomes in such a way as to be incomplete. In response, I develop a new theory of choice under uncertainty for incomplete preferences. I connect the puzzle to central questions in epistemology about the nature of rational requirements, and ask whether it shows that preferences are rationally required to be complete.
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  49. Manifestations of Virtue.Arden Ali - 2020 - In Mark Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics Volume 10. Oxford University Press.
    Few philosophers endorse a virtue theory of praiseworthiness. The widespread aversion to any virtue theory of moral worth rests chiefly on a skeptical argument that emphasizes the fact that praiseworthy acts can be performed by people who lack the relevant virtue. This chapter studies this skeptical argument closely. It concludes that the skeptical argument's core premise has been misleadingly characterized. Once the core premise has been clarified, the virtue theory appears to escape the grip of the skeptical argument.
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  50. Justification, discovery and the naturalizing of epistemology.Harvey Siegel - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (2):297-321.
    Reichenbach's well-known distinction between the context of discovery and the context of justification has recently come under attack from several quarters. In this paper I attempt to reconsider the distinction and evaluate various recent criticisms of it. These criticisms fall into two main groups: those which directly challenge Reichenbach's distinction; and those which (I argue) indirectly but no less seriously challenge that distinction by rejecting the related distinction between psychology and epistemology, and defending the "naturalizing" of epistemology. I argue that (...)
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