Results for 'Hegemonic System.'

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  1. What Is a “Hegemonic Crisis”? Some Notes on History, Revolution and Visibility in Gramsci.Fabio Frosini - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (11):45-71.
    History appears already to the young Gramsci as a system of forces in unstable balance, which struggle to position themselves on the side of history, to identify with it. For this reason, in his reading of Marxism, the unity of history is a result, the product of a successful strategy of hegemony building. This article reviews the Gramscian theory of hegemony and tries to show its coherence with the philosophy of praxis, that is, with the notion of the fundamentally practical (...)
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    The Breakdown of the Hegemonic Representation of Madness in Africa.Geneviève Coudin - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (1):23-44.
    Social science has recently examined the dramatic increase of witchcraft and magic in everyday contemporary African. A study, which took place in the 1970's, on the representation of madness in postcolonial Congo, contributes to the elucidation of such an outgrowth. In line with the first version of La Psychoanalyse, it aimed at identifying variations in the images, beliefs, and attitudes associated with groups whose social positioning differed in relation to modernity. Sixty old men were interviewed. The respondents provided a representation (...)
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    Counter‐hegemonic ethics for sustainable business.Joshua Hurtado Hurtado, Pasi Heikkurinen, Toni Ruuska, Sophia E. Hagolani-Albov & Kari Koppelmäki - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Business ethics scholarship proposes alternatives for making companies sustainable. While these models may have advanced business practice, the alternatives rarely challenge the hegemony of the economic system. This article develops a new normative frame for sustainable business by investigating articulations of counter-hegemony and their ethical implications. Employing political discourse theory and drawing insights from a case in food production, the article finds three articulations of counter-hegemonic ethics: (1) the virtue of socio-ecological embeddedness, (2) the duty of local provisioning, and (...)
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    From Hegemonic Masculinity to the Hegemony of Men.Jeff Hearn - 2004 - Feminist Theory 5 (1):49-72.
    This article evaluates the usefulness of the concept of hegemony in theorizing men. The discussion is located within the framework of ‘Critical Studies on Men’ (CSM), in which the centrality of power issues is recognized, rather than that of ‘Men’s Studies’, where it is frequently not. Recent uses, as in ‘hegemonic masculinity’ in the analysis of masculinities, are subjected to a qualified critique. Instead a shift is proposed from masculinity to men, to focus on ‘the hegemony of men’. This (...)
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    Framing transformation: the counter-hegemonic potential of food sovereignty in the US context. [REVIEW]Madeleine Fairbairn - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):217-230.
    Originally created by the international peasant movement La Vía Campesina, the concept of “food sovereignty” is being used with increasing frequency by agrifood activists and others in the Global North. Using the analytical lens of framing, I explore the effects of this diffusion on the transformative potential of food sovereignty. US agrifood initiatives have recently been the subject of criticism for their lack of transformative potential, whether because they offer market-based solutions rather than demanding political ones or because they fail (...)
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    The Future of Multilateralism: Governing the World in a Post-Hegemonic Era.G. John Ikenberry - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):399-413.
    Since the middle of the twentieth century, the governance of the global system has been organized around the United States and the advanced industrial democracies. In the shadow of the Cold War, these countries established a wide array of global and regional institutions to manage economic, political, and security relations. The Bretton Woods institutions, GATT, the United Nations, and various functional institutions provided the bulwark for an open and managed postwar world economy and global order. An American-led alliance system provided (...)
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    Quixote, Bond, Rambo: Cultural Icons of Hegemonic Decline.Albert J. Bergesen - 2009 - ProtoSociology 26:226-237.
    Global cycles of rising and declining hegemonies within the world-system have been associated with periods of war and peace, free trade and protectionism, and economic expansion and contraction. Periods of hegemonic decline are also associated with the cultural production of a certain strain of self deprecating, or even self-hating, literary output. And, because we are dealing with the world-system, the popularity of such icons of national self-deprecation should be gappreciated within other countries. We see this in the fact that (...)
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    Filosofía del derecho internacional, violencia y masculinidad hegemónica = Philosophy of international law, violence and hegemonic masculinity.Jose Antonio García Sáez - 2019 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 30:65-87.
    RESUMEN: La violencia es considerada a menudo un elemento consustancial al ámbito internacional: algo que el derecho internacional puede quizá reducir pero no eliminar completamente. Este trabajo se hace eco de las críticas feministas al derecho internacional poniéndolas en relación con los conceptos elaborados por los estudios sobre masculinidades. Que el derecho internacional sea una disciplina históricamente manejada por hombres encuentra su proyección sobre cinco ámbitos: 1) el concepto de estado en tanto que actor principal del derecho internacional, 2) el (...)
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    Food and Agricultural Systems for the Future: Science, Emancipation and Human Flourishing.Hugh Lacey - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (3):272-286.
    It has been proposed that the policies and practices of food sovereignty, unlike those of today's hegemonic food/agricultural system, provide the means for satisfying and safeguarding the right to food security for everyone everywhere. My principal objective in this article, which gains its significance in the light of an explanatory critique of the current system, is to explore how scientific research — using what kinds of methodologies, and building on experiences of what and of whom? — can constructively inform (...)
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    A Different Elite: For a Hegemonic Majority to Break the Iron Law of Oligarchy.Roberta Astolfi - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):23-32.
    This paper aims to show how elite theories do not offer a better alternative to democracy and to present the idea of a hegemonic majority that, by accounting for greater both individual and collective engagement and responsibility, breaks the exclusivity of elitism. Inspired by Gramsci’s theory, this idea reinforces the construction of the political decision-making process without developing a concept of authority based on an exclusive elite. It focuses on a specific interpretation of the role of the intellectuals as (...)
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    Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations.Shelley J. Correll & Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):510-531.
    According to the perspective developed in this article, widely shared, hegemonic cultural beliefs about gender and their impact in what the authors call “social relational” contexts are among the core components that maintain and change the gender system. When gender is salient in these ubiquitous contexts, cultural beliefs about gender function as part of the rules of the game, biasing the behaviors, performances, and evaluations of otherwise similar men and women in systematic ways that the authors specify. While the (...)
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    Welcome to the men's club: Homosociality and the maintenance of hegemonic masculinity.Sharon R. Bird - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (2):120-132.
    This study focuses on multiple masculinities conceptualized in terms of sociality, a concept used to refer to nonsexual interpersonal attractions. Through male homosocial heterosexual interactions, hegemonic masculinity is maintained as the norm to which men are held accountable despite individual conceptualizations of masculinity that depart from that norm. When it is understood among heterosexual men in homosocial circles that masculinity means being emotionally detached and competitive and that masculinity involves viewing women as sexual objects, their daily interactions help perpetuate (...)
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    Adapting the innovation systems approach to agricultural development in Vietnam: challenges to the public extension service. [REVIEW]Rupert Friederichsen, Thai Thi Minh, Andreas Neef & Volker Hoffmann - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4):555-568.
    Competing models of innovation informing agricultural extension, such as transfer of technology, participatory extension and technology development, and innovation systems have been proposed over the last decades. These approaches are often presented as antagonistic or even mutually exclusive. This article shows how practitioners in a rural innovation system draw on different aspects of all three models, while creating a distinct local practice and discourse. We revisit and deepen the critique of Vietnam’s “model” approach to upland rural development, voiced a decade (...)
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    Playing in the gender transgression zone: Race, class, and hegemonic masculinity in middle childhood.B. Lindsay Rich & C. Shawn Mcguffey - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (5):608-627.
    This research focuses on how children negotiate gender boundaries in middle childhood play. Over a nine-week period, children were observed creating, defining, and altering gender codes in a summer day camp. When girls and boys disregarded pre-described boundaries, they entered an area we refer to as the gender transgression zone. This area of activity, where boys and girls conduct heterosocial relations in hopes of either maintaining or expanding gender boundaries in child culture, is where gender transgression takes place. The study (...)
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    Occidentalism and the Categories of Hegemonic Rule.Jonathan Friedman - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):85-102.
    This article applies Jack Goody’s critique of Western classifications of historical and ethnographical phenomena to the current discourses of orientalism themselves in an endeavor to understand the sociological basis of what might be called the shift from orientalism to occidentalism. The argument compares the current emergence of anti-civilizational and self-critical discourses to historical examples of similar phenomena and argues that the current shift itself, so well represented in works that may seem similar to Goody’s but which are very more narrowly (...)
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    Culture and its Politics in the Global System.Jonathan Friedman - 2004 - ProtoSociology 20:217-238.
    This article deals with the relation between cultural process, the politics of culture and global systemic dynamics. The central argument is that cultural forms are generated out of socially constituted experience, what I refer to as the experiential substrate of culture, and that the latter is itself elaborated in specific conditions of social existence that can be linked to global processes. The history of the culture concept is discussed in such terms and the emergent salience of identity politics from the (...)
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    Is the NHS research ethics committees system to be outsourced to a low-cost offshore call centre? Reflections on human research ethics after the Warner Report.M. Epstein & D. L. Wingate - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):45-47.
    The recently published Report of theAHAG on the Operation of NHS Research Ethics Committees advocates major reforms of the NHS research ethics committees system. The main implications of the proposed changes and their probable effects on the major stakeholders are described.The Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the operation of NHS research ethics committees, set up in November 2004 by Lord Warner on behalf of the Department of Health, submitted its report in June 2005.1 The report advocates major reforms of the (...)
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    Towards Transnational Fairness in Machine Learning: A Case Study in Disaster Response Systems.Cem Kozcuer, Anne Mollen & Felix Bießmann - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (2):1-26.
    Research on fairness in machine learning (ML) has been largely focusing on individual and group fairness. With the adoption of ML-based technologies as assistive technology in complex societal transformations or crisis situations on a global scale these existing definitions fail to account for algorithmic fairness transnationally. We propose to complement existing perspectives on algorithmic fairness with a notion of transnational algorithmic fairness and take first steps towards an analytical framework. We exemplify the relevance of a transnational fairness assessment in a (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel's Theory of Moral Action, its Place in his System and the 'Highest'Right of the Subject.David Rose - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):170-191.
    There is at present, amongst Hegel scholars and in the interpretative discussions of Hegelrsquo;s social and political theories, the flavour of old-style lsquo;apologyrsquo; for his liberal credentials, as though there exists a real need to prove he holds basic liberal views palatable to the hegemonic, contemporary political worldview. Such an approach is no doubt motivated by the need to reconstruct what is left of the modern moral conscience when Hegel has finished discussing the flaws and contradictions of the Kantian (...)
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    Adam Smith in Beijing: A World-Systems Perspective.Christopher Chase-Dunn - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (1):39-51.
    Giovanni Arrighi’s last book is compared with Andre Gunder Frank’s Re-Orient. The implications of Arrighi’s study of the East/West-comparison for comprehending world-historical evolution and the political issues of the current conjuncture are considered.
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    World anthropologies: disciplinary transformations within systems of power.Gustavo Lins Ribeiro & Arturo Escobar (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Berg.
    Can a planetary anthropology cope with both the "provincial cosmopolitanism" of alternative anthropologies and the "metropolitan provincialism" of hegemonic schools? How might the resulting "world anthropologies" challenge the current panorama in which certain allegedly national anthropological traditions have more paradigmatic weight--and hence more power--than others? Critically examining the international dissemination of anthropology within and across national power fields, contributors address these questions and many others.
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    Populism and Cosmopolitanism as a Unitary Structure of Global Systemic Process.Jonathan Friedman - 2020 - ProtoSociology 37:66-76.
    Populism is discussed here in terms of the larger global systemic matrix in which it occurs. It is suggested that it is not, as has been claimed so often, recently, somehow related to what is labelled as right-wing extremism. It is an expression of an aspiration to sovereignty, control over one’s conditions of existence and its links to either left or right are based on that aspiration. And, of course, right and left are themselves terms that have shifted or even (...)
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    Emerging treason? Politics and identity in the Emerging Church Movement.Randall W. Reed - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (1):66-85.
    The Emerging Church is one of the more interesting new movements in the religious landscape of the United States today. The Emerging Church has come out of US Evangelicalism, which has found itself in crisis, with a diminishing number of young people remaining in the church and a general popular impression of being intolerant, judgmental, and right-wing. Many in the Emerging Church are attempting to construct a vision of Christianity that addresses these problems. However, the Emerging Church is not a (...)
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    To Name or Not to Name? Social Justice, Poststructuralism, and Music Teacher Education.Lauren Kapalka Richerme - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (1):84.
    Analyzing how some names grant and reinforce power while others deny it serves a central role in understanding and ultimately challenging systemic inequalities. Yet, when left unquestioned, the ways in which social justice advocates use names can have detrimental effects. The work of various post-structuralist authors illuminates the problems and possibilities of names and naming. While names can further homogeneity, stagnation, and limited future possibilities, not naming can hide inequalities, propagate existing hegemonic systems, and inhibit actionable political endeavors. This (...)
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    Urban boundaries and love: The rebirth of political thought within the disturbing education.Monica Mesquita - 2015 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 9 (2).
    In a process of emancipatory collective education proposed by the Urban Boundaries Project, this paper discusses the importance of the educational process not as cloistered but as critical tool to the current hegemonic system, and thus its roots in our situationality, as well as in our relations of survival. The concept of love as a political category will be argued from the modes of production of the urban human beings and its relations among the productive forces, the relations of (...)
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    Afro-dog: blackness and the animal question.Bénédicte Boisseron - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Bénédicte Boisseron investigates the relationship between race and the animal in the history and culture of the Americas and the black Atlantic, exposing a hegemonic system that compulsively links and opposes blackness and animality to measure the value of life.
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    Stitching the Wound: Land-based Gestures of Healing and Resistance in the Work of Postcommodity and Maureen Gruben.Madalen Claire Benson - 2020 - Environment, Space, Place 12 (1):1-24.
    Abstract:Through dismantling the territorial integrity of the modern nation-state, Indigenous sovereignty threatens state imposed hegemonic systems. While these systems exist at the threshold spatially—borders and boundaries—they are the ideological epicenter for controlling human and non-human life, rendering them manageable by the state. These borders are also perpetually liminal spaces, and it is in this liminality that artists intervene through poetics, confronting state rhetorics and exercising sovereignty to address colonial wounds. In 2015 and 2017, two land-based ephemeral art projects were (...)
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    Reason, Action, and the Creative Imagination.Roger W. H. Savage - 2019 - Social Imaginaries 5 (1):161-180.
    The exemplary value of individual moral and political acts provides a unique vantage point for inquiring into the role of the creative imagination in social life. Drawing on Kant’s concept of productive imagination, I argue that an act’s exemplification of a fitting response to a moral or political problem or crisis is comparable to the way that a work of art expresses the ‘thought’ or ‘idea’ to which it gives voice. The exercise of practical reason, or phronesis, is akin to (...)
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    Lo cinegético. Cazar la masculinidad.Alejandro Varas Alvarado & Aníbal Gabriel Carrasco Rodríguez - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:105-127.
    In this paper we propose to consider cynegetics as a configuration of constitutive practices of the hegemonic masculinity, in connection with the cisheteropatriarchal history of hunting in the West. To this end, following Federici, we will mention some of the effects that the witch hunt had on the construction of a new Western hegemonic masculinity. Then, following Mies, we will articulate the origins of the hunting of women with the milestone of the discovery of paternity. Finally, starting from (...)
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    Foregrounding contingency in caste-based dominance: Ambedkar, hegemony, and the Pariah concept.Dag-Erik Berg - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (8):843-864.
    This paper focuses on how revolts against caste-based oppression in India have been made invisible due to conceptual legacies in European social and political theory. Weber’s and Arendt’s conceptualization of Pariah agency is a case in point. Arendt’s main understanding of Pariah agency is individualized and inadequate to study freedom struggles among untouchable castes. This article argues that one not only needs to move away from analyzing individual to collective action, but it is also crucial to foreground how collective mobilization (...)
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    Social justice as nursing resistance: a foucauldian discourse analysis within emergency departments.Allie Slemon, Vicky Bungay, Colleen Varcoe & Amélie Blanchet Garneau - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e12508.
    Social justice is consistently upheld as a central value within the nursing profession, yet there are persistent inconsistencies in how this construct is conceptualized, further compounded by a lack of empirical inquiry into how nurses enact social justice in everyday practice. In the current context in which structural inequities are perpetuated throughout the health care system, and the emergency department in particular, it is crucial to understand how nurses understand and enact social justice as a disciplinary commitment. This research examines (...)
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    Le réseau impérial états-unien et la « guerre contre le terrorisme » : bases militaires et Empire.John Foster - 2003 - Actuel Marx 33 (1):25-39.
    The Imperial Web and the War on Terrorism: U.S. Military Bases and Empire. The attacks of September 11,2001 and the subsequent global War onTerrorism directed by the United States have made it clear that the world is now dominated by an American Empire, which extends far beyond the British Empire of old. The extent of U.S. imperial ambitions is perhaps best understoood in terms of the history of its military bases, which are now located in around 60 countries. These bases (...)
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    Ordering pluralism: a conceptual framework for understanding the transnational legal world.Mireille Delmas-Marty - 2009 - Portland, Ore.: Hart. Edited by Naomi Norberg.
    From the viewpoint of the constitutional crisis in Europe, slow UN reforms, difficulties implementing the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court, and tensions between human rights and trade, Mireille Delmas-Marty's 'journey through the legal landscape' of the early years of the 21st century shows it to be dominated by imprecision, uncertainty and instability. The early 21st century appears to be the era of great disorder: in the silence of the market and the fracas of arms, a world overly fragmented (...)
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    Discourses of Racist Nativism in California Public Education: English Dominance as Racist Nativist Microaggressions.Lindsay Pérez Huber - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (4):379-401.
    This article uses a Latina/o critical theory framework (LatCrit), as a branch of critical race theory (CRT) in education, to understand how discourses of racist nativism?the institutionalized ways people perceive, understand and make sense of contemporary US immigration, that justifies native (white) dominance, and reinforces hegemonic power?emerge in California public K?12 education for Chicana students. I use data from 40 testimonio interviews with 20 undocumented and US-born Chicana students, to show how racist nativist discourses have been institutionalized in California (...)
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    After the Wedding Night: Sexual Abstinence and Masculinities over the Life Course.Sarah Diefendorf - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):647-669.
    This study seeks to understand the ways in which men who pledge sexual abstinence until marriage negotiate and assert masculine identities before and after marriage. Using longitudinal qualitative data, this work traces the ways in which men who pledge abstinence until marriage manage a tension between both “sacred” and “beastly” discourses surrounding sexuality. The situational and interactional gendered practices of these men highlight their attempts to resolve the incongruity between practices of sexual purity and hegemonic definitions of masculinity. I (...)
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    Iconic Architecture and the Culture-ideology of Consumerism.Leslie Sklair - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (5):135-159.
    This article explores the theoretical and substantive connections between iconicity and consumerism in the field of contemporary iconic architecture within the framework of a critical theory of globalization. Iconicity in architecture is defined in terms of fame and special symbolic/aesthetic significance as applied to buildings, spaces and in some cases architects themselves. Iconic architecture is conceptualized as a hegemonic project of the transnational capitalist class. In the global era, I argue, iconic architecture strives to turn more or less all (...)
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    Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion.Enrique Dussel - 2012 - Duke University Press. Edited by Alejandro A. Vallega.
    High cultures and the inter-regional system: beyond Hellenocentrism -- The material moment of the ethics, practical truth -- Formal morality, intersubjective validity -- Ethical feasibility and the "goodness claim" -- The ethical critique of the prevailing system : from the perspective of the negativity of the victims -- The anti-hegemonic validity of the community of victims -- The liberation principle -- Appendix I. some theses in the order of their appearance in the text -- Appendix II. Sais: capital of (...)
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    'Fire from Above, Fire from Below': Health, Justice and the Persistence of the Sacred.James Cochrane - 2008 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 55 (116):67-96.
    The essay refers to a concern for social justice in the origins of public health, borne in part by religious commitments, and to more recent expressions of a similar concern in debates about health equity. Equity, moreover, is affected by discursive power relations (dominant/hegemonic versus local/suppressed), which are discussed in relation to current research in the African Religious Health Assets Programme on the interaction of particular 'healthworlds' (a conceptual innovation) that shape the choices and behaviour of health-seekers. Two background (...)
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    A theory of divides.Barry Smith - 1999 - The Analytic-Continental Divide Conference.
    Some would conceive philosophy as being divided into Analytic and Continental. This, as John Searle points out, is rather like conceiving America as being divided into Business and Kansas. Searle’s wise saying has not, as yet, received the theoretical attention it deserves. In both cases we have a certain domain, which is conceived as being divided into two parts, one defined in spatial terms, the other defined in terms of objects, practices or features widely spread through some spatial area. We (...)
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    Indian Science Fiction: Patterns, History and Hybridity by Suparno Banerjee (review).Barnita Bagchi - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):586-590.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Indian Science Fiction: Patterns, History and Hybridity by Suparno BanerjeeBarnita BagchiSuparno Banerjee. Indian Science Fiction: Patterns, History and Hybridity. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2020. xiii + 256 pp. E-book, ISBN 9781786836670.Suparno Banerjee’s monograph examines science fiction (henceforth SF) from India, a country that has a rich and fascinating tradition of SF. This is a book that will be of interest and value to scholars and students in (...)
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    La actualidad de los “Elementos del antisemitismo” de Adorno y Horkheimer.Stephanie Graf - 2017 - Signos Filosóficos 19 (38):118-149.
    Resumen: Este artículo presenta la visión epistémica alternativa expuesta por Adorno y Horkheimer en los “Elementos del antisemitismo”, contenidos en la Dialéctica de la Ilustración, visión que sostiene un acercamiento ensayístico a su objeto de estudio a manera de montaje. El texto está compuesto por siete tesis, interrelacionadas de manera no-determinante, formando una constelación conceptual alrededor del tema. A partir de esta estrategia, los autores se oponen a la forma hegemónica de producción de conocimiento que conciben como sistematizante y totalizante. (...)
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    Apollo's oracle: Strategizing for peace.Steven Thomas Seitz - 1994 - Synthese 100 (3):461 - 495.
    This paper examines the role of power structures and strategic decisions in trajectories toward war and peace. Part I introduces a fuzzy inference engine for computationally simulating balance of power. Part II compares simulation results from hegemonic, bi-polar, and multi-polar system structures, each with three actors. Part III explores strategies for maximizing peace under each of these system structures. Part IV applies these lessons to real-world event chronologies.
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    Autoexplotación posmoderna y esclavitudes modernas. Reflexiones en torno a la subjetividad neoliberal.Jorge Polo Blanco - 2019 - Agora 38 (2).
    In this paper we wish to show the weakness or, to be more precise, the partiality of certain analyses of neoliberal subjectivity. We will do so since it is usually from their point of view that the labour system which is specific to and typical of a tiny portion of the world population is considered as if it were a hegemonic and all-encompassing system, when the truth is that not even in the countries of the Global North is it (...)
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    The Agony of Power.Ames Hodges (ed.) - 2010 - Semiotext(E).
    History that repeats itself turns to farce. But a farce that repeats itself ends up making a history.--from The Agony of PowerIn these previously unpublished manuscripts written just before his death in 2007, Jean Baudrillard takes a last crack at the bewildering situation currently facing us as we exit the system of "domination" and enter a world of generalized "hegemony" in which everyone becomes both hostage and accomplice of the global market. But in the free-form market of political and sexual (...)
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    Critique of ideology or/and analysis of culture?Daniele Monticelli - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (3):432-451.
    The article compares Roland Barthes’s and Juri Lotman’s notions of ‘second-order semiological systems’ [systemes semiologique seconds] and ‘secondary modelling systems’ [вторичные моделирующие системы]. It investigates the shared presuppositions of the two theories and their important divergences from each other, explaining them in terms of the opposite strategic roles that the notions of ‘ideology’ and ‘culture’ play in the work of Barthes and Lotman, respectively. The immersion of secondary modelling systems in culture as a “system of systems” characterized by internal heterogeneity, (...)
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  46. Appreciative Silencing in Communicative Exchange.Abraham Tobi - 2024 - Episteme 21 (2).
    Instances of epistemic injustice elicit resistance, anger, despair, frustration or cognate emotional responses from their victims. This sort of response to the epistemic injustices that accompanied historical systems of oppression such as colonialism, for example, is normal. However, if their victims have internalised these oppressive situations, we could get the counterintuitive response of appreciation. In this paper, I argue for the phenomenon of appreciative silencing to make sense of instances like this. This is a form of epistemic silencing that happens (...)
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    (1 other version)Gomastahs, Peons, Police and Chowdranies: The Role of Indian Subordinate in the Functioning of the Lock Hospitals and the Indian Contagious Diseases Act, 1805 to 1889.Divya Rama Gopalakrishnan - 2022 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 30 (1):29-61.
    Recent scholarship on the social history of health and medicine in colonial India has moved beyond enclavist or hegemonic aspects of imperial medicine and has rather focused on the role of Indian intermediaries and the fractured nature of colonial hegemony. Drawing inspiration from this scholarship, the article highlights the significance of the Indian subordinates in the lock hospital system in the nineteenth century Madras Presidency. This study focuses on a class of Indian subordinates called the “gomastah”, who were employed (...)
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    The Anthropocene Diet: perversions of consumers facing the environmental crisis.Prates Vinicius - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (1).
    This paper aims to discuss human experience in the Anthropocene geological era based on contemporary social theorists as Žižek and Badiou. I propose that, in face of the environmental crisis, techno-ecological corporative style sustainability is a perverse response; and this circuit can only be broken by a radical version of environmentalism that antagonizes the hegemonic discourse of our production-and-consumption system – emphasizing politics. The paper is divided into four parts where: a) the term Anthropocene, created by Paul Crutzen among (...)
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    Facing the Truth or Living a Lie: Conformity, Radicalism and Activism.Clive L. Spash - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (3):215-222.
    People who speak up about the unpleasant realities of environmental degradation, capitalist exploitation and the growth economy are likely to be criticised for 'negative framing' - while corporations undermine truths by casting them as social constructs with no objective validity. Environmentalists increasingly conform to the idea of telling nice stories using abstract metaphors rather than seeking to identify, specify and name systemic problems and their causes. Psychological pressures faced by scientists and activists, and personal strategies for coming to terms with (...)
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    Illuminating the care/repair nexus in the ‘pandemic era’, and the potential for care beyond repair in Danish poultry production.Rebecca Leigh Rutt & Alberte Skriver Møller - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Examining the Danish poultry industry in a time of rising outbreaks of infectious disease (the so-called ‘pandemic era’) including avian influenza, this study documents the often-unseen harms resulting from current dominant forms of response. Inspired by multispecies studies and ethnography, we pay attention to entangled human and more-than-human worlds. Specifically, we document the multifarious ways in which responses to worsening avian influenza alter the everyday lives of birds in production, their farmers, and public veterinarians. We also show how such changes (...)
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