Results for 'Henk Blezer'

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  1.  21
    Kar glin Zi khro: A Tantric Buddhist Concept.H. G. & Henk Blezer - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):183.
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    On the inference of personal authorship: Enhancing experienced agency by priming effect information☆.Henk Aarts, Ruud Custers & Daniel M. Wegner - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):439-458.
    Three experiments examined whether the mere priming of potential action effects enhances people’s feeling of causing these effects when they occur. In a computer task, participants and the computer independently moved a rapidly moving square on a display. Participants had to press a key, thereby stopping the movement. However, the participant or the computer could have caused the square to stop on the observed position, and accordingly, the stopped position of the square could be conceived of as the potential effect (...)
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  3. (Un)conscious Perspectival Shape and Attention Guidance in Visual Search: A reply to Morales, Bax, and Firestone (2020).Benjamin Henke & Assaf Weksler - 2023 - In Michal Polák, Tomáš Marvan & Juraj Hvorecký (eds.), Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining Their Nature, Similarities and Differences. New York, NY: Routledge.
    When viewing a circular coin rotated in depth, it fills an elliptical region of the distal scene. For some, this appears to generate a two-fold experience, in which one sees the coin as simultaneously circular (in light of its 3D shape) and elliptical (in light of its 2D ‘perspectival shape’ or ‘p-shape’). An energetic philosophical debate asks whether the latter p-shapes are genuinely presented in perceptual experience (as ‘perspectivalists’ argue) or if, instead, this appearance is somehow derived or inferred from (...)
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    The Kantian account of mechanical explanation of natural ends in eighteenth and nineteenth century biology.Henk Jochemsen & Wim Beekman - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (1):1-24.
    The rise of the mechanistic worldview in the seventeenth century had a major impact on views of biological generation. Many seventeenth century naturalists rejected the old animist thesis. However, the alternative view of gradual mechanistic formation in embryology didn’t convince either. How to articulate the peculiarity of life? Researchers in the seventeenth century proposed both “animist” and mechanistic theories of life. In the eighteenth century again a controversy in biology arose regarding the explanation of generation. Some adhered to the view (...)
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    A compositional approach to discourse representation theory.Henk Zeevat - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (1):95 - 131.
  6.  45
    Editors' Overview Perspectives on Teaching Social Responsibility to Students in Science and Engineering.Henk Zandvoort, Tom Børsen, Michael Deneke & Stephanie J. Bird - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1413-1438.
    Global society is facing formidable current and future problems that threaten the prospects for justice and peace, sustainability, and the well-being of humanity both now and in the future. Many of these problems are related to science and technology and to how they function in the world. If the social responsibility of scientists and engineers implies a duty to safeguard or promote a peaceful, just and sustainable world society, then science and engineering education should empower students to fulfil this responsibility. (...)
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    The role of the concept of the natural (naturalness) in organic farming.Henk Verhoog, Mirjam Matze, Edith Lammerts van Bueren & Ton Baars - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (1):29-49.
    Producers, traders, and consumers oforganic food regularly use the concept of thenatural (naturalness) to characterize organicagriculture and or organic food, in contrast tothe unnaturalness of conventional agriculture.Critics sometimes argue that such use lacks anyrational (scientific) basis and only refers tosentiment. In our project, we made an attemptto clarify the content and the use of theconcepts of nature and naturalness in organicagriculture, to relate this conception todiscussions within bioethical literature, andto draw the implications for agriculturalpractice and policy.Qualitative interviews were executed with (...)
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  8.  60
    A Filter lambda model and the completeness of type assignment.Henk Barendregt, Mario Coppo & Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):931-940.
  9.  30
    Normative practices as an intermediate between theoretical ethics and morality.Henk Jochemsen - 2006 - Philosophia Reformata 71 (1):96-112.
    One of the career options Ede Christian University for higher professional education offers is nursing. As a Christian professional school, the ECU provides learning environments for nursing students to become professionals who are to exhibit a Christian life style, values and professional ethics. Nursing graduates of our school in general may have a Christian disposition regarding major issues in health care like displaying respect for patients, having a correct attitude, practising informed consent, displaying confidentiality, and avoiding euthanasia etc. A worrying (...)
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  10. Numerals and quantifiers in X-bar syntax and their semantic interpretation.Henk J. Verkuyl - 1981 - In Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk (ed.), Formal methods in the study of language. U of Amsterdam. pp. 567-599.
    The first aim of the paper is to show that under certain conditions generative syntax can be made suitable for Montague semantics, based on his type logic. One of the conditions is to make branching in the so-called X-bar syntax strictly binary, This makes it possible to provide an adequate semantics for Noun Phrases by taking them as referring to sets of collections of sets of entities ( type <ett,t>) rather than to sets of sets of entities (ett).
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  11. Global bioethics: Transnational experiences and islamic bioethics.Henk Have - 2013 - Zygon 48 (3):600-617.
    In the 1970s “bioethics” emerged as a new interdisciplinary discourse on medicine, health care, and medical technologies, primarily in Western, developed countries. The main focus was on how individual patients could be empowered to cope with the challenges of science and technology. Since the 1990s, the main source of bioethical problems is the process of globalization, particularly neo-liberal market ideology. Faced with new challenges such as poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, hunger, pandemics, and organ trafficking the bioethical discourse of empowering individuals (...)
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  12.  70
    Wissenschaftliche weltauffassung -- der Wiener kreis.Henk L. Mulder - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (4):386-390.
    In der Geschichte des Wiener Kreises lässt sich eine private und eine öffentliche Phase unterscheiden. Die private Phase ist 1929 zu Ende. Im Sommer dieses Jahres beschliessen die Mitglieder mit ihrer Philosophie der wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung vor die Öffentlichkeit zu treten.
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    Interpreting theories without a spacetime.Henk Regt & Sebastian Haro - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):631-670.
    In this paper we have two aims: first, to draw attention to the close connexion between interpretation and scientific understanding; second, to give a detailed account of how theories without a spacetime can be interpreted, and so of how they can be understood. In order to do so, we of course need an account of what is meant by a theory ‘without a spacetime’: which we also provide in this paper. We describe three tools, used by physicists, aimed at constructing (...)
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  14.  25
    Fixed point theorems for precomplete numberings.Henk Barendregt & Sebastiaan A. Terwijn - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (10):1151-1161.
    In the context of his theory of numberings, Ershov showed that Kleene's recursion theorem holds for any precomplete numbering. We discuss various generalizations of this result. Among other things, we show that Arslanov's completeness criterion also holds for every precomplete numbering, and we discuss the relation with Visser's ADN theorem, as well as the uniformity or nonuniformity of the various fixed point theorems. Finally, we base numberings on partial combinatory algebras and prove a generalization of Ershov's theorem in this context.
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    Vedic cosmology and ethics: selected studies.Henk W. Bodewitz - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Dorothea Maria Heilijgers-Seelen.
    The articles by Henk Bodewitz collected in this volume, published between 1969 and 2013, deal with Vedic cosmology and ethics on basis of a systematic philological study of early Vedic texts, from the Ṛgveda to various Brāhmaṇas, Āraṇyakas and Upaniṣads.
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    Medical Technology Assessment and Ethics'.Henk A. M. J. Have - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (5):13-19.
    The current model of technology assessment treats ethics itself as just another problem‐solving technology. Ethics should resist this model to play a more critical role in technology assessment by better understanding the complex relationship between society, medicine, and technology—and by recasting how problems are defined.
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    Genetics and culture: The geneticization thesis.Henk Have - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (3):295-304.
    The concept of ‘geneticization’ has been introduced in the scholarly literature to describe the various interlocking and imperceptible mechanisms of interaction between medicine, genetics, society and culture. It is argued that Western culture currently is deeply involved in a process of geneticization. This process implies a redefinition of individuals in terms of DNA codes, a new language to describe and interpret human life and behavior in a genomic vocabulary of codes, blueprints, traits, dispositions, genetic mapping, and a gentechnological approach to (...)
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  18.  52
    Recent developments in european business ethics.Henk J. L. Luijk - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (7):537 - 544.
    In the first part of the paper, factual information is given about developments in European business ethics since it started on a more or less institutionalized basis, five or six years ago. In the second part some comments are presented on the meaning of the developments and the possible causes. Attention is given to resemblances and differences between American and European business ethics. In the short last part some suggestions are proposed about tasks business ethics will face in the next (...)
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    The impotence of ethics.Henk ten Have & Bert Gordijn - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (2):135-136.
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  20. The impact of the lambda calculus in logic and computer science.Henk Barendregt - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):181-215.
    One of the most important contributions of A. Church to logic is his invention of the lambda calculus. We present the genesis of this theory and its two major areas of application: the representation of computations and the resulting functional programming languages on the one hand and the representation of reasoning and the resulting systems of computer mathematics on the other hand.
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  21. Particles: Presupposition Triggers, Context Markers or Speech Act markers.Henk Zeevat - 2003 - In R. Blutner & H. Zeevat (eds.), Optimality Theory and Pragmatics. Palgrave-McMillan. pp. 91-111.
    This paper discusses two possible formal approaches to the semantic/pragmatic characterisation of a subclass of the modal particles. It may well be that the approaches can be applied to other particles or that they can be applied to certain intonational patterns (e.g. contrastive stress), to morphemes (past tense, agreement) or to words (pronouns), constructions (some uses of definite descriptions, clefts), but I will not try to to show that here. The first approach is based on the optimality theoretic reconstruction of (...)
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  22. Responsibility and Perception.Benjamin Henke - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy 121 (3):3-4.
    I argue that beliefs based on irresponsibly formed experiences — whose causes were not appropriately regulated by the subject — are doxastically unjustified. Only this position, I claim, accounts for the higher epistemic standard required of perceptual experts. Section I defends this standard and applies it to a pair of cases in which either an expert umpire or a complete novice judge a force play in baseball. I argue that when the latter, but not the former, fails to follow rules (...)
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    Zuidervaart and Dooyeweerd: A Critical Retrieval?Henk G. Geertsema - 2024 - Philosophia Reformata 89 (1):45-79.
    In this review essay, I discuss how Lambert Zuidervaart relates to the philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd in two of his books. He himself calls his work in this regard a critical retrieval. To answer the question as to how far this characterization is justified, we will look at Zuidervaart’s discussion of the religious antithesis and the transcendental critique, his idea of macrostructures and societal evil, and his view of truth and knowledge.
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    Travelling bioethics.Henk Have & Bert Gordijn - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (1):1-3.
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    Models of Scientific Development and the Case of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.Henk Zandvoort - 1986 - Springer.
    From the nineteen sixties onwards a branch of philosophy of science has come to development, called history-oriented philosophy of science. This development constitutes a reaction on the then prevailing logical empiricist conception of scientific knowledge. The latter was increasingly seen as suffering from insurmountable internal problems, like e. g. the problems with the particular "observational-theoretical distinction" on which it drew. In addition the logical empiricists' general approach was increasingly criticized for two external shortcomings. Firstly, the examples of scientific knowledge that (...)
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  26. Boltzmann and Wittgenstein or how pictures became linguistic.Henk Visser - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):135-156.
    Emphasis in historiography of science is naturally placed on the discoveries and inventions which scientists make and generally less on new methods of doing science, but sometimes the latter can he an important clue to help us understand the former. For example, while we all acknowledge how great the contributions of Maxwell, Boltzmann, Planck, and Einstein were to physics from roughly 1870 to 1920, we often overlook the significance of a methodological phrase which was popular during that same period, namely, (...)
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    Subjectivity in causal connectives: An empirical study of language in use.Henk Pander Maat & Ted Sanders - 2002 - Cognitive Linguistics 12 (3).
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  28. R01: A Van der sandt and Henk zebvat.Walter Kasper & Henk Zeevat - 1992 - Journal of Semantics 9 (4):285.
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    Scaling causal relations and connectives in terms of speaker involvement.Henk Pander Maat & Liesbeth Degand - 2002 - Cognitive Linguistics 12 (3).
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    Understanding Scientific Understanding.Henk W. De Regt - 2017 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Understanding is a central aim of science and highly important in present-day society. But what precisely is scientific understanding and how can it be achieved? This book answers these questions, through philosophical analysis and historical case studies, and presents a philosophical theory of scientific understanding that highlights its contextual nature.
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  31. Typed lambda calculus.Henk P. Barendregt, Wil Dekkers & Richard Statman - 1977 - In Jon Barwise (ed.), Handbook of mathematical logic. New York: North-Holland. pp. 1091--1132.
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  32. The hyperreality of clinical ethics: A unitary theory and hermeneutics.Henk Have - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (2).
    Medical ethics nowadays is dominated by a conception of ethics as the application of moral theories and principles. This conception is criticized for its depreciation of the internal morality of medical practice and its narrow view of external morality. This view reflects both a lack of interest in the empirical realities of medicine and a neglect of the socio-cultural value-contexts of medical ethical issues, including the creative development of a broader philosophical framework for a practicable medical ethics. Several alternative approaches (...)
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    A Fresh Look at the Two Visual Streams.B. Henke - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (5-6):198-207.
    According to what I’ll call the ‘two visual systems account’ (TWO-SYSTEMS), the visual system is divided into two independent sub- systems, a ventral system implementing ‘vision for perception’ and a dorsal system implementing ‘vision for action’ (Milner and Goodale, 2006). TWO-SYSTEMS is widely discussed in philosophy due to the counter-intuitive role that it posits for conscious experience in the control of actions. However, recent evidence undermines the model’s core tenets: it no longer appears that the ventral and dorsal streams constitute (...)
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  34.  87
    Systems of illative combinatory logic complete for first-order propositional and predicate calculus.Henk Barendregt, Martin Bunder & Wil Dekkers - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (3):769-788.
    Illative combinatory logic consists of the theory of combinators or lambda calculus extended by extra constants (and corresponding axioms and rules) intended to capture inference. The paper considers systems of illative combinatory logic that are sound for first-order propositional and predicate calculus. The interpretation from ordinary logic into the illative systems can be done in two ways: following the propositions-as-types paradigm, in which derivations become combinators or, in a more direct way, in which derivations are not translated. Both translations are (...)
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    A computer model of the temporal course of agrammatic sentence understanding: The effects of variation in severity and sentence complexity.Henk J. Haarmann & Herman H. J. Kolk - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (1):49-87.
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  36.  46
    The responsibilities of scientists.Henk Verhoog - 1981 - Minerva 19 (4):582-604.
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    The Life and Work of Dirck Volkertszoon Coornhert.Henk Bonger - 2004 - Rodopi.
    The sixteenth-century Dutch spiritualist and controversialist, Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert (1522-1590), is increasingly recognized as a pivotal figure in the cultural and political life of the early Dutch Republic. With the appearance of Henk Bonger's widely acclaimed biography (1978), the first complete account of Coornhert's life became available in the Dutch language. Today this biography is still the starting point of any serious research on Coornhert and his circle. This translation now makes this standard biography available in English for the (...)
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    Subjective awareness scale length influences the prevalence, not the presence, of graded conscious states.Henk Pretorius, Colin Tredoux & Susan Malcolm-Smith - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 45:47-59.
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    (1 other version)Pairing Without Conventional Restraints.Henk Barendregt - 1974 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 20 (19‐22):289-306.
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    Scientific realism in action: Molecular models and Boltzmann's bildtheorie.Henk Regt - 2005 - Erkenntnis 63 (2):205 - 230.
    This paper approaches the scientific realism question from a naturalistic perspective. On the basis of a historical case study of the work of James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann on the kinetic theory of gases, it shows that scientists’ views about the epistemological status of theories and models typically interact with their scientific results. Subsequently, the implications of this result for the current realism debate are analysed. The case study supports Giere’s moderately realist view of scientific models and theories, based (...)
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    Active hippocampus during nonconscious memories.Katharina Henke, Valerie Treyer, Eva Turi Nagy, Stefan Kneifel, Max Dürsteler, Roger M. Nitsch & Alfred Buck - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (1):31-48.
    The hippocampal formation is known for its importance in conscious, declarative memory. Here, we report neuroimaging evidence in humans for an additional role of the hippocampal formation in nonconscious memory. We maskedly presented combinations of faces and written professions such that subjects were not aware of them. Nevertheless, the masked presentations activated many of the brain regions that unmasked presentations of these stimuli did. To induce a nonconscious retrieval of the faces and face-associated occupational information, subjects were instructed to view (...)
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  42.  55
    Towards an ontology of caribbean existence.Holger Henke - 1997 - Social Epistemology 11 (1):39 – 58.
  43.  44
    Comments on the notion 'empirical claim of a specialization theory net' within the structuralist conception of theories.Henk Zandvoort - 1982 - Erkenntnis 18 (1):25 - 38.
  44.  76
    Spinoza's Definition Of Attribute: An Interpretation.Henk Keizer - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (3):479-498.
    Since it has generally been accepted that to Spinoza attributes are real features of substance, the interpretation of his attribute definition has become a notorious problem. The reason is that interpreters have failed to see that the definition formulates a purely epistemological account of the state of affairs. The article presents and justifies such an interpretation. It will be shown that the definition in spite of its epistemological character implies a real ontological definition, which specifies the critical features of an (...)
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  45.  23
    Helmuth Plessner als philosophischer Wegweiser für F.J.J. Buytendijk.Henks Struyker Boudier - 1993 - Man and World 26 (2):199-207.
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    Nietzsches darwinismuskritik aus der sicht gegenwärtiger evolutionsforschung.Dieter Henke - 1984 - Nietzsche Studien 13 (1):189-210.
  47.  54
    Crucial issues in successful european business.Henk Luijk - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (8):579 - 582.
  48.  16
    The differential linguistic realization of comparative and additive coherence relations.Henk Pander Maat - 1999 - Cognitive Linguistics 10 (2).
  49.  22
    Euthanasia in The Netherlands: Distinguishing Facts from Fiction.Henk Rigter - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (1):31-32.
  50. Knowledge, risk, and liability. Analysis of a discussion continuing within science and technology.Henk Zandvoort - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):469-498.
    In this paper I present my reflections on the ethics of science as described by Merton and as actually practiced by scientists and technologists. This ethics was the subject of Kuipers' paper "'Default norms' in Research Ethics" (Kuipers 2001). There is an implicit assumption in this ethics, notably in Merton's norm of communism, that knowledge is always, or unconditionally good, and hence that scientific research, and the dissemination of its results, is unconditionally good. I will give here reasons why scientists (...)
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