Results for 'House Church'

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  1. House Church and Mission: The Importance of Household Structures in Early Christianity.Roger W. Gehring - 2004
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  2. Roman House Churches for Today: A Practical Guide for Small Groups.Reta Halteman Finger - 2007
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    Exploring gender relations in Paul’s use of salutations to house churches and the ubuntu oral praxis of sereto or isiduko.Abraham M. M. Mzondi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):8.
    Paul usually ends his letters with salutations to believers who meet in someone else’s house. Far from being individualistic, these greetings also include people from different house churches. Considered from a functional angle, these greetings cement relationships between house churches. Within an ubuntu worldview, the oral praxis of sereto (Sepedi) or isiduko (IsiXhosa) (praise-poetry) establishes and confirms relationships between members of the same community (family, clan or tribe). The question is how such praxes affect women who belong (...)
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  4. A Woman's Place: House Churches In Earliest Christianity.Carolyn Osiek, Margaret Y. MacDonald & Janet H. Tulloch - 2006
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    Spiritual Revival and Secularization: An Evaluation of House Churches in China.Wang Yi - 2016 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 47 (4):239-254.
    Wang Yi’s article deals with the role of house churches, that is, unregistered churches. In his evaluation of the different branches of house churches Wang Yi touches upon issues of identity and the future of China, and he also harshly criticizes the Chinese party-state, claiming that “China is becoming a tumor in the world.”.
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    Answers to Common Questions About God.H. Wayne House - 2013 - Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications. Edited by Timothy J. Demy.
    The initial questions about God -- The attributes of God -- The names of God -- The trinity and intrapersonal relationship of God -- Early heresies relating to God and how the church responded to them -- What the ancient church taught about God -- The true and living God and other gods.
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    An open letter to the Roman catholic bishops of the united states of America regarding the morality of our nation's war on the people of afghanistan.Catholic Worker House in Lyons - unknown
    Today is dedicated to the remembrance of the Holy Innocents, who were victims of a state sponsored terrorist attack at the very beginning of the Christian era. We believe this is an appropriate spiritual time to review and question the moral judgement of the Catholic Bishops of the United States of America that our nation's war on the people of Afghanistan is just. We do this in a spirit of fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church and to (...)
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  8. Paul's Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Historical Setting.Robert Banks - 1980
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    Precarious housing in the Salvokop neighbourhood: A challenge to churches in the inner City of Tshwane.Ezekiel Ntakirutimana - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article describes the daunting challenge of precarious housing in Salvokop located in the southern part of inner City of Tshwane, Gauteng Province. Insecure tenure, unmaintained dwellings, overcrowding, mushrooming of backyard shacks and the rise of the informal settlement, all that led to deep levels of vulnerability and neighbourhood deterioration. Current conditions show that life in that neighbourhood is fraught as substandard housing degenerated into slum and squalor. This concern emerged among other salient pressing issues of poverty and vulnerability from (...)
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    BALCH, David L. and OSIEK, Carolyn, Families in the New Testament World. Households and House ChurchesBALCH, David L. and OSIEK, Carolyn, Families in the New Testament World. Households and House Churches. [REVIEW]Luc Chamberland - 1999 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 55 (3):536-538.
  11. Open House: An Inquiry concerning the Church.W. Maxfield Rogers - 1918 - Hibbert Journal 17:657.
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    “A house of prayer in the heart”: How homiletics nurtures the church’s spirituality.Thomas H. Troeger - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (4).
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    Wisdom has Built her House: A Theological Meditation on the Priory Church of the Holy Spirit, Oxford.Lawrence Lew - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1069).
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  14. A Guest in the House of Israel: Post-Holocaust Church Theology.Clark M. Williamson - 1993
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    Wisdom has Built her House: A Theological Meditation on the Priory Church of the Holy Spirit, Oxford.Lawrence Lew Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):409-419.
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    Book Review: Church of Scotland, Theological Commission on Same-Sex Relationships and the Ministry and Church of England, Report of the House of Bishops Working Group on Human Sexuality (The Pilling Report). [REVIEW]Oliver O’Donovan - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (3):344-350.
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  17. The Cross in the Doughnut Hole: A different church-state test for the Obama White House.Ronald Lindsay - 2009 - Free Inquiry 29:39-40.
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    On Dying Well: An Anglican Contribution to the Debate on Euthanasia: Board for Social Responsibility of the Church of England, Church House Publishing, 2000, pound4.95, 94 pages, 0 7151 6587. [REVIEW]L. Campbell - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):209-1.
    For any reader interested in euthanasia, On Dying Well gives an accessible yet detailed account of the Church of England's view on the subject. First published in 1975, this short report is the product of the Church's Board for Social Responsibility, which brought together theologians, philosophers, lawyers, and medical professionals to form a working party with the remit of examining euthanasia. The second edition of On Dying Well leaves most of the original working party report findings unaltered, but (...)
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  19.  19
    The Petition of the Grave and venerable Bellmen (or Sextons) of the Church of Scotland, to the Hon. House of Commons.David Hume - 1997 - Hume Studies 23 (1):5-7.
  20. Child sexual abuse in the Church: the ethics of throwing stones in glass houses.C. A. Gellert & M. J. Durfee - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (3):193-194.
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    As Casas de Deus, as igrejas de doutrina no Novo Reino de Granada, séculos XVI e XVII (The Houses of God: churches of doctrine in New Kingdom of Granada, in the 16th and 17th centuries) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p991. [REVIEW]Carlos José Suarez - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):991-1017.
    O papel da Igreja foi fundamental no processo de constituição do território no Novo Mundo. Neste artigo, explora-se a forma como se implementaram no Novo Reino de Granada (hoje Colômbia) as “Instruções para a fábrica e decoração das igrejas” de Carlos Borromeo de 1577, documento considerado como a consolidação arquitetônica do Concilio de Trento. A análise parte da comparação dos principais preceitos contidos nas Instruções com os contratos de fabricação das igrejas celebrados pelo Visitador Luis Henríquez entre os anos 1599 (...)
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  22.  15
    Texas House Bill 2.Rachel Hill - 2015 - Voices in Bioethics 1.
    In 1992, the United States Supreme Court, in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, upheld the ruling in Roe v. Wade, namely that women have a right “to choose to have an abortion before viability and to obtain it without undue interference from the State.”1 However, since this ruling, some states have imposed regulations that greatly limit this right by restricting access. Texas is a recent example of this. Two proposed restrictions in House Bill 2, which will be (...)
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    Talking back to frida: Houses of emotional mestizaje.Marjorie Becker - 2002 - History and Theory 41 (4):56–71.
    “Talking Back to Frida: Houses of Emotional Mestizaje” is, in part, a historical meditation on the silencing of three women, Frida Kahlo, Maria Enríquez, a Mexican woman who was sexually assaulted in 1924, and me. Written in an innovative historical fashion that joins techniques drawn from fiction, journalism, and history, the article attempts to understand specific assaults on women’s voices by drawing readers into the historical worlds of the protagonists. “Talking Back” also seeks to respond to Hans Kellner’s incisive theoretical (...)
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  24. Sex as Gift a Personal Account of Work Undertaken for the Committee of Scottish Churches' House, Dunblane.Ian M. Fraser - 1967 - S.C.M. Press.
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    Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust, edited by Eva Fleischner, New York: KTAV Publishing House, The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith 1977, XIX, 469 pp. [REVIEW]Heinz-Jürgen Loth - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (3):292-294.
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    Jorge Mario Bergoglio & Abraham Skorka, On Heaven and Earth: Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century, Translated by Alejandro Bermudez and Howard Goodman, New York: Random House/Image, 2013, 236 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (2):282-284.
    Dalam buku ini Kardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio—saat itu masih Uskup Agung Buenos Aires dan sejak 13 Maret 2013 menjadi Paus Fransiskus—dan Rabi Abraham Skorka berdialog tentang sejumlah masalah agama, kehidupan, keluarga, politik, dan masyarakat yang mereka lihat sebagai tantangan besar pada abad ke-21 ini. Dialog itu mulai dan berakhir dengan penukaran pandangan tentang topik dialog sendiri sebagaimana mereka usahakan. Latarnya adalah Argentina yang karena sejarahnya telah lupa akan seni untuk saling mendengarkan dan berbicara dengan satu sama lain. Di tengah kebuntuan (...)
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    Book Reviews : LOADES, Ann (ed.), Spiritual Classics from the Late Twentieth Century (London: National Society/church House Publishing, 1995), £9.95 pbk. ISBN 0 71514859-1. 202 pp. [REVIEW]Sally Roberts - 1996 - Feminist Theology 4 (12):127-128.
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    Eivor Andersen Oftestad, The Lateran Church in Rome and the Ark of the Covenant: Housing the Holy Relics of Jerusalem; with an Edition and Translation of the “Descriptio Lateranensis Ecclesiae” (BAV Reg. Lat. 712). (Studies in the History of Medieval Religion 48.) Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2019. Pp. xv, 257. $120. ISBN: 978-1-7832-7388-1. [REVIEW]Lezlie Knox - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):543-544.
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    The Churches and Usury; Or, the Morality of Five Per Cent.H. Shields Rose - 2015 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    The ambivalent impact of COVID-19 on churches: The case of Nigeria.George C. Asadu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (3):8.
    The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) since November 2019 has increased the challenges of human existence. Before the pandemic there were the issues of insecurity, religious and racial bigotry, climate change, poverty and so forth, which to a large extent have affected humanity negatively. The lockdown, which was introduced as a measure to curb the spread of the virus, exacerbated the anguish of the already tense world. Suddenly, the government proscribed gatherings of people in large numbers, thereby suspending (...)
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    Relics and the great church.John Wortley - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):631-647.
    Until its despoliation by the warriors of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, the relic-collection of Constantinople was the largest and most illustrious of relic-collections in Christendom. “Collection” is not an altogether appropriate word however, for the relics were unevenly distributed among the various shrines of the city. First among these stood the so-called “Lighthouse” church [του Φάϱου] of the Theotokos within the Great Palace, probably founded by the iconoclast emperor Constantine V Kopronymos. This was the imperial relic-collection par excellence, (...)
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    A Philosophical Commentary on These Words of the Gospel, Luke 14:23, “Compel Them to Come In, That My House May Be Full”.Pierre Bayle - 2005 - Liberty Fund.
    (From Liberty Fund:) The topics of church and state, religious toleration, the legal enforcement of religious practices, and religiously motivated violence on the part of individuals have once again become burning issues. Pierre Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary was a major attempt to deal with very similar problems three centuries ago. His argument is that if the orthodox have the right and duty to persecute, then every sect will persecute, since every sect considers itself orthodox. The result will be mutual slaughter, (...)
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    Inside and Outside Monastery Walls. The Relationship of Medieval Czech Mendicants‘ Cloisters and Chapter Houses to their Urban Environment.Martina Kudlíková - 2023 - Convivium 10 (2):46-63.
    Already in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Minorite and Dominican orders (or Poor Clares and Dominican women) played an important role in town building in terms of religion and social ties, as well as in architecture and urban development. In the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Franciscan Order became important in the same urban environment, contributing with other monasteries to shaping the changing religiosity. This article studies the relationship of Mendicants’ priories – both male and female – to (...)
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    Apostle Paul in Ephesus: Christianity’s Clash with the Cult of Artemis.James W. Ellis - 2023 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 3 (1):22-34.
    This essay contextualizes the apostle Paul’s pivotal missionary residence in Ephesus, giving particular attention to the intriguing confrontation between Paul’s associates and devotees of the cult of Ephesian Artemis. The essay begins by examining aspects of the city of Ephesus and its residents that presented Paul both with unique challenges and unique evangelical opportunities. Specific attention is given to the shift in Paul’s locus of evangelism, from the Ephesian synagogue to residential house churches. This is followed by an exploration (...)
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    Does Sunrise Day correlate with Eastern Orientation of Byzantine churches on significant solar dates and Saint's Days?: a preliminary study.Ioannis Liritzis & Helen Vassiliou - 2007 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 99 (2):523-534.
    A preliminary investigation into the orientation of twelve Greek Byzantine churches towards the east is made in relation to the day of sunrise. Measurements were carried out using magnetic compass with inclinometer and GPS while declination corrections included a) local magnetic declination and b) refraction. The position of sunrise in the horizon as well as during morning hours was computed with in-house software. Accounting for the differences between Gregorian and Julian calendars, orientation of the nave towards spring and/or autumn, (...)
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    The Reliquary of the Manger, Church of São Roque, Lisbon.Ron B. Thomson - 2017 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 80 (1):243-248.
    The Reliquary of the Manger in the Church of São Roque in Lisbon was created in the early seventeenth century to house supposed fragments of the crib in Bethlehem, given to the Jesuits in Lisbon by Pope Clement VIII. The gilded and silvered bronze reliquary was paid for in part by a donation of c. 1615 from Donna Maria Rolim de Moura, wife of Luís da Gama, a great-grandson of Vasco da Gama. The size of the donation—specifically, the (...)
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    Introduction to the Mystery of the Church by Benoît-Dominique de La Soujeole, O.P.David Olson - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):324-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Introduction to the Mystery of the Church by Benoît-Dominique de La Soujeole, O.P.David OlsonIntroduction to the Mystery of the Church. By Benoît-Dominique de La Soujeole, O.P. Trans. by Michael J. Miller. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2014. Pp. xxviii + 640. $75.00 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-8132-2607-1.La Soujeole intends his work to be a textbook in an introductory course in ecclesiology. While this is a (...)
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    When Backpacker Meets Religious Pilgrim House: Interpretation of Oriental Folk Belief.Lin Shean-Yuh, Chang Horng-Jinh & Wang Kuo-Yan - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):76-92.
    Backpacker travel has become an imperative trend in modern tourism. Previous research, however, has not discussed in-depth the intentions and motivations of accommodation selection, in particular, the religious organization e.g. church, mosque, synagogue, and temple affiliated pilgrim hostel. To fill the gap of previous studies, this study provides a new research direction involving the pilgrim hostel playing an essential role as more than mere pilgrim accommodation; pilgrim hostels in Taiwan have surprisingly included a certain percentage of backpacker tourists. A (...)
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    Refugees: A New Testament Perspective.Samuel Escobar - 2018 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 35 (2):102-108.
    This study builds an argument for ‘embrace’ as an adequate Christian response to the refugee crisis. Against the ‘church as homogenous unit’ missiological theory of Donald McGavran and Peter Wagner, the author argues that the list of greetings in Romans 16 proves that at least some of the house churches in Rome were mixed – migrants of different backgrounds living together. Thus Paul’s exhortation to welcome one another.
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    Заклади навчального призначення при єзуїтських колегіумах у східнослов'янському регіоні останньої третини XVI - першої половини XVII ст.Angela Papazova - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):242-249.
    The article presents, analyzes and systematizes the sources on constituent elements of educational Jesuit Colleges of the East Slavic region in the late 16th - early 17th centuries. The author tabulates the data about the period of creation or functioning of Jesuit educational facilities and their components (missions, residences, schools, collegiums, "bursa", music "bursa", "konvikty", seminaries, houses of the third probation, theaters, student and philistine fraternities, churches, chapels, pharmacies, infirmaries, hospitals, orphanages, libraries, printing houses) in the twenty-seven cities of region (...)
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  41. Митрополит андрей шептицький у москві.Hryhoriy Serhiichuk - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    The article tells about Andrey Sheptytsky relationships with the Greek Catholics of Moscow, its role in the approval of this religious denomination. The second half of the nineteenth century the Russian Empire began to spread the movement by joining the Apostolic Vatican. Most consistently argued this line famous Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. Acquainted with him at the end of1887 inMoscow, then a student of law Andrey Sheptytsky understood better his other concept, which began to implement after taking the throne of (...)
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    Практики здорового способу життя Церкви адвентистів сьомого дня в Україні.Valentyna Kuryliak - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):132-165.
    The peculiarities of the philosophy and practices of realization of the principles of a healthy way of life by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ukraine are considered. It has been established that the social and cultural changes caused by Ukraine’s independence have contributed to the opening of sanatoriums, boarding houses, and health centers by Adventist believers. It has been stated that since 1991, Adventists have generally conducted short-term health programs and exhibitions, but over time have shifted to the Western (...)
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    Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.Joseph T. Lienhard & Thomas C. Oden - 2001 - InterVarsity Press.
    Christians read the Jewish Scriptures in the light of what God did in Jesus the Christ. This ACCS volume on Exodus through Deuteronomy bears ample witness to this new way of reading these ancient texts. Varied in texture and nuance, the interpretations included in this volume display a treasure house of ancient wisdom, speaking with eloquence and intellectual acumen to the church today.
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    Diagnosis of man.Kenneth Walker - 1962 - Baltimore,: Penguin Books.
    The dark house.--The cell.--The endocrine glands.--Human types.--The brain and central nervous system.--Medical psychology.--Different paths to truth.--Consciousness.--The Vedânta.--Yoga.--Higher states of consciousness.--Religion.--Buddhism.--Christ and Buddha.--The church.--Mystical Christianity.--'If there had been a candle ... '--Bibliography (p. [251]-255).
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    (1 other version)Non-Turing Computers and Non-Turing Computability.Mark Hogarth - 1994 - Psa 1994:126--138.
    A true Turing machine (TM) requires an infinitely long paper tape. Thus a TM can be housed in the infinite world of Newtonian spacetime (the spacetime of common sense), but not necessarily in our world, because our world-at least according to our best spacetime theory, general relativity-may be finite. All the same, one can argue for the "existence" of a TM on the basis that there is no such housing problem in some other relativistic worlds that are similar ("close") to (...)
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    Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel: and other writings on ethics.Joseph Butler - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by David McNaughton.
    Joseph Butler's Fifteen Sermons (1729) is a classic work of moral philosophy, which remains widely influential. The topics Butler discusses include the role of conscience in human nature, self-love and egoism, compassion, resentment and forgiveness, and love of our neighbour and of God. The text of the enlarged and corrected second edition is here presented together with a selection of Butler's other ethical writings: A Dissertation of the Nature of Virtue, A Sermon Preached Before the House of Lords, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral mazes: the world of corporate managers.Robert Jackall - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is right in the corporation is not what is right in a man's home or in his church," a former vice-president of a large firm observes. "What is right in the corporation is what the guy above you wants from you." Such sentiments pervade American society, from corporate boardrooms to the basement of the White House. In Moral Mazes, Robert Jackall offers an eye-opening account of how corporate managers think the world works, and of how big organizations (...)
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    Theology disrupted: Doing theology with children in African contexts.Elijah Mahlangu - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):9.
    The thrust of this article is an attempt to respond to the question whether we can read and interpret the bible in Africa from the child theology vantage point. The author’s answer is in the affirmative in two ways: Firstly, it is that the majority of children in Africa are facing abuses of unprecedented proportions. Historically and traditionally, African scholars always read and interpreted the bible with African lenses. The African bible critic and exegete should be part of the (...), the body of Christ which ought to be a lotus of healing. Theologising in the context of the crisis of the ‘child’ in Africa is fairly a new development and needs to be aggressively pursued. The second aspect of this author’s response is that when Christianity entered the Graeco-Roman as well the Jewish milieu, it used the family symbolism such as father, brothers, love, house of God, children of God, and so on. The New Testament authors therefore used family as reality and metaphor to proclaim the gospel. The African theologian, critic and exegete, is therefore in this article challenged to make a significant contribution using the African context in that, ‘… the African concept of child, family and community appears to be closer to ecclesiology than the Western concepts’. (shrink)
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    The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers: A Contribution to the Problem of the Theologia Naturalis.Joseph Ratzinger & Patricia Pintado - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):1013-1031.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The God of Faith and the God of the Philosophers:A Contribution to the Problem of the Theologia Naturalis*Joseph RatzingerTranslated by Patricia PintadoPreface to the 1960 EditionThe remarks that I hereby present to the public consist in the reproduction of the inaugural lecture I gave on June 24, 1959, on the occasion of my appointment to the Chair of Fundamental Theology of the Catholic Faculty of Theology at the University (...)
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    Recent Interpretations of Early Christian Asceticism.Robin Darling Young - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):123-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RECENT INTERPRETATIONS OF EARLY CHRISTIAN ASCETICISM ROBIN DARLING YOUNG The Oatholio University of A.merioa Washington, D.O. Peter Brown, The Body and Society: Men, Women and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. Sebastian Brock and Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Holy Women of the Syria.n Orient. Be1·keley: University of California Press, 1987. Elizabeth A. Clark, Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith. Essays on Late Ancient Christianity. Lewiston/Queenston: The (...)
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