Results for 'Huub Evers'

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  1.  18
    Niederlande.Huub Evers - 2010 - In Christian Schicha & Carsten Brosda (eds.), Handbuch Medienethik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 531--541.
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  2. Why not be a desertist?: Three arguments for desert and against luck egalitarianism.Huub Brouwer & Thomas Mulligan - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (9):2271-2288.
    Many philosophers believe that luck egalitarianism captures “desert-like” intuitions about justice. Some even think that luck egalitariansm distributes goods in accordance with desert. In this paper, we argue that this is wrong. Desertism conflicts with luck egalitarianism in three important contexts, and, in these contexts, desertism renders the proper moral judgment. First, compared to desertism, luck egalitarianism is sometimes too stingy: it fails to justly compensate people for their socially valuable contributions—when those contributions arose from “option luck”. Second, luck egalitarianism (...)
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  3. All Animals are Equal, but Some More than Others?Huub Brouwer & Willem van der Deijl - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (3):342-357.
    Does the moral badness of pain depend on who feels it? A common, but generally only implicitly stated view, is that it does not. This view, ‘unitarianism’, maintains that the same interests of different beings should count equally in our moral calculus. Shelly Kagan’s project in How to Count Animals, more or less is to reject this common view, and develop an alternative to it: a hierarchical view of moral status, on which the badness of pain does depend on who (...)
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    Knowledge, partitioned sets and extensionality: A refutation of the forms of knowledge thesis.C. W. Evers & J. C. Walker - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (2):155–170.
    C W Evers, J C Walker; Knowledge, Partitioned Sets and Extensionality: a refutation of the forms of knowledge thesis, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume.
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    Toward a Reformulation of the Law of Contracts.Williamson M. Evers - 1977 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 1 (1):3-13.
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    Combinatory Christology.Dirk Evers - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
    This article aims to present Christology not as an add-on to monotheism, but as its specific Christian form. What Christ means can only be explained with reference to God and vice versa; what God stands for in a Christian sense has to be explained with reference to Jesus Christ and not with reference to generic religious terms. Christology thus informs and forms the Christian understanding of how to relate God and reality. Therefore, Christology has to be developed as combinatory Christology (...)
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    The Culture‐Bound Brain: Epigenetic Proaction Revisited.Kathinka Evers - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):783-800.
    Progress in neuroscience – notably, on the dynamic functions of neural networks – has deepened our understanding of decision‐making, acquisition of character and temperament, and the development of moral dispositions. The evolution of our cerebral architecture is both genetic and epigenetic: the nervous system develops in continuous interaction with the immediate physical and socio‐cultural environments. Each individual has a unique cerebral identity even in the relative absence of genetic distinction, and the development of this identity is strongly influenced by social (...)
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  8.  52
    Indicators and criteria of consciousness: ethical implications for the care of behaviourally unresponsive patients.Kathinka Evers, Benedetta Cecconi, Jitka Annen, Cyriel Pennartz & Michele Farisco - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundAssessing consciousness in other subjects, particularly in non-verbal and behaviourally disabled subjects (e.g., patients with disorders of consciousness), is notoriously challenging but increasingly urgent. The high rate of misdiagnosis among disorders of consciousness raises the need for new perspectives in order to inspire new technical and clinical approaches. Main bodyWe take as a starting point a recently introduced list of operational indicators of consciousness that facilitates its recognition in challenging cases like non-human animals and Artificial Intelligence to explore their relevance (...)
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  9. Reasoning with reasons: Lewis on common knowledge.Huub Vromen - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (2):397-418.
    David Lewis is widely regarded as the philosopher who introduced the concept of common knowledge. His account of common knowledge differs greatly from most later accounts in philosophy and economy, with the central notion of his theory being ‘having reason to believe’ rather than ‘knowledge’. Unfortunately, Lewis’s account is rather informal, and the argument has a few gaps. This paper assesses two major attempts to formalise Lewis’s account and argues that these formalisations are missing a crucial aspect of this account. (...)
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  10.  50
    Possibilities and limits of mind-reading: A neurophilosophical perspective.Kathinka Evers & Mariano Sigman - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):887-897.
    Access to other minds once presupposed other individuals’ expressions and narrations. Today, several methods have been developed which can measure brain states relevant for assessments of mental states without 1st person overt external behavior or speech. Functional magnetic resonance imaging and trace conditioning are used clinically to identify patterns of activity in the brain that suggest the presence of consciousness in people suffering from severe consciousness disorders and methods to communicate cerebrally with patients who are motorically unable to communicate. The (...)
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  11.  32
    Desert, Luck, and Justice.Huub Brouwer - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (1).
  12. Intuition about Justice: Desertist or Luck Egalitarian?Huub Brouwer & Thomas Mulligan - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (2):239-262.
    There is a large and growing body of empirical work on people’s intuitions about distributive justice. In this paper, we investigate how well luck egalitarianism and desertism—the two normative approaches that appear to cohere well with people’s intuitions—are supported by more fine-grained findings in the empirical literature. The time is ripe for a study of this sort, as the positive literature on justice has blossomed over the last three decades. The results of our investigation are surprising. In three different contexts (...)
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  13. Rawls and children.Williamson M. Evers - 1978 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 2 (2):109-114.
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  14. El príncipe : ¿una teoría de la acción?Ever Eduardo Velazco - 2014 - In López Rivera & Jorge Andrés (eds.), El príncipe de Maquiavelo: desafíos, legados y significados. Cali, Colombia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali.
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    De ontdekking van de aarde: verzamelde essays.Huub Oosterhuis - 2022 - Utrecht: Ten Have.
    De ontdekking van de aarde? is een gloednieuwe bundel van Huub Oosterhuis' essays. Dit boek maakt deel uit van het verzameld werk van Oosterhuis en bevat eerder verschenen, maar grondig bewerkte en nieuwe essays. Oosterhuis reflecteert in 'De ontdekking van de aarde' op taal, literatuur, geschiedenis en het woord God. Een rode draad door deze monumentale essaybundel is de bepalende invloed van het joods-christelijk geloof en de Bijbel op onze samenleving.
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    Embodied simulation and the meaning of facial expression in autism.Kris Evers, Ilse Noens, Jean Steyaert & Johan Wagemans - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):445-446.
    We outline three possible shortcomings of the SIMS model and specify these by applying the model to autism. First, the SIMS model assigns a causal role to brain processes, thereby excluding individual and situational factors. Second, there is no room for subjective and high-level conceptual processes in the model. Third, disentangling the different stages in the model is very difficult.
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    Religion und soziale Pädagogik: der Beitrag Paul Natorps zur Begründung einer kritischen Sozialpädagogik.Ralf Evers - 2019 - Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
  18.  48
    Epistemology and the structure of educational theory: Some reflections on the O'Connor-Hirst debate.C. Evers - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 21 (1):3–14.
    C Evers; Epistemology and the Structure of Educational Theory: some reflections on the O'Connor-Hirst debate, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 21, Iss.
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    Two responses to Laura: Evers, and Phillips.. New frontiers or crossing the Bounds of inference?Colin W. Evers - 1988 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 20 (1):70–75.
  20. Aesthetic Non-Naturalism.Daan Evers - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (4):505-520.
    Aesthetic non-naturalism is the view that there are objective aesthetic truths that hold in virtue of sui generis facts. This view is seldom explicitly endorsed in philosophical aesthetics. I argue that many aestheticians should treat it as the view to beat, since (a) their commitments favour aesthetic realism, (b) non-naturalistic forms of aesthetic realism are particularly promising and (c) non-naturalists have reasonable answers to four important objections.
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    Can Desert Solve the Problem of Stakes? A Reply to Olsaretti.Huub Brouwer & Willem van der Deijl - 2018 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 118 (3):399-405.
    Serena Olsaretti argues that desert cannot serve as a plausible principle of stakes for luck egalitarianism. In this discussion note, we defend the claim that she is too pessimistic about this by introducing a simple, but plausible, desert-based account of stakes that is immune to her argument.
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    Individuation und Emanzipation: gesellschaftskritische Potentiale in der Psychologie C.G. Jungs.Tilman Tönnies Evers & Ingrid Riedel (eds.) - 1990 - Hofgeismar: Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar.
  23. On the Very Idea of a Just Wage (Editorial).Huub Brouwer & Thomas Mulligan - 2018 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 11 (2):iv-vi.
    An introduction to the special issue of the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics: "On the Very Idea of a Just Wage".
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    Politiek vernieuwen: op zoek naar publiek in de technologische samenleving.Huub Dijstelbloem - 2008 - Amsterdam: Van Gennep.
    Wetenschappelijke speurtocht naar de betekenis van democratie in een technologische samenleving, met een pleidooi voor aanpassing van democratische concepten en werkwijzen, teneinde de soevereiniteit van burgers voldoende te kunnen waarborgen.
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  25. Merken als bakens in het stedelijk landschap.Huub Kloosterman - forthcoming - Topos.
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    Att analysera argument.Jan Evers - 1974 - Lund: Gleerup.
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  27.  31
    Hoera voor meritocratie!Huub Brouwer - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (3):300-304.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  28. Analytic and Post-Analytic Philosophy of Education: Methodological Reflections.Colin W. Evers - 1998 - In Paul Heywood Hirst & Patricia White (eds.), Philosophy of education: major themes in the analytic tradition. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--120.
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    Childhood Immunizations.Deborah B. Evers - 2000 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 2 (2):67-72.
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    Pyrotechnics defended: A reply to Jim MacKenzie.C. W. Evers & J. C. Walker - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 21 (1):139–142.
    C W Evers, J C Walker; Pyrotechnics Defended: a reply to Jim Mackenzie, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 21, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 139–142, http.
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    Justice at Work.Huub Brouwer & Alexander Andersson - 2023 - In Wim Dubbink & Willem van der Deijl (eds.), Business Ethics: A Philosophical Introduction. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 147-158.
    Companies continuously make choices about who gets hired and who does not, who gets a raise and who does not, and who gets a promotion and who does not. Those decisions have significant implications for the division of income in society—and consequently for economic inequality. That is why ethical questions about inequality and fairness are important to business ethics. In this chapter, we elaborate, explain, and compare three important ethical principles that can be used to guide decisions about hiring, remuneration, (...)
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    Precise minds in uncertain worlds: Predictive coding in autism.Sander Van de Cruys, Kris Evers, Ruth Van der Hallen, Lien Van Eylen, Bart Boets, Lee de-Wit & Johan Wagemans - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (4):649-675.
  33. De zelfkant van de wetenschap.Huub Dijstelbloem - 2012 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 52 (4).
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    Het huis van Argus: de wakende blik in de democratie.Huub Dijstelbloem - 2016 - Amsterdam: Boom.
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    Instituties doen het nooit goed.Huub Dijstelbloem - 2006 - Krisis 7 (2):47-50.
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    Onzekerheid troef: het betwiste gezag van de wetenschap.Huub Dijstelbloem & Rob Hagendijk (eds.) - 2011 - Amsterdam: Van Gennep.
    Beschouwingen vanuit sociologisch perspectief over het tanende gezag van de wetenschap in de westerse cultuur.
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    The Revelatory Text and the prologue of the Gospel of Luke.Huub Welzen - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    The transformation of the temple in the Fourth Gospel.Huub Welzen - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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    Vrede en oordeel in het evangelie volgens Lucas.Huub Welzen - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1):11.
    Peace and judgement in the gospel according to Luke. Quite rightly Luke is called an evangelist of peace and non-violence. It is recognised in several studies that peace, nonviolence and love for the enemy are integral parts of the message of the Lucan Jesus. Yet this statement cannot be made without criticism. In the gospel of Luke there are many texts in which violence is present, which is incongruent with the message of peace and non-violence. Sometimes there is even violence (...)
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    In memoriam Jan Hendrik van den Berg (11 juni 1914, Deventer-22 september 2012, Gorinchem).Huub Zwart - 2013 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 75 (1):193-196.
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  41. Specialization and the Division of Labor in the Social Thought of Plato and Rousseau.Williamson M. Evers - 1980 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 4 (1):45-64.
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    Issues in Science and Theology: What is Life?Dirk Evers, Michael Fuller, Antje Jackelén & Knut-Willy Sæther (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores the concept of Life from a range of perspectives. Divided into three parts, it first examines the concept of Life from physics to biology. It then presents insights on the concept from the perspectives of philosophy, theology, and ethics. The book concludes with chapters on the hermeneutics of Life, and pays special attention to the Biosemiotics approach to the concept. The question 'What is Life?' has been deliberated by the greatest minds throughout human history. Life as we (...)
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  43. Let them eat straw": an ecological reevaluation of Isaiah 11:6-8.Jacob R. Evers - 2024 - In Arthur Walker-Jones & Suzanna R. Millar (eds.), Ask the animals: developing a biblical animal hermeneutic. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press.
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    (1 other version)Popular Sovereignty in Germany: Anti-Absolutism and its Democratic Recycling.T. Evers - 1993 - Télos 1993 (97):41-51.
  45.  59
    Naturalism and philosophy of education.Colin W. Evers - 1987 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 19 (2):11–21.
  46.  44
    Lectura de la mente Una perspectiva neurofilosófica.Kathinka Evers & Mariano Sigman - 2013 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 13:43-62.
    Hasta ahora, el acceso a otras mentes presuponía las expresiones y narraciones de los individuos. En la actualidad, se han desarrollado varios métodos que pueden medir los estados cerebrales relevantes para valorar las facultades mentales sin que se manifieste en 1ª persona habla o comportamiento externo alguno. La resonancia magnética funcional y el condicionamiento de huella se emplean fuera del ámbito clínico para acceder a la conciencia subjetiva; se utilizan clínicamente para identificar patrones de actividad en el cerebro que sugieran (...)
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  47.  16
    Being Human in a Technological Age.Dirk Evers - 2021 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 8 (1):1.
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    Analytic philosophy of education: From a logical point of view.Colin W. Evers - 1979 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 11 (2):1–15.
  49.  23
    Contingent Reality as Participation.Dirk Evers - 2015 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 2 (2):216.
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  50. Relativism and the Metaphysics of Value.Daan Evers - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (1).
    I argue that relativists about aesthetic and other evaluative language face some of the same objections as non-naturalists in ethics. These objections concern the metaphysics required to make it work. Unlike contextualists, relativists believe that evaluative propositions are not about the relation in which things stand to certain standards. Nevertheless, the truth of such propositions would depend on variable standards. I argue that relativism requires the existence of states of affairs very different from other things known to exist. Furthermore, there (...)
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