Results for 'Implementation architecture'

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  1.  8
    Critical realism as an underpinning philosophy for the implementation of digital twins for urban management.Ramy Elsehrawy Bimal Kumar Richard Watson Architecture - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):187-223.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 187-223.
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    Intermediate Vision: Architecture, Implementation, and Use.David Chapman - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (4):491-537.
    This article describes an implemented architecture for intermediate vision. By integrating a variety of Intermediate visual mechanisms and putting them to use in support of concrete activity, the implementation demonstrates their utility. The sytem, SIVS, models psychophysical discoveries about visual attention and search. It is designed to be efficiently implementable in slow, massively parallel, locally connected hardware, such as that of the brain.SIVS addresses five fundamental problems. Visual attention is required to restrict processing to task-relevant locations in the (...)
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    Autonomy, implementation and cognitive architecture: A reply to Fodor and Pylyshyn.Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford - 1990 - Cognition 34 (1):93-107.
  4.  19
    Architecture of a traditional school and its implementation into the didactic-methodical organization of teaching.Snježana Dubovicki & Emerik Munjiza - 2023 - Metodicki Ogledi 29 (2):127-151.
    The paper investigates the connection between the school architecture and didactic-methodical organization of teaching in the conditions of traditional (old) schools. School architecture was analysed regarding school premises (classrooms and equipment) and the school environment (playgrounds with special emphasis on school gardens). The traditional (old) school in Croatian conditions is situated in the period from the introduction of the state public education (General School Order 1774) to the 1930s. The research was based on the analysis of archival and (...)
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  5. Design and implementation of a distributed object-oriented architecture.Silvio Salza & Mario Terranova - 1996 - Esda 1996: Expert Systems and Ai; Neural Networks 7:157.
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    Design and Implementation of SeTiA: Secure Multi Auction System II: Architecture and Implementation Issues.V. S. Borkar, M. S. Dave & R. K. Shyamasundar - 2005 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 14 (1):69-93.
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    Resilient architectures to facilitate both functional consciousness and phenomenal consciousness in machines.Uma Ramamurthy & Stan Franklin - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):243-253.
    Cognitive theories of consciousness should provide effective frameworks to implement machine consciousness. The Global Workspace Theory is a leading theory of consciousness which postulates that the primary function of consciousness is a global broadcast that facilitates recruitment of internal resources to deal with the current situation as well as modulate several types of learning. In this paper, we look at architectures for machine consciousness that have the Global Workspace Theory as their basis and discuss the requirements in such architectures to (...)
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    Reconsidering architectural education based on Freire’s ideas in Iraqi Kurdistan.Hozan L. Rauf & Sardar S. Shareef - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (13):2243-2255.
    Paulo Freire is undeniably a prominent figure who greatly influenced 21st century higher education. More specifically, architectural education been greatly affected by Freire’s thinking in relation to producing a design project with dialogue and consciousness. This study aims to implement Freire’s thoughts in contemporary design studios, where the core courses of architectural education occur. This study employs a narrative methodology and in-depth interviews with third-year students from the design studios of two universities, one public and another private. The study investigates (...)
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    Implementation as Resemblance.André Curtis-Trudel - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1021-1032.
    This article advertises a new account of computational implementation. According to the resemblance account, implementation is a matter of resembling a computational architecture. The resemblance account departs from previous theories by denying that computational architectures are exhausted by their formal, mathematical features. Instead, they are taken to be permeated with causality, spatiotemporality, and other nonmathematical features. I argue that this approach comports well with computer scientific practice and offers a novel response to so-called triviality arguments.
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    Cognitive architectures have limited explanatory power.Prasad Tadepalli - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):622-623.
    Cognitive architectures, like programming languages, make commitments only at the implementation level and have limited explanatory power. Their universality implies that it is hard, if not impossible, to justify them in detail from finite quantities of data. It is more fruitful to focus on particular tasks such as language understanding and propose testable theories at the computational and algorithmic levels.
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  11. Connectionism and cognitive architecture: A critical analysis.Jerry A. Fodor & Zenon W. Pylyshyn - 1988 - Cognition 28 (1-2):3-71.
    This paper explores the difference between Connectionist proposals for cognitive a r c h i t e c t u r e a n d t h e s o r t s o f m o d e l s t hat have traditionally been assum e d i n c o g n i t i v e s c i e n c e . W e c l a i m t h a t t h (...)
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    Cognitive architectures for artificial intelligence ethics.Steve J. Bickley & Benno Torgler - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):501-519.
    As artificial intelligence (AI) thrives and propagates through modern life, a key question to ask is how to include humans in future AI? Despite human involvement at every stage of the production process from conception and design through to implementation, modern AI is still often criticized for its “black box” characteristics. Sometimes, we do not know what really goes on inside or how and why certain conclusions are met. Future AI will face many dilemmas and ethical issues unforeseen by (...)
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    “Parallel architecture” as a variety of stratificationalism.David G. Lockwood - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):686-687.
    The model of parallel architecture for language presented by Jackendoff is a kind of stratificational model in the spirit of Sydney Lamb. It differs from the more usual stratificationalism most importantly in its clear commitment to nativism, though the variety of nativism is greatly modified from what is more usual among Chomskyans. The revised model presents a potential for fruitful discussion with proponents of stratificationalism, and the potential for enrichment via a relational implementation.
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  14. Cognition without classical architecture.James W. Garson - 1994 - Synthese 100 (2):291-306.
    Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988) argue that any successful model of cognition must use classical architecture; it must depend upon rule-based processing sensitive to constituent structure. This claim is central to their defense of classical AI against the recent enthusiasm for connectionism. Connectionist nets, they contend, may serve as theories of the implementation of cognition, but never as proper theories of psychology. Connectionist models are doomed to describing the brain at the wrong level, leaving the classical view to account (...)
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  15.  85
    Incompatible Implementations of Physical Symbol Systems.Peter Beim Graben - 2004 - Mind and Matter 2 (2):29-51.
    Classical cognitive science assumes that intelligently behaving systems must be symbol processors that are implemented in physical systems such as brains or digital computers. By contrast, connectionists suppose that symbol manipulating systems could be approximations of neural networks dynamics. Both classicists and connectionists argue that symbolic computation and subsymbolic dynamics are incompatible, though on different grounds. While classicists say that connectionist architectures and symbol processors are either incompatible or the former are mere implementations of the latter, connectionists reply that neural (...)
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  16.  31
    A Software Architecture for Multi-Cellular System Simulations on Graphics Processing Units.Anne Jeannin-Girardon, Pascal Ballet & Vincent Rodin - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):317-327.
    The first aim of simulation in virtual environment is to help biologists to have a better understanding of the simulated system. The cost of such simulation is significantly reduced compared to that of in vivo simulation. However, the inherent complexity of biological system makes it hard to simulate these systems on non-parallel architectures: models might be made of sub-models and take several scales into account; the number of simulated entities may be quite large. Today, graphics cards are used for general (...)
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  17. An Architecture for Linguistic and Semantic Analysis on the ARXMLIV Corpus.D. Ginev, C. David & M. Kohlhase - unknown
    The ARXMLIV corpus is a remarkable collection of text containing scientific mathematical discourse. With more than half a million documents, it is an ambitious target for large scale linguistic and semantic analysis, requiring a generalized and distributed approach. In this paper we implement an architecture which solves and automates the issues of knowledge representation and knowledge management, providing an abstraction layer for distributed development of semantic analysis tools. Furthermore, we enable document interaction and visualization and present current implementations of (...)
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  18. Architectures of Intelligent Systems.David Kirsh - 1992 - Exploring Brain Functions:293-321.
    Theories of intelligence can be of use to neuroscientists if they: 1. Provide illuminating suggestions about the functional architecture of neural systems; 2. Suggest specific models of processing that neural circuits might implement. The objective of our session was to stand back and consider the prospects for this interdisciplinary exchange.
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    Dynamic Analysis and FPGA Implementation of New Chaotic Neural Network and Optimization of Traveling Salesman Problem.Li Cui, Chaoyang Chen, Jie Jin & Fei Yu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    A neural network is a model of the brain’s cognitive process, with a highly interconnected multiprocessor architecture. The neural network has incredible potential, in the view of these artificial neural networks inherently having good learning capabilities and the ability to learn different input features. Based on this, this paper proposes a new chaotic neuron model and a new chaotic neural network model. It includes a linear matrix, a sine function, and a chaotic neural network composed of three chaotic neurons. (...)
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  20. Beyond Functional Architecture in Cognitive Neuropsychology: A Reply to Coltheart (2010).David C. Plaut & Karalyn Patterson - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):12-14.
    We (Patterson & Plaut, 2009) argued that cognitive neuropsychology has had a limited impact on cognitive science due to a nearly exclusive reliance on (a) single‐case studies, (b) dissociations in cognitive performance, and (c) shallow, box‐and‐arrow theorizing, and we advocated adopting a case‐series methodology, considering associations as well as dissociations, and employing explicit computational modeling in studying “how the brain does its cognitive business.” In reply, Coltheart (2010) claims that our concern is misplaced because cognitive neuropsychology is concerned only with (...)
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  21. Exploring the Functional Advantages of Spatial and Visual Cognition From an Architectural Perspective.Scott D. Lathrop, Samuel Wintermute & John E. Laird - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (4):796-818.
    We present a general cognitive architecture that tightly integrates symbolic, spatial, and visual representations. A key means to achieving this integration is allowing cognition to move freely between these modes, using mental imagery. The specific components and their integration are motivated by results from psychology, as well as the need for developing a functional and efficient implementation. We discuss functional benefits that result from the combination of multiple content-based representations and the specialized processing units associated with them. Instantiating (...)
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  22. A cognitive architecture that combines internal simulation with a global workspace.Murray Shanahan - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):433-449.
    This paper proposes a brain-inspired cognitive architecture that incorporates approximations to the concepts of consciousness, imagination, and emotion. To emulate the empirically established cognitive efficacy of conscious as opposed to non-conscious information processing in the mammalian brain, the architecture adopts a model of information flow from global workspace theory. Cognitive functions such as anticipation and planning are realised through internal simulation of interaction with the environment. Action selection, in both actual and internally simulated interaction with the environment, is (...)
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  23.  70
    A Kantian Cognitive Architecture.Richard Evans - 2019 - In Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso & Don Berkich, On the Cognitive, Ethical, and Scientific Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag. pp. 233-262.
    In this paper, I reinterpret Kant’s Transcendental Analytic as a description of a cognitive architecture. I describe a computer implementation of this architecture, and show how it has been applied to two unsupervised learning tasks. The resulting program is very data efficient, able to learn from a tiny handful of examples. I show how the program achieves data-efficiency: the constraints described in the Analytic of Principles are reinterpreted as strong prior knowledge, constraining the set of possible solutions.
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  24. Generous or Parsimonious Cognitive Architecture? Cognitive Neuroscience and Theory of Mind.Philip Gerrans & Valerie E. Stone - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (2):121-141.
    Recent work in cognitive neuroscience on the child's Theory of Mind (ToM) has pursued the idea that the ability to metarepresent mental states depends on a domain-specific cognitive subystem implemented in specific neural circuitry: a Theory of Mind Module. We argue that the interaction of several domain-general mechanisms and lower-level domain-specific mechanisms accounts for the flexibility and sophistication of behavior, which has been taken to be evidence for a domain-specific ToM module. This finding is of more general interest since it (...)
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  25. The design of the internet’s architecture by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and human rights.Corinne Cath & Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):449–468.
    The debate on whether and how the Internet can protect and foster human rights has become a defining issue of our time. This debate often focuses on Internet governance from a regulatory perspective, underestimating the influence and power of the governance of the Internet’s architecture. The technical decisions made by Internet Standard Developing Organisations that build and maintain the technical infrastructure of the Internet influences how information flows. They rearrange the shape of the technically mediated public sphere, including which (...)
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    Will the neural blackboard architecture scale up to semantics?Michael G. Dyer - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):77-78.
    The neural blackboard architecture is a localist structured connectionist model that employs a novel connection matrix to implement dynamic bindings without requiring propagation of temporal synchrony. Here I note the apparent need for many distinct matrices and the effect this might have for scale-up to semantic processing. I also comment on the authors' initial foray into the symbol grounding problem.
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    An Architecture Paradigm for Providing Cloud Services in School Labs Based on Open Source Software to Enhance ICT in Education.Yannis Siahos, Iasonas Papanagiotou, Alkis Georgopoulos, Fotis Tsamis & Ioannis Papaioannou - 2012 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 2 (1):44-57.
    The authors present their experience and practices of introducing cloud services, as a means to simplify the adoption of ICT in education, using Free/Open Source Software. The solution creates a hybrid cloud infrastructure, in order to provide a pre-installed virtual machine, acting as a server inside the school, providing desktop environment based on the Software as a Service cloud model, where legacy PCs act as stateless devices. Classroom management is accomplished using the application “Epoptes.” To minimize administration tasks, educational software (...)
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    Holographic Declarative Memory: Distributional Semantics as the Architecture of Memory.M. A. Kelly, Nipun Arora, Robert L. West & David Reitter - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12904.
    We demonstrate that the key components of cognitive architectures (declarative and procedural memory) and their key capabilities (learning, memory retrieval, probability judgment, and utility estimation) can be implemented as algebraic operations on vectors and tensors in a high‐dimensional space using a distributional semantics model. High‐dimensional vector spaces underlie the success of modern machine learning techniques based on deep learning. However, while neural networks have an impressive ability to process data to find patterns, they do not typically model high‐level cognition, and (...)
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    In the Traces of Bioclimatic Architecture.Klodjan Xhexhi - 2023 - In Ecovillages and Ecocities. Bioclimatic Applications from Tirana, Albania. Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. pp. 109-147.
    The bioclimatic architecture is still fascinating to all of us. The lack of energy that the world is facing nowadays is forcing architects and engineers to implement smart solutions benefiting at the maximum from nature itself without considering the primary sources of energy that the world is actually using. Bioclimatic design has the roots in history, despite the fact that little attention has been paid to it throughout history. It is important to understand how natural systems operates, creating closed (...)
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    Three-concept Monte: Explanation, implementation, and systematicity.Robert J. Matthews - 1994 - Synthese 101 (3):347-63.
    Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988), Fodor and McLaughlin (1990) and McLaughlin (1993) challenge connectionists to explain systematicity without simply implementing a classical architecture. In this paper I argue that what makes the challenge difficult for connectionists to meet has less to do with what is to be explained than with what is to count as an explanation. Fodor et al. are prepared to admit as explanatory, accounts of a sort that only classical models can provide. If connectionists are to meet (...)
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  31. Metaphor in Eco Architecture (8th edition).Klodjan Xhexhi - 2020 - IJournals: International Journal of Software and Hardware Research in Engineering 8 (8):23-30.
    Metaphor plays a central role in changing the architectural process. In order to better appreciate the nature of architectural creativity, generating more positive forms and volumes is required. Exists many conclusions which demonstrate that metaphors plays an important role shaping the design creativity. The aim of this paper is about understanding the exact role of the metaphor in architecture design from the concept of Aristotle to nowadays. Essentially it is the process by which most of the ideas come into (...)
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    Visual Search Without Selective Attention: A Cognitive Architecture Account.David E. Kieras - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (1):222-239.
    Visual Search without Selective Attention calls into question the necessity of a covert selective attention mechanism by implementing a formal model that includes basic visual mechanisms, saccades, and simple task strategies. Across three search tasks, the model accounts for response times as well as the proportion of errors observed in human participants, including effects of item crowding in the visual stimulus.
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    Evolution and Innovation of Guangxi Yao Mountain Residential Architecture Space from the Perspective of Cultural Heritage.Ying Xu, Pisit Puntien, Akapong Inkuer & Chanoknart Mayusoh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:995-1016.
    Enhancing national cultural self-confidence involves promoting and strengthening the protection and utilisation of traditional national villages. Studying how to protect and inherit the resources of these villages, as well as utilising existing resources in a sustainable manner, poses a challenging issue. Further research is needed to investigate the influence of regional culture on residential buildings in the mountainous areas of the Yao people in Guangxi, and to explore how traditional architectural elements can preserve their cultural essence using modern artistic language. (...)
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    A hybrid architecture for text comprehension.Jesús Ezquerro & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):247-279.
    O'Brien et al. reported that readers generated elaborative inferences only when a text contained characteristics that made it easy to predict the specific inference that a reader would draw, and virtually eliminated the possibility of the inference being discon-firmed. Garrod et al., however, offered two qualifications to these conclusions. First, the two text characteristics manipulated may have produced different types of elaborative inferencing: a biasing context results in a passive form of elaborative inferencing, involving setting up a context of interpretation, (...)
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  35. Circuit sharing and the implementation of intelligent systems.Michael Anderson - manuscript
    One of the most foundational and continually contested questions in the cognitive sciences is the degree to which the functional organization of the brain can be understood as modular. In its classic formulation, a module was defined as a cognitive sub-system with nine specific properties; the classic module is, among other things, domain specific, encapsulated, and implemented in dedicated neural substrates. Most of the examinations—and especially the criticisms—of the modularity thesis have focused on these properties individually, for instance by finding (...)
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    Fog computing architectures for healthcare.Lisardo Prieto González, Corvin Jaedicke, Johannes Schubert & Vladimir Stantchev - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (4):334-349.
    Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze how embedding of self-powered wireless sensors into cloud computing further enables such a system to become a sustainable part of work environment. Design/methodology/approach This is exemplified by an application scenario in healthcare that was developed in the context of the OpSIT project in Germany. A clearly outlined three-layer architecture, in the sense of Internet of Things, is presented. It provides the basis for integrating a broad range of sensors into smart (...)
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    A hybrid architecture for text comprehension: Elaborative inferences and attentional focus.Jesus Ezquerro Martínez & Mauricio Iza Miqueleiz - 1995 - Pragmatics and Cognition 3 (2):247-279.
    O'Brien et al. reported that readers generated elaborative inferences only when a text contained characteristics that made it easy to predict the specific inference that a reader would draw, and virtually eliminated the possibility of the inference being discon-firmed. Garrod et al., however, offered two qualifications to these conclusions. First, the two text characteristics manipulated may have produced different types of elaborative inferencing: a biasing context results in a passive form of elaborative inferencing, involving setting up a context of interpretation, (...)
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    Beyond Single‐Level Accounts: The Role of Cognitive Architectures in Cognitive Scientific Explanation.Richard P. Cooper & David Peebles - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):243-258.
    We consider approaches to explanation within the cognitive sciences that begin with Marr's computational level or Marr's implementational level and argue that each is subject to fundamental limitations which impair their ability to provide adequate explanations of cognitive phenomena. For this reason, it is argued, explanation cannot proceed at either level without tight coupling to the algorithmic and representation level. Even at this level, however, we argue that additional constraints relating to the decomposition of the cognitive system into a set (...)
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  39. Perspectives on Teaching Architectural Design Based on a Radical Constructivist Model of Knowing.V. V. Cifarelli - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):403-404.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Radical Constructivist Structural Design Education for Large Cohorts of Chinese Learners” by Christiane M. Herr. Upshot: Herr’s target article outlines a teaching approach that illustrates and explains how radical constructivism can be used to teach architectural design principles to a large cohort of students. Herr’s approach consists of a hybrid set of instructional activities whose implementation was supported by her establishment of a social climate in the classroom that encouraged the contributions of individuals (...)
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  40. Tensor products and split-level architecture: Foundational issues in the classicism-connectionism debate.Marcello Guarini - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):S239-S247.
    This paper responds to criticisms levelled by Fodor, Pylyshyn, and McLaughlin against connectionism. Specifically, I will rebut the charge that connectionists cannot account for representational systematicity without implementing a classical architecture. This will be accomplished by drawing on Paul Smolensky's Tensor Product model of representation and on his insights about split-level architectures.
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  41. Enlightened update: A computational architecture for presupposition and other pragmatic phenomena.Richmond H. Thomason & Matthew Stone - unknown
    We relate the theory of presupposition accommodation to a computational framework for reasoning in conversation. We understand presuppositions as private commitments the speaker makes in using an utterance but expects the listener to recognize based on mutual information. On this understanding, the conversation can move forward not just through the positive effects of interlocutors’ utterances but also from the retrospective insight interlocutors gain about one anothers’ mental states from observing what they do. Our title, ENLIGHTENED UPDATE, highlights such cases. Our (...)
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  42.  31
    Integrated, Not Isolated: Defining Typological Proximity in an Integrated Multilingual Architecture.Michael T. Putnam, Matthew Carlson & David Reitter - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:291536.
    On the surface, bi- and multilingualism would seem to be an ideal context for exploring questions of typological proximity. The obvious intuition is that the more closely related two languages are, the easier it should be to implement the two languages in one mind. This is the starting point adopted here, but we immediately run into the difficulty that the overwhelming majority of cognitive, computational, and linguistic research on bi- and multilingualism exhibits a monolingual bias (i.e., where monolingual grammars are (...)
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    Dual processes, probabilities, and cognitive architecture.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):15-26.
    It has been argued that dual process theories are not consistent with Oaksford and Chater’s probabilistic approach to human reasoning (Oaksford and Chater in Psychol Rev 101:608–631, 1994 , 2007 ; Oaksford et al. 2000 ), which has been characterised as a “single-level probabilistic treatment[s]” (Evans 2007 ). In this paper, it is argued that this characterisation conflates levels of computational explanation. The probabilistic approach is a computational level theory which is consistent with theories of general cognitive architecture that (...)
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    Understanding partnership practice in child and family nursing through the concept of practice architectures.Nick Hopwood, Cathrine Fowler, Alison Lee, Chris Rossiter & Marg Bigsby - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (3):199-210.
    A significant international development agenda in the practice of nurses supporting families with young children focuses on establishing partnerships between professionals and service users. Qualitative data were generated through interviews and focus groups with 22 nurses from three child and family health service organisations, two in Australia and one in New Zealand. The aim was to explore what is needed in order to sustain partnership in practice, and to investigate how the concept of practice architectures can help understand attempts to (...)
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    Navigating AI-Enabled Modalities of Representation and Materialization in Architecture: Visual Tropes, Verbal Biases, and Geo-Specificity.Asma Mehan & Sina Mostafavi - 2023 - Plan Journal 8 (2):1-16.
    This research delves into the potential of implementing artificial intelligence in architecture. It specifically provides a critical assessment of AI-enabled workflows, encompassing creative ideation, representation, materiality, and critical thinking, facilitated by prompt-based generative processes. In this context, the paper provides an examination of the concept of hybrid human–machine intelligence. In an era characterized by pervasive data bias and engineered injustices, the concept of hybrid intelligence emerges as a critical tool, enabling the transcendence of preconceived stereotypes, clichés, and linguistic prejudices. (...)
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    A partial implementation of the Bica cognitive decathlon using the psychology experiment building language.Shane T. Mueller - 2010 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 2 (2):273-288.
    The Cognitive Decathlon is a proposed set of tasks that can be tested on both human and artificially intelligent agents, and which constitutes a modern specification for the Turing Test. In this paper, a partial implementation of the Cognitive Decathlon is described using the Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL). The tasks focus not simply on generic human abilities, but on critical skills that highlight aspects of human performance that are at odds with common artificial intelligence approaches. The differences between (...)
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    Design and Implementation of Decentralized Swarm Intelligence E-Commerce Model Based on Regional Chain and Edge Computing.Xiaofang Luo - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In this paper, we investigate the model of decentralized groupwise e-commerce through regional chains combined with edge computing algorithms and design and implement it. A blockchain-based architecture for remote sensing resource and service transactions is proposed. The architecture utilizes the characteristics of nontamperable and traceable data on the blockchain to solve the problem of mutual distrust between the transaction parties, uses MongoDB for data retrieval and filtering to solve the problem that it is difficult to query flexibly on (...)
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    Issues of implementation matter for representation.Francisco Calvo Garzón - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):397-398.
    I argue that a dynamical framing of the emulation theory of representation may be at odds with its articulation in Grush's information-processing terms. An architectural constraint implicit in the emulation theory may have consequences not envisaged in the target article. In my view, “how the emulator manages to implement the forward mapping” is pivotal with regard to whether we have an emulation theory of representation, as opposed to an emulation theory of (mere) applied forces.
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    Sustainability Balanced Scorecards and their Architectures: Irrelevant or Misunderstood?Erik G. Hansen & Stefan Schaltegger - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):937-952.
    In a recent systematic review of the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard literature in this journal, we developed a typology of architectures as a basis for the process of SBSC design, implementation, use, and evolution. This paper addresses a comment by Hahn and Figge designed to stimulate further research. We argue that the existing literature demonstrates that the SBSC management tool can play an important role in corporate sustainability. The SBSC architectures—as representations of goals and priorities—form an integral and iterative part (...)
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  50. A Cognitive Theory of Graphical and Linguistic Reasoning: Logic and Implementation.Keith Stenning & Jon Oberlander - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (1):97-140.
    We discuss external and internal graphical and linguistic representational systems. We argue that a cognitive theory of peoples' reasoning performance must account for (a) the logical equivalence of inferences expressed in graphical and linguistic form, and (b) the implementational differences that affect facility of inference. Our theory proposes that graphical representation limit abstraction and thereby aid “processibility”. We discuss the ideas of specificity and abstraction, and their cognitive relevance. Empirical support both comes from tasks which involve the manipulation of external (...)
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