Results for 'Isabel Shaw'

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  1.  52
    Autonomy and Fear of Synthetic Biology: How Can Patients’ Autonomy Be Enhanced in the Field of Synthetic Biology? A Qualitative Study with Stable Patients.Milenko Rakic, Isabelle Wienand, David Shaw, Rebecca Nast & Bernice S. Elger - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):375-388.
    We analyzed stable patients’ views regarding synthetic biology in general, the medical application of synthetic biology, and their potential participation in trials of synthetic biology in particular. The aim of the study was to find out whether patients’ views and preferences change after receiving more detailed information about synthetic biology and its clinical applications. The qualitative study was carried out with a purposive sample of 36 stable patients, who suffered from diabetes or gout. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, translated and fully (...)
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    War on Critics.Isabel C. Hungerland & Theodore L. Shaw - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (4):615.
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    The Beneficence of Hope: Findings from a Qualitative Study with Gout and Diabetes Patients.Isabelle Wienand, Milenko Rakic, David Shaw & Bernice Elger - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (2):211-218.
    This paper explores the importance of hope as a determining factor for patients to participate in first-in-human trials for synthetic biology therapies. This paper focuses on different aspects of hope in the context of human health and well-being and explores the varieties of hope expressed by patients. The research findings are based on interview data collected from stable gout and diabetes patients. Three concepts of hope have emerged from the interviews: hope as certainty ; hope as reflective uncertainty ; hope (...)
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    Emergent Practices of an Environmental Standard.Ritsuko Ozaki & Isabel Shaw - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (2):219-242.
    Recent climate change statistics attribute over a quarter of carbon emissions to residential energy use in the United Kingdom. To address this, a building standard was introduced to aim to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption. This paper analyzes how such an environmental standard reconfigures the sociotechnological relations and practices of housing professionals that design, construct, and manage social housing. We focus on how actors engage with the standard’s recommendation for incorporating low and zero carbon technologies (...)
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  5. Alegorías éticas.Isabel Jáidar Matalobos & Verónica Alvarado Tejeda - 2004 - In Vargas Isla & Lilia Esther (eds.), Territorios de la ética. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco.
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  6. The Necessity of 'Need'.Ashley Shaw - 2023 - Ethics 133 (3):329-354.
    Many philosophers have suggested that claims of need play a special normative role in ethical thought and talk. But what do such claims mean? What does this special role amount to? Progress on these questions can be made by attending to a puzzle concerning some linguistic differences between two types of 'need' sentence: one where 'need' occurs as a verb, and where it occurs as a noun. I argue that the resources developed to solve the puzzle advance our understanding of (...)
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    The role of REM sleep theta activity in emotional memory.Isabel C. Hutchison & Shailendra Rathore - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Distinguishing “Reasonable Accommodation” From Physical Assistance in Aid-in-Dying.Isabel Astrachan & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):28-30.
    Shavelson et al. (2023) identify an important problem in their Target article: a significant number of terminally ill patients with impaired motor function are wrongfully excluded from receiving ai...
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    La implementación de los principios rectores sobre las empresas y los Derechos Humanos. implicaciones para los Estados = The implementation of the guiding principles on business and human rights. Implications for States.Isabel Victoria Lucena Cid - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 25:69-89.
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  10. There is a crack in everything–that's how the light gets in.Isabel Clarke - 2005 - In Chris Clark (ed.), Ways of knowing: science and mysticism today. Charlottesville, VA: Imprint Academic. pp. 90--102.
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    Functional abilities and neuropsychological dysfunctions in young children with autism and with intellectual disabilities.Isabel Seynhaeve, Nathalie Nader-Grosbois & Carmen Dionne - 2008 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 2 (3):230-252.
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    The Apparent Amphiboly of Peirce's Reality.Isabel Stearns - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (2):80 - 89.
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  13. Contemporary Ethics: Taking Account of Utilitarianism.William H. Shaw - 1999 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Aimed at undergraduates, _Contemporary Ethics_ presupposes little or no familiarity with ethics and is written in a clear and engaging style. It provides students with a sympathetic but critical guide to utilitarianism, explaining its different forms and exploring the debates it has spawned. The book leads students through a number of current issues in contemporary ethics that are connected to controversies over and within utilitarianism. At the same time, it uses utilitarianism to introduce students to ethics as a subject. In (...)
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  14.  62
    ¿Son las mujeres más sensibles a los derechos de los animales? Sobre los vínculos entre el animalismo y el feminismo.Isabel Balza & Francisco Garrido - 2016 - Isegoría 54:289-305.
    En este trabajo se analizan, por una parte, los datos sobre la presencia de las mujeres en los movimientos de derechos de los animales en el estado español; por otro lado, tratamos de encontrar marcos explicativos que aclaren cuál es el vínculo que conecta la sensibilidad feminista con la sensibilidad animalista. Hemos realizado un sondeo sobre el porcentaje de mujeres entre los miembros de las organizaciones animalistas más importantes de España y, con estos resultados, hemos hecho una revisión de los (...)
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    Rekursivität, Invention und Ritualdesign in den Sacred Dramas der Goddess People of Avalon(England).Isabel Laack - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 19 (1-2):212-242.
    The Goddess People of Avalon, a young and flourishing religious community in Glastonbury (South-England), have been defining themselvesprincipally as a revitalization of the prehistoric worship of the Great Goddess. Based on fieldwork data of the author, the article offers an introduction into the religious tradition and ritual praxis of the contemporary Goddess People. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the ritual genre of Sacred Drama with its interpretationof the general and local history of religions. The variety of recursivity (as a reference (...)
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  16. Was Feyerabend an anarchist? The structure(s) of ‘anything goes’.Jamie Shaw - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 64:11-21.
  17. Intentions and Trolleys.Joseph Shaw - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (222):63 - 83.
    The series of 'trolley' examples issue a challenge to moral principles based on intentions, since it seems that these give the wrong answers in two important cases: 'Fat Man', where they seem to say that it is permissible to push someone in front of a trolley to save others, and 'Loop', where they seem to say that it is wrong to divert a trolley towards a single person whose body will stop it and save others. I reply, first, that there (...)
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    Other-self confusions in action memory: The role of motor processes.Isabel Lindner, Cécile Schain & Gerald Echterhoff - 2016 - Cognition 149 (C):67-76.
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  19. The natural language conjunction and.Isabel Gómez Txurruka - 2003 - Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (3):255-285.
    In the first part of this article, we show that, contrary to the Gricean tradition, inter-clausal and is not semantically equivalent to logical conjunction and, contrary to temporal approaches such as Bar-Levand Palacas 1980, it is not temporallyloaded. We then explore a commonsenseidea – namely that while sentence juxtaposition might be interpreted either as discourse coordination or subordination, and indicates coordination. SDRT already includes notions of coordinating and subordinating discourse relations (cf. Lascarides and Asher 1993, Asher 1993), and the meaning (...)
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  20.  44
    Hedonic and eudaimonic motives for watching feature films. Validation of the Spanish version of Oliver – Raney’s scale.Isabel Barrios & Juan-José Igartua - 2013 - Communications 38 (4):411-431.
    Three studies are presented to validate the Spanish version of Oliver and Raney’s eudaimonic and hedonic motivations scale. In Study 1, 132 university students watched a dramatic film, filling out the scales to evaluate motivations regarding cinema consumption and reception processes. Eudaimonic motivation was associated with deeper cognitive processes during the reception and stronger identification with the protagonist. Study 2 evaluated the test-retest reliability of the eudaimonic and hedonic motivations scale. In Study 3, statistically significant age differences were observed in (...)
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  21.  39
    COVID-19, Moral Conflict, Distress, and Dying Alone.Lisa K. Anderson-Shaw & Fred A. Zar - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):777-782.
    COVID-19 has truly affected most of the world over the past many months, perhaps more than any other event in recent history. In the wake of this pandemic are patients, family members, and various types of care providers, all of whom share different levels of moral distress. Moral conflict occurs in disputes when individuals or groups have differences over, or are unable to translate to each other, deeply held beliefs, knowledge, and values. Such conflicts can seriously affect healthcare providers and (...)
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    Toward a Process Philosophy for Digital Aesthetics.Timothy Barker - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (1):188-189.
    Digital media seem to be marked by process. The digital image itself is produced by software processes and the constant flux of code. Further this, interaction with digital systems involves a constant process by which a so-called 'user' comes into contact with various machinic occasions. It seems that in light of these processes it is impossible to maintain an aesthetic or media theory that pictures a self-contained and psychologised subject interacting with a static and inert object. How then can we (...)
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    Pathogens and Immigrants: A Critical Appraisal of the Behavioral Immune System as an Explanation of Prejudice Against Ethnic Outgroups.Isabel Kusche & Jessica L. Barker - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Reason and value.Isabel S. Stearns - 1952 - Philosophical Review 61 (1):3-13.
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    The grounds of knowledge.Isabel Stearns - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (3):359-375.
  26.  23
    Evaluation of the environmental and social sustainability policy of a mass tourism resort: A narrative account.Isabel Swart & André C. Horn - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Imaginative play and imagery learning.Isabel T. SzabÓ & Martin M. Shapiro - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (2):105-107.
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    Not by Bread Alone: Symbolic Loss, Trauma, and Recovery in Elephant Communities.Isabel Bradshaw - 2004 - Society and Animals 12 (2):143-158.
    Like many humans in the wake of genocide and war, most wildlife today has sustained trauma. High rates of mortality, habitat destruction, and social breakdown precipitated by human actions are unprecedented in history. Elephants are one of many species dramatically affected by violence. Although elephant communities have processes, rituals, and social structures for responding to trauma—grieving, mourning, and socialization—the scale, nature, and magnitude of human violence have disrupted their ability to use these practices. Absent the cultural, carrier groups who traditionally (...)
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  29. Marxism, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility.William H. Shaw - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):565-576.
    Originally delivered at a conference of Marxist philosophers in China, this article examines some links, and some tensions, between business ethics and the traditional concerns of Marxism. After discussing the emergence of business ethics as an academic discipline, it explores and attempts to answer two Marxist objections that might be brought against the enterprise of business ethics. The first is that business ethics is impossible because capitalism itself tends to produce greedy, overreaching, and unethical business behavior. The second is that (...)
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    The Influence of Consumers’ Cognitive and Psychographic Traits on Perceived Deception: A Comparison Between Online and Offline Retailing Contexts.Isabel P. Riquelme & Sergio Román - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):405-422.
    In this article, we examine the role of several consumers’ cognitive and psychographic traits in their perceptions of retailers’ deceptive practices and the different effects on perceived deception associated with online vis-à-vis in-store shopping. Building on theoretical models of persuasion in consumer behavior, we hypothesize that the antecedents of perceived deception in traditional settings are the same as those on the Internet, while the intensity of the impact of these antecedents differs between the online and the offline environment. Results suggest (...)
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  31.  59
    Creating human organs in chimaera pigs: an ethical source of immunocompatible organs?David Shaw, Wybo Dondorp, Niels Geijsen & Guido de Wert - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (12):970-974.
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    Unlearning in two directions.Isabel M. Birnbaum - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (1):61.
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  33. La compleja articulación del concepto de democracia radical en el contexto de la globalización.Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera - 2009 - Astrolabio 9:75-84.
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    Sociabilidade e direito no liberalismo nascente.Isabel de Assis Ribeiro de Oliveira - 2000 - Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política 50 (50).
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    Hacia una Epistemología Antropológica.Isabel Araya Olmos - 1997 - Cinta de Moebio 2.
    En este artículo, la autora parte del libro "Las enseñanzas de Don Juan: una forma yaqui de conocimiento", de Carlos Castaneda (1974), que forma parte de una trilogía que el autor escribió sobre la tradición y la sociedad de los brujos de México. Sin embargo, este texto puede ser leído por sí so.
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    Ortega y Gasset, J. (2002). El tema de nuestro tiempo. Madrid: Tecnos.Isabel Ruiz Pinto - 2014 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 10:177-180.
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    The Social Trackways Theory of the Evolution of Language.Kim Shaw-Williams - 2017 - Biological Theory 12 (4):195-210.
    The social trackways theory is centered on the remarkable 3.66 mya Laetoli Fossilized Trackways, for they incontrovertibly reveal our ancestors were already obligate bipeds with very human-like feet, and were intentionally stepping in other band members’ footprints to maintain safe footing. Trackways are unique among natural sign systems in possessing a depictive narratively generative structure, somewhat like the symbolic sign systems of gestural languages. Therefore, due to daily embodied reiteration of their own and other band member’s old footprints, both for (...)
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  38.  56
    Non-therapeutic (elective) ventilation of potential organ donors: the ethical basis for changing the law.A. B. Shaw - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (2):72-77.
    Non-therapeutic ventilation of potential organ donors would increase the supply of kidneys for transplantation. There are no major ethical objections to it. The means of permitting it are forbidden by laws with an ethical basis. A law permitting it would need an ethical basis. Introducing a third legal method of diagnosing death would be unethical. Expanding the power of the advance directive to permit procedures involving minimal harm would be ethical but not helpful. Extending the power of proxies to permit (...)
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  39. The Price Of The Pox In 1527 Johannes Sinapius And The Guaiac Cure.John Flood & David Shaw - 1992 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 54 (3):691-707.
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  40. Feedback systems : artwriting as critique?Isabel Mehl - 2020 - In Sami R. Khatib (ed.), Critique--the stakes of form. Zurich: Diaphanes.
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    Poéticas del diseño en las agendas de Cultura de la UNL.Isabel Molinas - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 1 (13):78-83.
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  42. Hume's Theory of Motivation.Daniel Shaw - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):163-183.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:163 HUME'S THEORY OF MOTIVATION In this paper I shall defend a Humean theory of motivation. But first I should like to examine some of the standard criticisms of this theory and some alternative views that are currently in favour. Both in the Treatise and the Enguiry Hume maintains that reason alone never motivates action but always requires the cooperation of some separate, and separately identifiable desire-factor in order (...)
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    Intuition and Moral Philosophy.William H. Shaw - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (2):127 - 134.
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  44.  46
    Poverty: absolute or relative?Beverley Shaw - 1988 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (1):27-36.
    ABSTRACT In recent decades poverty has been defined as a relative rather than absolute notion. Those in poverty have been seen as poor relative to a level of income, or social condition, accepted as average or normal for a society. Poverty has been redefined as ‘relative deprivation’. This paper argues, first, that the redefinition of poverty as relative to social norms is a radical departure from the traditional notion of poverty. Secondly, it considers whether such a redefinition gives support to (...)
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    Introduction.Isabel A. Phiri - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
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    Using non-human primates to benefit humans: research and organ transplantation.David Shaw, Wybo Dondorp & Guido de Wert - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):573-578.
    Emerging biotechnology may soon allow the creation of genetically human organs inside animals, with non-human primates and pigs being the best candidate species. This prospect raises the question of whether creating organs in primates in order to then transplant them into humans would be more acceptable than using them for research. In this paper, we examine the validity of the purported moral distinction between primates and other animals, and analyze the ethical acceptability of using primates to create organs for human (...)
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  47. The Comprehension of Counterfactual Conditionals: Evidence From Eye-Tracking in the Visual World Paradigm.Isabel Orenes, Juan A. García-Madruga, Isabel Gómez-Veiga, Orlando Espino & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  48.  33
    Back‐ and fore‐grounding ontology: exploring the linkages between critical realism, pragmatism, and methodologies in health & rehabilitation sciences.Ryan DeForge & Jay Shaw - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (1):83-95.
    DEFORGE R and SHAW J. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 83–95 Back‐ and fore‐grounding ontology: exploring the linkages between critical realism, pragmatism, and methodologies in health & rehabilitation sciencesAs two doctoral candidates in a health and rehabilitation sciences program, we describe in this paper our respective paradigmatic locations along a quite nonlinear ontological‐epistemological‐axiological‐methodological chain. In a turn‐taking fashion, we unpack the tenets of critical realism and pragmatism, and then trace the linkages from these paradigmatic locations through to the methodological choices (...)
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  49. In giving I connect with others.Isabel Allende - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    Understanding Luxury Fashion: From Emotions to Brand Building.Isabel Cantista & Teresa Sádaba (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Offering an original contribution to the field of luxury and fashion studies, this edited collection takes a philosophical perspective, addressing the idea that humans need luxury. From this framework it delves deep into two particular dimensions of luxury, emotions and society, and concludes with cases of brand building in order to illustrate the two dimensions at work. Comparative analysis between countries is brought together with an emphasis on China. Chapters address the ongoing growth in the market, as well as the (...)
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