Results for 'Isabelle Bouvier'

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  1.  39
    A Micro‐oriented Analysis of the Argentine Transition to Democracy in a Comparative Perspective.Isabelle Bouvier - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):42-47.
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    Fichte: réflexion et argumentation.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2004 - Vrin.
    Ce livre vise un triple objectif: presenter l'unite de la doctrine de Fichte, determiner la signification de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le tournant speculatif de l'idealisme allemand par rapport a la philosophie transcendantale de Kant, enfin montrer comment la philosophie de Fichte contribue a renouveler un debat contemporain, celui portant sur les arguments transcendantaux, auquel ont pris part Strawson, Hintikka, Rorty ou Apel. La comprehension de la philosophie de Fichte permettra de mettre en lumiere sa definition originale du transcendantal, (...)
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  3. The nature of music from a biological perspective.Isabelle Peretz - 2006 - Cognition 100 (1):1-32.
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    Dialog mit der Natur: neue Wege naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1986
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    The Invention of Modern Science (translation).Daniel W. Smith & Isabelle Stengers (eds.) - 2000 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    "The Invention of Modern Science proposes a fruitful way of going beyond the apparently irreconcilable positions, that science is either "objective" or "socially constructed." Instead, suggests Isabelle Stengers, one of the most important and influential philosophers of science in Europe, we might understand the tension between scientific objectivity and belief as a necessary part of science, central to the practices invented and reinvented by scientists."--pub. desc.
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    Liking for happy- and sad-sounding music: Effects of exposure.E. Glenn Schellenberg, Isabelle Peretz & Sandrine Vieillard - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (2):218-237.
    We examined liking for happy- and sad-sounding music as a function of exposure, which varied both in quantity (number of exposures) and in quality (focused or incidental listening). Liking ratings were higher for happy than for sad music after focused listening, but similar after incidental listening. In the incidental condition, liking ratings increased linearly as a function of exposure. In the focused condition, liking ratings were an inverted U-shaped function of exposure, with initial increases in liking (after 2 exposures) followed (...)
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    Vérité. Réalité. Universalité.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):457.
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    Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s trilogy: gender and writing between two worlds.Isabelle Lacoue-Labarthe & Alice Lacoue-Labarthe - 2020 - Clio 51:169-183.
    Cet article propose une lecture transdisciplinaire de l’œuvre de l’autrice turco-allemande Emine Sevgi Özdamar (née en 1946). Grâce à une approche à la fois historienne et littéraire de la trilogie Sonne auf halbem Weg : die Istanbul-Berlin Trilogie (Soleil à mi-chemin : la trilogie Istanbul-Berlin), nous cherchons à interroger le récit à la première personne d’un parcours migratoire au féminin qui échappe aux catégories littéraires traditionnelles, entre autobiographie, roman et témoignage. Plutôt que de définir de nouveaux critères de classification, cet (...)
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    Nelly Las, Le Féminisme face aux dilemmes juifs contemporains.Isabelle Lacoue Labarthe - 2016 - Clio 44:337-340.
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’un colloque sur « Le féminisme face aux dilemmes juifs contemporains » qui s’est tenu à Paris le 11 décembre 2011, avec le concours du Centre Communautaire de Paris. Il a accompagné la publication par Nelly Las de Voix juives dans le féminisme – Résonances françaises et anglo-américaines (Honoré Champion, 2011). Le projet de cette manifestation consistait à rassembler des personnalités (religieuses, universitaires et, plus largement, intellectuelles) venues de « sensib...
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    PrefacePréface.Chantel Lavoie & Isabelle Tremblay - 2018 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 37:v.
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    A Śaiva Interpretation of the Satkāryavāda: The Sāṃkhya Notion of Abhivyakti and Its Transformation in the Pratyabhijñā Treatise.Isabelle Ratié - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):127-172.
    It is a well-known fact that the Śaiva nondualistic philosopher Utpaladeva (fl. c. 925–975) adopted the Sāṃkhya principle according to which the effect must exist in some way before the operation of its cause (satkāryavāda). Johannes Bronkhorst has highlighted the paradox inherent in this appropriation: Utpaladeva is a staunch supporter of the satkāryavāda, but whereas Sāṃkhya authors consider it as a means of proving the existence of an unconscious matter, the Śaiva exploits it so as to establish his monistic idealism, (...)
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    De l’observation des enfants à l’analyse interactionnelle : contributions de la recherche à la formation continue des éducateurs et éducatrices de l’enfance.Marianne Zogmal & Isabelle Durand - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (2):108-122.
    This contribution presents an adult education workshop implemented in the field of early childhood education. One of the specificities of education and care practices lies in the competences of the professionals to give a central role to the detailed observation of situations, in order to adjust their modalities of action. How can such observational work be developed and transformed? A participatory research-training approach aims to support the co-construction of an analytical view on observable phenomena in the course of interactions. In (...)
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    Enraciné dans, mais pas limité par.Nana Adusei-Poku & Isabelle Montin - 2013 - Multitudes 53 (2):108.
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    L'amour de la justice de la Septante à Thomas d'Aquin.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (ed.) - 2017 - Pessac: Ausonius Publications.
    This volume contains twenty-two papers dedicated to ancient and medieval representations of justice, from the Septuagint to Thomas of Aquinas. It explores over a long historical period the evolution of various aspcts of this notion, understood as an individual virtue and as an ethical ideal, but also as a political value embodied in laws, rules, and institutions. In particular, it examines how early Christian authors, relying on biblical meanings of justice, have modified the conceptual framework and socio-political practices bound to (...)
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    La philosophie de Vladimir Jankélévitch: sources, sens, enjeux.Isabelle de Montmollin - 2000 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Aborder la philosophie de Jankélévitch d'une manière globale, selon ses sources, son sens et ses enjeux, tel est le propos de cet ouvrage - le premier de ce type. L'auteur l'a conçu dans la conscience d'un décalage, à combler, entre ce que l'on sait de cette philosophie et la nouveauté, l'audace, l'ouverture de ce qu'elle donne à entrevoir, pour peu qu'on prenne la peine de l'" écouter ". La parole jankélévitchienne est pourtant faite pour s'adresser à notre perplexité désenchantée, en (...)
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    Jean-Paul Sartre and Daniel séreno: Agnosco fratrem.Isabelle Grell-Feldbruegge - 2001 - Sartre Studies International 7 (2):58-75.
    This article is about the chief character of Sartre?s unfinished trilogy of novels known as Les chemins de la liberté—Daniel, Mathieu?s fellow-student at the École normale, Daniel the "archangel," Daniel the shamefaced pederast, Daniel the gaping wound, Daniel the strange hero, Daniel the recurrent figure in many of Sartre?s works. We do not intend to offer yet another explanation of this handsome young literature professor?s convoluted character to the explanations that already exist, nor to interpret yet again his detestation of (...)
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    Sarah Kofman: philosopher autrement.Ginette Michaud, Isabelle Ullern-Weité & Nicholas Cotton (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    "L’écriture philosophique de Sarah Kofman a eu pour enjeu « la vie comme texte ». De L’enfance de l’art (1970) à L’imposture de la beauté (1995, posthume), la philosophe a exploré cette question dans un geste de lecture audacieux par lequel elle confronte philosophes anciens (Empédocle, Héraclite, Platon), modernes (Descartes, Kant, Rousseau, Kierkegaard, Comte, Marx) et contemporains (Sartre, Blanchot, Derrida). Sarah Kofman convoquait aussi dans toutes ses analyses deux interlocuteurs privilégiés, Freud et Nietzsche. La littérature, l’idéologie, le féminin, le rire, (...)
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  18. De la fondation pour l’évaluation des techniques et pratiques médicales à la Haute Autorité de santé : l’évolution institutionnelle de l’évaluation des actes et des produits de santé.Isabelle Poirot Mazères - forthcoming - Médecine et Droit.
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  19. The call in the thought of Lévinas, Marion and Chrétien.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2011 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 4 (2).
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    Ideals-Based Accountability and Reputation in Select Family Firms.Isabelle Le Breton-Miller & Danny Miller - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):183-196.
    We develop a model of ideals-based accountability which we have witnessed at work in several long-thriving family businesses. The owners and managers of these firms eschew individualism and materiality in the pursuit of ethical ideals such as supporting democracy and bettering the human condition. Although accountability is to these ideals, not for outcomes such as profitability or even reputation, IBA has resulted in outstanding reputations for some firms. We characterize IBA according to its missions, leadership, culture, and stakeholder relationships. We (...)
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    (1 other version)Advertising and older consumers: Image and ageism.Marylyn Carrigan & Isabelle Szmigin - 2000 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 9 (1):42–50.
    Despite a growing population of older people, traditional prejudices against age continue to flourish in society. The media in particular are often guilty of ageism, persistently focusing upon the ‘youth market’, and advertisers are particular offenders. By ignoring older people, or using them as caricatures, the advertising industry not only violates its ethical responsibilities to this group within the community, but also overlooks the commercial opportunity presented by the new generation of older consumers. The article presents research into UK print (...)
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  22.  31
    Big Data in the workplace: Privacy Due Diligence as a human rights-based approach to employee privacy protection.Jeremias Adams-Prassl, Isabelle Wildhaber & Isabel Ebert - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Data-driven technologies have come to pervade almost every aspect of business life, extending to employee monitoring and algorithmic management. How can employee privacy be protected in the age of datafication? This article surveys the potential and shortcomings of a number of legal and technical solutions to show the advantages of human rights-based approaches in addressing corporate responsibility to respect privacy and strengthen human agency. Based on this notion, we develop a process-oriented model of Privacy Due Diligence to complement existing frameworks (...)
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  23. Order out of Chaos.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):352-354.
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    Lists as Research Technologies.Staffan Müller-Wille & Isabelle Charmantier - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):743-752.
    The Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus is famous for having turned botany into a systematic discipline, through his classification systems—most notably the sexual system—and his nomenclature. Throughout his life, Linnaeus experimented with various paper technologies designed to display information synoptically. The list took pride of place among these and is also the common element of more complex representations he produced, such as genera descriptions and his “natural system.” Taking clues from the anthropology of writing, this essay seeks to demonstrate that lists (...)
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    Politique spatiale et construction de l'état en Chine.Stéphanie Balme & Isabelle Sourbes-Verger - 2002 - Hermes 34:121.
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    Laurent Fedi, Kant, une passion française 1795-1940, Georg Olms Verlag, 2018, 690 p.Isabelle de Mecquenem - 2019 - Cahiers Philosophiques 1:107.
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  27. «La solidarité du mal»: Lire la Science de la morale aujourd'hui.Isabelle de Mecquenem - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 45:43-53.
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    Aux sources de la démocratie anglaise: de Thomas Hobbes à John Locke.Myriam-Isabelle Ducrocq - 2012 - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    Avec sa succession de bouleversements institutionnels, le dix-septième siècle anglais fut un fabuleux terrain d'expérimentation et de réflexion politique d'où surgirent les grandes théories modernes. A cette période, philosophes et acteurs engagés tentèrent de penser, avec une acuité particulière liée aux événements (guerres civiles, régicide, république, dictature), les tensions inhérentes au pouvoir, tout à la fois perçu comme contraignant, tyrannique et libérateur. Quatre d'entre eux ont été retenus : Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), le théoricien de l’absolutisme, James Harrington (1611-1677), le républicain (...)
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    Anger, passion, and sin: From ethics to aesthetics.Jacques Fontanille & Isabelle Klock-Fontanille - 1997 - Semiotica 117 (2-4):145-176.
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    Juste des images.Isabelle Veyrat-Masson - 1994 - Hermes 13:15.
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    Whitehead’s Account of the Sixth Day.Isabelle Stengers - 2010 - Process Studies 39 (2):377-378.
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    Entre le temps et l’éternité.Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers - 1988
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    Logical dual concepts based on mathematical morphology in stratified institutions: applications to spatial reasoning.Marc Aiguier & Isabelle Bloch - 2019 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 29 (4):392-429.
    Several logical operators are defined as dual pairs, in different types of logics. Such dual pairs of operators also occur in other algebraic theories, such as mathematical morphology. Based on this observation, this paper proposes to define, at the abstract level of institutions, a pair of abstract dual and logical operators as morphological erosion and dilation. Standard quantifiers and modalities are then derived from these two abstract logical operators. These operators are studied both on sets of states and sets of (...)
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  34. Use and Usefulness of Dynamic Face Stimuli for Face Perception Studies—a Review of Behavioral Findings and Methodology.Katharina Dobs, Isabelle Bülthoff & Johannes Schultz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Avec Marx, philosophie et politique.Alexis Cukier, Isabelle Garo, Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar, Jacques Bidet, Michael Löwy & Lucien Sève (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: La Dispute.
    Cet ouvrage donne la parole à cinq philosophes marxistes français de renommée internationale - Main Badiou, Étienne Balibar, Jacques Bidet, Michael Löwy, Lucien Sève - qui présentent l'évolution de leur rapport à Marx, à la philosophie et à la politique, depuis les années 1950 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Dans ces entretiens, chacun à son tour, les auteurs ont répondu aux questions posées par deux philosophes de générations différentes, Alexis Cukier et Isabelle Garo : comment avez-vous rencontré la pensée de Marx, et (...)
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    Dynamic Consent: a potential solution to some of the challenges of modern biomedical research.Isabelle Budin-Ljøsne, Harriet J. A. Teare, Jane Kaye, Stephan Beck, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Luciana Caenazzo, Clive Collett, Flavio D’Abramo, Heike Felzmann, Teresa Finlay, Muhammad Kassim Javaid, Erica Jones, Višnja Katić, Amy Simpson & Deborah Mascalzoni - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):4.
    BackgroundInnovations in technology have contributed to rapid changes in the way that modern biomedical research is carried out. Researchers are increasingly required to endorse adaptive and flexible approaches to accommodate these innovations and comply with ethical, legal and regulatory requirements. This paper explores how Dynamic Consent may provide solutions to address challenges encountered when researchers invite individuals to participate in research and follow them up over time in a continuously changing environment.MethodsAn interdisciplinary workshop jointly organised by the University of Oxford (...)
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  37.  49
    The Deceptions of Power: Psychoanalysis and Hypnosis.Isabelle Stengers & Roxanne Lapidus - 1990 - Substance 19 (2/3):81.
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    Bonus Systems as Tools for ‘Managing’ Managers – the Behavioural Effects of Performance-Based Financial Rewards.Isabelle Keßels - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):1-13.
    In traditional reward systems, managers’ key performance indicators must surpass an agreed target in order to achieve a financial bonus. This system is designed to motivate high performance; yet adverse behavioural effects are often observed. These include middle managers becoming incentivised to game the reward system and target negotiation process they are subject to. This paper discusses three approaches to preventing such undesirable behavioural effects: Firstly, a linear pay-for-performance system without a target floor for receiving a performance bonus. Secondly, a (...)
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    L’exigence de cohérence éthique chez Jonathan Glover.Isabelle Pariente-Butterlin - 2019 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 15.
    Si l’exigence de cohérence, entendue comme non-contradiction, semble traverser les domaines et être entendue aussi bien dans le champ théorique que dans la pratique, il n’en demeure pas moins que le passage de l’un à l’autre peut induire des distorsions sur lesquelles nous trouvons, dans la pensée pratique et appliquée de Jonathan Glover, des indications précieuses. Cela amène à reconsidérer le concept de décision au regard de celui de ligne de conduite et à interroger les liens qu’entretient la personnalité de (...)
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    The Contribution of the Stakeholder View to the Knowledge Creation Framework of Nonaka and Takeuchi.Sybille Sachs & Isabelle Kern - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:337-341.
    As knowledge creation quickly gains importance for globally active corporations, we attempt to combine the advantages of the Stakeholder View with those of the SECI model by Nonaka and Takeuchi. In order to support the mental processes of the stakeholders, we use so-called topic maps to transform implicit into explicit knowledge and to visualize it. The preliminary propositions are illustrated by the case study of Swiss Re.
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    Myth as a Basis for the Ideological Function of Science Fiction?Isabelle Périer - 2012 - Iris 33:119-130.
    This study explores how in science fiction’s novels myths are intimately linked to their ideological dimension and criticism. It begins with a mythocritical analysis that leads to a mythoanalysis in order to understand how those myths and the big issues of the accelerating technoscientific progress in the 20th and 21th centuries are linked. My approach is based on the restricted example of Dan Simmons’ science fiction novels: by studying the myths he rewrites, I will show that those myths are representing (...)
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    L'humain débordé dans le thé'tre postdramatique.Isabelle Barbéris - 2013 - Cités 55 (3):25.
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    Herman Parret, La voix et son temps.Isabelle Delcroix - 2003 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 101 (1):193-196.
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    O tema do “deus sem ciúme”: da aphthonia grega à non invidentia agostiniana.Isabelle Koch - 2001 - Discurso 32:49-70.
    Sabemos que a noção de criação não tem lugar nas antigas cosmologias. a não ser nos discursos míticos, como o Timeu de Platão. A despeito dessa ausência, os Padres da Igreja não hesitaram em procurar, nas cosmogêneses das filosofias gregas. conceitos adequados a ajudá-los a comentar o Gênesis e a lidar com a criação do mundo e dos seres que o habitam. A partir daí, ocorreu a retomada, às vezes surpreendente, de certos conceitos, cujo sentido foi então profundamente modificado, sob (...)
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    Sobre o conceito de voluntas em Agostinho.Isabelle Koch - 2010 - Discurso 40 (40):71-94.
    Sobre o conceito de voluntas em Agostinho.
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    Metaphysik als Supertranszendentalwissenschaft?Isabelle Mandrella - 2008 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 75 (1):161-193.
    In the history of metaphysics the position of John Duns Scotus is of major significance. Scotus argues that a univocal concept of being qua being serves as the subject of metaphysics. But the question remains whether this ought to be a concept of being which is so common that it even includes both real and mental being. Scotus himself opts for metaphysics as a real science by excluding the ens rationis from it. How did his pupils receive this doctrine? Do (...)
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  47. The Origins of Consciousness: a Look into the Foetus and the Pregnant Body in Being and Nothingness.Isabelle Mercier - 2001 - Gnosis 5 (1):1-15.
    Pregnancy and motherhood bring enormous change to one’s life. As a student of philosophy, I have struggled to find a place for myself, as a new mother, in academic life. Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness examines human consciousness -- it places human experience as the starting point of philosophical inquiry. This approaches the sort of place I think human experience should rest in philosophy. If I am to claim that motherhood is academically significant, surely, this examination must begin with an (...)
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    D'un ton guerrier en philosophie: Habermas, Derrida & Co by Pierre Bouretz (review).Isabelle Stengers - 2013 - Common Knowledge 19 (3):551-552.
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    Penser la vie : le problème a changé.Isabelle Stengers - 2007 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (3):323-335.
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    (1 other version)Natale Spineto, Dionysos a teatro. Il contesto festivo del dramma greco.Isabelle Tassignon - 2008 - Kernos 21:333-335.
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