Results for 'Izuru Fujiwara'

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  1.  38
    Quantum theory of state reduction and measurement.Izuru Fujiwara - 1972 - Foundations of Physics 2 (2-3):83-110.
    The central problem in the quantum theory of measurement, how to describe the process of state reduction in terms of the quantum mechanical formalism, is solved on the basis of the relativity of quantal states, which implies that once the apparatus is detected in a well-defined state, the object state must reduce to a corresponding one. This is a process termed by Schrödinger disentanglement. Here, it is essential to observe that Renninger's negative result does constitute an actual measurement process. From (...)
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  2. Fujiwara Seika, Hayashi Razan.Seika Fujiwara, Razan Hayashi, Ichirō Ishida & Osamu Kanaya (eds.) - 1975
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  3. Fujiwara Seika.Seika Fujiwara - 1979
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  4. Fujiwara Seika shü.Seika Fujiwara - 1978
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    Fujiwara Teika's Hundred-Poem Sequence of the Shōji Era, 1200Fujiwara Teika's Hundred-Poem Sequence of the Shoji Era, 1200.Richard Bowring, Fujiwara Teika & Robert H. Brower - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):208.
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  6. Nihon no kinsei to Rō-Sō shisō: Hayashi Razan no shisō o megutte.Izuru Ōno - 1997 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
  7.  40
    Prenex normal form theorems in semi-classical arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):1124-1153.
    Akama et al. [1] systematically studied an arithmetical hierarchy of the law of excluded middle and related principles in the context of first-order arithmetic. In that paper, they first provide a prenex normal form theorem as a justification of their semi-classical principles restricted to prenex formulas. However, there are some errors in their proof. In this paper, we provide a simple counterexample of their prenex normal form theorem [1, Theorem 2.7], then modify it in an appropriate way which still serves (...)
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    Interrelation between weak fragments of double negation shift and related principles.Makoto Fujiwara & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):991-1012.
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    König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem.Makoto Fujiwara - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (2):241-257.
    We provide a fine‐grained analysis on the relation between König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem in the context of constructive reverse mathematics. In particular, we show that double negated variants of König's lemma and weak König's lemma are equivalent to double negated variants of the general decidable fan theorem and the binary decidable fan theorem, respectively, over a nearly intuitionistic system containing a weak countable choice only. This implies that the general decidable fan theorem is not (...)
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  10.  25
    Conservation Theorems on Semi-Classical Arithmetic.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1469-1496.
    We systematically study conservation theorems on theories of semi-classical arithmetic, which lie in-between classical arithmetic $\mathsf {PA}$ and intuitionistic arithmetic $\mathsf {HA}$. Using a generalized negative translation, we first provide a structured proof of the fact that $\mathsf {PA}$ is $\Pi _{k+2}$ -conservative over $\mathsf {HA} + {\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ where ${\Sigma _k}\text {-}\mathrm {LEM}$ is the axiom scheme of the law-of-excluded-middle restricted to formulas in $\Sigma _k$. In addition, we show that this conservation theorem is optimal in the (...)
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  11.  41
    Some principles weaker than Markov’s principle.Makoto Fujiwara, Hajime Ishihara & Takako Nemoto - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7-8):861-870.
    We systematically study several principles and give a principle which is weaker than disjunctive Markov’s principle. We also show that the principle is underivable and strictly weaker than MP∨ in certain extensions of the system EL of elementary analysis.
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  12. Evaluating Interpersonal Synchrony: Wavelet Transform Toward an Unstructured Conversation.Ken Fujiwara & Ikuo Daibo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13.  33
    Equivalence of bar induction and bar recursion for continuous functions with continuous moduli.Makoto Fujiwara & Tatsuji Kawai - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (8):867-890.
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  14.  28
    Martial Arts “Kendo” and the Motivation Network During Attention Processing: An fMRI Study.Hironobu Fujiwara, Tsukasa Ueno, Sayaka Yoshimura, Kei Kobayashi, Takashi Miyagi, Naoya Oishi & Toshiya Murai - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  15.  26
    Refining the arithmetical hierarchy of classical principles.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (3):318-345.
    We refine the arithmetical hierarchy of various classical principles by finely investigating the derivability relations between these principles over Heyting arithmetic. We mainly investigate some restricted versions of the law of excluded middle, De Morgan's law, the double negation elimination, the collection principle and the constant domain axiom.
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  16.  20
    Decidable fan theorem and uniform continuity theorem with continuous moduli.Makoto Fujiwara & Tatsuji Kawai - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (1):116-130.
    The uniform continuity theorem states that every pointwise continuous real‐valued function on the unit interval is uniformly continuous. In constructive mathematics, is strictly stronger than the decidable fan theorem, but Loeb [17] has shown that the two principles become equivalent by encoding continuous real‐valued functions as type‐one functions. However, the precise relation between such type‐one functions and continuous real‐valued functions (usually described as type‐two objects) has been unknown. In this paper, we introduce an appropriate notion of continuity for a modulus (...)
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  17.  39
    On the strength of marriage theorems and uniformity.Makoto Fujiwara, Kojiro Higuchi & Takayuki Kihara - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (3):136-153.
    Kierstead showed that every computable marriage problem has a computable matching under the assumption of computable expanding Hall condition and computable local finiteness for boys and girls. The strength of the marriage theorem reaches or if computable expanding Hall condition or computable local finiteness for girls is weakened. In contrast, the provability of the marriage theorem is maintained in even if local finiteness for boys is completely removed. Using these conditions, we classify the strength of variants of marriage theorems in (...)
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  18.  23
    A temporalidade em “l’être et le néant”.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):563-585.
    RESUMO O presente artigo pretende restituir o exame ontofenomenológico da ipseidade e da temporalidade em “L’être et le néant” a partir de dois momentos, quais sejam: fenomenologia das três dimensões temporais e ontologia da temporalidade. Este duplo exame não poderá ser pensado sem uma definição prévia do para-si como ipse temporal que falta de... para..., isto é, como ser que, enquanto nada de ser, é uma falta de ser que busca, em vão, preenchê-la. A impossibilidade deste preenchimento, como buscaremos evidenciar, (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Non-clinical Internet Use in the Motivation Network and Its Modulation by Subclinical Autistic Traits.Hironobu Fujiwara, Sayaka Yoshimura, Kei Kobayashi, Tsukasa Ueno, Naoya Oishi & Toshiya Murai - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  20.  20
    Baudelaire: prolegômenos a toda biografia existencial sartreana futura.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):233-259.
    Neste artigo pretendemos analisar a maneia pela qual o filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre modaliza, a partir da psicanálise existencial elaborada em L’être et le néant, sua biografia existencial sobre o poeta Charles Baudelaire. Em Baudelaire, seremos capazes de localizar os prolegômenos a toda biografia existencial sartreana futura, isto é, o modus operandi de investigação/escrita biográfica de Sartre.
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  21.  47
    Extended Frames and Separations of Logical Principles.Makoto Fujiwara, Hajime Ishihara, Takako Nemoto, Nobu-Yuki Suzuki & Keita Yokoyama - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):311-353.
    We aim at developing a systematic method of separating omniscience principles by constructing Kripke models for intuitionistic predicate logic $\mathbf {IQC}$ and first-order arithmetic $\mathbf {HA}$ from a Kripke model for intuitionistic propositional logic $\mathbf {IPC}$. To this end, we introduce the notion of an extended frame, and show that each IPC-Kripke model generates an extended frame. By using the extended frame generated by an IPC-Kripke model, we give a separation theorem of a schema from a set of schemata in (...)
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  22.  76
    Association between facial expression and PTSD symptoms among young children exposed to the Great East Japan Earthquake: a pilot study.Takeo Fujiwara, Rie Mizuki, Takahiro Miki & Claude Chemtob - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  23. Forging a link between cognitive and emotional repression.Fujiwara Esther & Kinsbourne Marcel - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):519-520.
    Erdelyi distinguishes between cognitive and emotional forms of repression, but argues that they use the same general mechanism. His discussion of experimental memory findings, on the one hand, and clinical examples, on the other, does indeed indicate considerable overlap. As an in-between level of evidence, research findings on emotion in neuroscience, as well as experimental and social/personality psychology, further support his argument.
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  24.  16
    Prenex normalization and the hierarchical classification of formulas.Makoto Fujiwara & Taishi Kurahashi - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):391-403.
    Akama et al. [1] introduced a hierarchical classification of first-order formulas for a hierarchical prenex normal form theorem in semi-classical arithmetic. In this paper, we give a justification for the hierarchical classification in a general context of first-order theories. To this end, we first formalize the standard transformation procedure for prenex normalization. Then we show that the classes $$\textrm{E}_k$$ and $$\textrm{U}_k$$ introduced in [1] are exactly the classes induced by $$\Sigma _k$$ and $$\Pi _k$$ respectively via the transformation procedure in (...)
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  25.  36
    $$\Delta ^0_1$$ variants of the law of excluded middle and related principles.Makoto Fujiwara - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (7):1113-1127.
    We systematically study the interrelations between all possible variations of \(\Delta ^0_1\) variants of the law of excluded middle and related principles in the context of intuitionistic arithmetic and analysis.
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  26.  17
    A dialetização da vida psíquica: Sartre e sua concepção dialética do vivido (vécu).Gustavo Fujiwara - 2023 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 30:69-82.
    O presente artigo perscruta o modo dialético pelo qual Sartre, desde os anos 1960, aclimata a vida psíquica e o vivido. Para esta lida, realizaremos uma incursão investigativa sustentada por um conjunto de escritos sartreanos deste período, dando especial enfoque sobretudo ao ensaio Questões de método (1957) e à conferência que nosso autor profere em 1961, e cujo título, Marxismo e subjetividade, é revelador da sua tentativa de conciliar o existencialismo e o materialismo histórico à luz de uma dialética existencial. (...)
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  27.  32
    Fujiwara Teika's Superior Poems of Our Time.Edwin A. Cranston, Robert H. Brower, Earl Miner & Fujiwara Teika - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):377.
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  28.  17
    A crítica do solipsismo em L’être et le néant.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (1).
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  29.  21
    Autobiographical disorders.Esther Fujiwara & Hans J. Markowitsch - 2005 - In Todd E. Feinberg & Julian Paul Keenan, The Lost Self:Pathologies of the Brain and Identity: Pathologies of the Brain and Identity. Oxford University Press.
  30.  39
    Anti-humanismo e humanismo: Descartes sob a mira de Heidegger e Sartre/ Anti-humanism and humanism: Descartes under de target of Heidegger and Sartre.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (2).
    Este artigo pretende restituir a leitura que Heidegger e Sartre realizam da filosofia de Descartes, desvelando, a partir disso, as diferentes posições interpretativas que ambos os filósofos tomam em relação ao pensamento cartesiano. Observar-se-á que o tratamento dado por Heidegger à metafísica cartesiana explicita um anti-humanismo contrário ao humanismo sartreano. A partir dessa diferença, seremos capazes de assinalar um distanciamento teórico entre Heidegger e Sartre, distanciamento que poderá revelar, por conseguinte, a maneira peculiar pela qual Sartre opera com os conceitos (...)
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  31.  9
    Comentário a “Outros Inconscientes: Desconstruindo a Translucidez da Consciência Sartriana”.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (4):217-224.
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    Characterising Brouwer’s continuity by bar recursion on moduli of continuity.Makoto Fujiwara & Tatsuji Kawai - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (1):241-263.
    We identify bar recursion on moduli of continuity as a fundamental notion of constructive mathematics. We show that continuous functions from the Baire space \ to the natural numbers \ which have moduli of continuity with bar recursors are exactly those functions induced by Brouwer operations. The connection between Brouwer operations and bar induction allows us to formulate several continuity principles on the Baire space stated in terms of bar recursion on continuous moduli which naturally characterise some variants of bar (...)
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  33.  40
    Classical provability of uniform versions and intuitionistic provability.Makoto Fujiwara & Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2015 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 61 (3):132-150.
    Along the line of Hirst‐Mummert and Dorais, we analyze the relationship between the classical provability of uniform versions Uni(S) of Π2‐statements S with respect to higher order reverse mathematics and the intuitionistic provability of S. Our main theorem states that (in particular) for every Π2‐statement S of some syntactical form, if its uniform version derives the uniform variant of over a classical system of arithmetic in all finite types with weak extensionality, then S is not provable in strong semi‐intuitionistic systems (...)
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  34.  7
    Daigaku no sekinin to seijigaku no sekinin to.Yasunobu Fujiwara - 1987 - Tōkyō: Kōjinsha.
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  35.  7
    From country to nation: ethnographic studies, kokugaku, and spirits in nineteenth-century Japan.Gideon Fujiwara - 2021 - Ithaca [New York]: Cornell University Press.
    This book tracks the emergence of the modern Japanese nation in the nineteenth century through the history of some of its local aspirants. It explores how kokugaku (Japan studies) scholars envisioned their place within Japan and the globe, while living in a castle town and domain far north of the political capital.
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  36.  25
    Fenomenologia e psicopatologia em Sartre: "irreal normal" e "irreal patológico".Gustavo Fujiwara - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (1):179-200.
    Resumo: Este artigo pretende investigar a maneira pela qual o filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre enquadra, em sua psicologia fenomenológica da imaginação, a problemática acerca do irreal normal e do irreal patológico. Estruturando psicofenomenologicamente a atividade da consciência imaginante, será possível ver que a imagem difere radicalmente da percepção, mas ambas permanecem, contudo, consciência intencional. Nessa toada, cabe a indagação: se toda consciência imaginante é consciência intencional, como enquadrar as experiências alucinatórias?: The aim of the present article is to investigate how (...)
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  37. Gendaijin no keisei.Sadamu Fujiwara - 1948
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    Global phenomenologies of religion: an oral history in interviews.Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjel & Steven Engler (eds.) - 2021 - Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
    This volume investigates how the phenomenology of religion was accepted and developed in different national contexts. It consists of interviews with senior scholars, who are experts on the development of the phenomenology of religion in their countries, along with commentary and analysis.
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  39.  22
    Gravimetric study of growth kinetics of bismuth thin films grown by vapour deposition.S. Fujiwara & H. Terajima - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (4):853-864.
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  40.  45
    Is the light velocity in vacuum really a constant? Possible breakdown of the linear ω-k relation at extremely high frequencies.Kunio Fujiwara - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (3-4):309-331.
    We investigate the novel problem of what happens in special relativity and in relativistic field theories whenthree-dimensional space is quantized. First we examine the equation for elastic waves on a linear chain, the simplest example of a quantized medium, and propose, on its analogy, a nonlinearp-k relationp=ħk(sinhkl)/kl for light and material waves. Here,kl is a new variable which represents the space-quantization effect on the plane wave of wave numberk=|k|. (Note thatkl=0 givesp=ħk.) This relation makes the light velocity in vacuum dependent (...)
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  41. Kindai Chūgoku shisō.Sadamu Fujiwara - 1948
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  42. Kindai seiji tetsugaku no keisei.Yasunobu Fujiwara - 1974
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  43. Meteorological Research Institute, Tokyo.Miyuki Fujiwara - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 45--265.
  44. Nihon kinsei shisō no kenkyū.Noboru Fujiwara - 1971 - Horitsu Bunkasha.
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  45.  4
    Ningen o aisanai kuni: Nihon no mondai e no shinriteki, seishinteki apurōchi.Tsuneo Fujiwara - 1997 - Ōsaka-shi: Shinpū Shobō.
  46.  26
    O fundamento do conhecimento em L’être et le néant.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):856-877.
    Pretendemos analisar neste artigo o fundamento ontofenomenológico do conhecimento em L’être et le néant. Como veremos, o conhecimento será concebido a partir de uma negação de tipo interna definida como relação ontológica fundamental entre ser-para-si e ser-em-si. Todavia, caso almejemos compreender o estatuto profundo de uma tal relação, teremos que escrutinar as definições sartreanas de ser do fenômeno e fenômeno de ser, ser transfenomenal, ser-em-si, ser-para-si e estrutura reflexo-refletidora do cogito. Recuperando tais definições, mostraremos que a identidade do ser do (...)
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  47.  17
    Região fenomenológica & esfera psíquica em Sartre: esboço para uma genealogia do mágico.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 11 (1):45-66.
    Este artigo visa analisar a categoria do mágico em duas obras fenomenológicas do filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre, quais sejam: La transcendance de l’Ego e Esquisse d’une théorie des émotions. Em ambos os textos, o expediente do mágico é recorrente e assinala, por sua vez, uma certa experiência da consciência que poderíamos nomear como anti-fenomenológica. Ademais, este registro do mágico constitui para Sartre um modo, digamos, privilegiado no que tange à análise da ininteligibilidade da relação da consciência com o mundo, com (...)
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  48.  10
    Sartre e a práxis-projeto: apontamentos críticos.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):196-218.
    O presente artigo objetiva uma análise crítica da aproximação de Sartre com o marxismo. Para tanto, são analisados alguns conceitos fundamentais de Questions de Méthode (1957). Como buscaremos evidencia aqui, o filósofo, apesar de incorporar o social em suas análises, parece insistir em um subjetivismo que traz consequências paradoxais para esta sua nova fase filosófica.
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  49.  16
    Saint Genet ou “l’enfer, c’est les Adultes”: algumas considerações.Gustavo Fujiwara - 2019 - Discurso 49 (2).
    Este artigo pretende elucidar alguns aspectos da biografia existencial de Sartre sobre o poeta e romancista Jean Genet. Elucidando a estrutura da obra, veremos que a presente biografia faz emergir o sentido e o peso do social nas análises sartreanas acerca da liberdade.
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    20-Seiki No Seiji Riron.Yasunobu Fujiwara - 1991 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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