Results for 'JE MacKinnon'

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  1. Aesthetic supervenience: For and against.JE MacKinnon - 2001 - British Journal of Aesthetics 41 (1):59-75.
  2. Perspectives féministes en éthique des relations internationales.Ryoa Chung - 2008 - Les Ateliers de L’Ethique 3 (2):104-117.
    Dans le cadre de cet article, je veux démontrer la nécessité de développer et d’incorporer les perspectives féministes dans le champ de l’éthique des relations internationales à travers l’examen des contributions respectives de J. A. Tickner, C. MacKinnon, S. Ruddick et M. Nussbaum. Mon hypothèse générale consiste à arguer que la force critique des perspectives féministes en théorie politique représente non seulement une ouverture épistémologique incontournable, mais que celles-ci ouvrent la voie à des méthodes d’investigation et de conceptualisation que (...)
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    The Philosophical frontiers of Christian theology: essays presented to D.M. MacKinnon.Donald MacKenzie MacKinnon, Brian Hebblethwaite & Stewart R. Sutherland (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This distinguished collection of essays has been produced to honour Donald McKinnon, who retired from the Norris-Hulse Professorship of Divinity in the ...
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    (1 other version)The Logical Analysis of Quantum Mechanics.Edward MacKinnon - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):352-358.
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    Explorations in Theology: DONALD M. MACKINNON.Donald M. Mackinnon - 1981 - Religious Studies 17 (4):571-574.
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    Jes Bjarup: Natural Law, Practical Reason and Autonomous Persons – A Critical Review of Neil MacCormick: Practical Reason in Law and Morality. (Rezensionsabhandlung).Jes Bjarup - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (3):428-439.
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    The Open and Closed Mind: Investigations into the Nature of Belief Systems and Personality Systems.William J. MacKinnon - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (3):324-327.
  8.  41
    How Important Is Consent for Controlled Clinical Trials?Barbara MacKinnon - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (2):221.
    The Nuremberg Code of ethical principles for experiments involving human beings has as its first requirement that “the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” Since the time of the trials that supplied its motivation the principles have been amplified and detail and distinctions have been added. For example, the Declaration of Helsinki, adopted by the World Medical Association in 1964, again laid down general principles related to voluntariness, balance of risk and benefit, and scientific soundness. However, it (...)
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  9. Behaviorism and metaphysics.Flora I. MacKinnon - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (13):353-356.
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  10. Generating ontology: From quantum mechanics to quantum field theory.Edward MacKinnon - manuscript
    Philosophical interpretations of theories generally presuppose that a theory can be presented as a consistent mathematical formulation that is interpreted through models. Algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) can fit this interpretative model. However, standard Lagrangian quantum field theory (LQFT), as well as quantum electrodynamics and nuclear physics, resists recasting along such formal lines. The difference has a distinct bearing on ontological issues. AQFT does not treat particle interactions or the standard model. This paper develops a framework and methodology for interpreting (...)
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  11. Symposium: Verifiability.D. M. MacKinnon, F. Waismann & W. C. Kneale - 1945 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 19 (1):101 - 164.
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    God, sex and war.Donald MacKenzie MacKinnon (ed.) - 1965 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
    Ethical problems of nuclear warfare, by D. M. MacKinnon.-Ethical problems of sex, by H. Root.-Personal relations before marriage, by H. Montefiore.-Conduct and faith, by J. Burnaby.
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    The Philosophy of Niels Bohr: The Framework of Complementarity. Henry J. Folse.Edward MacKinnon - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (3):458-459.
  14.  48
    Self, identity, and social institutions.Neil Joseph MacKinnon - 2010 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by David R. Heise.
    Introduction -- Cultural theories of people -- Identities in standard English -- Language and social institutions -- The cultural self -- The self's identities -- Theories of identities and selves -- Theories of norms and institutions -- Social reality and human subjectivity.
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  15. American Philosophy: A Historical Anthology.ed Barbara Mackinnon - 1985
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    Narrative Rhyme and the Good Life.John E. MacKinnon - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (1):1-29.
    "Quite otherwise than the scientist, and far more than the historian," writes R. G. Collingwood, "the philosopher must go to school with the poets in order to learn the use of language, and must use it in their way: as a means of exploring one's own mind, and bringing to light what is obscure and doubtful in it." Whereas the poet "yields himself to every suggestion that his language makes," however, the philosopher's words are assembled "only to reveal the thought (...)
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    Practical Ethics.K. A. B. Mackinnon - 1991 - Philosophical Books 32 (4):218-219.
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    `The concept of mind'.D. M. MacKinnon - 1951 - Philosophical Quarterly 1 (3):248-253.
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    The doctrine of measure in the philebus.Flora I. Mackinnon - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (2):144-153.
  20. The longevity of the thesis: A critique of the critics.Malcolm H. MacKinnon - 1993 - In Hartmut Lehmann & Guenther Roth (eds.), Weber's Protestant ethic: origins, evidence, contexts. New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press. pp. 211--243.
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    The Development of Kant's Conception of Scientific Explanation.Edward MacKinnon - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:18 - 30.
    In the course of his long development, Kant's concept of matter changed somewhat, while his concept of scientific explanation changed considerably. Both developments achieved a coherent integration in Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. Using this developmental background, the present paper argues that the Foundations should be interpreted as an attempted rational reconstruction of the mechanics of Newton and Euler. Kant attempted to do this by constructing a concept of matter that would confer a Leibnizian intelligibility on Newtonian mechanics, and (...)
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  22. The truth of scientific claims.Edward MacKinnon - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (3):437-462.
    The idea that science aspires to and routinely achieves truths about the world has been challenged in recent writings. Rather than beginning with a theory of scientific development, or of scientific explanation, we begin with a consideration of truth claims in ordinary discourse, particularly with Davidson's truth-functional semantics. Next we consider the way in which some framework features of ordinary language discourse are extended to and modified in scientific discourse. Two areas are treated in more detail: quantum theory, and the (...)
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    Evil and the Vulnerability of God.Donald Mackinnon - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (239):102.
    This paper defends freya mora's attempt ("philosophy", Volume 58, Number 225) to alleviate the problem of evil--Arguing that happiness requires love, Whose object must be perishable--Against susan lowe's criticism (volume 60, Number 232) that this makes it impossible to love god, A price theists might find too high. Mora's argument can be salvaged by substituting for 'perishable', Words (like 'vulnerable') that are applicable to an omnipotent and eternal being, But still fit her analysis of love.
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    Ethical Issues in Field Primatology.Katherine C. MacKinnon & Erin P. Riley - 2013 - In Jeremy MacClancy & Agustin Fuentes (eds.), Ethics in the field: contemporary challenges. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 7--98.
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    Maternal Attachment Style, Interpersonal Trauma History, and Childbirth-Related Post-traumatic Stress.Anna L. MacKinnon, Sarah Houazene, Stephanie Robins, Nancy Feeley & Phyllis Zelkowitz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On not Harming: Two traditions.Barbara MacKinnon - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (3):313-328.
    While ancient in origin, the principle, "Do No Harm," continues to occupy a prominent place in many present-day medical ethics codes. Of all the versions of the principle two distinct varieties can be distinguished. These parallel two ethical traditions. This paper develops the contrast between the two versions, relates them to the two ongoing ethical traditions, and then uses insights from contemporary ethical theory to demonstrate the significance of one of the versions. Finally it suggests some contemporary applications for a (...)
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    The logical implications of the word "this".Flora I. MacKinnon - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (7):181-184.
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    The Moral Basis of Burke’s Political Thought.D. M. Mackinnon - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (35):183-184.
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  29. Crime, Compassion, and The Reader.John E. MacKinnon - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 1-20 [Access article in PDF] Crime, Compassion, and The Reader John E. MacKinnon IN "WRITING AFTER AUSCHWITZ," Günter Grass describes how at the age of seventeen he stubbornly refused to believe the evidence arrayed before him and his classmates of Nazi atrocities, the photographs showing piles of eyeglasses, shoes, hair, and bones. "Germans never could have done, never did do a thing like (...)
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    Equality of opportunity as fair and open competition.Donald Mackinnon - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 20 (1):69–72.
    Donald Mackinnon; Equality of Opportunity as Fair and Open Competition, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 20, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 69–71, https.
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    The problem of scientific realism.Edward A. MacKinnon - 1972 - New York,: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
    Aristotele. Science as a systematic explanation through causes.--Newton, I. Rules and reflections on scientific reasoning.--Carnap, R. Empiricism, semantics, and ontology.--Hempel, C. On the logic of explanation.--Nagel, E. The realist view of theories.--Quine, W. V. On the role of logic in explanation.--Harris, E. E. Method and explanation in metaphysics.--Einstein, A. Remarks on Bertrand Russell's theory of knowledge.--Sellars, W. The language of theories.--MacKinnon, E. Atomic physics and reality.--Bunge, M. Physics and reality.--Heelan, P. A. Quantum mechanics and objectivity.--Bibliographical essay (p. 285-301).
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    We cannot staff for ‘what ifs’: the social organization of rural nurses’ safeguarding work.Karen MacKinnon - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (3):259-269.
    MACKINNON K. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 259–269 We cannot staff for ‘what ifs’: the social organization of rural nurses’ safeguarding workRural nurses play an important role in the provision of maternity care for Canadian women. This care is an important part of how rural nurses safeguard the patients who receive care in small rural hospitals. This study utilized institutional ethnography as an approach for describing rural nursing work and for exploring how nurses’ work experiences are socially organized. Rural nurses (...)
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    A Commentary on Mark Holmes' The Reformation of Canada's Schools.David MacKinnon - 2000 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 13 (1):55-59.
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    Does Faith Create Its Own Objects?Donald M. Mackinnon - 1990 - Religious Studies 26 (4):439 - 451.
    The claim that faith is creative of its objects resides primarily in the conviction that the richness of the life of faith demands that it shall be subject only to its own laws. Its very diversity of expression is indication that it should not be fettered or confined by a restrictive model that outlaws the marvellously unexpected quality of its explorations. Yet that metaphor itself suggests caution; for exploration is necessarily of a territory that the explorer does not bring into (...)
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    From cold axles to hot: Boris pasternak's theory of art.John Edward MacKinnon - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (2):145-161.
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    The True Believer; Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.William J. MacKinnon - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (4):376-378.
  37. Schwinger and the ontology of quantum field theory.Edward MacKinnon - 2007 - Foundations of Science 12 (4):295-323.
    An epistemological interpretation of quantum mechanics hinges on the claim that the distinctive features of quantum mechanics can be derived from some distinctive features of an observational basis. Old and new variations of this theme are listed. The program has a limited success in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The crucial issue is how far it can be extended to quantum field theory without introducing significant ontological postulates. A C*-formulation covers algebraic quantum field theory, but not the standard model. Julian Schwinger’s anabatic (...)
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  38. Warren Zevon and Philosophy: Beyond Reptile Wisdom.John MacKinnon (ed.) - 2023 - Peru, IL: Carus Books.
    Since his death in 2003 at the age of fifty-six, Warren Zevon’s following has grown, and seven books on Zevon have appeared in the last few years, with more in the works. The Zevon legend continues to attract attention both because of the outstanding quality of his best songs and because of the poignant trajectory of his life. Zevon’s descent into alcoholism and other addictions, along with his debauchery and erratic behaviour, took its toll and his performances suffered, an aspect (...)
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  39. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State.Catharine A. MacKinnon - 1989 - Law and Philosophy 10 (4):447-452.
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  40. (1 other version)Ethics: theory and contemporary issues.Barbara MacKinnon - 2000 - Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Edited by Andrew Fiala.
    Closely examine the major areas of ethical theory as well as a broad range of contemporary moral debates using MacKinnon's acclaimed ETHICS: THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES, Sixth Edition. Recognized for its breadth of coverage, this book provides a superbly balanced introduction that effectively integrates ethical theory with today's most relevant moral issues. Illuminating overviews and a selection of readings from both traditional and contemporary sources make even complex philosophical concepts reader friendly. Comprehensive, clear-sighted introductions to general and specific areas (...)
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    Theoretical Entities and Metatheories.Edward Mackinnon - 1972 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 3 (2):105.
    This paper argues that existence claims for theoretical entities must be based on more than their role in one theory. The supplementary evidence should be either observation, whether direct or indirect, or the possibility of detaching the existence claim from one particular theory. A logical schematism for the latter type of support is developed.
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    Scruton, Sibley, and supervenience.John E. Mackinnon - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58 (4):383-392.
  43. Toward feminist jurisprudence.Catharine A. MacKinnon - 1994 - In Alison M. Jaggar (ed.), Living with contradictions: controversies in feminist social ethics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 34.
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    Mystery and Philosophy.D. M. Mackinnon - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (36):283-285.
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    Critical care for the early web: ethical digital methods for archived youth data.Katie Mackinnon - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (3):349-361.
    This paper aims to provide a brief overview of the ethical challenges facing researchers engaging with web archival materials and demonstrates a framework and method for conducting research with historical web data created by young people.,This paper’s methodology is informed by the conceptual framing of data materials in research on the “right to be forgotten” (Crossen-White, 2015; GDPR, 2018; Tsesis, 2014), data afterlives (Agostinho, 2019; Stevenson and Gehl, 2019; Sutherland, 2017), indigenous data sovereignty and governance (Wemigwans, 2018) and feminist ethics (...)
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    Curiously, Fetishism Can Be Fun.Kenneth MacKinnon - 2001 - Film-Philosophy 5 (1).
    Laura Mulvey _Fetishism and Curiosity_ London: British Film Institute, 1996 ISBN: 0-85170-5480 hbk, 0-85170-5472 pbk xv + 175 pp.
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    Eugene D. Mayers 1915-2007.Edward MacKinnon - 2007 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 81 (2):175 -.
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    Explaining electron diffraction—De Broglie or Schrödinger?L. Mackinnon - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (11-12):907-912.
    It is shown that the fact that an electron diffraction or interference pattern is not dependent on observer movement may be explained by de Broglie's phase waves, but cannot be explained by Schrödinger waves.
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    Epistemological Problems in the Philosophy of Science, II.Edward MacKinnon - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):329 - 358.
    This article completes the study begun in I by a detailed consideration of errol harris's, "the foundations of metaphysics in science" and by an independent interpretation of the epistemological foundations of scientific theories. This is done in terms of two components labelled 'a physical language' and 'a mathematical language'. A physical language is conceived as a transformed extension of ordinary language which preserves its basic structural principles while modifying its descriptive metaphysics. The relation between such a physical language and a (...)
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    God in the Philosophy of W.E. Hocking.Barbara MacKinnon - 1973 - International Philosophical Quarterly 13 (4):507-522.
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