Results for 'Jack Poggi'

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  1.  17
    Theater in America: The Impact of Economic Forces, 1870-1967.Thomas H. Guback & Jack Poggi - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (2):166.
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  2. Perception and Basic Beliefs: Zombies, Modules and the Problem of the External World.Jack C. Lyons - 2009 - New York, US: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jack Lyons.
    This book offers solutions to two persistent and I believe closely related problems in epistemology. The first problem is that of drawing a principled distinction between perception and inference: what is the difference between seeing that something is the case and merely believing it on the basis of what we do see? The second problem is that of specifying which beliefs are epistemologically basic (i.e., directly, or noninferentially, justified) and which are not. I argue that what makes a belief a (...)
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  3. Every analytic set is Ramsey.Jack Silver - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):60-64.
  4.  71
    Phenomenology, Naturalism and Science: A Hybrid and Heretical Proposal.Jack Reynolds - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    In _Phenomenology, Naturalism and Empirical Science_, Jack Reynolds takes the controversial position that phenomenology and naturalism are compatible, and develops a hybrid account of phenomenology and empirical science. Though phenomenology and naturalism are typically understood as philosophically opposed to one another, Reynolds argues that this resistance is based on an understanding of transcendental phenomenology that is ultimately untenable and in need of updating. Phenomenology, as Reynolds reorients it, is compatible with liberal naturalism, as well as with weak forms of (...)
  5. Ontological butchery: Organism concepts and biological generalizations.Jack A. Wilson - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):311.
    Biology lacks a central organism concept that unambiguously marks the distinction between organism and non-organism because the most important questions about organisms do not depend on this concept. I argue that the two main ways to discover useful biological generalizations about multicellular organization--the study of homology within multicellular lineages and of convergent evolution across lineages in which multicellularity has been independently established--do not require what would have to be a stipulative sharpening of an organism concept.
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  6. A two-dimensional passage model of time for time travel.Jack W. Meiland - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 26 (3-4):153 - 173.
  7.  34
    Civic education.Jack Crittenden - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  8.  35
    Environmental Valuation: Some Problems of Wrong Questions and Misleading Answers.Jack L. Knetsch - 1994 - Environmental Values 3 (4):351-368.
    Contingent valuation of people's willingness to pay has rapidly become the method of choice to value all manner of environmental damages. The correct measure is, however, the sum people require to compensate them for such losses, an amount which will normally be far larger than their willingness to pay. And on present evidence, responses to contingent valuation questions are not likely to represent any measure of economic values. The results of these valuation practices will, therefore, bias environmental policies and distort (...)
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    The accidental altruist.Jack Wilson - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (1):71-91.
    Operational definitions of biological altruism in terms of actual fitness exchanges will not work because they include accidental acts as altruistic and exclude altruistic acts that have gone awry. I argue that the definition of biological altruism should contain an analogue of the role intention plays in psychological altruism. I consider two possibilities for this analogue, selected effect functions and the proximate causes and effects of behavior. I argue that the selected-effect function account will not work because it confuses the (...)
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  10.  51
    A Major Contribution to Song of Songs ScholarshipThe Song of Songs and the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs.Jack M. Sasson & Michael V. Fox - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):733.
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    Hap-Pelištīm we-Tarbūtam ha-Hōmerīt [The Philistines and Their Material Culture]Hap-Pelistim we-Tarbutam ha-Homerit [The Philistines and Their Material Culture].Jack M. Sasson & Trude Dothan - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):170.
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  12. Jonah: A New Translation with Introduction, Commentary, and Interpretation.Jack M. Sasson - 1990
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    The First Merchant Venturers: The Ancient Levant in History and Commerce.Jack M. Sasson & William Culican - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):538.
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    Travels in the World of the Old Testament: Studies Presented to Professor M. A. Beek on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.Jack M. Sasson, M. S. H. G. Heerma van Voss, Ph H. J. Houwink Ten Cate & N. A. van Uchelen - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):317.
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    Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Alten Vorderasien.Jack M. Sasson, J. Harmatta, G. Komoróczy & G. Komoroczy - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):316.
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    Adam Smith's Pluralism: Rationality, Education, and the Moral Sentiments.Jack Russell Weinstein - 2013 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In this thought-provoking study, Jack Russell Weinstein suggests the foundations of liberalism can be found in the writings of Adam Smith, a pioneer of modern economic theory and a major figure in the Scottish Enlightenment. While offering an interpretive methodology for approaching Smith’s two major works, _The Theory of Moral Sentiments _and _The Wealth of Nations_, Weinstein argues against the libertarian interpretation of Smith, emphasizing his philosophies of education and rationality. Weinstein also demonstrates that Smith should be recognized for (...)
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  17.  67
    Ultimate and proximate explanations of strong reciprocity.Jack Vromen - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (3):25.
    Strong reciprocity has recently been subject to heated debate. In this debate, the “West camp” :231–262, 2011), which is critical of the case for SR, and the “Laland camp” :1512–1516, 2011, Biol Philos 28:719–745, 2013), which is sympathetic to the case of SR, seem to take diametrically opposed positions. The West camp criticizes advocates of SR for conflating proximate and ultimate causation. SR is said to be a proximate mechanism that is put forward by its advocates as an ultimate explanation (...)
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  18.  46
    The nature of intention.Jack W. Meiland - 1970 - London,: Methuen.
  19.  36
    The booming economics-made-fun genre: more than having fun, but less than economics imperialism.Jack J. Vromen - 2009 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 2 (1):70.
    Over the last few years there seems to have been a sharp increase in the number of books that want to spread the news that economics is, or at least can be, fun. This paper sets out to explain in what senses economics is supposed to be fun. In particular, the books in what I will call the economics-made-fun genre will be compared first with papers and books written by economists with the explicit intent of making fun of economics. Subsequently, (...)
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  20. No Crystal Balls.Jack Spencer - 2018 - Noûs 54 (1):105-125.
    The world is said to contain crystal balls whenever the present carries news of the as-yet-undetermined parts of the future. Many philosophers believe that crystal balls are metaphysically possible. In this essay, I argue that they are not. Whether crystal balls are possible matters, for at least two reasons. The first is epistemological. According to a simple, user-friendly chance norm for credence, which I call the Present Principle, agents are rationally required to conform their credences to their expectations of the (...)
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  21.  17
    Bringing home the dharma: awakening right where you are.Jack Kornfield - 2011 - Boston: Shambhala.
    If we want to find inner peace and wisdom, we needn't move to an ashram or monastery. Our buddha nature--our natural warmth and insight--can be discovered right where we are, in the context of our relationships, our family lives, and in our efforts help and serve others. Popular spiritual teacher Jack Kornfield shares this and other key lessons gleaned from more than forty years of commited study and practice. A student of some of the most revered meditation masters of (...)
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  22. Revolutions: A Very Short Introduction.Jack A. Goldstone - 2013 - Oup Usa.
    Revolutions have shaped world politics for the last three hundred years. This volume shows why revolutions occur, how they unfold, and where they created democracies and dictatorships. Jack A. Goldstone presents the history of revolutions from America and France to the collapse of the Soviet Union, 'People Power' revolutions, and the Arab revolts.
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  23.  61
    On the paradox of cognitive relativism.Jack W. Meiland - 1980 - Metaphilosophy 11 (2):115–126.
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    (1 other version)Relative identity.Jack Nelson - 1970 - Noûs 4 (3):241-260.
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  25. Category mistake.Jack Meiland - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press. pp. 123.
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  26. Progress in post-quantum theory.Jack Sarfatti - 2017 - AIP Conference Proceedings 1841 (1).
    David Bohm, in his "causal theory", made the correct Hegelian synthesis of Einstein's thesis that there is a "there" there, and Bohr's antithesis of "thinglessness" (Nick Herbert’s term). Einstein was a materialist and Bohr was an idealist. Bohm showed that quantum reality has both. This is “physical dualism” (my term). Physical dualism may be a low energy approximation to a deeper monism of cosmic consciousness called "the super-implicate order" (Bohm and Hiley’s term), “pregeometry” (Wheeler’s term), “substratum” (Dirac’s term), “funda-MENTAL space” (...)
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    Beyond Individualism: Reconstituting the Liberal Self.Jack Crittenden - 1992 - Oup Usa.
    Jack Crittenden examines the debate in political theory about the true conception of human nature. On the one hand is the concept of the liberal self which is self-contained, atomistic, even selfish; on the other hand is the notion of the communitarian self which is socially situated and defined in part by one's community. Crittenden argues that neither view is acceptable and draws on recent psychological research to develop a theory of `compound individuality'. The compound individual retains the liberal (...)
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  28.  25
    Essay Review: The Judge and Purifier of All, William Whewell: Philosopher of Science, William Whewell: A Composite Portrait.Jack Morrell - 1992 - History of Science 30 (1):97-114.
  29.  10
    Design by derivational analogy:Issues in the automated replay of design plans.Jack Mostow - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):119-184.
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    On Adam Smith.Jack Russell Weinstein - 2001 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    "This book does not treat Smith as an historical curiosity who has accomplished all that he was capable of. It treats Smith as someone with a contemporary message. That capitalism is the dominant political system in the contemporary world is almost without doubt. That capitalism is succeeding, however, is much more contentious. I will argue that Smith would challenge such claims of success. As the standard of living rises in most of the world, few could challenge the notion that vast (...)
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  31. What is the science of the soul? A case study in the evolution of late medieval natural philosophy.Jack Zupko - 1997 - Synthese 110 (2):297-334.
    This paper aims at a partial rehabilitation of E. A. Moody''s characterization of the 14th century as an age of rising empiricism, specifically by contrasting the conception of the natural science of psychology found in the writings of a prominent 13th-century philosopher (Thomas Aquinas) with those of two 14th-century philosophers (John Buridan and Nicole Oresme). What emerges is that if the meaning of empiricism can be disengaged from modern and contemporary paradigms, and understood more broadly in terms of a cluster (...)
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  32. The Media Role in Building the Disability Community.Jack A. Nelson - 2000 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 15 (3):180-193.
    It is obvious that technology is rapidly changing the world around us. Nowhere is that change more evident than in the revolution occurring for those with physical and mental limitations-their portrayal in the media, their use of the media to achieve group aims and their use of the new on-line media to communicate with others who have limitations and the non-disabled world. In a very real way the growing sense of community among those with disabilities has been linked to the (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Touched by Time: Some Critical Reflections on Derrida’s Engagement with Merleau-Ponty in Le Toucher.Jack Reynolds - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):311-25.
    The philosophical relationship that obtains between the work of Merleau-Ponty and Derrida has continued to intrigue and preoccupy many of us despite, or perhaps even partly because of, the fact that Derrida did not accord the work of Merleau-Ponty much attention during his remarkably prolific career. Two relatively recent books of Derrida’s have addressed this gap: Memoirs of the Blind and, more recently, On Touching. However, although Derrida proposes an “entire re-reading” of the later Merleau-Ponty in Memoirs of the Blind, (...)
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  34. The implicit and presupposed theological turn in phenomenology.Jack Reynolds - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):261-263.
  35. (1 other version)Why the economic conception of human behaviour might lack a biological basis.Jack Vromen - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 18 (3):297-323.
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    Living educational theories and living contradictions: A response to Mike Newby.Jack Whitehead - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (3):457–461.
    Jack Whitehead; Living Educational Theories and Living Contradictions: a response to Mike Newby, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 30, Issue 3, 30 May.
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    Experts and Anecdotes: The Role of ‘‘Anecdotal Evidence’’ in Public Scientific Controversies.Jack Stilgoe & Alfred Moore - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (5):654-677.
    ‘‘Anecdotal evidence’’ has become a central point of contention in two recent controversies over science and technology in referring to our cases as controversies over science and technology.) in the United Kingdom and a contact point between individuals, expert institutions, and policy decisions. We argue that the term is central to the management of the boundary between experts and nonexperts, with consequences for ideas of public engagement and participation. This article reports on two separate pieces of qualitative social research into (...)
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    Ethical and environmental considerations in the release of herbicide resistant crops.Jack Dekker & Gary Comstock - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (3):31-43.
    Recent advances in molecular genetics, plant physiology, and biochemistry have opened up the new biotechnology of herbicide resistant crops (HRCs). Herbicide resistant crops have been characterized as the solution for many environmental problems associated with modern crop production, being described as powerful tools for farmers that may increase production options. We are concerned that these releases are occurring in the absence of forethought about their impact on agroecosystems, the broader landscape, and the rural and urban economies and cultures. Many of (...)
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    Neither-Nor: Merleau-Ponty's Ontology in the "The Intertwining/The Chiasm".Jack Reynolds & Jon Roffe - 2018 - In Ariane Mildenberg (ed.), Understanding Merleau-Ponty, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Usa.
    In this chapter we examine Merleau-Ponty's chapter, "The Intertwining/The Chiasm", before considering some of the criticisms made by his contemporaries and ‘successors’: Lacan, Irigaray, Levinas, Derrida and Deleuze.
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  40. Norman Swartz, Beyond Experience, Metaphysical Theories and Philosophical Restraints Reviewed by.Jack Ornstein - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (5):353-356.
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    Robert O. Anderson: Oilman/Environmentalist and His Leading Role in the International Environmentalist Movement : A Monograph.Jack Raymond - 1988 - Upa.
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
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  42. Selection bias in using data from one population to another: Common pitfalls in the interpretation of medical literature.Paul Froom & Jack Froom - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (3).
    The prevalence, course and prognosis of diseases in patients referred to tertiary medical centers frequently differ from those treated in primary care settings. Extrapolation of findings from one population to another may therefore be unwarranted. Other factors that contribute to misinterpretation of medical literature include failure to distinguish statistical from clinical significance and advocacy of medical interventions prior to adequate clinical trials.
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    Malcolm on 'remembering that'.S. Jack Odell - 1971 - Mind 80 (October):593.
  44.  20
    No rush to judgment.Jack NelsonLynn Hankinson Nelson - 1994 - The Monist 77 (4):486-508.
    One of the lessons we ought to have learned from the history of philosophy and science is that it is rarely, if ever, useful in dealing with challenges from a new movement or in distinguishing one’s position from a different school of thought, to “draw a line in the sand” and claim that everything on this side is legitimate and that everything on that side is not, and can therefore be dismissed without serious consideration or discussion. On some analyses, Plato (...)
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    Is Protagorean Relativism Self-Refuting?Jack W. Meiland - 1979 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 9 (1):51-68.
    This paper first explains why the charge of self-refutation against extreme relativism is so important and then defends extreme relativism against two of the most recent and most sophisticated accusations of self-refutation. It is shown that these accusations seem plausible only because they illicitly employ principles appropriate only to absolute truth; hence these accusations are unsound. One central topic of discussion in the paper is the relation between "a believes that p" and "p is true for a".
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  46. "You Ain't Gonna Get Away Wit' This, Django": Fantasy, Fiction and Subversion in Quentin Tarantino's, Django Unchained.Jack Black - 2019 - Quarterly Review of Film and Video 36 (7):611-637.
    From 2009 to 2015, U.S. director, Quentin Tarantino, released three films that were notable for their focus on particular historical events, periods and individuals (Inglorious Basterds 2009; Django Unchained 2012; The Hateful Eight 2015). Together, these films offered a specifically “Tarantinian” rendering of history: rewriting, manipulating and, for some, unethically deploying history for aesthetic effect. With regard to Django Unchained, this article examines how Tarantino’s historical revisionism provides a valuable point of inquiry into the ways in which “history” is depicted (...)
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  47.  69
    The Educational Psychology of Self-Regulation: A Conceptual and Critical Analysis.Jack Martin & Ann-Marie McLellan - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):433-448.
    The multiplicity of definitions and conceptions of self-regulation that typifies contemporary research on self-regulation in psychology and educational psychology is examined. This examination is followed by critical analyses of theory and research in educational psychology that reveal not only conceptual confusions, but misunderstandings of conceptual versus empirical issues, individualistic biases to the detriment of an adequate consideration of social and cultural contexts, and a tendency to reify psychological states and processes as ontologically foundational to self-regulation. The essay concludes with a (...)
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  48.  77
    Interpreting and extending G. H. Mead's "metaphysics" of selfhood and agency.Jack Martin - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (4):441 – 456.
    G. H. Mead developed an alternative "metaphysics" of selfhood and agency that underlies, but is seldom made explicit in discussions of, his social developmental psychology. This is an alternative metaphysics that rejects any pregiven, fixed foundations for being and knowing. It assumes the emergence of social psychological phenomena such as mind, self, and deliberative agency through the activity of human actors and interactors within their biophysical and sociocultural world. Of central importance to the emergence of self-consciousness and deliberative forms of (...)
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  49.  24
    A theory of stimulus equivalence.Jack Capehart, Vincent J. Tempone & John Herbert - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (4):405-418.
  50.  58
    Appearances, antirealism, and Aristotle.Jack D. Davidson - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 63 (2):147 - 166.
    Nussbaum misconstrues the difference between Plato and Aristotle over what is real for a debate over a conception of truth. She seems to mistake Aristotle's arguments against Plato' version of realism as an argument against realism per se, though the texts do not permit such a reading. She claims Aristotle is convinced that realism involves a fatal “failure of reference,” yet she produces not a single text where Aristotle is even remotely concerned about such a failure of reference given the (...)
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