Results for 'Jakub Varga'

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  1.  14
    Thinking, Concepts and Things: Walter Burley on the Formation of Concepts and Their Representational Function.Jakub Varga - 2018 - Pro-Fil 18 (2):26.
    Pozdně středověký filosof Walter Burley (cca 1275–1344) chápal myšlení jako určitý druh změny, konkrétně jako trpnost, přičemž každý tzv. akt myšlení má podle něho tři hlavní složky: myslící intelekt, pojem a myšlenou věc. Tato studie si dává za cíl prozkoumat, jak Burley pohlížel ve vztahu k myšlení zejména na poslední dvě z těchto složek. První část se pokusí odpovědět na otázku, jakým způsobem dochází ke vzniku pojmů. Druhá část se zaměří na problematiku intencionality našeho myšlení, tj. na otázku, jakým způsobem (...)
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  2. Is Health the Absence of Disease?Somogy Varga & Andrew J. Latham - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    While philosophical questions about health and disease have attracted much attention in recent decades, and while opinions are divided on most issues, influential accounts seem to embrace negativism about health, according to which health is the absence of disease. Some subscribe to unrestricted negativism, which claims that negativism applies not only to the concepts of health and disease as used by healthcare professionals but also to the lay concept that underpins everyday thinking. Whether people conceptualize health in this manner has (...)
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  3. The Aim of Medicine. Sanocentricity and the Autonomy Thesis.Somogy Varga - 2023 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (4):720-745.
    Recent criticisms of medicine converge on fundamental questions about the aim of medicine. The main task of this paper is to propose an account of the aim of medicine. Discussing and rejecting the initially plausible proposal according to which medicine is pathocentric, the paper presents and defends the Autonomy Thesis, which holds that medicine is not pathocentric, but sanocentric, aiming to promote health with the final aim to enhance autonomy. The paper closes by considering the objection that the Autonomy Thesis (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Health, Disease, and the Medicalization of Low Sexual Desire: A Vignette-Based Experimental Study.Somogy Varga, Andrew J. Latham & Jacob Stegenga - forthcoming - Ergo.
    Debates about the genuine disease status of controversial diseases rely on intuitions about a range of factors. Adopting tools from experimental philosophy, this paper explores some of the factors that influence judgments about whether low sexual desire should be considered a disease and whether it should be medically treated. Drawing in part on some assumptions underpinning a divide in the literature between viewing low sexual desire as a genuine disease and seeing it as improperly medicalized, we investigate whether health and (...)
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    Meshed Architecture of Performance as a Model of Situated Cognition.Shaun Gallagher & Somogy Varga - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this paper we engage in a reciprocal analysis of situated cognition and the notion of ‘meshed architecture’ as found in performance studies (Christensen, Sutton & McIlwain 2016). We argue that the model of meshed architecture can operate as a tool that enables us to better understand the notion of situated cognition. Reciprocally, by means of this new understanding of situation we develop a richer conception of meshed architecture. This enriched notion of a meshed architecture includes affect and bottom-up, non-automatic, (...)
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  6. Mental health promotion and the positive concept of health: Navigating dilemmas.Somogy Varga, Martin Marchmann, Paldam Folker Anna & Büter Anke - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 105.
  7. What is Mental Health and Disorder? Philosophical Implications from Lay Judgments.Somogy Varga & Andrew J. Latham - 2024 - Synthese (5).
    How do people understand the concepts of mental health and disorder? The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of several factors on people’s judgments about whether a condition constitutes a mental disorder or a healthy state. Specifically, this study examines the impact of the source of the condition, its outcome, individual valuation (i.e., the value the individual attaches to the condition), and group valuation (i.e., the value the relevant group attaches to the condition). While we find that (...)
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  8. Scientific understanding in biomedical research.Somogy Varga - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-19.
    Motivated by a recent trend that advocates a reassessment of the aim of medical science and clinical practice, this paper investigates the epistemic aims of biomedical research. Drawing on contemporary discussions in epistemology and the philosophy of science, along with a recent study on scurvy, this paper (1) explores the concept of understanding as the aim of scientific inquiry and (2) establishes a framework that will guide the examination of its forms in biomedical research. Using the case of Tuberculosis (TB), (...)
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  9. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and recalcitrant emotion: relocating the seat of irrationality.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Somogy Varga - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (3):658-683.
    It is widely agreed that obsessive-compulsive disorder involves irrationality. But where in the complex of states and processes that constitutes OCD should this irrationality be located? A pervasive assumption in both the psychiatric and philosophical literature is that the seat of irrationality is located in the obsessive thoughts characteristic of OCD. Building on a puzzle about insight into OCD (Taylor 2022), we challenge this pervasive assumption, and argue instead that the irrationality of OCD is located in the emotions that are (...)
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  10. Dreams & dramas: law as literature: the reader.Agnieszka Kilian, Joerg Franzbecker & Jaro Varga (eds.) - 2017 - Bratislava: Hit Gallery.
    The exhibition is proposing a different reading of the legal text, reading against the grain of pre-conceived structures in order to re-chart the system of our relations with ourselves and with various communities; both territorial communities as well as those constructed ad hoc, based not on blood or territorial ties, but on shared values and beliefs. The exhibition raises the question of how the law literally produces us: both as individuals and as citizens, establishing a framework of our presence in (...)
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    Disruptions of the meshed architecture in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Shaun Gallagher, Laura Sparaci & Somogy Varga - 2022 - Psychoanalytic Inquiry 42 (1):76-95.
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  12. Social Constraints on the Direct Perception of Emotions and Intentions.Shaun Gallagher & Somogy Varga - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):185-199.
    In this paper, we first review recent arguments about the direct perception of the intentions and emotions of others, emphasizing the role of embodied interaction. We then consider a possible objection to the direct perception hypothesis from social psychology, related to phenomena like ‘dehumanization’ and ‘implicit racial bias’, which manifest themselves on a basic bodily level. On the background of such data, one might object that social perception cannot be direct since it depends on and can in fact be interrupted (...)
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  13. Embodied Situationism.Somogy Varga - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):271-286.
    Drawing on empirical material from social psychology, ‘situationism’ argues that the astonishing susceptibility of moral behaviour to situational influences undermines certain conceptions of character. The related, albeit more limited, thesis proposed in this paper, ‘embodied situationism’, engages a larger number of empirical sources from different fields of study and sheds light on the mechanisms responsible for particular, seemingly puzzling, situational judgments and behaviours. It is demonstrated that the empirical material supports the claims of ES and that ES is immune to (...)
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  14.  53
    Edmund Husserl on the Historicity of the Gospels. A Different Look at Husserl’s Philosophy of Religion and his Philosophy of the History of Philosophy.Peter Andras Varga - 2021 - Husserl Studies 38 (1):37-54.
    There is an obscure but recurring strain of Edmund Husserl’s theological ideas, simultaneously bearing on the question of the historicity of philosophy, which spans the entirety of Husserl’s oeuvre and has yet evaded closer scholarly attention. My paper combines the textual study of the passages in question with a survey of Husserl’s biography and a meticulous reconstruction of the relevant cultural-historical backgrounds—ranging from professional exegesis to general cultural-historical phenomena and to historical speculations by one of Husserl’s family friends and colleagues (...)
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  15. Tough Clinical Decisions: Experiences of Polish Physicians.Joanna Różyńska, Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, Bartosz Maćkiewicz & Marek Czarkowski - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):111-130.
    The paper reports results of the very first survey-based study on the prevalence, frequency and nature of ethical or other non-medical difficulties faced by Polish physicians in their everyday clinical practice. The study involved 521 physicians of various medical specialties, practicing mainly in inpatient healthcare. The study showed that the majority of Polish physicians encounter ethical and other non-medical difficulties in making clinical decisions. However, they confront such difficulties less frequently than their foreign peers. Moreover, Polish doctors indicate different circumstances (...)
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  16. Vulnerability to psychosis, I-thou intersubjectivity and the praecox-feeling.Somogy Varga - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (1):131-143.
    Psychotic and prodromal states are characterized by distortions of intersubjectivity, and a number of psychopathologists see in the concrete I-You frame of the clinical encounter the manifestation of such impairment. Rümke has coined the term of ‘praecox-feeling’, designated to describe a feeling of unease emanating in the interviewer that reflects the detachment of the patient and the failure of an ‘affective exchange.’ While the reliability of the praecox-feeling as a diagnostic tool has since been established, the explanation and theoretical framing (...)
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  17. The epistemological value of depression memoirsi a meta-analysis.Jennifer Radden & Somogy Varga - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 99.
  18. Editorial Introduction: Socializing the Extended Mind.Michele Merritt, Somogy Varga & Mog Stapleton - 2013 - Cognitive Systems Research 25:1-3.
  19.  42
    A Resilience Toolbox and Research Design for Black Sky Hazards to Power Grids.Dmitry Borisoglebsky & Liz Varga - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
    A structured collection of tools for engineering resilience and a research approach to improve the resilience of a power grid are described in this paper. The collection is organized by a two-dimensional array formed from typologies of power grid components and business processes. These two dimensions provide physical and operational outlooks, respectively, for a power grid. The approach for resilience research is based on building a simulation model of a power grid which utilizes a resilience assessment equation to assess baseline (...)
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    A Not-so-Simple Rule for ‘I’.Tadeusz Ciecierski & Jakub Rudnicki - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (4):1100-1119.
    Maximilian de Gaynesford has argued against the standard view that the reference of the first-person pronoun ‘I’ is determined by a rule linking the referent to some feature of the context of use. In this paper, we argue that de Gaynesford's arguments are inconclusive. Our main aim, however, is to formulate a novel version of the reference rule for ‘I’. We argue that this version can deal with several problematic cases. Our strategy involves analysing the so-called agent of the context (...)
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  21. Exploitation. Special Issue of Southern Journal of Philosophy.Somogy Varga (ed.) - 2016
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  22. Kronfeldner, M.E. (2020) Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization.Somogy Varga (ed.) - 2021
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  23. Science, Medicine, and the Aims of Inquiry: A Philosophical Analysis.Somogy Varga - 2024 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Amid criticism of medicine's scientific rigor and patient care, this book offers a philosophical examination of the nature and aims of medicine, and new perspectives on how these challenges can be addressed. It offers input for rethinking the agenda of medical research, healthcare delivery, and the education of healthcare personnel.
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    Revision eines Ursprungs. Etymologie und Physiognomie der Autarkie.Simon Varga - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (1):47-66.
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    Was hat Husserl in Wien außerhalb von Brentanos Philosophie gelernt? Über die Einflüsse auf den frühen Husserl jenseits von Brentano und Bolzano.Peter Andras Varga - 2015 - Husserl Studies 31 (2):95-121.
    Husserl has undoubtedly considered himself being influenced by Brentano, but his conflicts with the orthodox core of the School of Brentano raise the question whether his adherence to Brentano suffices to adequately grasp the context of his early philosophy. I investigate the biographical details of Husserl’s studies in Vienna to uncover hitherto unknown ties between Husserl and Austrian philosophers outside the School of Brentano. Already during his secondary school studies in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Husserl was exposed to the philosophy textbooks (...)
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    Identifications, Volitions and the Case of Successful Psychopaths.Somogy Varga - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (1):87-106.
    While many profound philosophical questions arise about psychopaths, I wish to draw attention to two limitations in current debates. First, philosophers mainly deal with offender and forensic populations neglecting so-called ‘successful’ psychopaths. Second, philosophers mainly focus on the issue of empathy and responsibility, while relatively little attention is paid to volitional aspects. I address these two limitations together and argue that ‘successful’ psychopaths are volitionally constrained. In order to grasp and explore this deficiency, I argue in favour of a more (...)
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  27. Etudes en philosophie du droit =.Csaba Varga - 1994 - Budapest: Projet sur des cultures juridiques comparées de la Faculté de droit de l'Université Loránd Eötvös.
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    Jogi elméletek, jogi kultúrák: kritikák, ismertetések a jogfilozófia és az összehasonlító jog köréből.Csaba Varga - 1994 - Budapest: [ELTE Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar].
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  29. Philosophy of Psychiatry, Special Issue of Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie.Somogy Varga & Jan Slaby (eds.) - 2012
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  30. Interactions as Source of the Change of Behavior in Addiction and Recovery From Addiction. An Exploratory Study.Claudia Varga & Ion Copoeru - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:113-134.
    Based on the findings about the importance of social support network in the success of treatment and long term recovery, this article will provide an insight of the successful elements in addiction individual and group counseling interaction through which addicts manage to overcome the denial of addiction, to accept the recovery program, to go through the stages of recovery, and to identify appropriate research methods for understanding the phenomenon of interaction in recovery from addictions. This exploratory study will attempt to (...)
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  31. Respiratory rhythms of the predictive mind.Micah Allen, Somogy Varga & Detlef H. Heck - 2022 - Psychological Review (4):1066-1080.
    Respiratory rhythms sustain biological life, governing the homeostatic exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Until recently, however, the influence of breathing on the brain has largely been overlooked. Yet new evidence demonstrates that the act of breathing exerts a substantive, rhythmic influence on perception, emotion, and cognition, largely through the direct modulation of neural oscillations. Here, we synthesize these findings to motivate a new predictive coding model of respiratory brain coupling, in which breathing rhythmically modulates both local and global neural (...)
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  32.  36
    The Non-Existing Object Revisited: Meinong as the Link between Husserl and Russell?Peter Andras Varga - 2016 - In Marian David & Mauro Antonelli (eds.), Existence, Fiction, Assumption: Meinongian Themes and the History of Austrian Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 27-58.
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  33. Body Checking in Anorexia Nervosa: from Inquiry to Habit.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & Somogy Varga - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3):705-722.
    Body checking, characterized by the repeated visual or physical inspection of particular parts of one’s own body (e.g. thighs, waist, or upper arms) is one of the most prominent behaviors associated with eating disorders, particularly Anorexia Nervosa (AN). In this paper, we explore the explanatory potential of the Recalcitrant Fear Model of AN (RFM) in relation to body checking. We argue that RFM, when combined with certain plausible auxiliary hypotheses about the cognitive and epistemic roles of emotions, is able to (...)
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    Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology.Ondřej Švec & Jakub Čapek (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    _Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology_ offers a complex analysis of the pragmatic theses that are present in the works of leading phenomenological authors, including not only Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, as it is often the case within Hubert Dreyfus’ tradition, but also Husserl, Levinas, Scheler, and Patocka. Starting from a critical reassessment of existing pragmatic readings which draw especially on Heidegger’s account of Being-in-the-world, the volume’s chapters explore the following themes as possible justifications for speaking about the pragmatic turn in phenomenology: the (...)
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    Ease of learning explains semantic universals.Shane Steinert-Threlkeld & Jakub Szymanik - 2020 - Cognition 195:104076.
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  36.  30
    Kognitive Theorie, mentale Repräsentationen und Emotionen. Philosophie und therapeutische Praxis.Somogy Varga - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6):937-954.
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    The Missing Chapter from the Logical Investigations: Husserl on Lotze’s Formal and Real Significance of Logical Laws.Peter Andras Varga - 2013 - Husserl Studies 29 (3):181-209.
    In the Logical Investigations Husserl announced a critique of Lotze’s epistemology, but it was never included in the printed text. The aim of my paper is to investigate the remnant of Husserl’s planned text with special emphasis on the question of whether it goes beyond the obvious aspects of Husserl’s indebtedness to Lotze. Using Husserl’s student notes, excerpts, and book annotations, I refine the dating of Husserl’s encounter with Lotze and separate the various layers of influence. I argue that Husserl’s (...)
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  38. Motive und Grundgedanken der "Gesetze der Form".Matthias Varga von Kibéd und Rudolf Matzka - 1993 - In Dirk Baecker (ed.), Kalkül der Form. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Exploitation, Vulnerability, and Market‐Driven Governance.Somogy Varga - 2016 - Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (1):90-113.
  40.  22
    Eugen Enyvvari’s road to Göttingen and back: A case study in the Transleithanian participation in early phenomenology.Peter Andras Varga - 2017 - Studies in East European Thought 69 (1):57-78.
    Despite attending Husserl’s classes, participating in the discussions of the Göttingen phenomenological circle, and writing prolifically on phenomenology, Eugen Enyvvari seems to have been virtually ignored by phenomenological scholarship. I use an array of unpublished sources and a survey of his juvenilia to reconstruct Enyvvari’s biography and intellectual formation, including his confrontation with Melchior Palagyi’s critique of Husserl and Bolzano. Based on both his reports and records from the Göttingen University Archives, I attempt to establish the influences to which he (...)
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  41. Freedom, moral responsibility, and the failure of universal defeat.Andrew J. Latham, Somogy Varga & Hannah Tierney - 2023 - Philosophical Issues 33 (1):252-269.
    Proponents of manipulation arguments against compatibilism hold that manipulation scope (how many agents are manipulated) and manipulation type (whether the manipulator intends that an agent perform a particular action) do not impact judgments about free will and moral responsibility. Many opponents of manipulation arguments agree that manipulation scope has no impact but hold that manipulation type does. Recent work by Latham and Tierney (2022, 2023) found that people's judgments were sensitive to manipulation scope: people judged that an agent was less (...)
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    The Elephant in the Room.Somogy Varga - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (2):165-167.
    This Article is a response to thoughtful commentaries by Jennifer Radden (2013) and Louis A. Sass and Elizabeth Pienkos (2013) on my paper, which investigates the continuity between melancholia and depression. In the following, I address the challenges presented by the commentators and attempt to clarify and deepen my position. In my paper, I have explored the history of melancholia and depression with special emphasis on the question of their possible continuity—with the knowledge that any such attempt inevitably brings with (...)
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  43.  60
    The Marketization of Foreign Cultural Policy: The Cultural Nationalism of the Competition State.Somogy Varga - 2013 - Constellations 20 (3):442-458.
  44.  18
    Editor's Introduction: Exploitation Reconsidered.Somogy Varga - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (S1):5-8.
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    Schwerpunkt: Philosophie der Psychiatrie.Somogy Varga & Jan Slaby - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6):883-886.
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    The Metaphysics of Psychopathology.S. Varga - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (259):307-310.
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    The politics of Nation Branding.Somogy Varga - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (8):825-845.
    Nation Branding is broadly conceived of as an apolitical marketing strategy that targets external markets to establish and communicate a specific image of national identity. However, in this article it is argued that Nation Branding displays characteristics that make it constructive to analyse in terms of an implicit cultural policy. The main point is that Nation Branding is essentially an inner-oriented, cultural- political measure that targets the citizens of the national state, characterized by conservative, transformative and transferring political agendas. On (...)
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    Winnicott, symbolic play, and other minds.Somogy Varga - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (5):625 - 637.
    In this paper, I will attempt to follow Winnicott's thoughts on the intrinsic connection between symbolic play and the way we understand other minds. Phenomenological, conceptual and empirical difficulties in the account will be presented and taken into consideration. Winnicott's account proves to be a fruitful guide into the issue and can help us clarify impaired symbolic play in autism.
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    Der Kantische Spinozismus.Jakub Kloc-Konkołowicz - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 27:37-54.
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    Gegenseitige Anerkennung als Grundlage des Rechtstaates: Kant und Fichte.Jakub Kloc-Konkołowicz - 2007 - In Christoph Asmuth (ed.), Transzendentalphilosophie Und Person: Leiblichkeit - Interpersonalität - Anerkennung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 251-262.
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