Results for 'James A. Elbert'

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  1.  42
    Berkeley’s Conception of God from the Standpoint of Perception and Causation.James A. Elbert - 1934 - New Scholasticism 8 (2):152-158.
  2. Introduction: Towards incomplete archaeologies?J. Franklin Kathryn, A. Johnson James & Emily Miller Bonney - 2016 - In Emily Miller Bonney, Kathryn J. Franklin & James A. Johnson (eds.), Incomplete archaeologies: knowledge in the past and present. Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.
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    Mixed Emotions Viewed from the Psychological Constructionist Perspective.James A. Russell - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):111-117.
    Feeling bad is one thing, judging something to be bad another. This hot/cold distinction helps resolve the debate between bipolar and bivariate accounts of affect. A typical affective reaction includes both core affect (feeling good or bad) and judgments of the affective qualities of various aspects of the stimulus situation (which can have both good and bad aspects). Core affect is described by a bipolar valence dimension in which feeling good precludes simultaneously feeling bad and vice versa. Judgments of affective (...)
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    Say No to This: Unilateral Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders for Patients with COVID-19.Richard E. Leiter & James A. Tulsky - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (4):641-643.
    In this article, we comment on Ciaffa’s article ‘The Ethics of Unilateral Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders for COVID-19 Patients.’ We summarize his argument criticizing futility and utilitarianism as the key ethical justifications for unilateral do-not-resuscitate orders for patients with COVID-19.
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  5. The research subject as wage earner.James A. Anderson & Charles Weijer - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (4-5):359-376.
    The practice of paying research subjects for participating inclinical trials has yet to receive an adequate moral analysis.Dickert and Grady argue for a wage payment model in whichresearch subjects are paid an hourly wage based on that ofunskilled laborers. If we accept this approach, what follows?Norms for just working conditions emerge from workplacelegislation and political theory. All workers, includingpaid research subjects under Dickert and Grady''s analysis,have a right to at least minimum wage, a standard work week,extra pay for overtime hours, (...)
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    Relationships and Health: The Critical Role of Affective Science.David A. Sbarra & James A. Coan - 2018 - Emotion Review 10 (1):40-54.
    High-quality social relationships predict a range of positive health outcomes, but no broadly accepted theory can explain the mechanisms of action in this area. The central argument of this article is that affective science can provide keys for integrating the diverse array of theoretical models concerning relationships and health. From nine prominent theories, we cull four components of relational affect that link social resources to health-related outcomes. This component model holds promise for integrating research from the different theoretical perspectives and (...)
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    From matters of faith to matters of fact: the problem of priestcraft in early modern England.James A. T. Lancaster - 2018 - Intellectual History Review 28 (1):145-165.
    This article details philosophical responses to the problem posed by the existence, whether real or perceived, of priestcraft, a problem that boiled down to a fear that if the custodians of God’s tabernacle were corrupt, so too were the contents of the tabernacle. It first explores the attempts of Edward Herbert and Thomas Hobbes to guarantee the truth of revealed matters of faith in response to their perception of widespread priestcraft, arguing that, while each sought to undermine sacerdotal authority, they (...)
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  8.  53
    Istvan Hont, Politics in Commercial Society: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith.James A. Harris - 2016 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (2):151-163.
  9.  93
    Fichte, Hegel, and the Life and Death Struggle.James A. Clarke - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (1):81-103.
    Several commentators have argued that Hegel's account of ‘self-consciousness’ in Chapter IV of the Phenomenology of Spirit can be read as an ‘immanent critique’ of Fichte's idealism. If this is correct, it raises the question of whether Hegel's account of ‘recognition’ in Chapter IV can be interpreted as a critique of Fichte's conception of recognition as expounded in the Foundations of Natural Right. A satisfactory answer to this question will have to provide a plausible interpretation of the ‘life and death (...)
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    The Grammar of Lahu.F. K. Lehman & James A. Matisoff - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):296.
  11.  29
    Proving Necessity.James A. Martin - 1975 - Philosophy Research Archives 1:352-363.
    It is thought that a valid inference to a logically necessary conclusion must proceed from entirely necessary premises. Counter-examples show this is false. Perhaps while the truth of a necessary proposition may follow from non-necessary premises, its necessity cannot so follow. Counter-examples show this to be mistaken. Must anyone who comes to know the non-necessary premises employed in the various counter-examples have prior knowledge of the necessity of the conclusions of the counter-examples? I argue against this. It is true that, (...)
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    History and Nature In Collingwood’s Dialectic.James A. Blachowicz - 1976 - Idealistic Studies 6 (1):49-61.
    Metaphysics, for Collingwood, is an historical science. Accordingly, nature and the science of nature did not occupy a prominent position within his general scheme. To appreciate this fact and to consider how this deficiency might be overcome requires that we first attend to the disconnected nature of the doctrines that loosely comprise that scheme. More specifically, we must examine the problematical relationship between Collingwood’s familiar theory of presuppositions and his less frequently discussed doctrine of the scale of forms presented in (...)
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    Al-Maqṣad al-Asnā fī Sharḥ Maʾānī Asmā' Allāh al-ḤusnāAl-Maqsad al-Asna fi Sharh Maani Asma' Allah al-Husna.James A. Bellamy, Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī, Fadlou A. Shehadi & Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):602.
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    History of the Mongols; Based on Eastern and Western Accounts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.James A. Bellamy, Bertold Spuler, Helga Drummond & Stuart Drummond - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):366.
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  15.  22
    Israel Oriental Studies. Volumes II and III.James A. Bellamy & M. J. Kister - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (1):51.
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    Kitāb Ikhtilāf Uṣūli'l-Madhāhib of Qāḍī Nuʿmān b. MuḥammadKitab Ikhtilaf Usuli'l-Madhahib of Qadi Numan b. Muhammad.James A. Bellamy & S. T. Lokhandwalla - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (1):159.
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    Murder in Baghdad (Maʿsāt al-Ḥallāj)Murder in Baghdad.James A. Bellamy, Ṣalāḥ ʿAbd al-Ṣabbur, Khalil I. Semaan & Salah Abd al-Sabbur - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):135.
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  18. Ferlinghetti: Dirty Old Man?James A. Butler - 1966 - Renascence 18 (3):115-123.
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  19.  64
    Kant’s Critique of the Golden Rule.James A. Gould - 1983 - New Scholasticism 57 (1):115-122.
  20.  58
    The John H. Scheide Biblical Papyri: Ezekiel.James A. Montgomery, Allan C. Johnson, H. S. Gehman & Edmund H. Kase - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (2):262.
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    The Dawn of Qumran: The Sectarian Torah and the Teacher of Righteousness.James A. Sanders & Ben Zion Wacholder - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):147.
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  22.  28
    Multiple bacterial topoisomerases: Specialization or redundancy?Molly B. Schmid & James A. Sawitzke - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (7):445-449.
    In the past few years, two new DNA topoisomerases have been discovered in bacteria, bringing the total number of DNA topoisomerases in E. coli to four. Two classes of topoisomerases, type 1 and type 2, are distinguishable by their amino acid homology and their apparent reaction mechanism. Of the four E. coli topoisomerases, there are two type 1 and two type 2 enzymes. In eukaryotes, the existence of multiple type 1 and type 2 enzymes has also become apparent. The existence (...)
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  23.  31
    Subjective probability estimates and confidence ratings.Lee R. Beach & James A. Wise - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):438.
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  24. Foundationalism, circular justification, and the levels gambit.James A. Keller - 1986 - Synthese 68 (2):205 - 212.
    In Foundationalism, Coherentism, and the Levels Gambit, David Shatz argued that foundationalists must countenance a circular mediate justification of perceptual beliefs which the foundationalist holds are already immediately justified. Because the circularity of coherentist accounts of the justification of beliefs is a major basis of foundationalist criticism of coherentism, Shatz's claim is a serious challenge to foundationalism. In this paper, using a moderate foundationalism with a reliabilist conception of justification, I give an account of immediately and mediately justified beliefs which (...)
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    Taking the ‘Error’ Out of Ruse‘s Error Theory.James A. Ryan - 1997 - Biology and Philosophy 12 (3):385-397.
    Michael Ruses Darwinian metaethics has come under just criticism from Peter Woolcock (1993). But with modification it remains defensible. Ruse (1986) holds that people ordinarily have a false belief that there are objective moral obligations. He argues that the evolutionary story should be taken as an error theory, i.e., as a theory which explains the belief that there are obligations as arising from non-rational causes, rather than from inference or evidential reasons. Woolcock quite rightly objects that this position entails moral (...)
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    The Tongues of Men. [REVIEW]James A. Massey - 1980 - The Owl of Minerva 11 (4):9-9.
    The author begins by stating that one of the principal reasons for writing this book was that “the more I came to ‘know’ God in Hegelian categories, the less I had any sense of the presence of God. In other words, the God of speculative philosophy did not seem to bear any relation to the God of the Bible, who is portrayed as speaking to men and personally guiding their lives.” I, too, doubt whether the God of the Bible has (...)
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  27.  19
    Handbuch der altarabischen Altertumskunde. In Verbindung mit Geheimrat. I. Band. Die altarabische Kultur. Mit 76 Abbildungen. [REVIEW]James A. Montgomery, Fr Hommel, Nik Rhodokanakis & Ditlef Nielsen - 1928 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 48:80.
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    Editing Hume's treatise: James A. Harris.James A. Harris - 2008 - Modern Intellectual History 5 (3):633-641.
    In 1975 the Clarendon Press at Oxford published Peter Nidditch's edition of John Locke's An Essay concerning Human Understanding. In his Introduction Nidditch says that his edition “offers a text that is directly derived, without modernization, from the early published versions; it notes the provenance of all its adopted readings ; and it aims at recording all relevant differences between these versions”. As Nidditch goes on to acknowledge, the “relevant differences” were many, “requiring several thousand registrations both in the case (...)
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  29.  3
    Varieties of Narrative Analysis.James A. Holstein & Jaber F. Gubrium (eds.) - 2012 - SAGE.
    Varieties of Narrative Analysis presents a broad spectrum of approaches to the empirical analysis of stories and storytelling. Leading researchers from different disciplines provide richly illustrated discussions of how they actually conduct narrative analysis from their diverse perspectives. The book's chapters focus on different ways of doing data analysis, not data collection, although the two are related in practice. The narrative material presented ranges from media accounts, life stories, and quantitative content analysis, to storytelling occasions, embodiment, emotionality, and narrative's diverse (...)
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  30.  33
    A quantitative comparison of the discriminative and reinforcing functions of a stimulus.James A. Dinsmoor - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (4):458.
  31.  23
    The protection of the rich against the poor: The politics of Adam smith’s political economy.James A. Harris - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (1):138-158.
    My point of departure in this essay is Smith’s definition of government. “Civil government,” he writes, “so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” First I unpack Smith’s definition of government as the protection of the rich against the poor. I argue that, on Smith’s view, this is always part of (...)
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    Everyday moral issues experienced by managers.James A. Waters, Frederick Bird & Peter D. Chant - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (5):373 - 384.
    Based on the results of open ended interviews with managers in a variety of organizational positions, moral questions encountered in everyday managerial life are described. These involve transactions with employees, peers and superiors, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. It is suggested that managers identify transactions as involving personal moral concern when they believe that a moral standard has a bearing on the situation and when they experience themselves as having the power to affect the transaction. This is the first in (...)
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  33.  43
    Concept talk cannot be avoided.James A. Hampton - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):212-213.
    Distinct systems for representing concepts as prototypes, exemplars, and theories are closely integrated in the mind, and the notion of concept is required as a framework for exploring this integration. Eliminating the term from our theories will hinder rather than promote scientific progress.
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  34.  24
    Hume: a very short introduction.James A. Harris - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume, philosopher, historian, economist, librarian, and essayist, was one of the great figures of the European Enlightenment. Unlike some of his famous contemporaries, however, he was not dogmatically committed to idealised conceptions of reason, liberty, and progress. Instead, Hume was a sceptic whose arguments questioned the reach and authority of human rationality, and who put the rivalrous passions of commercial life at the centre of his theory of human -- -- itself. -- ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions (...)
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  35.  19
    Philosophical dimension of psychology: a beginner's guide.James A. Harold - 2022 - [Wilmington, Delaware]: Vernon Press.
    Psychology, philosophy and common sense -- Psychological empiricism (part A): do non-empirical psychological phenomena exist? -- Psychological empiricism (part B): a critique -- The subject matter of psychology (part A): the conscious personal self -- The subject matter of psychology (part B): differing kinds of psychic phenomena -- Locating the empirical in psychology -- Human nature and rational psychology -- Psychology, truth and personalism -- The reality and psychological significance of freedom.
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  36. Crito's Homeric Embassy.James A. Arieti - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 47 (1):83-107.
    Abstract:This paper is an analysis of Plato's use of the embassy to Achilles in Homer's Iliad book 9 as a literary template for Crito's mission to persuade Socrates to escape from prison in Athens. Plato's purpose is to elevate the nature of a hero by contrasting the impulsive, impetuous, mercurial temper of Achilles with the steady, thoughtful, deliberative, calmly rational argument of Socrates. Plato shows, in a volley fired at the poet, how the philosopher is more meaningfully heroic than the (...)
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    Johnson, James A., Douglas E. Anderson, and Caren C. Rossow. Health Systems thinking: a primer. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020. 138 pp. ISBN 9781284167146. [REVIEW]James A. Marcum - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (5):429-433.
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    A Celebration of Subjective Thought.James A. Diefenbeck - 1984 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Seeing objective thought as passive, Diefenbeck seeks to develop a theory of thought or of reason “appropriate to the subject as an active agent or first cause.” His system would illuminate and render more effective the creation of values that guide lives. George Kimball Plochmann in his foreword describes the book as “a sus­tained inquiry into the character of knowledge, one seeking to prove that our exclusive cognitive allegiance to the so-called objective sciences is misplaced, not so much because they (...)
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  39.  22
    Bastiat: A Pioneer in Constitutional Political Economy.James A. Dorn - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (2).
    Bastiat emphasized the institutional infrastructure of a market economy and the principle of spontaneous order. He began with first principles — the primacy of property and consent — and derived the legitimate functions of government. As a pioneer in constitutional political economy, he examined the relation between economics and politics, employed methodological individualism, and extended the exchange paradigm to collective choice. He showed that the attenuation of economic liberty in the pursuit of distributive justice under majoritarian government would lead to (...)
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  40.  35
    Distinctive features, categorical perception, and probability learning: Some applications of a neural model.James A. Anderson, Jack W. Silverstein, Stephen A. Ritz & Randall S. Jones - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (5):413-451.
  41. A Compleat Chain of Reasoning: Hume's Project in a Treatise of Human Nature, Books One and Two.James A. Harris - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt2):129-148.
    In this paper I consider the context and significance of the first instalment of Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature , Books One and Two, on the understanding and on the passions, published in 1739 without Book Three. I argue that Books One and Two taken together should be read as addressing the question of the relation between reason and passion, and place Hume's discussion in the context of a large early modern philosophical literature on the topic. Hume's goal is (...)
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  42.  47
    Would Hegel today be a Hegelian?James A. Doull - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (2):222-235.
    While taking its departure from James Doull's review of my The Religious Dimension in Hegel's Thought, the present note is not intended to be an author's reply to a reviewer—always in bad taste, and in this case quite unwarranted when the review in question shows all the fair-mindedness and care any author could ask for. My note is much rather part of a dialogue, agreed on in advance by both participants, in which Hegel, not a book on Hegel, is (...)
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    Marker‐passing over Microfeatures: Towards a Hybrid Symbolic/Connectionist Model.James A. Hendler - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (1):79-106.
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  44. Entanglement and non-factorizability.James A. C. Ladyman, Oystein Linnebo & Tomasz F. Bigaj - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (3):215-221.
    Quantum mechanics tells us that states involving indistinguishable fermions must be antisymmetrized. This is often taken to mean that indistinguishable fermions are always entangled. We consider several notions of entanglement and argue that on the best of them, indistinguishable fermions are not always entangled. We also present a simple but unconventional way of representing fermionic states that allows us to maintain a link between entanglement and non-factorizability.
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  45. The economic uses of utilitarianism.James A. Mirrlees - 1982 - In Amartya Sen & Bernard Williams (eds.), Utilitarianism and Beyond. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 77--81.
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  46.  12
    A Subjective Theory of Organism.James A. Diefenbeck - 1995 - Upa.
    This original and thought-provoking volume examines organic life as subjective activity. It shows that organic life operates differently from objective thought and truth. The volume considers topics such as: the origin of life, the absorption of food, the operation of heredity, and the possible control of further evolutionary development.
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  47. A Catholic response to the Consolidated Foods case.James A. Donahue - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics (Jbe 10:823-7.
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  48. The World in the Data.James A. C. Ladyman & Don A. Ross - 2013 - In Don Ross, James Ladyman & Harold Kincaid (eds.), Scientific metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 108-150.
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    Qanāʿa (Genügsamkeit) in der arabischen Literatur, anhand des Kitāb al-Qanāʿa wa-t-taʿaffuf von Ibn Abī d-DunyāQanaa (Genugsamkeit) in der arabischen Literatur, anhand des Kitab al-Qanaa wa-t-taaffuf von Ibn Abi d-Dunya.James A. Bellamy & Stefan Weninger - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (2):289.
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  50. Toward a Constructivist Theory of Realism.James A. Stieb - 2004 - Dissertation, Temple University
    This dissertation does not argue for a particular theory of realism. It seeks to clear the ground for such a theory by clarifying the distinction between realism and reality. Realism is not reality. 'Realism' stands for theories that describe reality and how it exists mind-independently. I argue that much recent writing on realism misses the import of this distinction and proceeds "anti-philosophically." While some statements refer uncontroversially to an accepted state of affairs, others amplify, vouchsafe, or explain a philosophical compunction (...)
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