Results for 'Jane Hoyt'

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  1.  33
    A Response to the Task Force on Supportive Care.Jane D. Hoyt & James M. Davies - 1984 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 12 (3):103-105.
  2. The Epistemic and the Zetetic.Jane Friedman - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (4):501-536.
    Call the norms of inquiry zetetic norms. How are zetetic norms related to epistemic norms? At first glance, they seem quite closely connected. Aren't epistemic norms norms that bind inquirers qua inquirers? And isn't epistemology the place to look for a normative theory of inquiry? While much of this thought seems right, this paper argues that the relationship between the epistemic and the zetetic is not as harmonious as one might have thought and liked. In particular, this paper argues that (...)
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  3. Inquiry and Belief.Jane Friedman - 2017 - Noûs 53 (2):296-315.
    In this paper I look at belief and degrees of belief through the lens of inquiry. I argue that belief and degrees of belief play different roles in inquiry. In particular I argue that belief is a “settling” attitude in a way that degrees of belief are not. Along the way I say more about what inquiring amounts to, argue for a central norm of inquiry connecting inquiry and belief and say more about just what it means to have an (...)
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  4. The aim of inquiry?Jane Friedman - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (2):506-523.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  5. Junk Beliefs and Interest‐Driven Epistemology.Jane Friedman - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (3):568-583.
    In this paper I revisit Gilbert Harman's arguments for a "clutter avoidance" norm. The norm -- which says that we ought to avoid cluttering our minds with trivialities -- is widely endorsed. I argue that it has some fairly dramatic consequences for normative epistemology.
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  6. Contributors' Biographies.Jane Baddeley, Albert Bandura, Gustavo Carlo & Philip Davidson - 1991 - In William M. Kurtines & Jacob L. Gewirtz, Handbook of moral behavior and development. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
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  7. Pride and Prejudice.Jane Austen - 1813 - Oxford World's Classics.
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  8. Teleological epistemology.Jane Friedman - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):673-691.
    It is typically thought that some epistemic states are valuable—knowing, truly or accurately believing, understanding. These are states it’s thought good to be in and it’s also said that we aim or want to be in them. It is then sometimes claimed that these sorts of thoughts about epistemic goods or values ground or explain our epistemic norms. For instance, we think subjects should follow their evidence when they form their beliefs. But why should they? Why not believe against the (...)
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    The ethos and ethics of translational research.Jane Maienschein, Mary Sunderland, Rachel A. Ankeny & Jason Scott Robert - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (3):43 – 51.
    Calls for the “translation” of research from bench to bedside are increasingly demanding. What is translation, and why does it matter? We sketch the recent history of outcome-oriented translational research in the United States, with a particular focus on the Roadmap Initiative of the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD). Our main example of contemporary translational research is stem cell research, which has superseded genomics as the translational object of choice. We explore the nature of and obstacles to translational research (...)
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    Transforming Traditions in American Biology, 1880-1915.Jane Maienschein - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (1):157-162.
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    Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation.Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller (eds.) - 2005 - Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
    This is the first English scholarly edition of this pivotal essay, accompanied by the first comprehensive commentary on it.
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    Epistemic Styles in German and American Embryology.Jane Maienschein - 1991 - Science in Context 4 (2):407-427.
    The ArgumentThis paper argues that different epistemic styles exist in science, and that these make up an important unit of analysis for studying science. On occasion these different sets of commitments to ways of doing and knowing about the world may fall along national boundaries. The case presented here examines German and American embryology around 1900 and shows that differences in goals and approaches make up different epistemic styles.In particular, the Germans sought causal mechanical explanations of as many phenomena as (...)
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    What’s Special about Basic Research?Jane Calvert - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (2):199-220.
    “Basic research” is often used in science policy. It is commonly thought to refer to research that is directed solely toward acquiring new knowledge rather than any more practical objective. Recently, there has been considerable concern about the future of basic research because of purported changes in the nature of knowledge production and increasing pressures on scientists to demonstrate the social and economic benefits of their work. But is there really something special about basic research? The author argues here that (...)
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  14. How to think about thinking.Jane Heal - 1995 - In Martin Davies & Tony Stone, Mental Simulation: Evaluations and Applications - Reading in Mind and Language. Wiley-Blackwell.
  15.  31
    Newer Ideals of Peace.Jane Addams, Berenice A. Carroll & Clinton F. Fink - 1907 - University of Illinois Press.
    A paradigm for peace discovered in the cosmopolitan neighborhoods of poor urban immigrants.
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  16. Indexical predicates and their uses.Jane Heal - 1997 - Mind 106 (424):619--640.
    Indexicality is a feature of predicates and predicate components (verbs, adjectives, adverbs and the like) as well as of referring expressions. With classic referring indexicals such as 'I' or 'that' a distinctive rule takes us from token and context to some item present in the content which is the semantic correlate of the token. Predicates and predicate components may function in an analogous fashion. For example 'thus' is an indexical adverb which latches onto some manner of performance present in its (...)
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  17.  48
    Thinking About Nature: An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology.Jane M. Howarth & Andrew Brennan - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (162):94.
    Ecology – unlike astronomy, physics, or chemistry – is a science with an associated political and ethical movement: the Green Movement. As a result, the ecological position is often accompanied by appeals to holism, and by a mystical quasi-religious conception of the ecosystem. In this title, first published in 1988, Andrew Brennan argues that we can reduce much of the mysticism surrounding ecological discussions by placing them within a larger context, and illustrating that our individual interests are bound with larger, (...)
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  18. A critical appraisal of second-order logic.Ignacio Jané - 1993 - History and Philosophy of Logic 14 (1):67-86.
    Because of its capacity to characterize mathematical concepts and structures?a capacity which first-order languages clearly lack?second-order languages recommend themselves as a convenient framework for much of mathematics, including set theory. This paper is about the credentials of second-order logic:the reasons for it to be considered logic, its relations with set theory, and especially the efficacy with which it performs its role of the underlying logic of set theory.
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  19. Hume’ Passions: Direct and Indirect.Jane L. McIntyre - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):77-86.
    Book II of the Treatise minutely anatomizes the passions Hume dubbed “indirect.” As the account of pride, humility, love, and hatred unfolds, principles are uncovered, causes are exhaustively examined, experiments carried out, difficulties presented and solved. The barrage of detailed description and theorizing threatens to overwhelm even the most devoted of readers. By contrast, Hume’s explicit treatment of the direct passions appears perfunctory. Indeed, Hume states: “None of the direct affections seem to merit our particular attention except hope and fear.” (...)
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    ‘Four’s a Crowd’? Making Sense of Neoliberalism, Ethical Stress, Moral Courage and Resilience.Jane Fenton - forthcoming - Ethics and Social Welfare:1-15.
  21.  13
    Confucian Discourse and Chu Hsi's Ascendancy.Hoyt Cleveland Tillman - 1992 - University of Hawaii Press.
    "A major transformation in thought took place during the Southern Sung (1127-1279). A new version of Confucian teaching, Tao-hsueh Confucianism (what modern scholars sometimes refer to as Neo-Confucianism), became state orthodoxy, a privileged status which it retained until the twentieth century." "Existing studies of the new Confucianism generally depict a single line of development to and from Chu Hsi (1130-1200), the greatest theoretician of the tradition. In this study of unprecedented scope, however, Hoyt Cleveland Tillman offers an integrated intellectual (...)
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  22. On "knowing how" and "knowing that".Jane Roland - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (3):379-388.
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    The changing landscape of higher education internationalisation – for better or worse?Jane Knight - 2013 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 17 (3):84-90.
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    What Determines Sex? A Study of Converging Approaches, 1880-1916.Jane Maienschein - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):457-480.
  25. Hildegard of Bingen: A Feminist Ontology.Jane Duran - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (2):155--167.
    Two major lines of argument support the notion that Hildegard of Bingen’s metaphysics is peculiarly gynocentric. Contra the standard commentary on her work, the focus is not on the notion of viriditas; rather, the first line of argument presents a specific delineation of her ontology, demonstrating that it is a graded hierarchy of beings, many of which present feminine aspects of the divine, and all of which establish the metaphysical notion of interpenetrability. The second line of argument specifically contrasts her (...)
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  26. Using Power/Fighting Power.Jane Mansbridge - 1994 - Constellations 1 (1):53-73.
  27.  46
    Biology and the foundation of ethics.Jane Maienschein & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There has been much attention devoted in recent years to the question of whether our moral principles can be related to our biological nature. This collection of new essays focuses on the connection between biology, in particular evolutionary biology, and foundational questions in ethics. The book asks such questions as whether humans are innately selfish, and whether there are particular facets of human nature that bear directly on social practices. The volume is organised historically beginning with Aristotle and covering such (...)
  28. Anne Viscountess Conway: A Seventeenth Century Rationalist.Jane Duran - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (1):64 - 79.
    The work of Spinoza, Descartes and Leibniz is cited in an attempt to develop, both expositorily and critically, the philosophy of Anne Viscountess Conway. Broadly, it is contended that Conway's metaphysics, epistemology and account of the passions not only bear intriguing comparison with the work of the other well-known rationalists, but supersede them in some ways, particularly insofar as the notions of substance and ontological hierarchy are concerned. Citing the commentary of Loptson and Carolyn Merchant, and alluding to other commentary (...)
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    Towards a Feminist Reassessment of Intellectual Virtue.Jane Braaten - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):1 - 14.
    This paper presents an argument for reconceptualizing (human) intelligence as intellectual virtue, and makes some proposals as to how we would understand intellectual virtue if feminist values were taken into account. Several abilities are identified which are closely connected to one aim that is common to most feminists: the building of communities in which well-being is possible.
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    From presentation to representation in E. B. Wilson's the cell.Jane Maienschein - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (2):227-254.
    Diagrams make it possible to present scientific facts in more abstract and generalized form. While some detail is lost, simplified and accessible knowledge is gained. E. B. Wilson's work in cytology provides a case study of changing uses of diagrams and accompanying abstraction. In his early work, Wilson presented his data in photographs, which he saw as coming closest to “fact.” As he gained confidence in his interpretations, and as he sought to provide a generalized textbook account of cell development, (...)
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    Feminism and democratic community.Jane Mansbridge - 1995 - In Penny A. Weiss & Marilyn Friedman, Feminism and community. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 341--65.
  32. Committed Neutrality in the Rational Mind.Jane Friedman - 2022 - Analysis 82 (4):754-765.
    Critical Notice of Scott Sturgeon's The Rational Mind.
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    Early English Empiricism and the Work of Catharine Trotter Cockburn.Jane Duran - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (4):485-495.
    This article examines the work of the seventeenth-century thinker Catharine Trotter Cockburn with an eye toward explication of her trenchant empiricism, and the foundations upon which it rested. It is argued that part of the originality of Cockburn's work has to do with her consistent line of thought with regard to evidence from the senses and the process of abstract conceptualization; in this she differed strongly from some of her contemporaries. The work of Martha Brandt Bolton and Fidelis Morgan is (...)
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  34.  56
    Why collaborate?Jane Maienschein - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):167-183.
    The recent escalation of concern about scientific integrity has provoked a larger discussion of many questions about why we do science the way we do, as well as about how we should do it. One of these questions concerns collaboration: who should count as a collaborator? This, in turn, raises the question why collaborators collaborate, and whether and when they should. Here, history offers insights that can illuminate the current debate.
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    The prosodic property of lexical stress affects eye movements during silent reading.Jane Ashby & Charles Clifton Jr - 2005 - Cognition 96 (3):B89-B100.
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  36. Epistemically Transformative Experience.Jane Friedman - manuscript
    A discussion of L.A. Paul's 'Transformative Experience' from an Author Meets Critics session at the 2015 Pacific APA.
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    Distributive justice and value trade-offs in antibiotic use in aged care settings.Jane Williams, Sittichoke Chawraingern & Chris Degeling - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):41-50.
    Residential aged care facilities (RACF) are sites of high antibiotic use in Australia. Misuse of antimicrobial drugs in RACF contributes to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) burdens that accrue to individuals and the wider public, now and in the future. Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) practices in RACF, e.g. requiring conformation of infection, are designed to minimise inappropriate use of antibiotics. We conducted dialogue groups with 46 participants with a parent receiving aged care to better understand families’ perspectives on antibiotics and care in RACF. (...)
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  38. Contrastive explanation and the many absences problem.Jane Suilin Lavelle, George Botterill & Suzanne Lock - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3495-3510.
    We often explain by citing an absence or an omission. Apart from the problem of assigning a causal role to such apparently negative factors as absences and omissions, there is a puzzle as to why only some absences and omissions, out of indefinitely many, should figure in explanations. In this paper we solve this ’many absences problem’ by using the contrastive model of explanation. The contrastive model of explanation is developed by adapting Peter Lipton’s account. What initially appears to be (...)
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  39. The Intersection of Pragmatism and Feminism.Jane Duran - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):159 - 171.
    I cite areas of pragmatism and feminism that have an intersection with or an appeal to the other, including the notions of the universal and/or normative, and foundationalist lines in general. I deal with three areas from each perspective and develop the notion of their intersection. Finally, the paper discusses the importance of a pragmatic view for women's lives and the importance of psychoanalytic theory for finding another area where pragmatism and feminism mesh.
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    Heredity/Development in the United States, circa 1900.Jane Maienschein - 1987 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 9 (1):79 - 93.
    Historians have emphasized the appearance of a productive research program in genetics after 1910, and philosophers and biologists have considered endorsement of genetics as a progressive move, indeed as a starting point for modern experimental biology. These efforts focus on what biology had changed to. This paper examines the condition from which biology moved, stressing the way in which Americans held heredity and development as a natural, intimately intertwined couple. Heredity accounts for likenesses, development for variation, and the two act (...)
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  41. Plato's Meno in Focus.Jane Mary Day (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In one volume, this book brings together a new English translation of Plato's _Meno_, a selection of illuminating articles on themes in the dialogue published between 1965 and 1985 and an introduction setting the _Meno_ in its historical context and opening up the key philosophical issues which the various articles discuss. A glossary is provided which briefly introduces some of the key terms and indicates how they are translated. The _Meno_ is an excellent introduction to Plato and philosophy.
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    Philosophies of science/feminist theories.Jane Duran - 1998 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    This book presents the current feminist critique of science and the philosophy of science in such a way that students of philosophy of science, philosophers, feminist theorists, and scientists will find the material accessible and intellectually rigorous.Contemporary feminist debate, as well as the debate brought on by the radical critics of science, assumes—incorrectly—that certain movements in philosophy of science and science-driven theory are understood in their dynamics as well as in their details. All too often, labels such as “Kuhnian” or (...)
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    Engaging stakeholders in corporate accountability programmes: A cross‐sectoral analysis of UK and transnational experience.Jane Cummings - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (1):45–52.
    This paper explores the type of stakeholder engagement currently being undertaken by many organisations as part of social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting processes. Specifically, the paper seeks to determine the extent to which current corporate practice iteratively promotes stakeholder participation in collaboratively designing accountability programmes, or whether it merely is a new term for canvassing stakeholder opinions. Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation is used as a conceptual model for positioning contemporary methods of stakeholder dialogue. The findings from interviews (...)
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  44. Virtual anonymity: Online accountability and the virtuous virtual journalist.Jane B. Singer - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11 (2):95-106.
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    Individual Differences in Working Memory and the N2pc.Jane W. Couperus, Kirsten O. Lydic, Juniper E. Hollis, Jessica L. Roy, Amy R. Lowe, Cindy M. Bukach & Catherine L. Reed - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The lateralized ERP N2pc component has been shown to be an effective marker of attentional object selection when elicited in a visual search task, specifically reflecting the selection of a target item among distractors. Moreover, when targets are known in advance, the visual search process is guided by representations of target features held in working memory at the time of search, thus guiding attention to objects with target-matching features. Previous studies have shown that manipulating working memory availability via concurrent tasks (...)
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  46. Defining Biology: Lectures from the 1890s.Jane Maienschein - 1987 - Journal of the History of Biology 20 (2):283-284.
  47.  67
    'It's a Long Way From "Amphioxus"' Anton Dohrn and Late Nineteenth Century Debates About Vertebrate Origins.Jane Maienschein - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (3):465 - 478.
    Anton Dohrn rejected the popular Amphioxus-ascidian theory of vertebrate origin, which saw Amphioxus as the most primitive vertebrate and ascidians as vertebrate ancestors. Instead he argued for the segmented annelids as the more likely candidate. Attacked for being 'unscientific' by such popular morphologists as Carl Gegenbaur and Ernst Haeckel, Dohrn countered with similar accusations. Since the debate peaked as Dohrn was establishing his Stazione Zoologica in Naples at the end of the nineteenth century, it gained him valuable attention and may (...)
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    The 6S‐model for person‐centred palliative care: A theoretical framework.Jane Österlind & Ingela Henoch - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12334.
    Palliative care is provided at a certain timepoint, both in a person's life and in a societal context. What is considered to be a good death can therefore vary over time depending on prevailing social values and norms, and the person's own view and interpretation of life. This means that there are many interpretations of what a good death can actually mean for an individual. On a more general level, research in palliative care shows that individuals have basic common needs, (...)
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    An Order of Pure Decision: Un-Natural Selection in the Work of Stelarc and Orlan.Jane Goodall - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (2-3):149-170.
    Orlan and Stelarc both work with the body as the primary medium for their art and both, in their very different ways, are interested in redesigning the body. Their experiments depart radically from popular and traditional ways of imagining enhanced forms of human embodiment and, in a climate of intense speculation about the future of the body, their ideas offer some important provocations. As performance artists, Orlan and Stelarc explore embodiment through enactment in ways that evade the stock formulations of (...)
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    The early work of Martha Kneale, née Hurst.Jane Heal - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2):336-352.
    ABSTRACT This paper offers an account of the early career of Martha Kneale, née Hurst, and of the five papers she published between 1934 and 1950. One on metaphysical and logical necessity, from 1938, is particularly interesting. In it she considers the metaphysics of time and offers an explanation of ‘the necessity of the past’, which has some resemblance to Kripke’s ideas about metaphysical necessities, in that it assigns an important role to experience in how we come to know them. (...)
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