Results for 'Jasmin Steinbach'

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  1.  14
    COVID-19-Related Fear and Health-Related Safety Behavior in Oncological Patients.Venja Musche, Alexander Bäuerle, Jasmin Steinbach, Adam Schweda, Madeleine Hetkamp, Benjamin Weismüller, Hannah Kohler, Mingo Beckmann, Ken Herrmann, Mitra Tewes, Dirk Schadendorf, Eva-Maria Skoda & Martin Teufel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Diversifying philosophy: The art of non-domination.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1490-1503.
    Using the example of cross-cultural philosophy’s relation to disciplinary philosophy, this article seeks to think through some of the issues relevant to diversifying philosophy as an academic discipline. Guided by James Tully’s ruminations on non-domination, it attempts to make a case for a practice of philosophy which is more attuned to its social situatedness in a postindustrial, liberal society. Within this context, it argues that disciplinary philosophy must seek to contribute to making meaning of our place in the world.
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  3. Teaching World Philosophies.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (3):409-427.
    To step up the activity level of academic philosophizing, “Teaching World Philosophies” will propose that one first engage in a thorough housecleaning before teaching world-philosophical traditions today. In the path that will be sketched as an example in this regard, I will critically engage “the West,” a concept that looms over an adequate academic engagement with world philosophies today. Bringing into the conversation Humayun Kabir’s (1906–1969) analysis of philosophy as a space that can generate and foster critical independent thinking within (...)
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    Sikh Philosophy as a Philosophy-of-Practice.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):348-353.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sikh Philosophy as a Philosophy-of-PracticeMonika Kirloskar-Steinbach (bio)Some recent publications on Indian philosophy argue that the colonial narrative about the philosophical traditions from the subcontinent was erroneous. It wrongly suggested that the erstwhile Brahmanic thought embodied by the darśanas was an exhaustive representation of philosophical activity on the subcontinent and that this activity came to a grinding halt with the onset of European modernity. In an attempt at rectifying (...)
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  5. What Is Intimacy?Jasmine Gunkel - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy 121 (8):425-456.
    Why is it more violating to grab a stranger’s thigh or stroke their face than it is to grab their forearm? Why is it worse to read someone’s dream journal without permission than it is to read their bird watching field notes? Why are gestation mandates so incredibly intrusive? Intimacy is key to understanding these cases, and to explaining many of our most stringent rights. -/- I present two ways of thinking about intimacy, Relationship-First Accounts and the Intimate Zones Account. (...)
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    Ultrablack of music: feindliche Übernahme.Andrzej Steinbach & Achim Szepanski (eds.) - 2017 - Leipzig: Spector Books.
    Musik stellt heute soziale Beziehungen her, die kein Eigentum mehr verlangen. Aber sie kann trotzdem nicht systemunabhängig agieren, ohne selbst Teil einer kapitalen Verwertungslogik zu sein. Dieser unauflösbare Konflikt ist die Basslinie für einen Mix, den Andrzej Steinbach und Achim Szepanski in Ultrablack of Music: Feindliche Übernahme vorlegen. Steinbach montiert drei unterschiedliche Texte: Eine TV-Talkshow als Kammerspiel, eine Namensliste aller RAF-Mitglieder in Form einer Partitur und einen Computercode einer zerhackten McKinsey Werbung. 1971 hatte der WDR die Sendung "Ende (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Refusing the ‘Foolish Wisdom of Resignation’: Kaupapa Māori in conversation with Adorno.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach & Carl Mika - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory:1-18.
    Drawing on select works of Adorno, we will first rehearse his reasons for a rejuvenation of philosophy and apply them to philosophers working on world philosophical traditions. We will then analyse Adorno’s arguments pertaining to the theory–praxis relation to ascertain whether his thought could accommodate a study of world philosophical traditions for the simple reason that they are present in a particular society. Shifting our focus slightly, we reflect upon how current ways of professional philosophizing affect the study of world (...)
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  8. The Role of Natural Law in Gandhi's Social Utopia.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2016 - In Günther Enter Author Name Without Selecting A. Profile: Hans-Christian, Paths to Dialogue. Bautz. pp. 251-288.
    The paper attempts to develop an immanent conception of natural law and natural rights of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
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    Facts, Concepts and Patterns of Life—Or How to Change Things with Words.Jasmin Trächtler - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (4):58.
    In his last writings, Wittgenstein repeatedly addresses the question of how our concepts relate to general facts of nature or human nature and how they are embedded in our lives. In doing so, he uses the term “pattern of life”, characterizing the complicated relationship between concepts and our lives and how our concepts “are connected with what interests us, with what matters to us” (LWPP II, 46). But who is this “us”, and whose interests manifest in the concepts we use (...)
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  10. Bodies and Publics in Two Discourses.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2020 - On Education 3 (7).
    The recent call for a conceptual and intellectual decolonization in the humanities critiques the conventional, all-white, largely male philosophical canon. Its critique is directed at the centering of the experiences of this specific group in global knowledge transmission practices. Its proponents focus on the canon’s implicit claim, namely that only one social group is able to think thoroughly and accurately about all problems of philosophical significance across varying spatiotemporal contexts. In this short article, I will use two different debates to (...)
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  11. Kontextualität in der Philosophie.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2017 - Information Philosophie 4:52-57.
    This short essay applies some core assumptions of critical social epistemology to the production of (cross-cultural) knowledge.
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    Demografischer Wandel und organisierter Sport – Projektionen der Mitgliederentwicklung des DOSB für den Zeitraum bis 2030 / Demographic Changes and Organized Sports - Projections for the Membership Development of the DOSB until 2030.Dirk Steinbach - 2007 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 4 (3):223-242.
    Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag verbindet die Daten aktueller DSB-Bestandserhebungen und der 10. koordinierten Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung des Statistischen Bundesamtes zu einer interdisziplinären Studie über die voraussichtliche Mitgliederentwicklung des organisierten Sports. Durch die Berücksichtigung der derzeit denkbaren Minimal- und Maximalvarianten soll dabei der Einfluss des demografischen Wandels auf die Sportentwicklung empirisch eingegrenzt werden. Ziel ist es, sowohl absolute als auch altersstrukturelle Konsequenzen für die Zukunft des DOSB aufzuzeigen. Sich abzeichnende Chancen, Risiken und Ressourcen werden hierbei gesondert hervorgehoben und auf entsprechende Forderungen an den organisierten (...)
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  13. Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass?”.Jasmin Joecks, Kerstin Pull & Karin Vetter - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):61-72.
    The under-representation of women on boards is a heavily discussed topic—not only in Germany. Based on critical mass theory and with the help of a hand-collected panel dataset of 151 listed German firms for the years 2000–2005, we explore whether the link between gender diversity and firm performance follows a U-shape. Controlling for reversed causality, we find evidence for gender diversity to at first negatively affect firm performance and—only after a “critical mass” of about 30 % women has been reached—to (...)
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    Kulturelle Praxis und situiertes Wissen.Tim-Florian Steinbach - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (1):98-112.
    The Philosophy of Culture lacks instruments to deal with nature’s becoming a concept defined by political and social interventions in the era of Technoscience. The following article builds a bridge between Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Culture and approaches capable of criticizing the era of Technoscience and the concept of nature therein, such as that developed by Donna Haraway. The Philosophy of Culture, as a situated knowledge, then becomes a form of critique.
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    Violations of expectation trigger infants to search for explanations.Jasmin Perez & Lisa Feigenson - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104942.
  16.  38
    Feelings-of-Warmth Increase More Abruptly for Verbal Riddles Solved With in Contrast to Without Aha! Experience.Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Violetta Serger, Judith Kehl, Michael Öllinger, Kristian Folta-Schoofs & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  17.  29
    Come, Play with Me: Sītā, Agency and Presentist Concerns.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (3):254-265.
    Using some renditions of Sītā stories from the epic Rāmāyaṇa, this article will endeavor to make a case for reflecting on presentist concerns and interests and being aware of their impact on scholarship. Arguably, narrow syntactical and semantic analyses of translations and of purported convergences in historical and linguistic analyses do not suffice to give a handle on understanding how these concerns and interests might influence selection of pertinent sources and their readings. A more sustained analysis of their impact is (...)
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    Humanistic Values in Indian and Chinese traditions.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2011 - In Claus Dierksmeier, Humanistic ethics in the age of globality. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 225.
    The main aim of this essay will be to garner humanistic values in the Indian and Chinese philosophical traditions and to illustrate the need for an awareness of these positions in business ethics. From the point of view of the latter, one could doubt the relevance of these traditions. Indian philosophical systems are commonly thought of being preoccupied with otherworldly concerns; the feudal backdrop of antique Chinese positions appears unsettling today. Could anything at all, one could ask, be gleaned from (...)
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    A practical guide to world philosophies: selves, worlds, and ways of knowing.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Leah Kalmanson.
    Offering a teaching guide for instructors looking to broaden their view of philosophy, diversify their teaching, or discover a new way of thinking about our place in the world, this book explores how Anglo-American, Chinese, Indian, African, Islamic, and Maori thinkers have all addressed fundamental questions in philosophy. Featuring teaching notes, discussion questions, and a list of further reading, this is a book packed with the background, guidance, and tools required to teach different philosophies.
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    Die Interkulturalitätsdebatte.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach, Gita Dharampal-Frick & Minou Friele (eds.) - 2012 - Karl Alber.
    This volume attempts to bring into philosophical focus central problems and topics of intercultural salience. Simultaneously, our underlying aim is to render philosophical analysis more accessible to those social sciences in which intercultural studies are now firmly established. Both these concerns – a philosophical clarification of relevant terms and concepts as well as a broadening of the thematic spectrum – are not merely of academic interest, for by constructively contributing to a more rigorous analysis of intercultural discourse in a whole (...)
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  21. Dialoguing the Varkari Tradition.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2019 - In Brian Black & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions: Encounter, Transformation and Interpretation. New York: Routledge. pp. 145-159.
    My paper seeks to set up a relation between two types of dialogue: The first type comes into play between female sants of the Maharashtrian Vārkarī tradition and their god Viṭṭalā, who though being physically absent was said to be moved through the devotion of his devotee to intervene in her life. Characteristic of this dialogue seems to be the deep bonding between such a sant and her god such that he even understood, and was moved by, her role-based concerns (...)
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  22. Dialoguing the Vārkari tradition.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2019 - In Brian Black & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, In Dialogue with Classical Indian Traditions: Encounter, Transformation and Interpretation. New York: Routledge.
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    Gibt es ein Menschenrecht auf Immigration? Politische und philosophische Positionen zur Einwanderungsproblematik.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2007 - Fink Verlag.
    Is there a human right to immigration? In an endevour at answering this question, this 'Habilitationsschrift' uses extant literature on the ethics of immigration to work out a liberal and a communitarian model of individual freedom, national identity and group membership. These models are supplemented by an analysis of the German debate on immigration between 1990 and 2005.
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    Introducing Confluence.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach, Geeta Ramana & James Maffie - 2014 - Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies 1 (1):7-63.
    In the following thematic introduction, we seek to situate Confluence within the field of comparative philosophy and substantiate why we deem a new publication necessary. For this purpose, we reconstruct the salient stages in the development of comparative philosophy in Part I, and then proceed to expound the rationale underlying Confluence in Part II. Our reconstruction of these stages pursues an exploratory rather than a documentary approach.
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    Interkulturalität und Menschenrechtsbegründungen.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2010 - In J. Werkner, Religion, Menschenrechte und Menschenrechtspolitik. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 219-235.
    Im Folgenden stehen Menschenrechtsbegründungen im Mittelpunkt, die für den interkulturellen Kontext konzipiert wurden. In der Analyse dieser Begründungen ist der Begriff des Menschenrechts unverzichtbar; dieser wird daher zunächst skizziert. Im Anschluss soll die Struktur einer interkulturell-philosophisch tragbaren Menschenrechtsbegründung entwickelt werden.
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  26. Making Meaning of Practices in Academic Philosophy.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2020 - APA Newsletter on Asian and Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies.
    Essay in the collection What does it mean to be a philosopher of Asian descent?
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    Nationale Identität.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 20007 - In S. Zurbuchen, Bürgerschaft und Migration. LIT-Verlag. pp. 255-287.
    Dieser Aufsatz geht von folgender Überlegung aus: Will man die Dynamik und Brisanz des Einwanderungsproblems in einer philosophischen Reflexion begreifen, darf die nationale Identität des Einwanderungslandes nicht ausgeblendet werden. Deshalb wird im Folgenden versucht, die Immigrationsproblematik aus dieser Perspektive zu erörtern. Dafür werde ich im ersten Schritt den Begriff einer liberalen nationalen Identität entwickeln. Im zweiten Schritt werde ich auf die deutsche Diskussion über nationale Identität eingehen, in der sich mit der ›universalistischen‹ und der ›traditionalistischen‹ Position zwei diametral verschiedene Auffassungen (...)
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    National Identity: Belonging to a Cultural Group? Belonging to a Polity.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):31-42.
    In this paper, I began by examining national identity understood as cultural belonging. I tried to show that this kind of belonging fails to give a justifiable account of the pluralistic reality found in modern states. I then proceeded to examine the idea of belonging to a polity. My claim is that this sense of belonging is more suitable for nation-states that have multicultural societies and consider this plurality as a vital part of their national identity. If the arguments presented (...)
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  29. Negotiating Identity in Colonial India. The Case of Ramabai Mary Dongre Medhavi.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2018
    This paper will focus on Pandita Ramabai’s attempt to question and expose the caste-race interlinkage prevalent in colonial India. Like her contemporaries, Ramabai too does seem to have believed that caste was a distinguishing feature of Indian society. Nevertheless, she apparently rejected the idea that it was a rigid and unchanging feature of Hinduism.
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    Representing Indian Philosophy Through the Nation: an Exploration of the Public Philosopher Radhakrishnan.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):375-387.
    Several authors working on cross-cultural philosophy underscore that a cross-cultural conversational space, which breaks away from dominant theoretical frameworks, is necessary for a genuine cross-cultural dialog. This paper too seeks to contribute to the development of such a space. To this end, its focus will lie on one salient representation of Indian philosophy in the postcolonial context: the ‘Report of the University Education Commission’ of 1948–1949. The paper will analyze how this document marries shared values like freedom and equality with (...)
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    Toleranz im interkulturellen Kontext.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2005 - Bautz.
    Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch ist Toleranz eine unverzichtbare Tugend, durch die die Konflikthaftigkeit menschlicher Interaktionen in Zaum gehalten werden kann. In pluralistischen Gesellschaften soll Toleranz ferner eine gute Grundlage für ein friedliches Zusammenleben der unterschiedlichen Gruppierungen bieten. Auch im interkulturellen Kontext soll Toleranz für eine reibungslose Begegnung zwischen Mitgliedern unterschiedlicher Kulturen sorgen. Doch wie ist Toleranz im interkulturellen Kontext zu verstehen? Ist Toleranz eine Duldung des Mitgliedes einer anderen Kultur? Ist Toleranz eine Aufforderung dazu, den Anderen und seine Andersartigkeit zu ertragen? (...)
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    Toleration in modern liberal discourse with special reference to Radhakrishnan's tolerant hinduism.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2002 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 30 (4):389-402.
    This paper tries to show that there is a shift in the meaning of toleration. The traditional meaning of toleration, understood as endurance, is giving way to a more positive understanding of the concept. This is because the traditional meaning of toleration ill-fits with values like the intrinsic worth of human beings, universal rights, etc. Especially in pluralistic societies, endurance of the Other is becoming increasingly unacceptable; minorities and their defendants demand respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the Other. The first (...)
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  33.  25
    Wie lassen sich liberale Ideale auch auf Immigrierte ausweiten? Eine erste Skizze.Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (3):326-346.
    The paper examines whether a perspective, which posits political communities as relative unchanging groups, can adequately capture a possible reinterpretation of liberal ideals. It also analyses whether statist measures designed to rectify structural inequality can be one motivating factor in the reinterpretation of these ideals. -/- .
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    "Also sprach Sarah Tustra": Nietzsches sozialistische Irrfahrten.Matthias Steinbach - 2020 - Halle (Saale): Mitteldeutscher Verlag.
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  35.  11
    Das Amt in einer Gesellschaft der Singularitäten.Armin Steinbach - 2022 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 108 (2):288-312.
    The process of singuralisation transforms the public office as the traditional embodiment of the common welfare. With formal authority vanishing as source of power, public office loses its privileged impact on the formation of public opinion. At the same time, the public office holder continues to rely on acceptance and approval as sources of legitimacy. In line with the behavioral pattern of singularisation, leaders in public office then pursue the unique in their performance and appearance. This implies a change of (...)
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  36.  4
    Designative Nachfolgeregelungen im toledanischen Westgotenreich im Spiegel der Münzprägung.Sebastian Steinbach - 2020 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 54 (1):69-86.
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    Die Sache mit dem Ofen oder: Der Philosoph friert Nachträge zu Friedrich Nietzsches südlicher Existenz.Matthias Steinbach - 2014 - Nietzscheforschung 21 (1):305-322.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzscheforschung Jahrgang: 21 Heft: 1 Seiten: 305-322.
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    Einblicke in das Labor Blumenberg’schen Denkens.Tim-Florian Steinbach - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020 (2):200-203.
    Alberto Fragio, Martina Philippi und Josefa Ros Velasco (Hrsg.), Metaphorologie, Anthropologie, Phänomenologie. Neue Forschungen zum Nachlass Hans Blumenbergs, Freiburg u. a.: Karl Alber 2019.
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    Eye tracking of self-moved targets: The role of efference.Martin J. Steinbach - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):366.
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  40. Funke.Andrzej Steinbach - 2017 - In Andrzej Steinbach & Achim Szepanski, Ultrablack of music: feindliche Übernahme. Leipzig: Spector Books.
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  41. Faith and Love.A. A. STEINBACH - 1959
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    Gelebte Geschichte, narrative Identität: Zur Hermeneutik zwischen Rhetorik und Poetik bei Hans Blumenberg und Paul Ricœur.Tim-Florian Steinbach - 2020 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Das Buch eröffnet mit Hans Blumenberg und Paul Ricœur einen Problemhorizont hermeneutischen Geschichtsdenkens: Die Frage, wie die Geschichte angesichts ihrer Diskontinuität in der Moderne noch zu denken sein kann, irritiert immer auch die eigene Identität und provoziert ein Denken von Geschichte und Identität, das sich möglichen Revisionen gegenüber offen zeigt. Und es erlaubt eine immer wieder neue Aneignung und Interpretation des Selbst in Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Kultur, Geschichte und Wirklichkeit.
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    Methodological considerations in replicating Held and Rekosh's perceptual adaptation study.Martin J. Steinbach - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):81-81.
  44.  25
    Non-Legal Insight for Optimal Norm Design – Exploring the Chain Between Norm Setting and Compliance.Armin Steinbach - 2016 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (3):380-404.
    A simplified relationship between setting of a norm and an individual’s compliance can be characterized by three distinct stages: norm comprehension and processing; the deliberate compliance decision of the individual; and non-deliberate decision-making. On each stage, there is insight from social sciences, experimental psychology and behavioural law and economics making different predictions about individual compliance behaviour. We study the implications of extra-juridical insight as well as normative constitutional requirements on the optimal design of norms. We find considerable variance in norm (...)
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    Phase-field model with plastic flow for grain growth in nanocrystalline material.Ingo Steinbach, Xiaoyan Song & Alexander Hartmaier - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (1-4):485-499.
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    CSR Communication: An Impression Management Perspective.Jasmine Tata & Sameer Prasad - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):765-778.
    Organizations today recognize that it is not only important to engage in corporate social responsibility, but that it is also equally important to ensure that information about CSR is communicated to audiences. At times, however, the CSR image perceived by audiences is not an accurate portrayal of the organization’s CSR identity and is, therefore, incongruent with the desired CSR image. In this paper, we build upon the nascent work on organizational impression management by examining CSR communication from an impression management (...)
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    What I Wish You Knew: Insights on Burnout, Inertia, Meltdown, and Shutdown From Autistic Youth.Jasmine Phung, Melanie Penner, Clémentine Pirlot & Christie Welch - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Burnout, inertia, meltdown, and shutdown have been identified as important parts of some autistic people’s lives. This study builds on our previous work that offered early academic descriptions of these phenomena, based on the perspectives of autistic adults.Objectives: This study aimed to explore the unique knowledge and insights of eight autistic children and youth to extend and refine our earlier description of burnout, inertia, and meltdown, with additional exploration of shutdown. We also aimed to explore how these youth cope (...)
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    A more featural based processing for the self-face: An eye-tracking study.Jasmine K. W. Lee, Steve M. J. Janssen & Alejandro J. Estudillo - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 105 (C):103400.
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  49. The Overlooked Risk of Intimate Violation in Research: No Perianal Sampling Without Consent.Jasmine Gunkel - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):118-120.
    There are few moral principles less controversial than “don’t touch people’s private parts without consent.” Though the principle doesn’t make explicit that there are exceptions, there clearly are some. Parents must wipe their infants. If an unconscious patient is admitted to the emergency room with a profusely bleeding laceration on their genitals, a doctor must give them stitches. The researchers who proposed the study in question, which would look for a connection between burn patients’ microbiomes and their clinical outcomes, presumably (...)
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    Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies.Kyle Jasmin, Hui Sun & Adam T. Tierney - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104481.
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