Results for 'Jaume Montés'

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  1.  3
    E. Higueras Castañeda, La pluma roja de la prensa federal: Pablo Correa y Zafrilla (1842-1888), Santander, Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2023, 317 pp. [REVIEW]Jaume Montés - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (2):223-225.
    Review of: E. Higueras Castañeda, La pluma roja de la prensa federal: Pablo Correa y Zafrilla (1842-1888), Santander, Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria, 2023, 317 pp.
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    Practical Implementation of Soka Education: A Dialogue With Monte Joffee.Monte Joffee, Jason Goulah & Andrew Gebert - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (2):181-192.
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  3. Aristotle on teleology.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2005 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Monte Johnson examines one of the most controversial aspects of Aristiotle's natural philosophy: his teleology. Is teleology about causation or explanation? Does it exclude or obviate mechanism, determinism, or materialism? Is it focused on the good of individual organisms, or is god or man the ultimate end of all processes and entities? Is teleology restricted to living things, or does it apply to the cosmos as a whole? Does it identify objectively existent causes in the world, or is it merely (...)
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    Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of some Central Components of His Thought.Leonidas Montes - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Leonidas Montes presents a new reading of Adam Smith's legacy. The classical influences, the meaning of some key concepts, and what other authors were saying at the time, are fundamental to understand what Smith really said. Starting with the famous Das Adam Smith Problem, Montes investigates the causes and the context of the Problem, and proposes the importance of the moral triad of the supposed impartial spectator, propriety and self-command for understanding Smith's broad concept of sympathy. Smith's virtues are fundamental (...)
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    The Self-Coronation of Peter the Ceremonious : Historical, Liturgical, and Iconographical Representations.Jaume Aurell & Marta Serrano-Coll - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):66-95.
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    Conocimiento, método y formación en Descartes y comenio.Andrés L. Jaume Rodríguez - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:85-99.
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    Learning to Detect Deception from Evasive Answers and Inconsistencies across Repeated Interviews: A Study with Lay Respondents and Police Officers.Jaume Masip, Carmen Martínez, Iris Blandón-Gitlin, Nuria Sánchez, Carmen Herrero & Izaskun Ibabe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:311955.
    Previous research has shown that inconsistencies across repeated interviews do not indicate deception because liars deliberately tend to repeat the same story. However, when a strategic interview approach that makes it difficult for liars to use the repeat strategy is used, both consistency and evasive answers differ significantly between truth tellers and liars, and statistical software (binary logistic regression analyses) can reach high classification rates (Masip et al., 2016b ). Yet, if the interview procedure is to be used in applied (...)
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    How to Use a Fundamental Discovery in Physics: The Early Days of Electron Diffraction.Jaume Navarro - 2018 - Science in Context 31 (3):351-379.
    ArgumentThe discovery of electron diffraction by George Paget Thomson in Aberdeen and Clinton J. Davisson and Lester H. Germer at the Bell Labs has often been portrayed as an example of independent discovery. Neither team was particularly interested in the developments of the nascent quantum theory but they both ended up demonstrating one of the most striking experimental consequences of the new physics. This paper traces the aftermath of this discovery and the way electron diffraction immediately turned from empirical evidence (...)
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    ΠΑΙΣ ΠΑΙΖΩΝ. Homer, Iliad XV 362–364, Heraclitus, DK 22 B 52, and F. Nietzsche.Jaume Pòrtulas - 2024 - Peitho 15 (1):397-416.
    Friedrich Nietzsche resorted several times to the image of a child playing with sand or pebbles. His purpose in doing so was to evoke a cyclical process of construction and destruction devoid of both responsibility and finality. This essay examines, on the one hand, the relation of the child’s image to its two main hypotexts (Heraclitus DK 22 B 52 and Iliad XV 362-64) and, on the other, the range of Nietzsche’s uses of the simile.
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    El preu de Proust: recorregut analític pel pensament aforístic i metafòric a "A la recerca del temps perdut" i la seva relació amb la filosofia postracionalista i existencialista.Jaume Urgell - 2006 - Barcelona: Angle Editorial.
    Marcel Proust ha passat a la història de la cultura occidental com un escriptor, principalment novelista. Amb tot, la seva obra mestra. A la recerca del temps perdut, un dels cims de la literatura mundial, conté nombroses reflexions que permeten identificar clarament també un Proust pensador. Reconstruir la filosofia de Proust tot resseguint la mirada sobre el món que representa a la recerca?. és l'objectiu d'aquest assaig. A partir dels aforismes, sovint metafòrics, del Narrador proustià, Jaume Urgell ens ofereix (...)
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    (1 other version)Bifactor analysis and construct validity of the five facet mindfulness questionnaire in non-clinical Spanish samples.Jaume Aguado, Juan V. Luciano, Ausias Cebolla, Antoni Serrano-Blanco, Joaquim Soler & Javier García-Campayo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    Many American readers like to regard Alexis de Tocqueville as an honorary American and democrat--as the young French aristocrat who came to early America and, enthralled by what he saw, proceeded to write an American book explaining democratic America to itself. Yet, as Lucien Jaume argues in this acclaimed intellectual biography, Democracy in America is best understood as a French book, written primarily for the French, and overwhelmingly concerned with France. "America," Jaume says, "was merely a pretext for (...)
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  13.  10
    Medieval Self-Coronations: The History and Symbolism of a Ritual.Jaume Aurell - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Based on narrative, iconographical, and liturgical sources, this is the first systematic study to trace the story of the ritual of royal self-coronations from Ancient Persia to the present. Exposing as myth the idea that Napoleon's act of self-coronation in 1804 was the first extraordinary event to break the secular tradition of kings being crowned by bishops, Jaume Aurell vividly demonstrates that self-coronations were not as transgressive or unconventional as has been imagined. Drawing on numerous examples of royal self-coronations, (...)
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    Malebranche versus Arnauld.Monte Cook - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (2):183-199.
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    From Resilience to Burnout: Psychological Features of Italian General Practitioners During COVID-19 Emergency.Cinzia Di Monte, Silvia Monaco, Rachele Mariani & Michela Di Trani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy.A. Jaume, M. Liz, D. Pérez, M. Ponte & M. Vázquez (eds.) - 2010 - SEFA.
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    La conversión del Cardenal Newman.Manuel Angel Acebal Montes - 1987 - Augustinus 32 (125-128):433-453.
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    Hayden White y la naturaleza narrativa de la historia.Jaume Aurell - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (3):625-648.
    Western historiography experienced an important shift in the seventies due to the emergence of the theories associated with the linguistic turn, postmodernism and postestructuralism. Hayden White was one of the historians who led this transformation in the historical discipline. He argued that a historical text could be compared to a literary artifact on the leven of the form, since both use the same instrument —narrative— to representation the truth —whose content is factual events in history and fiction in literature. This (...)
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    Genetic factors in EEG, sleep, and evoked potentials.Monte S. Buchsbaum & Elliot S. Gershon - 1980 - In J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson (eds.), The Psychobiology of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 147--168.
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    Teaching and Learning at the Autonomous University during Barcelona’s Seventies.Jaume Casals - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (2):305-313.
    The memories of the teaching we had during the seventies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona show, forty years later, that this teaching was not a matter of a premeditated learning program. However, the diversity of the teachers we knew, their characters and examples, project a certain shadow of a philosophical experience that has been shared by several generations of contemporary Catalan philosophers.
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    Para una ontología de la historia: el sujeto de la historicidad.Jaume Farrerons & José Luis Arce Carrascoso - 2002 - Endoxa 1 (16):65.
  22. La presencia de Ortega en la formacion fenomenologica de Xavier Zubiri / The Prescence of Ortega in the Phenomenological Formation of Xavier Zubiri.Jaime Montes Miranda - 1989 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:43.
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    Appendix 1. The Use of Anthologies and Summaries in Tocqueville’s Time.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 327-327.
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  24. From Natural History to History. The scope and limits of Evolutionary Epistemology and Teleosemantics as naturalist research programs.A. L. Jaume - 2013 - Ludus Vitalis 21 (39).
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    Index.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 337-347.
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    Sobre el concepto de función en biología. Historia y problemas recientes.Andrés L. Jaume - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 16 (1-2):229-247.
    RESUMENEl presente artículo analiza las diferentes teorías que sobre el concepto de función se han vertido en los últimos cuarenta años y sus problemas. Respecto de los dos grandes enfoques (histórico-etiológico y sistémico) se sostiene que el primero, pese a su hegemonía histórica, presenta considerables dificultades y que la reflexión actual se centra cada vez más en la perspectiva sistémica. Esta última puede enfrentarse mejor a los diversos problemas que genera el concepto de función biológica y es siempre preferible.PALABRAS CLAVEFUNCIÓN (...)
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    Antoine Calvet. L’alchimie au Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles). Paris: Vrin, 2018.Jaume Mensa - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):160-162.
    El objetivo del libro no es otro, pues, que «retracer l’histoire de l’alchimie au Moye Âge». De acuerdo con esta perspectiva histórica, el libro esta estructurado en cuatro grandes capítulos. Primero: La réception de l’alchimie arabe au Moyen Âge ; segundo: Les principaux corpus alchimiques arabo-latins ; tercero: L’alchimie latine y, finalmente, el cuarto: L’alchimie à la fin du Moyen Âge: La transition vers la Renaissance. Una introducción, la conclusión, veinte páginas de bibliografia, el index nominum i el general completan (...)
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    How scientific objects end.Jaume Navarro - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (2):189-193.
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    Science and Religion in Nineteenth‐Century Europe: Non‐Anglo‐American Perspectives.Jaume Navarro & Kostas Tampakis - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):1045-1049.
    This is an introduction to the thematic section on “The Historiography of Science and Religion in Europe,” which resulted from a symposium held at the eighth Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, University College London, UK, from September 14–17, 2018. The introduction provides a brief argument for the decentering of science and religion from the Anglo‐American discourse. It concludes by previewing the contributions of the section's essays.
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  30. El agua víctima propicia del cambio climático.Jaume Satorra - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 58:162-166.
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    Free determination and genocide in East Timor.Jaume Saura - 2002 - Human Rights Review 3 (4):34-52.
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    Lingu~ stica, abans I Ara de la filosofia a la semiotica.Jaume Tic & I. Casacuberta - 1989 - Semiotica 1:15-26.
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  33. Filosofía, Política y filosofía política en R. Rorty.Jaume Trabal - 2000 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 15:111-130.
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  34. La apuesta filosófica por la polémica: entrevista a Richard Rorty.Jaume Trabal & Richard Rorty - 1998 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11:149-154.
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    Corpus anima: reflections from the unity of body and soul.Cedrus Monte - 2016 - Asheville: Chiron Publications.
    "Corpus Anima" is a collection of previously published essays written for professional Jungian journals about the unity of psyche and soma, spirit and matter, body and soul. There are also two chapters of more personal reflections, previously unpublished, including a series of articles on the mid-Atlantic Azorean Archipelago. The essays on psyche and soma come from the direct experience of their unity. We live, life moves, at the confluence of these polarities of spirit and matter, body and soul, where through (...)
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    Self-regulation of stimulus intensity: Augmenting/reducing and the average evoked response.Monte Buchsbaum - 1976 - In Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.), Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 101--135.
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    9. Tocqueville’s Relation to Jansenism.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 159-192.
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  38. Aristotle on the Ends and Limits of Teleology.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Aristotle is commonly considered the inventor of teleology, although the exact term "teleology" originated in the eighteenth century. If teleology means the use of ends and goals in natural science, then Aristotle should be regarded rather as a critical innovator of teleological explanation. Teleological notions were widespread among his predecessors, but Aristotle rejected their conception of extrinsic causes like mind or god as the primary causes for natural things. Aristotle's radical alternative was to assert nature itself as an internal principle (...)
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    Augmentation/reduction update.Monte S. Buchsbaum - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):748-749.
  40. d2ristdtil. Barcelona: Edicions 62.Jaume Casals - 1994 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 22:131-137.
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  41. El pou de la paraula. Una història de la saviesa grega Barcelona, 1996, 100 p.: Edicions 62, 1997.Jaume Casals - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:195-208.
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    Les corpus au service d’une approche multidimensionnelle de certains faits de langue et de discours : les exemples de la concession et de l’apostrophe.Michèle Monte - 2009 - Corpus 8:149-176.
    À travers deux études de cas, on montre comment le travail sur corpus permet de prendre en compte la variabilité de la langue tout en donnant accès par la mise en paradigme de nombreuses occurrences à la valeur abstraite de marqueurs ou d'opérations énonciatives. L'attention à la diversité lexicale et syntaxique des contextes devient un atout pour déterminer ce qui favorise le recours à tel marqueur plutôt que tel autre. Par ailleurs certains faits apparaissent comme relevant à la fois de (...)
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  43. A Peripheral Centre. Early Quantum Physics at Cambridge.Jaume Navarro - 2015 - In Kostas Gavroglu, Maria Paula Diogo & Ana Simões (eds.), Sciences in the Universities of Europe, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Academic Landscapes. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    El pou de la paraula: una història de la saviesa grega.Jaume Casals Pons - 1996 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
  45.  23
    Boswell, John. Las Bodas de la semejanza.Jaume Pòrtulas - 1999 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 4:427.
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    Quòdlibets, o, Reflexions escrites en veu alta: psicologia-educació-religió.Jaume Patuel I. Puig - 1993 - Argentona: L'Aixernador.
  47. Vocación y fidelidad en la evolución de nuestros tiempos.Jaume Pujol - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (173):81-118.
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    Islam, Constitutional Law and Human Rights. Sexual Minorities and Freethinkers in Egypt and Tunisia, by Tommaso Virgili.Jaume Saura - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (1):127-129.
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    The dawn of bilaterian animals: the case of acoelomorph flatworms.Jaume Baguñà & Marta Riutort - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (10):1046-1057.
    The origin of the bilaterian metazoans from radial ancestors is one of the biggest puzzles in animal evolution. A way to solve it is to identify the nature and main features of the last common ancestor of the bilaterians (LCB). Recent progress in molecular phylogeny has shown that many platyhelminth flatworms, regarded for a long time as basal bilaterians, now belong to the lophotrochozoan protostomates. In contrast, the LCB is now considered a complex organism bearing several features of modern bilaterians. (...)
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    Teleology and Elements.Monte Ransome Johnson - 2005 - In Aristotle on teleology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Did Aristotle consider the properties of the elements to be teleologically explicable? According to some commentators, he did not, but considered these to operate according to material, moving, or mechanical causes. According to others, he did, and this is evidence of his commitment to an “overall” or “global” teleology. Both of the positions are wrong. Aristotle did consider each of the elements teleologically explicable, but he considered the beneficiaries of their properties and motions to be the elements themselves. This is (...)
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