Results for 'Jean-Pierre Martinon'

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  1.  26
    Scènes minimes et compositions majeures: Les effets des descriptions en architecture.Jean-Pierre Martinon - 1998 - Semiotica 122 (3-4):355-368.
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    Après Kant: mélanges offerts à Jean-Pierre Fussler.Jean-Pierre Fussler & Antoine Hatzenberger (eds.) - 2024 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Par son enseignement et par ses traductions de Kant, Jean-Pierre Fussler a influencé plusieurs générations d'étudiants. Croisant les approches, ce recueil de travaux en son honneur fait dialoguer perspectives kantiennes, lectures et relectures des œuvres de Kant, commentaires de son œuvre et études de sa réception contemporaine, mais aussi, plus généralement, questions éthiques, essais phénoménologiques et diverses études philosophiques qui s'accordent toutes sur la nécessité de la méthode, la diversité du rationalisme et les impératifs de la pensée critique."--Page (...)
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    The Mark of the Sacred.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
    Jean-Pierre Dupuy, prophet of what he calls "enlightened doomsaying," has long warned that modern society is on a path to self-destruction. In this book, he pleads for a subversion of this crisis from within, arguing that it is our lopsided view of religion and reason that has set us on this course. In denial of our sacred origins and hubristically convinced of the powers of human reason, we cease to know our own limits: our disenchanted world leaves us (...)
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    Neuronal Man: The Biology of Mind.Jean-Pierre Changeux - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Here Jean-Pierre Changeux elucidates our current knowledge of the human brain, taking an interdisciplinary approach and explaining in layman's terms the complex theories and scientific breakthroughs that have significantly improved our ...
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    Entrevista com Jean-Pierre Berlan.Jean-Pierre Berlan - 2004 - Scientiae Studia 2 (3):395-413.
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    Curating as ethics.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2020 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    A new ethics for the global practice of curating Today, everyone is a curator. What was once considered a hallowed expertise is now a commonplace and global activity. Can this new worldwide activity be ethical and, if yes, how? This book argues that curating can be more than just selecting, organizing, and presenting information in galleries or online. Curating can also constitute an ethics, one of acquiring, arranging, and distributing an always conjectural knowledge about the world. Curating as Ethics is (...)
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    On futurity: Malabou, Nancy and Derrida.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores the ways deconstruction addresses the issue of futurity (what Jacques Derrida calls the "to-come," [l'à-venir]). In order to achieve this, it focuses on three French expressions, venue, survenue, and voir-venir, each taken from the work of Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Catherine Malabou. The idea behind this focus is to elude the issue of the one and only "to-come," as if this was a uniform and coherent entity or structure of experience, and to put forward instead (...)
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  8. What Makes Us Think?: A Neuroscientist and a Philosopher Argue About Ethics, Human Nature, and the Brain.Jean-Pierre Changeux & Paul Ricoeur - 2000 - Princeton.
    In a remarkable exchange between neuroscientist Jean-Pierre Changeux and philosopher Paul Ricoeur, this book explores the vexed territory between these...
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    Conversations on Mind, Matter, and Mathematics.Jean-Pierre Changeux & Alain Connes - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    "This wonderfully eloquent and playful colloquy of two brilliant minds gives new life to the old notion of Dialogue, a sadly forgotten form now.... I "love" this book!
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  10. Myth and Society in Ancient Greece.Jean-Pierre Vernant - 1988 - Zone Books.
    Jean-Pierre Vernant delineates a compelling new vision of ancient Greece that takesus far from the calm and familiar images of Polykleitos and the Parthenon, and reveals a culture ofslavery, of blood sacrifice, of perpetual and ritualized warfare, of ceremonial hunting andecstasies.In his provocative discussions of various institutions and practices including war,marriage, and the city state, Vernant unveils a complex and previously unexplored intersection ofthe religious, social, and political structures of ancient Greece. He concludes with a genealogy ofthe study (...)
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  11. Descartes, Divine Veracity, and Moral Certainty.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2005 - Dialogue 44 (1):15-40.
    RésuméCet article explore les liens entre le recours à la véracité de Dieu et les notions de certitude «métaphysique» et «morale» chez Descartes. Pour cela, je montre le rôle qu'elles jouent dans sa preuve de l'existence du monde extérieur, sa position sur l'existence d'autres esprits et celle sur l'«animal-machine». Descartes se sert de la véracité de Dieu dans le premier cas, maispas dans le deuxième ni le troisième. Je suggere que c'est parce que faire à nouveau appel à la véracité (...)
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  12.  52
    After "Rwanda" : In Search of a New Ethics.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2013 - Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.
    Is writing about peace after the Rwandan Genocide self-defeating? Whether it is the intensity of the massacres, the popularity of the genocide, or the imaginary forms of cruelty, however one looks at it, everything in the Rwandan Genocide appears to defy once again the possibility of thinking peace anew. In order to address this problem, this book investigates the work of specific French and Rwandese philosophers in order to renew our understanding of peace today. Through this path-breaking investigation, peace no (...)
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  13.  43
    Business ethics is a matter of good conduct and of good conscience?Jean-Pierre Galavielle - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):9-16.
    The myth of an economy where nobody could have a predominant position, has lost its credibility. The presentiment of a high risk of social explosion makes companies undertake tentative moral legitimation. Thus, a new paradigm develops according to which the firm has to care for the satisfaction of public interest if it wants to try to win forgiveness for misbehavior towards the decorum rules of the atomicity of competition. Thus, there is a wave of business ethics industry building up. However, (...)
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    A nuanced critical realist approach to educational policy and practice development: Redefining the nature of practitioners’ agency.Jean Pierre Elonga Mboyo - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):815-828.
    In an age of nationalisation of international educational policy, or vice versa, the politics and conflicts behind such policies often take centre stage to the detriment of professional expertise. In response, this article develops a nuanced critical realism to propose a practice-based development and implementation of educational policy reforms. Based on empirical reports of head teachers’ subversive practice, the article concludes by highlighting that professional expertise is a central component, dubbed ‘formless capability’, that all stakeholders use to turn policy intentions (...)
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    Rethinking medical ethics: concepts and principles.Jean-Pierre Clero - 2018 - Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag.
    In this unique study, Jean-Pierre Clero examines medical ethics from a philosophical perspective. Based on the thoughts of great philosophers, he develops a theory of medical ethics that focuses on the values of intimacy.
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    Arguments for adjuncts.Jean-Pierre Koenig, Gail Mauner & Breton Bienvenue - 2003 - Cognition 89 (2):67-103.
    It is commonly assumed across the language sciences that some semantic participant information is lexically encoded in the representation of verbs and some is not. In this paper, we propose that semantic obligatoriness and verb class specificity are criteria which influence whether semantic information is lexically encoded. We present a comprehensive survey of the English verbal lexicon, a sentence continuation study, and an on-line sentence processing study which confirm that both factors play a role in the lexical encoding of participant (...)
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  17. Religion: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It Matters.Jean-Pierre Smith - unknown
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  18. From a Geometrical Point of view: a study in the history and philosophy of category theory.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2009 - Springer.
    A Study of the History and Philosophy of Category Theory Jean-Pierre Marquis. to say that objects are dispensable in geometry. What is claimed is that the specific nature of the objects used is irrelevant. To use the terminology already ...
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    On the Origins of Cognitive Science: The Mechanization of the Mind.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2009 - MIT Press.
    An examination of the fundamental role cybernetics played in the birth of cognitive science and the light this sheds on current controversies. The conceptual history of cognitive science remains for the most part unwritten. In this groundbreaking book, Jean-Pierre Dupuy—one of the principal architects of cognitive science in France—provides an important chapter: the legacy of cybernetics. Contrary to popular belief, Dupuy argues, cybernetics represented not the anthropomorphization of the machine but the mechanization of the human. The founding fathers (...)
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  20. Self enforceable paths in extensive form games.Jean-Pierre Ponssard - 1990 - Theory and Decision 29 (1):69-83.
  21.  21
    The Museum’s Fourth Future.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (1):103-124.
    It is a widely accepted trope that museums work for future generations. They often define themselves in relation to heritage: something of the past, which is celebrated in the present and securely preserved for the future. In doing so, museums cloak themselves in a shroud of respectability for appropriately thinking in short and long terms and bravely facing future challenges. But what kind of future is at stake in this imperative to secure a heritage for future generations? Taking on a (...)
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    La theorie du controle du metabolisme controle et regulation.Jean-Pierre Mazat & Thierry Letellier - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):207-212.
    La théorie du Contróle du Métabolisme décrit comment un réseau métabolique répond à de petites perturbations au voisinage d'un état stationnaire. Deux types de coefficients sont définis: les coefficients d'élaslicité qui quantifient les variations des vitesses des étapes isolées et les coefficients de contrôle qui expriment la réponse globale du réseau aux perturbations d'une étape donnée. Des relations entre ces coefficients existent ).On ne fait pas toujours la distinction entre Contrôle et Régulation. En fait, il apparait que la notion de (...)
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  23. Foreword.Jean-Pierre Warnier - 2023 - In Urmila Mohan (ed.), The efficacy of intimacy and belief in worldmaking practices. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York: Routledge.
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    Zur Produktion von Gemeinsinn. Ihre diffizilen Bedingungen und ihre problematischen Wirkungen.Jean-Pierre Wils - 2001 - In Harald Bluhm & Herfried Münkler (eds.), Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Zwischen Normativität Und Faktizität. De Gruyter. pp. 113-130.
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    Climb kinetics of dislocation loops in aluminium.Jean-Pierre Tartour & Jack Washburn - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (156):1257-1267.
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  26. Afterword : respect for Derrida in/and Africa.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2019 - In Grant Farred (ed.), Derrida and Africa: Jacques Derrida as a Figure for African Thought. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Between Earth and Sky.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (1):25-44.
    Africa. Who are you? I deliberately don’t say here, “What are you?” As we know, the interrogative pronoun “what” is an attempt to grab the essence of something. As Heidegger says: “whatness [ Wassein ], comprises what one commonly calls… the idea or mental representation by means of which we propose to… grasp what a thing is.” As such, questions starting with the interrogative pronoun “what” are eminently violent because they reduce the object of inquiry to a thing that can (...)
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  28.  31
    You Shall Not Kill.Jean-Paul Martinon - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:303-309.
    This paper explores the meaning of the ethical command “You Shall Not Kill” subliminally included in the main exhibition of The Kigali Memorial Centre, Rwanda. The Centre was opened on the 10th Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide, in April 2004 and contains a permanent exhibition of the Rwandan genocide and an exhibition of other genocides around the world. In order to achieve this aim, this paper takes as a point of departure, Emmanuel Levinas’s interpretation of the 6th Commandment. This well-known (...)
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    Towards a Practical Form of Epistemology: The Case of Green Chemistry.Jean-Pierre Llored - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 5 (2):36-60.
    This paper explores how chemists are transforming their own current background in order to act upon the world without jeopardizing life. In this respect, I will envisage science as both a system of propositions and a set of engaged practices. The scrutiny of chemical innovations will allow me to query the concepts of paradigm and that of scientific community . In doing so, I will connect the philosophy of science with the philosophy of technology so as to think about our (...)
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    Concepts lacaniens.Jean-Pierre Cléro - 2003 - Cités 16 (4):145.
    Ce lexique, très abrégé, est destiné à éclairer quelques notions utilisées par Lacan, dans l’inédit que nous présentons, et par les auteurs du dossier qui, très habitués au discours lacanien et à son évolution au cours de l’œuvre et tout le long du Séminaire, ne songent guère à définir un certain nombre de termes auxquels,..
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    Louis de Broglie—Physicist and thinker.Jean-Pierre Vigier - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (10):923-930.
  32.  6
    The structures of the film experience: historical assessments and phenomenological expansions.Jean-Pierre Meunier - 2019 - [Amsterdam]: Amsterdam University Press. Edited by Daniel Fairfax & Julian Hanich.
    For the first time this volume makes Jean-Pierre Meunier's influential thoughts on the film experience available for an English-speaking readership. Introduced and commented by specialists in film studies and philosophy, Meunier's intricate phenomenological descriptions of the spectator's engagement with fiction films, documentaries and home movies can reach the wide audience they have deserved ever since their publication in French in 1969.
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    Pierre Bayle, Matter, and the Unity of Consciousness.Jean-Pierre Schachter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (2):241 - 265.
    There were three such assumptions required, one explicitly stated, and two not made explicit until Bayle. The explicit one was a certain commonly accepted double understanding of ‘destruction’: a ‘natural’ version, which made it no more than a change in a particular arrangement or ‘organization’ of particles through which an aggregate was destroyed by losing its identity, and a metaphysical version, which entailed the actual annihilation of a substance. It was assumed that the latter could be accomplished only by miraculous (...)
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  34.  80
    Living with Uncertainty.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2004 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 8 (2):4-25.
  35.  28
    From Classical to Quantum Models: The Regularising Rôle of Integrals, Symmetry and Probabilities.Jean-Pierre Gazeau - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (11):1648-1667.
    In physics, one is often misled in thinking that the mathematical model of a system is part of or is that system itself. Think of expressions commonly used in physics like “point” particle, motion “on the line”, “smooth” observables, wave function, and even “going to infinity”, without forgetting perplexing phrases like “classical world” versus “quantum world”.... On the other hand, when a mathematical model becomes really inoperative in regard with correct predictions, one is forced to replace it with a new (...)
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  36.  22
    On the Rationality of Sacrifice.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):23-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ON THE RATIONALITY OF SACRIFICE1 Jean-Pierre Dupuy Ecolepolytechnique, Paris, andStanford University i; "came to be interested in John Rawls'sy4 Theory ofJustice—an active.interest which led me to become the publisher ofthe French version ofthat book—in part for the following, apparently anecdotal reason: 1)On the one hand, as early as the first lines ofhis book, Rawls makes it clear that his major target is the critique ofutilitarianism. Utilitarianism is (...)
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  37.  10
    Les idées éthiques, sociales et politiques de Paracelse (1493-1541) et leur fondement.Jean-Pierre Fussler - 1986 - [Strasbourg]: Association des publications près les Universités de Strasbourg.
  38.  17
    Symbol and Myth in Sociology.Jean-Pierre Sironneau - 2011 - Iris 32:11-27.
    Sociology was obviously created for studying images, symbols or values related to social action, which is its main purpose. However, the imaginary field was very lately called up in sociology studies. Across the emergence of a sociology of the imaginary from Émile Durkheim to Gilbert Durand and Pierre Bourdieu. Jean-Pierre Sironneau draws and distinguishes several fields of this sociology: religion, beliefs, tradition, mythology and cultural expressions (literature, art and media). Social imaginary has become a fundamental issue as (...)
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    A Logical Analysis of the Anselm’s Unum Argumentum.Jean-Pierre Desclés - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):105-119.
    Anselm of Cantorbery wrote Proslogion, where is formulated the famous ‘Unum argumentum’ about the existence of God. This argument was been disputed and criticized by numerous logicians from an extensional view point. The classical predicate logic is not able to give a formal frame to develop an adequate analysis of this argument. According to us, this argument is not an ontological proof; it analyses the meaning of the “quo nihil maius cogitari posit”, a characterization of God, and establish, by absurd, (...)
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  40. Some pitfalls in the philosophical foundations of nanoethics.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (3):237 – 261.
    If such a thing as nanoethics is possible, it can only develop by confronting the great questions of moral philosophy, thus avoiding the pitfalls so common to regional ethics. We identify and analyze some of these pitfalls: the restriction of ethics to prudence understood as rational risk management; the reduction of ethics to cost/benefit analysis; the confusion of technique with technology and of human nature with the human condition. Once these points have been clarified, it is possible to take up (...)
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    Approximations and logic.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (2):184-196.
  42.  61
    The Mechanization of the Mind: On the Origins of Cognitive Science.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    The development of a scientific theory of mind was thus significantly delayed."--BOOK JACKET.
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  43.  9
    Le mystère de Dieu est accompli.Jean-Pierre Brisset - 1983 - Paris: Diffusion, Seuil. Edited by Philippe Cullard.
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    The precautionary principle and enlightened doomsaying.Jean-Pierre Dupuy - 2012 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (4):577.
    Résumé Le principe de précaution est une réponse apportée à un vrai problème. Les menaces auxquelles l’humanité se trouve confrontée aujourd’hui, et dont la mise en système pourrait mettre sa survie en danger, requièrent une forme de prudence radicalement nouvelle. Ni la phronêsis des Anciens ni le calcul des chances des Modernes ne conviennent. Le principe de précaution apparaît cependant incapable de relever ce défi, tant ses fondements conceptuels sont faibles et inadéquats. Il se trompe en particulier de cible en (...)
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    Filters and large cardinals.Jean-Pierre Levinski - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 72 (2):177-212.
    Assuming the consistency of the theory “ZFC + there exists a measurable cardinal”, we construct 1. a model in which the first cardinal κ, such that 2κ > κ+, bears a normal filter F whose associated boolean algebra is κ+-distributive ,2. a model where there is a measurable cardinal κ such that, for every regular cardinal ρ < κ, 2ρ = ρ++ holds,3. a model of “ZFC + GCH” where there exists a non-measurable cardinal κ bearing a normal filter F (...)
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    Sens et place des connaissances dans la société.Jean-Pierre Dupuy (ed.) - 1986 - Paris: Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
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    Éclats dans la philosophie: vers un matérialisme sémantique.Jean Pierre Faye - 2015 - [Paris]: Notes de nuit.
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    Lettre sur Derrida: combats au-dessus du vide.Jean Pierre Faye - 2013 - [Meaux]: Germina.
    Dans cette longue lettre à Benoît Peeters, Jean-Pierre Faye revient sur les péripéties de la fondation du Collège international de philosophie, sous l’égide de Jean-Pierre Chevènement alors ministre de la recherche, dans les années 1981-1982. Il laisse entendre quel rôle ambigu – et relativement peu élégant - a joué Derrida dans cette affaire de fondation. Mais la lettre pousse plus loin. Ces circonstances relatives à la création du Collège international de philosophie ne sont qu’un cadre narratif. (...)
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    Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece.Jean-Pierre Vernant & Pierre Vidal-Naquet - 1988 - Zone Books.
    In this work, published here as a single volume, the authors present a disturbing and decidedly non-classical reading of Greek tragedy that insists on its radical discontinuity with our own outlook and with our social, aesthetic, and psychological categories.
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  50. Introduction.Jean-Pierre Boulé & Ursula Tidd - 2012 - In Jean-Pierre Boulé & Ursula Tidd (eds.), Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Beauvoirian perspective. New York: Berghahn Books.
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