Results for 'Jeff Girling'

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  1.  8
    Ethics and the management of health and social care.Jeff Girling - 2007 - In Audrey Leathard & Susan Goodinson-McLaren (eds.), Ethics: contemporary challenges in health and social care. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. pp. 157--168.
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    Choice in Fertility Preservation in Girls and Adolescent Women with Cancer.Jeff Nisker, Françoise Baylis & Carolyn McLeod - 2006 - Cancer 107 (S7):1686-1689.
    With the cure rate for many pediatric malignancies now between 70% and 90%, infertility becomes an increasingly important issue. Strategies for preserving fertility in girls and adolescent women occur in two distinct phases. The first phase includes oophorectomy and cryopreservation of ovarian cortex slices or individual oocytes; ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of oocytes, with or without in vitro maturation, followed by cryopreservation; and ovarian autografting to a distant site. The second phase occurs if the woman chooses to pursue pregnancy, and includes (...)
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    Lęk przed infekcją.Zofia Jakubowicz-Prokop - 2023 - Civitas 30:109-148.
    Artykuł podejmuje się pytania o trwałość granic ludzkiego ciała i jego związki z otaczającą rzeczywistością. W odniesieniu do pogłebiającego się w wyniku zmian klimatycznych i zwiększającej się toksyczności środowiska lęku przed tym, co wnika z zewnątrz do naszego ciała, przywołuję koncepcje takich myślicielek, jak Stacy Alaimo, Donna Haraway i Karen Barad, by zastanowić się, w jaki sposób przemyśleć nasze relacje ze środowiskiem. Problem ten poruszam poprzez lekturę dwóch powieści eko-grozy, „Wilder Girls” Rory Power (2019) oraz „Unicestwienia” Jeffa VanderMeera (2014). Najważniejsze (...)
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  4. Socially Irresponsible and Illegal Behavior and Shareholder Wealth A Meta-Analysis of Event Studies.Jeff Frooman - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (3):221-249.
    This article provides empirical results indicating that acting in a socially respon- sible and lawful manner is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for increasing shareholder wealth. It meta-analyzes 27 event studies that have mea- sured the stock market's reaction to incidences of socially irresponsible and illicit behavior. It finds that for firms engaging in socially irresponsible and illicit behavior, the effect on shareholder wealth is negative (wealth decreases), statisti- cally significant (p <.001), and so substantial in size (D = (...)
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  5. The Role of Speaker and Hearer in the Character of Demonstratives.Jeff Speaks - 2016 - Mind 125 (498):301-339.
    Demonstratives have different semantic values relative to different contexts of utterance. But it is surprisingly difficult to describe the function from contexts to contents which determines the semantic value of a given use of a demonstrative. It is very natural to think that the intentions of the speaker should play a significant role here. The aim of this paper is to discuss a pair of problems that arise for views which give intentions this central role in explaining the characters of (...)
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  6. Theories of meaning (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).Jeff Speaks - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  7.  20
    The Weight I Just Can’t Lose.Shelley Lynn Meyers - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):4-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Weight I Just Can’t LoseShelley Lynn MeyersI have always been a “fat person”. According to the medical definition though, I have not always been obese. I have spent most of my life on a journey from chubby to obese, finally ending at my current “overweight” status. After years of struggling with obesity I had gastric bypass surgery, finally losing enough weight to be “normal.” However, regardless of the (...)
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  8. Animism and Natural Teleology from Avicenna to Boyle.Jeff Kochan - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (1):1-23.
    Historians have claimed that the two closely related concepts of animism and natural teleology were both decisively rejected in the Scientific Revolution. They tout Robert Boyle as an early modern warden against pre-modern animism. Discussing Avicenna, Aquinas, and Buridan, as well as Renaissance psychology, I instead suggest that teleology went through a slow and uneven process of rationalization. As Neoplatonic theology gained influence over Aristotelian natural philosophy, the meaning of animism likewise grew obscure. Boyle, as some historians have shown, exemplifies (...)
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  9. Proportionality and Time.Jeff McMahan - 2015 - Ethics 125 (3):696-719.
    Proportionality in the resort to war determines a limit to the amount of harm it can be permissible to cause for the sake of achieving a just cause. It seems to follow that if a war has caused harm up to that limit but has not achieved the just cause, it should be terminated. I argue, however, that this is a mistake. Judgments of proportionality are entirely prospective and harms suffered or inflicted in the past should in general be ignored. (...)
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    The Global Fight against Corruption: A Foucaultian, Virtues-Ethics Framing.Jeff Everett, Dean Neu & Abu Shiraz Rahaman - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (1):1-12.
    This paper extends the discussion of business ethics by examining the issue of corruption, its definition, the solutions being proposed for dealing with it, and the ethical perspectives underpinning these proposals. The paper’s findings are based on a review of association, think-tank, and academic reports, books, and papers dealing with the topic of corruption, as well as the pronouncements, websites, and position papers of a number of important global organizations active in the fight. These organizations include the World Bank, the (...)
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  11. Subjectivity and Emotion in Scientific Research.Jeff Kochan - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):354-362.
    A persistent puzzle for philosophers of science is the well-documented appeal made by scientists to their aesthetic emotions in the course of scientific research. Emotions are usually viewed as irremediably subjective, and thus of no epistemological interest. Yet, by denying an epistemic role for scientists’ emotional dispositions, philosophers find themselves in the awkward position of ignoring phenomena which scientists themselves often insist are of importance. This paper suggests a possible solution to this puzzle by challenging the wholesale identification of emotion (...)
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  12.  30
    Reform, not destroy: reply to McMahan, Sparrow and Temkin.Paula Casal - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (12):741-742.
    I'm very grateful to receive such long and thoughtful responses from some of the world's most creative and influential moral philosophers. Since I largely agree with Jeff McMahan and Larry Temkin, I will devote most of my scarce space to Rob Sparrow.Sparrow earlier claimed that since women gestate and live longer, enhancers are committed to parents conceiving only girls. To avoid this absurdity, we must reject enhancement and endorse what Sparrow calls “therapy”. I noted we first need to know (...)
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    Problems and solutions for a hybrid approach to grounding practical normativity.Jeff Behrends - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):159-178.
    Source Hybridism about practical reasons is the position that facts that constitute reasons sometimes derive their normative force from external metaphysical grounds, and sometimes from internal. Although historically less popular than either Source Internalism or Source Externalism, hybridism has lately begun to garner more attention. Here, I further the hybridist's cause by defending Source Hybridism from three objections. I argue that we are not warranted in rejecting hybridism for any of the following reasons: that hybridists cannot provide an account of (...)
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    Perceptual processing demands influence voluntary task choice.Victor Mittelstädt, Jeff Miller & Andrea Kiesel - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105232.
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  15. Tom : A critical commentary continued.Wes Sharrock & Jeff Coulter - 2009 - In Ivan Leudar & Alan Costall (eds.), Against theory of mind. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Active internalism and open dynamical systems.Jeff Yoshimi - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (1):1 - 24.
    The question whether cognition is subserved by internal processes in the brain (internalism) or extends in to the world (active externalism) has been vigorously debated in recent years. I show how internalist and externalist ideas can be pursued in a common framework, using (1) open dynamical systems, which allow for separate analysis of an agent's intrinsic and embodied dynamics, and (2) supervenience functions, which can be used to study how low-level dynamical systems give rise to higher-level dynamical structures.
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  17. Is the no-minimum claim true? Reply to Cullison.Jeff Jordan - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (1):125 - 127.
    Is the no-minimum claim true? I have argued that it is not. Andrew Cullison contends that my argument fails, since human sentience is variable; while Michael Schrynemakers has contended that the failure is my neglect of vagueness. Both, I argue, are wrong.
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    Quantifying Talker Variability in North-American Infants' Daily Input.Federica Bulgarelli, Jeff Mielke & Elika Bergelson - 2021 - Cognitive Science 46 (1):e13075.
    Words sound slightly different each time they are said, both by the same talker and across talkers. Rather than hurting learning, lab studies suggest that talker variability helps infants learn similar sounding words. However, very little is known about how much variability infants hear within a single talker or across talkers in naturalistic input. Here, we quantified these types of talker variability for highly frequent words spoken to 44 infants, from naturalistic recordings sampled longitudinally over a year of life (from (...)
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    (1 other version)The Topography of Divine Love.Jeff Jordan - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (1):53-69.
    It is widely thought that God must love each and every human to the same depth and degree. This proposition plays a prominent role in influential versionsof the problem of evil, and in theistic attempts to answer the problem of evil. A common reason cited in support of the idea of God’s loving equally every human is that a perfect being would possess every great-making property and loving equally every human would be a great-making property. It is the argument of (...)
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  20.  14
    Student and faculty perceptions of, and experiences with, academic dishonesty at a medium-sized Canadian university.Jeff Meadows, Randall Barley, Stephanie Varsanyi, Christina M. Nord & Oluwagbohunmi Awosoga - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    There is a paucity of research into the prevalence of academic dishonesty within Canada compared to other countries. Recently, there has been a call for a better understanding of the particular characteristics of educational integrity in Canada so that Canada can more meaningfully contribute to current discussions surrounding academic integrity. Here, we present findings from student and faculty surveys conducted within a medium-sized Canadian university. These surveys probed perceptions towards, and experiences with, academic dishonesty, in which we aimed to understand (...)
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  21. Infanticide and moral consistency.Jeff McMahan - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):273-280.
    The aim of this essay is to show that there are no easy options for those who are disturbed by the suggestion that infanticide may on occasion be morally permissible. The belief that infanticide is always wrong is doubtfully compatible with a range of widely shared moral beliefs that underlie various commonly accepted practices. Any set of beliefs about the morality of abortion, infanticide and the killing of animals that is internally consistent and even minimally credible will therefore unavoidably contain (...)
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  22. Getting Real with Rouse and Heidegger.Jeff Kochan - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (1):81-115.
    Joseph Rouse has drawn from Heidegger’s early philosophy to develop what he calls a “practical hermeneutics of science.” With this, he has not only become an important player in the recent trend towards practice-based conceptualisations of science, he has also emerged as the predominant expositor of Heidegger’s philosophy of science. Yet, there are serious shortcomings in both Rouse’s theory of science and his interpretation of Heidegger. In the first instance, Rouse’s practical hermeneutics appears confused on the topic of realism. In (...)
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  23. Hiddenness, evidence, and idolatry.E. J. Coffman & Jeff Cervantez - 2011 - In Raymond VanArragon & Kelly James Clark (eds.), Evidence and Religious Belief. Oxford, US: Oxford University Press.
    In some of the most important recent work in religious epistemology, Paul Moser (2002, 2004, 2008) develops a multifaceted reply to a prominent attack on belief in God—what we’ll call the Hiddenness Argument. This paper raises a number of worries about Moser’s novel treatment of the Hiddenness Argument. After laying out the version of that argument Moser most explicitly engages, we explain the four main elements of Moser’s reply and argue that it stands or falls with two pieces in particular—what (...)
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    Quantifying professionalism in peer review.Joshua A. Rash, Jeff C. Clements, Chi-Yeung Choi, Stephanie Avery-Gomm, Alyssa M. Allen Gerwing & Travis G. Gerwing - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundThe process of peer-review in academia has attracted criticism surrounding issues of bias, fairness, and professionalism; however, frequency of occurrence of such comments is unknown.MethodsWe evaluated 1491 sets of reviewer comments from the fields of “Ecology and Evolution” and “Behavioural Medicine,” of which 920 were retrieved from the online review repository Publons and 571 were obtained from six early career investigators. Comment sets were coded for the occurrence of “unprofessional comments” and “incomplete, inaccurate or unsubstantiated critiques” using an a-prior rubric (...)
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    Section 2 Self‐directed Multidisciplinary Learning and Anti‐Consumerism Education.Adrian Skilbeck & Jeff Stickney - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (4):866-866.
  26.  20
    Noah M. J. Pickus, immigration and citizenship in the twenty‐first century.Reviewed by Jeff Spinner‐Halev - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4).
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    Husserl on Psycho-Physical Laws.Jeff Yoshimi - 2010 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 10:25-42.
  28. Two Conceptions of Weight of Evidence in Peirce’s Illustrations of the Logic of Science.Jeff Kasser - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (3):629-648.
    Weight of evidence continues to be a powerful metaphor within formal approaches to epistemology. But attempts to construe the metaphor in precise and useful ways have encountered formidable obstacles. This paper shows that two quite different understandings of evidential weight can be traced back to one 1878 article by C.S. Peirce. One conception, often associated with I.J. Good, measures the balance or net weight of evidence, while the other, generally associated with J.M. Keynes, measures the gross weight of evidence. Conflations (...)
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    Addressing the Relationships Among Moral Judgment Development, Authenticity, Nonprejudice, and Volunteerism.Chris Chandler, Jeff Brooks, Ryan Mulvaney & W. Pitt Derryberry - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (3):201-217.
    This study addresses how moral judgment development, authenticity, and nonprejudice account for variance in scores pertaining to various motivational functions underlying volunteerism in order to clarify certain problems associated with previous research that has considered such relationships. In the study, 127 participants completed measurements that pertain to these constructs. Correlations revealed that moral judgment had a negligible relationship with both authenticity and nonprejudice, thereby affirming that the former construct is distinct from the latter two. Linear regression analyses supported that moral (...)
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  30. Introduction: exploring Cora Diamond’s significances for education and educators.Jeff Frank & Megan Laverty - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (1):1-19.
    This paper introduces the special section on Cora Diamond’s significance for education and educators. The introduction is meant to be the beginning of a conversation, and—to that end—the special section editors suggest lines of connections that philosophers of education might draw between their work and the work of Cora Diamond. Their list is not meant to be exhaustive, but it is meant to suggest Diamond’s far-reaching significance for education and educators.
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    Reflections on the “Darwin-Descartes” Problem.Jeff Coulter - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (3):274-288.
  32.  35
    The Argument from Divine Hiddenness and Christian Love.Jeff Jordan - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (3):87-103.
    In the paper it is argued that the conceptual resources of Christianity topple the hiddenness argument. According to the author, the variability of the divine love cast doubt on the soundness of Schellenberg’s reasoning. If we understood a perfect love as a maximal and equal concern and identification with all and for all, then a divine love would entail divine impartiality, but because of conflicts of interest between human beings the perfect, divine love cannot be maximal.
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    Group agency and the challenges of repairing historical injustice.Jeff Spinner-Halev - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3):380-394.
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    Walker Evans.Maria Morris Hambourg, Jeff L. Rosenheim, Douglas Eklund & Mia Fineman - 2000 - Princeton University Press.
    From his 1920s black-and-white street scenes to the color photographs of signs and letter forms from his final years, the images made by photographer Walker Evans are icons of national identity that have shaped Americans' views of themselves and directly influenced important currents of modern art. 141 duotones, 53 color plates, 171 halftones.
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    A Note on Irrelevance in Inductive Logic.Jeff B. Paris & Alena Vencovská - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (3):357 - 370.
    We consider two formalizations of the notion of irrelevance as a rationality principle within the framework of (Carnapian) Inductive Logic: Johnson's Sufficientness Principle, JSP, which is classically important because it leads to Carnap's influential Continuum of Inductive Methods and the recently proposed Weak Irrelevance Principle, WIP. We give a complete characterization of the language invariant probability functions satisfying WIP which generalizes the Nix-Paris Continuum. We argue that the derivation of two very disparate families of inductive methods from alternative perceptions of (...)
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    Grasping the world from a cockpit: investigating embodied neural mechanisms underlying human performance and ergonomics in aviation context.Mariateresa Sestito, Jeff Nador, John Flach & Assaf Harel - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    On using compressibility to detect when slime mould completed computation.Andrew Adamatzky & Jeff Jones - 2016 - Complexity 21 (5):162-175.
  38. A Defense of Descriptive Moral Content.Jeff Wisdom - 2009 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 47 (3):285-300.
    Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons have recently provided an updated presentation and defense of a metaethical view that they call cognitivist expressivism. Expressivists claim that moral judgments express propositional attitudes that do not represent or describe the external world. Horgan and Timmons agree with this claim, but they also deny the traditional expressivist claim that moral judgments do not express beliefs. On their view, moral judgments are genuine, truth-apt beliefs, thus making their form of expressivism a cognitivist one. In this (...)
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    Determinants of the grief experience of survivors.Linda J. Kristjanson & Jeff A. Sloan - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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    Special Issue: The Legacy of Chet Bowers for EcoJustice Education.Rebecca Martusewicz & Jeff Edmundson - 2018 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 54 (3):352-353.
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    The Problem of Unilateralism in Agency Theory: Towards a Bilateral Formulation.Sareh Pouryousefi & Jeff Frooman - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (2):163-182.
    ABSTRACT:Some business ethicists view agency theory as a cautionary tale—a proof that it is impossible to carry out successful economic interactions in the absence of ethical behaviour. The cautionary-tale view presents a nuanced normative characterisation of agency, but itsunilateralfocus betrays a limited understanding of the structure of social interaction. This article moves beyond unilateralism by presenting a descriptive and normative argument for abilateralcautionary-tale view. Specifically, we discuss hat swaps and role dualism in asymmetric-information principal-agent relationships and argue that the norm (...)
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    Trust, Morality, and the Privatization of Water Services in Developing Countries.Abu Shiraz Rahaman, Jeff Everett & Dean Neu - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):539-575.
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  43. Un nuevo paradigma para la gestión pública.Stuart Haywood Y. Jeff Rodrigues - 1994 - In Bernardo Kliksberg (ed.), El rediseño del estado: una perspectiva internacional. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    Getting into shape: epidermal morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.Jeffrey S. Simske & Jeff Hardin - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (1):12-23.
    The change in shape of the C. elegans embryo from an ovoid ball of cells into a worm-shaped larva is driven by three events within the cells of the hypodermis (epidermis): (1) intercalation of two rows of dorsal cells, (2) enclosure of the ventral surface by hypodermis, and (3) elongation of the embryo. While the behavior of the hypodermal cells involved in each of these processes differs dramatically, it is clear that F-actin and microtubules have essential functions in each of (...)
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    Organizational ethics and social justice in practice: Choices and challenges in a rural-urban health region.Christy Simpson & Jeff Kirby - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (4):274-283.
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    Section 1 Environmental Sustainability Education in Teacher Education and Policy.Adrian Skilbeck & Jeff Stickney - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (4):807-807.
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    Section 5 Indigenous Land‐based, Forest School and Place‐based Education.Adrian Skilbeck & Jeff Stickney - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (4):1032-1032.
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    Institutional Approaches to Judicial Restraint.Jeff A. King - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28 (3):409-441.
    This article addresses the pressing issue of what process courts should use to identify those questions whose resolution lies beyond their appropriate capacity and legitimacy. The search for such a process is a basic constitutional problem that has defied a clear answer for well over a hundred years. The chequered history of earlier attempts illustrates why commentators have once again begun to gravitate towards institutional approaches. The general features of institutional approaches include emphasis on uncertainty, judicial fallibility, systemic impact, collaboration (...)
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    Implications of the concept of minimal risk in research on informed choice in clinical practice.Kyoko Wada & Jeff Nisker - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):804-808.
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    Base property exemplification and mixed worlds: remarks on the Shafer-Landau/Mabrito exchange.Jeff Wisdom - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (3):429-434.
    In this essay I distinguish between a synchronic view of base property exemplification and a diachronic one. I argue that only a diachronic view of base property exemplification can substantiate a ban on morally mixed worlds. I then argue that one of Robert Mabrito’s recent criticisms of Russ Shafer-Landau’s moral realism fails on either a synchronic or a diachronic view.
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