Results for 'Jens Mueller'

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  1.  27
    The Power of #Hashtags.Jens Mueller - 2020 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 17 (2):195-218.
    The article proposes that social media, particularly Twitter, has theological potential to foster solidarity through collective activism. It argues that solidarity is a social virtue, cultivated and habituated through social action in the digital sphere, thus becoming a key element in promoting the mission of the Church. The use of Twitter reinforces the importance of Catholic social movements and activism within the 21st century. The vision of solidarity in Catholic social thought ultimately contributes to the wider debate surrounding caring for (...)
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    Enacting Catholic Social Tradition: The Deep Practice of Human Dignity.Jens Mueller - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (1):196-198.
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  3. Granularity problems.Jens Christian Bjerring & Wolfgang Schwarz - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266):22-37.
    Possible-worlds accounts of mental or linguistic content are often criticized for being too coarse-grained. To make room for more fine-grained distinctions among contents, several authors have recently proposed extending the space of possible worlds by "impossible worlds". We argue that this strategy comes with serious costs: we would effectively have to abandon most of the features that make the possible-worlds framework attractive. More generally, we argue that while there are intuitive and theoretical considerations against overly coarse-grained notions of content, the (...)
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    The role of the environment in computational explanations.Jens Harbecke & Oron Shagrir - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (3):1-19.
    The mechanistic view of computation contends that computational explanations are mechanistic explanations. Mechanists, however, disagree about the precise role that the environment – or the so-called “contextual level” – plays for computational explanations. We advance here two claims: Contextual factors essentially determine the computational identity of a computing system ; this means that specifying the “intrinsic” mechanism is not sufficient to fix the computational identity of the system. It is not necessary to specify the causal-mechanistic interaction between the system and (...)
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  5. Impossible worlds and logical omniscience: an impossibility result.Jens Christian Bjerring - 2013 - Synthese 190 (13):2505-2524.
    In this paper, I investigate whether we can use a world-involving framework to model the epistemic states of non-ideal agents. The standard possible-world framework falters in this respect because of a commitment to logical omniscience. A familiar attempt to overcome this problem centers around the use of impossible worlds where the truths of logic can be false. As we shall see, if we admit impossible worlds where “anything goes” in modal space, it is easy to model extremely non-ideal agents that (...)
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    The social order of markets.Jens Beckert - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (3):245-269.
  7. Good but not required?—assessing the demands of Kantian ethics.Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (1):9-27.
    There seems to be a strong sentiment in pre-philosophical moral thought that actions can be morally valuable without at the same time being morally required. Yet Kant, who takes great pride in developing an ethical system firmly grounded in common moral thought, makes no provision for any such extraordinary acts of virtue. Rather, he supports a classification of actions as either obligatory, permissible or prohibited, which in the eyes of his critics makes it totally inadequate to the facts of morality. (...)
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    Euler-type Diagrams and the Quantification of the Predicate.Jens Lemanski - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (2):401-416.
    Logicians have often suggested that the use of Euler-type diagrams has influenced the idea of the quantification of the predicate. This is mainly due to the fact that Euler-type diagrams display more information than is required in traditional syllogistics. The paper supports this argument and extends it by a further step: Euler-type diagrams not only illustrate the quantification of the predicate, but also solve problems of traditional proof theory, which prevented an overall quantification of the predicate. Thus, Euler-type diagrams can (...)
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  9. The Study of Visual and Multimodal Argumentation.Jens E. Kjeldsen - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (2):115-132.
    IntroductionIf we were to identify the beginning of the study of visual argumentation, we would have to choose 1996 as the starting point. This was the year that Leo Groarke published “Logic, art and argument” in Informal logic, and it was the year that he and David Birdsell co-edited a special double issue of Argumentation and Advocacy on visual argumentation . Among other papers, the issue included Anthony Blair’s “The possibility and actuality of visual arguments”. It was also the year (...)
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    The regularity theory of mechanistic constitution and a methodology for constitutive inference.Jens Harbecke - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 54:10-19.
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    Capitalism as a System of Expectations: Toward a Sociological Microfoundation of Political Economy.Jens Beckert - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (3):323-350.
    Political economy and economic sociology have developed in relative isolation from each other. While political economy focuses largely on macro phenomena, economic sociology focuses on the embeddedness of economic action. The article argues that economic sociology can provide a microfoundation for political economy beyond rational actor theory and behavioral economics. At the same time political economy offers a unifying research framework for economic sociology with its focus on the explanation of capitalist dynamics. The sociological microfoundation for understanding of capitalist dynamics (...)
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  12. Kantian duties to the self, explained and defended.Jens Timmermann - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (3):505-530.
    The present article is an attempt to clarify the Kantian conception of duties to the self and to defend them against common objections. Kant’s thesis that all duty rests on duties to the self is shown to follow from the autonomy of the human will; and the allegation that they are impossible because the agent could always release himself from such a duty turns out to be question-begging. There is no attempt to prove that there are such duties, but they (...)
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  13. Being and betterness.Jens Johansson - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (3):285-302.
    In this article I discuss the question of whether a person’s existence can be better (or worse) for him than his non-existence. Recently, Nils Holtug and Melinda A. Roberts have defended an affirmative answer. These defenses, I shall argue, do not succeed. In different ways, Holtug and Roberts have got the metaphysics and axiology wrong. However, I also argue that a person’s existence can after all be better (or worse) for him than his non-existence, though for reasons other than those (...)
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  14.  19
    Mental Causation: Investigating the Mind's Powers in a Natural World.Jens Harbecke - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    This work is a systematic investigation of a range of solutions offered today for the philosophical problem of mental causation. The premises constituting the problem are analyzed before a survey is developed of the most popular theories on mental causation. It is demonstrated in detail why most of these canonical solutions must be considered deficient. In a third part, the 'new compatibilist's' approach to mental causation is explored, which is characterized by assertion of a non-identity-but-non-distinctness principle. The last part aims (...)
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    Flaubert's Destiny: Freedom and Alienation in L'Idiot de la famille.Marieke Mueller - 2014 - Sartre Studies International 20 (2):17-31.
    As an attempt to formulate epistemological boundaries , for which Gustave Flaubert becomes a test-case, L'Idiot de la famille can be seen simultaneously as the exemplification of a method and as a re-assertion and further development of Sartre's theory of subjectivity. This article proposes to approach the issue of Sartre's notion of human subjectivity in L'Idiot from the particular angle of the idea of “destiny.” It will be argued that the term “ destin ” provides a focal point for multiple (...)
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  16. Data identity: privacy and the construction of self.Jens-Erik Mai & Sille Obelitz Søe - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-22.
    This paper argues in favor of a hybrid conception of identity. A common conception of identity in datafied society is a split between a digital self and a real self, which has resulted in concepts such as the data double, algorithmic identity, and data shadows. These data-identity metaphors have played a significant role in the conception of informational privacy as control over information—the control of or restricted access to your digital identity. Through analyses of various data-identity metaphors as well as (...)
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    Stille crisis of stilte voor de storm? Over het statuut van de humanities in tijden van neoliberalisme.Jens De Vleminck & Anton Froeyman - 2013 - de Uil Van Minerva 26 (3):175-184.
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  18. Handeln, praktisches Denken und Wissen.Jens Kertscher und Jan Müller - 2015 - In Jens Kertscher & Jan Müller (eds.), Lebensform und Praxisform. Münster: Mentis.
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    Vom Schönen und seiner Wahrheit.Gustav Mueller - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):136-136.
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    Das Geheimnis Der Kunst.Gustav E. Mueller - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (2):240-240.
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  21. Value without regress: Kant's 'formula of humanity' revisited.Jens Timmermann - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):69–93.
  22.  82
    Logic Diagrams in the Weigel and Weise Circles.Jens Lemanski - 2018 - History and Philosophy of Logic 39 (1):3-28.
    From the mid-1600s to the beginning of the eighteenth century, there were two main circles of German scholars which focused extensively on diagrammatic reasoning and representation in logic. The first circle was formed around Erhard Weigel in Jena and consists primarily of Johann Christoph Sturm and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; the second circle developed around Christian Weise in Zittau, with the support of his students, particularly Samuel Grosser and Johann Christian Lange. Each of these scholars developed an original form of using (...)
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  23. Non-Ideal Epistemic Spaces.Jens Christian Bjerring - 2010 - Dissertation, Australian National University
    In a possible world framework, an agent can be said to know a proposition just in case the proposition is true at all worlds that are epistemically possible for the agent. Roughly, a world is epistemically possible for an agent just in case the world is not ruled out by anything the agent knows. If a proposition is true at some epistemically possible world for an agent, the proposition is epistemically possible for the agent. If a proposition is true at (...)
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  24. Acting from duty: Inclination, reason and moral worth.Jens Timmermann - 2009 - In Kant's 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Section I of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is meant to lead us from our everyday conception of morality to the supreme principle of all moral action, officially christened the ‘categorical imperative’ some twenty Academy pages further into the treatise. It is quite striking that in this first section Kant dispenses with the notorious technical language that pervades not just other parts of the Groundwork but also most of the remaining philosophical writings of the critical period. The mere (...)
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    Emergence in Sociology: A Critique of Nonreductive Individualism.Jens Greve - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (2):188-223.
    The emergentist position that R. Keith Sawyer has formulated, nonreductive individualism, contains three propositions. First, that social characteristics must always be realized in individuals; second, that it is nevertheless possible to understand social properties as irreducible; and third, that therefore it is possible to demonstrate how social properties are able to exercise independent causal influences on individuals and their properties. It is demonstrated that Sawyer is not able to meet an objection that Kim has formulated against the analogous position in (...)
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  26.  58
    Logic Diagrams, Sacred Geometry and Neural Networks.Jens Lemanski - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (4):495-513.
    In early modernity, one can find many spatial logic diagrams whose geometric forms share a family resemblance with religious art and symbols. The family resemblance these diagrams bear in form is often based on a vesica piscis or on a cross: Both logic diagrams and spiritual symbols focus on the intersection or conjunction of two or more entities, e.g. subject and predicate, on the one hand, or god and man, on the other. This paper deals with the development and function (...)
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  27. Against Pluralism in Metaethics.Jens Johansson & Jonas Olson - 2015 - In Christopher Daly (ed.), Palgrave Handbook on Philosophical Methods. Palgrave Macmillan.
  28.  77
    Calculus CL as a Formal System.Jens Lemanski & Ludger Jansen - 2020 - In Ahti Veikko Pietarinen, Peter Chapman, Leonie Bosveld-de Smet, Valeria Giardino, James Corter & Sven Linker (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Diagrams 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12169. 2020. pp. 445-460.
    In recent years CL diagrams inspired by Lange’s Cubus Logicus have been used in various contexts of diagrammatic reasoning. However, whether CL diagrams can also be used as a formal system seemed questionable. We present a CL diagram as a formal system, which is a fragment of propositional logic. Syntax and semantics are presented separately and a variant of bitstring semantics is applied to prove soundness and completeness of the system.
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  29. Counterfactual Causation and Mental Causation.Jens Harbecke - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):363-385.
    Counterfactual conditionals have been appealed to in various ways to show how the mind can be causally efficacious. However, it has often been overestimated what the truth of certain counterfactuals actually indicates about causation. The paper first identifies four approaches that seem to commit precisely this mistake. The arguments discussed involve erroneous assumptions about the connection of counterfactual dependence and genuine causation, as well as a disregard of the requisite evaluation conditions of counterfactuals. In a second step, the paper uses (...)
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    Institutional Isomorphism Revisited: Convergence and Divergence in Institutional Change.Jens Beckert - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (2):150 - 166.
    Under the influence of groundbreaking work by John Meyer and Brian Rowen, as well as Paul DiMaggio and Walter Powell, over the last 30 years research in the new sociological institutionalism has focused on processes of isomorphism. I argue that this is a one-sided focus that leaves out many insights from other institutional and macrosociological approaches and does not do justice to actual social change because it overlooks the role played by divergent institutional development. While the suggestion of divergent trends (...)
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  31.  19
    Der Aufstieg zum Einen: Untersuchungen zu Platon und Plotin.Jens Halfwassen - 1992 - Stuttgart: Vieweg+teubner Verlag.
    Aufstieg zum Einen - das ist das Zentrum der Philosophie Plotins und des von ihm ausgehenden Neuplatonismus. Dass solcher Aufstieg zum Einen aber auch schon bei Platon eine zentrale Rolle spielt, gehört zu den wichtigsten Einsichten der neueren Platonforschung. Das vorliegende Buch zieht daraus die Konsequenz und bestimmt das Verhältnis zwischen Platon und dem Neuplatonismus neu. Es verbindet die erste umfassende Darstellung von Plotins Theorie des Absoluten mit einer Rekonstruktion von Platons Henologie. Dabei arbeitet es die enge Verbindung beider heraus (...)
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    Kants Logik des ästhetischen Urteils.Jens Kulenkampff - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (2):212-217.
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    Galilei, Torricelli, Stahl – Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Physik in der B-Vorrede zu Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Jens Lemanski - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (3):451-484.
    In the second preface to the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant claims that Galileo Galilei, Evangelista Torricelli and Georg Ernst Stahl caused a scientific revolution in experimental physics (B xii). In this paper, I advance the historical thesis that Kantʼs claim refers precisely to three passages from Discursus et demonstrationes mathematicae (Galilei), Lettera a Filaleti Di Timauro Antiate (Torricelli), and Beweiß von den Saltzen (Stahl). This historical thesis provides evidence for a newer systematic interpretation, which says that the topic of (...)
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  34. The objectivity of taste: Hume and Kant.Jens Kulenkampff - 1990 - Noûs 24 (1):93-110.
  35.  84
    Horizontal and vertical determination of mental and neural states.Jens Harbecke & Harald Atmanspacher - 2012 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):161-179.
    Mental and neural states are related to one another by vertical interlevel relations and by horizontal intralevel relations. For particular choices of such relations, problems arise if causal efficacy is ascribed to mental states. In a series of influential papers and books, Kim has presented his much discussed “supervenience argument,” which ultimately amounts to the dilemma that mental states either are causally inefficacious or they hold the threat of overdetermining neural states. Forced by this disjunction, Kim votes in favor of (...)
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  36. Reversal or retreat? Kant's deductions of freedom and morality.Jens Timmermann - 2010 - In Andrews Reath & Jens Timmermann (eds.), Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  37. Why Kant could not have been a utilitarian.Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Utilitas 17 (3):243-264.
    In 1993, Richard Hare argued that, contrary to received opinion, Kant could have been a utilitarian. In this article, I argue that Hare was wrong. Kant's theory would not have been utilitarian or consequentialist even if his practical recommendations coincided with utilitarian commands: Kant's theory of value is essentially anti-utilitarian; there is no place for rational contradiction as the source of moral imperatives in utilitarianism; Kant would reject the move to separate levels of moral thinking: first-order moral judgement makes use (...)
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    Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God with James Wood, Catherine Keller, Charles Taylor, Julia Kristeva, Gianni Vattimo, Simon Critchley, Jean-Luc Marion, John Caputo, David Tracey, Jens Zimmermann, and Merold Westphal.Richard Kearney & Jens Zimmermann (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary conversations about religion and culture are framed by two reductive definitions of secularity. In one, multiple faiths and nonfaiths coexist free from a dominant belief in God. In the other, we deny the sacred altogether and exclude religion from rational thought and behavior. But is there a third way for those who wish to rediscover the sacred in a skeptical society? What kind of faith, if any, can be proclaimed after the ravages of the Holocaust and the many religion-based (...)
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  39. Is the concept of the person necessary for human rights?Jens David Ohlin - unknown
    The concept of the person is widely assumed to be indispensable for making a rights claim. But a survey of the concept's appearance in legal discourse reveals that the concept is stretched to the breaking point. Personhood stands at the center of debates as diverse as the legal status of embryos and animals to the rights and responsibilities of corporations and nations. This Note argues that personhood is a cluster concept with distinct components: the biological concept of the human being, (...)
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    Terminating Tableaux for Dynamic Epistemic Logics.Jens Ulrik Hansen - 2010 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 262:141-156.
    Throughout the last decade, there has been an increased interest in various forms of dynamic epistemic logics to model the flow of information and the effect this flow has on knowledge in multi-agent systems. This enterprise, however, has mostly been applicationally and semantically driven. This results in a limited amount of proof theory for dynamic epistemic logics. In this paper, we try to compensate for a part of this by presenting terminating tableau systems for full dynamic epistemic logic with action (...)
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  41.  31
    The methodological role of mechanistic-computational models in cognitive science.Jens Harbecke - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):19-41.
    This paper discusses the relevance of models for cognitive science that integrate mechanistic and computational aspects. Its main hypothesis is that a model of a cognitive system is satisfactory and explanatory to the extent that it bridges phenomena at multiple mechanistic levels, such that at least several of these mechanistic levels are shown to implement computational processes. The relevant parts of the computation must be mapped onto distinguishable entities and activities of the mechanism. The ideal is contrasted with two other (...)
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    Making Sense of Sound: Auscultation and Lung Sound Codification in Nineteenth-Century French and German Medicine.Jens Lachmund - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (4):419-450.
    With the introduction of the technique of auscultation in nineteenth-century medicine, the auditory became a most important means of producing diagnostic knowledge. The correct classification and interpretation of the sounds revealed by auscultation, however, remained an issue of negotiation and often controversy throughout the mid-nineteenth century. This article examines the codification of lung sounds within two cultural and geographic contexts: first, the original approach as it was developed by Laennec and his followers in Paris that came to be dominant in (...)
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  43. The Social Construction of Illness. Illness and Medical Knowledge in Past and Present.Jens Lachmund, Gunnar Stollberg & Mirko D. Grmek - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (2):338.
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    Dislocation bends in anisotropic media.Jens Lothe - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (134):353-362.
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  45. Memory Systems, the Epistemic Arrow of Time, and the Second Law.David H. Wolpert & Jens Kipper - 2024 - Entropy 26 (2).
    The epistemic arrow of time is the fact that our knowledge of the past seems to be both of a different kind and more detailed than our knowledge of the future. Just like with the other arrows of time, it has often been speculated that the epistemic arrow arises due to the second law of thermodynamics. In this paper, we investigate the epistemic arrow of time using a fully formal framework. We begin by defining a memory system as any physical (...)
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    Arthur Schopenhauer on Naturalness in Logic.Jens Lemanski & Hubert Martin Schüler - 2020 - In Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer. Basel, Schweiz: Birkhäuser. pp. 145-165.
    The question of naturalness in logic is widely discussed in today’s research literature. On the one hand, naturalness in the systems of natural deduction is intensively discussed on the basis of Aristotelian syllogistics. On the other hand, research on “natural logic” is concerned with the implicitly existing logical laws of natural language, and is therefore also interested in the naturalness of syllogistics. In both research areas, the question arises what naturalness exactly means, in logic as well as in language. We (...)
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    Husserls fenomenologie als dam tegen het reductionisme van de positieve wetenschappen.Jens De Vleminck & Ullrich Melle - 2013 - de Uil Van Minerva 26 (1):35-52.
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    Emotions as Overlapping Causal Networks of Emotion Components: Implications and Methodological Approaches.Jens Lange & Janis H. Zickfeld - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (2):157-167.
    A widespread perspective describes emotions as distinct categories bridged by fuzzy boundaries, indicating that emotions are distinct and dimensional at the same time. Theoretical and methodological approaches to this perspective still need further development. We conceptualize emotions as overlapping networks of causal relationships between emotion components—networks representing distinct emotions share components with and relate to each other. To investigate this conceptualization, we introduce network analysis to emotion research and apply it to the reanalysis of a data set on multiple positive (...)
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    Beyond Psychometrics: The Difference between Difficult Problem Solving and Complex Problem Solving.F. Beckmann Jens, P. Birney Damian & Goode Natassia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Prehistoire de la geometrie: Premiers elements d'enquete, premieres conclusions. Olivier Keller.Jens Hoyrup - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):713-714.
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