Results for 'Jim Blackmon'

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  1. What Systematicity Isn’t.Robert Cummins, Jim Blackmon, David Byrd, Alexa Lee & Martin Roth - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30:405-408.
    In “On Begging the Systematicity Question,” Wayne Davis criticizes the suggestion of Cummins et al. that the alleged systematicity of thought is not as obvious as is sometimes supposed, and hence not reliable evidence for the language of thought hypothesis. We offer a brief reply.
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  2. (1 other version)Integrated Information Theory, Intrinsicality, and Overlapping Conscious Systems.James C. Blackmon - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (11-12):31-53.
    Integrated Information Theory (IIT) identifies consciousness with having a maximum amount of integrated information. But a thing’s having the maximum amount of anything cannot be intrinsic to it, for that depends on how that thing compares to certain other things. IIT’s consciousness, then, is not intrinsic. A mereological argument elaborates this consequence: IIT implies that one physical system can be conscious while a physical duplicate of it is not conscious. Thus, by a common and reasonable conception of intrinsicality, IIT’s consciousness (...)
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  3. Representation and unexploited content.James Blackmon, David Byrd, Robert C. Cummins, Alexa Lee & Martin Roth - 2006 - In Graham Macdonald & David Papineau, Teleosemantics: New Philo-sophical Essays. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    In this paper, we introduce a novel difficulty for teleosemantics, viz., its inability to account for what we call unexploited content—content a representation has, but which the system that harbors it is currently unable to exploit. In section two, we give a characterization of teleosemantics. Since our critique does not depend on any special details that distinguish the variations in the literature, the characterization is broad, brief and abstract. In section three, we explain what we mean by unexploited content, and (...)
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  4. Searle’s Wall.James Blackmon - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (1):109-117.
    In addition to his famous Chinese Room argument, John Searle has posed a more radical problem for views on which minds can be understood as programs. Even his wall, he claims, implements the WordStar program according to the standard definition of implementation because there is some ‘‘pattern of molecule movements’’ that is isomorphic to the formal structure of WordStar. Program implementation, Searle charges, is merely observer-relative and thus not an intrinsic feature of the world. I argue, first, that analogous charges (...)
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  5. Hemispherectomies and Independently Conscious Brain Regions.James Blackmon - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (4).
    I argue that if minds supervene on the intrinsic physical properties of things like brains, then typical human brains host many minds at once. Support comes from science-nonfiction realities that, unlike split-brain cases, have received little direct attention from philosophers. One of these realities is that some patients are functioning (albeit impaired) and phenomenally conscious by all medical and commonsense accounts despite the fact that they have undergone a hemispherectomy: an entire brain hemisphere has been fully detached. Another is the (...)
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    The fragile Y hypothesis: Y chromosome aneuploidy as a selective pressure in sex chromosome and meiotic mechanism evolution.Heath Blackmon & Jeffery P. Demuth - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):942-950.
    Loss of the Y‐chromosome is a common feature of species with chromosomal sex determination. However, our understanding of why some lineages frequently lose Y‐chromosomes while others do not is limited. The fragile Y hypothesis proposes that in species with chiasmatic meiosis the rate of Y‐chromosome aneuploidy and the size of the recombining region have a negative correlation. The fragile Y hypothesis provides a number of novel insights not possible under traditional models. Specifically, increased rates of Y aneuploidy may impose positive (...)
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  7. ‘Utilitarian’ judgments in sacrificial moral dilemmas do not reflect impartial concern for the greater good.Guy Kahane, Jim Everett, Brian Earp, Miguel Farias & Julian Savulescu - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):193-209.
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    A follow-up study of doctoral graduates from Louisiana State University College of Education, 1960-1974.C. Robert Blackmon - 1975 - [Baton Rouge]: Bureau of Educational Materials and Research, College of Education, Louisiana State University.
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    Naturally Supernatural.James Blackmon & Galen A. Foresman - 2013 - In Galen A. Foresman, Supernatural and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 151–168.
    A ghost is a supernatural being that is typically described as capable of appearing to, speaking to, and even doing harm to a person. But it is also described as a being that you cannot touch or affect in the usual ways. Lots of things seem weird at first, but humans don't think of them as supernatural. It's easy to see how material things interact with each other. After all, they are, by their very essence as things filling space, things (...)
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  10. Systematicity and the Cognition of Structured Domains.Robert Cummins, James Blackmon, David Byrd, Pierre Poirier, Martin Roth & Georg Schwarz - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):167 - 185.
    The current debate over systematicity concerns the formal conditions a scheme of mental representation must satisfy in order to explain the systematicity of thought.1 The systematicity of thought is assumed to be a pervasive property of minds, and can be characterized (roughly) as follows: anyone who can think T can think systematic variants of T, where the systematic variants of T are found by permuting T’s constituents. So, for example, it is an alleged fact that anyone who can think the (...)
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    Safe Danger – On the Experience of Challenge, Adventure and Risk in Education.Irena Martínková & Jim Parry - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (1):75-91.
    This article reconsiders the presence and value of danger in outdoor and adventurous activities and sports in safety-conscious societies, especially in relation to the education of children and youth. Based on an original analysis of the relation between the concepts of ‘risk’ and ‘danger’, we offer an account of the relation between challenge, adventure, risk and danger, and emphasise the importance of teaching risk recognition, risk assessment, risk management and risk avoidance to children and youth, without the necessity of exposing (...)
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    Utility of Ethical Frameworks in Determining Behavioral Intention: A Comparison of the U.S. and Russia.Rafik I. Beekun, Jim Westerman & Jamal Barghouti - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (3):235-247.
    Using Reidenbach and Robin‘s ( Journal of Business Ethics 7, 871–879, 1988) multi-criteria ethics instrument, we carried out the first empirical test of Robertson and Crittenden‘s (Strategic Management Journal 24, 385–392, 2003) cross-cultural map of moral philosophies to examine what ethical criteria guide business people in Russia and the U.S. in their intention to behave. Competing divergence and convergence hypotheses were advanced. Our results support a convergence hypothesis, and reveal a common emphasis on relativism. Americans are also influenced by the (...)
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    Empirical Philosophical Investigations in Education and Embodied Experience.Joacim Andersson, Jim Garrison & Leif Östman - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Jim Garrison & Leif Östman.
    Drawing on John Dewey and the later Ludwig Wittgenstein, this book employs philosophy as a conceptual resource to develop new methodological and analytical tools for conducting in situ empirical investigations. Chapter one explores the philosophies of Wittgenstein and Dewey. Chapter two exposits Deweyan ideas of embodiment, the primacy of the aesthetic encounter, and aesthetically expressive meaning underdeveloped in Wittgenstein. Chapter three introduces the method of practical epistemological analysis and a model of situated epistemic relations to investigate the learning of body (...)
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    Positive Monotone Modal Logic.Jim de Groot - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (4):829-857.
    Positive monotone modal logic is the negation- and implication-free fragment of monotone modal logic, i.e., the fragment with connectives and. We axiomatise positive monotone modal logic, give monotone neighbourhood semantics based on posets, and prove soundness and completeness. The latter follows from the main result of this paper: a duality between so-called \-spaces and the algebraic semantics of positive monotone modal logic. The main technical tool is the use of coalgebra.
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    Monotone Subintuitionistic Logic: Duality and Transfer Results.Jim de Groot & Dirk Pattinson - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (2):213-242.
    We consider subintuitionistic logics as an extension of positive propositional logic with a binary modality, interpreted over ordered and unordered monotone neighborhood frames, with a range of frame conditions. This change in perspective allows us to apply tools and techniques from the modal setting to subintuitionistic logics. We provide a Priestley-style duality, and transfer results from the (classical) logic of monotone neighborhood frames to obtain completeness, conservativity, and a finite model property for the basic logic, extended with a number of (...)
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    Complexity and Reductionism in Educational Philosophy—John Dewey’s Critical Approach in ‘Democracy and Education’ Reconsidered.Kersten Reich, Jim Garrison & Stefan Neubert - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (10):997-1012.
    Against the background of the Deweyan tradition of Democracy and Education, we discuss problems of complexity and reductionism in education and educational philosophy. First, we investigate some of Dewey’s own criticisms of reductionist tendencies in the educational traditions, theories, and practices of his time. Secondly, we explore some important cases of reductionism in the educational debates of our own day and argue that a similar criticism in behalf of democracy and education is appropriate and can easily be based on Deweyan (...)
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    Eichberg’s ‘Phenomenology’ of Sport: A Phenomenal Confusion.Irena Martínková & Jim Parry - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (3):331-341.
    This paper defends philosophical phenomenology against a hostile review in the previous issue of this journal. It tries to explain what philosophical phenomenology is, and the possibilities for its empirical application; whilst also showing that Eichberg’s method is idiosyncratic, problematic and not interested in philosophical phenomenology at all. It presents the phenomenological concept of phenomenon, which is neither concrete nor abstract, and contrasts it to Eichberg’s understanding of empirical concrete phenomena. Finally, the paper scrutinises Eichberg’s empirical method, which has deep (...)
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    Editorial: From Thinker to Doer: Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Maker, and Venture Capital.Yenchun Jim Wu, Chih-Hung Yuan & Mu-Yen Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Speaking Habermas to Gramsci: Implications for the Vocational Preparation of Community Educators.John Bamber & Jim Crowther - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (2):183-197.
    Re-working the Gramscian idea of the ‘organic’ intellectual from the cultural-political sphere to Higher Education (HE), suggests the need to develop critical and questioning ‘counter hegemonic’ ideas and behaviour in community education students. Connecting this reworking to the Habermasian theory of communicative action, suggests that these students also need to learn how to be constructive in developing such knowledge. Working towards critical and constructive capacities is particularly relevant for students who learn through acting in practice settings where general principles and (...)
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    In vino veritas, in aqua lucrum: Farmland investment, environmental uncertainty, and groundwater access in California’s Cuyama Valley.Madeleine Fairbairn, Jim LaChance, Kathryn Teigen De Master & Loka Ashwood - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):285-299.
    This paper explores the relationship between farmland investment and environmental uncertainty. It examines how farmland investors seek to “render land investible” in spite of drought, groundwater depletion, and changing regulations. To do so, we analyze a single case study: the purchase of 8000 acres of dry rangeland in California’s Cuyama Valley by the Harvard University endowment for use in creating an irrigated vineyard. Drawing from interviews with Cuyama Valley farmers and community members, participant observation at community meetings, and public document (...)
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    People expect artificial moral advisors to be more utilitarian and distrust utilitarian moral advisors.Simon Myers & Jim A. C. Everett - 2025 - Cognition 256 (C):106028.
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  22. Microdevelopment: Transition Processes in Development and Learning.Nira Granott & Jim Parziale (eds.) - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    Microdevelopment is the process of change in abilities, knowledge and understanding during short time-spans. This book presents a new process-orientated view of development and learning based on recent innovations in psychology research. Instead of characterising abilities at different ages, researchers investigate processes of development and learning that evolve through time and explain what enables progress in them. Four themes are highlighted: variability, mechanisms that create transitions to higher levels of knowledge, interrelations between changes in the short-term scale of microdevelopment and (...)
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  23. Legal event reasoning for software agents.Alexander Yip & Jim Cunningham - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 10 (1-3):135-161.
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    Art and Experience: Greek Philosophy and the Status of Medicine.R. Jim Hankinson - 2004 - Quaestio 4 (1):3-24.
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    Metropolitan farmers markets in Minneapolis and Vienna: a values-based comparison.Milena Klimek, Jim Bingen & Bernhard Freyer - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):83-97.
    Farmers markets have traditionally served as a space for farmers to sell directly to consumers. Recently, many FMs in the US and other regions have experienced a renaissance. This article compares the different value sets embedded in the rules and norms of two metropolitan FM regions—Minneapolis, Minnesota and in Vienna, Austria. It uses a values-based framework that reflects the relationships among FM operating structures and their values reflected by the key FM participants—i.e., farmer/vendors, consumers and market managers. The framework allows (...)
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  26. Imperative programs as proofs via game semantics.Martin Churchill, Jim Laird & Guy McCusker - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (11):1038-1078.
    Game semantics extends the Curry–Howard isomorphism to a three-way correspondence: proofs, programs, strategies. But the universe of strategies goes beyond intuitionistic logics and lambda calculus, to capture stateful programs. In this paper we describe a logical counterpart to this extension, in which proofs denote such strategies. The system is expressive: it contains all of the connectives of Intuitionistic Linear Logic, and first-order quantification. Use of Lairdʼs sequoid operator allows proofs with imperative behaviour to be expressed. Thus, we can embed first-order (...)
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    Do anxiety-related attentional biases mediate the link between maternal over involvement and separation anxiety in children?Gisela Perez-Olivas, Jim Stevenson & Julie A. Hadwin - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (3):509-521.
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    Desmond's non-NICE choice: dilemmas from drug-eluting stents in the affordability gap.Raj K. Mohindra & Jim A. Hall - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (2):105-108.
    For medical interventions there is a gap between what clinical scientific research has established as likely to carry clinical benefit and what the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has judged as cost-effective. This gap is the affordability gap. It is created by a value judgement made by NICE and affirmed by the Secretary of State for Health. This value judgement operates to affect other value judgements made in actual clinical situations where at least one choice of treatment falls into (...)
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  29. Aquinas and Wojtyla on the Human Person and Human Dignity.Jove Jim S. Aguas - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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    Table of Contents.Jove Jim Aguas - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (2).
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    The Persians.Pauline Albenda, Jim Hicks & Editors of Time-Life Books - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):155.
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    Intensities and lines of flight: Deleuze/Guattari and the arts.Antonio Calcagno, Jim Vernon & Steve G. Lofts (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A rich collection of critical essays, authored by philosophers and practicing artists, examining Deleuze and Guattari's engagement with a broad range of art forms.
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    Business ethics and the changing gender balance.Heather Clark & Jim Barry - 2001 - In Alan R. Malachowski, Business ethics: critical perspectives on business and management. New York: Routledge. pp. 2--273.
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    Environmental and Sustainability Management Systems in the Wine Industry.Mark Cordano, Jim Collins, Nicole Darnall, Ed Quevedo & Alan York - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:199-199.
    This is just a brief description of the people involved and activities that occurred during a full-day pre-conference event that included a winery tour, a luncheon, apanel discussion of management systems, and a wine tasting. We completed a facility tour at Gallo’s Frei Ranch Winery that highlighted the environmental performance opportunities that exist for wine production. The rest of the day’s schedule was held at MacMurray Ranch. There was a panel that featured presentations and discussions about Gallo of Sonoma’s sustainability (...)
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    Comparison of midline and off-midline lingual vibrotactile threshold responses in men and women.Donald Fucci, Jim Cantrell, Linda Petrosino & Randall R. Robey - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):222-224.
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    Conscious and unconscious processes: Same or different?Philip M. Merikle & Jim Cheesman - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):547-548.
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    Situational transformations: The offensive-izing of an email message and the public-ization of offensiveness.Jim O'Driscoll - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (3):369-387.
    This paper raises concerns about the tenor of 21st century interaction by identifying a tendency whereby relatively innocuous, canonically private communication is transformed into public communication deemed offensive enough to attract institutional or legal sanction. To understand examples of this tendency, it applies Goffman’s architecture of interaction to email communication and proposes the notion of situational transformation to encapsulate reframing processes involving footing, face and participation framework. Through these processes (to which, it is shown, the email medium is especially vulnerable) (...)
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    The Science of Creating Organizational Connectedness.David Ohreen & Jim Silovs - 2015 - Business Ethics Journal Review 3 (2):8-14.
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    Imagination, Emotion and Inquiry: The Teachable Moment.Linda Pacifici & Jim Garrison - 2004 - Contemporary Pragmatism 1 (1):119-132.
    We explore some aspects of the elusive idea of a "teachable moment" with a special emphasis on the role of emotion, intuition, and imagination as well as intuition, paradox and possibility. The teachable moment occurs when students and teachers genuinely share an interest in better understanding something, some situation, or, in the case discussed, some text, and wish to inquire into the object of mutual concern together. Some of the aesthetic elements of John Dewey's theory of inquiry serve as a (...)
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    Pragmatism as a Philosophy of Education in the Hispanic World: A Response.Gregario Fernando Pappas & Jim Garrison - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (6):515-529.
    We concentrate on four questions among the many posed by this special collection of papers on Pragmatism and the Hispanic world. They are, first, what took pragmatism beyond the borders of the United States and into the Hispanic world? Next, what are the ideas of Dewey that have had the greatest impact on Hispanic culture? Third, what are the past and present obstacles that has kept the Hispanic world from using pragmatism to deal with many of their educational and social (...)
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    Ethics of research involving humans: Uniform processes for disparate categories?Malcolm Parker, Jim Holt, Graeme Turner & Jack Broerse - 2003 - Monash Bioethics Review 22 (3):S50-S65.
    The Australian Health Ethics Committee’s National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans (1999) expanded the health and medical focus of preceding statements by including all disciplines of research. The Statement purports to promote a uniformly high ethical standard for this expanded range of research, and is endorsed by, inter alia, the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Australian Academy of Science, and the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.High ethical standards should apply to all research involving humans. However, (...)
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    Introduction.A. G. Rud, Jim Garrison & Lynda Stone - 2009 - Education and Culture 25 (2):1-11.
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    Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of TeachingDewey's Laboratory School: Lessons for Today.Lynda Stone, Jim Garrison & Laurel N. Tanner - 1999 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 33 (1):116.
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  44. Valuing nature : constructing 'value' and representing interests in environmental decision-making.Marc Tadaki & Jim Sinner - 2024 - In Gregory Simon & Kelly Kay, Doing political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Mass Effect 2: A Case Study in the Design of Game Narrative.Theresa Jean Tanenbaum & Jim Bizzocchi - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (5):393-404.
    Digital games have matured substantially as a narrative medium in the last decade. However, there is still much work to be done to more fully understand the poetics of story-based-games. Game narrative remains an important issue with significant cultural, economic and scholarly implications. In this article, we undertake a critical analysis of the design of narrative within Mass Effect 2: a game whose narrative is highly regarded in both scholarly and vernacular communities. We follow the classic humanities methodology of “close-reading”: (...)
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    Uncommon Cultures: Popular Culture and Post-ModernismInventions of Reading: Rhetoric and the Literary Imagination.Gregory L. Ulmer, Jim Collins & Clayton Koelb - 1991 - Substance 20 (1):124.
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    Public Health Dilemmas Concerning a 2-year old Hepatitis-B Carrier – Response.Marcel Verweij & Jim Steenbergen - 2008 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 5 (1):87-89.
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  48. Continuing the Catholic Ethos and Identity of a Catholic Institution when Disengaged from Its Foundational Religious Founders or Traditions: An Australian Case Study.John D. Watts & Jim Hanley - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (1):11.
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    Metered memory search with implicit and explicit scanning.Robert J. Weber & Jim Blagowsky - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):343.
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    Editorial: Understanding Startups: From Idea to Market.Yenchun Jim Wu, Chih-Hung Yuan & Mu-Yen Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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