Results for 'Johannes Hätscher'

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  1. Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Sämmtliche Werke.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1845 - Veit Und Comp.
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    Johannes Dauberts Notizen zu Husserls Mathematisch-philosophischen Übungen vom SS 1905.Johannes Daubert, Mark van Atten & Karl Schuhmann - 2004 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4 (1):288-317.
  3. Johannes Scotus Erigena Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte der Philosophie Und Theologie Im Mittelalter.Johannes Huber - 1861 - J. J. Lentner (L. Stahl).
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  4. Johann Gottfried von Herder's Ideen Zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit.Johann Gottfried Herder & Heinrich Luden - 1812 - Johann Freidrich Hartknoch.
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    Johann Georg Sulzer-Johann Jakob Bodmer Briefwechsel.Johann Georg Sulzer - 2020 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Edited by Elisabeth Décultot, Jana Kittelmann, Johann Georg Sulzer & Johann Jakob Bodmer.
    Band 10 der Gesammelten Schriften Sulzers enthalt den gesamten Briefwechsel zwischen J. G. Sulzer (1720-1779) und J. J. Bodmer (1698-1783), der hier zum ersten Mal vollstandig nach den Handschriften transkribiert und kommentiert wird. Fur die Edition von Sulzers Schriften ist dieser Briefwechsel geradezu fundamental: Mit seinen 453 Briefen, die in 35 Jahren (1744-1779) entstanden sind, zahlt er zu den umfangreichsten Korrespondenzen Sulzers und liefert zahlreiche neue Informationen zu zentralen Themenfeldern der europaischen Aufklarung, zur Genese von Sulzers und Bodmers Schriften, zu (...)
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    Johann Gottfried Herder Predigten: Riga 1765–1769.Johann Gottfried Herder - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803) gehört unangefochten zu den Klassikern der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. Seinen Lebensunterhalt verdiente er im Predigeramt, seine erste Anstellung nach dem Studium im ostpreußischen Königsberg fand er in Riga. Hier in Livland beginnt ein homiletisches Schaffen, das ihn über seine Lebensstationen hinweg bis nach Weimar beschäftigen wird. Die vorliegende Edition erschließt erstmals vollständig Herders Predigtnachlaß, zunächst für die erste Epoche seines Wirkens. Sie umfaßt die Zeit bis Mai 1769, ediert sämtliche erhaltenen Predigten aus der Rigaer Periode, weist verlorene (...)
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    Volkelt, Johannes - System der Ästhetik : in zwei Bänden ; Bd. 1.Johannes Volkelt - forthcoming - Echo – Cultural Heritage Online Open Access Infrastructure for a Future Web of Culture and Science.
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    Johannes Mauropus.Johannes Dräseke - 1893 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2 (3).
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  9. Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Popular Works the Nature of the Scholar, the Vocation of Man, the Doctrine of Religion.Johann Gottlieb Fichte & William Smith - 1873 - Trübner.
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  10. Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Politik und Weltanschauung.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1941 - Stuttgart,: A. Kröner. Edited by Wolfram Steinbeck.
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    Johann Gottlieb Fichte redet zur deutschen Nation.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1937 - Berlin,: F. Eher Nachf..
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  12. Johann Gottfried Herder: Selected Early Works, 1764-1767: Addresses, Essays, and Drafts; Fragments on Recent German Literature.Johann Gottfried HERDER - 1993
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    Dimensionen menschlicher Freiheit: Johannes Schwartländer zum 65. Geburtstag.Johannes Schwartländer, Heiner Bielefeldt, Winfried Brugger & Klaus Dicke - 1988
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  14. Against “Democratizing AI”.Johannes Himmelreich - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1333-1346.
    This paper argues against the call to democratize artificial intelligence (AI). Several authors demand to reap purported benefits that rest in direct and broad participation: In the governance of AI, more people should be more involved in more decisions about AI—from development and design to deployment. This paper opposes this call. The paper presents five objections against broadening and deepening public participation in the governance of AI. The paper begins by reviewing the literature and carving out a set of claims (...)
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  15. Johannes Trithemius: Cathalogus illustrium virorum Germaniam suis ingeniis et lucubrationibus omnifariam exornantium (excerpts)/Catalogue of the illustrious men who have adorned Germany in every way with their talents and tireless studies (excerpts).Johannes Helmrath - 2017 - In Patrick Baker (ed.), Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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    5. Wolffianismus und radikale Aufklärung. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Johann Conrad Franz von Hatzfeld 1742–1747.Johannes Bronisch - 2010 - In Der Mäzen der Aufklärung: Ernst Christoph von Manteuffel Und Das Netzwerk des Wolffianismus. De Gruyter.
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  17. Johannes Daubert's Notes from Husserl's Mathematical-Philosophical Exercises, Summer Semester 1905.Johanne Daubert - forthcoming - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
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    Calculated Surprises: A Philosophy of Computer Simulation.Johannes Lenhard - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    Simulation modeling, the core thesis of Calculated Surprises, is transforming the established conception of mathematical modeling in fundamental ways. These transformations feed back into philosophy of science, opening up new perspectives on longstanding oppositions. The book integrates historical features with both practical case studies and broad reflections on science and technology.
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    Zu Johannes Kantakuzenos.Johannes Dräseke - 1900 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 9 (1).
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  20. Johann Gottlieb Fichte redet zur deutschen Nation.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1937 - Berlin,: F. Eher Nachf..
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  21. (1 other version)Johannes Rehmke.Johannes Erich Heyde - 1931 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 36:161.
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    The popular works of Johann Gottlieb Fichte.Johann Gottlieb Fichte & William Smith - 1899 - London,: Trübner, & co.. Edited by William Smith.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps, and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely (...)
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  23.  12
    Johann Michael Sailer über erziehung für erzieher.Johann Michael Sailer - 1899 - Freiburg im Breisgau,: Herder. Edited by Johannes Baier.
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    "-die Kunst zu sehn": Arthur Schopenhauers Mitschriften der Vorlesungen Johann Friedrich Blumenbachs (1809-1811).Johann Friedrich Blumenbach - 2013 - Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.
    Arthur Schopenhauer studierte von 1809 bis 1811 in Göttingen und besuchte vor allem historische und naturgeschichtliche Lehrveranstaltungen. Einer seiner wichtigsten Lehrer war dabei Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, der damals berühmteste Göttinger Naturforscher. Schopenhauer setzte die in Göttingen begonnenen naturwissenschaftlichen Studien auch nach der Entscheidung für eine Laufbahn als Philosoph und dem Wechsel an die neugegründete Universität in Berlin fort. Sein Interesse und seine Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften und insbesondere der Physiologie sind ein wichtiger Schlüssel zum Verständnis seiner Philosophie. Schopenhauers (...)
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    Toward Predicate Approaches to Modality.Johannes Stern - 2015 - Switzerland: Springer.
    In this volume, the author investigates and argues for, a particular answer to the question: What is the right way to logically analyze modalities from natural language within formal languages? The answer is: by formalizing modal expressions in terms of predicates. But, as in the case of truth, the most intuitive modal principles lead to paradox once the modal notions are conceived as predicates. -/- The book discusses the philosophical interpretation of these modal paradoxes and argues that any satisfactory approach (...)
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    Johann Arnason on Castoriadis and Modernity: Introduction to “The Imaginary Dimensions of Modernity”.Johann P. Arnason & Suzi Adams - 2015 - Social Imaginaries 1 (1):131-134.
    This paper discusses the formation of Castoriadis’s concept of imaginary significations and relates it to his changing readings of Marx and Weber. Castoriadis’s reflections on modern capitalism took off from the Marxian understanding of its internal contradictions, but he always had reservations about the orthodox version of this idea. His writings in the late 1950s, already critical of basic assumptions in Marx’s work, located the central contradiction in the very relationship between capital and wage labour. Labour power was not simply (...)
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    Die Rolle der Werte im Leben: Festschrift für Johannes Hessen zu seinem 80. Geburtstag.Johannes Hessen & Cornel J. Bock (eds.) - 1969 - Köln : Wienand,:
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  28. Der theologische Genius des Johannes Duns Skotus.Johann Auer - forthcoming - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit.
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    XVII. Noch einmal zu Johannes Scotus.Johannes Dräseke - 1916 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 29 (3):304-308.
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    XX. Zu Johannes Scotus Erigena.Johannes Dräseke - 1914 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 27 (4):428-448.
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    Johann Gottfried v. Herders sämmtliche Werke: Zur schönen Literatur und Kunst.Johann Gottfried Herder - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  32. Education, Fair Competition, and Concern for the Worst Off.Johannes Giesinger - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (1):41-54.
    In this essay, Johannes Giesinger comments on the current philosophical debate on educational justice. He observes that while authors like Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz develop a so-called adequacy view of educational justice, Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift defend an egalitarian principle. Giesinger focuses his analysis on the main objection that is formulated, from an egalitarian perspective, against the adequacy view: that it neglects the problem of securing fair opportunities in the competition for social rewards. Giesinger meets this objection (...)
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    Johannes Scotus Erigena.Johannes Nepomuk Huber - 1861 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
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    Johann Scheubel's Revision of Jordanus de Nemore's De numeris datis: An Analysis of an Unpublished Manuscript.Johann Scheubel & Barnabas Hughes - 1972 - Isis 63 (2):221-234.
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    Kirchenordnung, Visitation und Alltag Johann Gerhard (1582-1637) als Visitator und kirchenordnender Theologe.Johann Anselm Steiger - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 55 (3):227-252.
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    Levi on the reality of dispositions.Johannes Persson - 2006 - In Erik J. Olsson (ed.), Knowledge and Inquiry: Essays on the Pragmatism of Isaac Levi. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 313--326.
    Isaac Levi is more interested in inquiry and how it progresses than he is in metaphysics. Questions concerning the role of disposition predicates in inquiry are more central to him than those concerning the nature and reality of dispositions. It has not stopped him from giving me and others very useful metaphysical advice. Currently, where empirical metaphysics is in vogue, there is every reason to see whether the two forms of philosophical interest might interlock substantially. Levi has stimulating ideas indeed (...)
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    "Wolff (Christian)" und "Wolffische Philosophie": zwei Artikel aus Johann Heinrich Zedlers Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Künste.Johann Heinrich Zedler - 1748 - New York: G. Olms.
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  38. Addresses to the German Nation.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2013 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    In the winter of 1807, while Berlin was occupied by French troops, the philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte presented fourteen public lectures that have long been studied as a major statement of modern nationalism. Yet Fichte's _Addresses to the German Nation_ have also been interpreted by many as a vision of a cosmopolitan alternative to nationalism. This new edition of the _Addresses_ is designed to make Fichte's arguments more accessible to English-speaking readers. The clear, readable, and reliable translation is accompanied by (...)
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    The Worlds of Positivism: A Global Intellectual History, 1770–1930.Johannes Feichtinger, Franz L. Fillafer & Jan Surman (eds.) - 2018 - Palgrave.
    This book is the first to trace the origins and significance of positivism on a global scale. Taking their cues from Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill, positivists pioneered a universal, experience-based culture of scientific inquiry for studying nature and society—a new science that would enlighten all of humankind. Positivists envisaged one world united by science, but their efforts spawned many. Uncovering these worlds of positivism, the volume ranges from India, the Ottoman Empire, and the Iberian Peninsula to Central Europe, (...)
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    Structural constraints for dynamic operators in abstract argumentation.Johannes P. Wallner - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (1-2):151-190.
  41. Johann Gottlieb Fichte.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1925 - München,: R. Oldenbourg.
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    Johann Gottlieb Fichtes werke.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1924 - Berlin,: G. Grosser. Edited by Gottwald, Franz & [From Old Catalog].
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  43. La creencia en Kierkegaard, Johannes de Silentio y Anti-Climacus Asunción Herrera Guevara.Johannes de Silentio Y. Anti-Climacus - 2003 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-3):101-114.
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    Johann Gottfried v. Herders sämmtliche werke in vierzig bänden..Johann Gottfried Herder & J. Georg Müller - 1852 - J.G. Cotta'scher Verlag.
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    Paulsen, Johannes. Das Problem der Empfindung.Johannes Paulsen - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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  46. Feminist Standpoint Theory vs. the Identitarian Ideology of the New Right.Johannes Steizinger & Natalie Alana Ashton - 2024 - Social Theory and Practice 50 (1):127-155.
    The term ‘identity politics’ is used to refer to a wide range of political movements. In this paper, we look at the theoretical ideas underpinning two strongly, mutually opposed forms of identity politics, and identify some crucial differences between them. We critically compare the identitarian ideology of the New Right with feminist standpoint theory, focusing on two issues: relativism and essentialism. In carrying out this critical comparison we illuminate under-theorized aspects of both new right identitarianism and standpoint theory; demonstrate how (...)
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    Presence and Representation: The Other and Anthropological Writing.Johannes Fabian - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):753-772.
    Taken as a philosophical issue, the idea of representation implies the prior assumption of a difference between reality and its “doubles.” Things are paired with images, concepts, or symbols, acts with rules and norms, events with structures. Traditionally, the problem with representations has been their “accuracy,” the degree of fit between reality and its reproductions in the mind. When philosophers lost the hope of ever determining accuracy , they found consolation in the test of usefulness: a good representation is one (...)
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    Gravitational redshift revisited: Inertia, geometry, and charge.Johannes Fankhauser & James Read - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 108 (C):19-27.
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    Using brain-computer interfaces: a scoping review of studies employing social research methods.Johannes Kögel, Jennifer R. Schmid, Ralf J. Jox & Orsolya Friedrich - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):18.
    The rapid expansion of research on Brain-Computer Interfaces is not only due to the promising solutions offered for persons with physical impairments. There is also a heightened need for understanding BCIs due to the challenges regarding ethics presented by new technology, especially in its impact on the relationship between man and machine. Here we endeavor to present a scoping review of current studies in the field to gain insight into the complexity of BCI use. By examining studies related to BCIs (...)
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    Supervaluation-Style Truth Without Supervaluations.Johannes Stern - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (5):817-850.
    Kripke’s theory of truth is arguably the most influential approach to self-referential truth and the semantic paradoxes. The use of a partial evaluation scheme is crucial to the theory and the most prominent schemes that are adopted are the strong Kleene and the supervaluation scheme. The strong Kleene scheme is attractive because it ensures the compositionality of the notion of truth. But under the strong Kleene scheme classical tautologies do not, in general, turn out to be true and, as a (...)
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