Results for 'Jonathan R. H. Law'

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  1. The importance of Urie Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory for early childhood education.R. H. Tudge Jonathan, A. Mercon-Vargas Elisa & Ayse Pair Yue Liang - 2022 - In Lynn E. Cohen & Sandra Waite-Stupiansky, Theories of early childhood education: developmental, behaviorist, and critical. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Attention capture by faces.Stephen R. H. Langton, Anna S. Law, A. Mike Burton & Stefan R. Schweinberger - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):330-342.
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    Some Causes and Consequences of the Bifurcated Treatment of Economic Rights and “Other” Rights Under the United States Constitution: JONATHAN R. MACEY.Jonathan R. Macey - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1):141-170.
    The existence of a meaningful distinction between economic rights and “other rights” has been a cornerstone of constitutional law for the past sixty years. During this period, the federal courts consistently have taken the position that Congress is free to abuse citizens’ economic liberties, but is not permitted to interfere with such other, noneconomic “rights” as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.
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    On the Failure of Libertarianism to Capture the Popular Imagination*: JONATHAN R. MACEY.Jonathan R. Macey - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (2):372-411.
    In this essay, I identify the reasons that libertarian principles have failed to capture the popular imagination as an acceptable form of civil society. By the term “libertarian” I mean a belief in and commitment to a set of methods and policies that have as their common aim greater freedom under law for individuals. The term “freedom” in this context means not only a commitment to civil liberties, such as freedom of expression, but also to economic liberties, including a commitment (...)
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  5. A Diamond-Based Electrode for Detection of Neurochemicals in the Human Brain.Kevin E. Bennet, Jonathan R. Tomshine, Hoon-Ki Min, Felicia S. Manciu, Michael P. Marsh, Seungleal B. Paek, Megan L. Settell, Evan N. Nicolai, Charles D. Blaha, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Su-Youne Chang & Kendall H. Lee - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  6.  49
    Rex Aut Lex.Jonathan R. Cohen - 1996 - Apeiron 29 (2):145 - 161.
    Compares the differing answers as to whether human rulers or the law should be supreme in the works of Plato and Aristotle.
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    The death of corporate reputation: how integrity has been destroyed on Wall Street.Jonathan R. Macey - 2013 - Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: FT Press.
    The way things are supposed to be : reputational theory and its demise -- Thriving the new way : with little or no reputation : the Goldman Sachs story -- The way things used to be : when reputation was critical to survival -- Individual reputation unhinged from the firm : hardly anybody goes down with the ship -- Proof in the pudding : Michael Milken, Junk Bonds, and the decline of Drexel and -- Nobody else -- The new, post-reputation (...)
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  8. Entropy and information in evolving biological systems.Daniel R. Brooks, John Collier, Brian A. Maurer, Jonathan D. H. Smith & E. O. Wiley - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (4):407-432.
    Integrating concepts of maintenance and of origins is essential to explaining biological diversity. The unified theory of evolution attempts to find a common theme linking production rules inherent in biological systems, explaining the origin of biological order as a manifestation of the flow of energy and the flow of information on various spatial and temporal scales, with the recognition that natural selection is an evolutionarily relevant process. Biological systems persist in space and time by transfor ming energy from one state (...)
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    Qualitative cues in the discrimination of affine-transformed minimal patterns.Helja T. Kukkonen, David H. Foster, Jonathan R. Wood, Johan Wagemans & Luc Van Gool - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 195-206.
    An important factor in judging whether two retinal images arise from the same object viewed from different positions may be the presence of certain properties or cues that are 'qualitative invariants' with respect to the natural transformations, particularly affine transformations, associated with changes in viewpoint. To test whether observers use certain affine qualitative cues such as concavity, convexity, collinearity, and parallelism of the image elements, a 'same-different' discrimination experiment was carried out with planar patterns that were defined by four points (...)
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    The Basic Laws of Arithmetic: Exposition of the System.R. H. Stoothoff - 1966 - Philosophical Quarterly 16 (65):395.
  11.  47
    The role of experiment in Galileo's early work on the law of fall.R. H. Naylor - 1980 - Annals of Science 37 (4):363-378.
    Beginning with an overview of Galileo's earliest work on free fall, the paper examines the relationship between experiment and theory in his study of motion in the period immediately before and after 1604. The possible role of experiment is assessed in relation to the manuscript evidence and by means of reconstructed experiments.
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    Natural law in court: a history of legal theory in practice.R. H. Helmholz - 2015 - Cambrige, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Legal education in continental Europe -- The law of nature in European courts -- Legal education in England -- The law or nature in English courts -- Legal education in the United States -- The law of nature in American courts.
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    Consciousness in nonhuman animals: Adopting the precautionary principle.R. H. Bradshaw - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (1):108-14.
    The existence of consciousness in animals may have been overlooked. Continuity in consciousness between humans and animals is predicted by evolutionary theory. However, there are specific methodological difficulties associated with investigating such a phenomenon: it cannot be directly measured; animals, unlike humans, cannot directly tell us about their conscious experience; experiments which have made comparisons to human consciousness cannot detect consciousness of a different form; application of the law of parsimony in science has traditionally led to the conclusion that it (...)
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    J. R. Maddicott, Law and Lordship: Royal Justices as Retainers in Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century England. Oxford: Corpus Christi College, The Past and Present Society, 1978. Paper. Pp. 88. [REVIEW]R. H. Helmholz - 1980 - Speculum 55 (3):629-630.
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    The law of acquaintance.R. H. Waters - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 24 (2):180.
  16. New books. [REVIEW]Isaiah Berlin, P. F. Strawson, R. Rhees, F. E. Sparshott, Michael Scriven, R. F. Holland, Jonathan Harrison, H. G. Alexander, C. A. Mace, J. L. Evans, D. A. Rees, W. Mays, C. K. Grant, Basil Mitchell & G. C. J. Midgley - 1952 - Mind 61 (243):405-439.
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  17. The Conservation Law.R. H. Dishington - 1998 - Apeiron 5 (1-2):1.
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  18. Crime and the Canon Law.R. H. Helmholz - 2020 - In Mark Hill & Norman Doe, Christianity and Criminal Law. New York: Routledge.
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    Galileo's law of fall: Absolute truth or approximation.R. H. Naylor - 1982 - Annals of Science 39 (4):384-389.
  20.  40
    A neural mechanism that randomises behaviour.R. H. S. Carpenter - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (1):13-13.
    The time taken to react voluntarily to a stimulus is far longer than can be accounted for by ordinary processes of nerve conduction and synaptic delay, and varies unpredictably from trial to trial. Though random, the distribution of reaction times usually follows a relatively simple law, which in turn can be explained by the LATER model, in which a decision signal, representing belief in the existence of the target, rises in response to incoming sensory evidence from an initial value to (...)
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  21.  35
    Usury and the Medieval English Church Courts.R. H. Helmolz - 1986 - Speculum 61 (2):364-380.
    Historians of medieval England have devoted little sustained attention to the law of usury, and what attention they have paid to the subject has not been focused on the law's enforcement in court practice. A common assumption has been that one could not go much beyond academic treatises and legislative enactments in studying the subject. This has left an undeniable gap, one which English historians have not made as much progress in filling as have Continental historians. In dealing with enforcement (...)
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  22.  21
    Supreme Court Limits Scope of ERISA Preemption.R. H. J. - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):407-407.
    On April 26, 1995, the United States Supreme Court limited the reach of the preemption provision of ERISA in New York State Conference of Blue Cross & Blue Shield Plans v. Tavelers Insurance Co. ). In Travelers, the Supreme Court upheld the validity of a New York statute requiring hospitals to collect surcharges from patients covered by commercial insurers and requiring health maintenance organizations to pay a surcharge to the state's general fund that varies depending on the number of Medicaid-eligible (...)
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  23.  53
    Is 'neofunctionalism' really functional?Jonathan H. Turner & Alexandra R. Maryanski - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):110-121.
  24.  20
    Similar Representations of Sequence Knowledge in Young and Older Adults: A Study of Effector Independent Transfer.Jonathan S. Barnhoorn, Falko R. Döhring, Edwin H. F. Van Asseldonk & Willem B. Verwey - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Mabānī-i falsafī-i tafsīr-i ḥuqūqī.Ḥasan Jaʻfarīʹtabār - 2004 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Sihāmī-i Intishār.
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    Philosophy, Science and Method. [REVIEW]R. H. K. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):755-755.
    The essays collected in this volume to honor Ernest Nagel reflect his wide interest in all topics relating philosophy to the natural and social sciences. The essays, written by distinguished philosophers and scientists form a mixed bag, but most of them are very good. The first part, "Science and Inquiry" begins with notes taken by Patrick Suppes of Nagel's lectures on Dewey's logic delivered in 1947. It follows with essays on knowledge by Stuart Hampshire, on intensions and the law of (...)
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  27. Contemporary Philosophy (La Philosophie Contemporaine). Volume II, Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):571-572.
    This second volume in the series designed to review the work done in various areas of philosophy during the period 1956-1966 is concerned with the philosophy of science. There are forty essays on a variety of topics in the philosophy of science describing the work done in that area in the past decade and a bibliography covering the same period. Most are in English, some in French or German. Some representative topics and their authors are: Laws, Models, Causality, Induction and (...)
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    The Basic Laws of Arithmetic. [REVIEW]R. H. Kane - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (2):316-319.
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    Erwin Schrödinger. [REVIEW]R. H. K. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):566-566.
    This is the first comprehensive study of Schrödinger's scientific and philosophical writings. The task requires a person trained thoroughly in physical science and yet capable of appreciating the sometimes puzzling philosophical ideas Schrödinger put forward. Professor Scott, a physicist, is remarkably successful at communicating both the physical and the philosophical ideas. After a brief summary of Schrödinger's diverse writings, he divides the writings into four groups which are treated in separate chapters. The first group, including very early papers, deals with (...)
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  30.  47
    God and the Soul. [REVIEW]R. H. K. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):741-741.
    Peter Geach brings the same careful attention to logical detail to these studies in the philosophy of religion and philosophy of mind as he has brought to other philosophical works. Some of the topics discussed here, however, will surprise some readers of Geach's earlier works, e.g., reincarnation, immortality, creation, praying for things to happen, and worshipping the right God. There are separate chapters on these topics as well as chapters on thought, form and existence, and the moral law. It should (...)
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    Scientific Explanation. [REVIEW]R. H. K. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):754-755.
    As the author states, this book could be read as an introductory text on scientific explanation and related topics or as a monograph which introduces some new ideas and takes a stand on these topics. Part I is strictly a textbook treatment of explanations and laws. It is clearly written and is particularly good in the classification of sorts of explanations. Part II is less successful as introductory material, but it contains some novel ideas. The author develops an approach to (...)
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  32.  24
    Foundations of Physics. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):748-748.
    Foundations research in physics, according to Bunge, has lagged behind its sister discipline, the foundations of mathematics. His book is an attempt to partially remedy this situation by analyzing the form and content of some basic ideas in physics and presenting some of the fundamental theories of physics in an axiomatic fashion. The heart of the book consists of axiomatizations of Classical Mechanics, Classical Field Theories, and Quantum Mechanics. Bunge does not claim to be working without predecessors. While the idea (...)
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  33.  47
    Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):372-373.
    When in 1950, the distinguished psychologist, Jean Piaget, published a book on the relation of logic and psychology, the book was severely criticized in the journal Methodos by the logician E. V. Beth. Piaget asked to get together with Beth to discuss the issues involved. The result, over 15 years later, is the present book. Beth is the author of the first half in which he defends the complete autonomy of logic in relation to psychology by means of a partly (...)
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  34. Philosophy of Science: The Historical Background. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):583-584.
    This anthology collects readings from important nineteenth and early twentieth century figures who contributed to the philosophy of science before that discipline emerged in the last 40 years as an area of study in its own right. It begins with a seldom-read selection by Kant ) and ends with a selection from Bridgman's The Logic of Modern Physics. Each selection is preceded by a three-page biography of the author together with a bibliography of his major writings and some writings on (...)
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  35. Love: Plato, the Bible, and Freud. [REVIEW]R. H. T. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):595-595.
    Professor Morgan styles himself an amateur in his investigation of the theme of love and in this work he lives up to this role in the best senses of the term. With an inspiring enthusiasm for the theme, he brings to bear a critical analysis of the central concepts in each area. In Plato's assimilation of love to moral and intellectual striving, in the Bible's orientation of the law around love, and in Freud's genetic account of personal and social norms, (...)
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    Parents’ attitudes toward consent and data sharing in biobanks: A multisite experimental survey.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, Kyle B. Brothers, John A. Myers, Yana B. Feygin, Sharon A. Aufox, Murray H. Brilliant, Pat Conway, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nanibaa’ A. Garrison, Carol R. Horowitz, Gail P. Jarvik, Rongling Li, Evette J. Ludman, Catherine A. McCarty, Jennifer B. McCormick, Nathaniel D. Mercaldo, Melanie F. Myers, Saskia C. Sanderson, Martha J. Shrubsole, Jonathan S. Schildcrout, Janet L. Williams, Maureen E. Smith, Ellen Wright Clayton & Ingrid A. Holm - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):128-142.
    Background: The factors influencing parents’ willingness to enroll their children in biobanks are poorly understood. This study sought to assess parents’ willingness to enroll their children, and their perceived benefits, concerns, and information needs under different consent and data-sharing scenarios, and to identify factors associated with willingness. Methods: This large, experimental survey of patients at the 11 eMERGE Network sites used a disproportionate stratified sampling scheme to enrich the sample with historically underrepresented groups. Participants were randomized to receive one of (...)
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    Domains of Everyday Creativity and Personal Values.Nadezdha Lebedeva, Shalom H. Schwartz, Fons J. R. Van De Vijver, Jonathan Plucker & Ekaterina Bushina - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Lessons from Corporate Influence in the Opioid Epidemic: Toward a Norm of Separation.Jonathan H. Marks - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):173-189.
    There is overwhelming evidence that the opioid crisis—which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars (and counting)—has been created or exacerbated by webs of influence woven by several pharmaceutical companies. These webs involve health professionals, patient advocacy groups, medical professional societies, research universities, teaching hospitals, public health agencies, policymakers, and legislators. Opioid companies built these webs as part of corporate strategies of influence that were designed to expand the opioid market from cancer patients to larger groups (...)
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    Is the common law a free-market solution to pollution?Jonathan H. Adler - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (1):61-85.
    Whereas conventional analyses characterize environmental problems as examples of market failure, proponents of free-market environmentalism (FME) consider the problem to be a lack of markets and, in particular, a lack of enforceable and exchangeable property rights. Enforcing property rights alleviates disputes about, as well as the overuse of, most natural resources. FME diagnoses of pollution are much weaker, however. Most FME proponents suggest that common-law tort suits can adequately protect private property and ecological resources from pollution. Yet such claims have (...)
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  40.  29
    Classical Sociological Theory: A Positivist's Perspective.Jonathan H. Turner - 1993 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    The theme of this collection of articles by Jonathan Turner is that sociology can be a true science, and it can develop abstract laws explaining the operative dynamics of the social universe. Rather that blindly worshipping sociology's masters, however, Turner attempts to reinvent sociology as a science that learns the valuable lessons of classical theory and then moves on.
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    Silencing Marcellus: When the Law Fractures Public Health.Jonathan H. Marks - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):8-10.
    We tend to think of conflict as bad and compromise as good. But how should we view conflict that exposes potential threats to the environment and health? And what about a compromise between litigants that may adversely affect the interests of third parties or undermine public health? There can be few places in the country where this issue has become more pressing than in my home state, Pennsylvania. The hydraulic fracturing of natural gas in the Marcellus Shale has transformed lives (...)
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  42. Barbara H. Basden, David R. Basden, and Matthew J. Wright. Part-list reexposure and release of.J. P. Maxwell, R. S. W. Masters, F. F. Eves, R. P. Behrendt, Jonathan M. Smallwood, Simona F. Baracaia, Michelle Lowe & Marc Obonsawin - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12:320.
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    The irresponsibility of not using AI in the military.M. Postma, E. O. Postma, R. H. A. Lindelauf & H. W. Meerveld - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (1):1-6.
    The ongoing debate on the ethics of using artificial intelligence (AI) in military contexts has been negatively impacted by the predominant focus on the use of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) in war. However, AI technologies have a considerably broader scope and present opportunities for decision support optimization across the entire spectrum of the military decision-making process (MDMP). These opportunities cannot be ignored. Instead of mainly focusing on the risks of the use of AI in target engagement, the debate about (...)
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  44.  12
    The ethics of natural immunity exemptions to vaccine mandates: the Supreme Court petition.Jonathan Pugh, Julian Savulescu, Rebecca C. H. Brown & Dominic Wilkinson - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The Supreme Court of the United States has recently been petitioned to revisit legal issues pertaining to the lawfulness of imposing a vaccine mandate on individuals with proof of natural immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the petition accepts that the protection of public health during COVID-19 was an important governmental interest, the petitioners maintain that the imposition of a vaccine mandate on individuals with natural immunity was not ‘substantially related’ to accomplishing that purpose. In this short report, we outline (...)
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  45.  10
    Business and the Roberts Court.Jonathan H. Adler (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In recent years, the Supreme Court appears to have taken a greater interest in "business" issues. Does this reflect a change in the Court's orientation, or is it the natural outcome of the appellate process? Is the Court "pro-business"? If so, in what ways do the Court's decisions support business interests and what does that mean for the law and the American public? Business and the Roberts Court provides the first critical analysis of the Court's business-related jurisprudence. In this volume, (...)
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    Climate Liberalism: Perspectives on Liberty, Property, and Pollution.Jonathan H. Adler (ed.) - 2023 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    Climate Liberalism examines the potential and limitations of classical-liberal approaches to pollution control and climate change. Some successful environmental strategies, such as the use of catch-shares for fisheries, instream water rights, and tradable emission permits, draw heavily upon the classical liberal intellectual tradition and its emphasis on property rights and competitive markets. This intellectual tradition has been less helpful, to date, in the development or design of climate change policies. Climate Liberalism aims to help fill the gap in the academic (...)
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    A Limited Defense of Efficiency Against Charges of Incoherency and Bias.Jonathan H. Choi - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (1):252-267.
    Scholars have long debated the appropriate balance between efficiency and redistribution. But recently, a wave of critics has argued not only that efficiency is less important, but that efficiency analysis itself is fundamentally flawed. Some say that efficiency is incoherent because there is no neutral baseline from which to judge inefficiency. Others say that efficiency is biased toward those best able to pay (generally, the rich). This essay contends that efficiency is not meaningfully incoherent or biased. The most widely discussed (...)
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  48. The role of nurses in euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in The Netherlands.G. G. van Bruchem-van de Scheur, A. J. G. V. D. Arend, H. H. Abu-Saad, C. Spreeuwenberg, F. C. B. van Wijmen & R. H. J. ter Meulen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):254-258.
    Background: Issues concerning legislation and regulation with respect to the role of nurses in euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide gave the Minister for Health reason to commission a study of the role of nurses in medical end-of-life decisions in hospitals, home care and nursing homes.Aim: This paper reports the findings of a study of the role of nurses in euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, conducted as part of a study of the role of nurses in medical end-of-life decisions. The findings for hospitals, (...)
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  49. New books. [REVIEW]Jenny Teichmann, R. M. Hare, Anthony Palmer, D. R. Cousin, Jonathan Harrison & C. H. Whiteley - 1969 - Mind 78 (311):461-478.
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  50. New books. [REVIEW]P. F. Strawson, H. J. Paton, H. L. A. Hart, Richard Robinson, A. C. Lloyd, R. Rhees, J. L. Spilsbury, Dorothy Emmet, George E. Hughes, D. R. Cousin, Basil Mitchell, Richard Peters, B. A. Farrell, Antony Flew, J. O. Urmson, O. P. Wood & Jonathan Cohen - 1951 - Mind 60 (238):265-295.
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