Results for 'Jong-Sik Park'

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  1.  19
    Investigation on the structure of arguments between Kant’s antinomy and Buddha’s keeping silence on the metaphysical problems.Jong-Sik Park - 2018 - Cogito 85:35-80.
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    CEO Hubris and Firm Performance: Exploring the Moderating Roles of CEO Power and Board Vigilance.Jong-Hun Park, Changsu Kim, Young Kyun Chang, Dong-Hyun Lee & Yun-Dal Sung - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (4):919-933.
    This study focuses on CEO hubris and its detrimental effect on corporate financial performance along with an examination of critical corporate governance contingencies that may moderate the negative effect. From 654 observations of 164 Korean firms over the years 2001–2008, we found that CEO power exacerbated the negative effect of CEO hubris on corporate financial performance, whereas board vigilance mitigated it. This study provides empirical evidence that entrenchment problems arising from CEO hubris would be exacerbated as CEOs become more powerful, (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence and Human Mind.Jeong-Sik Park - 2018 - Cogito 86:195-218.
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  4. Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power Electronics-Equivalent Electric Circuit Modeling of Differential Structures in PCB with Genetic Algorithm.Jong Kang Park, Yong Ki Byun & Jong Tae Kim - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 907-913.
  5.  12
    Ethics of the Golden Rule and the Commandment of Love.Jong-June Park - 2020 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 145:221-243.
    황금률의 윤리에 관한 기존의 연구들은 주로 황금률과 상호주의 그리고 사랑의 법간의 관계를 다루어왔다. 황금률에 관한 기존의 이러한 연구들은 중대한 한계를 노정하고 있다. 이러한 연구들은 무엇보다도, 황금률이 제시되는 텍스트를 선택적으로 취함으로써, 황금률의 특징에 대한 혼동을 초래할 뿐만 아니라, 동일한 텍스트에 나타나는 다양한 도덕규범들에 대해 일관적인 설명을 결여하고 있다. 이러한 한계들로 인하여 기존의 연구들은 황금률의 윤리가 가지는 독특성을 보여주지 못하고 있는데, 그 독특성은 이 논문에서 제시하는 간접적 삼자관계의 논리로 표현될 수 있는 것이다. 간접적 삼자관계는 텍스트 내에 혼재한 다양한 도덕규범들의 관계를 일관적으로 설명하고 (...)
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    Is Instinct Compatible with Religion?Park Jong-Duk - 2017 - The Journal of Moral Education 29 (4):21-46.
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    Character Education and Home Education.Jong-Duk Park - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (3):153.
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    School rituals and their educational significance in the Joseon period—Rituals as one of the pedagogical pillars of Confucian school education.Jong-Bae Park - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (9):949-957.
    This paper aims to argue that school rituals played critical roles for the educational purpose in Confucian school education in the Joseon period. Diverse rituals were performed in Confucian schools of the Joseon period, and these rituals formed a comprehensive ritual system of the school education. These school rituals can be read to manifest the ideals of Confucian philosophy of education and to be also utilized as one of the important educational tools or programs through which to hand down the (...)
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  9.  26
    Towards a Psychology of the Soul : An Interpretation of Jung’s Analytical Psychology.Jong-Duk Park - 2016 - The Journal of Moral Education 28 (2):23.
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    Integration of ESG Information Into Individual Investors’ Corporate Investment Decisions: Utilizing the UTAUT Framework.So Ra Park & Kum-Sik Oh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria are now considered significant, global non-financial evaluating factors of corporate value. However, no attention is given to what influences the integration of ESG information by individual investors in their investment decisions. This study first identifies different types of information investors use to make investment decisions. Risks identified in information integration in investment decision making is reviewed. Next, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model is used to identify individual investors’ investment tendencies and (...)
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    Consensus protocol design for discrete-time networks of multiagent with time-varying delay via logarithmic quantizer.Myeong Jin Park, Oh Min Kwon, Seong Gon Choi & Eun Jong Cha - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):163-176.
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    The relationship between intellect and senses: Thomas Aquinas' view.Kim Wan Jong & Kyucheol Park - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 87:253-272.
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    The Concept of Human Nature: A Perspective of the Doctrine of the Mean.Jong-Duk Park - 2020 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (1):85-109.
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    The Theory of Religion of the Doctrine of the Mean.Jong-Duk Park - 2020 - Journal of Moral Education 32 (2):93-118.
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  15.  22
    The Naturalness and Self-Integration : The Doctrine of the Unity of Knowledge and Action.Jong-Duk Park - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (1):1.
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    EEG Beta Oscillations in the Temporoparietal Area Related to the Accuracy in Estimating Others' Preference.Jonghyeok Park, Hackjin Kim, Jeong-Woo Sohn, Jong-Ryul Choi & Sung-Phil Kim - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  17.  21
    The subject of the owner of labor power is inevitably subordinated to capital, the subject of the user of labor power. This is the key to understanding capital.Jong Sung Park - 2022 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 33 (4):73-80.
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  18. Munmyŏng ŭi chŏnhwan kwa Hanʼguk Kim & Chŏng-sik Chʻoe (eds.) - 1997 - Sŏul-si: Chʻŏrhak kwa Hyŏnsilsa.
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    Christianity in Korea. Edited by Robert E. Buswell Jr. and Timothy Lee.Gou Park & Paul Jong - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):898-899.
  20.  18
    Philosopher mocking philosophers― Focused on Stirner’s ‘Deceived Egoism’ ―.Jong Sung Park - 2023 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 34 (2):7-36.
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    Humanity Education and Teaching School Subjects: Is It Possible and Necessary to Teach the Humanity?Jong-Duk Park - 2014 - The Journal of Moral Education 26 (1):177.
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  22.  19
    The Unity and Separation of Knowledge and Action : Fundamental Problems of Moral Education.Jong-Duk Park - 2013 - The Journal of Moral Education 25 (2):107.
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    The Transformation of Stirner's Philosophy and its Meaning and Limitations in Colonial Joseon - Focusing on Yeom Sang-seop’s ‘For the good of the earth’ -.Jong Sung Park - 2022 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 33 (2):43-68.
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    Human Nature and Education : Psychological and NeoConfucianist Viewpoints.Jong-Duk Park - 2015 - The Journal of Moral Education 27 (1):47.
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    A collective essay on philosophical reflections on modern education in Korea.Duck-Joo Kwak, Gicheol Han, Jaijeong Choi, Eun Ju Park, Kyung-hwa Jung, Ki-Seob Chung, Yong-Seok Seo, SunInn Yun, Sang Sik Cho, Juhwan Kim, Jae-Bong Yoo, Morimichi Kato & Ruyu Hung - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (4):305-316.
    Modern schooling in Korea, which was officially established by law in 1949, is well known for its function as an engine of economic success in modern Korea. Although this fact seems to be world-wid...
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    Experience and perspectives of end-of-life care discussion and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment of Korea (POLST-K): a cross-sectional study.Su-Jin Koh, Jaekyung Cheon, Hyeyeoung Kim, Yoonki Hong, Sanghoon Han, Myung Ah Lee, Kyung Hee Lee, Byung Kyu Park, Jae Young Moon, Ju-Hee Kim, Jong Soo Lee, Shinmi Kim, Insook Lee & Hyeon-Su Im - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundThis study aimed to identify the healthcare providers’ experience and perspectives toward end-of-life care decisions focusing on end-of-life discussion and physician’s order of life-sustaining treatment documentation in Korea which are major parts of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Act.MethodsA cross-sectional survey was conducted using a questionnaire developed by the authors. A total of 474 subjects—94 attending physicians, 87 resident physicians, and 293 nurses—participated in the survey, and the data analysis was performed in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation using the (...)
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  27. Automatic Scoring of Semantic Fluency.Najoung Kim, Jung-Ho Kim, Maria K. Wolters, Sarah E. MacPherson & Jong C. Park - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Impact of the life-sustaining treatment decision act on organ donation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in South Korea: a multi-centre retrospective study.Min Jae Kim, Dong Eun Lee, Jong Kun Kim, In Hwan Yeo, Haewon Jung, Jung Ho Kim, Tae Chang Jang, Sang-Hun Lee, Jinwook Park, Deokhyeon Kim & Hyun Wook Ryoo - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    The demand for organ transplants, both globally and in South Korea, substantially exceeds the supply, a situation that might have been aggravated by the enactment of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Decision Act (LSTDA) in February 2018. This legislation may influence emergency medical procedures and the availability of organs from brain-dead donors. This study aimed to assess LSTDA’s impact, introduced in February 2018, on organ donation status in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients in a metropolitan city and identified related factors. We conducted (...)
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    Statement from the Korea Evangelical Fellowship.Kim Myung Hyuk, Son Bong Ho & Park Jong Ryul - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):28-30.
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    Scholarly Basis and Ideological Features of Kim Jong-Jik of the 15th Century.Jung Sung Sik - 2016 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 51:45-67.
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    Acculturation of Social Darwinism since 1910 : the thoughts of Ahn Jung-geun, Park Eun-sik, Ahn Chang-ho and Shin Chae-ho. 이인화 - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 74 (74):231-262.
    사회진화론은 1880년대에 초기 개화사상가들에 의해 한국사회에 수용되었고 1900년대에는 일종의 시대정신으로 여겨지며 당시 국제사회를 해석하는 가장 유력한 사상적 프레임으로 기능하였다. 그러나 지금까지의 연구들은 1910년을 기점으로 사회진화론의 사상적 기능이 소멸되었다고 보거나 제한된 영역에서의 사상적 양상만을 고찰하였다. 본고에서는 1910년 이후로도 사회진화론의 영향력은 다양한 사상 속에 침투되어 변용적으로 존재해왔으며 동시에 그것을 극복하기 위한 시도도 있었음을 밝히고자 하였다. 먼저 안중근은 동양 3국[황인종]의 연대를 통해 서구 세력[백인종]의 침략을 막아야 한다는 동양평화론을 주장하였다. 이는 인종주의에 사회진화론을 결합한 것으로 서구의 침략을 일종의 동종(同種) 혹은 약자 연대를 통해 대항하고자 하는 (...)
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  32. Philosophers and Scientists Are Social Epistemic Agents.Seungbae Park - 2018 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.
    In this paper, I reply to Markus Arnold’s comment and Amanda Bryant’s comment on my work “Can Kuhn’s Taxonomic Incommensurability be an Image of Science?” in Moti Mizrahi’s edited collection, The Kuhnian Image of Science: Time for a Decisive Transformation?. Philosophers and scientists are social epistemic agents. As such, they ought to behave in accordance with epistemic norms governing the behavior of social epistemic agents.
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  33. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Its Applications in Algebra), Volume IX.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This ninth volume of Collected Papers includes 87 papers comprising 982 pages on Neutrosophic Theory and its applications in Algebra, written between 2014-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 81 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 19 countries: E.O. Adeleke, A.A.A. Agboola, Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Akbar Rezaei, S.A. Akinleye, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Rajab Ali Borzooei , Assia Bakali, Cenap Özel, Victor Christianto, Chunxin Bo, Rakhal Das, Bijan Davvaz, R. Dhavaseelan, B. Elavarasan, Fahad Alsharari, T. (...)
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    Kant’s Open Gradual Time : A Poetic Reflection on Kant’s Theory of Time in the Inaugural dissertation in 1770. 김은하 - 2017 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 73:35-68.
    본 연구는 칸트가 『순수이성비판』 초판에 짧게 개략만 하고 더 이상 연구를 진척시키지 않은 “직관에서의 각지의 종합(Synthesis der Apprehension in der Anschauung)”에 주목하며, 「교수취임논문」에서부터 전제한 ‘표상들의 관계조건’으로서의 시간 의미를 규명한다.BR 지금까지 직관에서의 각지 종합에 대한 국내 연구는 적은 수를 차지한다. 시간의 관점에서 해명한 논문도 드물 것으로 생각된다. 더욱이 1770년 논문에 대한 연구 역시 국내⋅외로 아직까지 소수이며, 그중 시간론을 독립적으로 다룬 논문은 찾기 어렵다. 이러한 점에서 본 연구는, 사유의 한 과정으로 구성되는 각지의 종합과 그에 함축된 시간의 의미를 취임논문과의 연계 속에 분석하는 한편, (...)
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  35. A Confutation of the Pessimistic Induction.Seungbae Park - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (1):75-84.
    The pessimistic induction holds that successful past scientific theories are completely false, so successful current ones are completely false too. I object that past science did not perform as poorly as the pessimistic induction depicts. A close study of the history of science entitles us to construct an optimistic induction that would neutralize the pessimistic induction. Also, even if past theories were completely false, it does not even inductively follow that the current theories will also turn out to be completely (...)
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    The relationship of ethics education to moral sensitivity and moral reasoning skills of nursing students.Mihyun Park, Diane Kjervik, Jamie Crandell & Marilyn H. Oermann - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):568-580.
    This study described the relationships between academic class and student moral sensitivity and reasoning and between curriculum design components for ethics education and student moral sensitivity and reasoning. The data were collected from freshman (n = 506) and senior students (n = 440) in eight baccalaureate nursing programs in South Korea by survey; the survey consisted of the Korean Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire and the Korean Defining Issues Test. The results showed that moral sensitivity scores in patient-oriented care and conflict were (...)
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  37. Philosophical responses to underdetermination in science.Seungbae Park - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (1):115–124.
    What attitude should we take toward a scientific theory when it competes with other scientific theories? This question elicited different answers from instrumentalists, logical positivists, constructive empiricists, scientific realists, holists, theory-ladenists, antidivisionists, falsificationists, and anarchists in the philosophy of science literature. I will summarize the diverse philosophical responses to the problem of underdetermination, and argue that there are different kinds of underdetermination, and that they should be kept apart from each other because they call for different responses.
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  38. Coherence of Our Best Scientific Theories.Seungbae Park - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (1):21-30.
    Putnam (1975) infers from the success of a scientific theory to its approximate truth and the reference of its key term. Laudan (1981) objects that some past theories were successful, and yet their key terms did not refer, so they were not even approximately true. Kitcher (1993) replies that the past theories are approximately true because their working posits are true, although their idle posits are false. In contrast, I argue that successful theories which cohere with each other are approximately (...)
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  39. An integrated ethical decision-making model for nurses.Eun-Jun Park - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):139-159.
    The study reviewed 20 currently-available structured ethical decision-making models and developed an integrated model consisting of six steps with useful questions and tools that help better performance each step: (1) the identification of an ethical problem; (2) the collection of additional information to identify the problem and develop solutions; (3) the development of alternatives for analysis and comparison; (4) the selection of the best alternatives and justification; (5) the development of diverse, practical ways to implement ethical decisions and actions; and (...)
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    Tongdogwan ŭi pyŏnhwa ro pon Han'guk kŭndae ch'ŏrhak.Wŏn-sik Hong - 2016 - Sŏul-si: Yemun Sŏwŏn.
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    Denken unterwegs: Philosophie im Kräftefeld sozialen und politischen Engagements : Festschrift für Heinz Kimmerle zu seinem 60. Geburtstag.Henk Oosterling & Frans de Jong (eds.) - 1990 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
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  42. Defence of Cultural Relativism.Seungbae Park - 2011 - Cultura 8 (1):159-170.
    I attempt to rebut the following standard objections against cultural relativism: 1. It is self-defeating for a cultural relativist to take the principle of tolerance as absolute; 2. There are universal moral rules, contrary to what cultural relativism claims; 3. If cultural relativism were true, Hitler’s genocidal actions would be right, social reformers would be wrong to go against their own culture, moral progress would be impossible, and an atrocious crime could be made moral by forming a culture which approves (...)
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    Complementary notions.Désirée Park - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    This volume grew out of work on Berkeley which was presented in a dissertation several years ago. Though now much revised and greatly expanded. particularly in respect of the theory of concepts, a good part of the present text rests on this earlier foundation. I therefore gladly take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my teachers both at Indiana University and at McGill, and especially to Professor Newton Stallknecht who directed my dissertation. For permission to quote from the Berkeley (...)
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  44. The double : Merleau-ponty and Chinul on thinking and questioning.Jin Y. Park - 2009 - In Jin Y. Park & Gereon Kopf (eds.), Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism. Lexington Books.
  45. Ontological Order in Scientific Explanation.Seungbae Park - 2003 - Philosophical Papers 32 (2):157-170.
    A scientific theory is successful, according to Stanford (2000), because it is suficiently observationally similar to its corresponding true theory. The Ptolemaic theory, for example, is successful because it is sufficiently similar to the Copernican theory at the observational level. The suggestion meets the scientific realists' request to explain the success of science without committing to the (approximate) truth of successful scientific theories. I argue that Stanford's proposal has a conceptual flaw. A conceptually sound explanation, I claim, respects the ontological (...)
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    Natur und Freiheit: Eine Untersuchung Zu Kants Theorie Der Urteilskraft.Jyh-Jong Jeng (ed.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Die vorliegende Studie zeigt, inwieweit Kant in der Kritik der Urteilskraft versucht, die Prinzipien der theoretischen und der praktischen Philosophie durch das bloß subjektive transzendentale Prinzip der Urteilskraft zu einem System zu verbinden. Auf der Sachebene steht damit das Problem des Übergangs von der Natur zur Freiheit im Zentrum der Untersuchung. Viele Kantinterpretationen betrachten diesen Übergang entweder als unmöglich oder suchen die Möglichkeit einseitig unter der Perspektive der moralischen Freiheit zu klären. Dagegen setzt der Verfasser auf eine eingehende Analyse der (...)
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    Culture as an aggregate of individual differences.Kyungil Kim, Joonghwan Jeon & Youngjun Park - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):262-263.
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    Evidentials and modals.Chungmin Lee & Jinho Park (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    Evidentials and Modals offers an in-depth account of the meaning of grammatical elements representing evidentiality in connection to modality, focusing on theoretical/formal perspectives by eminent pioneers in the field and on recently discovered phenomena in Korean evidential markers by native scholars in particular. Evidentiality became a hot topic in semantics and pragmatics, trying to see what kind of evidential justification is provided by evidentials to support or be related to the 'at-issue' prejacent propositions. This book aims to provide a deeper (...)
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    Revamping Action Theory.Gordon Park Stevenson - 2004 - Behavior and Philosophy 32 (2):427 - 451.
    Philosophical interest in intentional action has flourished in recent decades. Typically, action theorists propose necessary and sufficient conditions for a movement's being an action, conditions derived from a conceptual analysis of folk psychological action ascriptions. However, several key doctrinal and methodological features of contemporary action theory are troubling, in particular (i) the insistence that folk psychological kinds like beliefs and desires have neurophysiological correlates, (ii) the assumption that the concept of action is "classical" in structure (making it amenable to definition (...)
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  50. Bibliography of Klibansky, Raymond.Mj Whalley & D. Park - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (111):167-174.
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