Results for 'Jools Gilson'

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  1.  24
    The Ripples of Violence.Jools Gilson & Vittorio Bufacchi - 2016 - Feminist Review 112 (1):27-40.
    The received view in mainstream philosophy is that violence is an ‘act’, to be defined in terms of ‘force’ and ‘intentionality’. This approach regrettably and inexcusably tends to prioritise the agent performing the act of violence in question. This paper argues that we should resist this tendency, in order to prioritise the victim or survivor of violence, and her personal experience, not that of the perpetrator. Starting from an analysis of the devastating impact of violence that characterises the experience of (...)
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    Letters of Etienne Gilson to Henri de Lubac.Etienne Gilson & Henri de Lubac - 1988
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    A Gilson reader.Etienne Gilson - 1957 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Hanover House.
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    A Gilson Reader; Selected Writings. Edited, With an Introd. by Anton C. Pegis.Etienne Gilson & Anton C. Pegis - 1962 - Image Books.
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  5. Mélanges offerts à Etienne Gilson, de l'Académie française.Etienne Gilson (ed.) - 1959 - Paris,: Librarie philosophique J. Vrin.
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  6. Le Système de Thomas d'Aquin [Microform] Cours de Étienne Gilson. --.Etienne Gilson - 1913 - Société Française d'Imprimerie Dela Librairie.
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  7. Malebranche's polemics against Aristotle and scholastic philosophy+ An edition from the original manuscripts with corrections by Gilson's professor, V. Delbos.E. Gilson, V. Delbos & R. J. Farfara - 1997 - Modern Schoolman 74 (3):205-218.
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    The spirit of mediaeval philosophy.Etienne Gilson - 1936 - Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Alfred Howard Campbell Downes.
    **** A reprint of Gilson's estimable book of 1936 (Sheed and Ward) (endorsed by BCL3). These 20 lectures were delivered as Gifford Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  9. Lettres d'Étienne Gilson à Henri Gouhier.E. Gilson - 1994 - Revue Thomiste 94 (3):460-478.
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    Jean Duns Scot.Etienne Gilson - 1952 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
    Ce volume recueille des elements propres a eclairer l'oeuvre de Duns Scot et entend montrer que sa lecture n'est pas pas inutile pour comprendre Thomas d'Aquin. Gilson rappelle que le sens des principes dont use l'auteur ne se comprend bien que par l'usage qu'il en fait. Car le Docteur Subtil ne nous a pas laisse un systeme: la parole de Dieu, dont il cherche l'intellection, n'est pas un donne a reconstruire par mode de deduction. La philosophie, la sienne en (...)
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    God and philosophy.Etienne Gilson - 1941 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In this classic work, the eminent Catholic philosopher Étienne Gilson deals with one of the most important and perplexing metaphysical problems: the relation between our notion of God and demonstrations of his existence. Gilson examines Greek, Christian, and modern philosophy as well as the thinking that has grown out of our age of science in this fundamental analysis of the problem of God. “[I] commend to another generation of seekers and students this deeply earnest and yet wistfully gentle (...)
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  12. Modern Philosophy Descartes to Kant [by] Étienne Gilson [and] Thomas Langan. --.Etienne Gilson & Thomas Jt Author Langan - 1963 - Random House.
  13. La Filosofía en la Edad Media.Gilson Etienne & Staff - 1945 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 4 (13):343.
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  14. The arts of the beautiful.Etienne Gilson - 1976 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    El Renacimiento de la Sociología.Gilson Lima - 2003 - Cinta de Moebio 17.
    The potential of the computer methodologies for the sociology becomes more and more evident, as well as it is more and more evident that the same sociology is more and more immerse in a society of the knowledge whose main fuel is the information and its reflexive structuring and communicative. The i..
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    Subordinated ethics: natural law and moral miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky.Caitlin Smith Gilson - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by Eric Austin Lee.
    With Dostoyevsky's Idiot and Aquinas' Dumb Ox as guides, this book seeks to recover the elemental mystery of the natural law, a law revealed only in wonder. If ethics is to guide us along the way, it must recover its subordination; description must precede prescription. If ethics is to invite us along the way, it cannot lead, either as politburo, or even as public orthodoxy. It cannot be smugly symbolic but must be by way of signage, of directionality, of the (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Les Métamorphoses de la Cité de Dieu.Etienne Gilson - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (2):199-200.
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    Lettres de M. Etienne Gilson adressées au P. Henri de Lubac et commentées par celui-ci.Etienne Gilson - 1986 - Paris: Cerf. Edited by Henri de Lubac.
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    Prof. Étienne Gilson, de l’Académie française, au nom des participants etrangers.Étienne Gilson - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 12:520-520.
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    Beyond Bounded Selves and Places: The Relational Making of Vulnerability and Security.Erinn Cunniff Gilson - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (3):229-242.
    ABSTRACTThis essay elaborates how an imbalanced reciprocity between inhabitants of places of relative safety and places of greater precarity results from pursuing security on the basis of a reactive fear of vulnerability. It analyzes a range of features that shape the complex forms that vulnerability takes with a particular focus on how the constitution of places as rhetorically and corporeally secure or not renders different groups of people secure and/or subject to heightened exposure to harm. This analysis suggests that vulnerability (...)
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    The Christian philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas.Etienne Gilson - 1956 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In this final edition of his classic study of St. Thomas Aquinas, Etienne Gilson presents the sweeping range and organic unity of Thomistic philosophical thought. The philosophical thinking of Aquinas is the result of reason being challenged to relate to many theological conceptions of the Christian tradition. Gilson carefully reviews how Aquinas grapples with the relation itself of faith and reason and continuing through the existence and nature of God and His creation, the world and its creatures, especially (...)
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  22. Vulnerability, Ignorance, and Oppression.Erinn Gilson - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (2):308-332.
    This paper aims to understand the relationship between ignorance and vulnerability by drawing on recent work on the epistemology of ignorance. After elaborating how we might understand the importance of human vulnerability, I develop the claim that ignorance of vulnerability is produced through the pursuit of an ideal of invulnerability that involves both ethical and epistemological closure. The ignorance of vulnerability that is a prerequisite for such invulnerability is, I contend, a pervasive form of ignorance that underlies and grounds other (...)
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  23.  8
    (1 other version)L'être et l'essence.Etienne Gilson - 1972 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
    C'est avec la publication de l'etre et l'essence (1948) que Gilson fit veritablement irruption dans le debat philosophique contemporain, contraignant beaucoup de ceux qui n'avaient jamais entendu parler de l'etre autrement qu'a travers l'etre et le neant ou le premier chapitre de Wissenschaft der Logik, a admettre que ce petit mot etre, qu'une certaine tradition idealiste avait vainement tente de bannir du vocabulaire philosophique, abritait, sinon peut-etre le destin de l'Occident, du moins le lieu d'une de ses plus anciennes (...)
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    Études sur le rôle de la pensée médiévale dans la formation du système cartésien.Étienne Gilson - 1984 - Paris,: Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Si l'histoire de la pensee medievale inclut celle de ses influences, comme l'histoire de la pensee moderne celle de ses sources, il est alors doublement legitime de se demander ce que peut nous apprendre sur la pensee cartesienne sa confrontation historique avec la pensee medievale, au contact de laquelle elle s'est formee, et a l'encontre de laquelle elle s'est developpee. Prenant la suite de travaux anterieurs, cet ouvrage d'Etienne Gilson envisage tout d'abord la confrontation dans une perspective genetique (en (...)
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    riassunto: Domandare all’ennesima potenza.Erinn Gilson - 2005 - Chiasmi International 6:224-224.
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    Resíduos do sintoma e crítica do sentido na filosofia e na psicanálise.Gilson Iannini - 2007 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 48 (116):511-517.
  27.  11
    La philosophie de saint Bonaventure.Etienne Gilson - 1924 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
    Nombreuse, infiniment ondoyante et diverse, cette pensee n'est qu'une charite toujours active dont le mouvement incessant tend vers des objets qui nous echappent ou vers les aspects inconnus de ceux que nous percevions deja. Comment suivre une telle pensee sans etre cette pensee meme (...)?. Le present ouvrage tente une reponse en meme temps qu'il pose la question. Considerant que les ecrits de Bonaventure dessinent moins une progression lineaire qu'ils ne suivent un ordre du coeur, Etienne Gilson propose ici, (...)
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    Carnap and Kuhn on linguistic frameworks and scientific revolutions.Gilson Olegario da Silva - 2013 - Manuscrito 36 (1):139-190.
    Several recent works in history and philosophy of science have re-evaluated the alleged opposition between the theses put forth by logical empiricists such as Carnap and the so-called "post-positivists", such as Kuhn. Although the latter came to be viewed as having seriously challenged the logical positivist views of science, recent authors maintain that some of the most notable theses of the Kuhnian view of science have striking similarities with some aspects of Carnap's philosophy. Against that reading, Oliveira and Psillos argue (...)
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    In Search of Saint Thomas Aquinas, By Anton C. Pegis (And) Etienne Gilson.Anton Charles Pegis & Etienne Gilson - 1966 - Saint Joseph College.
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  30. Correspondance 1923-1971.Étienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain & Géry Prouvost - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (4):559-560.
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    De la connaissance du principe.Étienne Gilson - 1961 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 66 (4):373 - 397.
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    Études de philosophie médiévale.Etienne Gilson - 1921 - Strasbourg,: Commission des publications de la Faculté des lettres.
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    (1 other version)L'esprit de la philosophie médiévale.Etienne Gilson - 1932 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Saint Thomas d'Aquin.Étienne Gilson - 1925 - Paris,: V. Lecoffre.
    Morale générale.--Morale particulière.
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    Nem physis , nem psyché : O papel da estrutura no reordenamento epistêmico da psicanálise.Gilson Iannini - 2008 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 13 (2):43-60.
    The main aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning of Lacan's uses of the structural paradigm. The investigation will emphasize the function of this use in terms of relations between psychoanalysis and history of sciences. Freud, in order to establish the epistemological identity for psychoanalyses was impelled to choose between Naturwissenschaften or Geisteswissenschaften. By assuming the natural sciences model Freud has created what one can call a certain epistemological discomfort: model and object seems not to fit each other. (...)
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    Vitruvian architecture and ancient rhetoric.Gilson Charles dos Santos - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:1-25.
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    O ensino de filosofia nas perspectivas inter e transdisciplinar: a problemática do conhecimento.Gilson Malta da Silva - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):398-422.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo divulgar parte dos resultados de uma investigação sobre a organização de um ensino de filosofia proposto nas perspectivas inter e transdisciplinar. Tratou-se de averiguar como esse ensino estava sendo organizado numa determinada unidade educacional. Sendo assim, para investigar esse problema, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva de natureza qualitativa. O percurso metodológico foi composto por investigação teórica e incursão a campo. A primeira etapa constituiu-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. A segunda consistiu em observar a organização (...)
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    The political dialogue of nature and grace: toward a phenomenology of chaste anarchism.Caitlin Smith Gilson - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    A phenomenological re-thinking of the political implications of the separation between nature and grace.
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  39. Christianity and philosophy [by] Etienne Gilson..Etienne Gilson - 1939 - London,: Pub. for the Institute of mediaeval studies by Sheed & Ward. Edited by Ralph MacDonald.
  40. Recent Philosophy Hegel to the Present [by] Étienne Gilson, Thomas Langan [and] Armand A. Maurer.Etienne Gilson, Thomas Langan & Armand A. Maurer - 1966 - Random House.
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    Discours prononcé.Etienne Gilson - 1970 - Paris,: l'Institut.
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    Nota sobre os limites e as possibilidades da era FHC.Gilson Schwartz - 2000 - Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política 49 (49).
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    Immediacy and meaning: J.K. Huysmans and the immemorial origin of metaphysics.Caitlin Smith Gilson - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Immediacy and Meaning seeks to approach the odd uneasiness at root in all metaphysical meaning; that the human knower attempts to mediate what cannot be mediated; that there is a pre-cognitive immemorial immediacy to Being that renders its participants irreducible, incommunicable and personal. The dilemma of metaphysics rests on the relationship between the spectator and the player, both as essential responses to the immediacy of Being. Immediacy and Meaning is an attempt to pause, but without retreat, to be a spectator (...)
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    Note sur le Revelabile selon Cajétan.Etienne Gilson - 1953 - Mediaeval Studies 15 (1):199-206.
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    Christian Philosophy: An Introduction.E. Gilson - 1993 - PIMS.
    Translation of: Introduction áa la philosophie chrâetienne.
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    'Outsiders' and 'Insiders': Post-Conflict Political Violence and Reconciliation in Malanje, Angola.Gilson Lázaro - 2019 - Kronos 45 (1):104-124.
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    Patrimônio cultural subaquático da humanidade: um patrimônio sem fronteiras.Gilson Rambeli - 2006 - Diálogos (Maringa) 10 (3).
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  48.  28
    L'esprit de la philosophie médiévale.Etienne Gilson - 1932 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
    Essayer de degager l'esprit de la philosophie medievale c'etait se condamner a fournir la preuve de son existence ou a avouer qu'elle n'a jamais existe. C'est en cherchant a la definir dans son essence propre que je me suis vu conduit a la presenter comme la philosophie chretienne par excellence. Il se trouve donc que cet ouvrage converge vers cette conclusion, que le Moyen Age a produit, outre une litterature chretienne et un art chretien, une philosophie chretienne, ce dont on (...)
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  49.  10
    Constantes philosophiques de l'être.Etienne Gilson - 1983 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    «Etienne Gilson laissait à sa mort, en septembre 1978, le manuscrit d'un ouvrage largement inédit dont il avait achevé la préparation dix ans plus tôt, à en croire l'indication marginale "janvier 1968" qui figure sur la table des matières, complète et paginée. Ce volume posthume qu'Etienne Gilson avait intitulé malicieusement Constantes philosophiques de l'être comporte huit chapitres, inédits pour moitié, tandis que les autres reprennent sous une forme parfois assez différente et généralement plus développée la matière d'essais publiés (...)
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    Understanding why we age and how: Evolutionary biology meets different model organisms and multi‐level omics.Eric Gilson & Thomas C. G. Bosch - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (6):494-497.
    The conference explored an extraordinary diversity of aging strategies in organisms ranging from short‐lived species to “immortal” animals and plants. Research on the biological processes of aging is at the brink of a revolution with respect to our understanding of its underlying mechanisms as well as our ability to prevent and cure a wide variety of age‐related pathologies.
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