Results for 'Jordan Tylor Nyssa Shawstad Naila Ahmed'

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  1. Fashion and Westernisation.Jordan Tylor Nyssa Shawstad Naila Ahmed - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (2-3).
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    The Toughest of Loves.Jordan Wessling - 2023 - Journal of Analytic Theology 11:110-131.
    Some Christian theologians and philosophers maintain that God’s punishments are always (at least partly) motivated by redemptive love for those punished, even when these punishments are considerably severe (e.g., killings or damnations). However, advocates of such a conception of divine punishment face significant challenges. Perhaps most fundamentally, it is not entirely apparent how severe and loving features of divine punishment might be understood to fit together within a viable theological model. In this article this foundational issue is addressed. By culling (...)
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    Generative AI Hallucinations and Legal Liability in Jordanian Civil Courts: Promoting the Responsible Use of Conversational Chat Bots.Ahmed M. Khawaldeh - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-21.
    Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools produce hallucinations exposing developers and users to a myriad of liabilities in courts. Given the absence of strict laws and regulations structuring how Generative AI content interact with potential allegations of defamation, libel, and slander, judges and attorneys are left with the semiotics of the fragmented articles and rules in each system attempting to settle such cases. The endless interpretations of written and non-verbal signs in the law across the world constitutes a new realm for (...)
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    Perceptions of Pharmacy Graduate Students Toward Research Ethics Education: A Cross-Sectional Study from a Developing Country.Wesam S. Ahmed, Amgad Ahmed, Karem H. Alzoubi & Camille Nebeker - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-18.
    Despite the potential value of graduate-level research ethics training, most Middle East countries, including Jordan, do not routinely offer formal research ethics training. In students enrolled in Jordanian master’s level graduate program in pharmacy, the current study assessed: 1- differences in pre- and post-enrollment exposure to research ethics core themes, 2- whether this exposure was through a formal course or in an informal setting, and 3- student attitudes towards research ethics education and the need for integrating a dedicated research (...)
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    Perceptions, attitudes, and willingness of the public in low- and middle-income countries of the Arab region to participate in biobank research.Henry Silverman, Latifa Adarmouch, Nada Taha Mostafa, Manal Shahouri, Ehsan Gamel, Eman Elsebaie, Karima El-Rhazi, Zeinab Mohammed, Alya Elgamri, Maha Emad Ibrahim, Ahmed Samir Abdelhafiz, Samar Abd ElHafeez, Fatma Abdelgawad & Mamoun Ahram - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-18.
    Population-based genomics studies have proven successful in identifying genetic variants associated with diseases. High-quality biospecimens linked with informative health data from diverse segments of the population have made such research possible. However, the success of biobank research depends on the willingness of the public to participate in this type of research. We aimed to explore the factors associated with the willingness of the public to participate in biobank research from four low- and middle-income countries in the Arab region (Egypt, (...), Morocco, and Sudan). We used a previously validated questionnaire to assess several constructs that included the public’s perceptions, attitudes, and willingness to participate in biobank research. We recruited 967 participants. More than half did not have prior awareness of biobanks. Participants’ willingness to donate biospecimens and health data was less than 10%. Our results also showed that participants harbored concerns with trust, privacy, and with data-sharing involving international researchers. Predictors of willingness to participate in biobank research included no previous involvement in research and positive attitudes toward biobanks. Finally, our study showed several differences between the four countries regarding several of the investigated constructs. We conclude there should be additional efforts to raise public awareness and enhance perceptions of the public in biobanking research to enhance trust. We further recommend qualitative research to explore the underlying factors that contribute to the public’s concerns with international data sharing that would enhance global health. (shrink)
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    Biobanks in the low- and middle-income countries of the Arab Middle East region: challenges, ethical issues, and governance arrangements—a qualitative study involving biobank managers.Henry Silverman, Rania Labib, Ehsan Gamel, Alya Elgamri, Maha Emad Ibrahim, Mamoun Ahram & Ahmed Samir Abdelhafiz - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundBiobanks have recently been established in several low- and middle-income countries in the Arab region of the Middle East. We aimed to explore the views of biobank managers regarding the challenges, ethical issues, and governance arrangements of their biobanks.MethodsIn-depth semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of eight biobank managers from Egypt, Jordan, and Sudan. Interviews were performed either face-to-face, by phone, or via Zoom and lasted approximately 45–75 min. After verbal consent, interviews were recorded and then (...)
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    History in the Language of Metaphysics.Mark Jordan - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (4):849 - 866.
    AS THE subtlest part of his see-saw strategy in the Cratylus, Socrates recites several dozen comic etymologies. One of their explicit lessons is that the founders of language were Heracliteans who concealed the ontology of flux in common names. Socrates gives the etymologies, he says, to illustrate the Heraclitean Cratylus's pronouncement that names are natural. The etymologies are bait for Cratylus, of course; they are meant to lure him into a defense of his dogma. But they are more than a (...)
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    Los šāḏiliyya e Ibn 'Arabī tras las huellas de Abū Madyan.Ahmed Shafik - 2009 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 14:117-132.
    Este artículo presente y analiza el legado de Abū Madyan cuyas bases van a quedar ilustrado perfectamente en el posterior desarrollo del sufismo andalusi-magrebi de origen šāḏilī y la doctrina de ibn ‘Arabī: traduccion española y estudio critico de las evidencias y cotejos textuales, ensenanzas y practicas espirituales y funcionalidad social.
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    Living a feminist life.Sara Ahmed - 2015 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Feminism is sensational -- On being directed -- Willfulness and feminist subjectivity -- Trying to transform -- Being in question -- Brick walls -- Fragile connections -- Feminist snap -- Lesbian feminism -- Conclusion 1: A killjoy survival kit -- Conclusion 2: A killjoy manifesto.
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  10. Measuring Individual Differences in Implicit Cognition: The Implicit Association Test.Debbie E. McGhee, Jordan L. K. Schwartz & Anthony G. Greenwald - 1998 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 74 (6):1464-1480.
    An implicit association test (IAT) measures differential association of 2 target concepts with an attribute. The 2 concepts appear in a 2-choice task (e.g., flower vs. insect names), and the attribute in a 2nd task (e.g., pleasant vs. unpleasant words for an evaluation attribute). When instructions oblige highly associated categories (e.g., flower + pleasant) to share a response key, performance is faster than when less associated categories (e.g., insect + pleasant) share a key. This performance difference implicitly measures differential association (...)
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  11. Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Car Performance Using JNN.Awni Ahmed Al-Mobayed, Youssef Mahmoud Al-Madhoun, Mohammed Nasser Al-Shuwaikh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2020 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 4 (9):139-145.
    In this paper an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was used to help cars dealers recognize the many characteristics of cars, including manufacturers, their location and classification of cars according to several categories including: Buying, Maint, Doors, Persons, Lug_boot, Safety, and Overall. ANN was used in forecasting car acceptability. The results showed that ANN model was able to predict the car acceptability with 99.12 %. The factor of Safety has the most influence on car acceptability evaluation. Comparative study method is (...)
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  12. Defining the undefinable: the black box problem in healthcare artificial intelligence.Jordan Joseph Wadden - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):764-768.
    The ‘black box problem’ is a long-standing talking point in debates about artificial intelligence. This is a significant point of tension between ethicists, programmers, clinicians and anyone else working on developing AI for healthcare applications. However, the precise definition of these systems are often left undefined, vague, unclear or are assumed to be standardised within AI circles. This leads to situations where individuals working on AI talk over each other and has been invoked in numerous debates between opaque and explainable (...)
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    Taking Chances: Essays on Rational Choice.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1994 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    J. Howard Sobel has long been recognized as an important figure in philosophical discussions of rational decision. He has done much to help formulate the concept of causal decision theory. In this volume of essays Sobel explores the Bayesian idea that rational actions maximize expected values, where an action's expected value is a weighted average of its agent's values for its possible total outcomes. Newcomb's Problem and The Prisoner's Dilemma are discussed, and Allais-type puzzles are viewed from the perspective of (...)
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  14. Agent-Regret and the Social Practice of Moral Luck.Jordan MacKenzie - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (1):95-117.
    Agent-regret seems to give rise to a philosophical puzzle. If we grant that we are not morally responsible for consequences outside our control (the ‘Standard View’), then agent-regret—which involves self-reproach and a desire to make amends for consequences outside one’s control—appears rationally indefensible. But despite its apparent indefensibility, agent-regret still seems like a reasonable response to bad moral luck. I argue here that the puzzle can be resolved if we appreciate the role that agent-regret plays in a larger social practice (...)
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  15. Caregiving and role conflict distress.Jordan MacKenzie - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (2):136-142.
    When our nearest and dearest experience medical crises, we may need to step into caregiving roles. But in doing so, we may find that our new caregiving relationship is actually in tension with the loving relationship that motivated us towards care. What we owe and are entitled to as friends, spouses, and family members, can be different from what we owe and are entitled to as caregivers. For this reason, caregiving carries with it the risk of a type of moral (...)
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  16. Objective Value Is Always Newcombizable.Arif Ahmed & Jack Spencer - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1157-1192.
    This paper argues that evidential decision theory is incompatible with options having objective values. If options have objective values, then it should always be rationally permissible for an agent to choose an option if they are certain that the option uniquely maximizes objective value. But, as we show, if options have objective values and evidential decision theory is true, then it is not always rationally permissible for an agent to choose an option if they are certain that the option uniquely (...)
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    Fables of the prefrontal cortex.Jordan Grafman, Arnaud Partiot & Caroline Hollnagel - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):349-358.
    On the basis of neuroiinaging studies, Posner & Raichle summarily report that the prefrontal cortex is involved in executive functioning and attention. In contrast to that superficial view, we briefly describe a testable model of the kinds of representations that are stored in prefrontal cortex, which, when activated, are expressed via plans, actions, thematic knowledge, and schemas.
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    Planning and the brain.Jordan Grafman & James Hendler - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (4):563-564.
  19. Turning back to experience in Cognitive Linguistics via phenomenology.Jordan Zlatev - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):559-572.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 4 Seiten: 559-572.
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  20. Push the Button.Arif Ahmed - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (3):386-395.
    Opponents of Causal Decision Theory (CDT) sometimes claim (i) that it gives the wrong advice in Egan-style cases, where the CDT-endorsed act brings news that it causes a bad outcome; (ii) that CDT gives the right advice in Newcomb cases, where it is known in advance that the CDT-act causes you to be richer than the alternative. This paper argues that (i) and (ii) cannot both be true if rational preference over acts is transitive.
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  21. Collective Feelings.Sara Ahmed - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):25-42.
    This article examines ‘collective feelings’ by considering how ‘others’ create impressions on the surfaces of bodies. Rather than considering ‘collective feeling’ as ‘fellow feeling’ or in terms of feeling ‘for’ the collective, the article suggests that how we respond to others in intercorporeal encounters creates the impression of a collective body. In other words, how we feel about others is what aligns us with a collective, which paradoxically ‘takes shape’ only as an effect of such alignments. The article considers different (...)
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    The co-evolution of intersubjectivity and bodily mimesis.Jordan Zlatev - 2008 - In J. Zlatev, T. Racine, C. Sinha & E. Itkonen (eds.), The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity. John Benjamins. pp. 215--244.
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    Do LGBT Workplace Diversity Policies Create Value for Firms?Mohammed Hossain, Muhammad Atif, Ammad Ahmed & Lokman Mia - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):775-791.
    We show that the U.S. anti-discriminatory laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation and gender identity identities) spur innovation, which ultimately leads to higher firm performance. We use the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index of 398 U.S. firms between 2011 and 2014, and find a significantly positive relationship between CEI and firm innovation. We also find that an interacting effect of CEI and firm innovation leads to higher firm performance. We use our understanding of Rawls’ Theory (...)
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    Do Experiences With Nature Promote Learning? Converging Evidence of a Cause-and-Effect Relationship.Ming Kuo, Michael Barnes & Catherine Jordan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Do experiences with nature –– from wilderness backpacking to plants in a preschool to a wetland lesson on frogs, promote learning? Until recently, claims outstripped evidence on this question. But the field has matured, not only substantiating previously unwarranted claims but deepening our understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between nature and learning. Hundreds of studies now bear on this question, and converging evidence strongly suggests that experiences of nature boost academic learning, personal development, and environmental stewardship. This brief integrative review (...)
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  25. The epigenesis of meaning in human beings, and possibly in robots.Jordan Zlatev - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (2):155-195.
    This article addresses a classical question: Can a machine use language meaningfully and if so, how can this be achieved? The first part of the paper is mainly philosophical. Since meaning implies intentionality on the part of the language user, artificial systems which obviously lack intentionality will be `meaningless'. There is, however, no good reason to assume that intentionality is an exclusively biological property and thus a robot with bodily structures, interaction patterns and development similar to those of human beings (...)
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    A reappraisal of the uncanny valley: categorical perception or frequency-based sensitization?Tyler J. Burleigh & Jordan R. Schoenherr - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  27. Multimodal-first or pantomime-first?Jordan Zlatev, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemyslaw Zywiczynski & Joost van de Weijer - 2017 - Interaction Studies 18 (3):465-488.
    A persistent controversy in language evolution research has been whether language emerged in the gestural-visual or in the vocal-auditory modality. A “dialectic” solution to this age-old debate has now been gaining ground: language was fully multimodal from the start and remains so to this day. In this paper, we show this solution to be too simplistic and outline a more specific theoretical proposal, which we designate as pantomime-first. To decide between the multimodal-first and pantomime-first alternatives, we review several lines of (...)
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    12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.Jordan B. Peterson - 2018 - Toronto: Random House Canada. Edited by Norman Doidge & Ethan Van Sciver.
    What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Renowned psychologist Jordan B. Peterson's answer to this most difficult of questions uniquely combines the hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research. Humorous, surprising and informative, Dr. Peterson tells us why skateboarding boys and girls must be left alone, what terrible fate awaits those who criticize too easily, and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street. What (...)
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    Academic Dishonesty in Indonesian College Students: an Investigation from a Moral Psychology Perspective.Sutarimah Ampuni, Naila Kautsari, Meyrantika Maharani, Shabrina Kuswardani & Sukmo Bayu Suryo Buwono - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (4):395-417.
    The present study aimed to investigate academic dishonesty among college students in Indonesia, as well as exploring various aspects of morality that may affect academic dishonesty. This study drew upon data obtained from an online survey of 574 students from diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels of study in Indonesia. The data revealed a high prevalence of academic dishonesty in Indonesian college students and indicated that the level of academic dishonesty is affected by gender, college origin, and study level. Regressions confirmed (...)
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    God, Information and the World: The Metaphysics of William Dembski and Al-Ghazālī.Shoaib Ahmed Malik - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (4):547-576.
    This article intends to review William Dembski's recent monograph entitledBeing as Communion: A Metaphysics of Information, in which he establishes an entire information-centric metaphysics. This viewpoint is compared with al-Ghazālī’s perspective, a Muslim philosophical theologian from the Medieval period. It is concluded that what Dembski defines as information, which for him is the ontological basis of the natural world, seems remarkably close to al-Ghazālī’s notion of God's will and omnipotence. This article is an explorative comparison of their metaphysical frameworks that (...)
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    Miller's monkey updated: Communicative efficiency and the statistics of words in natural language.Spencer Caplan, Jordan Kodner & Charles Yang - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104466.
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    Expected utilities and rational actions and choices.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1983 - Theoria 49 (3):159-183.
  33. Consciousness as a contextually emergent property of self-sustaining systems.J. Scott Jordan & Marcello Ghin - 2006 - Mind and Matter 4 (1):45-68.
    The concept of contextual emergence has been introduced as a speci?c kind of emergence in which some, but not all of the conditions for a higher-level phenomenon exist at a lower level. Further conditions exist in contingent contexts that provide stability conditions at the lower level, which in turn accord the emergence of novelty at the higher level. The purpose of the present paper is to propose that consciousness is a contextually emergent property of self-sustaining systems. The core assumption is (...)
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    Exploiting Cyclic Preference.Arif Ahmed - 2016 - Mind:fzv218.
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    Avicenna on animal self-awareness, cognition and identity.Alwishah Ahmed - 2016 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 26 (1):73-96.
    RésuméL'objectif de cet article est de produire une étude complète et systématique de la doctrine avicennienne de la conscience de soi et de la connaissance chez les animaux. Dans la première partie, j'explique comment, selon Avicenne, la conscience de soi chez l'animal, contrairement à la conscience de soi chez l'homme, est considérée comme indirecte, mélangée et intermittente – la conscience animale étant, dans sa vision, issue de la faculté estimative. Aussi la seconde partie porte-t-elle sur la fonction cognitive de la (...)
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    Using AI to detect panic buying and improve products distribution amid pandemic.Yossiri Adulyasak, Omar Benomar, Ahmed Chaouachi, Maxime C. Cohen & Warut Khern-Am-Nuai - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (4):2099-2128.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered panic-buying behavior around the globe. As a result, many essential supplies were consistently out-of-stock at common point-of-sale locations. Even though most retailers were aware of this problem, they were caught off guard and are still lacking the technical capabilities to address this issue. The primary objective of this paper is to develop a framework that can systematically alleviate this issue by leveraging AI models and techniques. We exploit both internal and external data sources and show (...)
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    Omitting types for finite variable fragments and complete representations of algebras.Hajnal Andréka, István Németi & Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):65-89.
    We give a novel application of algebraic logic to first order logic. A new, flexible construction is presented for representable but not completely representable atomic relation and cylindric algebras of dimension n (for finite n > 2) with the additional property that they are one-generated and the set of all n by n atomic matrices forms a cylindric basis. We use this construction to show that the classical Henkin-Orey omitting types theorem fails for the finite variable fragments of first order (...)
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    The Impact of the Economic Corridor on Economic Stability: A Double Mediating Role of Environmental Sustainability and Sustainable Development Under the Exceptional Circumstances of COVID-19.Haiyan Li, Javaria Hameed, Rafique Ahmed Khuhro, Gadah Albasher, Wedad Alqahtani, Muhammad Waqas Sadiq & Tong Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study discusses the impact of different economic indicators on economic stability, including honest leadership, improved infrastructure, revenue generation, and CPEC taking into account the double mediating role of environmental sustainability and sustainable development, while considering the latest COVID-19 situation. This study adopted primary data collection methods and obtained data from the employees of CPEC by using questionnaires and smart-PLS for analysis purposes. The results revealed that honest leadership, improved infrastructure, revenue generation, and CPEC have a positive nexus with economic (...)
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    Human Uniqueness, Bodily Mimesis and the Evolution of Language.Jordan Zlatev - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    I argue that an evolutionary adaptation for bodily mimesis, the volitional use of the body as a representational devise, is the “small difference” that gave rise to unique and yet pre-linguistic features of humanity such as imitation, pedagogy, intentional communication and the possibility of a cumulative, representational culture. Furthermore, it is this that made the evolution of language possible. In support for the thesis that speech evolved atop bodily mimesis and a transitional multimodal protolanguage, I review evidence for the extensive (...)
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    Research abuses against people of colour and other vulnerable groups in early psychedelic research.Dana Strauss, Sara de la Salle, Jordan Sloshower & Monnica T. Williams - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):728-737.
    There is a growing resurgence in the study of psychedelic medicines for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. However, certain early investigations are marred by questionable research methods, abuses against research participants, and covert Central Intelligence Agency financial involvement. The purpose of this study was to understand how and to what extent people of colour and other vulnerable populations, specifically, individuals who were incarcerated or incapacitated due to mental health issues, were exploited during the first wave of (...)
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    International governance of advancing artificial intelligence.Nicholas Emery-Xu, Richard Jordan & Robert Trager - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-26.
    New technologies with military applications may demand new modes of governance. In this article, we develop a taxonomy of technology governance forms, outline their strengths, and red-team their weaknesses. In particular, we consider the challenges and opportunities posed by advancing artificial intelligence, which is likely to have substantial dual-use properties. We conclude that subnational governance, though prevalent and mitigating some risks, is insufficient when the individual rewards from societally harmful actions outweigh normative sanctions, as is likely to be the case (...)
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  42. Arntzenius on ‘Why ain’cha rich?’.Arif Ahmed & Huw Price - 2012 - Erkenntnis 77 (1):15-30.
    The best-known argument for Evidential Decision Theory (EDT) is the ‘Why ain’cha rich?’ challenge to rival Causal Decision Theory (CDT). The basis for this challenge is that in Newcomb-like situations, acts that conform to EDT may be known in advance to have the better return than acts that conform to CDT. Frank Arntzenius has recently proposed an ingenious counter argument, based on an example in which, he claims, it is predictable in advance that acts that conform to EDT will do (...)
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  43. Infallible predictors.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (1):3-24.
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    Participative Leadership and Organizational Identification in SMEs in the MENA Region: Testing the Roles of CSR Perceptions and Pride in Membership.Sophie Lythreatis, Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa & Xiaojun Wang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):635-650.
    The aim of this research is to explore the process linking participative leadership to organizational identification. The study examines the relationship between participative leadership and internal CSR perceptions of employees and also investigates the role that pride in membership plays in the affiliation of CSR perceptions with organizational identification. By studying these relationships, the paper aspires to contemplate new presumed mediators in the association of participative leadership with organizational identification as well as determine a possible novel antecedent of employee CSR (...)
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    Beyond playing 20 questions with nature: Integrative experiment design in the social and behavioral sciences.Abdullah Almaatouq, Thomas L. Griffiths, Jordan W. Suchow, Mark E. Whiting, James Evans & Duncan J. Watts - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e33.
    The dominant paradigm of experiments in the social and behavioral sciences views an experiment as a test of a theory, where the theory is assumed to generalize beyond the experiment's specific conditions. According to this view, which Alan Newell once characterized as “playing twenty questions with nature,” theory is advanced one experiment at a time, and the integration of disparate findings is assumed to happen via the scientific publishing process. In this article, we argue that the process of integration is (...)
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  46. Theistic Ethics: Not as Bad as You Think.Matthew Carey Jordan - 2009 - Philo 12 (1):31-45.
    Critics of theological accounts of the nature of morality have argued that such accounts must be rejected, even by theists, because such accounts (i) have the unacceptable implication that nothing is morally wrong in possible worlds in which atheism is true, (ii) render the substantive content of morality arbitrary, and (iii) make it impossible or redundant to attribute moral properties to God or God’s actions. I argue that none of these criticisms constitute good reason for theists to abandon theological accounts (...)
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  47. The biased enforcement of rarely followed rules.Jordan Wylie, Katlyn Lee Milless, John Sciarappo & Ana Gantman - 2024 - Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 1 (14):01461672241252853.
    We examined whether the enforcement of phantom rules—frequently broken and rarely enforced codified rules—varies by the race of the rule breaker. First, we analyzed whether race affects when 311 calls, a nonemergency service, end in arrest in New York City. Across 10 years, we found that calls from census blocks of neighborhoods consisting of mostly White individuals were 65% less likely to escalate to arrest than those where White people were the numerical minority. Next, we experimentally manipulated transgressor race and (...)
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  48.  35
    How Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Affects Employee Cynicism: The Mediating Role of Organizational Trust.Carolina Serrano Archimi, Emmanuelle Reynaud, Hina Mahboob Yasin & Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):907-921.
    This study examines to what extent perceived corporate social responsibility reduces employee cynicism, and whether trust plays a mediating role in the relationship between CSR and employee cynicism. Three distinct contributions beyond the existing literature are offered. First, the relationship between perceived CSR and employee cynicism is explored in greater detail than has previously been the case. Second, trust in the company leaders is positioned as a mediator of the relationship between CSR and employee cynicism. Third, we disaggregate the measure (...)
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    Ethical understandings of proxy decision making for research involving adults lacking capacity: A systematic review (framework synthesis) of empirical research.Victoria Shepherd, Kerenza Hood, Mark Sheehan, Richard Griffith, Amber Jordan & Fiona Wood - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (4):267-286.
    Background: Research involving adults lacking mental capacity relies on the involvement of a proxy or surrogate, although this raises a number of ethical concerns. Empirical studies have examined attitudes towards proxy decision-making, proxies’ authority as decision-makers, decision accuracy, and other relevant factors. However, a comprehensive evidence-based account of proxy decision-making is lacking. This systematic review provides a synthesis of the empirical data reporting the ethical issues surrounding decisions made by research proxies, and the development of a conceptual framework of proxy (...)
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    The neat embedding problem for algebras other than cylindric algebras and for infinite dimensions.Robin Hirsch & Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (1):208-222.
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