Results for 'Joseba García Martín'

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  1. Repolitizando lo religioso: La movilización neoconservadora de inspiración católica contra las políticas morales desde el marco de la postsecularidad.Joseba García Martín & Ignacia Perugorría - 2024 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 29:e95448.
    La controversia en torno a las llamadas ‘políticas morales’ ha adquirido creciente visibilidad en España durante las últimas décadas. Frente a estas políticas, legisladas en un contexto de progresiva secularización, ha surgido un campo de organizaciones civiles laicas, de inspiración católica e ideología neoconservadora (OLIC-N) que busca defender el marco normativo católico. Librando una doble batalla, cultural y política, estas organizaciones proporcionan nuevos ángulos para analizar la relación entre religión y política desde el marco de la postsecularidad. Las OLIC-N desprivatizan (...)
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  2. El significado del protocolo de investigación en la creatividad arquitectónica.Martín Larios García - 2007 - Episteme 3 (10).
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    La Odisea al Paraíso. La peregrinación a Jerusalén de Don Fadrique Enriquez de Ribera.Pedro García Martín - 2005 - Arbor 180 (711/712):559-580.
    En 1518, don Fadrique Enriquez de Ribera, Adelantando de Andalucía, peregrina desde Sevilla hasta Jerusalén, La fe católica le lleva a recrear la pasión de Cristo en los Santos Lugares. Pero también su formación humanista, la cultura de las armas y las letras del Renacimiento, le mueve a recorrer las ciudades repúblicas italianas, Al regresar a su morada, en 1520, hace edificar la Casa de Pilatos, donde recuerda su experiencia romera en un diario e introduce el estilo renacentista en los (...)
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    ¿Progresa moralmente el género humano?Fernando José Garcia Martín - 2020 - Endoxa 45:29.
    Tomando como marco de referencia la filosofía crítica kantiana, el artículo se plantea la cuestión del progreso moral de la humanidad. En primer lugar, examina las dificultades que en el contexto de tal filosofía presenta la pretensión de avanzar algo en lo moral. A continuación, aborda la posible contradicción existente entre la idea de progreso y la adscripción kantiana de lo moral al ámbito nouménico. Considera las diferentes alusiones que en la obra kantiana se encuentran en defensa de la tesis (...)
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  5. The Spain of Santayana through his autobiography and his letters.Pedro Garcia Martin - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Uso de las TIC en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Ventajas e inconvenientes.Sheila García-Martín & Judit García-Martín - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-9.
    La integración y el uso de las TIC en los centros educativos es un proceso complejo en el que intervienen diversos factores, como son, el nivel de competencia digital docente, la infraestructura tecnológica o el acceso y uso de internet. De ahí que sea necesario abordar los estudios sobre TIC en educación desde enfoques multivariados. En este sentido, este estudio pretende conocer el uso de cinco herramientas digitales por parte de 474 estudiantes de E.S.O. en las aulas, para analizar posteriormente (...)
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    Informaciones.José M. Mardones, Pedro García Martín & Carmen Rodríguez Santos - 1993 - Isegoría 7:219-228.
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    Digital literacy in the university setting: A literature review of empirical studies between 2010 and 2021.Nieves Gutiérrez-Ángel, Jesús-Nicasio Sánchez-García, Isabel Mercader-Rubio, Judit García-Martín & Sonia Brito-Costa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The impact of digital devices and the Internet has generated various changes at social, political, and economic levels, the repercussion of which is a great challenge characterized by the changing and globalized nature of today's society. This demands the development of new skills and new learning models in relation to information and communication technologies. Universities must respond to these social demands in the training of their future professionals. This paper aims to analyze the empirical evidence provided by international studies in (...)
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    To Help or Not to Help? Prosocial Behavior, Its Association With Well-Being, and Predictors of Prosocial Behavior During the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic.Elisa Haller, Jelena Lubenko, Giovambattista Presti, Valeria Squatrito, Marios Constantinou, Christiana Nicolaou, Savvas Papacostas, Gökçen Aydın, Yuen Yu Chong, Wai Tong Chien, Ho Yu Cheng, Francisco J. Ruiz, María B. García-Martín, Diana P. Obando-Posada, Miguel A. Segura-Vargas, Vasilis S. Vasiliou, Louise McHugh, Stefan Höfer, Adriana Baban, David Dias Neto, Ana Nunes da Silva, Jean-Louis Monestès, Javier Alvarez-Galvez, Marisa Paez-Blarrina, Francisco Montesinos, Sonsoles Valdivia-Salas, Dorottya Ori, Bartosz Kleszcz, Raimo Lappalainen, Iva Ivanović, David Gosar, Frederick Dionne, Rhonda M. Merwin, Maria Karekla, Angelos P. Kassianos & Andrew T. Gloster - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease pandemic fundamentally disrupted humans’ social life and behavior. Public health measures may have inadvertently impacted how people care for each other. This study investigated prosocial behavior, its association well-being, and predictors of prosocial behavior during the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and sought to understand whether region-specific differences exist. Participants from eight regions clustering multiple countries around the world responded to a cross-sectional online-survey investigating the psychological consequences of the first upsurge of lockdowns in spring 2020. Prosocial behavior (...)
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    The Transformation of Higher Education After the COVID Disruption: Emerging Challenges in an Online Learning Scenario.Víctor J. García-Morales, Aurora Garrido-Moreno & Rodrigo Martín-Rojas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Crisis requires society to renew itself, albeit in a disruptive way. The current Covid-19 pandemic is transforming ways of working, living, and relating to each other on a global level, suddenly and dramatically. This paper focuses on the field of education to show how higher education institutions are undergoing radical transformations driven by the need to digitalize education and training processes in record time with academics who lack innate technological capabilities for online teaching. The university system must strive to overcome (...)
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    Exploring the Impact of Tensions in Stakeholder Norms on Designing for Value Change: The Case of Biosafety in Industrial Biotechnology.Vitor A. P. Martins dos Santos, Linde F. C. Kampers, Zoë Robaey & Enrique Asin-Garcia - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-28.
    Synthetic biologists design and engineer organisms for a better and more sustainable future. While the manifold prospects are encouraging, concerns about the uncertain risks of genome editing affect public opinion as well as local regulations. As a consequence, biosafety and associated concepts, such as the Safe-by-design framework and genetic safeguard technologies, have gained notoriety and occupy a central position in the conversation about genetically modified organisms. Yet, as regulatory interest and academic research in genetic safeguard technologies advance, the implementation in (...)
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    How to Encourage Social Entrepreneurship Action? Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Higher Education Institutions.Víctor Jesus García-Morales, Rodrigo Martín-Rojas & Raquel Garde-Sánchez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):329-350.
    University students will be our future business leaders, and will have to address social problems caused by business by implementing solutions such as social entrepreneurship ventures. In order to facilitate the learning process that will foster social entrepreneurship, however, a more holistic pedagogy is needed. Based on learning theory, we propose that students’ social entrepreneurship actions will depend on their learning about CSR and their absorptive capacity. We propose that instructors and higher education institutions can enhance this absorptive capacity by (...)
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    O ethos da ciência e suas transformações contemporâneas, com especial atenção à biotecnologia.José Luís Garcia & Hermínio Martins - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (1):83-104.
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    Problematic Social Situations for Peer-Rejected Students in the First Year of Elementary School.Luis J. Martín-Antón, María Inés Monjas, Francisco J. García Bacete & Irene Jiménez-Lagares - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    From literal meaning to veracity in two hundred milliseconds.Clara D. Martin, Xavier Garcia, Audrey Breton, Guillaume Thierry & Albert Costa - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Self-Managed 5G Networks 1.Jorge Martín-Pérez, Lina Magoula, Kiril Antevski, Carlos Guimarães, Jorge Baranda, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Sgambelluri, Chrysa Papagianni, Andrés García-Saavedra, Ricardo Martínez, Francesco Paolucci, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Luca Valcarenghi, Claudio EttoreCasetti, Xi Li, Carlos J. Bernardos, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper, Panagiotis Kontopoulos, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Corrado Puligheddu, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy & Engin Zeydan - 2021 - In Ahmad Alnafessah, Gabriele Russo Russo, Valeria Cardellini, Giuliano Casale & Francesco Lo Presti, Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Wiley. pp. 69-100.
    Meeting 5G high bandwidth rates, ultra-low latencies, and high reliabilities requires of network infrastructures that automatically increase/decrease the resources based on their customers’ demand. An autonomous and dynamic management of a 5G network infrastructure represents a challenge, as any solution must account for the radio access network, data plane traffic, wavelength allocation, network slicing, and network functions’ orchestration. Furthermore, federation among administrative domains (ADs) must be considered in the network management. Given the increased dynamicity of 5G networks, artificial intelligence/machine learning (...)
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    Repensando a Terencio: un estudio métrico y musical de Andria.Pablo Martín García - 2023 - Argos 47:e0037.
    Este trabajo plantea un análisis métrico de Andria a partir de una ruptura con la manera tradicional de estudiar la obra del africano —que juzga sus comedias a la sombra de los procedimientos compositivos de Plauto— con miras a un estudio integral del fenómeno métrico en Terencio. El análisis de la macroestructura y la microestructura métricas de la obra demuestra una estrecha imbricación entre los componentes métrico-musicales y el significado de los elementos de la trama y arroja nueva luz sobre (...)
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    Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en instalaciones de la edificación en el grado de arquitectura técnica.Belén Zurro García, Sara González Moreno, José Manuel González Martín, Isabel Santamaría Vicario & Ángel Rodríguez Saiz - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1):1-13.
    El trabajo desarrollado en este artículo muestra una experiencia docente basada en la Metodología Activa del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en la asignatura de Instalaciones II de la titulación del Grado en Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Burgos. Para alcanzar la excelencia del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se ha diseñado una metodología de trabajo basada en el desarrollo progresivo de un Proyecto de Ejecución mediante subproyectos, con el objetivo de conseguir mejores resultados en el proceso de aprendizaje mediante (...)
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    Exploring the role of transcriptional and post‐transcriptional processes in mRNA co‐expression.Óscar García-Blay, Pieter G. A. Verhagen, Benjamin Martin & Maike M. K. Hansen - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (12):2300130.
    Co‐expression of two or more genes at the single‐cell level is usually associated with functional co‐regulation. While mRNA co‐expression—measured as the correlation in mRNA levels—can be influenced by both transcriptional and post‐transcriptional events, transcriptional regulation is typically considered dominant. We review and connect the literature describing transcriptional and post‐transcriptional regulation of co‐expression. To enhance our understanding, we integrate four datasets spanning single‐cell gene expression data, single‐cell promoter activity data and individual transcript half‐lives. Confirming expectations, we find that positive co‐expression necessitates (...)
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    Influence of autoencoder latent space on classifying IoT CoAP attacks.María Teresa García-Ordás, Jose Aveleira-Mata, Isaías García-Rodrígez, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Martín Bayón-Gutiérrez & Héctor Alaiz-Moretón - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The Internet of Things (IoT) presents a unique cybersecurity challenge due to its vast network of interconnected, resource-constrained devices. These vulnerabilities not only threaten data integrity but also the overall functionality of IoT systems. This study addresses these challenges by exploring efficient data reduction techniques within a model-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for IoT environments. Specifically, the study explores the efficacy of an autoencoder’s latent space combined with three different classification techniques. Utilizing a validated IoT dataset, particularly focusing on the (...)
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    festival Publicatessen: herramienta para la integración de competencias académicas y profesionales.Noemí Martín García, Alberto Martín García & María Ángeles Núñez Cansado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-14.
    El Festival Publicatessen se desarrolla desde hace catorce ediciones en el campus María Zambrano de la Universidad de Valladolid. Está organizado por el alumnado de cuarto curso del grado en Publicidad y RR.PP., con la coordinación directa del profesorado. El objetivo de esta publicación es conocer la valoración de aquellos exestudiantes que han participado, y conocer qué competencias han desarrollado de cara a su vida profesional. Los resultados muestran que es una acción muy positiva para ellos y la reconocen como (...)
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    Demanda Pedro Fausto Canales Bermejo contra España. Informe pericial sobre víctimas del franquismo en la sociedad española contemporánea.Francisco Ferrándiz Martín, Juan Antonio Flores Martos, María García Alonso, Julián López García & Pedro Tomé Martín - 2019 - Endoxa 44:71.
    El siguiente informe pericial se basa en la experiencia de investigación de los firmantes en relación a las exhumaciones de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil y la postguerra, y al conocido como “movimiento para la recuperación de la memoria histórica” que están teniendo lugar en España desde el año 2000, que ha enfatizado sus demandas sobre la suerte de los desaparecidos y ha puesto en marcha un ciclo de exhumaciones de fosas comunes derivadas de la Guerra Civil y la (...)
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    Are Sexist Attitudes and Gender Stereotypes Linked? A Critical Feminist Approach With a Spanish Sample.Rubén García-Sánchez, Carmen Almendros, Begoña Aramayona, María Jesús Martín, María Soria-Oliver, Jorge S. López & José Manuel Martínez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The present study aims to verify the psychometric properties of the Spanish versions of the Social Roles Questionnaire (SRQ; Baber & Tucker, 2006), Modern Sexism scale (MS) and Old-fashioned Sexism scale (OFS; Swim et al. Swim & Cohen, 1997). Enough support was found to maintain the original factor structure of all instruments in their Spanish version. Differences between men and women in the scores are commented on, mainly because certain sexist attitudes have been overcome with greater success in the current (...)
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    Crónica.Mário Garcia, Lúcio Craveiro & Diamantino Martins - 1973 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 29 (4):445 - 449.
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  25. Escrita e Formação Continuada de Educadores Infantis: Possibilidades, Reprodução e Crítica do Conhecimento.Roseli Gonçalves Ribeiro Martins Garcia - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (2).
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    El paradigma de la complejidad en economía: más allá de las leyes y de la causalidad lineal.Alfredo García, Leonardo Ivarola & Martín Szybisz - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 61:80-94.
    Resumen: El enfoque de máquinas nomológicas como esquema de funcionamiento de los modelos económicos supone la existencia de conjunciones constantes de eventos que tienen lugar en tanto se cumplan con determinadas cláusulasceteris paribus. Este enfoque supone causalidad del tipo lineal, una metodología del tipo macro-micro-macro, y un aislamiento respecto del entorno en el cual dicha máquina opera, lo cual lo hace congruente con el pensamiento neo-mecanicista. Consideramos que estos supuestos son cuestionables bajo el paradigma de la complejidad. En particular, dado (...)
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  27. Forma y objeto. Un tratado de las cosas.Tristan Garcia & Jean-Clet Martin - 2012 - Escritos 20 (44):207-219.
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    Psychological impact of dentomaxillofacial anomalies and orthodontic treatment in children and adolescents.Soledad Y. García Peláez, Mayelín Soler Herrera, Silvia Colunga Santos, Ledia Martín Zaldívar & Soleibys García Peláez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):246-257.
    En la actualidad se habla de la anomalía dentomaxilofacial como una enfermedad inherente a la civilización, cuya prevalencia varia en las distintas partes del mundo, el alto índice se relaciona a la heterogeneidad genética. Estas anomalías tienen una etiología multifactorial donde intervienen diversos factores internos o externos, que provocan variabilidad en su forma de presentación; cada una tiene características muy particulares y diversos grados de complejidad a la hora de ser tratadas, sin embargo poseen un aspecto común, afectan por lo (...)
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    Perceived Coach Leadership Profiles and Relationship With Burnout, Coping, and Emotions.Higinio González-García, Guillaume Martinent & Alfonso Trinidad Morales - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471260.
    The aims of the study were to identify coach profiles and examine whether participants from distinct profiles significantly differed on burnout, emotions and coping. A sample of 268 athletes (Mage = 29.34; SD = 12.37), completed a series of self-reported questionnaires. Cluster analyses revealed two coach leadership profiles: (a) profile 1 with high scores of training and instruction, authoritarian behavior, social support and positive feedback, and a low score of democratic behavior; and (b) profile 2 with low levels in training (...)
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  30. A smile hampers encoding and memory for non-happy eyes in a face: temporal dynamics and importance of initial fixation.Aida Gutiérrez-García, Mario Del Líbano, Andrés Fernández-Martín & Manuel G. Calvo - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Blended facial expressions with a smiling mouth but non-happy eyes (neutral, sad, etc.) are often (incorrectly) judged as “happy”. We investigated the time course of this phenomenon, both forward and backward. To do this, we varied the order of presentation of a prime stimulus (upper half of a face) and a probe (lower half of a face) stimulus, and their display durations. The forward and the backward influence of the smile was assessed when the mouth was seen before or after (...)
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    Introduction: Genres of Blur.Martin Jay, Ermanno Bencivenga, Peter Burke, Christopher P. Jones, Ardis Butterfield, Mercedes García-Arenal, Avinoam Rosenak & Francis X. Clooney - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):220-228.
    Ever since Clifford Geertz urged the “blurring of genres” in the social sciences, many scholars have considered the crossing of disciplinary boundaries a healthy alternative to rigidly maintaining them. But what precisely does the metaphor of “blurring” imply? By unpacking the varieties of visual experiences that are normally grouped under this rubric, this essay seeks to provide some precision to our understanding of the implications of fuzziness. It extrapolates from the blurring caused by differential focal distances, velocities of objects in (...)
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    Deporte, radio e igualdad de género: propuesta de investigación-acción-participación en educación superior.Sandro Arrufat Martín, Rainer Rubira García & Flávia Gomes-Franco E. Silva - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-10.
    Los medios de comunicación en general y la radio en particular configuran el ecosistema mediático necesario para impulsar los principios igualitarios en la sociedad. Esta propuesta de metodología de investigación-acción-participación en el ámbito docente de educación superior pone su atención en los procesos comunicativos en radio sobre el deporte profesional practicado por mujeres. El trabajo propone la descripción de una metodología puesta en funcionamiento en la asignatura Producción de programas informativos en radio y refleja todo el proceso transformador, así como (...)
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  33. Los Meliambos cercideos (P. Oxy. 1082). Intento de reconstrucción.J. A. Martín García - 1991 - Minerva 3:75.
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    Quantitative ion beam analysis of M–C–O systems: application to an oxidized uranium carbide sample.G. Martin, G. Raveu, P. Garcia, G. Carlot, H. Khodja, I. Vickridge, M. F. Barthe & T. Sauvage - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (11):1177-1191.
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    El Arte y Lo Humano.Carmen Rodríguez Martín & José F. Zuñiga García - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:8-9.
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    Los museos, oferta consolidada para el turismo sostenible y la calidad del paisaje.Manuel Antonio Zárate Martín & Alejandro García Ferrero - 2017 - Arbor 193 (785):401.
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    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical (...)
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    An integrative analysis of potential mechanisms of reduced positive affect in daily life in depression: an ESM study.Ana Mar Pacheco-Romero, Óscar Martín-García, Ricardo Rey-Sáez, Teresa Boemo, Iván Blanco, Carmelo Vázquez & Álvaro Sánchez-López - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):587-604.
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    Time course of selective attention to face regions in social anxiety: eye-tracking and computational modelling.Manuel G. Calvo, Aida Gutiérrez-García & Andrés Fernández-Martín - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1481-1488.
    ABSTRACTWe investigated the time course of selective attention to face regions during judgment of dis/approval by low and high social anxiety undergraduates (with clinical levels on que...
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  40. What Goes on in This House Do Not Stay in This House: Family Variables Related to Adolescent-to-Parent Offenses.Antonia Hernández, Ana M. Martín, Stephany Hess-Medler & Juan García-García - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:581761.
    Research on adolescent-to-parent violence (APV) associates specific psychosocial characteristics with adolescents who assault their parents, whether they are within or outside the juvenile justice system, or whether these characteristics are shared by other adolescents convicted of other crimes. The aim of this paper is to compare three groups of adolescents. Those who have been sentenced for APV are compared with adolescents who have committed other crimes, and with a group who have not been involved in the justice system. The sample (...)
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    School Tourism Management in Peru: a comparative study in San Pedro Chanel and Carlos Augusto Salaverry.Cristina Pamela García Trasmonte, Priscila E. Lujan-Vera, Lucia-Viviana Patiño-García, Marlon Martín Mogollón Taboada, Joyce Mamani Cornejo & Luis Arnaldo Cruz García - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):125-133.
    School tourism constitutes a source of learning to strengthen the cultural identity of students. The objective was to compare the development of school tourism in the educational institutions San Pedro Chanel and Carlos Augusto Salaverry. The Leiper space approach was used. The exhibition was constituted by 200 high school students and 20 teachers. The results show that there is statistically significant differences regarding the knowledge of the tourist resources of the province of Sullana. It was concluded that educational tourism is (...)
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    Trabajo Fin de Grado En la Arquitectura Técnica.Sara González Moreno, Belén Zurro García, José Manuel González Martín, Amparo Bernal López-Sanvicente & Ángel Rodríguez Saiz - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    Uno de los componentes más importantes del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudios de Arquitectura Técnica es la realización de un proyecto final que aglutina todos los conocimientos y competencias desarrollados en las diferentes disciplinas que configuran el Plan de Estudios. El objetivo de esta propuesta es visualizar la evolución del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el Proyecto Fin de Grado en los estudios de Arquitectura Técnica e Ingeniería de Edificación de la Universidad de Burgos, mostrando las diferentes adaptaciones (...)
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    Estrategia educativa para mejorar la calidad de la relación estomatólogo-paciente.Viviana Estrada Verdeja, Carmen Rosa Hidalgo García, Idelbys Expósito Martín & Ledia Martín Zaldivar - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (1):0-0.
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  44. Estrés positivo y afecto positivo.Enrique García Fernández-Abascal & María Dolores Martín Díaz - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (968):22-25.
    El término estrés es una aportación de un médico húngaro llamado Has Selye (1907-1982). Su primera intuición sobre la existencia de este proceso psicológico se produjo mientras realizaba su rotatorio hospitalario al final de sus estudios de medicina. Observó que todos los pacientes, independientemente de la enfermedad que padecieran, presentaban unos síntomas comunes que denominó el síndrome de "simplemente estar enfermo", y que posteriormente en su tesis doctoral fue renombrado como "síndrome general de adaptación". Esto dio lugar a que el (...)
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    Studying Well and Performing Well: A Bayesian Analysis on Team and Individual Rowing Performance in Dual Career Athletes.Juan Gavala-González, Bruno Martins, Francisco Javier Ponseti & Alexandre Garcia-Mas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    On many occasions, the maximum result of a team does not equate to the total maximum individual effort of each athlete (social loafing). Athletes often combine their sports life with an academic one (Dual Career), prioritizing one over the over in a difficult balancing act. The aim of this research is to examine the existence of social loafing in a group of novice university rowers and the differences that exist according to sex, academic performance, and the kind of sport previously (...)
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    Online and Face-to-Face Social Networks and Dispositional Affectivity. How to Promote Entrepreneurial Intention in Higher Education Environments to Achieve Disruptive Innovations?Héctor Pérez-Fernández, Natalia Martín-Cruz, Juan B. Delgado-García & Ana I. Rodríguez-Escudero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although entrepreneurial intention has been widely studied using cognitive models, we still lack entrepreneurial vocation and, therefore, lack disruptive innovations. Entrepreneurship scholars have some understanding of the reasons underlying this weakness, although there is much room for improvement in our learning concerning how to promote entrepreneurship among university students, especially in the transformed context of digital technologies. This paper focuses on the early stages of start-up, and in particular seeks to evaluate what role social and psychological factors play in the (...)
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    The Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics (HOPE) Working Group Consensus Statement.Edward Jacobs, Brian D. Earp, Paul S. Appelbaum, Lori Bruce, Ksenia Cassidy, Yuria Celidwen, Katherine Cheung, Sean K. Clancy, Neşe Devenot, Jules Evans, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Phoebe Friesen, Albert Garcia Romeu, Neil Gehani, Molly Maloof, Olivia Marcus, Ole Martin Moen, Mayli Mertens, Sandeep M. Nayak, Tehseen Noorani, Kyle Patch, Sebastian Porsdam-Mann, Gokul Raj, Khaleel Rajwani, Keisha Ray, William Smith, Daniel Villiger, Neil Levy, Roger Crisp, Julian Savulescu, Ilina Singh & David B. Yaden - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):6-12.
    Volume 24, Issue 7, July 2024, Page 6-12.
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    The Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics (HOPE) Working Group Consensus Statement.Edward Https://Orcidorg Jacobs, Brian D. Https://Orcidorg Earp, Paul S. Https://Orcidorg Appelbaum, Lori Https://Orcidorg Bruce, Ksenia Cassidy, Yuria Celidwen, Katherine Cheung, Sean K. Clancy, Neşe Devenot, Jules Evans, Holly Fernandez Https://Orcidorg Lynch, Phoebe Https://Orcidorg916X Friesen, Albert Garcia Romeu, Neil Gehani, Molly Maloof, Olivia Marcus, Ole Martin Moen, Mayli Https://Orcidorg Mertens, Sandeep M. Nayak, Tehseen Noorani, Kyle Patch, Sebastian Porsdam-Mann, Gokul Raj, Khaleel Rajwani, Keisha Https://Orcidorg Ray, William Smith, Daniel Https://Orcidorg624X Villiger, Neil Levy, Roger Crisp & Julian Https://Orcidorg Savulescu - forthcoming - .
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  49. Two-Dimensional Semantics.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Two-dimensional semantics is a framework that helps us better understand some of the most fundamental issues in philosophy: those having to do with the relationship between the meaning of words, the way the world is, and our knowledge of the meaning of words. This selection of new essays by some of the world's leading authorities in this field sheds fresh light both on foundational issues regarding two-dimensional semantics and on its specific applications. Contributors: Richard Breheny, Alex Byrne, David Chalmers, Martin (...)
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  50.  13
    GAUDEMAR, MARTINE DE, Leibniz. De la puissance au sujet, Vrin, París, 1994, 295 págs.Mª Socorro Fernández García - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico:258-259.
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