Results for 'José Benclowicz'

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  1.  22
    Las luchas sociales a través de Los medios masivos. Una propuesta de análisis cualitativo Y cuantitativo de sus representaciones desde un estudio de Caso.José Benclowicz & Victoria Werenkraut - 2013 - Aposta 58:4-43.
    En este trabajo se plantea una perspectiva cualitativa y cuantitativa específica para el análisis de las representaciones de las luchas sociales en los medios masivos partiendo de los aportes del Análisis Crítico del Discurso. Sobre esta base metodológica, presentamos los resultados del análisis de un caso específico: las representaciones sobre el corte de ruta-pueblada de Tartagal y Mosconi (provincia de Salta) en mayo de 2000. Se atiende al contexto en que se despliegan los discursos que serán objeto de análisis específico, (...)
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  2. Infinity.José A. Benardete - 1964 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  3. Self-deception, intentions and contradictory beliefs.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2000 - Analysis 60 (4):309-319.
    Philosophical accounts of self-deception can be divided into two broad groups – the intentionalist and the anti-intentionalist. On intentionalist models what happens in the central cases of self-deception is parallel to what happens when one person intentionally deceives another, except that deceiver and deceived are the same person. This paper offers a positive argument for intentionalism about self-deception and defends the view against standard objections.
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    Foucault.José Guilherme Merquior - 1985 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    In this concise, witty critical study, Merquior examines Foucault's work on madness, sexuality, and power and offers a provocative assessment of Foucault as a "neo-anarchist." Merquior brings an astonishing breadth of scholarship to bear on his subject as he explores Foucault using insights from a range of fields including philosophy, sociology, and history.
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  5. Labyrinth of Thought. A History of Set Theory and Its Role in Modern Mathematics.José Ferreirós - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (3):437-440.
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  6. An Enactivist Approach to the Imagination: Embodied Enactments and "Fictional Emotions".José Medina - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (3):317.
    While in the movies or reading a novel, how can we feel terrified by monsters, ghosts, and fictional serial killers? And how can we feel sad or outraged by depictions of cruelty? After all, we know that the imagined threats that we fear do not exist and, therefore, pose no real threat to us; and we know that the instances of cruelty that bring tears to our eyes have not happened. And yet, the fear, the sadness, or the outrage experienced (...)
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    An effective strategy for integrating ethics across the curriculum in engineering: An ABET 2000 challenge.José A. Cruz & William J. Frey - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (4):543-568.
    This paper describes a one-day workshop format for introducing ethics into the engineering curriculum prepared at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). It responds to the ethics criteria newly integrated into the accreditation process by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET). It also employs an ethics across the curriculum (EAC) approach; engineers identify the ethical issues, write cases that dramatize these issues, and then develop exercises making use of these cases that are specially tailored to mainstream (...)
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  8. Peacocke's Argument Against the Autonomy of Nonconceptual Representational Content.José Luis Bermúdez - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (4):402-418.
  9.  24
    Industry Business Associations: Self-Interested or Socially Conscious?José Carlos Marques - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (4):733-751.
    The number and scale of business associations focused on corporate responsibility and sustainability has grown dramatically in recent decades and they are becoming influential actors in both national and international governance. Yet surprisingly little research exists on such organizations and recognition of the organizational lineage they share with special interest groups is yet to be examined—are industry business associations merely lobbies for their members’ own interests or are they viable self-regulatory institutions capable of addressing contemporary social and sustainability issues? This (...)
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  10. Exploring Narrative Structure and Hero Enactment in Brand Stories.José Sanders & Kobie van Krieken - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This study examines how audiovisual brand stories both invite and enable consumers to enact heroic archetypes. Integrating research on the archetypal structure of narratives with research on the event structure of narratives, we distinguish singular plot stories (i.e. stories that show a Hero’s Journey) from embedded plot stories (i.e. stories that not only show but also tell one or more Hero’s Journeys) and develop a conceptual and narratological framework to analyze their structural elements. Application of the framework to 20 brand (...)
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  11. Emotion Regulation Ability and Resilience in a Sample of Adolescents from a Suburban Area.José M. Mestre, Juan M. Núñez-Lozano, Rocío Gómez-Molinero, Antonio Zayas & Rocío Guil - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Models of Cognitive Ability and Emotion Can Better Inform Contemporary Emotional Intelligence Frameworks.José M. Mestre, Carolyn MacCann, Rocío Guil & Richard D. Roberts - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (4):322-330.
    Emotional intelligence (EI) stands at the nexus between intelligence and emotion disciplines, and we outline how EI research might be better integrated within both theoretical frameworks. From the former discipline, empirical research focused upon whether EI is an intelligence and what type of intelligence it constitutes. It is clear that ability-based tests of EI form a group factor of cognitive abilities that may be integrated into the Cattell–Horn–Carroll framework; less clear is the lower order factor structure of EI. From the (...)
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  13.  21
    La Filosofía para Niños y Jóvenes como prevención y antídoto frente a los discursos de odio.José Barrientos Rastrojo - 2022 - Isegoría 67:02-02.
    Este artículo propone a la Filosofía para Niños y Jóvenes (_Philosophy for Children_) como revulsivo contra los discursos del odio. Comienza describiendo la naturaleza de estas prácticas discursivas. Posteriormente, indaga los cinco pilares de la Filosofía para Niños/Jóvenes que vacunan contra ellas: pensamiento crítico y creativo, pensamiento cuidadoso, material narrativo y comunidad de indagación. Finalmente, explora la utilidad de estos elementos para los fines propuestos.
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    Are Ethical Banks Different? A Comparative Analysis Using the Radical Affinity Index.Leire San-Jose, Jose Luis Retolaza & Jorge Gutierrez-Goiria - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):151 - 173.
    This article studies the differences between traditional financial intermediaries (commercial banks, savings banks and cooperative banks) and ethical banks based on property rights, in which the owner decides the ideology, principles, standards and objectives of the organisation. In ethical banking, affinity centres on positive social and ethical values. The article consequendy focuses on an index proposed both to differentiate ethical banks from other types of banks, and also to pinpoint the differences between the various ethical banks themselves.This is the Radical (...)
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  15. The Distinction between Conceptual and Nonconceptual Content.Jose Bermudez - 2007 - In Brian McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann & Sven Walter, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
    1 Domains of application 2 Formulating the conceptual/nonconceptual distinction 3 Is there such a thing as nonconceptual content? 4 Developing the account of nonconceptual content .
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    Wigner's 'Unreasonable Effectiveness' in Context.José Ferreirós - 2017 - The Mathematical Intelligencer 39:64–71.
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    Virtue and Arguers.José Ángel Gascón - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):441-450.
    Is a virtue approach in argumentation possible without committing the ad hominem fallacy? My answer is affirmative, provided that the object study of our theory is well delimited. My proposal is that a theory of argumentative virtue should not focus on argument appraisal, as has been assumed, but on those traits that make an individual achieve excellence in argumentative practices. An agent-based approach in argumentation should be developed, not in order to find better grounds for argument appraisal, but to gain (...)
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  18.  41
    Fisher, Neyman-Pearson or NHST? A tutorial for teaching data testing.Jose D. Perezgonzalez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:135153.
    Despite frequent calls for the overhaul of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), this controversial procedure remains ubiquitous in behavioral, social and biomedical teaching and research. Little change seems possible once the procedure becomes well ingrained in the minds and current practice of researchers; thus, the optimal opportunity for such change is at the time the procedure is taught, be this at undergraduate or at postgraduate levels. This paper presents a tutorial for the teaching of data testing procedures, often referred to (...)
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    Arguing for eliminativism.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2005 - In Brian L. Keeley, Paul Churchland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This paper considers how best an eliminativist might argue for the radical falsity of commonsense psychology. I will be arguing that Paul Churchland’s “official” arguments for eliminative materialism (in, e.g., Churchland 1981) are unsatisfactory, although much of the paper will be developing themes that are clearly present in Churchland’s writings. The eliminativist needs to argue that the representations that feed into action are fundamentally different from those invoked by propositional attitude psychology. The “springs of action” are representations of features that (...)
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  20.  49
    Educating Responsible Managers. The Role of University Ethos.José-Félix Lozano - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (3):213-226.
    The current economic crisis is forcing us to reflect on where we have gone wrong in recent years. In the search for responsibilities some have looked to Business Schools and Administration Departments. It is surprising that this situation has come about despite the fact that Business Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility have been taught in business schools for years. Without wanting to place all the blame on higher education institutions, but from a critical perspective and assuming responsibility, we believe it (...)
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  21.  51
    Platão.José Trindade Santos - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):637-641.
  22. Rationality and psychological explanation without language.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2002 - In José Luis Bermúdez & Alan Millar, Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality. New York: Clarendon Press.
  23.  8
    Wahnsinn und Wissen: zu Wittgensteins Lage und Denkbewegung.José María Ariso - 2012 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  24. What’s So Special about Self-Knowledge?Jose Medina - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (3):575-603.
    This is a critical discussion of selected chapters of the first volume of Scott Soames's _Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century. It is argued that this volume falls short of the minimal standards of scholarship appropriate to a work that advertises itself as a history, and, further, that Soames's frequent heuristic simplifications and distortions, since they are only sporadically identified as such, are more likely to confuse than to enlighten the student. These points are illustrated by reference to Soames's discussions (...)
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  25.  29
    Dark times for cosmopolitanism? An ethical framework to address private agri-food governance and planetary stewardship.Jose M. Alcaraz, Francisco Tirado & Ana Gálvez - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):697-715.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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  26.  50
    Giacomo Zabarella: un aristotélico crítico en la era de la revolución científica.José Manuel García Valverde - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (3):587-609.
    Giacomo Zabarella es considerado uno de los aristotélicos más prestigiosos y más influyentes del siglo XVI. Su obra lógica, sus escritos sobre física y sus comentarios, publicados póstumamente, tuvieron un enorme impacto especialmente en las primeras décadas del siglo XVII, y sirvieron como verdaderos manuales con los que se formaron muchos universitarios europeos. Este artículo analiza la figura de Zabarella centrándose en su obra sobre física, el De rebus naturalibus libri XXX, editado en 1590, apenas unos días antes de su (...)
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  27.  19
    Emotional education for personal growth in the early years.José Víctor Oron, Sonsoles Navarro-Rubio & Elkin O. Luis - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (2):115-130.
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  28.  17
    Reason and Nature: Essays in the Theory of Rationality.José Luis Bermúdez & Alan Millar (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Reason and Nature investigates the norms of reason--the standards which contribute to determining whether beliefs, inferences, and actions are rational. Nine philosophers and two psychologists discuss what kinds of things these norms are, how they can be situated within the natural world, and what role they play in the psychological explanation of belief and action. Current work in the theory of rationality is subject to very diverse influences ranging from experimental and theoretical psychology, through philosophy of logic and language, to (...)
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  29. After postmodernism.José López & Garry Potter - 2002 - The Philosophers' Magazine 17 (17):15-16.
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    Private Regulatory Fragmentation as Public Policy: Governing Canada’s Mining Industry.José Carlos Marques - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (4):617-630.
    This paper addresses recent calls to study the role of the state in private regulation. Integrating current scholarship on the state as a catalyst of private regulatory regimes with prior literature on regulatory failure and self-regulation, it identifies and problematizes unsettled assumptions used as a starting point by this growing body of research. The case study traces the evolution of public debates and the interaction of different regulatory initiatives dealing with corporate social responsibility issues in Canada’s mining industry. Findings reveal (...)
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  31.  27
    Independent collective identity functions as voting rules.José Carlos R. Alcantud & Annick Laruelle - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (1):107-119.
    In this paper we study collective identity functions that deal with formation of clubs. Usually the choice offered to individuals is to cast a vote in favor of qualification or not, and the final outcome is qualification or non-qualification. In this context we show that independent collective identity functions are naturally characterized by voting rules, and in particular, consent rules can be represented by one single collection of weighted majorities. In addition, we consider the extended model where voters are allowed (...)
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    La lógica aristotélica de los predicables.José Miguel Gambra - 1988 - Anuario Filosófico 21 (2):89-118.
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  33.  42
    Ambivalence in Environmental Care: Marine Care Ethics and More-Than-Human Relations in the Conservation of Seagrass Posidonia oceanica.Jose A. Cañada - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (2):1-18.
    Posidonia oceanicais an endemic seagrass from the mediterranean that provides key ecosystem services. A protected species, its presence is regressing due to anthropogenic pressures, some associated to the tourism economy that much of the Mediterranean coast depends on. In 1992, the European Union declared it a priority habitat, and since the early 2000s, it has occupied a central space in marine conservation debates in the Balearic Islands. Popularly known as Posidonia, this seagrass went from being considereddirtthat ruinedvirginBalearic beaches to become (...)
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  34.  13
    Processo.José Antonio Callegari - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7361.
    Habermas (2023) analisa uma nova mudança estrutural da esfera pública. Em razão disso, supomos uma esfera pública processual em mutação. Para argumentar, optamos pela leitura do Código de Processo Civil (CPC) em sintonia com Habermas (2023). No plano normativo, o processo é regulado pela Constituição Federal e pelo Código de Processo Civil. Em termos físicos, ele é composto de peças processuais redigidas em papel ou de peças processuais digitalizadas, pois a maioria dos tribunais brasileiros adotou o processo 100% digital. Em (...)
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  35. Cosmopolitan loyalty and the great global community: Royce's globalization.Jose-Antonio Orosco - 2003 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (3):204-215.
  36.  46
    Do Trait Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Mindfulness Have a Complementary Effect on the Children’s and Adolescents’ Emotional States?Jose M. Mestre, Jorge Turanzas, Maria García-Gómez, Joan Guerra, Jose R. Cordon, Gabriel G. De La Torre & Victor M. Lopez-Ramos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Ethos, Resilience, and Democratic Struggle in the Markets of the Americas.Jose-Antonio Orosco - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (1):63-70.
    we are called together in indianapolis, under the shadow of the poet Mari Evans, to reflect on the influence and constraints of place, and the transformative and liberatory power of imagination. In her essay, "Ethos and Creativity," Evans looks back on a lifetime spent in Indianapolis. She shares her experiences of uplifting and revelatory art performances, alongside a multitude of spirit-numbing indignities as a result of anti-black racism. The metaphor she chooses to elicit the experience of this racism is that (...)
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  38. Neither a State of Nature nor a State of Exception.José Jorge Mendoza - 2011 - Radical Philosophy Review 14 (2):187-195.
    Since at least the second half of the 19th century, the U.S. federal government has enjoyed “plenary power” over its immigration policy. Plenary power allows the federal government to regulate immigration free of judicial review and thereby, with regard to immigration cases, minimize the Constitutional protections afforded to non-citizens. The justification for granting the U.S federal government such broad powers comes from a certain understanding of sovereignty; one where limiting sovereign authority in cases like immigration could potentially undermine its legitimacy (...)
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  39. Modern Times: Law, Temporality and Happiness in Hobbes, Locke and Bentham.José Brunner - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (1):277-310.
    This Article shows how three modern English thinkers — Hobbes, Locke and Bentham — construe the law as an intersection of secular eternity on the one one hand and transience in modernity on the other, allowing for immovability and movement at the same time, combining stability with change. It details how these theorists, who undoubtedly have earned themselves places of honor in the canon of modern political thought, tried to solve the problem of self-grounding in three different and yet paradigmatically (...)
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  40. Real definitions: Quine and Aristotle.José A. Benardete - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 72 (2-3):265 - 282.
    Re-activating the philosophical quest for real definitions, I dare propose that its fulfillment is most convincingly represented, close to home, where one probably least expects it, notably in the first half of Section 36 of Word and Object, in the pages of Quine. Aristotle must inevitably remain our guide even as we insist on respecting Quine's anti-essentialism, and I must then explain how Aristotle, truncated, can be put here to use. Well, we may begin, appropriately, with a definition or with (...)
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  41. Memory and temporality: A phenomenological alternative.Jose M. Arcaya - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (1):101-110.
    The notion of memory storage, central to most contemporary theories of remembering, is challenged from a philosophical perspective as being contradictory and untenable. It criticizes this storage hypothesis as relying upon a linear explanation of time, an assumption which results in infinite regression, solipsism, and a failure to contact the real past. A model based on the phenomenological viewpoints of Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty is offered as an alternative paradigm. Finally, a research method suggested by this descriptive approach to (...)
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  42.  31
    La recepción de la Teoría Crítica en España.José María Mardones - 1990 - Isegoría 1:139-150.
  43.  20
    Pluralismo en una democracia intercultural.José Fernando García - 2024 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 15 (1):33-50.
    Teniendo como trasfondo el problema de una democracia intercultural, el artículo parte de la constatación de que tanto en las obras de Jürgen Habermas como en la de Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe, respectivamente, el pluralismo requiere ser limitado en las democracias modernas, sea restringiendo en cada caso los valores al ámbito de nuestras tradiciones, como imponiendo unos valores sobre otros en el espacio público. De este modo, quedan dificultadas las políticas interculturales en dichas concepciones de la democracia. Enseguida, el (...)
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  44. Perspective-taking and intersubjectivity in oral narratives of people with a schizophrenia diagnosis: a cognitive linguistic viewpoint analysis.José Sanders, Simon A. Claassen, Kobie van Krieken & S. Linde van Schuppen - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (2):197-229.
    Disruptions in theory of mind faculties and the ability to relate to an intersubjective reality are widely thought to be crucial to schizophrenic symptomology. This paper applies a cognitive linguistic framework to analyze spontaneous perspective-taking in two corpora of stories told by people with a schizophrenia diagnosis. We elicited natural narrative language use through life story interviews and a guided storytelling task and analyzed the linguistic construal of viewpoint in these stories. For this analysis, we developed a reliable and widely (...)
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    La obcecación creencial y su tratamiento por medio de la comunión experiencial y de la palabra invocadora.José Barrientos Rastrojo - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:13-30.
    Los recursos de una racionalidad lógico-argumental como la lógica, el análisis conceptual, la definición o la argumentación estructurada son suficientes para resolver muchos conflictos religiosos; sin embargo, manifiestan limitaciones para enfrentar muchas luchas de este ámbito. Una causa de esta ineficacia se debe a que el marco desde el que se discute allí no es ideacional sino creencial. La disolución de las creencias requiere un tipo de racionalidad diferente a la anterior: la experiencia y la comunicación son sus principales bastiones. (...)
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  46. Trauma in Court: Medico-Legal Dialectics in the Late Nineteenth-Century German Discourse on Nervous Injuries.José Brunner - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (2).
    This paper discusses a dialectic whereby the law not only influenced medical thinking in late nineteenth-century Germany, but also underwent medicalization of its own initiative. At the end of the 1880s, social legislation was crucial in initiating the German discourse on traumatic nervous disorders. By employing doctors as medical experts in court, the law also created a new experiential realm for doctors, altering their behavior toward patients and shifting their focus from therapy to investigation. However, in the wake of their (...)
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  47. “La lingua con cui parla la storia ideal eterna”. El decir de la historia: Razón narrativa-histórica (una perspectiva orteguiana de vico).Jose M. Sevilla - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):190.
    El concepto de razón que emerge con Vico, y que será análogo al propuesto por Ortega, no es ya el de la razón física y pura, natural y abstracta, sino el de una razón vital e histórica, la cual viene a ejercitarse y expresarse como razón narrativa : aquélla única capaz de comprender "la lingua con cui parla la storia".The concept of reason that emerges with Vico, and that is analogous to the one proposed by Ortega, is not only the (...)
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  48. ¿Es posible la reducción epistemológica? Todo sistema necesita presupuestos extra-sistémicos.José V. Orón & Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico 50 (3):601-617.
    Is an epistemological reduction strictly possible? Scientific methodology claims that a boundary separating the system from the “extra-system” can be defi ned. However, no system defi nes its own limits: rather, every system needs extra-systemic presuppositions that are defi ned from outside the system. In this article, we show how various areas of knowledge presuppose the presence of an extra-systemic reality that provides meaning: to know any system, knowledge of the “extra-system” is also necessary.
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    Percepción y temporalidad: Husserl frente a Heidegger.José Luis García - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 22:165-177.
    Este texto se inscribe en una copiosa tradición bibliográfica que ha buscado los puntos de encuentro y desencuentro entre las figuras fenomenológicas más importantes del siglo XX: Husserl y Heidegger. De esta forma, y partiendo de las bases crítica que supone la irrupción pública del proyecto de la ciencia originaria heideggeriana en 1919, me propongo, en primer lugar, repasar la crítica de Heidegger a la historia de la filosofía, la cual, a su juicio, ha cometido el pecado original de ser (...)
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    Dignidad, desarrollo y capacidades: desafíos del cosmopolitismo de ayer y de hoy en la filosofía política de Martha C. Nussbaum.José Manuel Panea Márquez - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    El cosmopolitismo es uno de los elementos fundamentales de la concepción de la justicia defendida por M.C. Nussbaum. Esta sería una de las tesis esenciales del presente ensayo. El enfoque de las capacidades (EC) defendido por ella pretende ser una alternativa a las modernas teorías del contrato. Para Nussbaum, dignidad, capacidades humanas y recursos materiales son indesligables. Del mismo modo, la perspectiva cosmopolita es una exigencia inexcusable en la teoría de la justicia de Nussbaum. En este artículo tratamos de rastrear (...)
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