Results for 'Judith Olszowy-Schlanger'

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    Les métaphores de l'organisme.Judith E. Schlanger - 1971 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Metaphor and Invention.Judith E. Schlanger & Yvonne Burne - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (69):12-27.
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    Trop dire ou trop peu: la densité littéraire.Judith E. Schlanger - 2016 - Paris: Hermann.
    Toute oeuvre veut tenir l'attention, la diriger et produire de l'effet. Mais l'attention et l'effet ne sont pas les memes selon que l'oeuvre en dit plus ou en dit moins c'est-a-dire selon sa densite. Le developpe ou le concis, l'emphatique ou l'elude, le riche ou l'austere ne produisent pas les memes intensites. En explorant les variations de la densite litteraire, on retrouve directement des enjeux essentiels. Que vise l'ideal du complet face a l'ideal du pur? Comment la litterature se rapporte-t-elle (...)
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    Knowledge as Exploration and Conquest.Judith Schlanger & Thomas Epstein - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (160):59-73.
    The existence of a partnership between knowledge and armies - and, connected with it, between knowledge and wars, conquests, and the entire apparatus of empires - has been affirmed since the time of Xenophon. The troops clear a path that the scholars follow, and an increase of knowledge is a side effect of the incursion. The great linguistic discoveries of the eighteenth century - that is, the Zend and Sanskrit languages - would have been impossible without the expansion of the (...)
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    Connaissance et métaphore.Judith Schlanger - 1995 - Revue de Synthèse 116 (4):579-592.
    Cette étude consacrée à la dimension heuristique des métaphores cherche à comprendre le rôle qu’elles jouent dans l’activité générale de la pensée. Le rôle des métaphores est particulièrement visible à l’état naissant de la pensée connaissante, au point où son exploration trouve dans l’étoffe du langage les moyens de conceptualiser le nouveau. L’exemple de Savigny, de Bacon et de Kant montre comment l’intuition métaphorique et la reprise culturelle des schèmes métaphoriques ont une fonction intellectuelle féconde.
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  6. The Veil of Unknowledge.Judith Schlanger - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (169):1-6.
    I borrow this title from an English mystical text written at the end of the fourteenth century, The Veil of Unknowledge, which has long been part of my life. The explicit aim of the book is to tear away this veil of unknowledge, or to give us the means to do it ourselves. The image of the veil invites a reciprocal gesture of raising, tearing, piercing. The desire that motivates this act goes beyond the veil, toward Isis and the truth, (...)
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  7. Power and Weakness of the Utopian Imagination.Judith E. Schlanger - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (84):1-24.
    Utopian literature is fascinating but impossible to summarize. Of course it is easy to see where its charm lies. We enjoy the “play” aspect of the Utopian convention, the common certainty— essential to both the author's intentions and the reader's pleasure—that we are dealing with a supposition described as a fact. In a Utopian text, we enjoy the power we have of imagining, and especially formulating, another overall framework for human experience—a framework which is specifically defined as being different and (...)
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    The Childhood of Mankind.Judith E. Schlanger & Sally Bradshaw - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (73):39-69.
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    The New Historiography of Thought.Judith Schlanger & Marshall Olds - 1982 - Substance 11 (3):3.
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    Schelling et la réalité finie.Judith E. Schlanger - 1966 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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    The New, the Different and the Very Old.Judith Schlanger - 1990 - Substance 19 (2/3):168.
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    Le neuf, le différent et le déjà-là: une exploration de l'influence.Judith E. Schlanger - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    Proposer une oeuvre nouvelle, developper une idee neuve ou une vision personnelle differente, c'est dire autre chose. Mais c'est aussi dire quelque chose qui n'est pas radicalement inoui et sans connexion. Impacts, emprunts, initiatives, traditions ou ruptures: ces relations d'influence traversent la vie des idees et des oeuvres, leurs rapports entre elles, leurs caracteres de famille, et ce qui les rend chacune distincte. Invention et memoire vont ensemble. Leur liaison et leur ecart organisent ce qu'il y a d'autonome et d'unique (...)
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    La mémoire des œuvres.Judith E. Schlanger - 2008 - Lagrasse: Verdier.
    Choisir un livre, c'est en exclure beaucoup d'autres, contribuer à circonscrire le cercle lumineux de l'attention, participer à une aventure dont l'enjeu est la survie; vivre dans les lettres, ce n'est pas s'installer dans un patrimoine mais l'inventer, faire du soleil et de la place, inséparablement. Rééditer ce livre dans une édition de poche, ce n'est pas seulement faire en sorte qu'il soit de nouveau disponible; c'est en prolonger le rayonnement mais aussi le déplacer, l'inscrire autrement dans l'aventure de la (...)
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    Les concepts scientifiques: invention et pouvoir.Isabelle Stengers & Judith E. Schlanger - 1989
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  15. Judith Schlanger: Explorer of Lettered Space.Christophe Pradeau & Roxanne Lapidus - 2002 - Substance 31 (1):67-76.
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    Schelling et la réalité finie: Essai sur la philosophie de la nature et de l'identité.Arsène Roemer - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):187-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 187 standing. He picks his way philosophicelly ~darough the many preludes, interludes and epilogues of the long, autobiographical poem, The Prelude. He succeeds in interpreting philosophically.Wordsworth's absorption in "the life of things" and the "immanence of the world soul." These ideas remain, it seems to me, in Wordsworth's mind as well as in.his art primarily "lyrical ballads." But Melvin Rader has given us a thoroughly intelligible account, (...)
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  17. Undoing Gender.Judith Butler - 2004 - Routledge.
    The book constitutes a reconsideration of her earlier view on gender performativity from Gender Trouble. In this work, the critique of gender norms is clearly situated within the framework of human persistence and survival.
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  18. Parthood and identity across time.Judith Thomson - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):201-220.
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    For the Record.Ayyam Wassef - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (169):17-21.
    Why are we holding UNESCO's Philosophical Encounters and why have we chosen the question “What do we not know?” as the topic of the first one of these meetings? It is in order to respond to these two questions that Judith Schlanger has asked me to write a few lines. She added—for the record. What record, I then thought to myself, if—as I am sending her these pages—nothing has taken place yet? Unless it was the intention, the idea (...)
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  20. Physician‐assisted suicide: Two moral arguments.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1999 - Ethics 109 (3):497-518.
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  21. Gender in Translation: Beyond Monolingualism.Judith Butler - 2019 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 9 (1):1-25.
    Anglophone theoretical reflections on gender often assume the generalizability of their claims without first asking whether “gender” as a term exists, or exists in the same way, in other languages. Some of the resistance to the entry of “gender” as a term into non-Anglophone contexts emerges from a resistance to English or, indeed, from within the syntax of a language in which questions of gender are settled through verb inflections or implied reference. A larger form of resistance, of course, has (...)
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    Images.Judith Eisler - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (4):122-123.
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    Zwischen Chancen und Zwängen – Potenziale und Hindernisse genderbewusster (politischer) Bildung in der Schule.Judith Goetz - 2022 - Polis 26 (1):11-14.
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    Understanding change in the university workplace: are metaphors of bereavement helpful?Judith Mary Simpson - 2022 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 26 (3):96-101.
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    The Book of Sir Thomas More : Structure and Meaning.Judith Doolin Spikes - 1974 - Moreana 11 (4):25-39.
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  26. Biological-mereological coincidence.Judith K. Crane - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 161 (2):309-325.
    This paper presents and defends an account of the coincidence of biological organisms with mereological sums of their material components. That is, an organism and the sum of its material components are distinct material objects existing in the same place at the same time. Instead of relying on historical or modal differences to show how such coincident entities are distinct, this paper argues that there is a class of physiological properties of biological organisms that their coincident mereological sums do not (...)
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  27. On the metaphysics of species.Judith K. Crane - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (2):156-173.
    This paper explains the metaphysical implications of the view that species are individuals (SAI). I first clarify SAI in light of the separate distinctions between individuals and classes, particulars and universals, and abstract and concrete things. I then show why the standard arguments given in defense of SAI are not compelling. Nonetheless, the ontological status of species is linked to the traditional "species problem," in that certain species concepts do entail that species are individuals. I develop the idea that species (...)
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  28. Privacy.Judith DeCew - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Nietzsche and Early Romanticism.Judith Norman - 2002 - Journal of the History of Ideas 63 (3):501-519.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 63.3 (2002) 501-519 [Access article in PDF] Nietzsche and Early Romanticism Judith Norman Nietzsche was in many ways a quintessentially romantic figure, a lonely genius with a tragic love-life, wandering endlessly (through Italy, no less) before going dramatically mad, taken by his gods into the protection of madness (to quote Heidegger's epithet on Hölderlin, one of Nietzsche's childhood favorites). 1 But this (...)
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    Holding back from theory: limits and methodological alternatives of randomized field experiments in development economics.Judith Favereau & Michiru Nagatsu - 2020 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (3):191-211.
    In this paper, we critically and constructively examine the methodology of evidence-based development economics, which deploys randomized field experiments as its main tool. We describe the...
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  31. Rights and compensation.Judith Thomson - 1980 - Noûs 14 (1):3-15.
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    (1 other version)The cooperative breeding perspective helps in pinning down when uniquely human evolutionary processes are necessary.Judith Maria Burkart & Carel P. van Schaik - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    The cultural group selection approach provides a compelling explanation for recent changes in human societies, but has trouble explaining why our ancestors, rather than any other great ape, evolved into a hyper-cooperative niche. The cooperative breeding hypothesis can plug this gap and thus complement CGS, because recent comparative evidence suggests that it promoted proactive prosociality, social transmission, and communication in Pleistocene hominins.
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    Egypt: Pharaonic Period (review).Judith Lynn Sebesta - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 103 (1):126-127.
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    CHAPTER IV. The Romanticism of Defeat.Judith N. Shklar - 1958 - In George H. Sabine (ed.), After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith. Duke University Press. pp. 108-163.
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    Index.Judith N. Shklar - 1958 - In George H. Sabine (ed.), After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith. Duke University Press. pp. 299-309.
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    Preface.Judith N. Shklar - 1958 - In George H. Sabine (ed.), After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith. Duke University Press.
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    III. Die Evidenz der Kunstwerke: eine systematische Perspektive.Judith Siegmund - 2007 - In Die Evidenz der Kunst: Künstlerisches Handeln Als Ästhetische Kommunikation. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 157-246.
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    I. Das Kunstwerk als Wahrheitsträger: Kritik zweier ästhetischer Theorien.Judith Siegmund - 2007 - In Die Evidenz der Kunst: Künstlerisches Handeln Als Ästhetische Kommunikation. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 29-82.
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    II. Die Perspektive der Produzenten (Bachmann, Müller, Piper, Rihm, Tarkowskij).Judith Siegmund - 2007 - In Die Evidenz der Kunst: Künstlerisches Handeln Als Ästhetische Kommunikation. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 83-156.
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    Literatur.Judith Siegmund - 2007 - In Die Evidenz der Kunst: Künstlerisches Handeln Als Ästhetische Kommunikation. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 247-254.
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    Vorwort.Judith Siegmund - 2007 - In Die Evidenz der Kunst: Künstlerisches Handeln Als Ästhetische Kommunikation. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-10.
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    Disgust: Sensory affect or primary emotional system?Judith A. Toronchuk & George Fr Ellis - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (8):1799-1818.
  43. On being genetically "irresponsible".Judith Andre, Leonard M. Fleck & Thomas Tomlinson - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (2):129-146.
    : New genetic technologies continue to emerge that allow us to control the genetic endowment of future children. Increasingly the claim is made that it is morally "irresponsible" for parents to fail to use such technologies when they know their possible children are at risk for a serious genetic disorder. We believe such charges are often unwarranted. Our goal in this article is to offer a careful conceptual analysis of the language of irresponsibility in an effort to encourage more care (...)
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    Shovelling smoke? The experience of being a philosopher on an educational research training programme.Judith Suissa - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):547–562.
    This paper is a reflective account of the experience of designing and teaching a philosophy module as part of a research training programme for students studying for research degrees in education. In the course of the discussion, I address various problems and questions to do with the relationship between philosophy and educational research, the nature of philosophy of education and the role of the foundational disciplines in educational research.
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  45. Identity and distinction in Spinoza's ethics.Judith K. Crane & Ronald Sandler - 2005 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 86 (2):188–200.
    In Ethics 1p5, Spinoza asserts that “In Nature there cannot be two or more substances of the same nature or attribute”. This claim serves as a crucial premise in Spinoza’s argument for substance monism, yet Spinoza’s demonstration of the 1p5 claim is surprisingly brief and appears to have obvious difficulties. This paper answers the principle difficulties that have been raised in response to Spinoza’s argument for 1p5. The key to understanding the 1p5 argument lies in a proper understanding of the (...)
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    Property acquisition.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1976 - Journal of Philosophy 73 (18):664-666.
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  47. Grue.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1966 - Journal of Philosophy 63 (11):289-309.
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    The design of technology and environments to support enjoyable activity for people with dementia.Judith Torrington - 2009 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 3 (2):123-137.
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    (2 other versions)Selected books.Judith Bartholomew Gagnon - 1981 - Bioethics Quarterly 3 (3-4):211-226.
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    Testimony, Holocaust Education and Making the Unthinkable Thinkable.Judith Suissa - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):285-299.
    A great deal of philosophical work has explored the complex conceptual intersection between ethics and epistemology in the context of issues of testimony and belief, and much of this work has significant educational implications. In this paper, I discuss a troubling example of a case of testimony that seems to pose a problem for some established ways of thinking about these issues and that, in turn, suggests some equally troubling educational conclusions.
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