Results for 'Judith Webb Kay'

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  1.  41
    Politics without Human Nature? Reconstructing a Common Humanity.Judith W. Kay - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (1):21 - 52.
    Political action requires a concept of humanity grounded in an explicit notion of human nature. Feminists apprehensive about poststructuralism's implications for a feminist politics need methods and discourses that allow feminist politics to proceed toward a vision of human well-being. Recent work by Chris Weedon and Erica Sherover-Marcuse highlights the need for hypotheses that can guide efforts to dismantle oppressed habits of being and help women evaluate and develop political strategies for universal solidarity.
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    Redeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal Virtues.Judith W. Kay - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Redeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal VirtuesJudith W. KayRedeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal Virtues Bruce K. Ward Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2010. 230 pp. $26.00.Bruce Ward has written a remarkably rich intellectual history whose theological diagnosis yields refreshing interpretations of ethical norms. Each chapter treats one of liberalism’s cherished virtues (equality, authenticity, tolerance, and compassion) and argues for the Christian roots of each in order (...)
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    Cairene Egyptian Colloquial Arabic.Alan S. Kaye, Judith Olmstead Gary & Saad Gamal-Eldin - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):437.
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  4. Middle Agents as Marginalized: How the Rwanda Genocide Challenges Ethics from the Margins.Judith W. Kay - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):21-40.
    A narrow conception of who counts among the marginalized can blind ethicists to the precarious position of groups who function as middle agents between elites and the lower class. The imposition of middle agency on such groups is a form of oppression that leaves them vulnerable to abandonment and attack. In Rwanda, discourses emanating from colonialism, classism, and racism obscured the Tutsi as middle agents, despite white Catholics' dedication to the poor. By neglecting to recognize middle agency as a type (...)
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    The Exodus and Racism.Judith W. Kay - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (2):23-50.
    THE EXODUS STORY HAS BEEN A SOURCE OF BOTH IDENTIFICATION AND conflict for American Jews and blacks. As a source of identification, blacks saw themselves as Hebrew slaves pitted against white Pharaohs, while blacks' plight resonated with Jewish immigrants. As a source of tension, the Exodus story obscured how Jews were caught between blackness and whiteness. Jews were neither Pharaohs nor slaves but instead functioned as agents of the ruling elites over blacks. Jewish vulnerability derives from potential abandonment from below (...)
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    Hijacking the dispatch protocol: When callers pre-empt their reason-for-the-call in emergency calls about cardiac arrest.Judith Finn, Teresa A. Williams, Austin Whiteside, Kay L. O’Halloran, Stephen Ball & Marine Riou - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (5):666-687.
    This article examines emergency ambulance calls made by lay callers for patients found to be in cardiac arrest when the paramedics arrived. Using conversation analysis, we explored the trajectories of calls in which the caller, before being asked by the call-taker, said why they were calling, that is, calls in which callers pre-empted a reason-for-the-call. Caller pre-emption can be disruptive when call-takers first need to obtain an address and telephone number. Pre-emptions have further implications when call-takers reach the stage when (...)
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    Suicidal Thoughts: Essays on Self-Determined Death.A. Alvarez, Olive Ann Burns, Sue Chance, Rabbi Earl A. Grollman, Eric Hoffer, Kay Jamison, Gordon Livingston, Max Malikow, Karl Menninger, Sherwin B. Nuland, Walker Percy, Rick Reilly, Edwin Shneidman, Rod Steiger, William Styron & Judith Viorst (eds.) - 2008 - Hamilton Books.
    Suicidal Thoughts is a compilation of some of the most moving and insightful writing accomplished on the topic of suicide. It presents the thoughts and experiences of fifteen writers who have contemplated suicide-some on a professional level, others on a personal level, and a few, both personally and professionally. Through this collection, the reader is able to bear witness to the struggle between life and death and to the devastating aftermath of suicide. Suicidal Thoughts provides readers with a better understanding (...)
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    JME Referees in 1997.Cheryl Armon, Sheryle Bergman Drewe, Judith Boss, George Dei, Patrick Dillon, David Gooderham, Han Gur Ze'ev, Ann Higgins D'Alessandro, Kay Johnston & Yong Lin Moon - 1998 - Journal of Moral Education 27 (2):263.
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    Review of Judith N. Shklar: After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith[REVIEW]Webb S. Fiser - 1958 - Ethics 68 (3):217-219.
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  10. Ethical Issues in Palliative Care—Reflections and Considerations Edited by P Webb. Hochland and Hochland, 2000, £15.95, Pp 138. ISBN 1–898507–27–9. [REVIEW]P. Kaye - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (2):121-122.
    This book is a collection of essays by a variety of specialists with a particular interest in palliative care. It contains seven chapters by six different authors. The first chapter Why is the study of ethics important? is by Patricia Webb, a lecturer in palliative care with a background in nursing. She tells us that studying ethics encourages logical reasoned thinking in the face of difficult decisions such as allocation of resources, access to services, best care, clinical research, and (...)
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    Book Review:After Utopia: The Decline of Political Faith. Judith N. Shklar. [REVIEW]Webb S. Fiser - 1957 - Ethics 68 (3):217-.
  12. Open Hope as a Civic Virtue.Judith Andre - 2013 - Social Philosophy Today 29:89-100.
    Hope as a virtue is an acquired disposition, shaped by reflection; as a civic virtue it must serve the good of the community. Ernst Bloch and Lord Buddha offer help in constructing such a virtue. Using a taxonomy developed by Darren Webb I distinguish open hope from goal-oriented hope, and use each thinker to develop the former. Bloch and Buddha are very different (and notoriously obscure; I do not attempt an exegesis). But they share a metaphysics of change, foundational (...)
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    Minimal utopianism in the classroom.Emile Bojesen & Judith Suissa - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (3):286-297.
    In this paper, we build on recent work on the role of the ‘utopian pedagogue’ to explore how utopian thinking can be developed within contemporary higher education institutions. In defending a utopian orientation on the part of HE lecturers, we develop the notion of ‘minimal utopianism’; a notion which, we suggest, expresses the difficult position of critical educators concerned to offer their students the tools with which to imagine and explore alternatives to current social and political reality, while acknowledging the (...)
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  14. Turning the trolley.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2008 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 36 (4):359-374.
  15. People and their bodies.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 2008 - In Theodore Sider, John P. Hawthorne & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.), Contemporary debates in metaphysics. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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  16. The time of a killing.Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (5):115-132.
  17. Pandemie und ökologische Krise: Ein Reflexionsversuch aus vernunftethischem Blickwinkel.Kay Herrmann - 2020 - Praefaktisch.De, Ein Philosophieblog (22.05.2020).
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  18. Leaning out, caught in the fall: interdependency and ethics in Cavarero.Judith Butler - 2021 - In Adriana Cavarero (ed.), Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982.Herrmann Kay (ed.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    This publication is an appreciation of the natural philosophy and epistemology of the philosopher Grete (Henry-)Hermann. A student of the mathematician Emmy Noether and the philosopher Leonard Nelson, she was one of the early interpreters of quantum mechanics. Werner Heisenberg memorialized her in his book "The Part and the Whole". For the first time, her writings on natural philosophy and epistemology are collected in one volume. An extensive introduction by various authors introduces the work of Grete Henry-Hermann. This edition is (...)
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    Brief 22: Grete Hermann an ihre Mutter [Auguste Hermann ] über ihre Gespräche mit Heisenberg in Leipzig und andere philosophische Arbeitsberichte.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 503-503.
    Die Quantenmechanik habe ich auch nur begriffen, weil ich sie und ihre naturphilos. Hintergründe mit Heisenberg mündlich bearbeiten konnte.
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    Das Verhältnis von Transzendentalphilosophie und moderner Physik bei Grete Henry-Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 15-24.
    Grete Hermann beginnt ihre wissenschaftliche Karriere in Göttingen. Bei Emmy Noether studiert sie Mathematik und bei Leonard Nelson Philosophie. Ihre philosophischen Arbeiten stehen in der Tradition der Kant-Fries’schen Philosophie, zu deren Grundforderungen es gehört, der Philosophie mathematische Strenge zu verleihen.
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    The University and Industrial Research: Selling Out? [with Commentary].Judith M. Hill & L. Leon Campbell - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (4):27 - 39.
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  23. Social intelligence in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta).Kay E. Holekamp, Sharleen T. Sakai & Lundrigan & L. Barbara - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
  24. The Orgasmic Brain.Judith Hooper - unknown
    '...If New Orleans is a city with an overripe id, it is also home to Tulane University Medical School and its unique department of neurology and psychiatry.... In 1950, [Dr. Robert G.] Heath first put depth electrodes into the brain of a human mental patient.... His electrodes charted the circuitry of pain in some of the illest brains in Louisiana. It was the first time electrodes had been used inside human brain tissue, and so Heath's operations were controversial, to say (...)
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    What is Information Ethics?Kay Mathiesen - 2004 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 34 (1):6.
  26. Longing for recognition.Judith Butler - 2010 - In Kimberly Hutchings & Tuija Pulkkinen (eds.), Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought: beyond Antigone? New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Jesus Christ, Eternal God: Heavenly Flesh and the Metaphysics of Matter.Stephen H. Webb - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    Drawing on modern physics and ancient metaphysics, Stephen H. Webb constructs a philosophy of Christian materialism based on the unity of matter and spirit in the incarnation.
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  28. Standing again at Sinai.Judith Plaskow - 2009 - In Hans Küng (ed.), How to do good & avoid evil: a global ethic from the sources of Judaism. Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths.
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  29. The Neurology of Narrative.Kay Young & Jeffrey L. Saver - 2001 - Substance 30 (1/2):72.
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  30. The Law of Peoples. By John Rawls.R. S. Kay - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (2):247-247.
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  31. Giorgio Agamben.Kayıp Nesne - 2007 - Cogito 51:258.
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    Transgenic Animals, Biomedical Experiments, and "Progress".Kay Peggs - 2013 - Journal of Animal Ethics 3 (1):41-56.
    By conducting a critical discourse analysis of a scientific research article that claims additional potential for using transgenic marmosets in biomedical experiments, this article critiques instrumental approaches to scientific progress as they are expressed in scientific research that uses nonhuman animal experiments. Following an analysis that focuses on issues associated with access to publication, assertions about scientific breakthrough and scientific facts, and the construction of science as impartial, the article concludes that manipulating the genetics of nonhuman animals to engineer a (...)
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  33. Bernard Bosanquet's Philosophy of Religion.Clement C. J. Webb - 1923 - Hibbert Journal 22:75.
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    Religion and theism: the Forwood lectures delivered at Liverpool university, 1933.Clement Charles Julian Webb - 1934 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
  35. The Reformed Doctrine of Adoption.Robert Alexander Webb - 1947
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    Lawyers, Confidentiality and Public and Private Interests.Kay Wheat - 1998 - Legal Ethics 1 (2):184.
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    Reflections on history's Evidence Base.Judith Godden - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (4):265-265.
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    Brief 16: Grete Hermann an ihre Mutter [Auguste Hermann ] über ihre Gespräche mit Heisenberg in Leipzig und andere philosophische Arbeitsberichte.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 487-488.
    Ich wollte hier versuchen[,] mit dem Physiker Niels Bohr Fühlung zu bekommen. Meine Arbeit kommt jetzt bald heraus. Das erste Exemplar habe ich mir vom Buchdrucker, der es vorweg hat einbinden lassen, hierher bestellt, um es Bohr zu geben. Es schien erst schwer, an ihn heran zu kommen, er ist sehr beschäftigt, hat keine Sprechstunde und keine regelmäßigen Vorlesungen oder Seminare, nach denen man ihn abfangen kann.
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    Brief 29: Werner Heisenberg an Grete Hermann.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 525-527.
    Liebes Fräulein Herrmann! Zunächst vielen Dank für Ihren Brief und herzliche Glückwünsche zu dem Preis, von dem ich Ihnen damals in Kopenhagen leider nichts sagen wollte. Ich bin gespannt, wie Sie selbst die anderen beiden Arbeiten, die auch mit einem Preis bedacht wurden, beurteilen werden. Für die von Thilo Vogel bin ich selbst sehr stark eingetreten, dagegen habe ich mich von dem Wert der anderen Arbeit nur mit Mühe durch die Kollegen überzeugen lassen; aber über diese philosophischen Fragen lässt sich (...)
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    Das Naturbild Werner Heisenbergs.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 623-641.
    Werner Heisenberg und die Natur – das wäre eine psychologische Studie wert. Der große Physiker liebte die freie Natur; seit seinen frühen Jahren, zuerst mit Eltern und Großeltern, dann mit den Freunden der Jugendbewegung und später mit Kollegen und seiner Familie erwanderte er sich Landschaften in der engeren Heimat und auswärts, in Deutschland, Österreich, Finnland, Dänemark und den USA. Gelegentlich finden sich kurze Schilderungen von Naturerlebnissen in seinen Schriften, etwa vom Gebirgsgang im Herbst 1924 durch das Karwendelgebiet am Aachensee im (...)
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    Die philosophischen Lehren Bolzanos.Kay Herrmann - 2019 - In Herrmann Kay (ed.), Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 149-172.
    Bolzano hat neben seiner philosophischen Betätigung hauptsächlich noch zwei andere Gebiete, auf denen er gearbeitet hat, und dieses Arbeiten ist für seine philosophische Arbeit sehr charakteristisch geworden. – Einerseits war er katholischer Theologe, und daher sind ihm auch in der Philosophie besonders die religions-philosophischen Probleme interessant und wichtig. Er hat immer das Bestreben, auf rein begrifflichem, wissenschaftlichem Wege Beweise für religions-philosophische Behauptungen vorzubringen.
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    Conference reviews.Judith Romanini & Joan Durdin - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (2):122-123.
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    Textbooks in Greek and Latin: 2009 Supplementary Survey.Judith Lynn Sebesta - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (3):331-336.
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    The generative analysis of kinship semantics: a reanalysis of the Seneca data.Paul Kay - 1975 - Foundations of Language 13 (2):201-214.
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    Nature is Already Sacred.Kay Milton - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (4):437-449.
    Environmentalists often argue that, in order to address fundamentally the harmful impact of their activities on the environment, western industrial societies need to change their attitude to nature. Specifically, they need to see nature as sacred, and to acknowledge that humanity is a part of nature rather than separate from it. In this paper, I seek to show that these tow ideas are incompatible in the context of western culture. Drawing particularly on ideas expressed by western conservationists, I argue that (...)
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    Feminism and Classics: Framing the Research Agenda.Barbara K. Gold - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):328-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminism and Classics:Framing the Research AgendaBarbara K. GoldA landmark conference on "Feminism and Classics: Framing the Research Agenda" was held at Princeton University on November 7-10, 1996; the coorganizers were Janet M. Martin (Princeton University) and Judith P. Hallett (University of Maryland). This conference is the second in a series of more-or-less triennial meetings devoted to feminist research in various areas of classical studies. The first of these (...)
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    Withdrawal of Medically Administered Nutrition and Hydration: The Role of Benefits and Burdens, and of Parents and Ethics Committees.Judith A. Johnson - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (3):307-311.
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    A method of estimating tooth life expectancy.Elizabeth Kay, David Locker & Anthony Bllnkhorn - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (4):281-286.
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    Comprehension deficits of broca's aphasics provide no evidence for traces.Paul Kay - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):37-38.
    The data provided by Grodzinsky demonstrating a syntactic comprehension deficit in Broca's patients provide no evidence for the theoretical concepts of movement, trace or “trace deletion.” The comprehension deficit data can be more economically accounted for with traditional grammatical concepts that are less theory-internal and more empirically based.
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  50. Kadin felsefeci̇leri̇mi̇z.Yücel Kayıran - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ (eds.), Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 11--182.
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