Results for 'Julia Wang'

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  1. Aristotle on Virtue and Happiness.Julia Annas & Hsin-li Wang - 1989 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (4):157-170.
    Author Julia Annas Aristotle made ​​the German Asia-mile out and fortunately Fuk The arguments related point, and the role of external good fortune Fook in the problems caused. And text analysis and dialectical Happy Stoic school and school for good moral behavior and external point of view. Author argues, Aristotle on the German sub-km behavior regardless of the state with the fortunate Fook, reflecting the hope臘human ethics ideological consensus, and he left to posterity to resolve the discovery. Aristotle on (...)
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    Brain Network Oscillations During Gait in Parkinson’s Disease.Doris D. Wang & Julia T. Choi - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Modern Chinese Poetry: An Introduction.C. H. Wang & Julia C. Lin - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):220.
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    Same As It Ever Was: The Nexus of Race, Ability, and Place in One Urban School District.Julia M. White, Siqi Li, Christine E. Ashby, Beth Ferri, Qiu Wang, Paul Bern & Meghan Cosier - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (4):453-472.
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    The moon in the ancient world - (k.) ní mheallaigh the moon in the greek and Roman imagination. Myth, literature, science and philosophy. Pp. XIV + 322, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2020. Cased, £75, us$99.99. Isbn: 978-1-108-48303-2. [REVIEW]Julia Wang - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):679-681.
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    Editorial: Human and Social Competition: An Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Perspective.Monica Thiel, Julia Levashina, Gabriele Giorgi, Aaron Williamon, Darren C. Treadway, Kai Wen & Qing Wang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The emerging biology of muscle stem cells: Implications for cell‐based therapies.C. Florian Bentzinger, Yu Xin Wang, Julia von Maltzahn & Michael A. Rudnicki - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (3):231-241.
    Cell‐based therapies for degenerative diseases of the musculature remain on the verge of feasibility. Myogenic cells are relatively abundant, accessible, and typically harbor significant proliferative potential ex vivo. However, their use for therapeutic intervention is limited due to several critical aspects of their complex biology. Recent insights based on mouse models have advanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling the function of myogenic progenitors significantly. Moreover, the discovery of atypical myogenic cell types with the ability to cross the blood‐muscle (...)
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    To acquire wisdom: the way of Wang Yang-ming.Julia Ching - 1976 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Yangming Wang.
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    Wang Yangming.Julia Ching - 1987 - Taibei Shi: Zong jing xiao San min shu ju.
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    Adventures in Cross-Cultural Sensibilities: Some Recent Studies of Chinese and Comparative PhilosophyThe Art of RulershipThe Unity of Knowledge and Action: A Study in Wang Yang-Ming's Moral Psychology (1982).The Uncertain Phoenix: Adventures in Post-Cultural SensibilityThe Tao and the Daimon: Segments of a Religious InquiryChuang Tzu: World Philosopher at Play.Julia Ching, Roger T. Ames, Anthony S. Cua, David L. Hall, Robert C. Neville & Kuang-Ming Wu - 1984 - Journal of the History of Ideas 45 (3):476.
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    To Acquire Wisdom: The Way of Wang Yang-ming.Conrad Schirokauer & Julia Ching - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):485.
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    Authentic Selfhood.Julia Ching - 1978 - The Monist 61 (1):3-27.
    This was what Heidegger said to his Japanese enquirer in “A Dialogue on Language,” which, however, concluded on a note bespeaking much more of convergence than of divergence. Yet the difficulties which lie in any comparative study of two thinkers belonging to such distinct and independent traditions as Heidegger and Wang Yang-ming remain great and many. First of all, as Heidegger himself pointed out, we have the language hurdle. Chinese as well as Japanese lacks a clear verb to be; (...)
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    To Acquire Wisdom: The Way of Wang Yang-mingNeo-Confucian Thought in Action: Wang Yang-ming's Youth.Irene Bloom, Julia Ching & Tu Wei-Ming - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (4):455.
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  14. (Ab)normality as Spectrum: Merleau-Ponty, Kristeva, post-Kleinians, and Lacan on Childhood and Autism.Jennifer Wang - 2018 - In Brian W. Becker & John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Unconscious Incarnations: Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Perspectives on the Body. New York: Routledge.
    The experience of autism beginning in childhood has been described as one in which there is no cohesion to one’s body, no borders or limits. Instead, there is a porousness between oneself and the rest of material reality. At the same time, there appears to be a retreat within oneself. Such a retreat cannot, however, hold back the tide of exteriority that encroaches upon one’s body, even if the autistic person does not conceptualize a distance from the other. In this (...)
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    Julia Ching, To Acquire Wisdom: The Way of Wang Yang-ming.Wing-Tsit Chan - 1977 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 4 (4):409-416.
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    The transformation of the Wang Yangming scholarship in the West, ca. 1960–1980: a historical essay.George L. Israel - 2018 - Asian Philosophy 28 (2):135-156.
    ABSTRACTStudents of Ming philosophy and the thought of Wang Yangming likely know that the 1960s–1970s was a period during which many scholarships in this field of study were produced in the English language. Indeed, it has been almost half a century since a group of scholars came together at the University of Hawaii to present papers on Wang Yangming in commemoration of the fifth centenary of his birth. That group included, for example, Wing-tsit Chan, David Nivison, and Du (...)
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    The Unity of Knowledge and Action: A Study in Wang Yang-ming's Moral Psychology. [REVIEW]Robert C. Neville - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (3):703-705.
    With this book, Wang Yang-ming has been the subject of three full-scale volumes in English since 1976, the others being Julia Ching's To Acquire Wisdom and Wei-ming Tu's Neo-Confucian Thought in Action. Although there are a few older books and many articles on Wang, the recent surge of interest is long overdue for a philosopher whose influence in East Asia has been comparable roughly to that of Descartes in the West. Wang Yang-ming was a government official, (...)
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  18. The Morality of Happiness.Julia Annas - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this book I look at the tradition of eudaimonistic ethics which stems from Aristotle's treatment of ethics, and which takes distinct, though related forms in Epicurus, the Stoics and the Sceptics. I look at this tradition from different points of view: how is it related to human nature, how does it account for other-related virtue and action, and how much does it require in terms of revising previously held priorities. I discuss the methodology of discussing ancient texts in ways (...)
  19. Acting for the right reasons.Julia Markovits - 2010 - Philosophical Review 119 (2):201-242.
    This essay examines the thought that our right actions have moral worth only if we perform them for the right reasons. It argues against the view, often ascribed to Kant, that morally worthy actions must be performed because they are right and argues that Kantians and others ought instead to accept the view that morally worthy actions are those performed for the reasons why they are right. In other words, morally worthy actions are those for which the reasons why they (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Conspiracy Theories Are Not Beliefs.Julia Duetz - 2022 - Erkenntnis:1-15.
    Napolitano (2021) argues that the Minimalist Account of conspiracy theories—i.e., which defines conspiracy theories as explanations, or theories, about conspiracies—should be rejected. Instead, she proposes to define conspiracy theories as a certain kind of belief—i.e., an evidentially self-insulated belief in a conspiracy. Napolitano argues that her account should be favored over the Minimalist Account based on two considerations: ordinary language intuitions and theoretical fruitfulness. I show how Napolitano’s account fails its own purposes with respect to these two considerations and so (...)
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  21. Beliefs, buses and lotteries: Why rational belief can’t be stably high credence.Julia Staffel - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (7):1721-1734.
    Until recently, it seemed like no theory about the relationship between rational credence and rational outright belief could reconcile three independently plausible assumptions: that our beliefs should be logically consistent, that our degrees of belief should be probabilistic, and that a rational agent believes something just in case she is sufficiently confident in it. Recently a new formal framework has been proposed that can accommodate these three assumptions, which is known as “the stability theory of belief” or “high probability cores.” (...)
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  22. An Introduction to Plato's Republic.Julia Annas - 1981 - New York: Oxford U.P..
  23. Consequentialism and the Problem of Collective Harm: A Reply to Kagan.Julia Nefsky - 2011 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 39 (4):364-395.
  24. Virtue as a skill.Julia Annas - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (2):227 – 243.
    Abstract The article argues that a consideration of the idea, common in ancient ethical theory, that virtue is a skill or craft, reveals that some common construals of it are mistaken. The analogy between virtue and skill is not meant to suggest that virtue is an unreflective habit of practised action. Rather what interests ancient ethical theorists is the intellectual structure of a skill, one demanding grasp of the principles defining the field and an ability to reflect on the justification (...)
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  25. Mind over Manuscript. Eight Strategies for Writing Philosophy.Julia Staffel - forthcoming - In Branden Fitelson, Festschrift for Alan Hájek's 60th birthday. Springer.
    Writing philosophy well is an essential skill in our discipline. Philosophical writing must aim for clarity, precision, and rigor, but in doing so, it can often wind up dry, long-winded and boring. It can take many drafts to produce a paper that is suitable for publication in a journal, and many aspiring (and accomplished!) academic philosophers find the process of writing arduous and frustrating. Still, some people make it look easy – if you’ve read anything by Alan Hájek, you’ve probably (...)
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    Problem of sex differences in space perception and aspects of intellectual functioning.Julia A. Sherman - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (4):290-299.
  27. The dynamics of moral progress.Julia Hermann - 2019 - Ratio 32 (4):300-311.
    Assuming that there is moral progress, and assuming that the abolition of slavery is an example of it, how does moral progress occur? Is it mainly driven by specific individuals who have gained new moral insights, or by changes in the socio‐economic and epistemic conditions in which agents morally judge the norms and practices of their society, and act upon these judgements? In this paper, I argue that moral progress is a complex process in which changes at the level of (...)
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  28. Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Books M and N.Julia Annas - 1976 - Philosophical Review 87 (3):479-485.
  29. On proper presupposition.Julia Zakkou - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (2):338-359.
    This paper investigates the norm of presupposition, as one pervasive type of indirect speech act. It argues against the view that sees presuppositions as an indirect counterpart of the direct speech act of assertion and proposes instead that they are much more similar to the direct speech act of assumption. More concretely, it suggests that the norm that governs presuppositions is not an epistemic or doxastic attitude such as knowledge, justified belief, or mere belief; it's a practical attitude, most plausibly (...)
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    Rules, Reason, and Self-Knowledge.Julia Tanney - 2012 - Harvard University Press.
    Tanney challenges not only the cognitivist approach that has dominated philosophy and the special sciences for fifty years, but metaphysical-empirical approaches to the mind in general. Rules, Reason, and Self-Knowledge advocates a return to the world-involving, circumstance-dependent, normative practices where the rational mind has its home.
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  31. Accuracy for Believers.Julia Staffel - 2017 - Episteme 14 (1):39-48.
    In Accuracy and the Laws of Credence Richard Pettigrew assumes a particular view of belief, which states that people don't have any other doxastic states besides credences. This is in tension with the popular position that people have both credences and outright beliefs. Pettigrew claims that such a dual view of belief is incompatible with the accuracy-first approach. I argue in this paper that it is not. This is good news for Pettigrew, since it broadens the appeal of his framework.
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  32. Participation, Collective Impact, and Your Instrumental Significance.Julia Nefsky - 2023 - Journal of Practical Ethics 11 (1).
    There are many sorts of day-to-day choices that are such that, if enough people were to choose one way rather than another, serious harm could be avoided or reduced, and yet it does not seem that any one such choice will itself make a difference. Consider, for example, how our collective consumer choices have various serious environmental and social consequences, and yet for many products, it is doubtful that one purchase more or less will itself make a difference to these (...)
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  33. The history of utilitarianism.Julia Driver - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  34. Ethics: The Fundamentals.Julia Driver - 2006 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Ethics: The Fundamentals_ explores core ideas and arguments in moral theory by introducing students to different philosophical approaches to ethics, including virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, divine command theory, and feminist ethics. The first volume in the new Fundamentals of Philosophy series. Presents lively, real-world examples and thoughtful discussion of key moral philosophers and their ideas. Constitutes an excellent resource for readers coming to the subject of ethics for the first time.
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  35. (1 other version)Definability and decision problems in arithmetic.Julia Robinson - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):98-114.
    In this paper, we are concerned with the arithmetical definability of certain notions of integers and rationals in terms of other notions. The results derived will be applied to obtain a negative solution of corresponding decision problems.In Section 1, we show that addition of positive integers can be defined arithmetically in terms of multiplication and the unary operation of successorS(whereSa=a+ 1). Also, it is shown that both addition and multiplication can be defined arithmetically in terms of successor and the relation (...)
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  36. Virtue Ethics and Social Psychology.Julia Annas - 2003 - A Priori 2:20-34.
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    On moral certainty, justification, and practice: a Wittgensteinian perspective.Julia Hermann - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    On Moral Certainty, Justification and Practice presents a view of morality that is inspired by the later Wittgenstein. Hermann explores the ethical implications of Wittgenstein's remarks on doubt, justification, rule-following, certainty and training, offering an alternative to interpretations of Wittgenstein's work that view it as being intrinsically ethical. The book scrutinises cases in which doubt and justification do not make sense, and contrasts certain justificatory demands made by philosophers with the role of moral justification in concrete situations. It offers an (...)
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    The Function of Boundary Conditions in the Physical Sciences.Julia R. S. Bursten - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (2):234-257.
    Early philosophical accounts of explanation mistook the function of boundary conditions for that of contingent facts. I diagnose where this misunderstanding arose and establish that it persists. I...
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    Auditors' ability to discern the presence of ethical problems.Julia N. Karcher - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (10):1033 - 1050.
    Recently, society and the accounting profession have become increasingly concerned with ethics. Accounting researchers have responded by attempting to investigate and analyze the ethical behavior of accountants. While the current state of ethical behavior among practitioners is important, the ability of accountants to detect ethical problems that may not be obvious should also be studied and understood. This study addresses three questions: (1) are auditors alert to ethical issues; (2) if so, how important do they perceive them to be; and (...)
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  40. Probability without Tears.Julia Staffel - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (1):65-84.
    This paper is about teaching probability to students of philosophy who don’t aim to do primarily formal work in their research. These students are unlikely to seek out classes about probability or formal epistemology for various reasons, for example because they don’t realize that this knowledge would be useful for them or because they are intimidated by the material. However, most areas of philosophy now contain debates that incorporate probability, and basic knowledge of it is essential even for philosophers whose (...)
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    Internal reasons and the motivating intuition.Julia Markovits - 2010 - In Michael S. Brady, New Waves in Metaethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  42. Revolt, She Said.Julia Kristeva - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
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    Russian Thinkers.Julia Annas, Isaiah Berlin, Henry Hardy & Aileen Kelly - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (121):357.
  44. Hume and ancient scepticism.Julia Annas - 2000 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 66:271-285.
  45. (2 other versions)Virtue ethics: What kind of naturalism?Julia Annas - 2005 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner, Virtue ethics, old and new. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 11--29.
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    Practical Ethics.Julia Annas - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (123):180-182.
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  47. Leibniz's Ontology of Force.Julia Jorati - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8:189–224.
    Leibniz portrays the most fundamental entities in his mature ontology in at least three different ways. In some places, he describes them as mind-like, immaterial substances that perceive and strive. Elsewhere, he presents them as hylomorphic compounds. In yet other passages, he characterizes them in terms of primitive and derivative forces. Interpreters often assume that the first description is the most accurate. In contrast, I will argue that the third characterization is more accurate than the other two. If that is (...)
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  48. Should I pretend I'm perfect?Julia Staffel - 2017 - Res Philosophica 94 (2):301-324.
    Ideal agents are role models whose perfection in some normative domain we try to approximate. But which form should this striving take? It is well known that following ideal rules of practical reasoning can have disastrous results for non-ideal agents. Yet, this issue has not been explored with respect to rules of theoretical reasoning. I show how we can extend Bayesian models of ideally rational agents in order to pose and answer the question of whether non-ideal agents should form new (...)
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    Developing the Virtues: Integrating Perspectives.Julia Annas, Darcia Narvaez & Nancy E. Snow (eds.) - 2016 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book features new essays by philosophers, psychologists, and a theologian on the important topic of virtue development. The essays engage with work from multiple disciplines and thereby seek to bridge disciplinary divides. The volume is a significant contribution to the emerging interdisciplinary field of virtue development studies.
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  50. (1 other version)Aristotle, number and time.Julia Annas - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (99):97-113.
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