Results for 'Julian Treuherz'

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  1.  27
    The cat and the cradle.Julian Treuherz - 1983 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 46 (1):240-242.
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    The Moral Relevance of Humanization.Julian J. Koplin - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (1):59-61.
    Greely’s target article outlines six categories of ethical issues associated with human brain surrogate research. Some of these issues are familiar from other research contexts; others, less...
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  3. Doctors Have no Right to Refuse Medical Assistance in Dying, Abortion or Contraception.Julian Savulescu & Udo Schuklenk - 2017 - Bioethics 30 (9):162-170.
    In an article in this journal, Christopher Cowley argues that we have ‘misunderstood the special nature of medicine, and have misunderstood the motivations of the conscientious objectors’. We have not. It is Cowley who has misunderstood the role of personal values in the profession of medicine. We argue that there should be better protections for patients from doctors' personal values and there should be more severe restrictions on the right to conscientious objection, particularly in relation to assisted dying. We argue (...)
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    Educational justice.Julian Culp - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (12):e12713.
    Philosophical conceptions of educational justice are centered at the intersection of political philosophy and philosophy of education. They justify moral‐political rights to education and sometimes also determine who is responsible for their realization through which kinds of pedagogical practices or systemic educational reform. This article concentrates on contemporary conceptions of educational justice in primary and secondary education and highlights central practical implications that the various conceptions of educational justice have under non‐ideal circumstances. Section 2 explains the conceptions of fair and (...)
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  5. The Essence of Structural Irrationality.Julian Fink - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (2).
    The phenomenon of ‘structural irrationality’ covers a diverse range of combinations of attitudes, including (inter alia) contradictory beliefs, contradictory intentions, means–end incoherence, akratic incoherence, and cyclical preferences. This paper offers a novel, unified account of when a pattern of attitudes qualifies as structurally irrational. It begins by setting up the core of the view I will be defending: a set of attitudes is irrational if and only if it is impossible for those attitudes to be jointly successful. I show that (...)
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    Fanon’s postcolonial cosmopolitanism.Julian Go - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):208-225.
    While early theory and research on cosmopolitanism have been criticized for their European focus, a number of works have incorporated non-Eurocentric perspectives. This article contributes to this literature by examining the colonial production of cosmopolitan orientations as evidenced in the writings of Frantz Fanon. Colonialism has been treated as a deviation in the historical sociology of cosmopolitanism, but Fanon helps disclose how colonialism has also contributed to a particular form of cosmopolitanism that has been overlooked in existing theory and research: (...)
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    On Pros and Cons and Bills and Gates: The Heist Film as Pleasure.Julian Hanich - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (3):304-320.
    This article tries to shed light on the multiple, but underrated pleasures of the heist film – a genre that has attracted numerous major directors from Jean-Pierre Melville and Stanley Kubrick to Michael Mann and Steven Soderbergh, but has received limited scholarly attention. I approach the genre from a, broadly, philosophical perspective and draw on thinkers such as Peter Sloterdijk, Georg Simmel, Paul Souriau and Bruno Latour to argue that their emphasis on (1) skillful action and kinaesthetic empathy, (2) smooth (...)
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    The embodied brain: towards a radical embodied cognitive neuroscience.Julian Kiverstein & Mark Miller - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  22
    Computational mechanisms underlying the dynamics of physical and cognitive fatigue.Julian Matthews, M. Andrea Pisauro, Mindaugas Jurgelis, Tanja Müller, Eliana Vassena, Trevor T.-J. Chong & Matthew A. J. Apps - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105603.
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  10. Enactivism and the unity of perception and action.Nivedita Gangopadhyay & Julian Kiverstein - 2009 - Topoi 28 (1):63-73.
    This paper contrasts two enactive theories of visual experience: the sensorimotor theory (O’Regan and Noë, Behav Brain Sci 24(5):939–1031, 2001; Noë and O’Regan, Vision and mind, 2002; Noë, Action in perception, 2004) and Susan Hurley’s (Consciousness in action, 1998, Synthese 129:3–40, 2001) theory of active perception. We criticise the sensorimotor theory for its commitment to a distinction between mere sensorimotor behaviour and cognition. This is a distinction that is firmly rejected by Hurley. Hurley argues that personal level cognitive abilities emerge (...)
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    Causation, Evidence, and Inference.Julian Reiss - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Reiss argues in favor of a tight fit between evidence, concept and purpose in our causal investigations in the sciences. There is no doubt that the sciences employ a vast array of techniques to address causal questions such as controlled experiments, randomized trials, statistical and econometric tools, causal modeling and thought experiments. But how do these different methods relate to each other and to the causal inquiry at hand? Reiss argues that there is no "gold standard" in (...)
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  12. -.Julian Baggini - 2007 - Free Inquiry 27:41-44.
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    Popular Punishment.Jesper Ryberg & Julian V. Roberts (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    Should public opinion determine--or even influence--sentencing policy and practice? Should the punishment of criminal offenders reflect what the public regards as appropriate? These deceptively simple questions conceal complex theoretical and methodological challenges to the administration of punishment. In the West, politicians have often answered these questions in the affirmative; penal reforms have been justified with direct reference to the attitudes of the public. This is why the contention that politicians should bridge the gap between the public and criminal justice practice (...)
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    Figure-ground reversal as a function of visual satiation.Julian E. Hochberg - 1950 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 40 (5):682.
  15. Death and authenticity.Julian Young - 1998 - In Jeff Malpas & Robert C. Solomon (eds.), Death and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 112--19.
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  16. Progress: Biological and Other.Julian S. Huxley - 1922 - Hibbert Journal 21:436.
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    Are There Grounds for Limiting Immigration?Julian Simon - 1998 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 13 (2):137-152.
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    Autonomy, Interests, Justice and Active Medical Euthanasia.Julian Savulescu - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi (eds.), New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 31-48.
    There are 4 main arguments for euthanasia: (1) arguments appealing to consistency (e.g., from passive to active euthanasia); (2) the argument from respect for autonomy; (3) appeals to justice; and (4) the argument from interests (mercy or relief of suffering). I will argue that only the last is directly relevant to active euthanasia as a medical intervention, though arguments together from autonomy and justice can in practice (through the backdoor) provide a ground for voluntary active medical euthanasia (AME).
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  19. Teaching Our Way Out When Nobody Knows the Way.Julian Edgoose - 2008 - In Denise Egéa-Kuehne (ed.), Levinas and Education: At the Intersection of Faith and Reason. New York: Routledge. pp. 100--14.
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    German Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: Weber to Heidegger.Julian Young - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The course of German philosophy in the twentieth century is one of the most exciting, diverse and controversial periods in the history of human thought. It is widely studied and its legacy hotly contested. In this outstanding introduction, Julian Young explains and assesses the two dominant traditions in modern German philosophy - critical theory and phenomenology - by examining the following key thinkers and topics: Max Weber's setting the agenda for modern German philosophy: the `rationalization' and `disenchantment' of modernity (...)
  21.  24
    Silogismo Teórico, Razonamiento Práctico y Raciocinio Retórico-Dialéctico.Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya & Ximena Vallejo Álvarez - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 24:79-114.
    El silogismo práctico o razonamiento de la acción (EN VI, 12, 1144ª 31, “oigar sillogismoi tvn praktvn”) es presentado por muchos estudiososde la obra aristotélica como un esquema de explicación, que intenta darcuenta del movimiento que realiza el alma humana desde el apetito o deseopuro hasta la acción concreta. El punto de vista que aquí se argumentapuede ser presentado en dos tesis articuladas: 1) el razonamiento prácticono es un silogismo, comprende muchos más aspectos que son irreductiblesa la estructura formal de (...)
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    Imagen y democracia en Thomas Hobbes.Julián Ramírez Beltrán - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:181-210.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar el uso político de la imagen al servicio del Estado y la función del régimen democrático al interior del sistema filosófico de Thomas Hobbes. Tal propósito se aborda en dos momentos: I. se propone un análisis iconográfico, con lo cual se destaca una lógica de la presencia/ausencia de la multitud como un cuerpo político (i.e. problema de la dispersión); II. se retoman las discusiones en torno a la función de la democracia, y se (...)
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    Raimondo Lullo e il nuovo dialogo tra Cristianesimo, Ebraismo e Islam, de Óscar de la Cruz.Julián Barenstein - 2020 - Patristica Et Medievalia 41 (1):61-63.
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    Restricted by Measures Against the Coronavirus? Difficulties at the Transition from School to Work in Times of a Pandemic.Julian Valentin Möhring, Dennis Schäfer, Burkhard Brosig & Martin Huth - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (1):83-99.
    The paper begins with the prerequisite assumption that social deprivation is a fragile and porous category. Thus, our hypothesis is, that how people are affected by the restrictions against the spreading of the coronavirus is often discussed in far too general and simplistic terms. It is often taken as a given, that the virus and the restriction measures not only have caused severe difficulties for us all (due to social distancing, fear, affected health, etc.), but that the measures have exacerbated (...)
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    Microbial adaptation to a changeable environment: Cell‐cell interactions mediate physiological and genetic differentiation.R. Frank Rosenzweig & Julian Adams - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (10):715-717.
    Recent work by Magnuson, Solomon and Grossman(1) adds to a growing body of evidence indicating that microorganisms possess sophisticated signaling systems that enable them to sense and respond to environmental challenges. Typically, this response results in morphological, physiological and even genetic differentiation, paralleling that observed among higher organisms. These signaling systems may be interpreted as adaptations that maximize the reproductive potential of a population.
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  26. News hound the all-time top 50, Lord Sutherland and the death of Wesley salmon.Julian Baggini, Susan Dwyer, Simon Kassom & Peter Fosl - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13.
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    The history man.Julian Baggini & Anthony Gottlieb - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 16:13-14.
    Interview with Anthony Gottlieb about his "The Dream of Reason.".
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    When they grew up..Julian Baggini - 2003 - The Philosophers' Magazine 24:44-44.
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    Zen and the art of dialogue.Julian Baggini - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 33:62-67.
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    Is physician-assisted suicide justifiable when the patient is worried about being a burden to others?Julian Bleek - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):10.1007/s00481-011-0148-6.
    Ein Argument gegen die ärztliche Beihilfe zum Suizid lautet, Patienten könnten sich um Suizidassistenz bemühen, weil sie sich als Belastung empfinden. Dabei wird die Selbstbestimmtheit eines so motivierten Todeswunsches in Frage gestellt. Ist dieses Argument überzeugungskräftig? Empirische Daten zeigen, dass die ärztliche Beihilfe zum Suizid auf der Grundlage dieses Motivs den ethischen Prinzipien der Sorge um das Patientenwohl und des Respekts vor der Autonomie des Patienten nicht widersprechen muss. Denn das Empfinden, anderen zur Last zu fallen, kann trotz adäquater palliativmedizinischer (...)
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  31. Guerrillas publicitarias (y el arte en la calle).Julián Bravo - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación, Tecnología y Sociedad 77:9-11.
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    In Focus: Julia Margaret Cameron: Photographs From the J. Paul Getty Museum.Julian Cox - 1996 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    The first volume in the In Focus series to examine the work of a nineteenth-century photographer, this beautiful volume examines Cameron's passion for the "divine art" and her "deeply seated love of the beautiful" that are clearly revealed ...
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    Regulatory mechanisms for ras proteins.Julian Downward - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (3):177-184.
    The proteins encoded by the ras proto‐oncogenes play critical roles in normal cellular growth, differentiation and development in addition to their potential for malignant transformation. Several proteins that are involved in the control of the activity of p21ras have now been characterised. p120GAP stimulates the GTPase activity of p21ras and hence acts as a negative regulator of ras proteins. It may be controlled by tyrosine phosphorylation or association with tyrosine phosphorylated proteins. The neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF 1) gene also encodes (...)
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    Im Wechselbad der Gefuhle Zur Emotionsvielfalt im filmischen Melodram Eine Mikroanalyse.Julian Hanich & Winfried Menninghaus - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 56 (2):175-201.
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  35. Dialogics of space.Julian Holloway & James Kneale - 2000 - In Mike Crang & N. J. Thrift (eds.), Thinking space. New York: Routledge. pp. 9--71.
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    La “Citoyenneté” au niveau de l'Union Européenne: prolégomènes d'une problématique.Julian Thomas Hottinger - 1997 - Res Publica 39 (2):229-243.
    Citizenship is a multiform concept that still needs to be cleared. This is necessary because various authors try to understand this concept so that they can define the future model of European citizenship. If there exist different forms of citizenship, one of the tasks of investigation is to determine reasons for these differences. This article redraws the history of this current thoughts in a comparative perspective to be able to deal with its meaning in the context of the European construction. (...)
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  37. Philosophy of the Social Mind.Julian Kiverstein (ed.) - forthcoming - Routledge.
  38. El problema del Ser en Aristóteles.Julián Velarde Lombraña - 1981 - El Basilisco 12:86-87.
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  39. La obediencia como medida "real" de la virtud humana: Un estudio sobre la obediencia política en santo Tomás (I).Julián Vara Martín - 2007 - Ciencia Tomista 134 (433):301-322.
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    (1 other version)Dialéctica e idealismo en Hegel.Julián Marrades Millet - 1985 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 20 (1):141-170.
    El artículo compara el modo como Aristóteles explica que un cuerpo llegue a vivir o que una mente llegue a entender, con el esquema explicativo que emplea Wittgenstein para dar cuenta de problemas como éstos: ¿qué hace posible que el signo adquiera significado, o que una acción sea el seguimiento de una regla? El interés se centra en la lógica de la explicación, y el propósito no es establecer relaciones de influencia, sino explorar analogías formales, con el objetivo de arrojar (...)
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  41. Una perspectiva sobre la filosofía de la música.Julián Marrades Millet - 2012 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):5-24.
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  42. Dimensión axiológica de la sociognoseología de K. Mannheim.Julián Morales Navarro - 1976 - Anuario Filosófico 9 (1):247-291.
  43. Dificultades para una traducción automática: el no-signo.Julián Sanz Pascual - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 5:148-156.
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  44. ¿Es posible la inteligencia artificial?Julián Sanz Pascual - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 10:56-71.
  45.  4
    Causation in the Sciences: An Inferentialist Approach.Julian Reiss - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Reiss argues in favour of a tight fit between evidence, concept and purpose in our causal investigations in the sciences. There is no doubt that the sciences employ a vast array of techniques to address causal questions such as controlled experiments, randomized trials, statistical and econometric tools, causal modeling and thought experiments. But how do these different methods relate to each other and to the causal inquiry at hand? Reiss argues that there is no "gold standard" in (...)
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    Evidence-Based Economics: Issues and Some Preliminary Answers.Julian Reiss - 2004 - Analyse & Kritik 26 (2):346-363.
    This paper presents an outline of a methodology of ‘evidence-based economics’. The question whether an economic statement is evidence-based must be answered on three different levels. The first level concerns measurement: it asks whether claims made about economic quantities such as inflation, unemployment, growth or poverty are justified by the data and measurement procedures. The second level concerns induction: it asks whether claims made about the relations between economic quantities (such as ‘number of babies born predicts growth’, ‘change in money (...)
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    Un “ethos” para el gobierno y la administración: un debate entre el liberalismo y el jesuitismo políticos.Julián Sauquillo - 2006 - Isegoría 35:89-105.
    Este estudio rebate las tesis de Carl Schmitt que conciben al catolicismo, y al jesuitismo en particular, como una gran complexio oppositorum que reúne tanto al conservadurismo como al izquierdismo bajo una misma unidad absoluta representada por las formas del Papa. El “ethos” de obediencia postulado por la Compañía de Jesús contribuyó decisivamente a la formación de una Administración que rebasa el marco de la burocracia eclesiástica. Sustituyó la educación renacentista por una educación de cuño tomista, decisiva en la formación (...)
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  48. Lógica y dialéctica.Julián Velarde - 1971 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 1:66-67.
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    Unbalanced alternative splicing and its significance in cancer.Julian P. Venables - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):378-386.
    Alternative pre‐mRNA splicing leads to distinct products of gene expression in development and disease. Antagonistic splice variants of genes involved in differentiation, apoptosis, invasion and metastasis often exist in a delicate equilibrium that is found to be perturbed in tumours. In several recent examples, splice variants that are overexpressed in cancer are expressed as hyper‐oncogenic proteins, which often correlate with poor prognosis, thus suggesting improved diagnosis and follow up treatment. Global gene expression technologies are just beginning to decipher the interplay (...)
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    An architecture governance approach for Agile development by tailoring the Spotify model.Abdallah Salameh & Julian M. Bass - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):761-780.
    The role of software architecture in large-scale Agile development is important because several teams need to work together to release a single software product while helping to maximise teams’ autonomy. Governing and aligning Agile architecture across autonomous squads, when using the Spotify model, is a challenge because the Spotify model lacks practices for addressing Agile architecture governance. To explore how software architecture can be governed and aligned by scaling the Spotify model, we conducted a longitudinal embedded case study in a (...)
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