Results for 'Kaluza-Klein theory'

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  1. Kitcher's Explanatory Unification, KaluzaKlein Theories, and the Normative Aspect of Higher Dimensional Unification in Physics.Koray Karaca - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (2):287-312.
    I examine the relation between explanation and unification in both the original KaluzaKlein theory, which originated in the works of Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein in the 1920s, and in the modern KaluzaKlein theories which date back to the late 1970s and which are still considered by the majority of the physics community to be the best hope for a complete unified theory of all fundamental interactions. I use the conclusions of this (...)
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    Mechanisms of Unification in Kaluza-Klein theory.Ioan Muntean - 2006 - In Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks, Ontology of Spacetime. Boston: Elsevier.
    In this chapter I discuss the attempts by Theodor Kaluza [Kaluza, T., 1921. Zum Unitätproblem der Physik. Sitzungsber. der K. Ak. der Wiss. zu Berlin, 966–972] and by Oskar Klein [Klein, O., 1926a. Quantentheorie und fünfdimensionale Relativitätstheorie. Zeitschrift für Physik 37 (12), 895–906; Klein, O., 1926b. The atomicity of electricity as a quantum theory law. Nature 118, 516], respectively, to unify electromagnetism and general relativity within a five-dimensional Riemannian manifold. I critically compare Kaluza's (...)
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    f ( R ) Gravity in a KaluzaKlein Theory with Degenerate Metric.Trevor P. Searight - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (3):147-160.
    f gravity is examined in the context of a five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory with degenerate metric. In this theory electromagnetism is described by two vector fields, and there is a reflection symmetry between them which unifies them with gravitation. For matter, it is shown how the Lagrangian may be any function and still generate the same equations of motion, provided that some simple conditions are satisfied. The field equations are derived, and it is found that f gravity (...)
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    On the gyromagnetic ratio in the Kaluza-Klein theories and the Schuster-Blackett law.A. O. Barut & Thomas Gornitz - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (4):433-437.
    Pauli's five-dimensional Dirac equation in projective space, which results in an anomalous magnetic moment term in four dimensions, is related to the Schuster-Blackett law of the magnetic field of rotating bodies and to the recent results on the gyromagnetic ratio in Kaluza-Klein theories.
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    Barrier penetration and initial values in Kaluza-Klein theories.Dieter R. Brill - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (7):637-649.
    Topology change is discussed as a barrier penetration process and illustrated by explicit calculations in Witten's Kaluza-Klein bubble geometry. Initial values are given for other bubble geometries, including ones with negative total mass.
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  6. Charged matter from a Kaluza-Klein-like theory.Tsou Sheung Tsun - 1986 - In Roger Penrose & C. J. Isham, Quantum concepts in space and time. New York ;: Oxford University Press.
  7. Einstein and the kaluza-Klein particle.J. Dongen - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (2):185-210.
    In his search for a unified field theory that could undercut quantum mechanics, Einstein considered five-dimensional classical Kaluza-Klein theory. He studied this theory most intensively during the years 1938-1943. One of his primary objectives was finding a non-singular particle solution. In the full theory this search got frustrated, and in the x 5 -independent theory Einstein, together with Pauli, argued it would be impossible to find these structures.
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  8. The emergence of a Kaluza-Klein microgenometry from the invariants of optimally Euclidean Lorentzian spaces.José G. Vargas & Douglas G. Torr - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (4):533-558.
    It is shown that relativistic spacetimes can be viewed as Finslerian spaces endowed with a positive definite distance (ω0, mod ωi) rather than as pariah, pseudo-Riemannian spaces. Since the pursuit of better implementations of “Euclidicity in the small” advocates absolute parallelism, teleparallel nonlinear Euclidean (i.e., Finslerian) connections are scrutinized. The fact that (ωμ, ω0 i) is the set of horizontal fundamental 1-forms in the Finslerian fibration implies that it can be used in principle for obtainingcompatible new structures. If the connection (...)
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  9. A Neo-Intuitive Proposal for Kaluza-Klein Unification.Steven M. Rosen - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (11):1093-1139.
    This paper addresses a central question of contemporary theoretical physics: Can a unified account be provided for the known forces of nature? The issue is brought into focus by considering the recently revived Kaluza-Klein approach to unification, a program entailing dimensional transformation through cosmogony. First it is demonstrated that, in a certain sense, revitalized Kaluza-Klein theory appears to undermine the intuitive foundations of mathematical physics, but that this implicit consequence has been repressed at a substantial (...)
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    Hamiltonian Map to Conformal Modification of Spacetime Metric: Kaluza-Klein and TeVeS. [REVIEW]Lawrence Horwitz, Avi Gershon & Marcelo Schiffer - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (1):141-157.
    It has been shown that the orbits of motion for a wide class of non-relativistic Hamiltonian systems can be described as geodesic flows on a manifold and an associated dual by means of a conformal map. This method can be applied to a four dimensional manifold of orbits in spacetime associated with a relativistic system. We show that a relativistic Hamiltonian which generates Einstein geodesics, with the addition of a world scalar field, can be put into correspondence in this way (...)
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    Unifying Geometrical Representations of Gauge Theory.Scott Alsid & Mario Serna - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (1):75-103.
    We unify three approaches within the vast body of gauge-theory research that have independently developed distinct representations of a geometrical surface-like structure underlying the vector-potential. The three approaches that we unify are: those who use the compactified dimensions of KaluzaKlein theory, those who use Grassmannian models models) to represent gauge fields, and those who use a hidden spatial metric to replace the gauge fields. In this paper we identify a correspondence between the geometrical representations of the (...)
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    On a Unified Theory of Generalized Branes Coupled to Gauge Fields, Including the Gravitational and Kalb–Ramond Fields.M. Pavšič - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (8):1197-1242.
    We investigate a theory in which fundamental objects are branes described in terms of higher grade coordinates $X^{\mu{_1}\ldots \mu{_n}}$ encoding both the motion of a brane as a whole, and its volume evolution. We thus formulate a dynamics which generalizes the dynamics of the usual branes. Geometrically, coordinates $X^{\mu{_1} \ldots \mu{_n}}$ and associated coordinate frame fields { ${\gamma_{\mu{_1}\ldots\mu{_n}}}$ } extend the notion of geometry from spacetime to that of an enlarged space, called Clifford space or C-space. If we start (...)
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    Kaluza and Klein's five-dimensional relativity.J. G. Miller - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow, Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1--221.
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    Grand unified gauge theories and the number of elementary particles.Robert Weingard - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (1):150-155.
    Recently, Michael Redhead has argued that the grouping of particles into multiplets by grand unified gauge theories (GUT's) does not, by itself, imply an ontological reduction in the number of elementary particles. While sympathetic to Redhead's argument, in this note I argue that under certain conditions involving Kaluza-Klein theories, GUT's would provide such an ontological reduction.
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    Geometrization in the Yang-Mills, extended supergravity, and Klein-Kaluza versions.Yuval Ne'eman - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (12):1253-1253.
    We relate personal encounters of three kinds with geometrical approaches in the development of a relativistic quantum field theory of the fundamental interactions—including interactions with Nathan Rosen. We characterize the geometrical structures involved and discuss the more recent attempts to develop a unified theory based on a Klein-Kaluza contraction of the eightfold extended supergravity.
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  16. SUSY in the Sky of Diamonds.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2001 - In Michael Ciaran Duffy & Mogens True Wegener, Recent Advances in Relativity Theory. Hadronic Press. pp. 193-195.
    The host of SUSY(supersymmetry) based string theories is considered. Superstrings are comprehended as possible candidates on Quantum Gravity basic objects. It is argued that superstring theories constitute mainly mathematical progress and can reconcile general relativity with quantum field theory at best. Yet they cannot provide the genuine synthesis. Superstring unification of all the four forces at hand is a formal one . It is contended that genesis and proliferation of superstrings can better be described not by philosophy of science (...)
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    Einstein's unification.Jeroen van Dongen - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Why did Einstein tirelessly study unified field theory for more than 30 years? In this book, the author argues that Einstein believed he could find a unified theory of all of nature's forces by repeating the methods he used when he formulated general relativity. The book discusses Einstein's route to the general theory of relativity, focusing on the philosophical lessons that he learnt. It then addresses his quest for a unified theory for electromagnetism and gravity, discussing (...)
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  18.  39
    The boundary of a boundary principle: A unified approach. [REVIEW]Arkady Kheyfets - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (5):483-497.
    The boundary of a boundary principle in field theories is described. The difference in treatment of the principle in electrodynamics and general relativity is pointed out and reformulated in terms of underlying mathematical structure of the theories. The problem of unifying the treatment is formulated and solved. The role of E. Cartan's concept of the moment of rotation associated with the curvature of a Levi-Civita connection on a frame bundle is shown to be crucial for the unification. The analysis of (...)
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  19. Space-Time Dimension Problem as a Stumbling Block of Inflationary Cosmology.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2013 - In Vadim V. Kazutinsky, Elena A. Mamchur, Alexandre D. Panov & V. D. Erekaev, Metauniverse,Space,Time. Institute of Philosophy of RAS. pp. 52-73.
    It is taken for granted that the explanation of the Universe’s space-time dimension belongs to the host of the arguments that exhibit the superiority of modern (inflationary) cosmology over the standard model. In the present paper some doubts are expressed . They are based upon the fact superstring theory is too formal to represent genuine unification of general relativity and quantum field theory. Neveretheless, the fact cannot exclude the opportunity that in future the superstring theory can become (...)
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    Standard Model Gauge Couplings from Gauge-Dilatation Symmetry Breaking.Kosuke Odagiri - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (9):932-952.
    It is well known that the self-energy of the gauge bosons is quadratically divergent in the Standard Model when a simple cutoff is imposed. We demonstrate phenomenologically that the quadratic divergences in fact unify. The unification occurs at a surprisingly low scale, \(\Lambda _\mathrm {u}\approx 4\times 10^7\) GeV. Suppose now that there is a spontaneously broken rotational symmetry between the space-time coordinates and gauge theoretical phases. The symmetry-breaking pattern is such that the gauge bosons arise as the massless Goldstone bosons, (...)
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  21. General Covariance, Diffeomorphism Invariance, and Background Independence in 5 Dimensions.Antonio Vassallo - 2015 - In Tomasz Bigaj & Christian Wüthrich, Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    The paper considers the "GR-desideratum", that is, the way general relativity implements general covariance, diffeomorphism invariance, and background independence. Two cases are discussed where 5-dimensional generalizations of general relativity run into interpretational troubles when the GR-desideratum is forced upon them. It is shown how the conceptual problems dissolve when such a desideratum is relaxed. In the end, it is suggested that a similar strategy might mitigate some major issues such as the problem of time or the embedding of quantum non-locality (...)
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  22. The Self-Evolving Cosmos: A Phenomenological Approach to Nature's Unity-in-Diversity.Steven M. Rosen - 2008 - World Scientific Publishing, Series on Knots and Everything.
    This book addresses two significant and interrelated problems confronting modern theoretical physics: the unification of the forces of nature and the evolution of the universe. In bringing out the inadequacies of the prevailing approach to these questions, the need is demonstrated for more than just a new theory. The meanings of space and time themselves must be radically rethought, which requires a whole new philosophical foundation. To this end, we turn to the phenomenological writings of Martin Heidegger and Maurice (...)
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    Inequivalence of first- and second-order formulations in D=2 gravity models.S. Deser - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (5):617-621.
    The usual equivalence between the Palalini and metric (or affinity and vielbein) formulations of Einstein theory fails in two spacetime dimensions for its “Kaluza-Klein” reduced (as well as for its standard) version. Among the differences is the necessary vanishing of the cosmological constant in the first-order forms. The purely affine Eddington formulation of Einstein theory also fails here.
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  24. Born’s Reciprocal Gravity in Curved Phase-Spaces and the Cosmological Constant.Carlos Castro - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):1031-1055.
    The main features of how to build a Born’s Reciprocal Gravitational theory in curved phase-spaces are developed. By recurring to the nonlinear connection formalism of Finsler geometry a generalized gravitational action in the 8D cotangent space (curved phase space) can be constructed involving sums of 5 distinct types of torsion squared terms and 2 distinct curvature scalars ${\mathcal{R}}, {\mathcal{S}}$ which are associated with the curvature in the horizontal and vertical spaces, respectively. A Kaluza-Klein-like approach to the construction (...)
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  25.  50
    The Other 40 Dimensions.John Cramer - unknown
    Alternate View Column AV-06 Keywords: dimensions, Kaluza-Klein, compactified, string theory Published in the April-1985 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine; This column was written and submitted 10/1/84 and is copyrighted © 1984, John G. Cramer. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the explicit permission of the author.
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  26. Relativistic spin on the Poincaré group.Ludger Hannibal - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (1):43-56.
    Classical spinning particles are interpreted in terms of an underlying geometric theory. They are described by trajectories on the Poincaré group. Upon quantization an eleven-dimensional Kaluza-Klein type theory is obtained which incorporates spin and isospin in a local SL(2, C)×U(1)×SU(2) gauge theory, unifying gravity and the pre-Higgs standard model. The relation to parametrized relativistic quantum theory is discussed.
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    Einheit und Höherdimensionalität. Untersuchungen zu wissenschaftstheoretischen Aspekten der Einheitsproblematik in der Physik am Beispiel höherdimensionaler einheitlicher Feldtheorien.Kay Herrmann - 1994 - Peter Lang.
    Das Problem einer einheitlichen Grundlage alles Bestehenden hat seit jeher eine große Rolle in der Philosophie gespielt und stets auch eine große Ausstrahlung auf die Naturwissenschaft gehabt. Exemplarisch werden verschiedene Entwürfe für eine höherdimensionale einheitliche Feldtheorie diskutiert. -/- Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, was überhaupt unter der „Einheit von Theorien“ zu verstehen ist. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich zwischen unterschiedlichen Ebenen der „Einheit von Theorien“ unterscheiden lässt. Die „Einheit von Theorien“ kann sich beziehen auf übergreifende Begriffe (z. B. Feldbegriff), auf (...)
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    Anarchism in Deleuze.Jernej Kaluža - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (2):267-292.
    In this article, we argue that Deleuze's philosophy could be understood as anarchistic in a specifically defined meaning. The imperative of immanence of thought, which we explicate mainly through the reading of Deleuze's Spinoza, on the one hand establishes indivisibility between theory and practice and on the other hand paradoxically orders disobedience. We argue for a thought that is immanent, adequate with its inner practice, for thought that cannot be forced. That is the basis on which we combine the (...)
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  29. What the body commands: the imperative theory of pain.Colin Klein - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    In What the Body Commands, Colin Klein proposes and defends a novel theory of pain. Klein argues that pains are imperative; they are sensations with a content, and that content is a command to protect the injured part of the body. He terms this view "imperativism about pain," and argues that imperativism can account for two puzzling features of pain: its strong motivating power and its uninformative nature. Klein argues that the biological purpose of pain is (...)
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  30. Einstein and the KaluzaKlein particle.Jeroen van Dongen - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (2):185-210.
  31. Interdisciplinarity: history, theory, and practice.Julie Thompson Klein - 1990 - Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
    Acknowledgments THROUGHOUT this book I cite the many people who have provided information on individual programs and activities. ...
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  32. An Imperative Theory of Pain.Colin Klein - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy 104 (10):517-532.
    forthcoming in The Journal of Philosophy.
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  33. A Theory of Autobiographical Memory: Necessary Components and Disorders Resulting from their Loss.Stanley B. Klein, Tim P. German, Leda Cosmides & Rami Gabriel - 2004 - Social Cognition 22:460-490.
    In this paper we argue that autobiographical memory can be conceptualized as a mental state resulting from the interplay of a set of psychological capacities?self-reflection, self-agency, self-ownership and personal temporality?that transform a memorial representation into an autobiographical personal experience. We first review evidence from a variety of clinical domains?for example, amnesia, autism, frontal lobe pathology, schizophrenia?showing that breakdowns in any of the proposed components can produce impairments in autobiographical recollection, and conclude that the self-reflection, agency, ownership, and personal temporality are (...)
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  34. The Dual Track Theory of Moral Decision-Making: a Critique of the Neuroimaging Evidence.Colin Klein - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (2):143-162.
    The dual-track theory of moral reasoning has received considerable attention due to the neuroimaging work of Greene et al. Greene et al. claimed that certain kinds of moral dilemmas activated brain regions specific to emotional responses, while others activated areas specific to cognition. This appears to indicate a dissociation between different types of moral reasoning. I re-evaluate these claims of specificity in light of subsequent empirical work. I argue that none of the cortical areas identified by Greene et al. (...)
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  35. Remembering with and without Memory: A Theory of Memory and Aspects of Mind that Enable its Experience.Stan Klein - 2018 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 5:117-130.
    This article builds on ideas presented in Klein (2015a) concerning the importance of a more nuanced, conceptually rigorous approach to the scientific understanding and use of the construct “memory”. I first summarize my model, taking care to situate discussion within the terminological practices of contemporary philosophy of mind. I then elucidate the implications of the model for a particular operation of mind – the manner in which content presented to consciousness realizes its particular phenomenological character (i.e., mode of presentation). (...)
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    The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory. Pierre Duhem, P. P. Wiener.Martin J. Klein - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (4):354-355.
  37. Autonoesis and belief in a personal past: an evolutionary theory of episodic memory indices.Stan Klein - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (3):427-447.
    In this paper I discuss philosophical and psychological treatments of the question "how do we decide that an occurrent mental state is a memory and not, say a thought or imagination?" This issue has proven notoriously difficult to resolve, with most proposed indices, criteria and heuristics failing to achieve consensus. Part of the difficulty, I argue, is that the indices and analytic solutions thus far offered seldom have been situated within a well-specified theory of memory function. As I hope (...)
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  38. A Connection between Minkowski and Galilean Space‐times in Quantum Mechanics.Douglas Kutach - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (1):15 – 29.
    Relativistic quantum theories are equipped with a background Minkowski spacetime and non-relativistic quantum theories with a Galilean space-time. Traditional investigations have distinguished their distinct space-time structures and have examined ways in which relativistic theories become sufficiently like Galilean theories in a low velocity approximation or limit. A different way to look at their relationship is to see that both kinds of theories are special cases of a certain five-dimensional generalization involving no limiting procedures or approximations. When one compares them, striking (...)
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  39. La Théorie De L'expression Figurée Dans Les Traités Italiens Sur Les Imprese, 1555-1612.Robert Klein - 1957 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 19 (2):320-342.
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    Kleine Theorie der Pause.Michael B. Buchholz - 2018 - Psyche 72 (2):91-121.
    Nach einem Überblick über die Unterscheidung von Pausen, Schweigen und Stille und einer knappen Diskussion älterer Auffassungen zum Schweigen in therapeutischen Sitzungen wird ein theoretischer Bezugsrahmen entworfen. Danach sind Pausen nicht Gegensatz, sondern Element der Konversation und sie können nicht individuell zugerechnet werden, weil der andere sie gewährt. Das unterscheidet sie vom Schweigen. Es werden Transkriptbeispiele therapeutischer Situationen analysiert, in denen Pausen vorkommen. Sie lassen sich als Folgen von Ereignissen vor der Pause analysieren. Der theoretische Hintergrund ist die Konversationsanalyse, die (...)
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  41. Multiple realizability and the semantic view of theories.Colin Klein - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (3):683-695.
    Multiply realizable properties are those whose realizers are physically diverse. It is often argued that theories which contain them are ipso facto irreducible. These arguments assume that physical explanations are restricted to the most specific descriptions possible of physical entities. This assumption is descriptively false, and philosophically unmotivated. I argue that it is a holdover from the late positivist axiomatic view of theories. A semantic view of theories, by contrast, correctly allows scientific explanations to be couched in the most perspicuous, (...)
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  42. The Penumbral Theory of Masochistic Pleasure.Colin Klein - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (1):41-55.
    Being whipped, getting a deep-tissue massage, eating hot chili peppers, running marathons, and getting tattooed are all painful. Sometimes they are also pleasant—or so many people claim. Masochistic pleasure consists in finding such experiences pleasant in addition to, and because of, the pain. Masochistic pleasure presents a philosophical puzzle. Pains hurt, they feel bad, and are aversive. Pleasures do the opposite. Thus many assume that the idea of a pleasant pain is downright unintelligible. I disagree. I claim that cases of (...)
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  43. Lost feeling of ownership of one’s mental states: the importance of situating patient R.B.’s pathology in the context of contemporary theory and empiricism.Stan Klein - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):490-493.
    In her re-analysis of the evidence presented in Klein and Nichols (2012) to support their argument that patient R.B. temporarily lost possessory custody of consciously apprehended objects (in this case, objects that normally would be non-inferentially taken as episodic memory), Professor Roache concludes Klein and Nichols's claims are untenable. I argue that Professor Roache is incorrect in her re-interpretation, and that this is due, in part, to lack of sufficient familiarity with psychological theory on memory as well (...)
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    Gersonides’ Theory of Miracles.Sara Klein-Braslavy - 2015 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 23 (2):196-235.
    _ Source: _Volume 23, Issue 2, pp 196 - 235 The role of choice in Gersonides’ theory of miracles, as presented in the Wars of the Lord, is discussed. The theory of miracles in Wars vi.2.10 is shown to be another link in his reconciliation of determinism with choice. After a brief review of his ideas about choice, his astral determinism is elucidated. The third part of the essay reviews his treatment of how miracles occur. Gersonides is shown (...)
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    Platonic Virtue Theory and Business Ethics.Sherwin Klein - 1989 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 8 (4):59-82.
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  46. The Curious Case of the Self-Refuting Straw Man: Trafimow and Earp’s Response to Klein (2014).Stan Klein - 2016 - Theory and Psychology 26:549– 556.
    In their critique of Klein (2014a), Trafimow and Earp present two theses. First, they argue that, contra Klein, a well-specified theory is not a necessary condition for successful replication. Second, they contend that even when there is a well-specified theory, replication depends more on auxiliary assumptions than on theory proper. I take issue with both claims, arguing that (a) their first thesis confuses a material conditional (what I said) with a modal claim (Trafimow and Earp’s (...)
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  47. Max Planck and the Beginnings of the Quantum Theory.Martin J. Klein - 1961 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 1 (5):459--479.
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    The Theory of Nipātas (Particles) in Yāska's NiruktaThe Theory of Nipatas (Particles) in Yaska's Nirukta.Jared S. Klein & Ashok Aklujkar - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):911.
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    (1 other version)An outline of a theory of imagination.Jürgen Klein, Vera Damm & Angelika Giebeler - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (1):15-23.
    Imagination can be seen 1) as a mental faculty common to all people to some degree and 2) as an important principle in literary theory. We must think of imagination not as a simple power but a complex series of processes, involving the impression-idea-relationship and memory. The data derived thus are still bound to their epistemological context, and only imagination provides the possibility to transcend the space-time-determination and the cause-effect-relationship, so that it allows a freer display of the sense-data. (...)
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    An Aristotelian View of Theory and Practice in Business Ethics.Sherwin Klein - 1998 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (2):203-222.
    In this paper, I argue that an Aristotelian approach to business ethics would place theory and practice in business ethics in proper balance. I attempt to show this in two parts. In part one, I suggest that Aristotle’s balanced view of the relation between theory and practice in political philosophy can be applied to corporate life;Aristotle’s sophisticated ethical and political inquiries should help advocates of corporate culture to construct theories that are theoretically, practically, and ethically sound. In part (...)
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