Results for 'Karen Ehlers'

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  1.  11
    Women and the false promise of microenterprise.Karen Main & Tracy Bachrach Ehlers - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (4):424-440.
    Since the 1980s, microenterprise development programs have proliferated in the United States, where they are widely praised as strategies for economic development and poverty alleviation, especially for low-income women and welfare mothers. Based on research in a highly respected urban center for women, this article argues that microenterprise development is more detrimental and problematic than it is purported to be. Two reasons are isolated. First, gender constraints mean women tend to choose small-scale, undercapitalized, and barely profitable “pink-collar” businesses, largely home-based (...)
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    Philosophische Konzepte der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit.Karen Ehlers - 1993 - Kiel: Institut für Finanzwissenshaft und Sozialpolitik.
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  3. Having a Part Twice Over.Karen Bennett - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):83 - 103.
    I argue that it is intuitive and useful to think about composition in the light of the familiar functionalist distinction between role and occupant. This involves factoring the standard notion of parthood into two related notions: being a parthood slot and occupying a parthood slot. One thing is part of another just in case it fills one of that thing's parthood slots. This move opens room to rethink mereology in various ways, and, in particular, to see the mereological structure of (...)
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  4. Dirtying Aristotle's Hands? Aristotle's Analysis of 'Mixed Acts' in the Nicomachean Ethics III, 1.Karen Nielsen - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (3):270-300.
    The analysis of 'mixed acts' in Nicomachean Ethics III, 1 has led scholars to attribute a theory of 'dirty hands' and 'impossible oughts' to Aristode. Michael Stocker argues that Aristode recognizes particular acts that are simultaneously 'right, even obligatory', but nevertheless 'wrong, shameful and the like'. And Martha Nussbaum commends Aristotle for not sympathizing 'with those who, in politics or in private affairs, would so shrink from blame and from unacceptable action that they would be unable to take a necessary (...)
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  5. Pruning the tree of life.Karen Neander - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (1):59-80.
    argue that natural selection does not explain the genotypic arid phenotypic properties of individuals. On this view, natural selection explains the adaptedness of individuals, not by explaining why the individuals that exist have the adaptations they do, but rather by explaining why the individuals that exist are the ones with those adaptations. This paper argues that this ‘Negative’ view of natural selection ignores the fact that natural selection is a cumulative selection process. So understood, it explains how the genetic sequences (...)
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  6. Elusive Counterfactuals.Karen S. Lewis - 2016 - Noûs 50 (2):286-313.
    I offer a novel solution to the problem of counterfactual skepticism: the worry that all contingent counterfactuals without explicit probabilities in the consequent are false. I argue that a specific kind of contextualist semantics and pragmatics for would- and might-counterfactuals can block both central routes to counterfactual skepticism. One, it can explain the clash between would- and might-counterfactuals as in: If you had dropped that vase, it would have broken. and If you had dropped that vase, it might have safely (...)
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  7. Swampman meets swampcow.Karen Neander - 1996 - Mind and Language 11 (1):118-29.
  8. 11 Genetics and its publics.Karen-Sue Taussig - 2007 - In Regula Valérie Burri & Joseph Dumit (eds.), Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life. Routledge. pp. 6--191.
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    Class-based masculinities: The interdependence of gender, class, and interpersonal power.Karen D. Pyke - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (5):527-549.
    This article presents a theoretical framework that views interpersonal power as interdependent with broader structures of gender and class inequalities. In contrast to oversimplified, gender-neutral or gender-static approaches, this approach illuminates the ways that structures of inequality are expressed in ideological hegemonies, which enhance, legitimate, and mystify the interpersonal power of privileged men relative to lower-status men and women in general. The discussion centers on how the relational construction of ascendant and subordinated masculinities provide men with different modes of interpersonal (...)
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  10. Two axes of actualism.Karen Bennett - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (3):297-326.
    Actualists routinely characterize their view by means of the slogan, “Everything is actual.” They say that there aren’t any things that exist but do not actually exist—there aren’t any “mere possibilia.” If there are any things that deserve the label ‘possible world’, they are just actually existing entities of some kind—maximally consistent sets of sentences, or maximal uninstantiated properties, or maximal possible states of affairs, or something along those lines. Possibilists, in contrast, do think that there are mere possibilia, that (...)
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  11. (1 other version)XI. Emotion, Weakness of Will, and the Normative Conception of Agency.Karen Jones - 2003 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 52:181-200.
    Empirical work on and common observation of the emotions tells us that our emotions sometimes key us to the presence of real and important reason-giving considerations without necessarily presenting that information to us in a way susceptible of conscious articulation and, sometimes, even despite our consciously held and internally justified judgment that the situation contains no such reasons. In this paper, I want to explore the implications of the fact that emotions show varying degrees of integration with our conscious agency—from (...)
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    Reading Hurricane Katrina: Information Sources and Decision‐making in Response to a Natural Disaster.Karen Taylor, Susanna Priest, Hilary Fussell Sisco, Stephen Banning & Kenneth Campbell - 2009 - Social Epistemology 23 (3):361-380.
    In this paper we analyze results from 114 face-to-face qualitative interviews of people who had evacuated from the New Orleans area in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, interviews that were completed within weeks of the 2005 storm in most cases. Our goal was to understand the role information and knowledge played in people's decisions to leave the area. Contrary to the conventional wisdom underlying many disaster communication studies, we found that our interviewees almost always had extensive storm-related information from a (...)
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    Kuhn in the Classroom, Lakatos in the Lab: Science Educators Confront the Nature-of-Science Debate.Karen Sullenger & Steven Turner - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (1):5-30.
    Programs for the reform of K-12 science teaching today usually insist that science teachers must introduce their students to the nature of science, as well as to scientific content. The academic field of science studies, however, evinces no consensus about what the nature of science really is. This article examines how science educators and educational researchers have drawn on the fragmented teachings of science studies about the nature of science, and how they have used those teachings as a resource in (...)
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  14.  16
    Wine and Death.Karen-Edis Barzman - 2009 - Mediaevalia 30:5-14.
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    Evaluating community science.Karen Kovaka - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):102-109.
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    Eine vorplatonische Deutung des sokratischen eros. Der Dialog Aspasia des sokratikers Aischines.Harry Neumann & Barbara Ehlers - 1968 - American Journal of Philology 89 (3):383.
  17.  31
    Top Marx?Karen Adler - 2002 - Philosophy Now 37:20-22.
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  18. Dressing Down Dressing Up—The Philosophic Fear of Fashion.Karen Hanson - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (2):107-121.
    There is, to all appearances, a philosophic hostility to fashionable dress. Studying this contempt, this paper examines likely sources in philosophy's suspicion of change; anxiety about surfaces and the inessential; failures in the face of death; and the philosophic disdain for, denial of, the human body and human passivity. If there are feminist concerns about fashion, they should be radically different from those of traditional philosophy. Whatever our ineluctable worries about desire and death, whatever our appropriate anger and impatience with (...)
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    Austrian Economics in America: The Migration of a Tradition.Karen I. Vaughn - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 1994 book examines the development of the ideas of the new Austrian school from its beginnings in Vienna in the 1870s to the present. It focuses primarily in showing how the coherent theme that emerges from the thought of Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig Lachman, Israel Kirzner and a variety of new younger Austrians is an examination of the implications of time and ignorance for economic theory.
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  20. Rights and the politics of performativity.Karen Zivi - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers (eds.), Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
  21.  27
    Childhood Teaching and Learning among Savanna Pumé Hunter-Gatherers.Karen L. Kramer - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):87-114.
    Research in nonindustrial small-scale societies challenges the common perception that human childhood is universally characterized by a long period of intensive adult investment and dedicated instruction. Using return rate and time allocation data for the Savanna Pumé, a group of South American hunter-gatherers, age patterns in how children learn to become productive foragers and from whom they learn are observed across the transition from childhood to adolescence. Results show that Savanna Pumé children care for their siblings, are important economic contributors, (...)
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  22.  61
    The public face of presumptions.Karen Petroski - 2008 - Episteme 5 (3):pp. 388-401.
    We commonly think of presumptions as second-best inferential tools allowing us to reach conclusions, if we must, under conditions of limited information. Scholarship on the topic across the disciplines has espoused a common conception of presumptions that defines them according to their function within the decisionmaking process. This focus on the “private” face of presumptions has generated a predominantly critical and grudging view of them, perpetuated certain conceptual ambiguities, and, most important, neglected the fact that what we refer to as (...)
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  23. Practical wisdom and moral imagination in Sense and Sensibility.Karen Stohr - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):378-394.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Practical Wisdom and Moral Imagination in Sense and SensibilityKaren StohrThere is no single virtue more important to Aristotle's ethical theory than the intellectual virtue of phronesis, or practical wisdom. Yet for all its importance, it is not easy to make sense of this virtue, either in Aristotle's own writings or in virtue ethics more generally. Insofar as Aristotle defines it, he does so opaquely, saying it is "a state (...)
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    The Bubble Analogy.Karen A. Haworth - 2007 - Semiotics:65-74.
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    Upper Paleolithic art, autism, and cognitive style: Implications for the evolution of language.Karen Haworth - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (162):127-174.
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    Close (vision) is (how we) here.Karen L. F. Houle & Paul A. Steenhuisen - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):15 – 24.
    What has not yet been imagined in thought is: how to remain together while still being two, how to be and become subjectively two, how to discover a way of coexisting as two beings … a way of living and thinking and loving as two beings without one being reduced to the other? … [t]hanks to the respect that I feel for the other as other, to articulate both attraction and restraint with respect to him. I go out from and (...)
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  27. Contemporary virtue ethics.Karen Stohr - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (1):22–27.
    Within contemporary ethics, virtue ethics now seems to be permanently positioned as a major normative theory. Despite its popularity, however, it is often not very clear – even to virtue ethicists – what is included in the term. This article clarifies the territory by setting out some recent developments in virtue ethics. The article also explores the impact of the virtue ethics revival on metaethics and looks at the direction of future debate.
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    Do we need a specific kind of technoscience assessment? Taking the convergence of science and technology seriously.Karen Kastenhofer - 2010 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (1-2):37-54.
    The presented paper addresses the concept of technoscience and its possible implications for technology assessment. Drawing on the discourse about converging technologies, it formulates the assumption that a general shift within science from epistemic cultures to techno-epistemic cultures lies at the heart of the propagated convergence between nano-, bio-, info- and cogno-sciences and technologies. This shift is adequately captured—so the main thesis—by the technoscience label. The paper elaborates on the shared characteristics of the new technosciences, especially their hybrid character and (...)
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    Ethical issues in tissue banking for research: The prospects and pitfalls of setting international standards.Karen J. Maschke & Thomas H. Murray - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (2):143-155.
    Bauer, Taub, and Parsi's review of an international sample of standards on informed consent, confidentiality, commercialization, and quality of research in tissue banking reveals that no clear national or international consensus exists for these issues. The authors' response to the lack of uniformity in the meaning, scope, and ethical significance of the policies they examined is to call for the creation of uniform ethical guidelines. This raises questions about whether harmonization should consist of voluntary international standards or international regulations that (...)
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    Consequences of the Now-or-Never bottleneck for signed versus spoken languages.Karen Emmorey - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  31. The Limits of Rationality.Karen Schweers Cook & Margaret Levi - 1992 - Ethics 102 (4):858-860.
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    “Always leading our men in service and sacrifice”:: Amy Jacques Garvey, feminist Black nationalist.Karen S. Adler - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):346-375.
    This article focuses on the most important woman in Garveyism: Amy Jacques Garvey, Marcus Garvey's second wife. Amy Jacques Garvey's true value in the Garvey movement has rarely been acknowledged; most authors and scholars have misleadingly depicted her as Marcus's “helpmate.” This article proposes that Amy Jacques Garvey was a key architect of Garveyism and a lifelong advocate of social justice in her own right. The author also examines the relationship among race, class, and gender as it pertains to Amy (...)
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    Winning the vote in the west: The political successes of the women's suffrage movements, 1866-1919.Karen E. Campbell & Holly J. Mccammon - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (1):55-82.
    When Congress passed the 19th Amendment in 1919 granting women voting rights, 13 western states had already adopted woman suffrage. Only 2 states outside the West had done so. Using event history analysis, the authors investigate why woman suffrage came early to the western states. Alan Grimes's hypotheses, that native-born, western men were willing to give women the vote to remedy western social problems and to increase the number of women in the region, receive little support in our analysis. Rather, (...)
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    The fantasy of the global cabbage patch: Making sense of transnational adoption.Karen Dubinsky - 2008 - Feminist Theory 9 (3):339-345.
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    Aufbruch: ein Weg in die Philosophie.Karen Joisten - 2007 - Berlin: Parerga.
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    Paul Ricœurs Rückgang in den Glauben und der „Optativ des Wunsches“ in Gedächtnis, Geschichte, Vergessen.Karen Joisten - 2010 - In Burkhard Liebsch (ed.), Bezeugte Vergangenheit Oder Versöhnendes Vergessen: Geschichtstheorie Nach Paul Ricœur. Akademie Verlag. pp. 273-290.
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    § 3: Sich–Begegnen.Karen Joisten - 2003 - In Philosophie der Heimat - Heimat der Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 154-196.
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    Julian of Norwich, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and the Status of Suffering in Christian Theology.Karen E. Kilby - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1081):298-311.
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    ‘Vials, Ampoules and a Bucketful of Syringes’: The Experience of the Self-Administration of Hormonal Drugs in IVF.Karen Throsby - 2002 - Feminist Review 72 (1):62-77.
    During the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF), hormonal drugs are used to stimulate the woman's ovaries to produce multiple eggs. The injecting of the drugs is often performed by the women themselves outside of the clinical context, constituting a gendered burden of work that is rendered invisible by the dominant representations of treatment as undergone by couples and performed by doctors. Based on a series of interviews with women and couples who have undergone IVF unsuccessfully and who have ended (...)
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  40. 'The scholars formerly known as…': Bisexuality, queerness and identity politics.Jonathan Alexander & Karen Yescavage - 2009 - In Noreen Giffney & Michael O'Rourke (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Queer Theory. Ashgate.
  41.  60
    Per canales Troporum : On Tropes and Performativity in Leibniz's Preface to Nizolius.Karen S. Feldman - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (1):39-51.
    In this article I claim that Leibniz's 1670 preface to a sixteenth-century text on rhetoric by Marius Nizolius offers a historical perspective on the relationship between figurative language and performativity in philosophical discourse. To begin with, although Leibniz argues in the Preface to Nizolius against the use of rhetoric, eloquence, and specifically tropes in philosophical discourse, nevertheless his prescriptions for philosophical clarity implicate a "channel of tropes" in what could be described as a retroactive, performative assignation of proper usage. Moreover, (...)
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  42.  50
    Cases and goals for ethics education: Commentary on “connecting case-based ethics instruction with educational theory”.Karen Muskavitch - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (3):431-434.
  43.  39
    Fun Morality Reconsidered: Mothering and the Relational Contours of Maternal–Child Play in U.S. Working Family Life.Karen Gainer Sirota - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (4):388-405.
  44.  15
    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 10.Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Much of the most interesting work in philosophy today is metaphysical in character. Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is a forum for the best new work in this flourishing field. OSM offers a broad view of the subject, featuring not only the traditionally central topics such as existence, identity, modality, time, and causation, but also the rich clusters of metaphysical questions in neighbouring fields, such as philsophy of mind and philosophy of science. Besides independent essays, volumes will often contain a critical (...)
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  45.  49
    Morele globalisering.Karen Vintges - 2005 - Krisis 6 (4):28-31.
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    Vice in the.Karen Margrethe Nielsen - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Phronesis.
    _ Source: _Volume 62, Issue 1, pp 1 - 25 This paper aims to articulate Aristotle’s general account of vice, an account that applies to all special vices, regardless of their spheres of action and emotion, and whether they are states of excess or deficiency. Vice is ignorance in the decision : the paper explains what this means.
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    Unavoidable Inequalities.Karen Wendling - 1997 - Social Theory and Practice 23 (2):161-179.
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    Foucault and the politics of rights.Karen Zivi - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2):313-316.
  49.  34
    Binding words : conscience and rhetoric in Hobbes, Hegel, and Heidegger.Karen S. Feldman - 2006 - Northwestern University Press.
    The concept of binding force is at stake in this book on two different levels: there is an investigation of how, within the work of Hobbes, Hegel and Heidegger, conscience is described as binding upon us; and further, Feldman considers how ...
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  50.  29
    Functional Connectivity Disruption in Neonates with Prenatal Marijuana Exposure.Karen Grewen, Andrew P. Salzwedel & Wei Gao - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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