Results for 'Karsten Hank'

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  1.  19
    Parental gender preferences and reproductive behaviour: A review of the recent literature. [REVIEW]Karsten Hank - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (5):759-767.
  2.  13
    Health, Families, and Work in Later Life: A Review of Current Research and Perspectives. [REVIEW]Karsten Hank & Martina Brandt - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (2):303-320.
    There is a rapid growth in published knowledge about different aspects of age and aging. While this is highly welcome, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up even with the main insights provided by this literature. Our review thus aims to provide a compact overview of current social science research in three major domains of older people’s life: health, families, and work. Moreover, we briefly discuss some theoretical issues and introduce the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). (...)
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  3. Karsten Harries and Roger Scruton on Architecture and Philosophy.Karsten Harries, Roger Scruton & Christian Illies - 2018 - Architecture Philosophy 3 (1).
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  4. The SAGE Handbook of Theoretical Psychology. (Eds.) Hank Stam and Huib Looren de Jong.Hank Stam & Huib Looren De Jong (eds.) - forthcoming - Sage.
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    What is Bottom-Up and What is Top-Down in Predictive Coding?Karsten Rauss & Gilles Pourtois - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  6. Rediscovering Empathy: Agency, Folk Psychology, and the Human Sciences.Karsten R. Stueber - 2006 - Bradford.
    In this timely and wide-ranging study, Karsten Stueber argues that empathy is epistemically central for our folk-psychological understanding of other agents--that it is something we cannot do without in order to gain understanding of other minds. Setting his argument in the context of contemporary philosophy of mind and the interdisciplinary debate about the nature of our mindreading abilities, Stueber counters objections raised by some in the philosophy of social science and argues that it is time to rehabilitate the empathy (...)
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  7. Structured Propositions as Types.Peter W. Hanks - 2011 - Mind 120 (477):11-52.
    In this paper I defend an account of the nature of propositional content according to which the proposition expressed by a declarative sentence is a certain type of action a speaker performs in uttering that sentence. On this view, the semantic contents of proper names turn out to be types of reference acts. By carefully individuating these types, it is possible to provide new solutions to Frege’s puzzles about names in identity- and belief-sentences.
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    Failure to transfer or train a numerical discrimination using sequential visual stimuli in rats.Hank Davis & Melody Albert - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (6):472-474.
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    Numerical competence in animals: Definitional issues, current evidence, and a new research agenda.Hank Davis & Rachelle Pérusse - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):561-579.
  10.  35
    Nonmonotonic logic and temporal projection.Steve Hanks & Drew McDermott - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (3):379-412.
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    Propositional Content.Peter Hanks - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Hanks defends a new theory about the nature of propositional content, according to which the basic bearers of representational properties are particular mental or spoken actions. He explains the unity of propositions and provides new solutions to a long list of puzzles and problems in philosophy of language.
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    Simultaneous numerical discriminations by rats.Hank Davis & Sheree Anne Bradford - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):113-116.
  13.  22
    Reinforcement of leverholding by avoidance of shock.Hank Davis & Jo-Ann Burton - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (1):61-64.
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  14. What is the difference between (moderate) egalitarianism and prioritarianism?Karsten Klint Jensen - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (1):89-109.
    It is common to define egalitarianism in terms of an inequality ordering, which is supposed to have some weight in overall evaluations of outcomes. Egalitarianism, thus defined, implies that levelling down makes the outcome better in respect of reducing inequality; however, the levelling down objection claims there can be nothing good about levelling down. The priority view, on the other hand, does not have this implication. This paper challenges the common view. The standard definition of egalitarianism implicitly assumes a context. (...)
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  15. Empathy.Karsten Stueber - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Despite its linguistic roots in ancient Greek, the concept of empathy is of recent intellectual heritage. Yet its history has been varied and colorful, a fact that is also mirrored in the multiplicity of definitions associated with the empathy concept in a number of different scientific and non-scientific discourses. In its philosophical heyday at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, empathy had been hailed as the primary means for gaining knowledge of other minds and as the method (...)
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    Dynamic charge-transfer bond-order potential for gallium nitride.Karsten Albe, J. Nord & K. Nordlund - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36):3477-3497.
  17. Differenzierung und Einheitsbildung in der Landschaftsforschung.Karsten Berr - 2018 - In Transdisziplinäre Landschaftsforschung: Grundlagen und Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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    Transdisziplinäre Landschaftsforschung: Grundlagen und Perspektiven.Karsten Berr (ed.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Der demographische Wandel, die Veränderung von Akteurskonstellationen und Besitzverhältnissen, Suburbanisierungsprozesse, die Energiewende sowie neue private und öffentliche Nutzungsansprüche an Raum und Landschaft schaffen neue kulturelle, soziale, ökonomische, ökologische und politische Herausforderungen. Architektonische und planerische Disziplinen sind daher zur Zusammenarbeit aufgerufen, um die Herausforderungen der Zukunft bei der nachhaltigen Gestaltung, Nutzung und Schonung einer weiterhin bewohnbaren Welt annehmen, begleiten und mitsteuern zu können. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen daher der Frage nach, ob und wie das wissenschaftstheoretische Konzept der Transdisziplinarität so genutzt (...)
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    What Awakens a Sleepwalker? Advice I Would like from Langdon Winner.Hank Bromley - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):374-379.
    The conference where this article was originally presented solicited recommendations for the “right questions” to ask regarding education and technology. The author of this article suggests that we already know what the right questions are for illuminating technology and its social meaning. What the author wants to know is why those questions in fact are not being asked more widely—why is widespread disinclination to enter explicit deliberation on the proper place of technology so resilient? Langdon Winner uses the term “technological (...)
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  20.  18
    Zajedničko čulo i pravda: Politička transformacija estetičke moći suđenja od strane Hane Ardent.Hanke Brunkhorst - 1991 - Theoria 34 (3-4):7-18.
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  21.  42
    Is there a comparative psychology of implicit mathematical knowledge?Hank Davis - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):250-250.
    Geary suggests that implicit mathematical principles exist across human cultures and transcend sex differences. Is such knowledge present in animals as well, and is it sufficient to account for performance in all species, including our own? I attempt to trace the implications of Gearys target article for comparative psychology, questioning the exclusion of “subitizing” in describing human mathematical performance, and asking whether human researchers function as cultural agents with animals, elevating their implicit knowledge to secondary domains of numerical performance.
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    Too early for a neuropsychology of empathy.Hank Davis - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):32-33.
    To date, a wide range of interdisciplinary scholarship has done little to clarify either the why or the how of empathy. Preston & de Waal attempt to remedy this, although it remains unclear whether empathy consists of two discrete processes, or whether a perceptual and motor component are joined in some sort of behavioral inevitability. Although it is appealing to offer a neuroanatomy of empathy, the present level of neuropsychology may not support such reductionism.
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    Von Schildkröten und Lügnern: Paradoxien und Antinomien in den Wissenschaften.Karsten Engel (ed.) - 2018 - Münster: Mentis.
  24.  12
    4. Rationalisierung des Tabu: Max Webers soziologische Wendung zivilisationstheoretischer Kulturkritik.Karsten Fischer - 1999 - In "Verwilderte Selbsterhaltung": Zivilisationstheoretische Kulturkritik Bei Nietzsche, Freud, Weber Und Adorno. Akademie Verlag. pp. 74-100.
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    Sozialphilosophie ohne Gesellschaft.Karsten Fischer - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (3):482-486.
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  26. Cosme de Lerma on Logical Consequence.Miroslav Hanke - 2024 - Studia Neoaristotelica 21 (2):127-163.
    The seventeenth-century Spanish Dominican Cosme de Lerma authored numerous philosophical works, some ofwhich were posthumously reorganised into a Cursus philosophicus, intended as an arts course for the Dominican studia in Italy. Lerma’s philosophical project consisted in developing the doctrines proposed a century earlier by his fellow Dominican friar Domingo de Soto. Through analysing Lerma’s Compendium and Disputationes based on Soto’s Summulae and Lerma’s Commentaries on Aristotle’s Logic, this paper explores three issues: first, Lerma’s axiomatic theory of inference, including the development (...)
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  27. The Unity of the Proposition.Peter Hanks - 2002 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    In 1910 Bertrand Russell abandoned the theory of propositions that he advocated in 1903 in The Principles of Mathematics because of the problem of the unity of the proposition. This is the problem of explaining how the constituents of a proposition are bound together into a unified, representational whole. This problem has largely been ignored by contemporary advocates of Russellian propositions. I argue that this problem is the result of the Fregean distinction between content and force, the arguments for the (...)
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  28. In a Strange Land: An Exploration of Nihilism.Karsten Harries - 1962 - Dissertation, Yale University
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    The Many Uses of Metaphor.Karsten Harries - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):167-174.
    Even when we confine ourselves to poetry, we have to agree with Ortega y Gasset's observation that "the instrument of metaphoric expression can be used for many diverse purposes." It can be used to embellish or ennoble things or persons—Campion's poem offers a good example. Such embellishment need not involve semantic innovation. Metaphors can also function as weapons turned against reality. There are metaphors that negate the referential function of language so successfully that talk about truth or, for that matter, (...)
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  30.  31
    The eternal flower of the child: The recognition of childhood in Zeami’s educational theory of Noh theatre.Karsten Kenklies - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (12):1227-1236.
    European theorists of childhood still tend to locate the first positive acknowledgements of childhood as a human developmental period in its own positive right between the 16th and 18th century in Europe. Even though the findings of Ariès have been constantly challenged, it still remains a commonplace, especially within the history of education, to refer to Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the 18th century as one of the earliest and most prominent conceptualisers of childhood as a positive period that must not be (...)
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    “Nothing New Under the Sun”: Postsentimental Conflict in Harriet E. Wilson's Our Nig.Karsten H. Piep - 2006 - Colloquy 11:178.
    The content of a work of literature, Walter Benjamin reminds us in “The Author as Producer,” is inextricably bound up with its form. Hence, it is hardly astounding that much critical attention has been focused on the proper generic classification of Harriet E. Wilson’s Our Nig . This task, though, has not been easy. Henry Louis Gates, rediscoverer and earliest critic of Our Nig, for example, goes to great length discussing parallels between Wilson’s work and Nina Baym’s ‘overplot’ of the (...)
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  32.  21
    Posts from the Pandemic: An Introduction.Hank Scotch - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S1-S3.
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  33. Letter to Iris Young.Karsten J. Struhl - 2009 - In Ann Ferguson & Mechtild Nagel (eds.), Dancing with Iris: The Philosophy of Iris Marion Young. New York: Oup Usa.
  34.  24
    Commentary: Cluster failure: Why fMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates.Karsten Mueller, Jöran Lepsien, Harald E. Möller & Gabriele Lohmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Freedom as critique: Foucault beyond anarchism.Karsten Schubert - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (5):634-660.
    Foucault’s theory of power and subjectification challenges common concepts of freedom in social philosophy and expands them through the concept of ‘freedom as critique’: Freedom can be defined as the capability to critically reflect upon one’s own subjectification, and the conditions of possibility for this critical capacity lie in political and social institutions. The article develops this concept through a critical discussion of the standard response by Foucault interpreters to the standard objection that Foucault’s thinking obscures freedom. The standard response (...)
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  36. How Wittgenstein Defeated Russell’s Multiple Relation Theory of Judgment.Peter W. Hanks - 2007 - Synthese 154 (1):121 - 146.
    In 1913 Wittgenstein raised an objection to Russell’s multiple relation theory of judgment that eventually led Russell to abandon his theory. As he put it in the Tractatus, the objection was that “the correct explanation of the form of the proposition, ‘A makes the judgement p’, must show that it is impossible for a judgement to be a piece of nonsense. (Russell’s theory does not satisfy this requirement,” (5.5422). This objection has been widely interpreted to concern type restrictions on the (...)
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  37. Millian superiorities and the repugnant conclusion.Karsten Klint Jensen - 2008 - Utilitas 20 (3):279-300.
    James Griffin has considered a form of superiority in value that is weaker than lexical priority as a possible remedy to the Repugnant Conclusion. In this article, I demonstrate that, in a context where value is additive, this weaker form collapses into the stronger form of superiority. And in a context where value is non-additive, weak superiority does not amount to a radical value difference at all. These results are applied on one of Larry Temkin's cases against transitivity. I demonstrate (...)
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  38.  21
    Dōgen's Time and the Flow of Otiosity—Exiting the Educational Rat Race.Karsten Kenklies - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (3):617-630.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  39. The Content–Force Distinction.Peter W. Hanks - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 134 (2):141-164.
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    Kant's Categorical Imperative and the Moral Worth of Increasing Profits.Karsten M. Thiel - 2013 - In Christopher Luetege (ed.), Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics. Springer. pp. 339--354.
  41.  34
    Moving arms: the effects of sensorimotor information on the problem-solving process.Karsten Werner, Markus Raab & Martin H. Fischer - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (2):171-191.
    Embodied cognition postulates a bi-directional link between the human body and its cognitive functions. Whether this holds for higher cognitive functions such as problem solving is unknown. We predicted that arm movement manipulations performed by the participants could affect the problem-solving solutions. We tested this prediction in quantitative reasoning tasks that allowed two solutions to each problem. In two studies with healthy adults, we found an effect of problem-congruent movements on problem solutions. Consistent with embodied cognition, sensorimotor information gained via (...)
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  42.  60
    On the Way to Language.Karsten Harries, Martin Heidegger & Peter D. Hertz - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (3):387.
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  43.  41
    Deduction by children and animals: Does it follow the Johnson-Laird & Byrne model?Hank Davis - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):344-344.
  44.  40
    Observing responses and the limits of animal learning theory.Hank Davis - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):706.
  45. Waarom moeten we bang zijn voor kitsch?Karsten Harries - 2007 - Nexus 47.
    In deze beschouwing ordent Karsten Harries zijn gedachten over het fenomeen ‘kitsch’. Hij gaat daarbij uit van de vraag of kitsch eigenlijk wel zo afkeurenswaardig is. Of hoort ze bij de menselijke natuur en haar hang naar romantiek en nostalgie? We kwalificeren iets als kitsch als we denken dat het voortkomt uit onoprechtheid en getuigt van slechte smaak. Maar is de nostalgie, het dromerige of stichtelijke van kitsch niet beter dan postmoderne ironie of moedeloosheid? Daar staat tegenover dat kitsch (...)
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    Digital Medicine, Cybersecurity, and Ethics: An Uneasy Relationship.Karsten Weber, Michele Loi, Markus Christen & Nadine Kleine - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (9):52-53.
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  47. 2. reasons, generalizations, empathy, and narratives: The epistemic structure of action explanation.Karsten R. Stueber - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (1):31–43.
    It has become something of a consensus among philosophers of history that historians, in contrast to natural scientists, explain in a narrative fashion. Unfortunately, philosophers of history have not said much about how it is that narratives have explanatory power. they do, however, maintain that a narrative’s explanatory power is sui generis and independent of our empathetic or reenactive capacities and of our knowledge of law-like generalizations. In this article I will show that this consensus is mistaken at least in (...)
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  48. A dilemma about necessity.Peter W. Hanks - 2008 - Erkenntnis 68 (1):129 - 148.
    The problem of the source of necessity is the problem of explaining what makes necessary truths necessarily true. Simon Blackburn has presented a dilemma intended to show that any reductive, realist account of the source of necessity is bound to fail. Although Blackburn's dilemma faces serious problems, reflection on the form of explanations of necessities reveals that a revised dilemma succeeds in defeating any reductive account of the source of necessity. The lesson is that necessity is metaphysically primitive and irreducible.
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    No (more) philosophy without cross-cultural philosophy.Karsten J. Struhl - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (4):287-295.
    Philosophy is a radical inquiry whose task is to interrogate the fundamental assumptions of some given activity, discipline, or set of beliefs. In doing so, philosophical inquiry must attempt to delineate a problem and to develop a method for resolving that problem. However, to be true to its intention, philosophy must be able to examine not only the object of its inquiry but also its own method of interrogation. To accomplish this task, philosophical inquiry must be able to create a (...)
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  50. Deep Brain Stimulation and the Search for Identity.Karsten Witt, Jens Kuhn, Lars Timmermann, Mateusz Zurowski & Christiane Woopen - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):499-511.
    Ethical evaluation of deep brain stimulation as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease is complicated by results that can be described as involving changes in the patient’s identity. The risk of becoming another person following surgery is alarming for patients, caregivers and clinicians alike. It is one of the most urgent conceptual and ethical problems facing deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease at this time. In our paper we take issue with this problem on two accounts. First, we elucidate what is (...)
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