Results for 'Kata praxis'

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  1.  45
    Natur bei Zeami: „Von selbst“ als Vollzugsqualität leibgeistiger Praxis (行 gyō).Leon Krings - 2024 - In Ryosuke Ohashi (ed.), Die „Natur“ in Buddhismus und Christentum. Tokyo: pp. 125-144.
    Zeami Motokiyo 世阿弥 元清 (1363–1443) gilt als Schöpfer des klassischen Nō-Theaters und war nicht nur ein herausragender Darsteller, sondern auch Autor vieler Stücke, die noch heute aufgeführt werden. Neben diesen Stücken hat Zeami aber auch theoretische Traktate zur Übungspraxis des Nō-Theaters verfasst, die über viele Jahrhunderte hinweg geheim überliefert wurden und als Anweisungen für seine Nachfolger gedacht waren. In diesen Traktaten reflektiert Zeami auf seine Kunst und stellt sie als einen Übungsweg nach buddhistischem Vorbild dar, als eine ästhetische, aber auch (...)
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    Kondisi Ideologis dan Derajat Keteramalan.J. Haryatmoko - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (2):153.
    Abstrak: Analisa Wacana Kritis (AWK - Critical Discourse Analysis) dewasa ini menjadi metodologi yang banyak dipakai untuk penelitian di bidang media dan masalah-masalah sosial, budaya dan politik, terutama untuk membongkar bentuk-bentuk dominasi, ketidakadilan, diskriminasi atau ketidakbebasan. Wacana sebagai praksis sosial mencerminkan kehidupan masyarakat yang diwarnai retorika, manipulasi dan penyesatan. Karena itu, AWK mau menganalisis praksis wacana yang mengonstruksi masalah ketidakberesan sosial tersebut dan meneliti bagaimana ideologi dibekukan dalam bahasa agar akhirnya bisa mencairkannya. Menurut penulis, AWK mengandung tiga kelemahan epistemologis yang (...)
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    Membaca Materialitas Ilmu Berdasarkan Filsafat Teknologi Don Ihde.Budi Hartanto - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (2):193-221.
    Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas relevansi teknologi dalam diskursus filsafat ilmu. Saya merujuk pada fenomenologi instrumentasi Don Ihde yang berfokus pada pemikiran tentang intensionalitas instrumental. Instrumen bersifat non-netral yang menentukan bagaimana kita menggapai pengetahuan. Menurut Ihde, ilmu menubuh dengan teknologi. Ia berargumen filsafat ilmu mesti mempertimbangkan pentingnya praksis dan instrumentasi alih-alih teoritisasi. Selain itu akan dibahas problem persepsi dalam ilmu dengan berpijak pada pemikiran Ihde tentang hermeneutika material. Dengan hermeneutika ini, kita menyadari bahwa materialitas ilmu bersifat reduktif terhadap kompleksitas dunia inderawi (...)
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    Synergistic Disparities and Public Health Mitigation of COVID-19 in the Rural United States.Kata L. Chillag & Lisa M. Lee - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):649-656.
    Public health emergencies expose social injustice and health disparities, resulting in calls to address their structural causes once the acute crisis has passed. The COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting and exacerbating global, national, and regional disparities in relation to the benefits and burdens of undertaking critical basic public health mitigation measures such as physical distancing. In the United States, attempts to address the COVID-19 pandemic are complicated by striking racial, economic, and geographic inequities. These synergistic inequities exist in both urban and (...)
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    Formants Portrayed in the Turkish Cypriot Press November 15 Ceremonies.Münevver Kata - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1709-1717.
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    Heidegger in the Islamicate World.Kata Moser, Urs Gösken & Josh Hayes (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume offers insights into a unique philosophical landscape and enriches current Heidegger studies by offering fresh perspectives on his philosophy that are based on the traditions of Arabic and Persian Islamic philosophy.
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    Knowledge and Will: An Explorative Study on the Implementation of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Sweden.Kata Nylén, Martin Karlberg, Nina Klang & Terje Ogden - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    School-wide positive behavior support is a well-evaluated school approach to promoting a positive school climate and decreasing problem behaviors. Initial implementation is one of the most critical stages of program implementation. In this qualitative study, the initial implementation of SWPBIS in Swedish schools was studied using an implementation model of behavior change as guidance for interviews and analyses. The study makes significant contributions to previous research as little is known of the implementation of SWPBIS in Swedish context. Focus-group interviews were (...)
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    Intersubjectivity and Embodiment in the Field of Psychotherapy.Kata Dóra Kiss - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:141-152.
    Intersubjectivity is one of the most important concepts of the phenomenological school of thought. The approach assumes that our being in the world is based on relations with Others. The idea has a central role not only in the philosophy of perception but in psy-sciences as well. Mostly all branches of psychology agree that the self is constituted by its relations. However, there is much less consensus on how decisive these relations are. Therefore, the question of intersubjectivity has become the (...)
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    The Fallacy of the “Gift of Life”.Laura A. Siminoff & Kata Chillag - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (6):34-41.
    In the dominant metaphor for organ transplantation, the organ is the ultimate gift, the dying donor's life‐giving bequest, conveyed and made possible by a heroic transplant team. The metaphor encourages donation and enforces recipients’ compliance with post‐transplant treatment. It is also inaccurate and sometimes deeply damaging for the recipient.
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    Perceiving structure in unstructured stimuli: Implicitly acquired prior knowledge impacts the processing of unpredictable transitional probabilities.Andrea Kóbor, Kata Horváth, Zsófia Kardos, Dezso Nemeth & Karolina Janacsek - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104413.
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    Conditions of Global Health Crisis Decision-Making—An Ethical Analysis.Elizabeth Fenton & Kata Chillag - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (3):395-402.
    The circumstances of a public health emergency shape reasoning and decision-making in ways that deviate from routine circumstances, where adherence to established values, principles, and methodologies is expected. Understanding what drives these deviations is critical to assessing their ethical consequences. In this paper we describe four conditions that influence decision-making during PHEs, in particular regarding the deployment and conduct of research on experimental or novel biomedical interventions. These four conditions are politicization, urgency, uncertainty, and fear. We argue that taken together (...)
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    Ethics Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies: Recommendations From the Presidential Bioethics Commission.Elizabeth Fenton, Kata Chillag & Nelson L. Michael - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):77-79.
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  13.  12
    Bridging formal and conceptual semantics: selected papers of BRIDGE-14.Kata Balogh & Wiebke Petersen (eds.) - 2017 - Düsseldorf: DUP.
    The articles in this volume are the outcome of the successful BRIDGE Workshop held in Düsseldorf in 2014. The workshop gathered a number of distinguished researchers from formal semantics and conceptual semantics and aimed to initiate a deeper conversation and collaboration instead of separating the two sides as competing views. The workshop provided a platform to further discuss parallelisms on specific semantic issues on the one hand and on the other hand to confront opposed claims from the two different perspectives. (...)
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  14.  21
    We want to help: ethical challenges of medical migration and brain waste during a pandemic.Elizabeth Fenton & Kata Chillag - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):607-610.
    Health worker shortages in many countries are reaching crisis levels, exacerbated by factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In New Zealand, the medical specialists union has called for a health workforce emergency to be declared, yet at the same time, many foreign-trained healthcare workers are unable to stay in the country or unable to work. While their health systems differ, countries such as New Zealand, the USA and the UK at least partially rely on international medical graduates (IMGs) to ensure (...)
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    Deconstructing Procedural Memory: Different Learning Trajectories and Consolidation of Sequence and Statistical Learning.Peter Simor, Zsofia Zavecz, Kata Horváth, Noémi Éltető, Csenge Török, Orsolya Pesthy, Ferenc Gombos, Karolina Janacsek & Dezso Nemeth - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    El origen de la separación entre platonismo medio y neoplatonismo. Leo Catana.Praxis Filosófica - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 47:237-274.
    La separación del platonismo antiguo en platonismo medio y neoplatonismo es relativamente reciente. La base conceptual de esta separación fue cimentada en el trabajo pionero Historia critica philosophiae (1742-67) de Jacob Brucker. En las décadas de 1770 y 1780, el término “neoplatonismo” fue acuñado a partir del análisis de Brucker. Tres conceptos historiográficos fueron decisivos para Brucker: “sistema de filosofía”, “eclecticismo” y “sincretismo”. Valiéndose de estos conceptos, caracterizó al platonismo medio y al neoplatonismo como movimientos filosóficos opuestos, siendo el primero (...)
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  17. Časopis ústavu filozofie a sociológie slovenskej akadémie vied rocnlk 39, 1984, cislo 2.K. Problematike Výchovy Filozofického Dorastu & A. Jeho Využitia V. Praxi - 1984 - Filozofia 39 (2):128.
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    “I can’t breathe”: Praxis, parrhesia and the current historical moment.Adam Davidson-Harden - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1311-1315.
    As educators, writers and public intellectuals, many of us share a sense of responsibility for reflecting on the worlds in which we live, with a view to transforming them for the common good, towar...
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    El psicoanálisis frente a la actualidad. Algunas puntualizaciones acerca de los principios que orientan una praxis.Jorge Pablo Assef - 2010 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 1.
    El psicoanálisis frente a la actualidad. Algunas puntualizaciones acerca de los principios que orientan una praxis.
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    Religion and ecological justice in Africa: Engaging ‘value for community’ as praxis for ecological and socio-economic justice.Obaji M. Agbiji - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-10.
    This article embarked on a critical evaluation of religious leadership and ecological consciousness in Africa, using the case of the Nigerian Christian religious community. The article argued that the concept of ecological justice lacks strong theological conceptualisation in the Nigerian ecclesiastical community. Therefore, Ime Okopido’s argument in favour of stewardship for the involvement of religious leadership in the pursuit of ecological and socioeconomic justice served as the starting point for this engagement. However, such engagement of the religious leadership and of (...)
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  21.  7
    Kunst als praxis.Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov - 2015 - In Daniel Martin Feige & Judith Siegmund (eds.), Kunst Und Handlung: Ästhetische Und Handlungstheoretische Perspektiven. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 17-52.
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    Involuntary Commitment as “Carceral-Health Service”: From Healthcare-to-Prison Pipeline to a Public Health Abolition Praxis.Rafik Wahbi & Leo Beletsky - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):23-30.
    Involuntary commitment links the healthcare, public health, and legislative systems to act as a “carceral health-service.” While masquerading as more humane and medicalized, such coercive modalities nevertheless further reinforce the systems, structures, practices, and policies of structural oppression and white supremacy. We argue that due to involuntary commitment’s inextricable connection to the carceral system, and a longer history of violent social control, this legal framework cannot and must not be held out as a viable alternative to the criminal legal system (...)
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    Praktische Vernunft Und Vernünftigkeit der Praxis: Handlungstheorie Bei Thomas von Aquin in Ihrer Entstehung Aus Dem Problemkontext der Aristotelischen Ethik.Martin Rhonheimer - 1994 - Akademie Verlag.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Praktische Vernunft und Vernünftigkeit der Praxis" verfügbar.
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    Hē theologikē gnōsiologia tēs Orthodoxēs Anatolēs: gnōsē tou Theou kai gnōsē tou kosmou kata to Geōrgio Pachymerē.Chrēstos Ath Terezēs - 1993 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Grēgorē.
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  25. Hē epistēmē tou veltistou kata Sōkratēn.Platōn B. Stamatiadēs - 1957
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    Die Intention des Dichters und die Zwecke der Interpreten: zu Theorie und Praxis der Dichterauslegung in den platonischen Dialogen.Hartmut Westermann - 2002 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Main description: Untersucht wird das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen einer Theorie der Interpretation, wie sie von den Dialogfiguren vorgetragen wird, und der Praxis der Dichterauslegung, die in den fingierten Gesprächen von Platon inszeniert wird. Methodisch einer historisch reflektierten Hermeneutik des Dialogs verpflichtet, gewinnt die Analyse neue Einsichten zu Platons literarischem und philosophischem Selbstverständnis.
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    A theology of alterity: Levinas, Von Balthasar, and Trinitarian praxis.Glenn Morrison - 2013 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.
    Strives to radically utilize Emmanuel Levinas's philosophical framework, bringing it into conversation with the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, to construct a post-ontotheological account of theology that unites theory and praxis. By allowing Levinas's Judaism to challenge von Balthasar's Catholicism, Glenn Morrison develops a perspective that is both theologically rich and philosophically provocative"--Provided by publisher.
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    A Brief Introduction to a Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis by Thomas A. Regelski (review).Roger Mantie - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (2):213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Brief Introduction to a Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis by Thomas A. RegelskiRoger MantieThomas A. Regelski, A Brief Introduction to a Philosophy of Music and Music Education as Social Praxis (New York: Routledge, 2016)ANSWERS WITHOUT QUESTIONSThomas Regelski has earned a place as a major figure in music education, if for no other reason than his role as co-convener of the MayDay (...)
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    Cerebral faith and faith in praxis in the churches of European origin: The Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa.Graham A. Duncan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):11.
    This article investigated the paradox between church response to apartheid and resulting action at the local level in the South African churches of European origin from the perspective of the Presbyterian Church of South(ern) Africa (PCSA). It indicated that this discrepancy arose between the reflections (cerebral faith) at the highest levels of church councils, which operated in an intermittent manner and at a distance, compared with the responses (praxis as faith in action) of local church members who lived at (...)
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    Motivational Melancholia: Nathalie Etoke’s Rethinking of Subjective Agential Praxis.Samantha Kostmayer - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):266-269.
    This review seeks to evaluate and navigate the theoretical terrain in which author Nathalie Etoke engages new modes of reflection on old problems of anti-black violence and erasure. Melancholia Africana: The Indispensable Overcoming of the Black Condition is a fairly short and accessible text devoted to rethinking paradigms of subjectivity in ways that animate our individual and collective responsibility. She offers theoretical but practical interventions invigorated by the indisputable vitality of Black arts, particularly music and literature. She deftly combines rigorous (...)
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    The Fading Boundaries of Analysis and Speculation in the Vivekacūḍāmaṇi: An Argument Recognising Advaita as a Philosophy in Praxis.Walter Menezes - 2019 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 (3):447-467.
    The recent scholarship on Advaita testifies that the epistemology of Advaita Vedānta is of a special sort that warrants a philosophical process of analysis and speculation in its quest for ultimate knowledge. The aim of this paper is to make a case in favour of Advaita as a philosophy than a theological enterprise and address the philosophical process required to reach the zenith of Advaita Philosophy. This would in turn give Advaita its own identity as a perennial philosophy in (...) than to hide its uniqueness under the garb of a religion or philosophy by any other standards. The first part of this paper attempts to clarify the notion of philosophy and religion and their mutual interdependence in the system of Advaita. The second part of the paper discusses the significance of language, culture, and religion, and their subsequent sublation (tūlāvidyā) as a useful tool in enabling a state of mind unfettered from hallucinations and superimpositions that is essential for undertaking uninterrupted meditative reflections. The third part of the paper refutes any suggestion that Advaita is a religious enterprise by highlighting its philosophical significance through its analytic-deductive model as an essential contribution for attaining self-realisation. The fourth part of the paper refutes the suggestion that Advaita is merely an analytical philosophy and points out the importance of speculative element in the advanced state as a necessary substitute for analysis. The fifth part of this paper, as the conclusion, argues that though the initial path of enquiry in Advaita is somewhat loaded with religio-cultural connotations and symbols, in the later phase it is transcended and overwhelmingly identified with the methods of analysis and speculation. To sum up, the philosophical significance of Advaita significantly gains prominence than its religious counterpart, namely theology. (shrink)
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  32. Hē symvolē tōn Hellēnōn eis tēn philosophian kata ton 18on aiōna kai mechri tou etous 1830.Antōnios N. Charokopos - 1982 - Athēnai: [A.N. Charokopos].
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    Medien der Anschauung: Theorie und Praxis der Metapher.Anil K. Jain - 2002 - München: Edition Fatal.
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    The Kata Kolok Pointing System: Morphemization and Syntactic Integration.Connie de Vos - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (1):150-168.
    Signed utterances are densely packed with pointing signs, reaching a frequency of one in six signs in spontaneous conversations (de Vos, 2012; Johnston, 2013a; Morford & MacFarlane, 2003). These pointing signs attain a wide range of functions and are formally highly diversified. Based on corpus analysis of spontaneous pointing signs in Kata Kolok, a rural signing variety of Bali, this paper argues that the full meaning potentials of pointing signs come about through the integration of a varied set of (...)
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  35. Knowledge theory and praxis: on the Anglo-French debate on reproduction.Daniel Frandji & Philippe Vitale - 2011 - In Gabrielle Ivinson, Brian Davies & John Fitz (eds.), Knowledge and identity: concepts and applications in Bernstein's sociology. New York: Routledge. pp. 54--66.
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    Ethics and the autonomy of philosophy: breaking ties with traditional Christian praxis and theory.Bernard James Walker - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    In Ethics and the Autonomy of Philosophy, Bernard Walker sets out with two objectives. First, Walker argues that ethics is autonomous as a discipline. Oftentimes ethics books, from a Christian perspective, lean toward grounding ethics in theology or in biblical proof texting. Walker departs from this tradition. Ethics grounded in theology entails a limited scope for those doing ethics in that the Christian God must be assumed for both Christian and non-Christian when at the table of ethical dialogue. For the (...)
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    Der pädagogische Impuls Rudolf Steiners: Theorie u. Praxis d. Waldorfpädagogik.Gerhard Wehr - 1977 - München: Kindler.
  38.  4
    Normativität und soziale Praxis: gesellschaftspolitische und historische Beiträge.Angelika Klampfl & Margareth Lanzinger (eds.) - 2006 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Aufklärung der Praxis. Kantischer Konstruktivismus in der Ethik.Heiner F. Klemme - 2009 - In Heiner Klemme (ed.), Kant Und Die Zukunft der Europäischen Aufklärungkant and the Future of the European Enlightenment. Walter de Gruyter.
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  40. Towards a Covenant of Praxis and Teory (A Closing Address).Wiesław Klimczak - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (9-10):59-62.
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    Filmmusik in Theorie und Praxis.Anselm C. Kreuzer - 2009 - Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    The Kata Kolok Pointing System: Morphemization and Syntactic Integration.Connie Vos - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (1):150-168.
    Signed utterances are densely packed with pointing signs, reaching a frequency of one in six signs in spontaneous conversations . These pointing signs attain a wide range of functions and are formally highly diversified. Based on corpus analysis of spontaneous pointing signs in Kata Kolok, a rural signing variety of Bali, this paper argues that the full meaning potentials of pointing signs come about through the integration of a varied set of linguistic and extralinguistic cues. Taking this hybrid nature (...)
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    A critique of Bernstein’s beyond objectivism and relativism: science, hermeneutics, and praxis[REVIEW]Jonathan Matusitz & Eric Kramer - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (4):291-303.
    This analysis comments on Bernstein’s lack of clear understanding of subjectivity, based on his book, Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis. Bernstein limits his interpretation of subjectivity to thinkers such as Gadamer and Habermas. The authors analyze the ideas of classic scholars such as Edmund Husserl and Friedrich Nietzsche. Husserl put forward his notion of transcendental subjectivity and phenomenological ramifications of the relationship between subjectivity and objectivity. Nietzsche referred to subjectivity as perspectivism, the inescapable fact that any (...)
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    Ralf Stoecker: Theorie und Praxis der Menschenwürde: Mentis 2019, ISBN: 978-3-95743-144-8, 343 Seiten, 64,49 €. [REVIEW]Simon Wimmer, Andreas Nutz, Ole Nekarda, Max Melcher, Jonas Ludwig, Jonathan Assmus & Marie Amelung - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 2 (2):375-379.
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    Antičkata filosofija i zapadnoto novovekovie.Vitomir Mitevski - 2014 - Skopje: Matica makedonska.
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  46. Ti Kata tinoσ. Eine untersuchung zur struktur und ursprung aristotelischer grundbegriffe.Ernst Tugendhat - 1958 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153:286-289.
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    Interpretaciones fenomenológicas del kata syntheken del logos de Aristóteles.José Manuel Chillón - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (1):185-201.
    El artículo analiza los rendimientos filosóficos del hecho de que el significado sea _por convención_ en Aristóteles. En el _kata syntheken_ quizá podrían resultar amalgamadas algunas de las apreciaciones que Heidegger entiende por facticidad. La facticidad a la que la filosofía no puede por menos de atender y que el de Messkirch vio ya anticipada por Aristóteles no sólo en su filosofía práctica sino también en cómo el Estagirita asumió el papel capital de la comunidad política en la determinación de (...)
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    Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization,” Philosophy of Music Education, 26, no. 2 (2018): 176–98. [REVIEW]Patrick K. Freer - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Graham McPhail, “Too Much Noise in the Classroom? Towards a Praxis of Conceptualization,” Philosophy of Music Education, 26, No. 2 (2018): 176–98.Patrick K. Freer“Are you all right, Sir?” asked the head trainer. I was on the treadmill at the gym, reading Graham McPhail’s “Too Much Noise in the Classroom?”1 as I worked up a sweat. Apparently I got so engaged by McPhail’s writing that my heart (...)
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    Praxis relevance in science.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Foundations of Science 12 (2):139-154.
    Science is praxis relevant to the extent that it guides goal-directed action by telling us how to act in order to achieve the goals. Investigations aiming at high praxis relevance are performed in various disciplines under names such as clinical trials, evaluation research, intervention research and social experiments. In this contribution, the notion of (direct) praxis relevance is delineated, and it is distinguished from related properties of science such as those of being applied and being practically useful (...)
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    Analitičkata filozofija i "duh-telo" interakcijata.Vladimir Davčev - 2010 - Skopje: Az-buki.
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