Results for 'Katarina Ribeiro Peixoto'

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    In this study, I intend to show how and why, in the Port-Royal Logic, a singular term can reveal the nature of the logical judgment in the handbook. As I argue, the treatment given to one of thee singular terms, namely, the defined descriptions, in the terminology introduced by Russell, leads to an opening to langage that sounds unexpected and unjustified. Considering the privilege of thinking over langage and also that judgment is the mental act that defines logic, however, we (...)
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  2. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences.Katarina Peixoto (ed.) - forthcoming
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  3. Logic in Early Modern Thought.Katarina Peixoto & Edgar da Rocha Marques - 2020 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences,.
    Logical reflection in early modern philosophy (EMP) is marked by the instability of the period, although it is more lasting (the Port-Royal Logic was nevertheless used as a handbook in philosophy courses until the end of the nineteenth century). It started in the sixteenth century and ended in the nineteenth century, a period of 300 years during which there were deep transformations in the conceptions of authority and scientific method. For the history of twentieth-century philosophy, it was the period of (...)
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  4. Natureza e liberdade em Úrsula (1859), de Maria Firmina dos Reis: o uso dos nomes próprios como expediente narrativo para uma historicidade.Katarina Peixoto - 2024 - In Nastassja Pugliese, Gisele D. Secco & Bernardo Oliveira (eds.), Vozes Mulheres na História da Filosofia. pp. PP190-206.
    O uso dos nomes próprios sem nenhum outro indexador externo aos seus portadores expressa uma escolha narrativa em Úrsula (1859), romance de Maria Firmina dos Reis (1822-1917). Esse uso permite introduzir uma concepção de maternidade como condição para historicidade em contexto patriarcal e escravocrata. A autora não assina a novela, senão sob a descrição indefinida de “uma maranhense”, e, como pretendo demonstrar, essa indefinição é consistente com a vindicação da universalidade na narrativa, em que a autoria de uma história não (...)
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  5. Elisabeth da Bohemia - Verbete.Katarina Peixoto - 2020 - Mulheres Na Filosofia.
    O estudo das Cartas de Descartes a Elisabeth ocupou a literatura, ao passo que a fortuna da contribuição de Elisabeth foi soterrada pela historiografia. Essa negligência intelectual merece registro, visto que as cartas de Elisabeth foram descobertas no Século XIX e publicadas pela primeira vez em 1876 (Ebbersmeyer 2020, p. 4). O fato de que Elisabeth tenha sido ignorada pela historiografia explicita a precariedade a que o viés pode condenar uma narrativa, e torna o estudo sobre Elisabeth da Bohemia difícil. (...)
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  6. What did Elisabeth ask Descartes? A reading proposal of the first Letter of the Correspondence.Katarina Peixoto - forthcoming - Revista Seiscentos.
    In May 1643 Elisabeth of Bohemia addressed a question to Descartes which inaugurated a six-year Correspondence, until his death. He dedicates his mature metaphysical work to the Princess (Principles of First Philosophy, 1644) and writes Passions of the Soul (1649) as one of the results of the dialogue with the philosopher of Bohemia. The silencing of the last hundred years of historiography on Elisabeth of Bohemia's legacy in this epistolary exchange caused distortions and, in some cases, underpinned the bias as (...)
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  7. O que Elisabeth da Bohemia perguntou a Descartes? Uma proposta de leitura da carta que inaugura a Correspondência.Katarina Peixoto - 2021 - Seiscentos 1 (1):91-108.
    Em maio de 1643, Elisabeth da Bohemia endereçou uma questão a Descartes que inaugurou uma Correspondência de seis anos, até a morte do filósofo. Ele dedica à Princesa o seu trabalho de maturidade metafísica (Princípios de Filosofia Primeira, 1644) e redige Paixões da Alma (1649) como um dos resultados do diálogo com a filósofa. O silenciamento dos últimos cem anos de historiografia sobre o legado de Elisabeth da Bohemia nesta troca epistolar causou distorções e, em alguns casos, lastreou o viés (...)
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  8. "Cimento da Sociedade: método e metafísica na teoria do casamento de Mary Wollstonecraft: In: Críticas Filosóficas ao Casamento, Vol. 2 (2nd edition).Katarina Peixoto - 2023 - In Eduardo Vicentini de Medeiros (ed.), Editora Fi. pp. 93-137.
    A função e o sentido do casamento são apresentados por Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), em “Reivindicação dos direitos da mulher” (1792). Escrito em formato de reunião de panfletos e publicado antes de partir para a França revolucionária, com o propósito de acompanhar o levante republicano contra o Antigo Regime, “Reivindicação dos direitos da mulher” contém uma denúncia generalizada da desigualdade de gênero e de seus efeitos deletérios, e um projeto de reforma das instituições e da sociedade. É nesse texto que a (...)
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  9. Context and self-related reflection: : Elisabeth of Bohemia’s way to address the moral objectiveness – forthcoming/last draft.Katarina Peixoto - forthcoming - In Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences.
    In this work I intend to explore the textual and conceptual roots of the moral view in the Early Modern Rationalism of Cartesian spectrum as detected by Elisabeth of Bohemia. To this intent, I will drive my analysis, first, to the remark Descartes adds to his own provisional morality of the Discourse in the Letter of August 4th, 1645 to Elisabeth. Second, I will approach the two aspects of her reply to Descartes, both in her Letter of September 13th 1645, (...)
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  10. Latin American Perspectives on Women Philosophers in Modern History.Pedro Pricladnitzky, Katarina Peixoto & Christine Lopes (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
    This book presents Latin American Perspectives on women philosophers, comprising selected articles from the First International Conference of Women in Modern Philosophy that took place in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil, Latin America, in June of 2019. The conference brought together over twenty national, transnational, and international philosophers from seven countries, whose work combines historical and analytical insight to recover the philosophical legacy of women philosophers. Historical and analytical work on women’s philosophical thought constitute efforts to re-conceptualize what counts as (...)
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    Burnout em estudantes de psicologia: diferenças entre alunos iniciantes e concluintes.Monalisa de Cássia Fogaça, Eliana Isabel de Moraes Hamasaki, Cibele Aparecida Pejan Barbieri, Jonas Borsetti, Rosana Zimbardi Martins, Izabela Galindo Silva & Leidiana Peixoto Ribeiro - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38 (38-39):124-131.
    Durante a formação, estudantes são constantemente expostos a estressores que, se persistentes, podem ocasionar a Síndrome de Burnout (SB). Considerando a importância dessa demanda, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar diferenças nas dimensões da SB em relação ao ano e turno em estudantes de Ps..
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    Too Cute for Words: Cuteness Evokes the Heartwarming Emotion of Kama Muta.Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes, Johanna Katarina Blomster, Beate Seibt, Janis H. Zickfeld & Alan Page Fiske - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:428867.
    A configuration of infantile attributes including a large head, large eyes, with a small nose and mouth low on the head comprise the visual baby schema or Kindchenschema that English speakers call “cute.” In contrast to the stimulus gestalt that evokes it, the evoked emotional response to cuteness has been little studied, perhaps because the emotion has no specific name in English, Norwegian, or German. We hypothesize that cuteness typically evokes kama muta, a social-relational emotion that in other contexts is (...)
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    Bioethics Activities in Rural Hospitals.Ann Freeman Cook, Helena Hoas & Katarina Guttmannova - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (2):230-238.
    Hospital ethics committees have evolved as a response to complicated legal, ethical, and social dilemmas that accompany modern medicine. In the United States, their growth has been augmented by Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations standards and the Patient Self-Determination Act. There appears to be an implicit presumption that all clinical ethics consultation practices are relatively similar. Finally, there is heightened awareness of the needs for quality standards and assessment of the outcomes of ethics consultations.
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    Sobre o conceito de consciência em Heidegger.Rafael Ribeiro Almeida & Fabíola Menezes Araújo - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (1):232-259.
    Pretendemos examinar a noção de consciência (Gewissen) na primeira fase do pensamento heideggeriano. Para tanto, investigamos Ser e Tempo, em especial o segundo capítulo da segunda seção (§§ 55-60), no qual o autordestaca o fenômeno da consciência como existencial e originário, designando-o como apelação. Através da consciência – ao apelar e ao mesmo tempo compreender o clamor dessa apelação – o ser-aí, enquanto ser-no-mundo, pode ser de modo autêntico. Notemos que à pergunta quem clama nessa aclamação, responde-se: o ser-aí angustiado. (...)
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    Older migrants’ experience of existential loneliness.Jonas Olofsson, Margareta Rämgård, Katarina Sjögren-Forss & Ann-Cathrine Bramhagen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1183-1193.
    Background: With rapidly ageing population worldwide, loneliness among older adults is becoming a global issue. Older migrants are considered being a vulnerable population and ethical issues are often raised in care for elderly. A deeper sense of loneliness, existential loneliness is one aspect of loneliness also described as the ultimate loneliness. Making oneself understood or expressing emotions, have shown to be particularly challenging for older migrants which could lead to experience of existential loneliness. Ageing and being a migrant are potential (...)
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    (1 other version)Tendncias gerais da filosofia na segunda metade do séc. XIX.Antero de Quental & Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos - 1982 - Lisboa: Editorial Comunicação. Edited by Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.
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    Indicadores de síndrome de couvade em pais primíparos durante a gestação.Talu Andréa Dartora De Martini, Cesar Augusto Piccinini & Tonantzin Ribeiro Gonçalves - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:121-136.
    O estudo investigou indicadores da síndrome de couvade em pais primíparos durante a gravidez das esposas. Participaram 30 casais com idades entre 20 e 35 anos que estavam em diferentes trimestres da gestação. Os pais e as gestantes responderam individualmente a uma entrevista semi-estruturada que in..
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  18. Convergências e Afinidades. Homenagem a António Braz Teixeira.António Pedro Mesquita, Manuel Cândido Pimentel & Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (eds.) - 2008 - Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    A perspectiva de Darwin sobre as expressões emocionais dos bebês: contribuições para o desenvolvimento de práticas educativa.Renata Adrian Ribeiro Santos Ramos - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):291-314.
    Resumo: Discuto a abordagem de Darwin sobre meios e finalidades de expressões emocionais, com destaque para o choro e sorriso dos bebês; e apresento algumas contribuições, que se depreendem desse conteúdo, para a reflexão das práticas educativas direcionadas à estas crianças que se encontram na primeira etapa da vida. Para tanto, utilizo de descrições e análises apresentadas por Darwin em “A expressão das emoções nos homens e animais”, publicado em 1872 (2009); apresento perspectivas de estudiosos contemporâneos, que tratam das expressões (...)
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    Manoel de Mello e a preocupação com Direitos Humanos nos primórdios do envolvimento pentecostal com a política brasileira.Carlos Ribeiro Caldas Filho - forthcoming - Horizonte:149-149.
    During decades Brazilian Pentecostal Evangelicals avoided at any cost to involve in politics, as it was considered dirty and unworthy of Christians. However, for some years now, it is great the involvment of Pentecostal leaders in politics. Many candidates to public positions present themselves as “Pastor So and So” as a way to call the attention of Evangelical voters. One of the first Brazilian Pentecostal leaders to speak openly about politics was Manoel de Mello e Silva, known as Manoel de (...)
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    Kant e Rousseau: na encruzilhada da antropologia filosófica de Cassirer.Leonardo Rennó Ribeiro Santos - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):85-115.
    A interpretação de Cassirer da dívida intelectual de Kant para com Rousseau é conhecida e estabeleceu um marco real na crítica especializada de ambos os filósofos. No entanto, o exame desta dívida no interior do projeto cassireriano de constituição de uma Antropologia filosófica não foi ainda realizado, devido à rejeição de Cassirer das notáveis antropologias de Kant e Rousseau, que resultou na omissão deste tópico em An Essay on Man. Os manuscritos de Cassirer que testemunham a preparação dessa obra nos (...)
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    Professional Quality of Life Among Physicians and Nurses Working in Portuguese Hospitals During the Third Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Carla Serrão, Vera Martins, Carla Ribeiro, Paulo Maia, Rita Pinho, Andreia Teixeira, Luísa Castro & Ivone Duarte - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundIn the last 2 weeks of January 2021, Portugal was the worst country in the world in incidence of infections and deaths due to COVID-19. As a result, the pressure on the healthcare system increased exponentially, exceeding its capacities and leaving hospitals in near collapse. This scenario caused multiple constraints, particularly for hospital medical staff. Previous studies conducted at different moments during the pandemic reported that COVID-19 has had significant negative impacts on healthcare workers’ psychological health, including stress, anxiety, depression, (...)
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    «Une mission glorieuse et profitable» réforme missionnaire et économie sucrière dans la province jésuite du Brésil au début du XVIIe siècle.Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile & Carlos Alberto de Moura Ribeiro Zeron - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):335-358.
    La province jésuite du Brésil est parcourue au début du XVIIe siècle par une série de tensions qui relèvent autant de son rapport à la société coloniale contemporaine que de ses relations avec le centre romain. À travers l'étude d'un document programmatique exceptionnel et original, dont l'auteur et la date de rédaction demeurent inconnus, les Advertências para a provincia do Brasil, on analyse l'inscription de l'entreprise missionnaire dans sa double dimension économicopolitique, avec l'engagement dans la production sucrière, et spirituelle, assurer (...)
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    A Pentecostalização de Povos Tradicionais na Amazônia: aspectos conceituais para uma antropologia de identidades religiosas.Donizete Rodrigues & Manoel Ribeiro De Moraes Júnior - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):900-918.
    Este artigo é um trabalho de enquadramento conceitual, que suporta pesquisas etnográficas que enfocam a presença e a dinâmica religiosa do protestantismo-pentecostalismo na Amazônia. A hipótese que estofa epistemologicamente este texto - e os projetos antropológicos já em andamento e futuros - formula a ideia de que o aspecto étnico-cultural “caboclo”, como ‘tipo ideal’, é um factor crucial nas dinâmicas evangélicas nesta região. Esta construção conceptual está presente, entre outros, em teóricos como Eduardo Galvão, Heraldo Maués, Angélica Mota Maués e (...)
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    Judicialização da política: um instrumento viabilizador dos direitos fundamentais.Claudia Chipon Staude & Karla Regina Quintiliano Santos Ribeiro - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    O presente artigo tem como objeto de estudo da Judicialização da política como um instrumento para viabilizar os Direitos Fundamentais. O estudo se justifica pela absoluta demanda de fomento da reflexão sobre o tema diante da necessidade da aplicabilidade dos direitos postulados na Constituição da República de 1988 para toda a sociedade.
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    Darcy Ribeiro: Diálogos Inéditos.Darcy Ribeiro - 2004 - Narvaja Editor. Edited by Héctor Magnani.
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    Schopenhauer como educador.Enock da Silva Peixoto - 2024 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):162-189.
    Schopenhauer como educador é a terceira, das quatro Considerações Intempestivas e, nesta obra, o então mestre de Nietzsche figura como modelo de educador. Schopenhauer é visto por Nietzsche, neste momento, como um exemplo de gênio, pois figurou na sociedade como exceção, não como regra. A universidade da época e a estrutura estatal são reprovadas por Nietzsche, e, para as confrontar, ele as utiliza como chave de leitura crítica o pensamento do autor conterrâneo. Estudaremos, perpassando as análises que Nietzsche de que (...)
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  28. Bare Particulars Laid Bare.Katarina Perović - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (3):277-295.
    Bare particulars have received a fair amount of bad press. Many find such entities to be obviously incoherent and dismiss them without much consideration. Proponents of bare particulars, on their part, have not done enough to clearly motivate and characterize bare particulars, thus leaving them open to misinterpretations. With this paper, I try to remedy this situation. I put forward a much-needed positive case for bare particulars through the four problems that they can be seen to solve—The Problem of Individuation, (...)
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    The Danube Region—On Stream with Animal Welfare Assessment in the Last 35 Years: A Review of Research on Animal Welfare Assessment in a Multi-lingual Area in Europe. [REVIEW]Tomislav Mikuš, Miroslav Radeski, Ludovic Toma Cziszter, Ivan Dimitrov, Viktor Jurkovich, Katarina Nenadović, Mario Ostović, Manja Zupan & Marlene Katharina Kirchner - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (4):511-526.
    This review presents first ever literature survey on historical development of farm animal welfare indicators and assessment in the Danube region. This area, encompassing European Eastern countries and the Balkans, is to a large extent heterogeneous in terms of culture and language. However, international publications were disproportionally small compared to the amount of research institutions and animal welfare activities present in the region. Therefore, the authors aimed at investigating the published literature, focusing on country level and on native languages. Data (...)
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  30. Bradley's Regress.Katarina Perovic - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Life, Birth and Death in Democritus. Atomistic Reflections Between Physics and Ethics.Miriam Campolina Diniz Peixoto - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):141-154.
    The subject of life, birth and death constitutes one of the main topics in Democritus’ reflection on human questions. He seeks to understand what men think about the processes of birth and death and how they, accordingly, determine their behavior and attitudes. His reflections comprise a wide range of perspectives and aspects that include examining human behaviour and investigating how it reveals a certain temperament or inclination, inquiring about the nature of these processes and extending the analyses of the processes (...)
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    Flow and Satisfaction With Life in Elite Musicians and Top Athletes.Katarina Habe, Michele Biasutti & Tanja Kajtna - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Priming Children’s Use of Intentions in Moral Judgement with Metacognitive Training.Katarina Gvozdic, Sylvain Moutier, Emmanuel Dupoux & Marine Buon - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The patient’s dignity from the nurse’s perspective.Katarina Bredenhof Heijkenskjöld, Mirjam Ekstedt & Lillemor Lindwall - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):313-324.
    The aim of this study was to understand how nurses experience patients’ dignity in Swedish medical wards. A hermeneutic approach and Flanagan’s critical incident technique were used for data collection. Twelve nurses took part in the study. The data were analysed using hermeneutic text interpretation. The findings show that the nurses who wanted to preserve patients’ dignity by seeing them as fellow beings protected the patients by stopping other nurses from performing unethical acts. They regard patients as fellow human beings, (...)
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    Empirical research on business ethics of SMEs in the V4 countries.Katarina Zvaríková, Dagmar Bařinová, Jaroslav Belás & Ľubomir Palčák - 2023 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 13 (1-2):51-63.
    The aim of this study is to evaluate the level of select ethical issues in Visegrad Four (V4) countries (Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary) and quantify the differences in the attitudes of entrepreneurs in the field of business ethics in these countries. Empirical research was conducted in June 2022 in the V4 countries. Data collection was carried out by the renowned external company MNFORCE using "Computer Assisted Web Interviewing" (CAWI Research Method), according to the questionnaire created by the research (...)
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    The Cointegrated Var Model: Methodology and Applications.Katarina Juselius - 2006 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This valuable text provides a comprehensive introduction to VAR modelling and how it can be applied. In particular, the author focuses on the properties of the Cointegrated VAR model and its implications for macroeconomic inference when data are non-stationary. The text provides a number of insights into the links between statistical econometric modelling and economic theory and gives a thorough treatment of identification of the long-run and short-run structure as well as of the common stochastic trends and the impulse response (...)
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  37. Computing Verisimilitude.Katarina Britz & Chris Brink - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (1):30-43.
    This paper continues the power ordering approach to verisimilitude. We define a parameterized verisimilar ordering of theories in the finite propositional case, both semantically and syntactically. The syntactic definition leads to an algorithm for computing verisimilitude. Since the power ordering approach to verisimilitude can be translated into a standard notion of belief revision, the algorithm thereby also allows the computation of membership of a belief-revised theory.
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    Breaking into British Academic Life in Second World War Britain: The Story of Rose Rand.Katarina Mihaljević - 2023 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 13 (2):297-316.
    In this article, I propose a novel way of understanding the mechanisms of academic transfers in the context of the Second World War by looking at the role of membership and referral systems in determining an applicant’s success. Using largely unexplored archival data from the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, held at the Bodleian Library, and the British Federation for University Women, held at the British Library of Political and Economic Science, this articles presents the case of (...)
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  39. Fashion as communication: A semiotic analysis of fashion on 'Sex and the City'.Katarina Kuruc - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (171):193-214.
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    As montanhas se desfarão: sincretismo imagético na apocalíptica judaico-zoroastrista.Raul Vitor Rodrigues Peixoto - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):167-195.
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    Diagnóstico e tratamento de TDAH em crianças escolares, segundo profissionais da saúde mental.Ana Lúcia Balbino Peixoto & Maria Margarida Pereira Rodrigues - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:91-103.
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    Fenomenologia, ética e educação: uma análise a partir do pensamento de Husserl.Adão José Peixoto - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 313.
    O texto apresenta uma análise sobre a fenomenologia husserliana e sua crítica ao objetivismo, que tem orientado a filosofia, as ciências e as demais práticas humanas. Inicia-se com a apresentação da origem da fenomenologia, seguida da crítica ao objetivismo, da concepção husserliana sobre a ética e das contribuições destas concepções para a educação. É uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada a partir de obras de Husserl e de comentadores do pensamento deste filósofo.The paper presents an analysis of Husserl phenomenology and his critique (...)
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    Les richesses et le désir des richesses chez Démocrite.Miriam C. D. Peixoto - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (1):11-36.
    « La mesure est le plus grand des biens » et « rien de trop » apparaissent dans les sentences attribuées aux Sept Sages de l’Antiquité Grecque. Elles font état d’une sagesse qui blâme l’excès et invite à la modération. Les échos de ces propos résonnent dans différentes périodes de l’Antiquité et chez des auteurs appartenant aux traditions les plus variées, parmi lesquels se trouve notamment Démocrite. Nombreux sont en effet les fragments qui attestent de sa condamnation des excès, de (...)
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    Rhusmos e movimento dos átomos na física de Demócrito.Miriam Campolina Diniz Peixoto - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):413-428.
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    Sobre a atualidade de Kant: apontamentos de possíveis relações entre as analogias da experiência e alguns aspectos de teorias científicas hodiernamente estabelecidas.Cristiano Rodrigues Peixoto - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (2).
    O objetivo deste artigo é propor um cotejo das posições kantianas expostas em seu texto das Analogias da experiência com teorias científicas amplamente aceitas hodiernamente. Assim, avalia-se, mesmo que de maneira breve, o alcance e a sustentação das teses kantianas expostas no referido texto, tomando como base de reflexão aspectos importantes da relatividade, da termodinâmica e da física quântica. Tal análise revela, por um lado, que a aplicabilidade da primeira e da terceira analogias da experiência, as quais lidam, respectivamente, com (...)
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    Sônia Viegas: uma pensadora da cultura.Miriam Peixoto - 2019 - Belo Horizonte, MG: Conceito Editorial.
  47. Temporal properties.Katarina Perović - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
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  48. The body in psychotherapy : Calatonia and subtle touch techniques.Anita J. Ribeiro-Blanchard, Leda Perillo Seixas & Ana Maria Galrao Rios - 2011 - In Raya A. Jones (ed.), Body, mind and healing after Jung: a space of questions. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)“To be or not to be Retained … That’s the Question!” Retention, Self-esteem, Self-concept, Achievement Goals, and Grades.Francisco Peixoto, Vera Monteiro, Lourdes Mata, Cristina Sanches, Joana Pipa & Leandro S. Almeida - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    From KLM-style conditionals to defeasible modalities, and back.Katarina Britz & Ivan Varzinczak - 2018 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 28 (1):92-121.
    We investigate an aspect of defeasibility that has somewhat been overlooked by the non-monotonic reasoning community, namely that of defeasible modes of reasoning. These aim to formalise defeasibility of the traditional notion of necessity in modal logic, in particular of its different readings as action, knowledge and others in specific contexts, rather than defeasibility of conditional forms. Building on an extension of the preferential approach to modal logics, we introduce new modal osperators with which to formalise the notion of defeasible (...)
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