Results for 'Kelly Gray'

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    Collective learning, change and improvement in health care: trialling a facilitated learning initiative with general practice teams.Suzanne Bunniss, Francesca Gray & Diane Kelly - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):630-636.
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    The Therapeutic Odyssey: Positioning Genomic Sequencing in the Search for a Child’s Best Possible Life.Janet Elizabeth Childerhose, Carla Rich, Kelly M. East, Whitley V. Kelley, Shirley Simmons, Candice R. Finnila, Kevin Bowling, Michelle Amaral, Susan M. Hiatt, Michelle Thompson, David E. Gray, James M. J. Lawlor, Richard M. Myers, Gregory S. Barsh, Edward J. Lose, Martina E. Bebin, Greg M. Cooper & Kyle Bertram Brothers - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (3):179-189.
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    Neonates as intrinsically worthy recipients of pain management in neonatal intensive care.Emre Ilhan, Verity Pacey, Laura Brown, Kaye Spence, Kelly Gray, Jennifer E. Rowland, Karolyn White & Julia M. Hush - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):65-72.
    One barrier to optimal pain management in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is how the healthcare community perceives, and therefore manages, neonatal pain. In this paper, we emphasise that healthcare professionals not only have a professional obligation to care for neonates in the NICU, but that these patients are intrinsically worthy of care. We discuss the conditions that make neonates worthy recipients of pain management by highlighting how neonates are (1) vulnerable to pain and harm, and (2) completely dependent (...)
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    Into the Grey Zone: A Neuroscientist Explores the Border Between Life and Death by Adrian Owen.Edward F. Kelly - 2018 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 32 (2).
    Dramatic modern advances in emergency and resuscitation medicine, starting perhaps with the development of effective mechanical ventilators in the mid-20th century, have created a large class of persons who in earlier times would almost certainly have died, but who can now go on existing, suspended at least temporarily in a state somewhere between death and the conscious life they formerly pursued. A very wide range of brain injuries lead first to coma, in which the patient shows no sign of conscious (...)
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  5. Notes on Hegel's "Lordship and Bondage".George Armstrong Kelly - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):780 - 802.
    Thus Hegel's philosophy did not, as it were, merely paint "gray on gray." Not surprisingly, however, contemporary interest in this "ultimate philosophy" is due chiefly to the suggestive expansion of its insights, rather than to any desire for systematic reconstruction. In a discretionary way, Hegelian problems and patterns have gained a new lease in the fields of social and religious thought and among those for whom classical political theory is not a dead exercise. One might say that Hegel (...)
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    The Social Theory of Anti‐Liberalism.Paul Kelly - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (2):137-154.
    (2006). The Social Theory of Anti‐Liberalism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy: Vol. 9, The Political Theory of John Gray, pp. 137-154.
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  7. Self-regulation therapy increases frontal gray matter in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: evaluation by voxel-based morphometry.Debra W. Soh, Jovanka Skocic, Kelly Nash, Sara Stevens, Gary R. Turner & Joanne Rovet - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  8. Précis of The neuropsychology of anxiety: An enquiry into the functions of the septo-hippocampal system.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (3):469-484.
    A model of the neuropsychology of anxiety is proposed. The model is based in the first instance upon an analysis of the behavioural effects of the antianxiety drugs (benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and alcohol) in animals. From such psychopharmacologi-cal experiments the concept of a “behavioural inhibition system” (BIS) has been developed. This system responds to novel stimuli or to those associated with punishment or nonreward by inhibiting ongoing behaviour and increasing arousal and attention to the environment. It is activity in the BIS (...)
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  9. Dimensions of mind perception.Heather Gray, Kurt Gray & Daniel Wegner - 2007 - Science 315 (5812):619.
    Participants compared the mental capacities of various human and nonhuman characters via online surveys. Factor analysis revealed two dimensions of mind perception, Experience and Agency. The dimensions predicted different moral judgments but were both related to valuing of mind.
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  10. Mind Perception is the Essence of Morality.Kurt Gray, Liane Young & Adam Waytz - 2012 - Psychological Inquiry 23 (2):101-124.
    Mind perception entails ascribing mental capacities to other entities, whereas moral judgment entails labeling entities as good or bad or actions as right or wrong. We suggest that mind perception is the essence of moral judgment. In particular, we suggest that moral judgment is rooted in a cognitive template of two perceived minds—a moral dyad of an intentional agent and a suffering moral patient. Diverse lines of research support dyadic morality. First, perceptions of mind are linked to moral judgments: dimensions (...)
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  11. Names in strange places.Aidan Gray - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (5):429-472.
    This paper is about how to interpret and evaluate purported evidence for predicativism about proper names. I aim to point out some underappreciated thorny issues and to offer both predicativists and non-predicativists some advice about how best to pursue their respective projects. I hope to establish three related claims: that non-predicativists have to posit relatively exotic, though not entirely implausible, polysemic mechanisms to capture the range of data that predicativists have introduced ; that neither referentialism nor extant versions of predicativism (...)
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  12. Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter-columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties.Charles M. Gray, P. Kreiter Konig, Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 1992 - Nature 338:334-7.
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    Sodium amobarbital, the hippocampal theta rhythm, and the partial reinforcement extinction effect.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):465-480.
  14. Feeling robots and human zombies: Mind perception and the uncanny valley.Kurt Gray & Daniel M. Wegner - 2012 - Cognition 125 (1):125-130.
    The uncanny valley—the unnerving nature of humanlike robots—is an intriguing idea, but both its existence and its underlying cause are debated. We propose that humanlike robots are not only unnerving, but are so because their appearance prompts attributions of mind. In particular, we suggest that machines become unnerving when people ascribe to them experience, rather than agency. Experiment 1 examined whether a machine’s humanlike appearance prompts both ascriptions of experience and feelings of unease. Experiment 2 tested whether a machine capable (...)
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  15. Fechner's paradox predicts visual adaptation to induced interocular brightness differences.E. S. MacMillan, L. S. Gray & G. Heron - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 118-118.
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  16. (1 other version)Mill on Liberty: A Defence.John Gray - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (226):550-552.
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  17. Name-bearing, reference, and circularity.Aidan Gray - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 171 (2):207-231.
    Proponents of the predicate view of names explain the reference of an occurrence of a name N by invoking the property of bearing N. They avoid the charge that this view involves a vicious circularity by claiming that bearing N is not itself to be understood in terms of the reference of actual or possible occurrences of N. I argue that this approach is fundamentally mistaken. The phenomenon of ‘reference transfer’ shows that an individual can come to bear a name (...)
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  18. More than a body: Mind perception and the nature of objectification.Kurt Gray, Joshua Knobe, Mark Sheskin, Paul Bloom & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2011 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (6):1207-1220.
    According to models of objectification, viewing someone as a body induces de-mentalization, stripping away their psychological traits. Here evidence is presented for an alternative account, where a body focus does not diminish the attribution of all mental capacities but, instead, leads perceivers to infer a different kind of mind. Drawing on the distinction in mind perception between agency and experience, it is found that focusing on someone's body reduces perceptions of agency but increases perceptions of experience. These effects were found (...)
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  19. Food sovereignty as decolonization: some contributions from Indigenous movements to food system and development politics.Sam Grey & Raj Patel - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):431-444.
    The popularity of ‘food sovereignty’ to cover a range of positions, interventions, and struggles within the food system is testament, above all, to the term’s adaptability. Food sovereignty is centrally, though not exclusively, about groups of people making their own decisions about the food system—it is a way of talking about a theoretically-informed food systems practice. Since people are different, we should expect decisions about food sovereignty to be different in different contexts, albeit consonant with a core set of principles (...)
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  20. The contents of consciousness: A neuropsychological conjecture.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):659-76.
    Drawing on previous models of anxiety, intermediate memory, the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, and goal-directed behaviour, a neuropsychological hypothesis is proposed for the generation of the contents of consciousness. It is suggested that these correspond to the outputs of a comparator that, on a moment-by-moment basis, compares the current state of the organism's perceptual world with a predicted state. An outline is given of the information-processing functions of the comparator system and of the neural systems which mediate them. The hypothesis (...)
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  21. Troubles with time travel.William Grey - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (1):55-70.
    Talk about time travel is puzzling even if it isn't obviously contradictory. Philosophers however are divided about whether time travel involves empirical paradox or some deeper metaphysical incoherence. It is suggested that time travel requires a Parmenidean four-dimensionalist metaphysical conception of the world in time. The possibility of time travel is addressed (mainly) from within a Parmenidean metaphysical framework, which is accepted by David Lewis in his defence of the coherence of time travel. It is argued that time travel raises (...)
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  22. Brain Systems that Mediate both Emotion and Cognition.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1990 - Cognition and Emotion 4 (3):269-288.
  23. Pain, Perception and the Sensory Modalities: Revisiting the Intensive Theory.Richard Gray - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (1):87-101.
    Pain is commonly explained in terms of the perceptual activity of a distinct sensory modality, the function of which is to enable us to perceive actual or potential damage to the body. However, the characterization of pain experience in terms of a distinct sensory modality with such content is problematic. I argue that pain is better explained as occupying a different role in relation to perception: to indicate when the stimuli that are sensed in perceiving anything by means of a (...)
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    Plateaus, Dips, and Leaps: Where to Look for Inventions and Discoveries During Skilled Performance.Wayne D. Gray & John K. Lindstedt - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (7):1838-1870.
    The framework of plateaus, dips, and leaps shines light on periods when individuals may be inventing new methods of skilled performance. We begin with a review of the role performance plateaus have played in experimental psychology, human–computer interaction, and cognitive science. We then reanalyze two classic studies of individual performance to show plateaus and dips which resulted in performance leaps. For a third study, we show how the statistical methods of Changepoint Analysis plus a few simple heuristics may direct our (...)
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  25. Lexical Individuation and Predicativism about Names.Aidan Gray - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):113-123.
    Predicativism about names—the view that names are metalinguistic predicates—has yet to confront a foundational issue: how are names represented in the lexicon? I provide a positive characterization of the structure of the lexicon from the point of view Predicativism. I proceed to raise a problem for Predicativism on the basis of that characterization, focusing on cases in which individuals have names which are spelled the same way but pronounced differently. Finally, I introduce two potential strategies for solving the problem, and (...)
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  26. Minimal Descriptivism.Aidan Gray - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):343-364.
    Call an account of names satisfactionalist if it holds that object o is the referent of name a in virtue of o’s satisfaction of a descriptive condition associated with a. Call an account of names minimally descriptivistif it holds that if a competent speaker finds ‘a=b’ to be informative, then she must associate some information with ‘a’ which she does not associate with ‘b’. The rejection of both positions is part of the Kripkean orthodoxy, and is also built into extant (...)
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  27. Failing to Self-Ascribe Thought and Motion: Towards a Three-Factor Account of Passivity Symptoms in Schizophrenia.David Miguel Gray - 2014 - Schizophrenia Research 152 (1):28-32.
    There has recently been emphasis put on providing two-factor accounts of monothematic delusions. Such accounts would explain (1) whether a delusional hypothesis (e.g. someone else is inserting thoughts into my mind) can be understood as a prima facie reasonable response to an experience and (2) why such a delusional hypothesis is believed and maintained given its implausibility and evidence against it. I argue that if we are to avoid obfuscating the cognitive mechanisms involved in monothematic delusion formation we should split (...)
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    La formation des noms en grec ancien.Louis H. Gray & Pierre Chantraine - 1934 - American Journal of Philology 55 (3):278.
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  29. Christianity and Modern Culture an Essay in Philosophy of Religion.Charles Gray Shaw - 1906 - Jennings and Graham Eaton and Mains.
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  30. Anthropocentrism and deep ecology.William Grey - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (4):463 – 475.
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  31. 1956: Deleuze and Foucault in the Archives, or, What Happened to the A Priori?Chantelle Gray - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (2):226-249.
    When Gilles Deleuze, in his book on Michel Foucault, asks, ‘who would think of looking for life among the archives?’, he uncovers something particular to Foucault's philosophy, but also to his own: a commitment to the question of what it means to think, and think politically. Although Foucault and Deleuze, who first met in 1952, immediately felt fondness for each other, a growing animosity had settled into the friendship by the end of the 1970s – a rift deepened by theoretical (...)
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  32. Soft constraints in interactive behavior: the case of ignoring perfect knowledge in-the-world for imperfect knowledge in-the-head*1, *2.Wayne D. Gray & Wai-Tat Fu - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3):359-382.
    Constraints and dependencies among the elements of embodied cognition form patterns or microstrategies of interactive behavior. Hard constraints determine which microstrategies are possible. Soft constraints determine which of the possible microstrategies are most likely to be selected. When selection is non-deliberate or automatic the least effort microstrategy is chosen. In calculating the effort required to execute a microstrategy each of the three types of operations, memory retrieval, perception, and action, are given equal weight; that is, perceptual-motor activity does not have (...)
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  33. Simulating murder: The aversion to harmful action.Kurt Gray - unknown
    Diverse lines of evidence point to a basic human aversion to physically harming others. First, we demonstrate that unwillingness to endorse harm in a moral dilemma is predicted by individual differences in aversive reactivity, as indexed by peripheral vasoconstriction. Next, we tested the specific factors that elicit the aversive response to harm. Participants performed actions such as discharging a fake gun into the face of the experimenter, fully informed that the actions were pretend and harmless. These simulated harmful actions increased (...)
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    Cycles of Contingency: Developmental Systems and Evolution.Susan Oyama, Paul Griffiths & Russell D. Gray (eds.) - 2001 - MIT Press.
    The nature/nurture debate is not dead. Dichotomous views of development still underlie many fundamental debates in the biological and social sciences. Developmental systems theory offers a new conceptual framework with which to resolve such debates. DST views ontogeny as contingent cycles of interaction among a varied set of developmental resources, no one of which controls the process. These factors include DNA, cellular and organismic structure, and social and ecological interactions. DST has excited interest from a wide range of researchers, from (...)
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  35. Social Ontologies of Race and their Development.David Miguel Gray - 2022 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (S1):4-20.
    The theme of this year’s Spindel Conference was Social Ontologies of Race. This editorial introduction serves as both a general introduction to the topic of racial ontology and an introduction to this volume’s contributions. I will first explain some central ideas for discussions of ontology in general. I will then make some basic taxonomic distinctions common to discussions of racial ontology and suggest some clarifications. I will then go on to discuss the five contributions to this volume.
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  36. On the concept of a sense.Richard Gray - 2005 - Synthese 147 (3):461-475.
    Keeley has recently argued that the philosophical issue of how to analyse the concept of a sense can usefully be addressed by considering how scientists, and more specifically neuroethologists, classify the senses. After briefly outlining his proposal, which is based on the application of an ordered set of individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for modality differentiation, I argue, by way of two complementary counterexamples, that it fails to account fully for the way the senses are in fact individuated in (...)
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  37. Epicurus and the harm of death.William Grey - 1999 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (3):358 – 364.
    Epicurus notoriously argued that death at no time is a harm because before death there is no harm and after death there is no victim. The denial that death can be a harm to the one who dies has been challenged by various claims including (1) death is eternally bad for the victim (Feldman), (2) it is before death that it is bad for the victim (Feinberg and Pitcher), (3) death is bad for the victim but at no particular time (...)
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  38. What do our experiences of heat and cold represent?Richard Gray - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 166 (S1):131-151.
    Our experiences of heat and cold are usually thought to represent states of things: their hotness and coldness. I propose a novel account according to which their contents are not states of things but processes, more specifically, the opposite processes of thermal energy being transmitted to and from the body, respectively. I call this account the Heat Exchange Model of heat perception. Having set out the evidence in support of the proposal, I conclude by showing how it provides a new (...)
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    Game‐XP: Action Games as Experimental Paradigms for Cognitive Science.Wayne D. Gray - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (2):289-307.
    Why games? How could anyone consider action games an experimental paradigm for Cognitive Science? In 1973, as one of three strategies he proposed for advancing Cognitive Science, Allen Newell exhorted us to “accept a single complex task and do all of it.” More specifically, he told us that rather than taking an “experimental psychology as usual approach,” we should “focus on a series of experimental and theoretical studies around a single complex task” so as to demonstrate that our theories of (...)
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  40. Reply to Nadler: Spinoza and the metaphysics of suicide.John Grey - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):380-388.
    Steven Nadler has argued that Spinoza can, should, and does allow for the possibility of suicide committed as a free and rational action. Given that the conatus is a striving for perfection, Nadler argues, there are cases in which reason guides a person to end her life based on the principle of preferring the lesser evil. If so, Spinoza’s disparaging statements about suicide are intended to apply only to some cases, whereas in others he would grant that suicide is dictated (...)
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  41. The trial of Eutyches: a new interpretation.George A. Bevan & T. R. Gray - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):617-657.
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  42. Yahweh War and Tribal Confederation: Reflections upon Israel3s Earliest History.Rudolf Smend & Max Gray Rogers - 1970
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  43. Berlin.John Gray - 1995 - London: Fontana Press.
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    Protection as connection: feminist relational theory and protecting civilians from violence in South Sudan.Felicity Gray - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 18 (1):152-170.
    The direct protection of civilians from the violence and harms of armed conflict is most often understood in fixed, identity-centred terms: of what protection is, where it is located, of who provid...
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    What’s in a name? Theorising the Inter-relationships of gender and violence.Karen Boyle - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (1):19-36.
    This article explores the representational practices of feminist theorising around gender and violence. Adapting Liz Kelly’s notion of the continuum of women’s experiences of sexual violence, I argue that ‘continuum thinking’ can offer important interventions which unsettle binaries, recognise grey areas in women’s experiences and avoid ‘othering’ specific communities. Continuum thinking allows us to understand connections whilst nevertheless maintaining distinctions that are important conceptually, politically and legally. However, this is dependent upon recognising the multiplicity of continuums in feminist theorising (...)
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  46. Cognitive modules, synaesthesia and the constitution of psychological natural kinds.Richard Gray - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (1):65-82.
    Fodor claims that cognitive modules can be thought of as constituting a psychological natural kind in virtue of their possession of most or all of nine specified properties. The challenge to this considered here comes from synaesthesia. Synaesthesia is a type of cross-modal association: input to one sensory modality reliably generates an additional sensory output that is usually generated by the input to a distinct sensory modality. The most common form of synaesthesia manifests Fodor's nine specified properties of modularity, and (...)
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    Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine: histoire des mots.Louis H. Gray, A. Ernout & A. Meillet - 1942 - American Journal of Philology 63 (3):374.
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    Old Persian Grammar, Texts, Lexicon.Louis H. Gray & Roland G. Kent - 1951 - American Journal of Philology 72 (3):325.
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    Capacity and decision making.Ben Gray - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):1054-1055.
    Pickeringet al’s paper argues that the capacity of the decision-maker is the sole consideration in whether a decision should stand, and that the risk of the decision should not be considered. This argument ignores the existence of the player who is of the view that a decision is not wise. This paper argues that patient autonomy is not the sole determinant of whether a person is able to make an unwise decision, particularly in healthcare where there are always others affected (...)
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  50. Why are there four Hegelian judgments?David Gray Carlson - 2005 - In Hegel's theory of the subject. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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