Results for 'Knowledge of action'

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  1. (1 other version)Knowledge and Action.John Hawthorne & Jason Stanley - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (10):571-590.
    Judging by our folk appraisals, then, knowledge and action are intimately related. The theories of rational action with which we are familiar leave this unexplained. Moreover, discussions of knowledge are frequently silent about this connection. This is a shame, since if there is such a connection it would seem to constitute one of the most fundamental roles for knowledge. Our purpose in this paper is to rectify this lacuna, by exploring ways in which knowing something (...)
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  2. Knowledge in action.John Gibbons - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (3):579-600.
    This paper argues that the role of knowledge in the explanation and production of intentional action is as indispensable as the roles of belief and desire. If we are interested in explaining intentional actions rather than intentions or attempts, we need to make reference to more than the agent’s beliefs and desires. It is easy to see how the truth of your beliefs, or perhaps, facts about a setting will be involved in the explanation of an action. (...)
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  3. Knowledge and action: some general considerations.John Phillips - 1976 - [Birmingham]: University of Birmingham, Faculty of Commerce and Social Science.
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  4. Knowledge and Action: What Depends on What?Itamar Weinshtock Saadon - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Epistemology.
    Some philosophers think that knowledge or justification is both necessary and sufficient for rational action: they endorse knowledge-action or justification-action biconditionals. This paper offers a novel, metaphysical challenge to these biconditionals, which proceeds with a familiar question: What depends on what? If you know that p iff it is rational for you to act on p, do you know that p partly because it is rational for you to act on p, or is it rational (...)
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  5. Knowledge in Action.Ernest Sosa - 2016 - In Amrei Bahr & Markus Seidel, Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 1-13.
    It is argued that knowledge is a form of action. It is a kind of successful attempt to attain the truth. The success must avoid a particular sort of “epistemic luck”. It must derive from competence rather than luck. Knowledge, then, is a judgment or belief that aims at truth and attains accuracy not by luck but through the agent’s cognitive adroitness, so that the attainment is apt. A higher grade of knowledge then requires that the (...)
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  6. Knowledge in Action.Jonathan Weisberg - 2013 - Philosophers' Imprint 13.
    Recent proposals that frame norms of action in terms of knowledge have been challenged by Bayesian decision theorists. Bayesians object that knowledge-based norms conflict with the highly successful and established view that rational action is rooted in degrees of belief. I argue that the knowledge-based and Bayesian pictures are not as incompatible as these objectors have made out. Attending to the mechanisms of practical reasoning exposes space for both knowledge and degrees of belief to (...)
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    The Relation between Knowledge and Action in the Buddhist Practice.Mi-Jong Lee - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (1):29.
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    Knowledge in Action.Jim Platts - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (2):83-84.
  9. Operational Philosophy: Integrating Knowledge and Action.Anatol Rapoport - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (28):359-360.
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    Knowledge in action: logico-philosophical approach to linguistic evidentiality.C. BarÉs-GÓmez, M. Fontaine & A. Nepomuceno - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The present study focuses on a grammatical category called evidentiality. The primary meaning of evidentiality is concerned with information source. That is, it expresses whether something has been seen, heard or inferred. The aim here is to conduct a conceptual study of evidentiality in which use is made of formal tools. The fundamental intuition is that the distinction between ‘evidence’as ‘proof’and ‘evidentiality’as ‘to do with proof’is a crucial one. Evidentiality is a dynamic notion to be analysed through the use of (...)
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    Knowledge in action: what the feet can learn to know.Katja Pettinen - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):227-250.
    This article deploys Peircean approach to bodily skills, foregrounding motricity as a semiotically mediated and a “suprasubjective” process. By examining two contrasting skills – javelin and martial arts – I draw out the relevance of dynamic movement to the semiotics of sport and embodiment. These contrasting movements expose different epistemological assumptions since they emerge in distinct cultural traditions. To attend to the cultural dimension of movement practices – including the mediation of signs making certain movement forms seem reasonable or desirable (...)
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  12. Assertion, knowledge, and action.Ishani Maitra & Brian Weatherson - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 149 (1):99-118.
    We argue against the knowledge rule of assertion, and in favour of integrating the account of assertion more tightly with our best theories of evidence and action. We think that the knowledge rule has an incredible consequence when it comes to practical deliberation, that it can be right for a person to do something that she can't properly assert she can do. We develop some vignettes that show how this is possible, and how odd this consequence is. (...)
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    Knowledge and Action: American Epistemology.Scott L. Pratt - 2004 - In Armen Marsoobian & John Ryder, The Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 306–324.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Eighteenth‐Century Beginnings: Cadwallader Colden and Benjamin Franklin Transcendentalism: Ralph Waldo Emerson and Lydia Maria Child The Rise of Pragmatism: Peirce, James, and Dewey Interaction in Practice: Jane Addams and W. E. B. Du Bois The Challenge of Logical Positivism: Quine and Contemporary Voices.
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  14. Knowledge and action within the knowledge based society.Teodor Dima & Dan Sîmbotin (eds.) - 2011 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    Knowledge and Action in Non-Dualistic Vedānta: The Incongruity.Simran K. Raina - 2019 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):25-39.
    Non-dualistic Vedanta insists on the importance of knowledge rather than action for attaining liberation. Knowledge is regarded as the direct and immediate means of liberation. The cause of the bondage is ignorance and the latter can be removed by knowledge. Non-dualistic Vedānta advocates that the individual is ignorant of the truth that his Self is none other than the Brahman and gets involved in the chain of transmigration. Knowledge of the Self leads to liberation. However, (...)
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    Medicine and evidence: knowledge and action in clinical practice.Andrew Miles, Michael Loughlin & Andreas Polychronis - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):481-503.
  17. Probabilistic Knowledge in Action.Carlotta Pavese - 2020 - Analysis 80 (2):342-356.
    According to a standard assumption in epistemology, if one only partially believes that p , then one cannot thereby have knowledge that p. For example, if one only partially believes that that it is raining outside, one cannot know that it is raining outside; and if one only partially believes that it is likely that it will rain outside, one cannot know that it is likely that it will rain outside. Many epistemologists will agree that epistemic agents are capable (...)
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    Knowledge and Action I: Means to the Human End in Bhātta MÄ«māmsā and Advaita Vedānta. [REVIEW]C. Ram-Prasad - 2000 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 28 (1):1-24.
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    Knowledge in action.Jennifer Hornsby - 2007 - In [no title].
    Book synopsis: The book illustrates the concept of action in three different contexts - the justification of actions, people's life history, and pragmatism. The special feature of this book is that a comprehensive view of this kind marks a departure from the atomistic approach of action theory, which in itself raises a number of questions. If actions are not justified by mental states, how can persons then act for reasons? How can persons' actions over time be described, and (...)
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  20. Knowledge and Action II: Attaining Liberation in Bhātta MÄ«māmsā and Advaita Vedānta. [REVIEW]C. Ram-Prasad - 2000 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 28 (1):25-41.
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    Operational Philosophy: Integrating Knowledge and Action.John Hospers - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (25):797-798.
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  22. Conclusive reasons, knowledge, and action.John A. Barker & Fred Adams - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):35-52.
    The article presents information on the capabilities of Dretske-style analysis of knowing (DAK) and of several competing analyses with respect to accounting for the apparent facts. It informs that the DAK can ground plausible verdicts about knowledge and ignorance in cases involving lotteries. It further informs that the knowledge-efficacy donor imply the implausible thesis.
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    Using hospital administrative data to evaluate the knowledge‐to‐action gap in pressure ulcer preventive care.Pieter Van Herck, Walter Sermeus, Virpi Jylha, Dominik Michiels & Koen Van den Heede - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):375-382.
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    Belief, knowledge and action.Jie Gao - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Edinburgh
    In this thesis, I explore a number of epistemological issues concerning the relations between knowledge, belief and practical matters. In particular, I defend a view, which I call credal pragmatism. This view is compatible with moderate invariantism, a view that takes knowledge to depend exclusively on truth-relevant factors and to require an invariant epistemic standard of knowledge that can be quite easily met. The thesis includes a negative and a positive part. In the negative part I do (...)
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  25. Actionability Judgments Cause Knowledge Judgments.John Turri, Wesley Buckwalter & David Rose - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):212-222.
    Researchers recently demonstrated a strong direct relationship between judgments about what a person knows and judgments about how a person should act. But it remains unknown whether actionability judgments cause knowledge judgments, or knowledge judgments cause actionability judgments. This paper uses causal modeling to help answer this question. Across two experiments, we found evidence that actionability judgments cause knowledge judgments.
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    Realising Systems Thinking: Knowledge and Action in Management Science. By John Mingers. [REVIEW]Mark Johnson - 2007 - Journal of Critical Realism 6 (2):312-315.
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    G. H. Mead on Knowledge and Action.Leonard Fleck - 1973 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 47:76-86.
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    Intelligent nursing: accounting for knowledge as action in practice.Mary E. Purkis & Kristin Bjornsdottir - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (4):247-256.
    This paper provides an analysis of nursing as a knowledgeable discipline. We examined ways in which knowledge operates in the practice of home care nursing and explored how knowledge might be fruitfully understood within the ambiguous spaces and competing temporalities characterizing contemporary healthcare services. Two popular metaphors of knowledge in nursing practice were identified and critically examined; evidence-based practice and the nurse as an intuitive worker. Pointing to faults in these conceptualizations, we suggest a different way of (...)
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  29. A fresh look at knowledge and action: Wang yangming in comparative perspective.Stephen C. Angle - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (2):287–298.
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    Is Practical Knowledge Prior to Theoretical Knowledge in Action? Reflecting on Anscombe’s Institutional Transparency.Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco - 2018 - Journal of Value Inquiry 52 (3):257-267.
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    Subjective and Objective Certainty as Regards Knowledge and Action.Michael Kober - 2007 - In Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler, Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2011. The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 429-438.
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    Is Virtue a Dispensation from God? : The Relation between Knowledge and Action in M. Oakeshott’s On Human Conduct.Ju-Byung Park - 2013 - The Journal of Moral Education 25 (1):65.
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    Practical Reasoning: Goal-Driven, Knowledge-Based, Action-Guiding Argumentation.Douglas N. Walton - 1990 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is an analysis of the distinctive form of reasoning, called practical reasoning by Aristotle (as opposed to theoretical reasoning), that serves to guide behaviour.
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  34. Rational Action without Knowledge (and vice versa).Jie Gao - 2017 - Synthese 194 (6):1901-1917.
    It has been argued recently that knowledge is the norm of practical reasoning. This norm can be formulated as a bi-conditional: it is appropriate to treat p as a reason for acting if and only if you know that p. Other proposals replace knowledge with warranted or justified belief. This paper gives counter-examples of both directions of any such bi-conditional. To the left-to-right direction: scientists can appropriately treat as reasons for action propositions of a theory they believe (...)
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  35. Mister Bixby, Monsieur Bernard, and Some Other 19th Century Scientist–Philosophers on Knowledge-Based Actions.Ulrich Charpa - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):257-268.
    Following Mr. Bixby and some other 19th century scientist-philosophers such as Claude Bernard, relevant scientific actions should, as a matter of primary importance, be explained with reference to the competence and not to the intentions of those involved. The background is a reliabilist virtue approach - a widespread tendency in 19th century epistemology and philosophy of science. Bixby's approach includes a critique of some constructivist arguments and establishes a mutually supportive connection to conceptions of scientific progress.
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  36. Separating action and knowledge.Mikayla Kelley - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Intentional action is often accompanied by knowledge of what one is doing—knowledge which appears non-observational and non-inferential. G.E.M. Anscombe defends the stronger claim that intentional action always comes with such knowledge. Among those who follow Anscombe, some have altered the features, content, or species of the knowledge claimed to necessarily accompany intentional action. In this paper, I argue that there is no knowledge condition on intentional action, no matter the assumed features, (...)
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  37. A Puzzle About Knowledge in Action.Iskra Fileva - 2013 - Logique Et Analyse 56 (223):287-301.
    I question the widespread assumption that when we act for reasons we know what our reasons are. I argue that an agent may act in ignorance, or partial ignorance, regarding his or her reasons, and an action involving ignorance of this sort may still qualify as done for reasons. I conclude from here that we need to develop a suitable new model of action for reasons, and I proceed to offer such a model. Briefly, I argue that an (...)
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    To Really See the Little Things: Sage Knowledge in Action.Barry Allen - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (3-4):359-370.
    Sage knowledge knows the evolution of circumstances from an early point, when tendencies may be inconspicuously, “effortlessly” diverted. This knowledge is expressed, not “represented,” being an intensive quality of action rather than of belief, proposition, or theory, and its effortlessness is not a matter of effort versus no effort, but of the intensity with which effort tends to vanish. The value of such knowledge and the explanation of its accomplishment in terms of perceiving incipience or “really (...)
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    Removing inconsistencies in assumption-based theories through knowledge-gathering actions.Jérôme Lang & Pierre Marquis - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (2):179-214.
    In this paper, the problem of purifying an assumption-based theory KB, i.e., identifying the right extension of KB using knowledge-gathering actions (tests), is addressed. Assumptions are just normal defaults without prerequisite. Each assumption represents all the information conveyed by an agent, and every agent is associated with a (possibly empty) set of tests. Through the execution of tests, the epistemic status of assumptions can change from "plausible" to "certainly true", "certainly false" or "irrelevant", and the KB must be revised (...)
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    Urban planning's philosophical entanglements: the rugged, dialectical path from knowledge to action.Richard S. Bolan - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Knowledge and expertise -- Knowledge and action -- The nature of professional action in urban planning.
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  41. Knowledge, Practical Reasoning and Action.Peter Baumann - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (1):7-26.
    Is knowledge necessary or sufficient or both necessary and sufficient for acceptable practical reasoning and rational action? Several authors (e.g., Williamson, Hawthorne, and Stanley) have recently argued that the answer to these questions is positive. In this paper I present several objections against this view (both in its basic form as well in more developed forms). I also offer a sketch of an alternative view: What matters for the acceptability of practical reasoning in at least many cases (and (...)
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  42. The Knowledge Condition on Intentional Action in Its Proper Home.Laura Tomlinson Makin - 2024 - Mind 133 (529):210-225.
    In this paper, I argue against recent modifications of the Knowledge Condition on intentional action that weaken the condition. My contention is that the condition is best understood in the context of Anscombe’s Intention and, when so understood, can be maintained in its strongest form.
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  43. Knowledge, Action, Defeasibility.Carlotta Pavese - 2021 - In Jessica Brown & Mona Simion, Reasons, Justification, and Defeat. Oxford Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    One can intentionally do something only if one knows what one is doing while they are doing it. For example, one can intentionally kill one’s neighbor by opening their gas stove overnight only if one knows that the gas is likely to kill the neighbor in their sleep. One can intentionally sabotage the victory of one’s rival by putting sleeping drugs in their drink only if one knows that sleeping drugs will harm the rival’s performance. And so on. In a (...)
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  44. Knowledge-Action Principles and Threshold-Impurism.Ru Ye - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2215-2232.
    Impurism says that practical factors encroach on knowledge. An important version of impurism is called ‘Threshold-Impurism,’ which says that practical factors encroach on the threshold that rational credence must pass in order for one to have knowledge. A prominent kind of argument for Threshold-Impurism is the so-called ‘principle-based argument,’ which relies on a principle of fallibilism and a knowledge-action principle. This paper offers a new challenge against Threshold-Impurism. I attempt to show that the two principles Threshold-Impurists (...)
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  45. Skills as Knowledge.Carlotta Pavese & Beddor Bob - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):609-624.
    1. What is the relation between skilful action and knowledge? According to most philosophers, the two have little in common: practical intelligence and theoretical intelligence are largely separate...
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  46. Knowledge and the Many Norms on Action.James Fritz - 2022 - Erkenntnis 87 (3):1191-1210.
    If there is pragmatic encroachment in epistemology, whether a person knows that p can vary with normative facts about her actions—including facts that do not bear on the truth or likelihood of p. This paper raises an underappreciated question for defenders of pragmatic encroachment: which of the many norms on action are distinctively connected to knowledge? To the extent that contemporary defenders of pragmatic encroachment address this question, they do so by citing norms of ‘practical rationality.’ I show (...)
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    Knowledge, virtue, and action: essays on putting epistemic virtues to work.Tim Henning (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume brings together recent work by leading and up-and-coming philosophers on the topic of virtue epistemology. The contributions here ask how epistemic virtues matter apart from any narrow concern with defining knowledge; they show how epistemic virtues figure in accounts of various aspects of our lives, with a special emphasis on our practical lives.
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  48. Knowledge and planning in an action-based multi-agent framework: A case study.Oliver Schulte - unknown
    The situation calculus is a logical formalism that has been extensively developed for planning. We apply the formalism in a complex multi-agent domain, modelled on the game of Clue. We find that the situation calculus, with suitable extensions, supplies a unified representation of (1) the interaction protocol, or structure of the game, (2) the dynamics of the knowledge and common knowledge of the agents, and (3) principles of strategic planning.
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    Knowledge, Virtue, and Action: Putting Epistemic Virtues to Work.Tim Henning & David P. Schweikard (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume brings together recent work by leading and up-and-coming philosophers on the topic of virtue epistemology. The prospects of virtue-theoretic analyses of knowledge depend crucially on our ability to give some independent account of what epistemic virtues are and what they are _for_. The contributions here ask how epistemic virtues matter apart from any narrow concern with defining knowledge; they show how epistemic virtues figure in accounts of various aspects of our lives, with a special emphasis on (...)
  50. (1 other version)Action, Knowledge, and Reality.Hector-Neri Castañeda (ed.) - 1975 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
    Studies in Wilfrid Sellars' philosophy: Aune, B. Sellars on practical reason.--Castañeda, H.-N. Some reflections on Wilfrid Sellars' theory of intentions.--Donagan, A. Determinism and freedom: Sellars and the reconciliationist thesis.--Robinson, W. S. The legend of the given.--Clark, R. The sensuous content of perception.--Grossmann, R. Perceptual objects, elementary particles, and emergent properties.--Rosenberg, J. F. The elusiveness of categories, the Archimedean dilemma, and the nature of man: a study in Sellarsian metaphysics.--Turnbull, R. G. Things, natures, and properties.--Wells, R. The indispensable word "now."--Van Fraassen, (...)
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