Results for 'Krzysztof Kowalski'

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  1. Źródła kultury ceramiki sznurowej ze stanowiska 23 w Czelinie w świetle problematyki wyposażenia grobów ze schyłku neolitu i początku epoki brązu nad dolną Odrą.Krzysztof Kowalski & Agnieszka Matuszewska - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 28:57 - 73.
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    The Provocation of Levinas: Rethinking the Other.Krzysztof Ziarek & Robert Bernasconi - 1990 - Substance 19 (1):95.
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    The force of art.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2004 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book offers an original approach to avant-garde art and its transformative force. Presenting an alternative to the approaches to art developed in postmodern theory or cultural studies, Ziarek sees art's significance in its critique of power and the increasing technologization of social relations. Re-examining avant-garde art and literature, from Italian and Russian Futurism and Dadaism, to Language poetry, video and projection art, as well as transgenic and Internet art, this book argues that art's importance today cannot be explained simply (...)
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    Powers to be: Art and technology in Heidegger and Foucault.Krzysztof Ziarek - 1998 - Research in Phenomenology 28 (1):162-194.
  5. Stanisław Brzozowski - myśleć radykalnie.Krzysztof Kędziora - 2014 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 25:047-065.
    STANISŁAW BRZOZOWSKI – TO THINK RADICALLY Stanisław Brzozowski is one of the most radical philosophers. Radicalism of his thought involves not only the idea of fundamental social change, but also the reinterpretation of some philosophical concepts. Two main concepts are nature and history. They are reinterpreted in order to show their human origins. According to Brzozowski nature and history are human constructions, namely they are set by human praxis. Brzozowski’s understanding changed over the time. In my article I focus on (...)
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  6. Czy dialog realizmu z konstruktywizmem może być konstruktywny? Analiza dyskusji wokół książki Propaganda scjentystyczna.Krzysztof Abriszewski - 2005 - Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2).
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    Paradoxes in social networks with multiple products.Krzysztof R. Apt, Evangelos Markakis & Sunil Simon - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):663-687.
    We show that various paradoxes can arise in a natural class of social networks. They demonstrate that more services or products may have adverse consequences for all members of the network and conversely that restricting the number of choices may be beneficial for every member of the network. These phenomena have been confirmed by a number of empirical studies. In our analysis we use a simple threshold model of social networks introduced in Apt and Markakis, and more fully in Apt (...)
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  8. Dwa renesansy. Polityczno-prawne źródła laicyzacji kultury średniowiecznej (W. Ullmann, \"Średniowieczne korzenie renesansowego humanizmu\", Łódź 1985).Krzysztof J. Brozi - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 269 (4).
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    Władysław Natanson - fizyk i filozof.Krzysztof Czapla - 2005 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 36.
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  10. Argument teoriomodelowy trzydzieści lat później.Krzysztof Czerniawski - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (3).
    The paper aims at describing the discussion about the model-theorethic argument of Hilary Putnam in the past thirty years. First of all it presents the view of Timothy Bays, who through scrupulous examination of the formal side of the argument demonstrates that in fact it has very little in common with the model-theory. It is rather a simple and purely philosophical argument, which isn't more reliable and conclusive than any other argument in philosophy. Putnam tries to block the answer of (...)
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    Bóg i antyrealizm.Krzysztof Czerniawski - 2014 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 62 (4):135-161.
    Można wyróżnić dwa rodzaje powiązań między antyrealizmem semantycznym a teizmem. Pierwsze z nich ma swoje źródło w antyrealistycznym twierdzeniu, że język rozumiemy dzięki naszej znajomości uzasadnień sądów lub zdań. W konsekwencji tego staje się czymś niemożliwym przekazanie wiedzy Boga wierzącemu, jeśli ten ostatni osobiście nie zna uzasadnienia odpowiedniego zdania. Ze szczególnie mocnym przedstawieniem tej doktryny mamy do czynienia na ostatnich stronach Logicznej podstawy metafizyki Michaela Dummetta. Można to rozumieć jako całkowite odrzucenie każdego rodzaju iluminacjonizmu, a także pewnych w jakiś sposób (...)
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  12. Wiara i ekumenizm.Krzysztof Dorosz - 2006 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 57 (1):21-29.
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    The Myths and Realities of the Clash of Western and Chinese Civilizations in the 21st Century. The Globalization and Comparative Approach.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):21-43.
    The purpose of this investigation is to define the central issues of the current and future relations between the Western and Chinese civilizations through the evaluation of the myths and realities of these relations. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary big-picture view of the world scene, driven by the global economy and civilization with an attempt to compare both civilizations according to key criteria. Among the findings are: Today China has become a “robot” of the West. Due to its (...)
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    Asian Values' and Western Universalism.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (1/2):183-187.
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    On the Sources of the Vitality of Classical Sociopolitical Conceptions in China.Krzysztof Gawlikowski & Lech Petrowicz - 1975 - Dialectics and Humanism 2 (1):121-132.
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  16. Teodycea braku teodycei. Problem zła w koncepcji Johna Hicka.Krzysztof Hubaczek - 2006 - Diametros 7:1-21.
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  17. Williama Rowe'a bayesiański argument ze zła przeciwko istnieniu Boga. Próba analizy i oceny.Krzysztof Hubaczek - 2007 - Diametros 14:32-52.
    The aim of this article is to present the Bayesian formulation of the argument from evil for atheism against the background of the contemporary debate on Rowe’s initial inductive formulation of the argument. At the beginning I present the key premises and basics of the Bayesian formulation (especially Bayes’s theorem, the notion of epistemic probability, etc.), then I discuss the most important challenges to Rowe’s weak and strong claims. The main problem with the Bayesian formulation of the argument is that (...)
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  18. Zaćmienie przyrody.Krzysztof Koptas - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24.
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  19. O podstawach kultury i doświadczeniu tajemnicy \"życia\" w filozofii S. Brzozowskiego.Krzysztof Kwiecień - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 280 (3).
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    Georges'a Bataille'a mistyczna partuza (część pierwsza).Krzysztof Matuszewski - 2002 - Nowa Krytyka 13:13-50.
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  21. O nierealności końca historii (Francis Fukuyama: Konec historii. Ostatni człowiek).Krzysztof C. Matuszek - 1999 - Civitas 3 (3):242-250.
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    Pojęcie piękna w „Process And Reality" i „Adventures of Ideas" Alfreda Northa Whiteheada [The Notion of Beauty in the „Process And Reality" and „Adventures of Ideas" of Alfred North Whitehead].Krzysztof Mądel - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):291-292.
    Alfred North Whitehead is a prominent contemporary philosopher and scientist. He was an active participant of the scientific revolution in the two very first decades of this century. In a concise book dedicated to his philosophy the Author considers the concept of beauty elaborated by Whitehead, especially in his two principal works: Process and Reality and Adventures of Ideas.
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    (1 other version)Czym była Marksowska krytyka ekonomii politycznej?Krzysztof Nowak - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    Covert Repressiveness and the Stability of a Political System: Poland at the End of the Seventies.Krzysztof Nowak - 1988 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 55.
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    On Imprecise Investment Recommendations.Krzysztof Piasecki - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):179-194.
    The return rate is considered here as a fuzzy probabilistic set. Then the expected return is obtained as a fuzzy subset in the real line. This result is a theoretical foundation for new investment strategies. All considered strategies result of comparison profit fuzzy index and limit value. In this way we obtain an imprecise investment recommendation. Financial equilibrium criteria are a special case of comparison of the profit index and the limit value. The following criteria are generalized here: the Sharpe's (...)
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  26. Praktyczne zasady w psychologii - człowieczy los - zło i dobro. Modelowanie zmiany w psychologii.Krzysztof Pierwoła & Mirosław Zabierowski - 2008 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 9:141-162.
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    Illuminismo e illuminismi.Krzysztof Pomian - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia 96 (1):13-32.
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    Stagecraft, Rhetoric, Debate.Krzysztof Sielicki - 1990 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 2 (2):217-225.
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    Two Germanic words for ‘herring’.Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 15:9-18.
    The paper discusses the origin of two Germanic terms for ‘Atlantic herring, _Clupea harengus _L.’. The Proto-Germanic noun _*siled- _m. ‘herring’, attested in most North Germanic languages (e.g. ON. _sild_, Far. _síld_, OSv. _sild_, Sv. _sill_, Norw. _sil_), cannot be treated as inherited. It seems to represent a Saami (or Laponian) borrowing, cf. Saa. (Northern) _sâlled_, (Lule) _sallēt _‘herring’.
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    Dowód matematyczny z punktu widzenia formalizmu matematycznego. Część I.Krzysztof Wójtowicz - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 55 (2):123-139.
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    A global tradition? Power and historicity.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2004 - Research in Phenomenology 34 (1):103-120.
    To understand globalization, one needs to examine its provenance within the metaphysical tradition and, in particular, in relation to the ways in which power tends to operate in modernity. While its operations are necessary for shaping relations, the pervasiveness with which power invests beings tends to obscure the event, and in particular, temporality and historicity, which mark the possibility of undoing power's formative influence on beings and relations. The event becomes the site of a specific tension between power and the (...)
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    The Modern Privilege of Life.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2014 - Research in Phenomenology 44 (1):28-49.
    This essay reconsiders the notion of “world” by looking critically at the idiom of life dominating current critical debates. Showing how and why life should be displaced from the privileged position it has assumed in modernity, it examines Arendt’s and Heidegger’s comments on the world. In The Human Condition, Arendt provides an interesting philosophical and cultural account of the rise of life to prominence in the modern age, pointing out its detrimental effects on the understanding of the world and human (...)
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    (1 other version)Kowalski.Ludwik Kowalski - 1990 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 5 (1):15-15.
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    Lakatosowska periodyzacja twórczości Feyerabenda .Krzysztof J. Kilian - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (4).
    As it is well known, Lakatos divided Popper's philosophy into three stages; he also identified successive stages of falsificationism. A lesser-known fact is that the Hungarian philosopher systematized Feyerabend's philosophy, too. This tripartite division might have been a joke; Lakatos was perhaps trying to lighten Feyerabend's mood when his colleague was struggling wit h publishers in Minnesota and in New Left. Not quite successfully the publishers had tried to adjust Feyerabend's style to the standards of scientific literature. No matter what (...)
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    The ethos of everydayness: Heidegger on poetry and language. [REVIEW]Krzysztof Ziarek - 1995 - Man and World 28 (4):377-399.
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    Alternative vision: Ethics, power, and Levin's the philosopher gaze. [REVIEW]Krzysztof Ziarek - 2001 - Continental Philosophy Review 34 (2):225-235.
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    Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Robert A. Kowalski.Antonis C. Kakas & Robert Kowalski - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
    The book contains the proceedings of the 12th European Testis Workshop and gives an excellent overview of the state of the art in testicular research. The chapters are written by leading scientists in the field of male reproduction, who were selceted on the basis of their specific area of research. The book covers all important aspects of testicular functioning, for example, Sertoli and Leydig cell functioning, spermatogonial development and transplantation, meiosis and spermiogenesis. Even for those investigators who were not present (...)
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    Logical English meets legal English for swaps and derivatives.Robert Kowalski & Akber Datoo - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 30 (2):163-197.
    In this paper, we present an informal introduction to Logical English and illustrate its use to standardise the legal wording of the Automatic Early Termination clauses of International Swaps and Derivatives Association Agreements. LE can be viewed both as an alternative to conventional legal English for expressing legal documents, and as an alternative to conventional computer languages for automating legal documents. LE is a controlled natural language, which is designed both to be computer-executable and to be readable by English speakers (...)
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    Analytic Cut and Interpolation for Bi-Intuitionistic Logic.Tomasz Kowalski & Hiroakira Ono - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):259-283.
    We prove that certain natural sequent systems for bi-intuitionistic logic have the analytic cut property. In the process we show that the (global) subformula property implies the (local) analytic cut property, thereby demonstrating their equivalence. Applying a version of Maehara technique modified in several ways, we prove that bi-intuitionistic logic enjoys the classical Craig interpolation property and Maximova variable separation property; its Halldén completeness follows.
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    The Ethics of Clinical Care and the Ethics of Clinical Research: Yin and Yang.Charles J. Kowalski, Raymond J. Hutchinson & Adam J. Mrdjenovich - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1):7-32.
    The Belmont Report’s distinction between research and the practice of accepted therapy has led various authors to suggest that these purportedly distinct activities should be governed by different ethical principles. We consider some of the ethical consequences of attempts to separate the two and conclude that separation fails along ontological, ethical, and epistemological dimensions. Clinical practice and clinical research, as with yin and yang, can be thought of as complementary forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole (...)
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    Abstract argumentation.Robert A. Kowalski & Francesca Toni - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 4 (3-4):275-296.
    In this paper we explore the thesis that the role of argumentation in practical reasoning in general and legal reasoning in particular is to justify the use of defeasible rules to derive a conclusion in preference to the use of other defeasible rules to derive a conflicting conclusion. The defeasibility of rules is expressed by means of non-provability claims as additional conditions of the rules.We outline an abstract approach to defeasible reasoning and argumentation which includes many existing formalisms, including default (...)
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    Outcomes in branching space-time and GHZ-Bell theorems.Tomasz Kowalski & Tomasz Placek - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (3):349-375.
    The paper intends to provide an algebraic framework in which subluminal causation can be analysed. The framework merges Belnap's 'outcomes in branching time' with his 'branching space-time' (BST). it is shown that an important structure in BST, called 'family of outcomes of an event', is a boolean algebra. We define next non-stochastic common cause and analyse GHZ-Bell theorems. We prove that there is no common cause that accounts for results of GHZ-Bell experiment but construct common causes for two other quantum (...)
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    Linear resolution with selection function.Robert Kowalski & Donald Kuehner - 1971 - Artificial Intelligence 2 (3-4):227-260.
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    Semisimplicity, EDPC and discriminator varieties of residuated lattices.Tomasz Kowalski - 2004 - Studia Logica 77 (2):255 - 265.
    We prove that all semisimple varieties of FL ew-algebras are discriminator varieties. A characterisation of discriminator and EDPC varieties of FL ew-algebras follows. It matches exactly a natural classification of logics over FL ew proposed by H. Ono.
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  45. Varieties Of Tense Algebras.Tomasz Kowalski - 1998 - Reports on Mathematical Logic:53-95.
    The paper has two parts preceded by quite comprehensive preliminaries.In the first part it is shown that a subvariety of the variety ${\cal T}$ of all tense algebras is discriminator if and only if it is semisimple. The variety ${\cal T}$ turns out to be the join of an increasing chain of varieties ${\cal D}_n$, which are discriminator varieties. The argument carries over to all finite type varieties of boolean algebras with operators satisfying some term conditions. In the case of (...)
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    Kulturoznawcza archeologia i prehistoria „kontynentu sztuki”.Andrzej P. Kowalski - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):291-310.
    Author: Kowalski Andrzej P. Title: CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY AND PREHISTORY OF THE CONTINENT OF ART (Kulturoznawcza archeologia i prehistoria Kontynentu sztuki) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 291-310 Keywords: JERZY KMITA, CULTURAL ARCHAEOLOGY, THE CONTINENT OF ART, SHAMANISTIC ORIGINS OF ART Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The paper presents an attempt at application of Jerzy Kmita’s achievements in philosophy of art, aesthetics, axiology, and history of culture to the (...)
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    Schemata, CONSORT, and the Salk Polio Vaccine Trial.Charles J. Kowalski & Adam J. Mrdjenovich - 2018 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (1):64-82.
    In this essay, we defend the design of the Salk polio vaccine trial and try to put some limits on the role schemata should play in designing clinical research studies. Our presentation is structured as a response to de Freitas and Pietrobon who identified the CONSORT statement as a schema that would have, had it existed at the time, ruled out the design of the Salk polio vaccine trial of 1954 in favor of a completely randomized controlled clinical trial. We (...)
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    Semisimple Varieties of Modal Algebras.Tomasz Kowalski & Marcus Kracht - 2006 - Studia Logica 83 (1-3):351-363.
    In this paper we show that a variety of modal algebras of finite type is semisimple iff it is discriminator iff it is both weakly transitive and cyclic. This fact has been claimed already in [4] (based on joint work by the two authors) but the proof was fatally flawed.
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    Comparative Effectiveness Research: Decision-Based Evidence.Charles Joseph Kowalski & Adam Joel Mrdjenovich - 2014 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57 (2):224-248.
    Survival of the fittest in evolutionary biology has a counterpart in the evolution of research paradigms. It’s called survival of the funded, and there is a sense in which paradigms are even more adaptable than species. Whereas species may become extinct if their fitness declines below a critical threshold, paradigms can rise again, perhaps with a new name, following fiscal collapse, provided only that funding is once again made available.A current example is the born-again concept of comparative effectiveness research , (...)
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    Uniform interpolation and coherence.Tomasz Kowalski & George Metcalfe - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (7):825-841.
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