Results for 'Kuri Takahashi'

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  1.  9
    Testing the Reproducibility of the Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Failure to Modulate Beauty Perception by Brain Stimulation.Kuri Takahashi & Yuko Yotsumoto - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:767344.
    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been recognized as a promising tool for investigating the causal relationship between specific brain areas of interest and behavior. However, the reproducibility of previous tDCS studies is often questioned because of failures in replication. This study focused on the effects of tDCS on one cognitive domain: beauty perception. To date, the modulation of beauty perception by tDCS has been shown in two studies:Cattaneo et al. (2014)andNakamura and Kawabata (2015). Here, we aimed at replicating their (...)
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  2. Takahashi Satomi zenshū.Satomi Takahashi - 1973 - Fukumura Shuppan.
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    Kanpon Takahashi Tōru Keijō Teikoku Daigaku kōgi nōto.Tōru Takahashi - 2021 - Kyōto-shi: Sanninsha. Edited by Sun-chʻŏl Kwŏn.
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  4. Takahashi tetsugaku: zettaiai ni okeru taiken to sonzai no kaimei.Satomi Takahashi - 1955 - Tōkyō: Fukumura Shoten. Edited by Tōyō Nobechi.
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  5. Hombre y política.Daniel Kuri Breña - 1941 - México,: Editorial Jus.
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  6. La esencia del derecho y los valores jurídicos: introducción al estudio filosófico del derecho.Daniel Kuri Breña - 1978 - México: Editorial Jus.
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    Chosŏn ŭi yuhak.Tōru Takahashi - 1999 - Sŏul: Sonamu. Edited by Nam-ho Cho.
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  8. The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism: A Contribution to the Sweezy-Dobb Controversy.H. K. Takahashi & Henry F. Mins - 1952 - Science and Society 16 (4):313 - 345.
  9.  16
    The Validity and Reliability of the Short Form of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire in Japan.Toru Takahashi, Junichi Saito, Masahiro Fujino, Masashi Sato & Hiroaki Kumano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA brief measure of dispositional mindfulness is important for applied research on mindfulness. Although short forms of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, which measures the five aspects of mindfulness, have been developed worldwide, the validity and reliability of the Japanese version has not been examined. This study aims to examine the validity and reliability of the 24-item and 15-item versions of the FFMQ in Japan, which are the most widely used versions worldwide.MethodsOnline surveys were conducted for 889 adults in Japan (...)
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    Jiko ketteiron no yukue: Tetsugaku, hōgaku, igaku no genba kara / Takahashi Takao, Yahata Hideyuki hen.Takao Takahashi & Hideyuki Yahata (eds.) - 2008 - Fukuoka-shi: Kyūshū Daigaku Shuppankai.
    自己決定概念は、患者の自律やインフォームド・コンセント、プライバシー概念等の基礎にあり、生命倫理において核となる重要な概念である。しかし、その歴史的由来について、またその概念の意味するところについて、 これまで本巻のように主題的に扱われることはほとんどなかった。ここでの諸論考は、「自己決定権」や「自律」概念の理解にも大いに役立つはずである。.
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  11. Las doctrinas de la cultura y del ser en la fundamentación del derecho.Enrique Kuri - 1944 - México,:
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  12. (1 other version)La filosofía del derecho en la antigüedad cristiana.Daniel Kuri Breña - 1949 - México: [Bajo el Signo de "Ábside"].
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  13.  12
    La mordedura de la nada: el mal y la filosofía.Ramón Kuri Camacho - 2011 - México, D.F.: Ediciones Coyoacán.
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    Tres pensadores mexicanos: cultura católica e identidad nacional.Ramón Kuri Camacho - 2001 - México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdes.
  15.  5
    Kansei no genkai: fugōrisei, fujiyūsei, fujōrisei.Shōichirō Takahashi - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kōdansha.
    人間の愛は「不合理」なもの?自由だと勝手に信じている人間が実際には「不自由」なのではないか?なぜ人間は生まれて死ななければならないという「不条理」に遭遇しているのか?そもそも、人間とは何か...?―「 行為」「意志」「存在」の限界をテーマに、行動経済学者や認知科学者、進化論者、実存主義者など多様な分野の学者からカント主義者や急進的フェミニスト、会社員、運動選手、大学生も加わり、楽しく深い広い議論を繰 り広げる。そこから見えてくる人間の姿とは―。.
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  16. People with Motor and Mobility Impairement: Human Computer Interaction, Rehabilitation-Development of a Power Assisted Handrail--Handrail Trajectory and Standing Up Motion.Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Osamu Nitta, Shigeru Okikawa & Takashi Komeda - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 935-942.
  17. Shu Ki to Ō Yōmei.Susumu Takahashi - 1977
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  18.  45
    The Mathematical Sciences in Syriac: From Sergius of Resh-‘Aina and Severus Sebokht to Barhebraeus and Patriarch Ni‘matallah.Hidemi Takahashi - 2011 - Annals of Science 68 (4):477-491.
    Summary Syriac translations and Syriac scholars played an important role in the transmission of the sciences, including the mathematical sciences, from the Greek to the Arabic world. Relatively little, unfortunately, remains of the translations and original mathematical works of earlier Syriac scholars, but some materials have survived, and further glimpses of what once existed may be gained from works of later authors. The paper will provide an overview of the earlier materials that have survived or are known to have existed. (...)
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  19.  15
    Practice of business ethics: case study of Johnson & Johnson.Hiroo Takahashi - 2023 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This book is an excellent book on business ethics and will be an invaluable resource for all readers who are keen to learn about the business ethics and key characteristics of a successful company. It focuses on the case study of a global company, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), which oversees more than 250 operating units throughout the world. Through extensive interviews with top executives at J&J's headquarters, including Masami Atarashi and Mitsuo Hirose and attending workshops, Prof Hiroo Takahashi acquired (...)
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  20. Teismo precedentas kaip teisės šaltinis Lietuvoje: oficiali konstitucinė doktrina, teisinio mąstymo stereotipai ir kontrargumentai.Egidijus Kūris - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):131-149.
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  21. A incúria das sociedades e o direito de todos: direito ambiental e filosofia do meio ambiente.Francisco Ricardo Cichero Kury - 2007 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 12 (2):31-48.
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  22. El hombre, totalización histórica.Ramón Kuri Camacho - 1983 - Culiacán Rosales, Sinaloa, México: Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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  23.  39
    A clarification about ^|^ldquo;connection as action^|^rdquo; in movement.Koji Takahashi - 2005 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 27 (2):43-54.
  24.  18
    A Philosophical Significance of Gentzen’s 1935 Consistency Proof for First-Order Arithmetic.Yuta Takahashi - 2016 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 49 (1):49-66.
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  25. Exploring the Death Penalty Issue through Reading United Nations Documents.Takahashi Takenori - 2003 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 3:121-132.
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    Hito no seimei to ningen no songen.Takao Takahashi (ed.) - 2002 - Fukuoka-shi: Kyūshū Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  27. Jinseiron danshō.Kenji Takahashi - 1970
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  28.  7
    Jiko kettei no jidai no rinrigaku: ishiki chōsa ni motozuku rinriteki shikō.Takao Takahashi - 2001 - Fukuoka-shi: Kyūshū Daigaku Shuppankai.
    本書ではデータ解析にもとづく倫理学の理論の概要を述べるとともに,総計6,000名にのぼる高校生等への意識調査の結果を踏まえた,自己決定の時代の現状分析を行っている。現状分析の内容は,マスコミによるイメ ージ操作の検証,個人主義的自由主義の原理であるミルの原理の受容状況や問題点,いじめの分析,他者概念の検討,大人と子供の境界の曖昧化現象の考察等であるが,それらを貫く縦糸は「自己決定」,「自由」である。 また現代は,生命や環境,情報といった領域で,社会のレベルでも自己決定する必要に迫られている。本書の提唱するところの調査にもとづく倫理学の方法は,いわゆる「反省的均衡」の方法を実行可能にするものであり, 社会的自己決定を導く有力な方法である。.
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  29. Jinmin no tetsugaku.Shōji Takahashi - 1900 - Tōkyō: Seikisha.
    3. Benshōhōteki yuibutsuron e no michi.
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    ^|^ldquo;Physical interaction with others^|^rdquo; as the basis of movement practice.Koji Takahashi - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 30 (2):113-126.
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  31. Mitogaku.Yoshio Takahashi - 1916 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  32.  65
    (1 other version)Ethics in Developing Economies of Asia.Akira Takahashi - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):33-45.
    This essay aims to deepen our comprehension of the economic ethics of different peoples in Asia, as well as realizing a degree of cultural relativism, in order to enhance amicable economic associations. It counterbalances the conventionally strong West-oriented views which regard exotic features of non-Western economies as backward and illogical elements that disturb smooth and orthodox development and, hence, should be eradicated. The author, first, recalls a number of facts which depict the eruptive economic transformation in Asia. He, then, criticizes (...)
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    Vigencia de lo metapsicológico.Carlos Kuri - 2011 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 23 (33):377.
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  34.  29
    Sensory Stimulation of Oxytocin Release Is Associated With Stress Management and Maternal Care.Toku Takahashi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been shown that various types of stress initiate different physiological and neuroendocrine disorders. Oxytocin is mainly produced in the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Hypothalamic OT has antistress effects and attenuates the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. One mechanism behind the antistress effects of OT is mediated through the inhibition from GABAA receptors on corticotropin-releasing factor expression at the PVN. Various manual therapies such as acupuncture, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and massage initiate the stimulation of somatosensory neurons of (...)
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  35.  4
    Tetsugaku no shomondai.Shōji Takahashi (ed.) - 1984 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
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  36.  17
    Use of Stroop Test for Sports Psychology Study: Cross-Over Design Research.Shinji Takahashi & Philip M. Grove - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:614038.
    Background:In sports psychology research, the Stroop test and its derivations are commonly used to investigate the benefits of exercise on cognitive function. The measures of the Stroop test and the computed interference often have different interclass correlation coefficients (ICC). However, the ICC is never reported in cross-over designs involving multiple variances associated with individual differences.Objective:We investigated the ICC of the Stroop neutral and incongruent tests and interference (neutral test—incongruent test), and reverse Stroop task using the linear mixed model.Methods:Forty-eight young adults (...)
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  37.  18
    Ownership is transfer - infinite judgement or syllogism -.Kazuyuki Ikko Takahashi - 2024 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 18 (1).
    Hegel, in his work _Philosophy of Right_, defines ownership through three elements: acquisition by occupation, use, and transfer. To own something involves mere acquisition and encompasses its appropriate use and potential transfer to others. Subsequently, the final aspect mentioned was the concept of infinite judgement. The acts of owning and transferring to others are diametrically opposed, and Hegel’s unique logic forcibly connects these opposing concepts. This form of infinite judgement was advocated by the young Hegel during the era of _Phenomenology (...)
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  38.  18
    El Darwinismo Neural y los orígenes de la conciencia humana: una crítica desde la dialéctica.Ivonne Kuri & Julio Muñoz Rubio - 2017 - Signos Filosóficos 19 (37):170-195.
    Resumen En este artículo se examina el Darwinismo Neural en su explicación de la evolución de la conciencia humana, contrastando su metodología con la utilizada por Richard Lewontin, Richard Levins y Steven Rose, quienes han hecho importantes aportaciones en el estudio de los sistemas vivos desde un punto de vista dialéctico. Concluimos que la explicación interaccionista de la evolución de la conciencia planteada en el DN, supera muchas de las deficiencias del determinismo biológico; sin embargo, al compartir algunos lineamientos con (...)
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  39. La esencia del derecho y los valores juridicos (ensayo).Daniel Kuri Breña - 1939 - Mexico,:
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  40. Metafísica medieval y mundo moderno: retorno a la metafísica del ser.Ramón Kuri Camacho - 1996 - [Zacatecas]: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.
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  41. Arisutoterēsu.Seiichirō Takahashi - 1934
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  42. Barhebraeus comme philosophe : "la philosophie de Barhebraeus" ou "les oeuvres philosophiques de Barhebraeus"?Hidemi Takahashi - 2019 - In Emiliano Fiori & Henri Hugonnard-Roche (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque. Paris: Geuthner.
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  43. Bushidō no rekishi.Tomio Takahashi - 1986 - Tōkyō: Shin Jinbutsu Ōraisha.
  44. Geijutsu, bungaku oboegaki: Yungu to Furoito sonota.Yoshitaka Takahashi - 1987 - Tōkyō: Dōgakusha.
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  45. Idainaru kurayami: shi Iwamoto Tei to deshitachi.Hideo Takahashi - 1984 - Tōkyō: Shinchōsha.
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  46. Kigen kara no hikari: shinwa, chūsei, gendai.Hideo Takahashi - 1985 - Tōkyō: Ozawa Shoten.
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    Kokusai seiji no moraru aporia: sensō, heiwa to yuragu rinri.Ryōsuke Takahashi & Hirotsugu Ōba (eds.) - 2014 - Kyōto-shi: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
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  48. Miura Baien no shisō.Masayasu Takahashi - 1981
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    Nihon-teki hōishikiron saikō: jidai to hō no haikei o yomu.Makoto Takahashi - 2002 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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  50. Nichi-Bei kigyō no kēsu sutadi ni yoru kigyō rinri kōryō no seitei to jissen.Hiroo Takahashi (ed.) - 1998 - Tōkyō: Sannō Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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