Results for 'Kyriakos S. Markides'

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  1. Migration and health.Kyriakos S. Markides - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 9799--9803.
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  2. Ho agōnas gia tēn aretē.Kyriakos S. Katsimanēs - 1975 - [s. n.],: [S.N.].
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  3. Praktikē philosophia kai politiko ēthos tou Sōkratē.Kyriakos S. Katsimanēs - 1981 - Athēna: "Nikodēmos,".
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  4. Tracing the Development of Thought Experiments in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences.Aspasia S. Moue, Kyriakos A. Masavetas & Haido Karayianni - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (1):61-75.
    An overview is provided of how the concept of the thought experiment has developed and changed for the natural sciences in the course of the 20th century. First, we discuss the existing definitions of the term 'thought experiment' and the origin of the thought experimentation method, identifying it in Greek Presocratics epoch. Second, only in the end of the 19th century showed up the first systematic enquiry on thought experiments by Ernst Mach's work. After the Mach's work, a negative attitude (...)
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    The structure of pre-adolescents’ perceptions of their teacher’s interpersonal behaviours and their relation to pre-adolescents’ learning outcomes.Kyriakos Charalampous & Constantinos M. Kokkinos - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (2):167-189.
    Previous studies have offered indications that the way pre-adolescents structure their perceptions of their teacher’s interaction in terms of Agency and Communion differs from adolescents. The purpose of this study was to delineate previous findings by thoroughly examining the structure of pre-adolescents’ perceptions of their teacher’s interpersonal behaviour, and by investigating the extent to which this structure relates to pre-adolescents’ learning outcomes. A mixed methods research design was implemented including a qualitative instrument adaptation procedure followed by a quantitative large-scale administration. (...)
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    (1 other version)Nursing as concrete philosophy, Part II: Engaging with reality.Kyriakos Theodoridis - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (2):e12206.
    This is the second paper of an essay in two parts. The first paper (Part I) is a critical discussion of Mark Risjord's conception of nursing knowledge where I argued against the conception of nursing knowledge as a kind of nursing science. The aim of the present paper (Part II) is to explicate and substantiate the thesis of nursing as a kind of concrete philosophy. My strategy is to elaborate upon certain themes from Wittgenstein's Tractatus in order to canvass a (...)
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  7.  68
    A ‘Legend’ in Crisis: The Debate Over Plato’s Politics, 1930–1960.Kyriakos N. Demetriou - 2002 - Polis 19 (1-2):61-91.
    From the early 1930s to the early 1960s many scholars, whether liberalminded or socialist ideologues, Marxist or scientific positivists, classical scholars or political theorists and historians, have shown a widespread consensus in discrediting and assailing the man and political philosopher Plato. Such an extensive assault led the ‘Platonic Legend’ to an unprecedented crisis. Philosophically, it was a reaction to the undisguised Platonolatry coming from Oxford and the school of the British Idealists. Ideologically, the appropriation of Plato by Nazi apologists fostered (...)
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  8. Theophilos Kaīrēs.Dēmētrios Nik Kyriakos - 1971
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    (1 other version)A Note on Shoenfield's Unramified Forcing.Kyriakos Keremedis - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (9‐12):183-186.
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    Kripke on Necessity : A Metaphysical Investigation.Kyriakos Theodoridis - unknown
    I undertake a metaphysical investigation of Saul Kripke's modern classic, Naming and Necessity . The general problem of my study may be expressed as follows: What is the metaphysical justification of the validity and existence of the pertinent classes of truths, the necessary a posteriori and the contingent a priori, according to the Kripke Paradigm? My approach is meant to disclose the logical and ontological principles underlying Kripke's arguments for the necessary a posteriori and the contingent a priori respectively. The (...)
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    Proof beyond a context-relevant doubt. A structural analysis of the standard of proof in criminal adjudication.Kyriakos N. Kotsoglou - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (1):111-133.
    The present article proceeds from the mainstream view that the conceptual framework underpinning adversarial systems of criminal adjudication, i.e. a mixture of common-sense philosophy and probabilistic analysis, is unsustainable. In order to provide fact-finders with an operable structure of justification, we need to turn to epistemology once again. The article proceeds in three parts. First, I examine the structural features of justification and how various theories have attempted to overcome Agrippa’s trilemma. Second, I put Inferential Contextualism to the test and (...)
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  12.  28
    Review Article — Reconsidering the Platonic Cleitophon.Kyriakos N. Demetriou - 2000 - Polis 17 (1-2):133-160.
    The riddle of the Cleitophon is a creature of nineteenth-century German scholarship which premised that Plato had developed a profound philosophical system. Thus, having no intrinsic purpose to serve in the context of the development of Plato's philosophy, Cleitophon was disallowed as spurious. Documenting the reception of this minor dialogue provides insights into the pluralism and the perplexities of modern Platonic exegesis. The more recent idea of a genre of literary fiction helps to restore cleitophon to its place in the (...)
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    Some Weak Forms of the Axiom of Choice Restricted to the Real Line.Kyriakos Keremedis & Eleftherios Tachtsis - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (3):413-422.
    It is shown that AC, the axiom of choice for families of non-empty subsets of the real line ℝ, does not imply the statement PW, the powerset of ℝ can be well ordered. It is also shown that the statement “the set of all denumerable subsets of ℝ has size 2math image” is strictly weaker than AC and each of the statements “if every member of an infinite set of cardinality 2math image has power 2math image, then the union has (...)
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  14.  27
    (1 other version)Powers of 2.Kyriakos Keremedis & Horst Herrlich - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):346-351.
    It is shown that in ZF Martin's -axiom together with the axiom of countable choice for finite sets imply that arbitrary powers 2X of a 2-point discrete space are Baire; and that the latter property implies the following: (a) the axiom of countable choice for finite sets, (b) power sets of infinite sets are Dedekind-infinite, (c) there are no amorphous sets, and (d) weak forms of the Kinna-Wagner principle.
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    The Compactness of 2^R and the Axiom of Choice.Kyriakos Keremedis - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (4):569-571.
    We show that for every we ordered cardinal number m the Tychonoff product 2m is a compact space without the use of any choice but in Cohen's Second Mode 2ℝ is not compact.
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    Countable sums and products of metrizable spaces in ZF.Kyriakos Keremedis & Eleftherios Tachtsis - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (1):95-103.
    We study the role that the axiom of choice plays in Tychonoff's product theorem restricted to countable families of compact, as well as, Lindelöf metric spaces, and in disjoint topological unions of countably many such spaces.
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  17.  22
    On Hausdorff operators in ZF$\mathsf {ZF}$.Kyriakos Keremedis & Eleftherios Tachtsis - 2023 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (3):347-369.
    A Hausdorff space is called effectively Hausdorff if there exists a function F—called a Hausdorff operator—such that, for every with,, where U and V are disjoint open neighborhoods of x and y, respectively. Among other results, we establish the following in, i.e., in Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without the Axiom of Choice (): is equivalent to “For every set X, the Cantor cube is effectively Hausdorff”. This enhances the result of Howard, Keremedis, Rubin and Rubin [13] that is equivalent to “Hausdorff (...)
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    Extending Independent Sets to Bases and the Axiom of Choice.Kyriakos Keremedis - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1):92-98.
    We show that the both assertions “in every vector space B over a finite element field every subspace V ⊆ B has a complementary subspace S” and “for every family [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A] of disjoint odd sized sets there exists a subfamily ℱ={Fj:j ϵω} with a choice function” together imply the axiom of choice AC. We also show that AC is equivalent to the statement “in every vector space over ℚ every generating set includes a basis”.
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    Tychonoff products of compact spaces in ZF and closed ultrafilters.Kyriakos Keremedis - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (5):474-487.
    Let {: i ∈I } be a family of compact spaces and let X be their Tychonoff product. [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL C] denotes the family of all basic non-trivial closed subsets of X and [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL C]R denotes the family of all closed subsets H = V × Πmath imageXi of X, where V is a non-trivial closed subset of Πmath imageXi and QH is a finite non-empty subset of I. We show: Every filterbase ℋ ⊂ [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL (...)
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  20.  51
    Versions of Normality and Some Weak Forms of the Axiom of Choice.Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis, Herman Rubin & Jean E. Rubin - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):367-382.
    We investigate the set theoretical strength of some properties of normality, including Urysohn's Lemma, Tietze-Urysohn Extension Theorem, normality of disjoint unions of normal spaces, and normality of Fσ subsets of normal spaces.
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  21.  17
    Independent families and some notions of finiteness.Eric Hall & Kyriakos Keremedis - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (5):689-701.
    In \(\textbf{ZF}\), the well-known Fichtenholz–Kantorovich–Hausdorff theorem concerning the existence of independent families of _X_ of size \(|{\mathcal {P}} (X)|\) is equivalent to the following portion of the equally well-known Hewitt–Marczewski–Pondiczery theorem concerning the density of product spaces: “The product \({\textbf{2}}^{{\mathcal {P}}(X)}\) has a dense subset of size |_X_|”. However, the latter statement turns out to be strictly weaker than \(\textbf{AC}\) while the full Hewitt–Marczewski–Pondiczery theorem is equivalent to \(\textbf{AC}\). We study the relative strengths in \(\textbf{ZF}\) between the statement “_X_ has (...)
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  22.  37
    A characterization of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\square(\kappa^{+})}$$\end{document} in extender models. [REVIEW]Kyriakos Kypriotakis & Martin Zeman - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1-2):67-90.
    We prove that, in any fine structural extender model with Jensen’s λ-indexing, there is a \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\square(\kappa^{+})}$$\end{document} -sequence if and only if there is a pair of stationary subsets of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\kappa^{+} \cap {\rm {cof}}( < \kappa)}$$\end{document} without common reflection point of cofinality \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${ < \kappa}$$\end{document} which, in turn, is equivalent to the existence of a (...)
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    The challenges of choosing and explaining a phenomenon in epidemiological research on the “Hispanic Paradox”.Sean A. Valles - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (2):129-148.
    According to public health data, the US Hispanic population is far healthier than would be expected for a population with low socioeconomic status. Ever since Kyriakos Markides and Jeannine Coreil highlighted this in a seminal 1986 article, public health researchers have sought to explain the so-called “Hispanic paradox.” Several candidate explanations have been offered over the years, but the debate goes on. This article offers a philosophical analysis that clarifies how two sets of obstacles make it particularly difficult (...)
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  24.  12
    Andrea Falcon (ed.), Brill's companion to the reception of Aristotle in antiquity. Series: Brill's companions to classical reception. Series editor Kyriakos N. Demetriou. Vol. 7. leiden; boston: Brill, 2016. Issn 2213-1426, 288 pp. [REVIEW]Pilar Herráiz Oliva - 2017 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 24:287.
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    Kant's Antinomies of Reason: Their Origin and Their Resolution.Victoria S. Wike - 1982 - Upa.
    Analyzes the origin, structure and resolution of Kant's antinomies of reason from a systematic rather than a historical perspective, exploring the relationship between the theoretical antinomies and the practical antinomy in order to indicate their similarities and differences and to suggest the dependence of the latter on the former.
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  26. Letter from the Editor-in-Chief of Polis.Thornton Lockwood - 2020 - Polis 37 (1):1-2.
    It gives me great pleasure and honor to introduce myself as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought. For the last decade I have served as an Associate Editor and the Book Review Editor of the journal. I am very excited about charting new paths for the journal, while continuing to publish first-rate scholarship in our area strengths. Although ‘polis’ is a Greek word that identifies a specific Greek historical political institution, in many (...)
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  27.  24
    Fermi liquid behavior and Luttinger's theorem close to a diverging scattering length.S. Gaudio, J. Jackiewicz & K. S. Bedell - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1823-1830.
  28.  13
    Aristotle's Physical Philosophy.Ellen S. Haring - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):271 - 277.
    Professor Solmsen's interpretation is orthodox; his comprehensive account builds on recent more specialized studies, including his own, and those of Jaeger, Ross, and Cherniss. If in some ways the book contains no large surprises, it nevertheless makes a major contribution by its treatment of Plato. The author has skillfully disengaged Plato's observations about nature from the customary ethical, epistemic, or, as the case may be, metaphysical contexts. He demonstrates that Plato was toward the end of his career a more serious (...)
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  29. Who are we? Who should we be? Two hot issues in contemporary European and American society (II)-Everyone's attention is on morality and law.S. J. Tong - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):79-85.
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  30. The place of living organisms in children's lives.S. D. Tunnicliffe & M. J. Reiss - 1999 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 2:108-114.
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  31. Aṣālat dar hunar va ʻilal-i inḥirāf-i iḥsās-i hunarmand.Aḥmad Ṣabūr Urdūbādī - 1968 - [1346 i.: E..
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    "The will to power" and "The uber-mensch": A critique of Friedrich Nietzsche's Transvaluation of values.S. Y. Alabi - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (1).
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    Taĭna prava: Ego ponimanie, naznachenie, sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ t︠s︡ennostʹ.S. S. Alekseev - 2001 - Moskva: Norma.
    A brief presentation of the major conclusions contained in the recently published monograph entitled "The Ascent to Law: Searches and Solutions," written over a period of many years. Chapter headings are: The law - an objective reality. The dogma of the law. The drama of scholarship. Searching. "The entire" substance of the law. Juridical constructs. The logic of laws. The secret of the law. Law - the highest purpose. Law in the life and fate of mankind.
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  34. Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ sreda i formirovanie chelovecheskogo individuuma.A. S. Chilingari︠a︡n - 1969 - Erevan: Izd-vo Aĭastan.
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    Whitehead’s “Approximation” to Bradley.Lewis S. Ford & Leemon McHenry - 1993 - Idealistic Studies 23 (2-3):103-109.
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    Whitehead's Conception of Divine Spatiality.Lewis S. Ford - 1968 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):1-13.
  37.  7
    The problem of meaning with special reference to Wittgenstein and Śaṅkara: a case study in the philosophy of language.S. Panneerselvam - 1993 - Madras: Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras.
  38. The Progress of Absolutism in Kant's essay "What is Enlightenment?".Robert S. Taylor - 2012 - In Elisabeth Ellis (ed.), Kant's Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications. Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Against several recent interpretations, I argue in this chapter that Immanuel Kant's support for enlightened absolutism was a permanent feature of his political thought that fit comfortably within his larger philosophy, though he saw such rule as part of a transition to democratic self-government initiated by the absolute monarch himself. I support these contentions with (1) a detailed exegesis of Kant’s essay "What is Enlightenment?" (2) an argument that Kantian republicanism requires not merely a separation of powers but also a (...)
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    Cronbach’s Alpha and Semantic Overlap Between Items: A Proposed Correction and Tests of Significance.Ghadah S. Alkhadim - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The purpose of the present study was to address the shortcomings of Cronbach’s alpha concerning the semantic overlap between items. Using an example from a motivational measure, the correction of Cronbach’s alpha was applied by partialing out the effects due to conceptual overlap. The significance of Cronbach’s alpha was tested using simulated random data derived from the measure and by estimating the confidence intervals with known and unknown distributions. The results indicated that the uncorrected conceptual overlap coefficient alpha was equal (...)
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    Kierkegaard’s “Johannes Climacus” on Logical Systems and Existential Systems.Jeffrey S. Turner & Devon R. Beidler - 1991 - Idealistic Studies 21 (2-3):170-183.
    Part of the accepted scholarly lore about Kierkegaard is that he holds that “existence”—human existence—and “the System” are mutually incompatible. For Kierkegaard, human being cannot be understood in terms of a nice, neat, complete systematic package; he shows, on this view, that the Hegelian attempt to grasp all of reality in terms of a philosophical system will always fail to grasp the reality of at least one thing: the concrete, living, existing individual human being.
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  41.  21
    Essays on Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.Michael S. Berliner, Andrew Bernstein, Harry Binswanger, Tore Boeckmann, Jeff Britting, Debi Ghate, Onkar Ghate, Allan Gotthelf, Edwin A. Locke, Shoshana Milgram, Leonard Peikoff, Richard Ralston, Gregory Salmieri, Tara Smith, Mary Ann Sures & Darryl Wright (eds.) - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    This is the first scholarly study of Atlas Shrugged, covering in detail the historical, literary, and philosophical aspects of Ayn Rand's magnum opus. Topics explored in depth include the history behind the novel's creation, publication, and reception; its nature as a romantic novel; and its presentation of a radical new philosophy.
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  42. Sot︠s︡ialʹnye, ėticheskie i ėsteticheskie vzgli︠a︡dy alʹ-Farabi.M. S. Burabaev & Zh M. Abdilʹdin (eds.) - 1984 - Alma-Ata: Izd-vo "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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    Montague's classification of values.Jared S. Moore - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (13):352-355.
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  44. Diachronikē diastasē stē zōē: eisagōgē stēn plastikē domē tēs vio-iatrikēs anazētēsēs: ereunētikē dokimē.I. N. Augoustēs - 1992 - Athēna: Iatrikes Ekd. LITSAS.
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    Mihai Șora: o filosofie a bucuriei și a speranței.Leonid Dragomir & Mihai Șora (eds.) - 2009 - București: Cartea Românească.
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    Einstein's Relativity Theory and the structure of the universe.E. S. Essien - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (1).
  47. Sheffer's stroke for prime numbers.Alexander S. Karpenko - 1994 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 23 (3).
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    Pliny's Letters, X 87 3.W. S. Maguinness - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (01):14-15.
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    Wisdom's Information: Rereading a Biblical Image in the Light of Some Contemporary Science and Speculation.Paul S. Nancarrow - 1997 - Zygon 32 (1):51-64.
    The biblical image of Wisdom as the power who “orders all things well” in nature and in human life can be read in the light of contemporary information theory. Some current scientific speculation offers an interpretation of reality as a vast information‐processing system, in which informational situations are continuously transformed through algorithmic operations. This interpretation finds a metaphysical counterpart in the distinction between “nature natured” and “nature naturing” in the philosophical theology of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This confluence of religious, metaphysical, (...)
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  50. By vilayanur S. Ramachandran and Lindsay M. Oberman.V. S. Ramachandran - unknown
    A t first glance you might not noorder, which afflicts about 0.5 percent of tice anything odd on meeting a American children. Neither researcher young boy with autism. But if had any knowledge of the other’s work, you try to talk to him, it will and yet by an uncanny coincidence each quickly become obvious that gave the syndrome the same name: autism, something is seriously wrong. He may not which derives from the Greek word autos, make eye contact with (...)
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