Results for 'Kátia Mendonça'

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  1. Value and education in times of barbarism.Katia Mendonca - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader (eds.), Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
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    A presença dos ícones no cinema de Andrei Tarkovski.Kátia Marli Leite Mendonça - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1391.
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    Faoro e o encontro entre ética e política.Kátia Mendonça - 1999 - Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política 48 (48).
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    Mentira, velocidade e excesso.Katia Marly Leite Mendonça & Helio Figueiredo da Serra Netto - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):44-61.
    Este artigo discute a relação entre a mentira, a verdade factual e a tecnologia. O processo da chamada “mentira organizada”, iniciado no século XX, atualmente assume hoje proporções apocalípticas e foi abordado por Gunther Anders, Paul Virilio e Hannah Arendt, autores cujas reflexões sobre o tema são aqui retomadas e atualizadas em relação ao cenário contemporâneo. São discutidos a relação entre verdade factual e mentira e os efeitos que sobre ela têm a velocidade e o excesso de informações, de imagens (...)
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  5. Evolutionary Debunking of Moral Realism.Katia Vavova - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (2):104-116.
    Evolutionary debunking arguments move from a premise about the influence of evolutionary forces on our moral beliefs to a skeptical conclusion about those beliefs. My primary aim is to clarify this empirically grounded epistemological challenge. I begin by distinguishing among importantly different sorts of epistemological attacks. I then demonstrate that instances of each appear in the literature under the ‘evolutionary debunking’ title. Distinguishing them clears up some confusions and helps us better understand the structure and potential of evolutionary debunking arguments.
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  6. Irrelevant Influences.Katia Vavova - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research:134-152.
    We often hear such casual accusations: you just believe that because you are a liberal, a Christian, an American, a woman… When such charges are made they are meant to sting—not just emotionally, but epistemically. But should they? It can be disturbing to learn that one's beliefs reflect the influence of such irrelevant factors. The pervasiveness of such influence has led some to worry that we are not justified in many of our beliefs. That same pervasiveness has led others to (...)
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    Pattern of Sentiment: Following a Deweyan Suggestion.Dina Mendonça - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (2):209-227.
    This paper follows a Deweyan suggestion and proposes a structure for emotional activity – pattern of sentiment –as a way to grasp emotional experience in its live occurrence by building upon Dewey’s crucial notion of situation. The first part outlines Dewey’s criticisms of James’s idea of emotion, and verifies the ways in which the recent developments of neuroscience overcome Dewey’s criticisms of James. Given that Dewey’s work is a propitious ground for continuing to renew the discourse about the activities of (...)
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  8. Moral disagreement and moral skepticism.Katia Vavova - 2014 - Philosophical Perspectives 28 (1):302-333.
    The fact of moral disagreement when conjoined with Conciliationism, an independently attractive view about the epistemic significance disagreement, seems to entail moral skepticism. This worries those who like Conciliationism, the independently attractive view, but dislike moral skepticism. Others, equally inclined against moral skepticism, think this is a reductio of Conciliationism. I argue that they are both wrong. There is no reductio and nothing to worry about.
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    4 Why Berkeley was not a Representationalist.Katia Saporiti - 2024 - In Manuel Fasko & Peter West (eds.), Berkeley’s Doctrine of Signs. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 67-80.
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  10. Debunking Evolutionary Debunking.Katia Vavova - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 9:76-101.
    Evolutionary debunking arguments start with a premise about the influence of evolutionary forces on our evaluative beliefs, and conclude that we are not justified in those beliefs. The value realist holds that there are attitude-independent evaluative truths. But the debunker argues that we have no reason to think that the evolutionary forces that shaped human evaluative attitudes would track those truths. Worse yet, we seem to have a good reason to think that they wouldn’t: evolution selects for characteristics that increase (...)
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  11. The Limits of Rational Belief Revision: A Dilemma for the Darwinian Debunker.Katia Vavova - 2020 - Noûs 55 (3):717-734.
    We are fallible creatures, prone to making all sorts of mistakes. So, we should be open to evidence of error. But what constitutes such evidence? And what is it to rationally accommodate it? I approach these questions by considering an evolutionary debunking argument according to which (a) we have good, scientific, reason to think our moral beliefs are mistaken, and (b) rationally accommodating this requires revising our confidence in, or altogether abandoning the suspect beliefs. I present a dilemma for such (...)
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  12. Open-Mindedness, Rational Confidence, and Belief Change.Katia Vavova - 2023 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 12 (2):33–44.
    It’s intuitive to think that (a) the more sure you are of something, the harder it’ll be to change your mind about it, and (b) you can’t be open-minded about something if you’re very sure about it. If these thoughts are right, then, with minimal assumptions, it follows that you can’t be in a good position to both escape echo chambers and be rationally resistant to fake news: the former requires open-mindedness, but the latter is inimical to it. I argue (...)
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    The case of the missing satellites.Katia Wilson - 2017 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 21):1-21.
    In the late 1990s, computational technology had advanced sufficiently that astrophysicists were able to construct reasonably high resolution computer simulations of the Local Group of galaxies. These simulations indicated there should be around 250 small satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way and Andromeda. In the real Local Group, however, only around 40 satellites had been observed, and only twenty or so more have been discovered since then. Despite this discrepancy in numbers, claims have been made in recent years that the (...)
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  14. Thinking as a community: Reasonableness and Emotions.Dina Mendonça & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2016 - In Maughn Gregory, Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Philosophy for Children. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 127-134.
    Reasonableness is a core normative concept in Philosophy for Children (P4C), an inquiry model of education that bridges reasoning, feeling and acting within a community. The concept of reasonableness dates back to Aristotle’s ethical notion of phronesis (1141b), and extends to logical (Gewirth 1983), social and political concerns of major contemporary thinkers (Rawls 2001; Rorty 2001). The development of the concept of reasonableness in P4C was part of the reconceptualization of rationality toward the end of the twentieth century, since Lipman (...)
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    Altered Statistical Learning and Decision-Making in Methamphetamine Dependence: Evidence from a Two-Armed Bandit Task.Katia M. Harlé, Shunan Zhang, Max Schiff, Scott Mackey, Martin P. Paulus & Angela J. Yu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Finding the Tipping Point: When Heterogeneous Evaluations in Social Media Converge and Influence Organizational Legitimacy.Katia Meggiorin, Michael Etter, Elanor Colleoni & Laura Illia - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (1):117-150.
    Can citizens impact the broader discourse about an organization and its legitimacy? While social media have empowered citizens to publicly question firms through large volumes of online evaluations, the high heterogeneity of their evaluations dilutes their impact. Our empirical study applying a threshold vector autoregressive model (TVAR) analysis of 2.5 million tweets and 1,786 news media articles tests the condition by which the heterogeneity of online evaluations converges and influences the broader media discourse. Although social media evaluations do not initially (...)
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    As crianças participam de corpo inteiro.Kátia Agostinho - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (2):347-362.
    As crianças participam de corpo inteiro nos seus mundos de vida, visibilizando a natureza incorporada da ação humana. A partir de uma pesquisa etnográfica com crianças em nível de doutorado, sua empiria e bases teóricas, vimos que o corpo das crianças está na base de toda sua experiência social, mediador das relações, das práticas, dos discursos, das apropriações do Outro e do mundo. Tal ideia precisa ser considerada nas práticas pedagógicas, para que vençamos os fortes mecanismos de controle e dominação (...)
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  18. El itinerario espiritual en santa teresa de lisieux y San Francisco de Asis.Nélio Leandro Barcelos Mendonca - 2002 - Verdad y Vida 60 (233):145-156.
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    Dilemmas of Sharing Religious Space.Katia Boissevain - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (2):290-297.
    Christianity has a long presence in the Maghreb, dating back to Roman imperial times. Eventually it became a mostly Muslim region, but in the late nineteenth century, the Roman Catholic Church embarked on a vast mission of church building, in part to assist the French colonial endeavor. In Tunisia, political independence in 1956 was accompanied by a further reinvigoration of Christianity, and, over the last twenty years, conversion to Christianity has been on the rise. Beginning in 2003, workers and students (...)
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    Situated Techno-Ethics in Businesses.Katia Dupret - 2015 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 34 (1):71-94.
    The continuous inclusion of new technologies in organizations challenges business ethics and creates new problematics in work life. Managers in particular are challenged insofar as they must learn how to adapt general technological hardware to local organizational needs and work habits. Based on new empirical research conducted in Danish health care organizations, it investigates how managers experience technologies and how these experiences affect their professional ethics; it asks: a) What kinds of ethics do managers consider when using new technologies? b) (...)
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    O lugar do testemunho na estrutura do conhecimento e da justificação.Kátia Martins Etcheverry & Carlos Augusto Sartori - 2017 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 62 (3):566.
    O objetivo central neste artigo é o de explicar o que é testemunho e como ele produz conhecimento e justificação. Conforme essa concepção, o testemunho é uma importante e habitual fonte de conhecimento e de justificação, bem como um conceito relevante em epistemologia social, comunicação e psicologia da aquisição de crença. Apesar de o testemunho, nessa concepção, não ser considerado uma fonte básica de conhecimento e justificação, é alegado que ele é uma fonte de conhecimento básico pois crenças básicas não (...)
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    Die Notwendigkeit des Scheiterns: das Tragische als Bestimmung der Philosophie bei Schelling.Katia Hay - 2012 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
  23. On the reverse. Some notes on photographic images from the Warburg Institute Photographic Collection.Katia Mazzucco - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    How can the visual and textual data about an image – the image of a work of art – on recto and verso of a picture be interpreted? An analogical-art-documentary photograph represents a palimpsest to be considered layer by layer. The examples discussed in this article, which refer to both Aby Warburg himself and the first nucleus of the Warburg Institute Photographic Collection, contribute to effectively outline elements of the debate around the question of the photographic reproduction of the work (...)
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    Existência, liberdade e possibilidade: considerações sobre a crítica ao determinismo em Sartre.Magdalena Mendonça - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2).
    A partir das noções de liberdade, situação e responsabilidade e suas relações, apresentadanos textos sartrianos aqui escolhidos – a saber: O existencialismo é um humanismo e O ser eo nada –, objetiva-se destacar a crítica à doutrina do livre-arbítrio, própria do pensarcristão, que acarreta a recusa do pensar determinista em Sartre a respeito das ações econdutas humanas, sobretudo no destaque que o filósofo confere aos termos situação econtingência, vinculadas à sua compreensão de liberdade. Trata-se de sinalizar, na ênfasedo valorar singular (...)
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    Episodic memory training in elderly: A systematic review.André Rocha Mendonça, Lucas Machado Loureiro, Carlos Eduardo Nórte & Jesus Landeira-Fernandez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Introduction:Episodic memory is a cognitive process that allows the recall of experiences, learning, and the pursuit of future goals. During the aging process, episodic memory declines negatively, impacting social and psychological aspects in the elderly. Such intervention strategies as cognitive training are non-pharmacological ways of reducing these losses.ObjectiveWe systematically reviewed studies of the cognitive training of episodic memory in healthy elderly individuals and elderly individuals with clinical conditions.MethodWe systematically searched the PubMed, PsycNET, Web of Science, and SciELO databases using the (...)
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  26. Luta pela civilização: condições e exigências de uma educação da humanidade para a paz.Álvaro Mendonça Pimentel - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):107-124.
    Resumo : O artigo examina as contribuições do pensamento social de Maurice Blondel para a promoção de uma paz duradoura entre as nações. A partir da crítica blondeliana dos totalitarismos e dos regimes liberais, elencamos certas características da ação humana histórica e concreta, individual e social, que fundamentam uma concepção social e política favorável à pluralidade das culturas e à colaboração entre os povos. Como critério crítico e forma normal de promover a busca imanente do bem, da verdade e da (...)
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  27. Riccardo Guastini, analítico.Daniel Mendonca - 2002 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 17:251-257.
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    Wittgenstein über Zahlen.W. P. Mendonça - 1991 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 39 (1):127-153.
    Die Kritik des späten Wittgenstein am logizistischen Programm zur Begründung der Mathematik, vor allem im Blick auf die Definition der Zahl als Klasse von Klassen, und die darauf gegründete Explikation des Sinnes arithmetischer Sätze wird systematisch rekonstruiert. Entgegen einer verbreiteten Auffassung zeigen die Analysen Wittgensteins, daß Frege und Russell den Zahlbegriff nicht auf den „grundlegenderen" Begriff der eineindeutigen Zuordnung „reduzieren". Entsprechend sind Zahlen nicht mehr als durch Abstraktion erreichbare, echte Eigenschaften von Klassen zu verstehen, sondern als Formen oder Möglicfikeiten, die (...)
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    Dignified death: Concept development involving nurses and doctors in Pediatric Intensive Care Units.Kátia Poles & Regina Szylit Bousso - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (5):694-709.
    The aim of this study was to develop the concept of the dignified death of children in Brazilian pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). The Hybrid Model for Concept Development was used to develop a conceptual structure of dignified death in PICUs in an attempt to define the concept. The fieldwork study was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with nine nurses and seven physicians working in PICUs. Not unexpectedly, the concept of dignified death was found to be a complex (...)
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    Berkeley's perceptual realism.Katia Saporiti - 2004 - In Ralph Schumacher (ed.), Perception and Reality: From Descartes to the Present. Mentis. pp. 188-213.
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    Theory of Non‐Emotion in the Zhuangzi and its Connection to Wei‐Jin Poetry.Katia Lenehan - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (2):340-354.
    Zhuangzi purports to follow a particular method of viewing human emotion and suggests freeing oneself from worldly emotions—this is called “doctrine of non-emotion” (wuqing shuo 無情說). This article attempts to show that the idea of non-emotion in Zhuangzi does not in any way conflict with the expression of emotion in poetry, and moreover, it provides a foundation for the poet to express his emotions naturally and freely. We will use the Chinese poetry of the Wei-Jin Period—a period that is strongly (...)
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    No negative semantic priming from unconscious flanker words in sight.Katia Duscherer & Daniel Holender - 2002 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (4):839-853.
  33. Confidence, Evidence, and Disagreement.Katia Vavova - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):173-183.
    Should learning we disagree about p lead you to reduce confidence in p? Some who think so want to except beliefs in which you are rationally highly confident. I argue that this is wrong; we should reject accounts that rely on this intuitive thought. I then show that quite the opposite holds: factors that justify low confidence in p also make disagreement about p less significant. I examine two such factors: your antecedent expectations about your peers’ opinions and the difficulty (...)
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    Argumentos de superveniência contra o realismo moral robusto.Wilson Mendonça - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (1).
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    (1 other version)The Function of Disclosing Medical Errors: New Cultural Challenges for Physicians.Vitor S. Mendonca, Thomas H. Gallagher & Reinaldo A. De Oliveira - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):167-175.
    A general consensus has been reached in health care organizations that the disclosure of medical errors can be a very powerful way to improve patients and physicians well-being and serves as a core component to high quality health care. This practice strongly encourages transparent communication with patients after medical errors or unanticipated outcomes. However, many countries, such as Brazil, do not have a culture of disclosing harmful errors to patients or standards emphasizing the importance of disclosing, taking responsibility, apologizing, and (...)
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    Persuasive argumentation in negotiation.Katia P. Sycara - 1990 - Theory and Decision 28 (3):203-242.
  37. Abolish! Against the Use of Risk Assessment Algorithms at Sentencing in the US Criminal Justice System.Katia Schwerzmann - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1883-1904.
    In this article, I show why it is necessary to abolish the use of predictive algorithms in the US criminal justice system at sentencing. After presenting the functioning of these algorithms in their context of emergence, I offer three arguments to demonstrate why their abolition is imperative. First, I show that sentencing based on predictive algorithms induces a process of rewriting the temporality of the judged individual, flattening their life into a present inescapably doomed by its past. Second, I demonstrate (...)
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    Controversy as a Developmental Tool in Cross Self-Confrontation Analysis.Katia Kostulski & Laure Kloetzer - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (2):54-73.
    In Psychology, the issue of language usage as a means of action in psychological life requires that we question the relations between the forms of language expression and their psychological functions. The current paper contributes to an understanding of this question. The relation between form and function is examined here, with particular focus on a discursive and dialogic method employed in the Activity Clinic approach to elicit controversy as a means of developing dialogical thinking. We argue that the interfunctionality of (...)
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    O Belo e o Destino: uma introdução à Filosofia de Hegel.Kátia Silva Araújo - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):458-464.
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    Sovranità e diritti umani: per uno spazio europeo dei diritti.Katia Castaldo - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (42):71-87.
    En "tiempos" de una profunda crisis de los espacios públicos, principalmente, la crisis de soberanía, identidad colectiva, pertenencia y radicalismos; Europa quiere ser un bastión de "resistencia a la globalización" y, en su conjunto, un espacio para la afirmación y la garantía de los Derechos que ..
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    O Fundacionismo Internalista de BonJour e Seus Críticos.Kátia Martins Etcheverry - 2011 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 3 (5):298-308.
    Todas as teorias fundacionistas assumem que algumas crenças justificadas são básicas porque sua justificação não se deve ao fato de terem sido inferidas de outras crenças justificadas, interrompendo assim o regresso epistêmico. A versão internalista do fundacionismo sustenta que uma crença só pode ser justificada quando o fator justificador está cognitivamente disponível ao sujeito que crê com base nele. Tendo em vista esta dupla exigência – dar por encerrado o regresso epistêmico em crenças que são justificadas de modo não inferencial, (...)
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    August Wilhelm Von Schlegel.Katia D. Hay - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Nietzsche, German idealism and its critics.Katia Hay & Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (eds.) - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Nietzsche was a severe critic of German Idealism, but what exactly is the relation between his thought and theirs? Papers from leading specialists in Kant, Hegel, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche contribute to a clearer understanding of the differences and affinities between Nietzsche's philosophy and that of his predecessors.".
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    Learning outcomes in health care ethics; a case study concerning one course.Katia Käyhkö - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (3):301-305.
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  45. Interstitial ethics: attending to frames of intelligibility in Harry Parker's Anatomy of a soldier.Katia Marcellin - 2025 - In Jean-Michel Ganteau & Susana Onega Jaén (eds.), The ethics of (in-)attention in contemporary Anglophone narrative. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Trusting your heart: Long-term memory for bad and good people is influenced by resting vagal tone.Katia Mattarozzi, Valentina Colonnello, Julian F. Thayer & Cristina Ottaviani - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 75:102810.
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  47. Da Teoria do Conhecimento à metodologia: análise do projeto epistemológico de Popper.Wilson Mendonça - forthcoming - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciéncia.
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    O ser e o nada de Sartre: uma "descoberta" filosófica dos "tempos modernos".Cristina Diniz Mendonça - 1994 - Trans/Form/Ação 17:105-112.
    This article defends the view that Sartre's "phenomenological ontology essay", L'Être et le Néant, could be understood as a philosophical re-creation of a crucial historical experience.Este artigo indica que o "Ensaio de ontologia fenomenológica" de Sartre, O ser e o nada, poderia ser lido como uma recriação filosófica de uma experiência histórica crucial.
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    (1 other version)Quando o tempo cura as feridas do próprio tempo.Cristina Diniz Mendonça - 2004 - Dois Pontos 1 (1).
    resumo Parte de um percurso em que tratamos de expor a estrutura filosófica L’Être et lê Néant , o presente estudo procura mostrar que essa obra é o ponto fundamental de transição onde se dá, no pensamento sartriano, a metamorfose de uma teoria do tempo como destino trágico numa teoria do tempo como “salvação”. Completa-se, aqui, o processo de radicalização de Heidegger efetivado por Sartre: do pessimismo próprio do Dasein, que caminha impotente e solitário para a morte, passamos ao otimismo (...)
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    Razão e linguagem na ética de Richard Hare.Giovani Mendonça - 2005 - Enfoques 17 (1):65-76.
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