Results for 'L. Golding, C., Gurr, D., and Hinton'

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  1.  18
    As Syllable from Sound.Martin Hinton & Gabrijela Kišiček - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (2):16-46.
    This paper addresses the prob-lem of how to identify and evaluate argu-ments made in a nonverbal form. Such arguments may employ images, sounds, or a combination of these in a truly mul-timodal presentation. Here, we concen-trate on those which are classified as au-ditory, i.e. contain at least one premise or the conclusion in sound form. We pro-pose and test a solution whereby some el-ements of the Comprehensive Assess-ment Procedure for Natural Argumenta-tion (CAPNA) are modified to allow for the evaluation of (...)
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    As Syllable from Sound.Martin Hinton & Gabrijela Kišiček - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):135-165.
    This paper addresses the prob-lem of how to identify and evaluate argu-ments made in a nonverbal form. Such arguments may employ images, sounds, or a combination of these in a truly mul-timodal presentation. Here, we concen-trate on those which are classified as au-ditory, i.e. contain at least one premise or the conclusion in sound form. We pro-pose and test a solution whereby some el-ements of the Comprehensive Assess-ment Procedure for Natural Argumenta-tion (CAPNA) are modified to allow for the evaluation of (...)
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    A study of the accommodation of coherency strain by interfacial defects at a grain boundary in gold.R. C. Pond, D. L. Medlin & A. Serra - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (29-31):4667-4684.
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  4. Reasoning across cultures.R. C. Burnett & D. L. Medin - 2008 - In Jonathan Eric Adler & Lance J. Rips, Reasoning: Studies of Human Inference and its Foundations. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 934--955.
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  5. Philosophy for children meets the art of living: a holistic approach to an education for life.L. D'Olimpio & C. Teschers - 2016 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 23 (2):114-124.
    This article explores the meeting of two approaches towards philosophy and education: the philosophy for children approach advocated by Lipman and others, and Schmid’s philosophical concept of Lebenskunst. Schmid explores the concept of the beautiful or good life by asking what is necessary for each individual to be able to develop their own art of living and which aspects of life are significant when shaping a good and beautiful life. One element of Schmid’s theory is the practical application of philosophy (...)
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  6. Mutualisms.Judith L. Bronstein, C. W. Fox, D. A. Roff & D. J. Fairbairn - 2001 - In C. W. Fox D. A. Roff, Evolutionary Ecology: Concepts and Case Studies.
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  7. Name Index* j&?L. Couturat, C. W. Curtis, D. Von Dalen, G. Deleuze, G. Desargues, J. L. Destouches, J. Dieudonne, P. Dugac, M. Dummett & W. G. Dwyer - 2006 - In José Ferreirós Domínguez & Jeremy Gray, The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Ethical issues in genomic research: Proposing guiding principles co-produced with stakeholders.D. Carrieri, L. Jackson, C. Bewshea, B. Prainsack, J. Mansfield, T. Ahmad, N. Hawkins & S. Kelly - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (4):194-198.
    Ethical guidance for genomic research is increasingly sought and perceived to be necessary. Although there are pressing ethical issues in genomic research – concerning for example the recruitment of patients/participants; the process of taking consent; data sharing; and returning results to patients/participants – there is still limited useful guidance available for researchers/clinicians or for the research ethics committees who review such projects. This report outlines the ethical principles and guidance for genomic research co-produced with stakeholders during two workshops which took (...)
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    Reasoning with Linear Orders: Differential Parietal Cortex Activation in Sub-Clinical Depression. An fMRI Investigation in Sub-Clinical Depression and Controls.Elanor C. Hinton, Richard G. Wise, Krish D. Singh & Ulrich von Hecker - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  10.  53
    On Arguments from Ignorance.Martin David Hinton - 2018 - Informal Logic 38 (2):184-212.
    The purpose of this paper is twofold: to give a good account of the argument from ignorance, with a presumptive argumentation scheme, and to raise issues on the work of Walton, the nature of abduction and the concept of epistemic closure. First, I offer a brief disambiguation of how the terms 'argument from ignorance' and 'argumentum ad ignorantiam' are used. Second, I show how attempts to embellish this form of reasoning by Douglas Walton and A.J. Kreider have been unnecessary and (...)
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  11. Nepotistic patterns of violent psychopathy: evidence for adaptation?D. B. Krupp, L. A. Sewall, M. L. Lalumière, C. Sheriff & G. T. Harris - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3:1-8.
    Psychopaths routinely disregard social norms by engaging in selfish, antisocial, often violent behavior. Commonly characterized as mentally disordered, recent evidence suggests that psychopaths are executing a well-functioning, if unscrupulous strategy that historically increased reproductive success at the expense of others. Natural selection ought to have favored strategies that spared close kin from harm, however, because actions affecting the fitness of genetic relatives contribute to an individual’s inclusive fitness. Conversely, there is evidence that mental disorders can disrupt psychological mechanisms designed to (...)
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    Argument Evaluation: If your Snark be a Boojum….Martin Hinton - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (2):4-15.
    In this essay, I make a plea for a wide-ranging, open perspective on the evaluation of arguments. This involves a more flexible understanding of what fallacies are and for what argu-ments may be used. I acknowledge the great wealth of argumentation theory, but bemoan the lack of systematic, re-peatable, and explainable evaluation procedures. I then go on to introduce the works which contribute to this spe-cial issue and explain how they assist in the fulfilment of my hopes. Résumé: Dans cet (...)
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  13.  48
    " The visible skeleton series": the art of Laura Ferguson.Alice Domurat Dreger, L. Ferguson, C. Aspinall, D. W. Polly Jr & J. B. Beckwith - 2003 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 47 (2):159-175.
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  14. Update of Clostridium difficile infection due to PCR ribotype 027 in Europe, 2008.E. J. Kuijper, F. Barbut, J. S. Brazier, N. Kleinkauf, T. Eckmanns, M. L. Lambert, D. Drudy, F. Fitzpatrick, C. Wiuff & D. J. Brown - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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  15. Industrial ecology.D. O'Rouke, L. Connelly & C. P. Koshland - 1996 - A Critical Review. International Journal on Environment and Pollution 6 (2/3):89-112.
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    Argument Evaluation: If your Snark be a Boojum….Martin Hinton - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):123-134.
    In this essay, I make a plea for a wide-ranging, open perspective on the evaluation of arguments. This involves a more flexible understanding of what fallacies are and for what argu-ments may be used. I acknowledge the great wealth of argumentation theory, but bemoan the lack of systematic, re-peatable, and explainable evaluation procedures. I then go on to introduce the works which contribute to this spe-cial issue and explain how they assist in the fulfilment of my hopes. Résumé: Dans cet (...)
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  17.  32
    is achieved. Prior to stabilization, neural networks do not jump around between points in activation space. Stabiliza-tion is the process whereby a network first generates a de-terminate activation pattern, and thereby arrives at a point in activation space. [REVIEW]D. E. Rumelhart, P. Smolensky, J. L. McClelland & G. E. Hinton - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27:2.
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  18. Results from DAMA/LIBRA at Gran Sasso.R. Bernabei, P. Belli, F. Cappella, R. Cerulli, C. J. Dai, A. D’Angelo, H. L. He, A. Incicchitti, H. H. Kuang, X. H. Ma, F. Montecchia, F. Nozzoli, D. Prosperi, X. D. Sheng & Z. P. Ye - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):900-916.
    The DAMA project is an observatory for rare processes and it is operative deep underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the I.N.F.N. In particular, the DAMA/LIBRA (Large sodium Iodide Bulk for RAre processes) set-up consists of highly radiopure NaI(Tl) detectors for a total sensitive exposed mass of ≃250 kg. Recent results, obtained by this set-up by exploiting the model independent annual modulation signature of Dark Matter (DM) particles, have confirmed and improved those obtained by the former DAMA/NaI experiment. (...)
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  19. The Ethical Commitments of Health Promotion Practitioners: An Empirical Study from New South Wales, Australia.S. M. Carter, C. Klinner, I. Kerridge, L. Rychetnik, V. Li & D. Fry - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (2):128-139.
    In this article, we provide a description of the good in health promotion based on an empirical study of health promotion practices in New South Wales, the most populous state in Australia. We found that practitioners were unified by a vision of the good in health promotion that had substantive and procedural dimensions. Substantively, the good in health promotion was teleological: it inhered in meliorism, an intention to promote health, which was understood holistically and situated in places and environments, a (...)
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    Low risk research using routinely collected identifiable health information without informed consent: encounters with the Patient Information Advisory Group.C. Metcalfe, R. M. Martin, S. Noble, J. A. Lane, F. C. Hamdy, D. E. Neal & J. L. Donovan - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):37-40.
    Current UK legislation is impacting upon the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of medical record-based research aimed at benefiting the NHS and the public heath. Whereas previous commentators have focused on the Data Protection Act 1998, the Health and Social Care Act 2001 is the key legislation for public health researchers wishing to access medical records without written consent. The Act requires researchers to apply to the Patient Information Advisory Group for permission to access medical records without written permission. We present a (...)
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  21.  36
    Toward More Reflexive Use of Adaptive Management.C. L. Jacobson, Kenneth F. D. Hughey, W. J. Allen, S. Rixecker & R. W. Carter - 2009 - .
    Adaptive management is commonly identified as a way to address situations where ecological and social uncertainty exists. Two discourses are common: a focus on experimentation, and a focus on collaboration. The roles of experimental and collaborative adaptive management in contemporary practice are reviewed to identify tools for bridging the discourses. Examples include broadening the scope of contributions during the buy-in and goal-setting stages, using conceptual models and decision support tools to include stakeholders in model development, experimentation using indicators of concern (...)
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  22.  26
    Benefits Analysis of Smart Grid Projects.C. Marnay, L. Liu, J. Yu, D. Zhang, J. Mauzy, B. Shaffer, X. Dong, W. Agate & S. Vitiello - unknown
    Smart grids are rolling out internationally, with the United States nearing completion of a significant USD4-plus-billion federal program funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The emergence of smart grids is widespread across developed countries. Multiple approaches to analyzing the benefits of smart grids have emerged. The goals of this white paper are to review these approaches and analyze examples of each to highlight their differences, advantages, and disadvantages. This work was conducted under the auspices of a joint U.S.-China (...)
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  23.  72
    A transdisciplinary perspective concerning the origin of the species: The migratory theory of genetic fitness.D. E. Montoya, D. A. Peck, N. L. Montoya & C. P. Montoya - 2009 - World Futures 65 (3):166 – 175.
    Although the Neo-Darwin Theory of Evolution is one of the most celebrated theories in science, nonetheless it has received many criticisms. These criticisms are documented and a new transdisciplinary theory of origin is introduced. Darwin's original argument was that natural selection, through heritable changes, changed simple organisms over time. These heritable changes are responsible for the complex plethora of life seen around us today. Darwin's original theory, however, was deconstructed after the fact into a mutation-based theory. This mutation-based theory in (...)
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  24.  45
    Managing Coastal Resource in the 21st Century.M. P. Weinstein, R. C. Baird, D. O. Conover, M. Gross, F. W. J. Keulartz, D. K. Loomis, Z. Naveh, S. B. Peterson, D. J. Reed, E. Roe, R. L. Swanson, J. A. A. Swart, J. M. Teal, H. J. Turner & H. J. Windt - unknown
    Coastal ecosystems are increasingly dominated by humans. Consequently, the human dimensions of sustainability science have become an integral part of emerging coastal governance and management practices. But if we are to avoid the harsh lessons of land management, coastal decision makers must recognize that humans are one of the more coastally dependent species in the biosphere. Management responses must therefore confront both the temporal urgency and the very real compromises and sacrifices that will be necessary to achieve a sustainable coastal (...)
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  25.  24
    From no whinge scenarios to viability tree.Luc Doyen, C. Armstrong, S. Baumgärtner, C. Béné, F. Blanchard, A. A. Cissé, R. Cooper, L. X. C. Dutra, A. Eide, D. Freitas, S. Gourguet, Felipe Gusmao, P.-Y. Hardy, A. Jarre, L. R. Little, C. Macher, M. Quaas, E. Regnier, N. Sanz & O. Thébaud - 2019 - Ecological Economics 163:183-188.
    Avoiding whinges from various and potentially conflicting stakeholders is a major challenge for sustainable development and for the identification of sustainability scenarios or policies for biodiversity and ecosystem services. It turns out that independently complying with whinge thresholds and constraints of these stakeholders is not sufficient because dynamic ecological-economic interactions and uncertainties occur. Thus more demanding no whinge standards are needed. In this paper, we first argue that these new boundaries can be endogenously exhibited with the mathematical concepts of viability (...)
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  26. The Nature of Time.T. Gold & D. L. Schumacher - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (1):88-89.
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  27.  86
    Amber D. Carpenter and Pierre-Julien Harter (eds.), "Crossing the Stream, Leaving the Cave: Buddhist-Platonist Philosophical Inquiries," Oxford University Press, 2024, 299pp., $105.00 (hbk), ISBN 9780198880844. [REVIEW]Alexander T. Englert & Jonathan C. Gold - 2025 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 1.
  28. Orientation affects both structural and episodic representations of 3-D objects.D. L. la CooperSchacter & C. Moore - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):483-483.
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    Subjective variables in electro-physiological recording.L. R. C. Haward - 1967 - Acta Biotheoretica 17 (4):195-204.
    Electrophysiology deals with apparatus applied in a stimulus response situation. This technique is partly concerned with physical problems, partly with biological ones. The failure to appreciate differences in these problems leads to assumptions which require critical examination. Assumptions stating the constancy of objective stimuli, the meaning of inter and intra-individual variation, and the stability of the so-called “resting level” are examined.Some experiments are cited which reveal complications by the apperception of the patient and which have a significant influence on electrophysiological (...)
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  30. A Agliotti, S., 176,186 Alexander, M., 188 Allport, A., 173,252.L. Althusser, A. Altaian, C. R. Anderson, R. Angelergues, G. Antonucci, D. Armstrong, R. Audi, K. Bach, J. L. Barbur & R. Barthes - 1994 - In Antti Revonsuo & Matti Kamppinen, Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Neuroscience. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 287.
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  31. Ash, CJ, Stability of recursive structures in arithmetical degrees Ash, CJ, Categoric@ in hyperarithmetical degrees.D. Cenzer, P. Clote, R. L. Smith, S. S. Wainer, K. J. Compton, C. W. Henson & S. Shelah - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40:307-310.
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    Factors associated with refusal of hospital treatment at Odi District Hospital, Gauteng Province, South Africa.D. K. Nzaumvila, L. H. Mabuza, M. Mogotsi, T. Bongongo & C. N. Saidiya - 2020 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 13 (2):119.
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    Forum on Martin Puchner, "The drama of ideas".C. Rozzoni, M. Puchner, D. Kornhaber, L. Cull, T. Stern & M. Harries - 2013 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 3:110-153.
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    The return of the reinforcement theorists.C. D. L. Wynne - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):156-156.
  35.  15
    Investigation of the mental health and cognitive correlates of psychological decentering in adolescence.R. C. Knight, D. L. Dunning, J. Cotton, G. Franckel, S. P. Ahmed, S. J. Blakemore, T. Ford, W. Kuyken, Myriad Team, T. Dalgleish & M. P. Bennett - 2025 - Cognition and Emotion 39 (2):465-475.
    The ability to notice and reflect on distressing internal experiences from an objective perspective, often called psychological decentering, has been posited to be protective against mental health difficulties. However, little is known about how this skill relates to age across adolescence, its relationship with mental health, and how it may impact key domains such as affective executive control and social cognition. This study analysed a pre-existing dataset including mental health measures and cognitive tasks, administered to adolescents in Greater London and (...)
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    NMDA receptors: Substrates or modulators of memory formation.David L. Walker & Paul E. Gold - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):634-634.
    We agree with Shors & Matzel's general hypothesis that the proposed link between NMDA-dependent LTP and memory is weak. They suggest that NMDA-dependent LTP is important to arousal or attentional processes which influence learning in an anterograde manner. However, current evidence is also consistent with the view that NMDA receptors modulate memory consolidation retroactively, as occurs in several other receptor classes.
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    The Enigma of Perception.D. L. C. Maclachlan - 2013 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    How do we acquire knowledge through a sensory input from our environment? In The Enigma of Perception, D.L.C. Maclachlan revives the traditional causal representative theory of perception which dominated philosophical thinking for hundreds of years by revealing the important element of truth the theory contained. The traditional theory was not a complete explanation of perception, because it presupposed a causal system including both the physical objects and the subjective experiences. The pattern of inference from sensations to external objects, which lies (...)
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  38.  67
    Access to medical records for research purposes: varying perceptions across research ethics boards.D. J. Willison, C. Emerson, K. V. Szala-Meneok, E. Gibson, L. Schwartz, K. M. Weisbaum, F. Fournier, K. Brazil & M. D. Coughlin - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):308-314.
    Introduction: Variation across research ethics boards in conditions placed on access to medical records for research purposes raises concerns around negative impacts on research quality and on human subject protection, including privacy.Aim: To study variation in REB consent requirements for retrospective chart review and who may have access to the medical record for data abstraction.Methods: Thirty 90-min face-to-face interviews were conducted with REB chairs and administrators affiliated with faculties of medicine in Canadian universities, using structured questions around a case study (...)
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    The Declaration of Sydney on human death.C. Machado, J. Korein, Y. Ferrer, L. Portela, M. D. L. C. Garcia, M. Chinchilla, Y. Machado & J. M. Manero - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (12):699-703.
    On 5 August 1968, publication of the Harvard Committee’s report on the subject of “irreversible coma” established a standard for diagnosing death on neurological grounds. On the same day, the 22nd World Medical Assembly met in Sydney, Australia, and announced the Declaration of Sydney, a pronouncement on death, which is less often quoted because it was overshadowed by the impact of the Harvard Report. To put those events into present-day perspective, the authors reviewed all papers published on this subject and (...)
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    The ethical approach to AIDS: a bibliographical review.C. Manuel, P. Enel, J. Charrel, D. Reviron, M. P. Larher, X. Thirion & J. L. Sanmarco - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (1):14-27.
    This bibliographical study involved first the exploitation of four data-banks: Medline, CNRS, Bioethics and AIDS, with the following key words (in conjunction with AIDS): ethics, human rights, confidentiality, legislation, jurisprudence. A total of 412 references were listed between 1983 and the end of 1987. Examination of the quantitative increase of articles over these years shows that, while references to AIDS and/or HIV infection--referred to as 'AIDS' for brevity--increased by about one third per year, the number of papers treating ethical problems (...)
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    New Experimental Limit on the Pauli Exclusion Principle Violation by Electrons—The VIP Experiment.C. Curceanu, S. Bartalucci, S. Bertolucci, M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, S. Di Matteo, J. -P. Egger, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, M. Laubenstein, J. Marton, E. Milotti, D. Pietreanu, T. Ponta, A. Romero Vidal, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, L. Sperandio, O. Vazquez Doce, E. Widmann & J. Zmeskal - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):282-287.
    We present an experimental test of the validity of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for electrons based on the concept put forward a few years ago by Ramberg and Snow. In this experiment we perform a very accurate search of X-rays from the Pauli-forbidden atomic transitions of electrons in the already filled 1S shells of copper atoms. Although the experiment has a simple structure, it poses deep conceptual and interpretational problems. Here we describe the experimental method and recent experimental results, which (...)
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  42. Sbn 004-232-8 issn 0378-0880 c&c an international interdisciplinary quarterly journal.P. Burghgraeve, W. Callebaut, L. de Ryck-Tasmowski, A. Fache, D. Goyvaerts, F. Hallyn, L. Peferoen, R. Pinxten, M. Spoelders & Jp van Bendegem - 1997 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 30.
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    Whitehead’s Theory of Perception.D. L. C. Maclachlan - 1992 - Process Studies 21 (4):227-230.
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  44. Childhood IQ of parents related to characteristics of their offspring: linking the Scottish Mental Survey 1932 to the Midspan Family Study.C. L. Hart, I. J. Deary, G. Davey Smith, M. N. Upton, L. J. Whalley, J. M. Starr, D. J. Hole, V. Wilson & G. C. M. Watt - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):623.
    The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between childhood IQ of parents and characteristics of their adult offspring. It was a prospective family cohort study linked to a mental ability survey of the parents and set in Renfrew and Paisley in Scotland. Participants were 1921-born men and women who took part in the Scottish Mental Survey in 1932 and the Renfrew/Paisley study in the 1970s, and whose offspring took part in the Midspan Family study in 1996. There (...)
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    Company–Community Agreements, Gender and Development.J. C. Keenan, D. L. Kemp & R. B. Ramsay - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (4):607-615.
    Company–community agreements are widely considered to be a practical mechanism for recognising the rights, needs and priorities of peoples impacted by mining, for managing impacts and ensuring that mining-derived benefits are shared. The use and application of company–community agreements is increasing globally. Notwithstanding the utility of these agreements, the gender dimensions of agreement processes in mining have rarely been studied. Prior research on women and mining demonstrates that women are often more adversely impacted by mining than men, and face greater (...)
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    Impact of recent legislative bills regarding clinical research on Italian ethics committee activity.L. Porcu, D. Poli, V. Torri, E. Rulli, M. C. Di Tullio, M. Cinquini, E. Bajetta, R. Labianca, F. Di Costanzo, D. Nitti & I. Floriani - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):747-750.
    Aims and background: The present work assessed the impact of two decrees on ethics committees in Italy, aimed at bringing the national laws on the conduct of clinical trials into line with the rest of the EC, and regulating and facilitating not-for-profit research.Material and methods: Prospectively collected data from an Italian multicentre study were examined with respect to the ethics review process. Administrative and time elements of the review process were audited. Main outcome measures were time between the application submission (...)
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    Spontaneously Emitted X-rays: An Experimental Signature of the Dynamical Reduction Models.C. Curceanu, S. Bartalucci, A. Bassi, M. Bazzi, S. Bertolucci, C. Berucci, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, S. Di Matteo, S. Donadi, A. D’Uffizi, J. -P. Egger, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, M. Laubenstein, J. Marton, E. Milotti, A. Pichler, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, T. Ponta, E. Sbardella, A. Scordo, H. Shi, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, L. Sperandio, O. Vazquez Doce & J. Zmeskal - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (3):263-268.
    We present the idea of searching for X-rays as a signature of the mechanism inducing the spontaneous collapse of the wave function. Such a signal is predicted by the continuous spontaneous localization theories, which are solving the “measurement problem” by modifying the Schrödinger equation. We will show some encouraging preliminary results and discuss future plans and strategy.
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    Thomas Szasz: An Appraisal of His Legacy.C. V. Haldipur, James L. Knoll Iv & Eric V. D. Luft (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    Thomas Szasz wrote over thirty books and several hundred articles, replete with mordant criticism of psychiatry. His works made him arguably one of the world's most recognized psychiatrists, albeit one of the most controversial. This book critically examines the legacy of a man who challenged the very concept of mental illness.
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    The Traditional Theory of Perception Comes Back to Life.D. L. C. MacLachlan - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:157-161.
    The causal representative theory of perception dominated theory of knowledge for hundreds of years after it was put on the map by Descartes and Locke. It is now almost extinct. How could this happen? The theory collapsed because it could not explain how we acquire knowledge of the external world, since it presupposes a causally organized system of external objects producing sensations in us. This presupposition, however, is generally recognized as true, so that the pattern of causal inference at the (...)
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    Review of particle physics. [REVIEW]C. Patrignani, K. Agashe, G. Aielli, C. Amsler, M. Antonelli, D. M. Asner, H. Baer, S. Banerjee, R. M. Barnett, T. Basaglia, C. W. Bauer, J. J. Beatty, V. I. Belousov, J. Beringer, S. Bethke, H. Bichsel, O. Biebel, E. Blucher, G. Brooijmans, O. Buchmueller, V. Burkert, M. A. Bychkov, R. N. Cahn, M. Carena, A. Ceccucci, A. Cerri, D. Chakraborty, M. C. Chen, R. S. Chivukula, K. Copic, G. Cowan, O. Dahl, G. D'Ambrosio, T. Damour, D. De Florian, A. De Gouvêa, T. DeGrand, P. De Jong, G. Dissertori, B. A. Dobrescu, M. D'Onofrio, M. Doser, M. Drees, H. K. Dreiner, P. da DwyerEerola, S. Eidelman, J. Ellis, J. Erler, V. V. Ezhela, W. Fetscher, B. D. Fields, B. Foster, A. Freitas, H. Gallagher, L. Garren, H. J. Gerber, G. Gerbier, T. Gershon, T. Gherghetta, A. A. Godizov, M. Goodman, C. Grab, A. V. Gritsan, C. Grojean, M. de GroomGrünewald, A. Gurtu, T. Gutsche, H. E. Haber, K. Hagiwara, C. Hanhart, S. Hashimoto, Y. Hayato, K. G. Hayes, A. Hebecker, B. Heltsley, J. J. Hernández-Rey, K. Hikasa, J. Hisano, A. Höcker, J. Holder, A. Holtkamp, J. Huston, T. Hyodo, K. Irwin & Jackson - unknown
    © 2016 Regents of the University of California.The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 3,062 new measurements from 721 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. All the particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We also give numerous (...)
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