Results for 'W. Agate'

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  1.  26
    Benefits Analysis of Smart Grid Projects.C. Marnay, L. Liu, J. Yu, D. Zhang, J. Mauzy, B. Shaffer, X. Dong, W. Agate & S. Vitiello - unknown
    Smart grids are rolling out internationally, with the United States nearing completion of a significant USD4-plus-billion federal program funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The emergence of smart grids is widespread across developed countries. Multiple approaches to analyzing the benefits of smart grids have emerged. The goals of this white paper are to review these approaches and analyze examples of each to highlight their differences, advantages, and disadvantages. This work was conducted under the auspices of a joint U.S.-China (...)
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  2. Osnovnye formy dvizhenii︠a︡ materii i ikh vzaimosvi︠a︡zʹ v svete sovremennoĭ nauki.Agat Andreevich Butakov - 1974 - Vysshaia Shkola.
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    “It’s Business”: A Qualitative Study of Moral Injury in Business Settings; Experiences, Outcomes and Protecting and Exacerbating Factors.Karina Nielsen, Claire Agate, Joanna Yarker & Rachel Lewis - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):233-249.
    Moral injury has primarily been studied from a clinical perspective to assess, diagnose and treat the outcomes of morally injurious experiences in healthcare and military settings. Little is known about the lived experiences of those who have had their moral values transgressed in business settings. Public scandals such as Enron suggest that moral injury may also occur in for-profit business settings. In this qualitative study, we examine the lived experiences of 16 employees in for-profit business organisations who identified as having (...)
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    Cerebral hemodynamic changes to transcranial Doppler sonography in celiac disease: A pilot study.Francesco Fisicaro, Giuseppe Lanza, Carmela Cinzia D’Agate, Manuela Pennisi, Mariagiovanna Cantone, Giovanni Pennisi, Marios Hadjivassiliou & Rita Bella - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:931727.
    BackgroundSonographic mesenteric pattern in celiac disease (CD) suggests a hyperdynamic circulation. Despite the well-known CD-related neurological involvement, no study has systematically explored the cerebral hemodynamics to transcranial Doppler sonography.Materials and methodsMontreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) were assessed in 15 newly diagnosed subjects with CD and 15 age-, sex-, and education-matched healthy controls. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) velocities and indices of resistivity (RI) and pulsatility (PI) from the middle cerebral artery (MCA), bilaterally, and the basilar (...)
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  5. On the Nature of Moral Values.W. V. Quine - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (3):471-480.
    The distinction between moral values and others is not an easy one. There are easy extremes: the value that one places on his neighbor's welfare is moral, and the value of peanut brittle is not. The value of decency in speech and dress is moral or ethical in the etymological sense, resting as it does on social custom; and similarly for observance of the Jewish dietary laws. On the other hand the eschewing of unrefrigerated oysters in the summer, though it (...)
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  6. Strivings of the Negro people.W. E. B. DuBois - unknown
    This chapter presents an essay by W. E. B. Du Bois on the strivings of the American Negro. He cites the double-consciousness of the Negro, the sense of always looking at one's self through the eyes of others, of measuring one's soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness—an American, a Negro two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength (...)
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  7.  82
    A Postscript on Metaphor.W. V. Quine - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):161-162.
    Besides serving us at the growing edge of science and beyond, metaphor figures even in our first learning of language; or, if not quite metaphor, something akin to it. We hear a word or phrase on some occasion, or by chance we babble a fair approximate ourselves on what happens to be a pat occasion and are applauded for it. On a later occasion, then, one that resembles the first occasion by our lights, we repeat the expression. Resemblance of occasions (...)
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  8. Spatial Form in Literature: Toward a General Theory.W. J. T. Mitchell - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (3):539-567.
    Although the notion of spatiality has always lurked in the background of discussions of literary form, the self-conscious use of the term as a critical concept is generally traced to Joseph Frank's seminal essay of 1945, "Spatial Form in Modern Literature."1 Frank's basic argument is that modernist literary works are "spatial" insofar as they replace history and narrative sequence with a sense of mythic simultaneity and disrupt the normal continuities of English prose with disjunctive syntactic arrangements. This argument has been (...)
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  9. The Violence of Public Art: "Do the Right Thing".W. J. T. Mitchell - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):880-899.
    The question naturally arises: Is public art inherently violent, or is it a provocation to violence? Is violence built into the monument in its very conception? Or is violence simply an accident that befalls some monuments, a matter of the fortunes of history? The historical record suggests that if violence is simply an accident that happens to public art, it is one that is always waiting to happen. The principal media and materials of public art are stone and metal sculpture (...)
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  10.  27
    Theorists of Economic Growth From David Hume to the Present: With a Perspective on the Next Century.W. W. Rostow - 1990 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This history of theories and theorists of economic growth elucidates the economic theory, economic history, and public policy observations of the renowned scholar W. W. Rostow. Looking at the economic growth theories of the classic economists up to 1870, Rostow compares Hume and Adam Smith, Malthus and Ricardo, and J.S. Mill and Karl Marx. He then examines the period 1870-1939 and its economic theorists, including Schumpeter, Colin Clark, Kuznets, and Harrod, and surveys the three forms of growth analysis in the (...)
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  11. The freedmen's bureau.W. E. B. DuBois - unknown
    The Freedmen's Bureau is a government of men that arose in the South. Lasting legally, from 1865 to 1872, but in a sense from 1861 to 1876, it sought to settle the Negro problems in the United States of America. This chapter presents an essay by W. E. B. Du Bois that examines the Freedmen's Bureau—the occasion of its rise, the character of its work, and its final success and failure—not only as a part of American history, but as one (...)
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  12.  98
    An Interview with Barbara Kruger.W. J. T. Mitchell & Barbara Kruger - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (2):434-448.
    Mitchell: Could we begin by discussing the problem of public art? When we spoke a few weeks ago, you expressed some uneasiness with the notion of public art, and I wonder if you could expand on that a bit.Kruger: Well, you yourself lodged it as the “problem” of public art and I don’t really find it problematic inasmuch as I really don’t give it very much thought. I think on a broader level I could say that my “problem” is with (...)
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  13.  52
    Pluralism as Dogmatism.W. J. T. Mitchell - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (3):494-502.
    It may seem a bit perverse to argue that pluralism is a kind of dogmatism, since pluralists invariably define themselves as antidogmatists. Indeed, the world would seem to be so well supplied with overt dogmatists—religious fanatics, militant revolutionaries, political and domestic tyrants—that it will probably seem unfair to suggest that the proponents of liberal, tolerant, civilized open-mindedness are guilty of a covert dogmatism. My only excuse for engaging in this exercise is that it may help to shake up some rather (...)
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  14.  23
    Commentary on "Epistemic Value Commitments".W. J. Livesley - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):223-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Epistemic Value Commitments”W. John Livesley (bio)A disquieting feature of contemporary psychiatric nosology is the tendency to adopt positions that imply that current classifications are simply statements of fact. Clinicians and researchers alike seem to assume that the DSM diagnostic concepts are factual descriptions based only on scientific analysis that reflect the essential nature of psychiatric disorders. The architects of the DSM acknowledge in various ways that this (...)
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  15. Sefer Shaʼagat Aryeh: ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Sefer Ben maśkil ; ṿe-Sefer Mosheh emet ṿe-Torato emet.Yehudah Aryeh ben Mordekhai Leṿinger - 2013 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: Mordekhai Tsevi Luger. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Hilel Luger, Mordekhai Tsevi Luger & Yehudah Aryeh ben Mordekhai Leṿinger.
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  16.  20
    Introduction to Mathematical Logic. [REVIEW]T. W. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):359-360.
    The first volume of a projected two-volume work in mathematical logic. Along with an introduction containing brief but careful and remarkably compact discussions of such topics as the kinds of expressions occurring in formalized language, the logistic method, syntax, and semantics, the book comprises clean and precise treatments of the propositional calculus, and first- and second-order functional calculi, including parenthetical remarks about the intended semantical interpretations of these calculi, some development of the calculi themselves, and discussions of completeness and consistency. (...)
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  17. W. B. Gallie’s “Essentially Contested Concepts”.W. B. Gallie - 1994 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 14 (1):2-2.
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  18.  30
    One-Dimensional Man. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):630-630.
    A severe critique of contemporary society as one in which there remains no significant class or group capable of radically opposing things as they are. Marcuse works on the assumption that advanced industrial society is indeed sick, much as some recent sociologists have depicted it to be. He sees evidence of alienation in political and cultural life, in the technical jargon of the bureaucracy, in the technological cult of "operationalism," and especially in contemporary analytic philosophy, which he sees as the (...)
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  19.  31
    Totalité et Infini. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):677-677.
    This metaphysical essay opposes all theories which place man's ultimate significance within a totality. The priority of a rupture of the totality is asserted in such phenomena as desire, enjoyment, will, reason, and communication. The reasoning and problems chosen are too often dependent upon a special existential-phenomenological vocabulary.--E. W.
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  20.  28
    Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics. [REVIEW]T. W. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):726-726.
    A selection of the writings of Wittgenstein in the philosophy of logic and mathematics written in the years 1937-1944. There is no concern with the foundations of mathematics in the sense of metamathematics nor in the sense of investigation of the possibility of providing secure axiomatic foundations for such notions as that of "set." Indeed, the original motives for these latter investigations are rejected; instead, a clarification of the grammar of mathematical propositions is sought. The author discusses the notions of (...)
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  21.  39
    Francis Hutcheson and Contemporary Ethical Theory. [REVIEW]W. W. A. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):581-581.
    In this volume, the author intends to "fill the gap" in scholarship on Francis Hutcheson, and to show the relevance of Hutcheson's theories to contemporary metaethical discussion. The book includes a short and appealing biographical study of Hutcheson, an outline and criticism of Hutcheson's theory of "moral sense" which had a profound effect on Hume, and an evaluation of Hutcheson's controversy with Richard Price and other rationalists of Hutcheson's time in light of contemporary discussions of ethical language. Finally, Mr. Blackstone (...)
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  22.  28
    Whitehead's Metaphysics: An Introductory Exposition. [REVIEW]W. S. D. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (2):325-326.
    Leclerc's systematic introduction is predicated upon the thesis that "Whitehead's basic problems belong to the great tradition of philosophical inquiry first opened up by the Greeks." A lucid discussion of the traditional problems surrounding "being" leads simply and logically to a consideration of the categories in terms of which Whitehead reformulates the traditional approach to "that which is." The great merit of this progression is that it dispels the illusion, so overwhelming on an initial glance at Whitehead himself, that his (...)
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  23.  22
    Anthropological Circles. [REVIEW]W. E. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):394-395.
    This Norwegian philosopher feels that the search for a unified theory of man rationally imposes itself, in spite of the radically diverse and contradictory views of man inherent in Western thought. Rambling observations on the implications regarding man of religion, science, and philosophy, phenomenological method, and the role of contemporary culture upon philosophizing, lead to the conclusion that reason should never be equated with one of its successful methodologies, but rather is constructive structural thinking upon our background experience.--E. W.
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  24.  14
    A History of Philosophy. [REVIEW]W. G. E. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):626-626.
    This penultimate volume of Copleston's monumental history covers the nineteenth century German philosophers and some of their non-German dependents, such as Kierkegaard, and their contemporary heirs, such as Heidegger. Copleston's usual clarity and sympathy win out even when treating such recalcitrant thinkers as Hegel, Fichte, Nietzsche and Schleiermacher. His interpretations are always reasonable and credible, and often illuminating. Unfortunately, they are not as dialectical as the originals, and a good deal is lost in the translation from system to exposition.--W. G. (...)
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  25.  14
    Faith and Philosophy. [REVIEW]W. G. E. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):161-161.
    This is a collection of essays in ethics and the philosophy of religion contributed by former students and colleagues of Professor W. Harry Jellema to honor his 70th birthday and his retirement from Calvin College. The essays are quite diverse but uniformly worthwhile. They are nicely balanced between such traditional approaches as in Veatch's "For a Renewal of an Old Departure in Ethics" and Parker's "Traditional Reason and Modern Reason," contemporary analytic approaches as in Plantinga's "Necessary Being" and Brouwer's "A (...)
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  26.  8
    The Philosophy of Aristotle. [REVIEW]W. G. E. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):389-390.
    A very useful collection of extensive selections from the Metaphysics, the Categories, On Interpretation, Posterior Analytics, the Physics, On the Soul, Ethics, Politics and Poetics. Entire works, or groups of related books within a work are given. The translations are popular. In the general introduction and the commentaries before each major section, the editor attempts to briefly state the issues in the context of present discussion and relate Aristotle's doctrine to current work in British and American analytic philosophy. The collection (...)
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  27.  12
    Philosophy in Process. [REVIEW]W. G. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):382-383.
    In fascicles 9 through 12 of this volume, Weiss continues his analyses of art and begins to develop themes for his discussion of history and religion. There are also significant and lengthy sections devoted to metaphilosophy with critiques of Kant, Hegel, and Wittgenstein. The discussion of the arts reaches a degree of insight and breadth of synthesis not matched in the earlier fascicles, nor in The World of Art and The Nine Basic Arts. For here Weiss achieves a systematic relation (...)
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  28.  44
    Religion and the Knowledge of God. [REVIEW]W. N. F. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):680-680.
    An elementary analysis, both historical and systematic, of the two topics mentioned in the title. Although the book presents difficulties in both phases of its analysis, readers concerned with the topics should find it an interesting presentation of a Catholic view.--F. W. N.
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  29.  13
    The Future of God. [REVIEW]W. A. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):742-743.
    Braaten is correct when he argues that "the Christian Gospel can expect to get a hearing in modern culture only when it has some important news to bring about our human future, when it is really concerned about the world's tomorrows". The theology of hope is about the Christian's attempt to speak in terms congruent with the Left's demand for a new heaven and a new earth. It is the attempt on the part of the Christian community to relate New (...)
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  30.  17
    The Non-Existence of God. [REVIEW]W. A. J. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):553-554.
    Burkle examines various philosophical suggestions that God is not an existing reality. Hegel, Sartre, and Henry Dumery are selected as representative of the position Burkle calls "antitheism." What is common to all of the antitheists is that objective existence is denied to God, or that the category of existence itself is an ambiguous one when ascribed to God. Burkle argues that one cannot divorce the concept of human existence from a concept of the "other," or God, or some notion of (...)
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  31.  23
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. [REVIEW]W. A. J. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):346-346.
    This is a surprisingly good book. Published by Longmans in Great Britain as part of a series on "Education Today," it provides a very lucid and cogent first glimpse at the discipline of the philosophy of religion. The author's perspective is derivative of the analytic school, but what makes the book so valuable is that Goodall relates linguistic distinctions to Biblical categories. The author makes it obvious that he is a believer and authenticates the conviction that one can be a (...)
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  32.  30
    Religion and Art. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):153-153.
    The 1963 Aquinas Lecture will serve to link Weiss's recent The World of Art and Nine Basic Arts with his forthcoming treatment of religion. It also stands on its own merits as a fascinating examination of the relations between these two irreducibly "basic enterprises." Weiss begins by listing seven possible relations between religion and art: in terms of mutual independence, or the dominance, completion or qualification of one by the other. His most thorough examination, in the light of each of (...)
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  33.  29
    Readings in Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]W. M. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):610-610.
    Contains extensive and uninterrupted selections from Plato, Aristotle, Butler, Hume, Kant, Mill, Moore, Ayer, and Toulmin. An introductory essay discusses agent morality vs. action morality, self-interest and benevolence, feeling and reason, rules and consequences, particular actions and general practices, and ethical absolutism vs. ethical relativism with reference, for the most part, to the selections which follow. The only disappointing selection is Plato's, which fails to contain any of Plato's own positive ethical theory.—M. W.
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  34.  25
    The History of the Synoptic Tradition. [REVIEW]W. M. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):475-475.
    While the methods and results of this classic work have been modified considerably by later Bultmannians, its translation now gives the English reader several opportunities: 1) To see "form criticism" at the spade-work level. 2) To judge the degree to which "form critical" results rest upon arguments from form alone. 3) To see in detail the historical skepticism which underlies the better known existential theology of the author. The supplement to the third edition. extends the original documentation of 1921.--M. W.
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  35.  36
    A Christian Critique of American Culture. [REVIEW]A. J. W. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):556-557.
    This is a marvelous book. Although billed as a Dogmatics, it is really a rambling and magnanimous presentation of the Christian faith-theology as well as practice. It is guided by the attempt to be systematic and comprehensive. It is filled with wonderful human insights into the nature of the Christian posture in a wayward world. It is part philosophical theology, part a theology of culture, and part practical theology. But it is more than all of its parts. What we have (...)
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  36.  46
    Al-Kindi’s Metaphysics; a Translation of Ya'qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi’s Treatise "On First Philosophy.". [REVIEW]G. W. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (2):335-335.
    In the ninth century, Arabic philosophy was in ferment, and an inquisition of heretics was in process. Al-Kindi, a court scholar, physician, and philosopher functioning at Baghdad, courageously produced, in that context, a treatise, Fi al-Falsafah al-Ula, in which he attempted to unify the philosophical tradition, starting from Aristotle, with basic Islamic concepts. Part One of the treatise is here published for the first time in a non-Arabic language. Al-Kindi, in this treatise, tries to show, by philosophical reasoning, that the (...)
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  37.  35
    Approaches To Morality. [REVIEW]P. G. W. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):391-391.
    This selection of readings in ethics is divided into five parts: Classical and Medieval Intellectualist Thought; Dialectical Thought; American Naturalistic Thought; Analytic-Positivist Thought; Existentialist and Post-Existentialist Thought. An anthology such as this one is needed to balance the limited selections offered in the area of morality contained in the anthologies dealing with philosophy in general. For example Part II contains selections from Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Marx, and Engels. And Part III features James, Dewey, Edel, Hook, Romanell, and Dennes. It would (...)
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  38.  28
    Bibliography of Indian Philosophies. [REVIEW]C. C. W. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (2):362-363.
    This bibliography signals a monumental event in philosophical research and for the future of comparative philosophy, East and West. It is in effect the first volume of the proposed multi-volumed Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies which has been inaugurated with this research tool. The outline of the bibliography will constitute the table of contents for the subsequent volumes of the forthcoming encyclopedia, now being written by an international team of scholars. The entire enterprise is sponsored by the American Institute of Indian (...)
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  39.  25
    Contemporary Thought and the Return to Religion. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):525-525.
    A series of lectures which critically examines neo-Thomist and existentialist currents and concludes by advocating "the reasonableness of personalistic theism." The meaning and justification of this theism is barely treated.--W. L. M.
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  40.  26
    Dimensions of Freedom. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):678-678.
    An attempt to develop some "valuationally neutral" definitions of freedom in the interest of a more rigorous vocabulary in the social sciences. For his analytic purposes, Oppenheim takes as basic "social freedom," a behavioral, relational concept holding between "actors." Within his self-imposed limitations--of analyzing and clarifying, rather than contributing a new theory--Oppenheim has succeeded in dissecting one of political theory's most crucial but emotively colored words. --W. L. M.
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  41.  45
    Divine Perfection. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (4):680-680.
    A concise set of speculations regarding principal divine attributes. Part I outlines these themes as treated by fourteen historical philosophers. Part II is a systematic reconsideration and reordering of such notions as infinity, form, and self-sufficiency, which Sontag considers central. Freedom of will, hence some degree of contingency, he concludes, must be allowed in a modern concept of God, thereby altering notions of God's unity, power, motion, etc. --W. L. M.
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  42. Duns Scotus: The Basic Principles of his Philosophy. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):340-340.
    A fine introduction to a medieval philosopher who has recently been receiving greater attention Bettoni's study is both sympathetic and balanced.--W. L. M.
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    In Defense of Politics. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):580-580.
    Politics is defined as a governing activity which strives to reconcile conflicting interests without eliminating them. It is therefore threatened by tendencies in democracy, social science, conservatism, liberalism, and socialism, as well as by the more obvious forms of totalitarianism. An elegantly written defense within what Crick regards as the Aristotelian political tradition.--W. L. M.
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  44.  23
    Popular Ethics in Ancient Greece. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):585-585.
    Pearson points to the radical questioning of the traditional Greek ethic, which is found in the classical dramatic literature of fifth century Athens, as an example of popular ethics. The philosophic discussion of the Socratic-Platonic tradition supplanted this popular ethics in the fourth century. Many of the problems discussed in the philosophic literature were taken over as developed and articulated by the classical dramatists. Thus, three ethical traditions are described and related in this book: the "traditional" ethics coming from Homer, (...)
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  45.  20
    Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):578-578.
    Surely the least familiar area of the generally unfamiliar subject of medieval philosophy is that of Islamic classical philosophy. This is the first appearance in the non-Arabic world of Al-Färäbï's lively three-part work on the nature of philosophy and the reconciliation of the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle. The present translation is from the newly recovered Arabic text. It seems designed to appeal to a wider audience than that of students of medieval philosophy, Islamic or otherwise. Yet it does serve (...)
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  46.  27
    The Bergsonian Heritage. [REVIEW]H. C. W. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):401-401.
    The eleven papers comprising this book were read at two Bergson Centennial celebrations in 1959--at Hollins College and in Paris. From Pelikan's discussion of Bergson's place in theology to Merleau-Ponty's account of his view of history, the contributions lay bare many more enigmas in Bergson's relation to subsequent thought than they solve. Starkie's paper on the literary merits and impact of the work of Bergson makes such a compelling case for its kinship to Symbolism and Proust that one is tempted (...)
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  47.  17
    The Fountain of Life. [REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):305-305.
    This translation of the Fons Vitae, "specially abridged," is stiflingly verbal. There is no critical apparatus, no index, no attempt to lay bare the philosophic doctrine, no explanation of the "abridgment." The book is useless to a serious student and too clumsy to interest any but the most general reader.--W. G. E.
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  48. w.W. W. - manuscript
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  49.  78
    W.D. Ross - Das Richtige und das Gute.W. D. Ross, Philipp Schwind & Bernd Goebel (eds.) - 2020 - Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Das »Richtige und das Gute« (1930), das ethische Hauptwerk W. D. Ross’, enthält eine Vielzahl wichtiger moralphilosophischer Thesen und Argumente, die bis in die Gegenwart kontrovers diskutiert werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht seine pluralistische Deontologie, der zufolge sich die richtige Handlung aus einer Abwägung der in der jeweiligen Situation relevanten und unableitbaren Prima-facie-Pflichten ergibt, von denen nur ein Teil auf die Optimierung der Handlungsfolgen bezogen ist. Diese Deontologie wurde zu einem modernen Klassiker unter den normativen ethischen Theorien. Darüber hinaus stellt Ross’ (...)
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  50.  30
    Theodor W. Adorno: Negative Dialektik.Theodor W. Adorno (ed.) - 2006 - Akademie Verlag.
    In einem Brief nennt Adorno die "Negative Dialektik" kurz nach ihrem Erscheinen unter seinen Schriften "das philosophische Hauptwerk, wenn ich so sagen darf“. Dieser herausgehobenen Bedeutung, die das Werk für Adorno hatte, entspricht nicht nur die lange Zeit, die er mit der Abfassung des Buchs beschäftigt war, sondern auch die lange Geschichte, die ihre zentralen Motive in seinem Denken haben. Philosophische Begriffsklärung, die Arbeit an "Begriff und Kategorien“ einer negativen Dialektik, versteht Adorno dabei als dialektischen Übergang in inhaltliches Denken – (...)
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